HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-1-17, Page 8Stunollerhil1
Idly. and Alrec Cleo, ,Johnston were
in Crediton last week attaudlne the
funeral of the leer's brother,
Messrs, "ft. Watkins and ('.1 I1,
Tyner attended the nicotine of the
1luilett District L,G,L. at Seaforth
last week The latter was appoint-
ed to the hoard of oilieers for the
The socia] evening which was to
have been held at the home of ]vl,rs,
A. Noreen this ('Thursday) evening
under the auspices of the Red Cross
Society has been postponed indotin-
Miss Georgina Rutnbali of Clinton
was tete guest ori her sister, Mrs. W,
Pickard, from Friday until Tuesday.
Mr, Joseph Jervis has 'not been
well for the Past tea days and '4s
stew eerier the care of a trained
nurse, On Sttnday his case.. looked
rather serious and his.utedical,�; than
bad to be called. from Clinton, a
team and Sleigh with men ancieebov-
els being despatched to break a road
and finding it,,.a,,somewltat difficult
task to get through the storm' and
drifts. With careful nursing it is
hoped the patient will soon be able
to be around. again.
The big' storms elleete( Liolteesville
as it did most other places. iWt.
Price, a traveller for a London groc-
ery house, carne down from (aoderieh
an Saturday, morning and being un-
able to get away' remained over un-
til Sunday evening, when he went
out to Clinton with the doctors.
No services were field in r.ither' of
the churches on Sunday,.
The annual meeting of the Goderiris
Townsbip Telephone System will be
held in Holmes' hall, Holmesville, at
two o'clock on Frid'ap afternoon of
this week. All subscribers are in-
vited to be present at this meet-
Goderich Township
The Young Ladies', Patriotic Se -
elate .meet irext week at the
he of Miss Mina Middleton.
kissLulu •Lobb was attacked last
week with appendicitis and had to
undergo' an operation. She was pret-
ty ill ilor a Set, dales hut has now
taken a turn for the better and it is
hoped she will soon :be around again.
'Principal Hume of the Gi,C:7. has
liad an attack of grippe and has been
111, but he is improving now.
Captain Currie, wife has spent a
few. Weeks with his b;other her since
returning 'from .the front, has gone
to Toronto. Ile will speed life leave
in the interests of ),',111.,C,A, work at
the front.
Pion. Justice (`lute belied thirty ap-
peals last 'week from the (I'oderleh
tribilieds, l+Ifteelt OL the appeals
were allowed, all being farmers, Five
oases'. were reserved, Jcit'e appeals
Were disallowed. Two were allowed
till June 2 and the other three were
allowed *All Class 0 is called
Cloderielt observed the special rein
to prayer on Sunday, week with 'great
� i for - t. t was
fervor, A mese meeting n of
Bela In the large htutday schoolrooms
of Knox Preeby terian church at 1,15
o'clock and the room was . crowded
with meet all in a !spirit of creep ser-
iousness and ,devotion. Idr•, G. M.
L1lfatt lied charge and manic were
the serious prayers oli'ered up for
the success of the empire in this time
of erisis, '
At the same time a mass tnoeting
for women, was held in the BaFilieft
church, which .wets' crowded to the
doors, The meeting was its charge
of Aims. Hamilton and ,a represents
tive from each church' was on the
'platform. In addition to these ttvo
mass meetings most of the churches'.
observed a special day ,of prayer in
their regular services,
Mrs. Carrie Is spending the, winter
with London and Toronto friends,
Tuckersmith Township
Report of 5.S. No, 3;,' Christmas
examinations '
4th Class Sr., total 300—Anna May
Haugh 262, Laura Ross 256,• Lillian
Knox 236, John 1Vlolntpsh 189, Eliza-
beth Scott 1,19*'",
Those r marked, ntith (*) indicate
exams missed.
Jr. 4th, total 300—Grace Broad -
feet 235, John SouterA 1711.'
