HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-1-10, Page 1No. 2005;. -38th Year CLINTON. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1918 TM HOME PAPER Do not Fail to Renew your subscription before thi 15th inst. and thus secure at the old price of One Dollar for 1918 TNews Record -4 he Wrinkled, Aeache and headache removed by wearing glasses scientifically fitted and accurately adjusted by W.X. Xellgar avele; and Optician Clinton 11 The Royal Bank OF CANADA. Incorporated 1869. Capital Authorized 825,060,000 Capital Paid-up 12,011,700 Reserve and Undivided Pratte 14,824,000 Total Aeaets 300,000,000 420 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Savings Depoeits. General Banking business transit:Oat R, E. MANNING, Manager Clinont Branch 3 14 INCORPORATED 1855 LSONS ,ets Capital and Reserve 58,800,000 98 Branches in Canada. A Ceneral Banking Ensinecs Transacted, Circular LtAters of Credit Bank money Orders. avigsID! 1-- ro ,..ep.rtment. Interest allowed as higbest, current rate. H. R. Sharp, Acting Manager, Clinton Branch ..tremtit.•14110,11• ........... READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING 2 he glorttsh Clothing Co. OR DEIIRD CLOTHING y Your Next Winter's 1ivercoat If you Buy Your Winter Overcoat Now we can save you 50 per cent. ItAttlitSIMItiata.1, tallest Consider What This Means • Boys Overcoats clearing at 8.50 next winter price 12.50 10.00 15,00 Men's Overcoats 13.50 20,00 15.00 22.00 18.00 28.00 ottaltamesanyttetratMematam Make your selections now While the Assortment is Good 5 dozen Men's Underwear, broken lines, /67 regular $1,00 and 1.25, to clear at ..i 106.. toxmltrall,mmyt. ...mrtanammanzurmnrcsnsmoMMI,AllingERV=202921=1231= THE - OHNSH C[0111116 CO. Motto "A Square Deal for Every Man*" Agent C. P. R. Phone 18 for Sunday or night calls. THE OFFICIAL MAJORITY., The official count gives mr. • J, Kerner, Unionist candidate in South Huron in the recent parliameataro el- ection, a majority( of 55, TOM JUNIOR NOW IMPROVING. Master Tom Jackson, soa of Mr. and Mrs. P, Jacksou of town, has been vert ill during the past week witli, pneumonia and for a time his parents were, very anxious about him, but he is improving, It Is hoped his recovery now will. be rapid a.na com- plete. HAS EXTENSIVE INTER,SISTS. Col. Hoare, the well known music dealer of teem, was in Toronto on business last week. Mr. Hoare is recognized as a pushing and energetic business men who has worked up an extensive trade, but we fancy it will be news to many to know that he does considerable business in Toronto, and makes a number of sales of pianos and other ' musical instru- ments there, THE, PEOPLE'S PAPER WELCOME In writing to relies', his sub. to The People's Paper for 1918 a sub- scriber from another town says : "The Nows-Record is Me a letter from home each week, We wouldn't like to be without it", Auother, who has been absent from, Clinton for a longer period writes : ot am enclosing a reaewal of my sub. for 1918. Although we have been away Drone the old town for ,the past twelve years yet we like ,80 keep in touch with what /13 goiag on there. Wishing you a prosperoue new year." THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Mr. R. J. MillerOseaded the polls on elondep, as he did, last year, only by a larger, lead, *Ur. Slider has time to devote to municipal affairs and as he takes a keen interest in the town's business the people are convinced he makes a good represen- tative at the council board. Mr. Bert Langford, who just miss- ed election last year, came; in second. The vote polled by him was some- thing ,el a surprise to mem'as he's new in the municipal field, but "Bert" is a good fellow, is liked by his friends and will no doubt make a good councillor. Mr. A. T. Cooper, who is no nov- ice