HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-1-17, Page 3mr v, E 5k '�^ h �$ 'rti k s • s$: Most recent picture of Gen. Sir Edmund Allenby, who, by his recent victories in Palestine, is putting another red spot on the neap of freedom. - HOSPITAL SHIP SUNK BY SUB. Conveying Wounded From Gib- __ raltar to England. Available For Need of Allies. Provisions -wholesale Edinburgh Council have Purchased Smoked meats -Hams, medium, 81 to Gogar Burn House, near. Edinburgh, A despatch from London says: Not- A despatch from Ottawa says: 83ct clo., heavy, 2s to 27c'; cooked, 4•t L, for 58 250 to be used as a children's withstanding the pledge given in Sep- Members of the Board of. Grain Super- 46cio roils, b�ek o i3 a11, 4i:nalcl•i`4r;'bb ne- home,Y: tembei, the 'Germans stave sunk an- visors, Imperial wheat purchasing less, 1fi to 16e,Owing to the amount of hay being industries from the bonds of. German is state- committee, millers' committee, grain Cured meatsies, 27 to 28 bacon, 28 to A soldiers' and sailors Y.M.C.A. held up, the Army Council announce It means that when the war is over other hospital ship. An official e 20o; clear belles, 2r to 250, hostel in the Lyric buildings,Glasgow, ment says: growers and Montreal :Harbor Com- Lard -Pure lard, tierces, est to 29c; 3g that they will put in force their pow- Great Britain will be in a position to i' hip Rewa mission on Thursday continued their tubs 259 to 295c• palls 29 to 295c: was formally opened by Lacey Beattie. el's to compel the sale of hay. compete equally with German dyed "His Majesty's hospital pn was torpedoed and sunk in the Bristol pP Y t ^f5 a '5 I 1• P. J. Shaw, trent. of lmmstorthy, re go Y} Channel at about midnight on Jan, 4, -on her way home from Gibraltar. All the wounded were safety transferred estimate submitted to the conference to patrol vessels: There were only indicated that the total quantity of t4tusee swam -was, -a,~anng the, crew, wheat in stoke in Canada at the pre - three Lascars being missing." - -- sent time, ;ns about 80,000,000 bushels. "She was 'displaying all the lights I Of that quantity 30,000,000 btisliels,'ti and Makings required by The Hague Convention, She was not and had not been within the so-called barked' zone, as delimited in the statement is- sued by the German Government on I , 1l1arkets of the World `PROM OLD SCOTLAND nreneetnfls -1 --,- Toronto tan 16 . -Manitoba Manitoba wheat NOTES 9F INTERES`I FROM BER No, 1 Ne there, $2,2115; Na a do„ .$2 203; No, 3 do 02;173 :No, 4 wheat,- 20402, BANKS AND BRAES, • ill ,store 1 o•t.St33'-' 0, (L(3d,,11 80' pg, Manitoba oats N0, 3 cI Vv, le; Ao• - _.-.-_ • 8 C.W.„i 93c; Na 1 esira fled BSc; "No. 1 feed, 775ot in'stmcv tvor'L William, .madcap corn Ao, 3 vollOw nestle- WI'14t is Goie g On in the Highlands al, Ontario oats -No, 2 v0111 0,••_81 to Ste, nominal; .No. •3, do, SO to 81o„ rlweinel, and Lowlands of Auld nccordime to freights outside, 'Scotia. Ontaa'to wheat -New, 140. 0 ?'Tete', $0.S2; !mete. In star( eientreal. Peas -•-•No, a, $3.70 to LK o,ocerdtns i ho Duke of Argyll has presented to freights outside, - hatndsorue ptidOg for the bust kept 87 - cording $1.'33 to $1,88, a0- (10110 itl.A"ehnogo'tll.. cording• to. freights outside. Buckwheat -$1,66 to $1,68, according ,1l sale of work in aid of comforts '111 to '. •. fret 'his outsid( ing realized over 5160. MRanitoba flour First nn tent., n Winston Chutehill has cot EXPORT 20,000,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT Canada Has Thls Quantity Now to freights outside, fat 'soldiers and sailors held at Orail- Rye - No, 8 3,1,75, ncool l 1 g , - y i jute consented base, $11,60; and, do., $11; strong bak- ers', do„ $10.00 tolf.nto, to '1e1118n232'as Lori; Rester of Aber- Ontarto flora W11 ter., atcorti10t to Been University for another, year. sample $10,10, In bags, Montreal; $0,833, Toronto; $9,00, bu h, seaboard, prompt The sum of.