3rd Class, totti]' 235—Leonard Ilopce
204, Roy Walker' 199, Jack • Davidson
183, .James Mcintos;t 181, • Bessie
Broadfoot 168, Aldan, Johnston 167;
Willie Souter 154, Wiil:ie 'Fathering -
ham 153, Jean Fotheringharn 147,
Sylvester Nigh 64***- .. •. ••
Sr. 2nd Class, total 200—Carman
Haugh 162, Exior Nigh 7.3**,
Jr. 2nd Class, total ,h5,0 -David Mc-
Intosh 120, Wilson McOartney, 111,
Ina Scott 74**, Thelma iVllc✓ionnel
Perfect attendance 'froth: September
to December 22nd—Laura Moss, (trace
Broadfoot, Jean Iretheringham, Earl
Broadfoot, Ernie Broadfoot,
One day absent from September to
December 22nd—Bessie i Bro#dfoot,
Johnny Fotheringliam,. Willie Fother-
inghatn, Carman Haugh, Wilson Me-.
Cartney, Ina -Scott, Davy iwlbintosh,
Leonard McKnight, 12a.ze1 Haugh,
Willie Scott, Gordon Papple, Ella
No. on roll for Dec. 43. Average
attendance 39.07.
M.'3lellis, Teacher.
recently returned from the front, give his thrilling and
instructive presentation on the subject
In Wesley Church on
Monday Evening, Januarg 21st
League anniversary)
Admission 25e and 15c Half proceeds for Patriotic
February rlry Styles Watch this. -space for I
a 3pesial, annOLln men
NOW READY each week. Yon will find
something worth investi-
Leine.' Wows
Lodi Biwa
9002 --
New Idea Patterns
"Aire Patterns that Keep Yea YouAg"`
1 his Week
A general olean•up of
Ladies and Children's
Coats at real clean-up
A. flew sweater coats
left to clear at less than
present wholesaleOpriees
Special in ixlen's khaki
or brown at 2.50.
Simplif kali dressmakingP�111111l
_ ifiros
problems. yThey insure chi
atylesand a graceful_ figure
Each pattern hlt;a`a-'elpful
allowance and >e most helpful
cutting diagram. e;,
The store that sells for less
Phone 25
Simpleµ but Elegant
Are many- of the -rockets, easy
`t chairs, divans, etc., shown In
our display. Some are of period
design, others are the product
of modern thought and skirt, Of
course we have the more mas-
sive pieces if you prefer thein,
(.ono see the exhibit and make
your choice,
Undertaker and Funeral Director*
28 Phone l 28
s cepa
")3elt1Pd the ahlrtale of the f*osteo lie
'happier years than the year gene by."
Tlie W. D, Fair Ca.
"Often the Cheapest
'Always the Hest."
1Vix, N. Ball made a business trip to
Toronto last week,
Mrs. Ed. Carter has been laid up
dt,ring the past week with an at-
tack of bronchitis and asthma. It
is hoped that with the return of
milder weather she map amend.
1diss Annie McConnell came up from
Buffalo on Friday last to see her
• brother, Mr, James McConnell of
Vanrena, Rainp River District, who
has been spending the past couple
of weeks with his parents 'fn town.
Nr. J. Brown is spending this win-
ter with his sous in Petrolea. At
least he accompanied his son home
after the holiday season with that
intention, though it map be tbat
hell get lonely for the old town
before the winter is over.
illt. David Welsh et Sandusky, Mich.,
is over on a visit to his brothers,
Messrs. Alex. and Robt., and sis-
ters, Mrs. George Hanley and Mrs.
George Burnett. On Thursday ev-
ening last the brothers and sisters
enjoyed a re -union at the home of
Mrs. I.lapley, •,when site served up
an oyster supper to them .in her
own good style and when a very
happy few hours were spent togeth-
Me. dad Mrs. W. IL C'alwili, who
have been in the west for several
years, at Parkside, Sask., are
spending this winter in town, hav-
ing taken Mrs. `D. 13. Kennedy's fur-
nished house until they have time
to look about and. get something to
suit them, Mrs. Calwill is not en-
joying goad health,- the friends of
the family will regret to hear. 11
is hoped, However„ that the change
will he beneficial to her.
Mr. and i\Irs, G. I3. Morrish of Ox-
bow, Sask., are here visiting the
fornter's mother, Mrs. \1'm. Robb,
and brother, Mr. A. J. Morrish.
Mr. Morrish has been utaey years
in the west but he says he never
saw a worse blizzard there' thin
the one wbich prevailed, here on
SaturdayandSundaylast. They were
held up for a day in Chicago when
on their way here by the storm
which struck our neighbors to tate
south before reaching us.
Mrs. John 'Weston has returned
from a visit in Weston.
Miss Margaret . Sutherland has
gone to visit, her sister at Lueknow.
Air.. Joe Fisher of Chatham re-
cently visited his mother in town.
