HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-1-17, Page 5Clinton News' Record «,:'....; :. Varna Sf�[IAifZI `i`zlVtnl+1I3,, 1 USt $ --A I+OIi S lira. !"11121gr.. X l CihT,x3ol,ll.. ; The </smear'y shipment froth the V asna Patriotic Society eonbisted of utltnbar of Pieces,. 0£ +#quare tlanbou, St,itlble of raiaalrlaag pr fpr aa1Y witting, - sem. own 9 to, he in"' articles.•-ti.ltpl3l t11'.J'.. M°ClytnvntF KattenhlaTy 't,,.. ^T`%.� - ., . Coffee Drive Our Big Coffee ee,- _ .... ,... __ , ; s. .. ,., . - - , • .::., .. -_ ` . , . - .•.. �' = Sarria .. 8 pillows, 4 sults pyjamas, 01 pairs of socks, t9 trettCit malar; and 0 dray shirts. ebes square end from 20 to 54 ft. b } �Appl r to i�etvs ft°ao'r(l 24 'Ace, ..._� -r. FOR savaaa�rp roma ALBERT STREET aottaga. 1.let frit lights ��/ . Will 'Begin Tliiss g es HOUSE FOR SA1,E•—*8 ROOMED )i�h$ ani �zt�ace, For particulars. ; soft and town wa1or in. ltftehon, For particulars apply to T. A. Graig, 18 Week Have you ever thought ,wwennewse WHI'!<T1yG'f•IAM—ARCD Nf1—lu St• Petal's church °Beton, on Jell, aPPly to Mrs, lelo rid o. 28-2 it. Jackson's Saturday, Our Great �1 Sale Here's thingto shj� oe prices Take unusual ing t Consider them8 pate theme of shoes great saving now while offg+James erings high I ---• kill, lace, Goodyear price $7.5'0, Sale price Ladies' high lace, Louis 14 RG.00_ 5 a price �n Into ry inducements cut, ,.:...., cut, heel. 1 e . -:. ..... Store �/�■yL�7 Two Doors Iorth SAS, STARTS " lan. Mid -Winter Clearance ']]��' Preparatory to •L1.L��T tri ay g UPJ dJ i se L �J YM E;� S 6J�%re Our OwnStore a Shoe Sale that means some- shoe buyers these days when 46 way are soaring way up this paper and look over the paper we are now offer- your shoe wants" -Antic i- 1 Figure out how manypairs you can use, and then figure the you can make, by buying - we are making these LeSe U nUS u `G�,t . . r two tone brown Ladies' higli cut, black patent welted. Regular leather, taco, beautiful fawn top. �+i� �� Regular price $6. �as,� �Q tt��.71 , Sale price tt��7s7• QQ v ,r. all black, kid, Ladles' kid, button, black craven- Regular price ette top, Bell Quality, welted. Reg- $39®8Q alar price $5.50. 9 o 8./MJ Sale price $3.59 loin, by the Rev, J. A. Robin- son, Violet R. Argmmt, to Jelin Whittinham of '1Hersehel, Sark. SFTOSCRA.FT-+BROA:SFOOT-- A.t the bride's ,.parent6, Moose ,iaw, Sask., New Year's Day, Jath- PRIVA'l'E SALT)', OP ,'23APPY Thought Raaage, Wood Heater, Glass Cubod, , ideboard, Ktchn ere11 tenson table, Strelrr,Sofa,— Apply Mrs. W'. Wheatley, 'Huron St. Y' 2$_2 G 1t',ANTEIO 4 WE 1Of 1t' cAN GIVE V nl'n ratpayingBensley, 9 h 'Nall a special Oe at 4ets, per ib$Iioe than befol'e file Wal', a.ncl ' hers are` other kinds on Wrd Shoceraftto Mararet Adapts, daughter of Mx ;and Mrs,. Alexander Broadtoot, Yaru)ecly of Seaforth,- Births• JOHNSTON—In -Clinton, on Jan. 14th, to M. and tire, George rI1TINCr OF TOE' ION )Cow- ty C°un°i1—Tho Connell of the corporation of t1aG County ,of 1Iur- on willimeet'in the counofl Maui- her, Godoricla, at 3;00 O'olook on Tuesday the 22nd inst.,,1018,—Ge9, W. TIoiman, Clerk. ilodericit, Jan. 7th 1918. 23-2 EMP* OYMENT TO AlVes FEW MORE' KNIT- TERS, ETC,, APPLY AT ONCE. • C1rntQn ({n oting Co, Monarch at 25c per, till. George Washington ' at 3ilC per tin PeipdePr at 9,5c and 25c per tin 011,03p Coffee at 25c Jpfinston, a son (George Harold). HOLLAND—In Hullett township, on .ANNUAL MEETING—T7iC 4N- LINITTED. per tin ~�Flpllond, Jan. 0tli, to riZr. and Mrs, AoLto Jan, a son. O--,in Seaforth, on Jan, oth, Mr, and d1Trs. Charles Cnwart, 1 son. C[TDM,ORE—T,, Kinpen, 011 Jim. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudinoie, a' daughter. , '' TC+RUSE—:la Galt, on Jan. 3rd, to Mr. and 1VIrs, L. G. 