in municipal affairs, having serv- ed at the comma board for several terms, was third in the race. Er. Cooper was nominated for mayor and for reeve as well as for councillor but preferred to enter the Contest as a councillor. Nothing which effects Clinton is uninteresting to Mr., Coop- er, He'll make a good civic. ser- vant. Mr. H. Wiltse has utuncrous friends in Clinton who would feel that there was something wrong it the had not a seat at the council board,. Hs has had much experience in municipal af- fairs, is a good anancter, has excel- lent judgment and his presence on the town's executive is considered el A ad- vantage to the teem. Mr. J. P. Sheppard Is a busy man, his ever-growing business demanding more and more of his time. But nevertheless, beteg public-spirited and taking a real interest in the welfare of tho town, he manages to spare time to give attention to municipal matters. He has little time to de- vote to canvassing, however,, and the vote polled for him an Monday was evidence of the, confidence the people have in him. Murray lIMEwan,, who has had but one year's experience as a couacillor, polled a gook' vote, Mr. Menlwaa is naturally quiet. He doesn't make a "big noise" about anything but he, has plenty of Mende, as the, polling on Monday proved, . who believe in his abilltp, and they gave him good support, Theabove six constitute the coun- cil for 1,918, Mr. W. J. Paisley polled a larger vote this year than he did 'lest but still failed to get among the first six, Only three of the candidates last year polled over two hundred votes while the whole six councillors went over the two hundred otark this year, Mr, Paisley was not so atec- ious to win that he will lose any sleep over losing, however, Being the people's representative is no cinch. No pay and less thanks. Mr. W. J. Nediger polled a good averlagh vote, too, pulling a strong vote iu his own ward, but somebody had to fall behind. It may be that the electors thought Mary' street was too well represented in last year's council, no rawer then tour councillors and the recite having theft residences on that thotoughtate. Mr, he:diger is progressive, energetic and a worker. The °outlet]) would bave been the stronger, pollees, had he been included, but he will no donlit come back another year anal efronger than over, Efe (lid not put in much time canvassing. Mr. T. W, Ilawhins fell behind a bit but lie probably bon himself to blame for it. Ile's too independent to canvas and be is, too young a man and has not bad enough exper- ranee in public life to ewe, won ti repetation which will seareeshilly carry an election without some 710r - smell effort, urralamy's" a hustler, thraleb, He'd make a . good Oen- cilia end lin Will come back icTall Wined a doubt. FORMER CLINTON, 1301' illAillerldA The marriage of Rev. 0, C. Ohtani, 0.A.„ of Port Stanley and Mies Zieg, ler of ,Kitcheeer, took plaee last week. Mr, Gifitrd is a Bon of the Late Rev. W. Gifford, formerly, pas- tor of Ontario St, church,. THE LOCAL MARICET., 'neat $2.10, Buckwheat $1.40. Oats 75c. ts75 EBuggttser45 304ctoto48805.e, Live Hoge $.17,50. IllitIThisT QUITE MAKE IT, Mr. Garnet Archibald, who gave up his seat as are Alderman in Tor- onto to run for. tate Booed, of Con- trol,, 1 is a relative of the Messrs. Cantelon of town, Though uesee- cessful, he made a, good run, arid should succeed not year, if he runs again, W.P.S. NOTES. The regular meeting of the Wont- esx's Patriotic Society wild be held Friday afternoon at three o'clock: - Members are asked to bring all fin- ished work for the January, ship- ment. Owing to the holiday, Reason. the collection from the Penny Bags was not as largo in December, being $86.00, It is hoped that these do- nations will keep as largo as possible for without funds , the work for the soldier lads cannot go on. Every- body,is urged to keep, the knitting needles goieg. 