�5310 was taken in . flag shipment, ' day collections in Dundee, to establish Mlllfeed-Cal lots. delivered Atontreat freights, hags Included --Bran, per ton, e Dundee Y M,O,A. but in Frsnce, $35; shorts, do, .2401 lnlddtlngs, c2o., . The sum' of 51,1.00 was, 1'eltlized at $45 to $90; 'good .feed Hour, per bag, a sale in Hawick tg prgvicle homes 39,36, Play -lac. 1, new, per ton, $18.00 to fay. wounded soldiers and sailors. ;: $10,60• mired, do„ 218 to $'16, track Private ,Tobe Elliott, son of Mrs, Toronto, Straw -Car• __ _. I7lliott, 4 Dovemount Place, Hetrick, has been ttwar'ded the Militpry Medal, Butter -Creamery, solids, per np, 425 The late. Lieut. -Col. Malcolm Mc - Country Produce. -Wholesale to 43c; prints, per•. ib, 43 to 485e: dalry, Neill, .Argyll and Sutherland High- peeEggs-Fresh lb, 36 to 380. , larders left a1' estate valued at 522, - gathered eggs, 50 to 5:,o, . , Dressed poultry-Clllcicens, 24 to 250: 083, fowl, 19 to 20o ducks, 23 to 24e; geo3.e; , , 21 to 22o; turkeys, 28 to 300, Wing -Captain Francis Scarlett, R. Potatoes - Wholesales are paYing N., who has been awarded the D,S.O., grOwal'a and country shlppera, rot fit's- is a 0011 of Col. William Scarlett, of • Mese stork, f.o.b., outside points, 12.25 to $3 36 for Delaware. and $2,00 to $2.10 Gigha. for ontarios, The sum of 51,800 Was -raised at a Wholesalers are selling •to the retail trade at th0 following prices:- free gift sato in Dumfries in aid of large eos 32 13e c+ealarge, ly c5leelie,, 2n'30'Lo twine, ne; the'Y.M.C.A. Special War Work Fund. large tevin, tee to 211c. A collection in the district of Fal - Putter• -Fresh dairy, choice..40 to 41 c: kirk for the purpose of building a creamery prints, 46 to .{7r; solids, 'I6 Lo 1 46c. Y.M.C.A. hut in France amounted to Margarine -29 l9 to 32c. £724 Eggs -New laid, In cartons, 05 10 78c'; ,No. 1 storage, 45 to •IOc; select storage, A tablet has been erected in Glen - 48 to •400. tier school in memory of Lieut. Jar - Dressed pe. fed chickens, chickens, 27 to 28c; mink -fed els, 15 a, lb. 20c lows, vie, who -was headNester of the '34 to EOe: turkeys, 15 to 370: ducks, Spring, 27 to 30c; geese, 2-o to 27o. school, Live poultry -Turkeys, 230; Spring Sapper William Munco, Royal En - chickens, lb, 20 to 2101 liens, 26 to tae; ducks, Spring, 20-- to 22e; geese, 20 to gineers, Prestonpans, has been award - 210. ed the Military Medal. . l'roney-Comb--lxh'e. fine, 86 oz„ Admiral Burney, of North Bcrwfck, 83.50; 12 az., $2; No. 2, $2,•10 tot $2.60. pere,lned-Tins, 2335001 6's, 15 to "193c has been appointed commander -in - per lb; 10's, 103 to 18e; se's, 18 to ishc, chief of the coasts of Scotland. Beans -Canadian, hand,plc nd, lmsh., $8.00 to $8.26: imported, hand -pecked, On the -completion of forty years Burma or Indian, $6.63 to 27: Japan, service as a teacher id the Elrig $8: Limas, 163 to 17r. Potatoes -Delawares, hag, $"-.95' to school, Miss Woodbridge was present - $2.36; 0n1,rlos, beg, 82.10 to $2.26. ed with a wallet of Treasury notes. T'Ht: DRAFTEES WERE TiCK,LEO To OCATH WIT THEIR NOW UNPeRvIsAR MOTHER WILL BE PROUP OF REP' Gob' IR kHAICI [�I 1 GIpF' You LOPS OF MONfE 10 YOUR CLOES rt With the Draftees 8''/r,SNenir pl AVdM! -Bp3tlsh & Colonial Press, Ltd. From Erin's Green Isle NEWS 'BY, MAIL FROM IR'E- LAND'S SHORES. Happenitfgrs in the Emerald Isle of interest to Irish - Men. The passengers on steamer's recent - 1y arriving' in Dublin, from across the channel, were nearly all female har- vesters returning from England. Major G. .F. Wilson, R.P.A., recent- ly killed in action, was the youngest