'Chao, a sou, anal meeting o£ the NIbT{illop ]lint nal Pira Ltsuranee Co lls Se will b0 hold in the town halt,. Seaforth, on ock p.r, p eb. esb, in.es, of two o'clock p.m. The business of the meeting will be to receive the an- total statement and auditors' re- port, the electing of three three- tors and two auditors, and °thee business which might be considered LIYE�o WANTED �.T�Y IL. 'to s The g O'Neili Hnb Grocery of benefit to the company,. The reg tiring directors are Mc- _.1,—. Deaths THOMPSON—In Clinton, 0n Jan. 11th, Margaret Corkett, widow of the late John'Thompson, aged. 78 y cars and 9 months. .ilealcolm Ewen, D. P. AloOregor and G. R. McCartney, who are olegible for re election—Jas. Connolly, Prost- dent ; •Thos• E. flays, Secretary, •23-3 every week. Highest market price paid. M%, MARQUIS' Phone 14-•>1G6 R. R. No. 1 . CREAM WANTED b We will buy your cream and guar - ant9d ou— i' PHILLIPS—In Hullett township, on Jan. 12th'' John L. Phillips, aged CALVES AND COLLIE PUPS FOR HIGHEST' PRICES G4 ears, Y �PROMPT MACRAE—In Detroit, on Jan, 12th, Lillian Hamlin wife of Arthur R, MacRae. LTJnpY...+In West 1lawanosh, on Jan. 8th•, Amt Leddy, widow of the Sale.—Parties wishing young calves please leave orders. You need not take then if they do not suit. Good collie pups for sale.—A. E. Matheson, Seaforth. Phone 17 on 13G, Clinton. 22—h Selected Potatoes I Wanted . for immediate delivery.p ACCURATE. RECORD RETURNS ENTIRE SATISFACTION Write us for cans. We supply, them, Pay express charges. Pay you for the cream you Shap twice each tnontli. Carefully neigh,. ram- tat« Aiicltael LadcLp, aged 78 years. �i'I\LR-In Exeter,' on Jan, 8th, Jane Sweet, 'relict of the late William Winer,aged 81years and months, ! g TIIE BAYFTELD AGRICUITURAL Society will hold its annual meet- ing in the town hall on Wednesday, Jan. 19th, 1918, at one o'clock p• nt., for the purpose of electing of- of- Y We take them any day. Highest market price paid. We want tlaeut• before cold spell comes. '�'" a s and test each can and send you a statement. Write today, prices are higfi y Agents Walton—W. G. Neat IClnbure—Hail M KENZIE—Ia Goderieh township, on January 5th, Mrs. McKenzie, widow of the late Donald,A'reKen- she, aged, 93 years and 3 menthe, ficers, receiving the annual report and the transaction of other nes- essary business. All members are requested to be present. 23-2 JAS. STEEP & CO. Box 192 Phone 126 & Co. Varna—Beatty Bros, Tt;,� Seaforth Creamery Co, TABB—in Colborne, fon January Gth, Safi 480 SEAFORTH ONT.. Tahb, aged 95 rears and 9 FARM FOR SALE. --,LOT 25, FT'iJR- on Road, Tuokarsmith, days. * *- containing ti nares, with bulldfhW. par- titulars THE CORNER STORE LOGS - FRAME BUILDING FOR SALE, AL- Gib apply to R. W. Glihbiugs, R. R. R. No. 4, Clinton. —07 • Live and Let Live - WANTED SO light bob sleigh.—John Stephen- YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - Eat Fish son. —24 paired paired and Pressed and at the shortest Both Lad- at Least -- -- :We FOR SALE -6 BATiRCll ROCK Cockerels bred from a Cockerel from Guilds 218 egg pen. `'rice $1.50 each if taken now, This price goad till Jan. 24t11.—H. A. Hovey. 24-2 possible notice. les' and Gentlemen's clothes. W° guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All Twice a Week We are askee to conserve food Sad help the Allies. There is no better way than this.' Food will be the turning point of, the war. It is the are again prepared to pay the highest spot cash prices for all kinds of timber, either in bulk or by the thousand; and either in the bush or delivered in our yard. If you have anything to offer eau up .the old reliable NOTICE 1'0 FARMERS—THERE will be no chopping done at the Clinton Flour Milts until we can orders promptlyt at- tended to. Rooms over Jobnson's jewelry Store.