HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-1-10, Page 5January tQth, E918 Clinton Now - Record -"Stir. • Thirty oases Were dealt \With, by lion, Mr. Jestice Clete, who fiat at •the coat !louse last week to hear appeals frown the decisions' of the Goderieh exemption tribunal. The .;appeals were disposed Of as follow : Arthur 11. Spragge, farmer, R.R. No,13, Auburn appeal allowed, Archibald 1\T 1C, Campbell, farmer, R.il, No. 1, I,oaidesboro.-!apnea! al. •lowed, S1on fledges, farmer, R. No, 1, Si°sterkb-appeal . allowed. Roht. Leslie McMillan, farmer RR. No, ,1,, 0°deride-appeal allowed. Harold Cunnin$bam, farmer, ]t.R. "No, 5, Goderieh--appeal allowed, Ernest 'Uolzhauson, farmer, R.R, No. 4, Goderieh-appeal allowed, Noali Plat'zer, farmer, Auburn -ap- peal allowed. Walter henry Wagner, farmer, R. It, •No, .L, Auburn -appeal allowed. Jas, Edmund Snell, farmer, Aub- urn•-.sappeal allowed. Robt. Lewis Beau, fanner, R.R. No. 5, Goderieh-iappeal allowed, Wm. Hume Clutton, fanner, R.R. N. 3, Goderieh--appeal allowed. Hugh 'Jos. Chisholm, farmer, R.R. -No, 3, Goderieh-appeal allowed, Walter Hawthorne, miller, Goder- :ich-appeal allowed, Appeals From Goderich Tribunal Decisions. ?s' `lfos, I. Telford, i ueltinist, Cioder- ipll''appeal allowed , Relit. Noble Clark, menlilaist, ;Clod flricl1-atippcsil allowed. Cleo, 0, Reran, driver of bakery wagon, Uodorieb-reserved, John R, Muir, marine engineer, Ciodorieh--reserved, David Kay, farmer, Goderieh--r,w served, John J.1 McDonald, bank clerk, Godorlcli reserved, Judson E. Londesbury, blink clerk, O odor'1 cli-•sesflrved Ilan, John Callow, miller, Goderieh •,-appeal refused, allowed by previous court to November 17, goo. J. 13cacom, teamster, ote., t0odoricb-appeal disallowed, Ernest 0. , C'raig, at National Ship- building Co,, Ciodcrich--appeal dis- allowed, Frederick A. Harker„gardener-ap- peal disallowed, John Stalker, ditcher on power rnachhie, Auburn -appeal disallowed, (Norman J. Brown, harness maker, Aubitrn•• allowed till June. Robt, J, Phillips, blacksinith,. Aub• urn -allowed till June 1st. Geo. Gordon Noble,, student, Goder- ie1i-dilated in class D. Geo. M. u hl'' 11 . MaLa n C d r'clf- - g , r0 e I al lowci1 till class 2 is called. Malcolm Graham, fisherman, God- erich-Billowed till class 2 is called„ Marriages Imany--•LUOit-.In Claciericli town - ' Ship, 'I ',J tf , of nal, lOtilt, by the lieu, WV, IS Neaten, }Sea ab, daughter of Mr., George Cool, to Joseph d1enryi Riley of Constance, YOUNG TIUTCI"IINSON--At, Codcir- ieh, on Dee. 81st, by 3tev. J, II. Osterhout, Cephas. Yong. of Cols borne and Levine IIutch'lnson el West Wawanosh, BELL -(LARK -A t Seaforth, on Jan, 2n1, by Rev. I•', H. Larkin, Mary Mabel Clark, to, Robertf D. Boll, both of ltic'korsmith, NOBLE-LA.NRON --- At Saskatoon, Sask., on Now Year's Day, by, Rev. Mr, Hobart of the Method, ist Church, Mabel, .daughter of Mrs, John Lanxon of town, to Richard Noble, of Adanao, Sask., son of Mrs, Noble, also of Clin- ton, Births FORBES-In .Hullett, on Deo. 31st to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Forbes, a daughter, HOLLAND -In Goderich township, 11,n Jan. Oth, to Mr. and Mrs, Noble Holland, a son, Deaths TAYLOR -In 'Goderich, on January 1st, Mrs, Jonathan Taylor, aged Women Like t e or nt ead Y ta The reason is clear, It contains more real features of direct interest to wo- men than does any other daily paper in the country. There is a style diary which illustrates and describes gowns worn at smart functions. Its fashion notes are written by experts. It gives full particulars of all Woman's Club activities. Its Social Service is right up to date. It has a complete short story every day, and such other features as Bed -Time Stories for the Kiddies, Dot Puzzles, and good cartoons, and the latest news of bargains in the stores. In fact, it covers every phase of the world's news that particularly interests women. In addition to this, The Toronto "Daily Star” gives the most comprehensive war and general news service ob- tainable through any paper in Canada. Subscribe for it, and after you have been reading it for a week we venture to say that you wouldn't be without it at 'any price. Subscribe for it To -day We guarantee that you will thoroughly