7tIODELITES NOW TEACHING. The Model Class et 1817 was de- clared by Principal Bouok 'to be ase et the best all-around classes ever as- sembled in Clinton. They were so uniform and so uniformly good, that it was a pleasere to teach them, at least so olio would. gather from the enthusiastic 'Principal. Almost all have begun teaching, being placed as follows : Gifford Beaton, Sheppardtoa ; Ethel Butler, junior retie), Nanticoke ; Is- abel Cameroh, junior room, Cbalk River ; Glena Campbell, Tara ; Eva R. Carter, Collie, junior division ; Norma Coatsworth, Forest ; Grace Edwards, Watford ; Ida Eisley, Dun- gannon ; Tena Marquis, Uornings Mills, junior division ; Ada McQuar- rie, Belwood ; Isabel Monroe, Copper C1117 ; Stella Nelson, Petrolea ; Is- abel; Park, Tipperary ; Jessie Shreib- er, Mt, Forest ; Eva Woods, R. R. No. 5, Simcoe, Helen Morrison and :Wary Short bad not. reported whether they had secured schools and Nora Sector is not teaching. THE COUNCIL MEETING. The 'council of 101(7 met in the council chamber on Monday evening to wind up the business of The year, all members present. A communication tram. A. ;Diaper asking for a refund of business tisx was considered and a motion was passed allowing it. Mr. le. E. Manning had written the council regarding a contribution to the 'Halifax sufferers: After some oonsideratton it was decided to leave this for the new council to attend to, The report of the finance con:unite tee was passed. The coal situation was discussed somewhat, the mayor remarking that; the outlook was not yet very bright, Two ears had been promised !luring their recent rime to Buftalo and two cars had now arrived in Clinton, Ho thought things had loosened up a l i t t l re., Mr. Sheppard said lie had.been ask- edby, the Clinton band to' express to the council the thanks of tint body for the donation granted them for the replating and repairing of their iastruments,a grant which had, been well expendd. Mr. Wiltse expressed his sympathy with the two defeated members but reminded them that it was', not the first tinie good men had fallen ,by the way. "We have had," continued Mr, Wiltse, "during the past year a very harmonious council," Following Mr, 'Wiltse each of the re-elected members spoke his regret that the two retiring members were not returned, as all had worked to- gether so well during the past year. Mr. Nediger, one of the members who did not quite reach the goal this time, ie replying to the kind Worlds of his fellow-councillots said that he had endeavored to be fair and honest toward h's fellowenem- Mrs and had also tried to do .is duty thy the electors. Had he been re-elected he would, haveibeeit pleased to sit for mother term . but hoped the new members would prove to be better public servants, Mr. Paisley, the other councillor who had lagged a, trifle in the race, thanked his fellow -members for the kind words spoken, "Having no axe to grind I have no regrcte," said Mr. Palelep, "and I hope the new men will be good members, T shoul'l have lilted to atm the old council te- turned by acclamation hitt es that was not to be and the people, bete spoken I am quite ready to step down." ' After the meeting she mayor end reeve leveled the numbers of the commit and the Moir to all oyster Braver at Bertlifde, 22 NEW LIBERAL LEADER. Mr, William Proudfoot et Cloderich, member of the istovisiolal Leglelature for. Centre Huron, has been, chosen temporarily as leader of the Liberal Party In Ontario. Mr, Proultoot has represented Centre Huron in the Provincial Legislature elece 1908, LITTLE, LOCALS.. The 0.0,1., Modelschool and School of Cleunnerce re -opened after the inid-winter ,vaeation on Mendes, last, Major Hays