Miss Marguerite Koran returned
last week to Crediton to resume her
teaching duties.
' Mrs. Smith, who has been visiting
her father, Mr. James Beattie, has
returned !to her home in Peterboto.
Mr. W. A. Ma:Lcau of 'Toronto has
been visiting Mrs, 15. 8'. McLean.
'Lieut. Dot Reid arrived home trout
the front last week, •
Mrs. John MVlactavish and son Fan
are visiting at the home of the lady's
parents, Alt. and Mrs. R'. F. Staples
of Ingersoll. r
Miss.Mildmcd, Jones; bas gone to
Saginaw, Mich.,. to take a' pul'se's
Col. and Mks. Wilson have return-
ed from a visit'Vvith their daughter,
Mrs. Pelt of New fork.
Mr. George Murray end• son of
Brandon, Man., arc Visiting with
the former's mother, Mss,. Murray
of town.
Mrs. J. 11. Brokdfoot anct•Miss May
have returned from a visit in Ham-
Mrs. F. Armstrong ani daughter
of Toronto have been the guests of
Mrs. A, le, Sutherland.
Mr. A. Westcott. of Ilalkirk, Alta.,
is here ort a visit to friends, Mrs,
Westcott and fancily have beef' Isere
for several weeks, They spent
Christmas as tiie eguests of blie lady's
sister, Mrs, Camino, y
Mr. George T3ethtute° of the C.P,R,
line • of steamships, 15 speeding a
vacation with his mother in town.
Miss Pendergast has retuned to
('hieago niter a visit at her home in
Aix. and Mee..Jatnes E. Stewart; of
Red Deer, Alta., are here oat a visit
to the fortnor's,brother, bit. Alex,
Stewart. , .
Miss (11a.clys Cousins has returned
home from Grand 110pihs, where she
fins been visiting her sister,
Steeps arc being taken by the hood
Controller to eesuro the supply of
Metier tWinct for next year's harvest,
Clinton Newo .R cord
January Oth,
House Furnishings
The price of the above mentioned lines will be DOUBLE before they are lees than we are
now quoting.
Everything in The Store Reduced
Except the Following
4 -ply Scotch Fingering Yarn (Forbes make) $1,75 Pound.
never have, nor will we now or in the future, sell one pound of yarn at One Dollar and Seventy-five
Gents to one customer, and one hundred pounds to another customer at a lower price per pound, One price to
all whether the quantity be large or small, We would much rather sell one hundred customers one pound each
than one hundred pounds to one customer.
2 and 3 -ply Factory Yarn 98c Pound -
6 -cord Spool Cotton (Coats make) 4c - Spool
Same as above only larger spool 5c spool
12.4 Ibex Flannelette Blankets (the best made) $2.4U pair
We reserve the right to limit the quantity purchased by any individual person ; this we do in fairness to all
Customers can have goods held for a period not exceeding 30 days on payment of a small deposit
Trade Epigram `AAs the blacksmith strikes while the iron is hot, so the wise buyer will anticipate her wants
for a long time to come and make her selections while the assortments are good:'
if our prices do not urge you to buy the clerks will not, it is against our rules
We want you to make this store your shopping headquarters. Come in when you like,`stay as long as you
like, we are at your service.
Dry, Goods, house Furnishings
phone 67
Next to Royal Bank .
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) , Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
Local News
'l'he Iluroit County Council, which
meets in Cioderich on Tuesday next,
will be composed of the following
members. Who will he elected war-
den for this year, 1.918 ?
Witlghaut—Antos 1'ipling
'l'urnberry— 'I'. K. Powell
Seaforth—F.'[larburn, V.S.
Tuckersmith-71, Cobol,
Mcl<illop—,J. 1f. (toventock
Usborne—T. Brock
Exeter—B, W. F. Beavers
Stephen—W. .R, Elliott, Jonn Love
Hays—H. Nob
Bayfield—i, E. Erwin
Hensall—Ci. C. Petty
Stanley—J. McKinley
Cloderich 'Township—W. 11. t •ohb
Goderich—J. C. Laitltwaite, Dr. W.
F. -Clark
Ash0eld—Joseph Dalton
Colborne—Gordon Young
West Wawanosh—J..4.,Mallough
East Wawauosh—J. N. Campbell
ilulletteeMata, Armstrong
Grey—R. Livingstone, .1, itfe,Vahh
Clinton—J. A. Ford
Morris—Wm. Fraser
Blytth—N. A. Taylor
Wroxeter.—John Douglas
Brussels—.S, '1'. Plum.