enjoy it. Send your sub- scription direct to this office, or through the publisher of your local newspaper. The price is $8,00 a year. in advance. You tayr send this to the publisher or your local paper, to your postmaster or direct to The Torohto Daily Star. N ,,S&fere 70 years acid O months, IN MR,MOIb1U'3YI h,LGTE--III over loving memory ,ol Geo, W, l,;Jgiu, whoi entered into rest .Jan. 9th, 1917,' "'LTntil the dry brook and, the slya. doves flee away," r CARD OF Y'HANKS the Electors of Clinton ' Ladies and Clontleinen,-1' take this paeans of thanking you for the hear- ty support given me at the polls on the.alt en inst. and sev I assure yolk that 1 will do my best to ,nein the confidence placed in me. J. CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend to the elec- tors of Clinton my sincere thanks for the generous sup- port afforded me at the polls on Monday and I shall endeav- or to deserve the confidence Placed ;n nae, -BERT LANGFORD. FOR SALE, --SOME. HOUSEHOLD articles. -Apply! to J. McClymont, Rattcnhury St. --23 HOUSE FOR SALE,, --8 ROOMED house on Ontario street, electric light and furnace. For particulars apply to Mrs. Mogridge. 23-2 PRIVATE SALE • OP •'HAPPY Thought Range, Wood Heater, Glass Cupboard, Sideboard, Kitchen ex- tension. table, Stretcher, Sofa. - Apply Mrs. W. Wheatley, Huron St. 23-2 METING OF TIIEI HURON,C'OUN- ty Council -The. Council of the Corporation of the County ,of Hur- on willtmeet in, the council cliatn- ber, Goderieh, at 3.00 o'clock on Tuesday the 22nd inst., ;1018. -Geo, W. Holman, Clerk. Cio'derich, Jan. 7th, 11918. 23-2 ANNUAL MEETING. -THE AN- nual meeting of the MtlOIlop Mut- ual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the town hall, Seaforth, on Fridays, Feb. 1st, 1918, at two o'clock p.m. The business of the meeting will be to receive the an- nual statement and auditors' re- port, the electing of tbree direc- tors and two auditors, and other business which might be considered of benefit to the company. The re- tiring directors are Malcolm 'lIe- Ewen, D. F. McGregor and tl. R. 112cCartney, who are elpgible for re -election. -Jas. Connolly, Presi- dent ; Thos. E, IIays, Secretary. 23-3 COCKERELS FOR SAE -I HAVE a number of pure bred Ancona cock- erels for sale, (hatched from eggs from Rev. E. G. Powell's famous pens). Price $1.50 if taken before Nov. 1st, $2.00 after that date. - Chas. Williams, ,Jr!; R. R. No. 2, Clinton, Phone 11-143. -L1 FOR SALE. -0001) SLECOND HAND pump, brass cylinder, 12 ft. pipin; for sale, Call at News-Rees..II flee. 22-2 CAT ?'1 `t A.\ COLLIE PUPS FOR male. -Parties wishing young calves please leave orders. You need not take thein if they do not suit. Good collie pups for sale, -A. E. Matheson, Seaforth.. Phone 1.7 on 136, Clinton, 22-1 TIIE BAYFIELD AGRICULTURAL Society will hold its annual meet- ing in the town hall on Wednesday,. Jan. 1011', 1018, at one o'clock 0. 111., for the purpose of electing of- ficers, receiving the annual report and the transaction of other nes- essary business. All. members are requested to be present. 23-2 FOR SALE -A FEW GOOD COLLIE Pups. Apply to the undersigned - N. J. Labeau, No, 5, Clinton. Phone 9 on 140. 21-2 }STRAYED -ONTO P1113 PREMISES of the undersigned, Lot 35, Mait- land Con., Goderieh township, on or about August, 4 yearling steers. Owner may have same by Proving Property and paying expenses. -J. R. Holmes. 21-3 School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO Courses in Bookkeeping Stenography Penmanship Secretarial Work Etc, EFFICIENCY " Ts the motto. of this School and it is the aim to Rt students for positions in which they will do credit to themselves and cons. mend good salaries. Girls may room in the school, winter term hogine, Jan. 7, 1918 Students may enter aby time For partirniars write bo B. F, Ward, ILA., MV[,AcctS,I Phone 208, Principal 1..:.,,14.1umsmamsinummossnumusasimma UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF farm stook end ianpieniriats will be sleds' o • 0 ,, ` 1 et Lot 1 , 1.Ali. 1, Stanley% 1 p., (adjoining VJllago Of Bruce, Velli) 00 Thursdays, ,fait. 17th, 1018, et 1 o'clock p,ut. horses -1 tonna Wasp draught geldings 5 years olds jt well bred roadster mare in foal to Cleo, Troyer's well bred trotting; stallion, 1 well well bred driving mare rising 5 years. .C,et- tle-,1 cow 0iyears old freehered, In Oet,, 1 well bred Durham cow 6 'cars old f ie J res] led Nov.,3 a in 1 fres!' cow 91 years old_ with twin calves at foot, 1 cow 4 years old due to ;freshen in Feb., 1 cow 4 years old duo In Mare, 1 9 }.oar olil cow due in April, 1 9 year old cow due, in. Juno, 5 calves rising 1 year, 2 yearling heif- ers,. 