of Seaforth is suing Frank Weiland 01 theedluron Exposi- tor for $15,000 damages for alleged libel contained in a pamphlet printed by, him. On Tuesday evening next D.0.0,141, Baird of Brumfield and suite will Ol- sten the officers for the ensuing term, at No. 85 It0.0.1Ph, Clinton, HOCKEY NOTES., Group No, 8 in the Ontario Hockey Association consists of the clubs of Seaforth, Clinton end Ood- erich, and the following schedule of games have been arranged, flee of width have already' been played 011 Jan. 1st, Seaforth at Mitchell' ; Jan, 4th, Goderich at Clinten 8th, Clinton at Settler% , Jan, Rah, Mitchell at Goderich, Se.aferth at Clinton ; Jan. liltO, Goderich at Mitchell ; Jan. 17th, Mitchell at Sea - forth, Clinton at Godetirb ; ran, 22nd, Clinton at Mitchell, Seaforth at Goderich ; Jan. 24th, Mitchell at Clinton. ; Jan. 29th, Goderich at Sea - forth. Roy McDonald of Godetich is the official referee, CLINTON NOT BADLY SERVED. Clinton and, the other theme aloes the Buffalo and, Goderichl line are now appreciating more fully the et - forts of the Clinton Board of Trade, witch secured last summer conces- sions from the G.T.R. whereby they sent the Toronto traineout of Strat- ford two hoursi earlier than former- ly, arriving in Clinton at eleven ten a.m. Last winter when the train service Lot the H. 8, B. line was cut down to one train each way our Toronto mail and papers dice not ar- rive until about two. o'clock in the afternooe, but this winter they ar- rive ,in the morning soon atter eleven o'elock, that is when the train is on time. Subscribers to the daily tees - Papers are glad to be able to read the news at the noon hour, Y,L.P.A. NOTES, The Girls' Auxiliary sap nobody should Pail to see charming Marguer- ite Clark in. tile "Valentine Girl," to be presented under their auspices in the town hall on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, Jan. 15th. This pretty and gifted actress is one of the foremost of the movie world and the fllm promises to be a good. one. Other attractions in the form of local talent will; make ,the perfor- mance a specially entertaining one. Auxiliarp endeavors,have taken a new turn in the formation at a girls' patriotic hockey team. A meeting was held in the rink on Monday ev- ening when Mee. Robinson was el- ected president and Miss Margaret Schoenlials, secretary. It must he understood that 'this hockey scheme has heft devised not ,only for prac- tised players, but for amateurs. too. Anyone who, can skate at all and who is anxious to learn hockey will be welcome. Those wishing to know more about it should enquire of the president, the secretary or Mrs, ,fack MacKlanee. Preparations are being made for, a minstrel show and play, which it Is expected wilt take place on the 5th and 6th of February. The sresident of the auxiliary asks that all who can possibly attend the next meeting on Friday at 7 o'clock shall do so as the leader M the minstrel perfor- mance is anxious to make up the choruses. AMONG THE 0111.:ROHES, All the churches observed the special day of prayer on Sunday last, The Rev„ E. 0, Fade will take as his subjects at the Baptist church on Sunday next the following : Morn- inge-e,The Three Groups,," in the ev- ening-e"The Meaning of the Cross." * The lation services for prayer, which are being held in Wesley' chur- ch each evening this week, aro he- ft% 'ell attended. Olt Monday ev- ening the Rev. Mr, Porde conducted the meeting and Rev. 3. .A. Agnew Preached, on Tuesday evening Rev. J. le. Hogg had elurge and, Rev, 11Ir. Jones preached, and Wednesday er- ening Rev, J. A. Robinson conducted the service and Rev. Mt. Hogg preached, * * Next Sunday and 'Monday the Lea- gue anniversary in connection with Wesley church, will be observed, The pastor will preach in the mornine and in thedeeenine the Roe. E, Hogg of Willis crated will preach, both eddreseing, ; the yenta; people es- pecialiy. Ott elonday 0, ening Capt. A. Graham, meter of 1 haliners church, Londoe, who went owl:newts as a chaplain, will tell something about the "Boys at the Front," aril it musical Mogan I 'will be given. flail the proceeds of Moseley Own- ing Will be given For patriotic per- posee. 