TILE Y.L.P._1.
The entertainment to have been
given by the Y,L.P.A. on Tuesday
had to be postponed ort account of
the snow hiocicacfe which prevented
the Oinks reaching town in time for
that date. In the event of their ear-
ly arrival the performance will bo
given within the next fest' fines so
thlot all those holding tickets will
please be on the rlert,for• further ad-
vice coneerning the change. if the
Olins ere not on hand by, the reel of
the week, the affair Will be larielin-
itely postponed as the yang 1<,dies
do not wish this enterprise -la con-
flict with their minstrel show on
Feb, 5th ate. Oth.
Mrs. Jack lefacKlnnoe v osid be
glad if all those willing to be in the
minstrel chorus would"corte to tiro
School of Commerce on Thursday ev-
ening prac-
at 7 o'clock for the first .ran-
g -1
tice., She asks that all please make
it a 1point to be there sharp on Lime
so that three wishing to skate. after.
the practice will he able to leave at
8 o'clock, 7f put can ging, t'ou't
wait for a speelalinvitation-To be
M the chorus, but c
nne :thing
this prao.ticc on Thursday,
A. ;alerting party undo]: the a.t,spioes
of Y.L.P.A, will take p1. ee In
the rink on .Ian, 3otlt. A hockey
mat(1, by members ref tee (111.15' Pat-
riotic Hockey League will be played
between seven and
aPer w
OA skating will 1Ingle, Refreshments
will be Neteed by the urian lefties
ftncl they ask that all 001110 and help
Mike the..patty a suoecss.
The annual meeting of the Bayfield
Cemetery Committee will be held in
the town hall on Monday afternoon
and those interested are asked to at-
tend rat he able to give their
voice in the direction of affairs for
the ensuing year.
The anneal meeting of the Bay0eld
Public Library Board was held in the
town hall on Monday afternoon, The
librarian gave a report of the itus-
iness for the past year as follows :
Income for year 5148, number of
volumes in library 575, vr.hntles fold-
ed during the year 175, number of
volumes taken out during year 2886.
Afterwards the following officers and
directors were appointed for 1,918:
President, Rev.' W. L. Darling ; e ec-
retary 'Treasurer, George E, Greens-
lade ; Librarian, Rev, A.:VIsefarl.ine ;
Assistant, 11. Drehmann : hoard of
Directors, Rev, W. 0sbe-is'verest, II.
1V. Erwin, James Reith, F, 4. Fd -
wards, with the addition , f the
above four officers. As the library
has been a benefit to the Tillage and
the fees are small the directors
would urge upon the residents of the
village and surrounding country: to
become Members of the library.
The Woman's' Patriotic So 'tell s ill
hold an At -Honk in ger town it,t11 r11
Tuesday evening, January 2300. Lun-
ch will be served by the ladies der -
Ing the evening.
A social and consert' under the anS-
pices of tide ladies of the Methodist
church will be given in the, 'own
hall on Tuesday evening, P'eb, 5th,
Pert'iculat•s later on.
J. Aldridge of 'Medford spent a
few days in the village last uaels,
Mrs.-murdock Ross it spen•ttig a
few weeks with friends ,,,t Ballo.
77te annual meeting of the Baydel4
Agricultural Society was held in the
town hall yesterday, Wednesday, af-
ternoon and, was very well attended,
The following officers and directors
were appointed
President:, D. M. McNaughton
t.st vice, J, W. Reid
2nd Vice, Dr, Woods .
Secretary, A, . li'. Erw*fn
Treasurer, F, A. Edwards •
Directors, W, J. Stinson, ,john
Stinson, John McCiurc, Sant
Huston, John AIol�inle ,
It. Talbot, 13. R. niggles,
Geo. Copeland:, R. McMurray,
Cl. A, Cooper, T. M, Woods,
1•;, I7. Wise, T. 111. ,Snowden.
Auditors, '1', Cameron, ,J, Pal- 1
•rter ort smiler o r o n
run t
of i?an0cid
school for December :
for. Ph—Grain., Comp., Art,, G.
Barter, 00 •percent, le, Dewar 8(1. - -
dr, 5tli Oram,, Comp., Art., Lat-
in, It, AleDoua[d 72', 51. Dtehmantt (10,
es, King 34, I7, Baker 62, I1, Wes-
tin 56.