belonged to the great Badische works, son of W. H. Wilson, Carrickmines and are now ig the keeping of a Lon House, County Dublin. Thomas Falkiner Wilkinson, for many years in • the service of the National Bank of Ireland, cried re- cently at Cape 'COMM, South Africa. GERMAN DYE RECIPES CAPTURED Group in British Textile Trade Mike -Most Important Discoveries. A despatch from London says: A group of men in the British textile trade has captured the secret recipes of the greater German dye industry, according to The London Daily Mail, which displays the item under large heads. The recipes, numbering 257, doll bank. The Mail says:- "'fhe capture is of first importance in economic war against Germany, and will free tete -British textile in- dustry n dustry and scores of other important discussion of the supply of Canadian wheat available for export and allied subjects. It is understood that en was stated, would be required for seeding this year and a like amount for domestic consumption, leaving somewhere in the neighborhood of 20,- 000,000 bushels immediately avail- able for export. • com')ound, tierces, ass to 5c; tubs, 249 R. Husband honorary treasurer of_ goods in ever narlcet in the world," n _, c:: palls, : to .u,u. - the Red Cross week in Dunferm ine, T o has sent the sum of 53,318 to head- ports that not a single ease of drunk- In the course of a long story de- Montreal Markets enness or bad behavior had come be- scribing how the recipes were ob- Montreal. ,tan. 15-Oats---('tuL'gllartel'a. fore the Court fol.' the last Six months. tabled in Switzerland, The Mall says 92esters. Nn, 2, Jac; extra No. 1 feed, 33c•; No, 2 local white, 01 to 32c; No.-Nursinig-Sister Isabella Camerae, of The Dublin Master Carriers' Asso- that the merchants who captured than tical Waite, 9e. to 91 c; No, 4 local -Queen Alexandra's Imperial Service, ciation have offered their men an in- have refused tempting offers from white, S9' 10 OOe. Flour-ManitobaQueen been.awarded the Royal Reil Cross spring wheat patents, firsts. 811.00; crease of three shillings and sixpence capitalists and speculative elements seconds, $11.10; fair t�ekere�'t, IIA.3o: Deco•ation• in addition to their previous war ho- have been barred carefully from the Rolled oats -Saga 'JO lits $5.'0. »ruai nuS p a oast -•r --S , 0 .,c e e .L.i�',' 0 T'acrival M3ttkeuele,L`nr�, enterprise. The merchants intend to -235, Shorts --$40. Middlins-$48 to adians, a son of David Mackenzie, T,anee-Corporal Albert was present- offer and sell the recipes to the Br04;- $60. .tomtits -$60 to $6S. Hay -'No. per ton. ear lots. $14.50 to $15.50, Cheese -Finest westerns. 219e; finest easterns. 211c. Matter -Choicest crenm- or3', 443 to 460; seconds, 435 to 44c, Eggs -Freels, 64 to 55e; selected, 470; ,Jan. 19, 1917.” No, 1 stork. 43l•; No, 2 stock, 30 to 400, Most of the survivors of •the Rewa Among the other subjects consid- Poleafioes--Per bag. car lots, $1.00 to $•L.-6 were landed 'at Swansea. Many of eyed was the question of adopting a them were without clothing of any standard grade of flour to be milled winntpea Grain kind. The wounded were removed in Canada. It is stated that there is Winnipeg. Tan. 15 -Cash prices: - immediately to a hospital, ' a likelihood that' such a grade will be a ets -Nita No. 1t 1.no 750; No. 3] ed, The torpedo which sank the Rewa agreed upon.' It would be of a quality went directly, through the Red Cross painted on her side. 1.20,000 AUSTRIANS FIGHTING WITH THE FRENCH. A despatch from London says: Commenting on the formation of a Czech -Slovak army in France, which was authorized by decree printed in the irreneh Official Gazette, December 19, tljle Vienna Neue Freie Presse says the army already numbers 120,000 "Although it