1 ONE GOES, ANOTHER COMES, i• Mx, Roger Pepper, who i8 retiring from itis farm in Tuckersmith, bee purchased the resident) ot; Mr, E. Meeker cm Frederick street end will move into town in the spring, Ma Blacker, having bought a farm, to- tenda going Otto the ous!Atss or greater production and moves out te his fterm as soon as the winter loos- ens its hold a bit. We bespeak for Mn. and Mre, Pepper a happy so - 1 journ in Clinton. COMING TO TOWN. Mr. Geo. Watts, who recautly sold his farm near Brucefield, has pur- 1 chased the residence of Miss Tebbutt 1 on 1Princess street and will move in- to town In the spring. The Souse is at present leased and map not be vacant when Mt. Watts is ready to occupy it but in that case he, will no doubt be able to secure another dwelling until it is ready tor him. Clinton citizens will welcome Mr. and Mrs. Watt' to teem. ' HELP THE W.C1.T.U. Tho W,C,T.U, will make a cullec- ton of triakets, such as old pieces of jewelry, silver thiniblee, table, sil- ver, ole,, anything which could be melted down and turned to tiny, use, and, will sell same to add to a Fuad for supplying the soldiers at the front with cocoa and other drinks. Look through your buttoa boxes and notion drawers and see 11, emu have anything which might be deed to bring comfort to the soldier Wines. A.O.F. ELECT ,QFFICE.111S, The officers lowly elated in Court Prosperity No. 7863, Ancient. Order of Foresters for 1918 e Chief lienger, Carl Draper Sub Chief Ranger, Jacob eelemais 14, Woodward, Wm, Slomau Woodward, Jas, Appleby S. Beadle, Wm. Niekle J. Beadle, Jas. Livermore Treasurer, John Derry Secretary, A. F. Cuamore Trustees, Wm, Brown, Jas. Apple- by, Then. termite'. HURON'S CASUALTY LIST, The casualty lists have been very light for tho past few weeks, and few Herm' men have been among the listed. The following have appeared since the 1st published list Killed in action—Pte. N. W, Por- ter, Hensall, Presumed dead—Pte., W:' 87. Tugas- ke, Wroxeter. Wounded and missing—Pte. E. Welsh, Heusall. Wounded—Flt. Lieut, R. W. Ryan, Goderich, 1-1.W.C.A., NOTES. The December shipment to Hyman Hall consisted of the following : Varna Society -20 pr, socks, 19 flannel shirts, 4 pyjamas, 1 trench cap, .1 package tad cotton, Bayfield Society -22 pr. socks, Stanley Maple Leaf -17 pr, woks, 12 flannel shirts. Bethany Society -21 pr. socks. Turner's church -14 pr. socks. Clinton W.P.S.-104 pr. socks, 12 flannel shirts, 0 pyjamas, 140 "Meets, 32 slips, 30 trench towels, 2 trench caps, 1, package old cotton and mag- azines. To Semairs National ; Clinton Girls' Auxiliary -8 pr. wales. Clinton W. P. 5,3 pr. socks, 1 quilt, Bayfield -4 quilt, 2 Scarves donated by Mrs. Farran. To Own Boys Varna Society -4 pr, socks and 4 flannel shirts. Some time ago an appeal was made by the 1-1.W.C.A. to) all the Patriotic societies in the county for a Xmas gift for the Belgian children. The societies at this centre that con- tributed to this most worthy cause ere Cliuton W.P.S, t $70, Stanleys Maple Leaf SIO, Holenesville Pat, Society $10, Bethany Soolety $5, Total $95. The' Clinton Girls' Auxiliary donat- ed $25 the week before the county organization decided to take it up, ARE GETTING )WOOD, "deserti, Palette, and Miller, the sunntilttee appointed hr the Noma to look into the Nett, eituattou iu Clinton, have secured a wood lot In Stanleyt township and are having the wood eat, When it is