80, 40—.Grout., Comp., ,r1rt., E,
,Jowett 75, .7, 'Woods 72, 7''. .Erwin
60, E. (le.meinitardt 54, A. Copeltutd
lig, N. (1emeittharttt ,52, R, Harrison
51, 14—Howard 48, J. Drelnnann 48,
L. Elliott 16,' *,i..Dewar 35.
Jr. 4th—Gram., C'otnp,, all:., L.
Elliott 01, N. Touts 53, C. Gcmcin-
berdt 47.
Sr. 3rd --A. Drehmann 80, L. Mc
Lcod 70, D. Dewar 70, R. Davison
53, W. Hearer 50, A. 1CeKey 41, C.
Harrison 39, E. Darling 38, W.
Brown 35, W. Parker 32, 13. Higgins
(*) absent for exams.
Average attendance 31,
—Dean Geddes, Teacher.
Willett Township
The death took place to Hallett on
Saturday morning of Jahn L. Phil-
lips, a .resident for a great many'
years of the 13th c0neessiont. The
deceased was sixty-four yews of age
and is survived by his wife and a
fancily of two daughters and one sou:
Myrtle, Violet and Orville'. The fun-
eral takes place! on Saturday -after-
noon to Union cemetery, Blyth.
no news` of the death of bliss An -
ole :Knox on Jan. 8th, was. received
with sincere regret, It was known
for some days that her condition \Vas
not encouraging, nevertheless her
death cast a gloom over the entire
community, The late Miss Knox was
the daughter of the late; George and
Mrs. Knox. She was a woman of
admirable qualities and had the es-
teem of- a large circle of fkiends, File
was born in Mullett tlownship forty-
seven years ago, received her early
education at Iiarloek school and spent
her entire life in Huliett township.
Miss Knox was an ardent member of
Burns' Presbyterian church and, was
very helpful in the work of the Lad-
ies' 01d Society. Besides her moth-
er, she leaves one sister and three
brothers, namely, AIrs. Isaac Rapson,
liullett ; James of Macklin, Seek.,
and William and John of .Hullott.
'Pile funeral took place from the home
of iter sister, Mrs. Isaac Rapson, ser-
vice being conducted by Rev. •lames
ilbcry, followed with interment in
Burns' church cemetery,
Ar. and Mrs, Ii.S
ean have moved
to New Hamburg,
Miss Victoria Johnston has horn in
Toronto taking treatment.
Mr. Sant Gesell has returned from
the west: where he spent several mon-
Miss Frieda Vincent of
I) shw nd
end Ma, Ferdinand Schroeder of Hay
township were united en marriage on
,Jun. 8rd, the ceremony being per-
formed at the Zurich Lutheran par-
sonage: by the Rev, 11. Renew,
Mt. Sol. Kiefer has sold his 0011-
fecl.fottery btlsnlpes to .1. c laschn &
Son and it is said intends going to
l3ayileld to engage in the barbering
business, 11ir, , Jaeolt Topfer has
rented his residence,
London Road
The League stet on Tuesday even-
ing at the home of 111e. Fred Tyr
Ball. Next week the meeting will
be at the home of Mr. G. 13. Hanley
and it is expected that the Rev. ,W,
13, A7bultott of Clinton will give thee
There are a number of sick folk in
the neighborhood. Mr. Holmes of
the Granton Road has been quite til.
Waiter .Pepper has had pnetnncncta..
and Cecil Shipley has been lined up
with pieurisp. We trust that all
may S0031 be restored,
Skating Party
will give a Skating Party in the
Rink on
Skating at 8 o'clock.
Band in attendance,
Proceeds to be divided eetweete
League and. Y.L.P,S.
Admission 115 cents.
at 2.30 p.m.
there will be at auction sale of the
Real Estate and Household Furniture
belonging to the estate of the late
Mrs. T. Jackson, Sr, The Real
Eetate consists• of the Brick Cottage
next to St. Paul's church and a
two story Frame house, corner
'Mon and Orange streets.
Amongst the liouselold Furniture
is a square' 138500 made by the New
York Piano Company, It is in
splendid condition and will be a
bargain for somebody.
As the estate is to be wound up at
once everpthing must be sold. For
further particulars see hand bilis,
While you Walt,
Byam &Sutter
Plumbers and Electricians
Phone 7