will not have any de- cisive influence on the military opera- tions," the newspaper adds, "yet, it may do us considerable harm in the event of the transfer of Austrian troops to' the western front, The greatest harm, however, is the moral effect .this wholesale act of Czech treachery may have on the- military power of the Dual monarchy, • HOUSE OF LORDS FAVORS WOMAN'S VOTE. A despatch from London says: The House of Lords or Thursday rejected -Lord L oreburn's amendment to the re- presentation of the people bill, by which it was sought to exclude women from the suffrage. The vote against the amendment was 134 to 69. The new franchise bill before the House of Lords revealed strong oppo- sition to women suffrage,. Earl Lore - burn ntoved..to omit the clause from the bill giving women the Parliament- ary vote. After a two -day's debate the amencinlent was rejected. midway between the present higher patents and the existing lower grades. Whether the milling would be confined to this standard grade in the United States or whether the millers would be able to continue the production of the Bl,an-$82.. higher patents with the standard as a Duluth. Vine., Jan 17.-T,tnseed-On basis for the fixing of profits leas not track, 88,58 to $3.05; arrive, $8.65; 775": No, 2 feed, 745c•. Tbu'l"y-No. 3, 1.41: No. 4, $1.00; feed, $1,18; reje,•ted, 1.18. lrlax---No, 1 NaC.C'., 83.22; No. CW., $3,19; No. 3 C.W„ 83.1115.• United States Markets ,Minneapolis, Arlon„ Jun. 16-C'otm- No. $ yellow. $1.05 to $1.70. Oats -No. 3 white, 70 to SOc. Flour---t'nchanged. HUN MUTINEERS IN ARMED CAMP January. $8.60 asked; Olay. $3.50; Ju13•, 23.41 asked; October, $3.80, nominal. Live. Stook Markets Toronto, Jah. 16 -Extra choice heavy steel's, $11.75 to $1.2.60; do„ good heavy, $11 to $11,40; butchers' cattle, choice, $1.1 to $11.60; do., good, $10 to $10.75; do., medium, $9,60 to 29,70; do„ Coat- 111011- $8.75 to 2310' butchers' bulla $8,75 to o., medium bulls, Dunfermline, has been awarded the Military Crdss. Two Strachan men, Lance -Corp. Charles Easton and Lance -Corporal ed with. a hand -propelled 'chair'oy :+e' ,an 1,uv2v^�z^s.�• ; :ahs -use of the Janles,Gallagher on behalf of the Dub- Government dye works, permitting the lin War Pensions Committee. I bulk of the profit to go to the nation James Shand,have been awarded the Constable O'Boyle, of. the R.I.C., has ion the understanding that the dyes been awarded a certificate from the ;will be sold freely to all British menu - Military Medal. • Society for the Prevention of Cruelty lecturers needing them. to Animals at Carlow. /' _ • The property known as the Castle Clyde Estate, near the town of Fer- moy, has been sold to the Cork Timber and Iron Co. for 536,000. 1 At an ingtd' held at Wexford, it WINS IN U.1S, S. was stated that last goal• 510.000 WOMAN -SUFFRAGE Obtained Exactly the Required Number of Votes in House. worth of salmon had been caught in NEWS FROM ENGLAND NEWS BY- MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Sunrcnte in the Comte', tial World. Signor Crespi, the Italian Food Con- troller, is now on a visit to England. Deal anglers are paying five shil- lings a score for lug -worms for fish- ing purposes. Captain C. W. Bruce, R.P.C., was killed when his machine nose-dived at Rochford. The Shipping Federation of England have given 510,000 to Ring George's Fund for Sailors. Sir Cecil Smith represented British art at the funeral of M. Rodin, which was held in Paris. Property in Trinidad, which former- ly belonged to German interests, 3vas sold at Tokenhouse Yard for 5107,900, Five thousand five hundred pounds was realized for a catch of fish landed from a trawler at a northeastern port. M. Cambon, French Ambassador, has received a cheque for 