3, young calves. Pigs -9 store hogs 81months old. A num- ber of young bens. and pullets, Im- plements--dIeer'ing binder 7 1t. cut in good repair, sheaf carrier and truck complete, Deering mower) 0 ft, out, 10 -ft, Deering rake, Cult).- Yator witif broadeast`" seeder and grass . seed sewer attachment, Fleury walking plough (new), Mill- er walking plow, two -furrow Plow, Straw cutter, 2 sets diamond har- rows, Fanning millwith a1] attiauli_ ments, Weigh scales 1000 lbs. cap- acity, Pair bob sleighs, Wagon, • wagan box, Two single buggies, Cutter, De Laval cream separator No,..13 (nearly new), Daisy churn, Hay rack, Ladder 26 feet, Set heavy double harness and collars complete,'. Set team harness, Set chain plow harness, 3 horse collars, Two sets single. rubber mounted harness, About 200 cedar rails sait- able for braces or fence posts, Quantity of mangolds, Ropes, Chains, Shovels and other articles too numerous 'to mention. Terms - All sums et $10 and under, cash ; on over that amount' 10 montlis credit on approved joint notes. 4 percent straight offfor cash on credit amounts. No article to be removed !from premises without be- ing satisfactorily, settled for, -B. R. Higgins, Prop ; T. Gundry, Auc- tioneer. FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 25, 1IIJR- on Road, Tuokersmith, containing 98 acres, with bufldlsegs. For par- ticulars apply to R. W. Gibbings, R. R. No. 4, Ctintou: -07 as COTTAGE FOR SALE OR TO Rent -On Cutler street, Clinton, cottage containing 7 rooms, good cellar, situation central. For par- ticulars apply to C. B. Bale or Mrs. Butler, Clinton. -06 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders Oremeil]. at- tended to. 'Rooms arcs fehrr.,,s's jewelry ss+.,xu.-Wm. .1, 'rase. -00 Lower Cost Sure Satisfaction Yon can make your cakes and pies, etc., at a lower cost if you use Easyflrst Shortening, Prop- erly used it will give you sure satisfaction and simply use one quarter less of Easyfirst Shorten- ing than you would use of lard or butter and at lower cast, Try 1 Ib. with your next order. Extra nice flavored mince meat fur pies, 2 lbs. for 35c. Apples, raisins, canned pumpkin,. prunes for pies. Special price on. pure laundry soap .for tills week, 5 cents per bar or 21 bars for $1.00, Toro tablets will assist you In washing these cold days. 0 tab- lets for 25 cents. Get your supply. • Be foresight - cd and get some. Supplies limit- ed, HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly cared for. PHONE 111. Watches, Clocks and Jewelery Repaired Also Spectacles Now that the holiday trade is over we must settle down to business but we can't do so without thanking our many customers for their generous support and hope that we may still continue to do business on the same principles of a square deal to every- one,, EY".ES i'ESTED FREE How ranch are your eyes worth o, you'? Don't trifle with them if they bother you. Colne in and have them fitted properly, We solidi; a share of your patronage with the. uitderstancfing that everys pair of glasses sold is fully guaranteed to give satisfaction and comfort, Prices oasonable, HEADQUARTERS., i?OR PTiO'NOLAS The cheapest also the best marline on ,the market, ranging in, prices from 018.00 to $2550.00. Needles and records always on band, R. H. JOHNSON leveler and Optician Issuer: of tfarriego licensee. Next, to ldevcy's Drug S'toto), RAW FURS ' WAN'TED,-HIGHEST pi'Jcee pt'iici,-41. A. 'Bovey, fatale toe, -b4. FOR. SOLS. -ON ALBERT STREET a seven roomed cottugo, 1leetrie lights ; soft and town hater to kitchen For pttrtieult,r's apply to T. A. Greig, -1$ GIRLS ViIANTEO 1 WE GAN GIV31 EMPLOYMENT TO e FEW MOR1 KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE.. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. LITE POULTAY ANTED every week. highest market price paid. W. MARQUIS Phone 14-166 R. R. No. 1 Selected Potatoes Wanted ! for immediate delivery. We take them. any day. Highest market price paid, We want them before cold spell comes. JAS. STEEP & CO. Box 192 Phone 126 THE DORNEO STORE Live and Let Live Eat Fish at Least Twice a Week We are asked to conserve food and help the Allies. There is no better way than this. Food will be the tnien•,s, punts 01, the war. ':t is the d,.ty of all ti, ,ave nou-perisliable foods. 133 eating fish you are helping to win the war. Fish is a delightful and economical fuod. You will be surprised what new zest it will give to the neem. Here aro a few varieties to choose from : Cod S teak, Finnan Haddock, Fiiletts, Salmon Trout, White Fish, Halibut, Herring, Fresh Water Herring in brine. Butter and eggs wanted -'highest prices cash or trade. E. E. HUNNIFORD f61#,1;1111! LET US LOAD some of our baled hap and feed on our truck the next time it is going in your direction, which will belvery, soon. Just as an experiment ,we ask you to. try them on your horse for a while. 1f it doesn't result in your becoming a steady customer for our bay and feed we miss our guess. Olite used always a user has been our experience, W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phone 199. highest prices paid for Grain and Wool. Elevate)!. Residence phone 9-142, WE WANT NOW A Reliable Agent in iluron county to soli PCllianl'a Peerless Fruit and Ornamental trees !luring fall and winter months, Good pay, exclusive territory, free selling equipment.) Over f,00 acres of the choicest nursery stock, including new varieties controlled by us. Handsome up-to- date selling equipment and a splen- did Canadine -grown stock to offer customers, We are not jobbers. Write now for agency terms to P1IJJUAM NURSERY 00 'I`oronto, Ont. N.T3.-t".atalogue sent on request to applicants fol' agencies pr, %mato:t it Of nittsety dole, 5 immloommommumsammommoup O • uI' Big,Cp f.Ee Drive Will Begin This Rive you ever thought of it. You are P, , w P paying in no more for O'Neil's special Coffee at 45cts, per lb, than before a3f e the war, and here are other kinds Monarch at 25c per tin George Washington at 35e per an Reindeer at 15c and 25c per tin Camp Coffee at 25e per tin SV. O'Nell' g The Hnb Grocery CREAM WANTED 1 We will buy your cream and guar- antee you- 'IIIGIIEST PRICES ACCURATE RECORD. PROMPT RETURNS ENTIRE, SATISFACTION Write us for cans. We supple them. Pay express charges, Pay, you for the cream you ship twice each month. Carefully weigh,, sam- ple and test each can and send you a statement. Write today, prices ,are bigfi. Agents : Walton -W. Cr, Neal Riaburn-Hall & Co: Varna -Beatty Bros. TIIE Seaforth Creamery Co. Box 486 SEAFOR.PH, ONTa LOGS WANTED ! We are again prepared to pay the highest spot cash prices for all kinds of timber, either in bulk pr be the thousand, and'either in the bush: or delivered in our yard, It you have anything to offer call up the old reliable market (11-7r15), We are getting out some of, our home grown klemlock which is better. and cheaper than the freighted stuffs so if contemplating any new build- ings, or repairing, lot us help you Plan your work. Our services are free. We also have in stook all kinds of Dressed Lumber, McNair Branch Shingles, Canada Cement, and Baf- too Fertilizer.• J. B. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD. WANTED New Laid Eggs Fauey Prices arra being paid for strictly, new laid eggs at our poultry plant: 'Bring your eggs to us and get the ready, cash. LIVE Poultry Walltod Highest prices will be paid for largo quantities of live poultry, that Will be required to meet •the increasing de- lnand due to meatless days. Pouitrli taken, the first throe clays of each week during the Winter months. fie gond to your flock of liens this year and help production', • This is patriotic work and at the seine time, bellying your own pocket. GUNN, LANGLOIS .CO. CLINTON N. W. Trewartha, Phone 190 Manager or 'Relneeville 4 on 140 Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing A second-hand wood furnace, in good repair, for sale,. cheap. try 1 THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for tiecla furnaces Slik p over Ilawfantl's UsrdWi *, P0(i130 rL. ..., . , 1