—Wm. J. Jago. —00 • duty or all to save non-perisiia_b!o foods. By eating fish are helping to market (11-115), We aro getting out some of our home grown Hemlock which Is better than get a supply of coat—J. Schoen- bels, 24-1 Lower COst Cost you win the war. Fish is a delightful and economical and cheaper the freighted stuff, so if contemplating any new bulld- lags, or repairing, let us help you NOTICE TO CREDITORS. --IN 'CIHIt Estate of Melinda Jackson, deceas- ed.—Notice is hereby, given that all persons having claims against the estate of Melinda Jackson, late of the town of Clinton, in the to of Coun- Sura Sure • Satisfaction food. You will be surprised' what new zest it will give to the menu. Here are a few varieties to choose prom; Cod Steak, Finnan IHadduc:k Fillatis, pian your work. Our services are free. We also have in stock all kinds of Dressed Lumber, McNair Brand Shingles, Canada Cement, ` and But. fele Fertilizer. ., Ladies' patent colt, button, cravenette toy, 13011 t unlit Qualitp, Regular price $5: 50g Sale price $3 Ladies' all kicl, ince, oozy warm Sud' couatottable. ular price $3,00. Sale price Men's tan, calf, lace, Shoes, welted, Regular $0.00. S a l c . rico .�.- r..---------,,.„,,.._„,„,,,,_____ Seventy-five pairs eat leathers, blacks and t, at .,....�.�.�,.,.,...-.....-.�.,�-�,.-�,r.,----•.-w•.,.-�...,,•.�.. The chief these, days of the fact that orthpwhi t<A�ist in stylea, best ,• " THE ALLOWED. jN 'Practical • v, • • attraction "High black•Ladles' Dr. Reid Shoe cushion welted• insole welted, best Brazilian acid. Ra ((�� Regular price$7. 49 tin c price $4• 98 w Renee 11Ien's mahogany tan, 1�nce, Goocl- Reg- Reg- }tear waited, high grade calf. Rag- ulna price $8.00. 50 Sale Arica i • '^^ ^ "^ "� "^^"^ '^ Hagar Metes Men's box calf bluchers, leather price linings, welted. Regulaa p r i 0 e $0.00. .5 a l e vrL3 1 • WC,'V price • men's shoes, a mixed lot, calfskin and pat- tang. Everyair p Ilalf Price �,.�,...,.....,-...�.� ..,.. of this Big Sale Shoe Prices," lies in the savings are tangible f61 e the shoes beingof-the d quality,. . A A GOODS �y �,�p/� ON ' APPROVAL, ()VAL, IIJ1IIO )) ..,j..._ .... .;.._... ty of. Huron, widow, deceased, who rued on or about the 10th day of December, 1917, are required to de- liver. to William Jackson, the ex- ecutor of the said estate or his the You ran make your cakes and pies, etc., at a lower cost it you use Easyfrst Shorteuhag. Prop - erly used it will give you sura satisfaction and simply use one Salmon Trout• White Fut ', Halibut, Herring, Fresh Water 'leering in brine, J.B.MUSTARD SRUCEFIEtdD. .. solicitor oe. or before 510 day of February, 1918, a full statement of their claims together with par-, tieulars thereof and thea nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by all/davit. And quarter less of Easytlrst Shorten- ing than you would use of lard or butter and at loner cost, Try 1 lb. with your next order. Extra nice flavored mince meat for pies, 2 'lbs. for 35a. Butter and eggs wanted: highest prices cash or trade. .. , E HUNN(FORD /, N .C1 j (ul NewL T E 1) Eggs Lake notice that after the. safe Mastlining, mentioned slate the said executor. will proceed to distribute the es - tate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled' thereto, hav- ing regard only to slid claims as he shall have received due notice therewith.washing and in accordance therewith. Dat- ed at C'liuton this 12th day 01 ' Anntes, raisins, rained iftunplcin, prunes fox pias. Speoial price an pure laundry soap .for this week, 5 cents per bar or 21 bars for $1.00. Toro tablets will assist you in I these cold days. 6 tab- lets tor 25 emits. 