5176,000 from the Lord Mayor of London, re- presenting the money collected on "C'rrarine Day" in tett u,,,,.. Samoans have sent 5150 to fres Overseas Club in aid of the Royal Fly- ing Corps hospitals. The Pensions Fund for Sailors has been increased by 55,000, a gift from his Majesty the Ring. On "pound" day for Dover Hospital the receipts included 5,71" pounds of groceries and 580 in cash. SULTAN i]ESCRIBES HIMSELF Driver George Brooks, a native of Godhurst, Kent, whn tools the first gen into action at the battle of the The Esteemed Centre of the Universe 1Vlarme, has been killed in action. Colonel Si,' Neil Campbell, corn mandant at the Royal Pavilion Hos- pital, Brighton, has resigned owing to the ill health of Lady Campbell. The death has been announced of Prince Christian, uncle of Ring and the Crown of Ages. wet n "The finest 'pearl or the age and the the Slaney River. esteemed centre or the universe, at. The North Tipperary County Com- whose grand portals Maud the camels mutes of eforltm•e, have formulat- of justice and mercy, and to whom ed a scheme for the rc=forestation of to eyes of the kings and peoples in 111e Nest have been drawn, the rulers George, in his 87th year. A despatch from Washington sate: the county. Braman suffrage by Federal constlhu- The urban Council of. Newry have tions; amendment wonin the I1On00 passed a vote of thanks to Mi. and chore finding an example of political• Private Victor Grayson, ex-M.P. for on Thursday night with exactly the Mrs, Robert Kerr for defraying the prowess and tate classes it.itioclel of Colne Valley, has been wounded at i number of affirmative votes_expense of planting trees to beautify mercy ci id kindness; our lord and the front, and is now 111-d1,' French hos- While p g master, the sultan of the two shores pital. 'While membe's in their seats and the town. geld the high king of the livo seas, the For seizing a pickpocket in her om- throngs in the galleries waited with The Central wages Board of Ire- rhoice 510 to $1O 0; do., sand onus: ea •er interest, the House adopted by a land has decided to establish district crowns of ages and the prlde or all Mims, Emily Kirk, an oat thus ' eon - $0 26 d u b n $7 76 g countrics, the greatest of, all khalirs, , (Motor, miss commended at the Guild - vote of 274 to 1333 a resolution provid- wages committees throughout the to $8.26; do., mush bu11s,•$0.60 to $7; g g � •the shadow of God on earth, the RUC.' hall,, waters. cones, „meted., Man to $10: do., mg for. submission to the states ol. the . country r rd of ; lh Confirmation of Report That $s lambs.•$ Los , g 1 knocks,, g14 to $16.50; 'stock;- $7.26 to went for National Enfranchisement of Major Frederic E. Nixon-F.cicetsall, ta1:1•Ghazi), Sultan Abdul -Hamid Khan. P{ental .After -Care Association, West - 335.,5; feeders, $0,25 to $10; milkers, Women:- of the Royal Garrison Artillery, et and cto.ch,.$6,26 to $0.36; lniticorn, But for the promise of Speaker'' lvtay Clod protect his hin4;d1 and 'm'5110 . and a choice, $$8 to springers, d, tom, the front. � place his glory above the sun and the I The Ward of Walbrook, city of Lon- ' mea, $86 to $30; aprl,Isera, $9Q to Clark to cast his veto from .3.110 Chair g190; lisht ewes. $12.50 to $'L4: sheep. despatch from Petrograd says: heavy, $6 to $7.75; yearlings, $12,00 to far the resolution•if ft was needed; the �i� the world with the goodness which � use at the front to the British Rod Confirmation of the report that an $11.20; hog's, fed and watered, $:13.60; change of a single vote to the oppasl_ RUSSIAN TROOP -- '- --ll oar. cera, $IS.76: do CaU•, -proceeds from his holy mnjesty's good Cross Society. tion would have meant defeat. ire- a inteetlous,' I Dr. A. Fi. Nutria, who has been ap- -._ _ __. publican Leader Mann, who came from MESSAGE dOhl PEACE a i� good, $8.60 to $0; do„ medium, $7.76 to so-called Susan B. Anthony anen(- The death has been announced of cessoi of the apostle, of the la a',0 so ration of the City of .Lon- a 7s 19 carr -s sad to the universe, the victorious conqueror ;don have sent a donation of 550 to the 25,000 German Soldiers • Deserted.. the way in which the Sultan of Tur- !industrial schools, was awarded the Military Cross in 1916. lltaon and mar the Ford supply all don, has presented an ambulance for arnleu camp 01 so, alarmed! This is merely have mutinied against being shifted to the western front, and are holding the forest near Kovno and are threaten- ing an attack upon the other German troops from the rear if they resume offensive against Russia, has -been borne out by four Gerinan soldiers who recently deserted and who offered to enlist in the new international army now being organized to fight for Socialist principles antler the direc- tion off tho. bureau headed by Boris Reinetein, international delegate of Elle Socialist Labor' party of America. • • G'f.RMANX DEPORTING' 300,000 TURR DESERTERS FRENCHMEN TO RUSSIA. CONDUCTING BRIG ANDAG E. A despatch from Geneva says: A Constantinople report received ' here says that within the Ottoman Empire there are roving bands of brigands, estimated to numi001' 800,000, They _-true, against the law of nations, 600 gra mostly armed deserters from the Drench will be conveyed' to Russia army and are bent on pillage. They :fl'oin Janu0.ry 6, and within a few even venture near towns, and some days 100 T reneh women will be sent age of flop-, Lri the United States in or;nm0111 00d not fount; it necessary to times attack regular troops in order to the spelt at Iiolzininden (Duchy May before the new wheat crop comes lute these buildings over for that iron. Frank Tudor has given notice of i of Iwollb •foto'. 9he royal umbrellas t t d food. 1 y purpose a motion of no confidence, .tire s3 mbolit: of his dignity. A despatch from London says: A German official statement, according to an: Anst'e•dam despatch to the Central News, says: "As a reprisal for the re- tention of inhabitants of Alsace -Loy - 90 000 000 BUSHELS t h pit where leo hit; been under 9 tea men' aver since ongress con - Tennessee, and Representative Sews, of -- Tennessee, just oda of a sick bed and Urges Trotsky To Accept No order io lila troops in Mesopotamia. j Business girls of the city of Landau 1L is evident that thr, modesty of the have tensed 5600 I OF WHEAT States Decides Exportations Are Necessary to Relieve Euro- pean Food Shorta'e. A despatch from Washington says; The :Good situotioil, in Europe is re- garded here as so critical that the food administration is planning to re10000 an additional 90,000,000 bushels of wheat, despite the fact that the nor,;'! mal export surplus had been shipped by the middle of December. The American people will be asked to save hardly able- to walk to his seat, Dishonorable Peace With 'r to present a Y.W. brought the votes which settled the , "finest pearl of the age" forbade him C.A.C'Ahut to the i[ A.A.C. in France. issue. Teutons. giving the full list of his extravagant' 1 _._._ .. _. A despatch from Petrograd says:. array or titles, but This mighty polar• ; As the Russian peace delegates pass- , late can also claim to be "the shadow 1 AUCTIONED ON SHIPBOARD. INDIA CONTRIBUTES - ed along the way to renew the sego- 1 of God upon earth," "the incarnation I •--•-• $2,500,000 TO RED CROSS. nations with the Germans, the Rua- of 1\1 "the "the dispeller of all ; O1dlime Custom Prevails Regarding Btest- stat ttaaps rattle tont les nos [`he ruler of Turkey is not the only A despatch front Delhi, India, says: Litovsk urged upon Leon Trotsky, the.' sovo•ei-ni who claims to be diving. Estimates indicate that well over hull: 13olshevilci Foreign Minister: I The Emperor of Abyssinia enjoys the a million pounds sterling was raised "Be firm; don't stake 21 dishono•able I as a result of "our day" eolleotions in Peace." distinction of being, among outer. Y things, the "king of kings, whom all aid of the lied Cross. A rtantf c detailing re this and other renal obey, 118„11 0 is 3310 cause 0f pre' important facts, was received I at Smo, ' secretion of all animals, the regulator t t Bol lneviki heaciqual'- evil" and the "divine of divines," Effects of Dead Sailors. Will Not '.fake Over Museum. to make np the deficiency, The demand from the allies is so fn-. A despatch from 'London says: The •;paw to German Imperialism." to tto Sun sistett that the 'food a7lininistration strong opposition to the utilization of •------4------ ; (W01113' umbrellas," decided to take a chance on a. the British and National History Mu- Hughes Cabinet Now Sworn in. One cannot help wondering what has decd 6( use a monaretin„vilo had such absolute shortage in the Spring to sleet in part 80unl0 fo' Government offices hag bud If eotsum tion i0 - not its effect. Lord Curzon announced h A despatch from Melbourne says: control of the Weather could possibly their needs p i the Hauge of Commons that the Gov- 'rhe new Hughes. Cabinet has been lace even for a single umbrella, in dd otlirials sea a passible sllii't sworn in with practically no changes.. say nothing or his liberal allowance ny resp n r, Inc s or the 01'050110, HIP absolute master lets. Trotsky replied, urging: of the ebb and flow of the sea, brother "We did not overthrow the Czar to : and king of the Pour and d ge arms an oak. 5'C Brunswick). ' in in Juni:, . e..41.,,..«, ,.,.a. atoll . X*ILLA.,w ii, w,,. erinro,Carnr w..,.par..,+..a erMI .n,..,..oov .. gym.... a. .mq*. .n .* m s a„a""° 1 FlA4 s "cam. r,VT TINir ''1315 AATF3ltool4 AT Mt35, `1091305 3UNCNEON 1---"' ,YES, I IMAGINE,, rtIfbs `c...bck C, [TIER 61)9.5-1' FRom t4e.v4 YORI< Is Adef3, " SMART WOMAN Is slim op "1•RE( 11161.1 -BROW. OR Tile - LOW -NECK species? N1'11'NER, s),6 1 f1No1'NEIZ po5nN;r WEAR -1! ) 13.1- M rvNT A co -RIE_( ,4. 1 50ProSE w 1 (4:. Dead men's effects are sold at auc- tion on the ship's decic by an old custom in the British navy. Prices out of all proportion to the value of goods are often realized for .th4 mans heirs, especially ff the labs owner was popular with his ship- mates. Purely pe•sonaal. belongings, such as letters and photographs, are first 11(1(011 out to be forwarded to the de- ceased's relatives, Then, as soon as official sanction is obtained, the rest of the articles are taken to a convenient part of the ship and of. I fercd for sale. The master-at-arms acts es auctioneer. Bidclers who have obtained the small articles from Mall LU1 ane• tion sometimes throw back ;.heir pun chases for re -sale, until tis mane ,larkies..as feel incline( have had e ,'lienee of contributing sonotiling to- wa dy the aosistnnee of the dead man's next of ;tin, Thus these kit 'stiles becnnte the loymr deck's Way of taking up a charitable collection. The ;cit of a deserter is similarly, sold by auction, the proceeds gof»g to the National Treasury. lint the whole outfit rarely fetches more than u few shillings, ars many sailors re- gard the possession of articles foriner- fy belonging to a deserter as untlesir- nblc, it' not unlucky, ' A Southern California judge recent--; ly sentenced at man to 50 days in geoil ' for lowing an unextinmlished fire in, a National forest. '.,'his sentence was later changed to one of tlebar'ntent of the offender from a National 1'orosltj for a period of one year,