1r�1i f IRO + �l ifi(a{(�)�j( c Marl, � *"■► aj Faua}l prices are for strictly, new our poultry plant. eggs to us and cash, being paid laid eggs at 'Bring your get the ready ilanuary, A.D., 1918. W. Brydone, Chilton, Out., Solicitor for the said executor, 24-3 Get emir supply. Be foresight- ed and gmt some. Supplies limit-� HIGHEST PRIDES FOR PRODUCE .s,' ( It pl I a LWE Poultryp Wanted-- --�— ry� School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO Johnson 6c Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders Oromptiv.eared for. PHONE 111. some our LIi T US LOAD of our baled hap and feed on truck the next time it is going Tiighest prices will be paid for large quantities of lied poultry thatt will Ito required ncreasin g to meet the ide- rutted dud to meatless daps. Poultry; taken, the first three Courses. Bookkeeping Stenography -Penmanship p Secretarial Work etc, EFFICIENCY FFCNCY )f Watches, ClbCks andwinter Jewelery Repaired Also Spectaclesyear Now that the ho11 aii trade 1S avec we must settle down to business but we Can't do so without thanking our many customers for their generous support and hope that we may still aontitkllc to do, business On the same principles' of a square deal to every- 0ne.. in your`direction, which will be leery. soon. Just as an experiment we ask you to try them on your boxes for a while. 11 it doesn't result in your becoming a steady customer for our bay and feed we miss our guess, Once used always a user has been our experience. _„__ ), & we Jenkins $on. Pl.01'R AND FEED. Phone 190, Hi facet pri°eK paid for g days of each week during then g .months. Be good to yang dealt o£ liens this aand help production. This is patriotic work anti at the Shute tiiue helping n' g your Steer 1)ocitet, "` GUNN , LANGLO(S co. CLINTON N. W,Trawartha, 'Phone 190 Is the motto of this School and L' LS TASTED A'RI+)E Grata and Wool. Elevator, Residence phone 9.142, Manager or Ildlmetv111e 4 nn 147 it is the aim to fit students for Slow Molt are your eyes worth to, ? Don't positions in which they will. do credit to themselves and cone )na11dgoodaulae,cs, Gtt'is may mom in the school, you trifle with there if they bother you. Conte in and have' them tatted properly. We solicit a share 0f your patrOttage with the understanding that every; pair of glasses sold is fully guaranteed to WEWANT NOW A Reliable Agent in Huron cdunty to sell 1'eIham's Peerless Te'rult and Ornamental trees during fall and Plumbing, Healing and Tans�nithxng give satisfaction and comfort. Prices winter months, Good exclusive Winter term begins, ,.•lalll. ar 19YS yy'Ciro Btndents ma enter alt tithe totparticulars write to g. P. Ward, 6#, M,Accfs, Pitons 208, PriICpil } reasonab e. r........--4 IrDQr1s1,1tT1�1%S. bOTi 1'H10i�Cr.,AS cheapest also alt° est m°bine on the market rangingin prices front 818.00 to $250,00, Needles and, records always on hand. .f.JOHNSON t Issuer of !Ammo Llama. ?Next to fleede's Beer Stens pay, territory, free aquipnentA Over 9.00 notes 00 the eltoiceet nutsaty staclt, ancluding naw varieties controlld by us. Handsome ue-to-� data stilling egUipmeht and a sldon- did Canadian -grown stook to otter customer's, We are n0t jobbers, Write now for o °noy Lerma to Pl.0lAhNURSERY CO Parente, Ont, _ . N,13—Caaogoo soot o1te#eiit to epplleants tot agencies kr purs,hasers. ntrrsoLy steak, second-hand wood furnace, itsg00Ci 1`epalT, fOl' 8ie cheap, 0../... 'a . THOS, l WK lNS4dhemam s Agent.for Heeia Palliates es Sinop ovet ftnrodlati-Pa 1iiirdwari►, 1?>"lONE B8, 1 PHONE