ready it will be 'Rohl mt cost to time ia need of fuel. It would be a good. idea it the council could ttbbgl some more wood, ed lanclosinci get a supply of wood on baud so that in case ot emergency there would be somethlag. to fall back, epee. The new council will no doebt take tilite fuel situation into serieus consideration and will do what east be done to relieve the shortage, A.TTNNDED DISTRICT MEETING, A large number of the local mem- bore of the Orange Order went to Seaforth on Tuesday to ettead the annual mediae of the Ifullett Sets - Wet, The Clinton men* 1 were taint overlooked when, the officers were chosen, Ito fewer titan five twine btrea elected to °ace. The following is the list of officers Districtitlaster, Rev..1, A. Itobieesea Deputy Master, jama es Dunfor Chaplain, Rev, W. B. Moulton Rec.-Secretary, John Bullard elm -Secretary, Freak Pentiebaker Treasurer, -- Runde. Lecturer, T. .1, Managliali D. of C., D. IL Tyner, lAlleLL-KNOWN PUBLIC MAN DEAD, Ilea, Andrew Broder, exeM.P. fat Dundas County, died suddenly Ett 1119 home at itorrisqurg en Fridae, morning last. The late Mr. &oiler reel:eel:4MS Dundee as a Conservative lima 1875 to 1886 and agaia from 1898 until a few mouths ago when tte roe tired from public life, I -M was ap- poluted a member of the Prier Ceuta eil of Canada itt Feb. of 1916, Fre was a man of sound judgment eel commanded the respect of /10th Sides of the house, Ile has beeu described as "one of the best liked, men le Paxliameut." Broder was au uncle of Mrs. G. D. and Mrs. M. 0. I(feTaggart at town, NOBLE—LANXON NLTPTIALS. The marriage took place at tee Methodist, parsonage, Saskatooe. Sask., on New Year's day of Miss Mabel, 'daughter of Mrs. Jolie Laneme. of Albert street, Clinton, to Mr. Rich- ard Noble of Aclanac, Sask., $011 04 Mrs. Noble of Joseph street. The bride -wore a suit of nor blies cloth,velvet hat.bodice ot pink silk and a :1,,lack: The ceremony- was petformed by the Rev. Mr. Hobart and iininedia- ly afterwards AIL and Mrs. NOM left for their borne at Atlanac, Both bride and gruain are welt known in Clinton, the latter leaving town. °ley a couple of weeks age, and the many friends here Cell there many years of happy married Hee YOUR SERVANTS FOR 19118. The Clinton council for 1918 mite tests of the following: Mayor, C. W. Thompscn, Reeve, James A. Ford, both elect. ed by acclamation, Councillors, R. J. Miller, Perk Langford, A. T. Cooper, J, Sheppard, H. Wiltse, 1111trean Me- • Ewan. Public Utilities Commissioners, the hempen S. J. Aodrews, B. ,1. Gibbings. The latter a new meet, bor, being elected by acclamation, New School Trusteee, all elected bp acclamation : St, Andrew's Ward—N, Ball St, James' Ward—T, J. McNeit St, John's Ward—Jabez Rands St. George's Ward -.S. J, Evans, V.S, Monday's vote by wards : St St St, St. And. Jas, Jobe Geo, MulIer 60 81 77 56 289 Langford 47 65 50 52 014 Cooper 38 71 511 48 209 \Witte 58 49 55 46 206' Sheppard 46 48 58 55 207f MeEwan • 44 57 57 49 201 Paisley 52 37 57 48 189 Nediger • 38 44 56 .13 191) Hawkins 34 46 30 36 110 moutommemmme.NommEmel CiBE News -Record mailing list has been corrected jo up to Dec. 31st, 1917, The labele reading Jan.19 are paid one year in advance, to the beginning of Jan. 1919, Those reading Jan. 18 are only paid until the beginning of Jan. 1918. Renewals which reached. this office since Monday are not indicated on the present list. Subscribers should look at their label to see how they stand, and, in view of the fact that the subscription price is being advanced after Jan. 15th, 101R, should brina in or send in their renewal before that date and so obtain The News -Record for 1.918 lit the old price of one dollar, Many renewals have already come -in hut there are a number still who almuld take advantage IIF thin oppor- tunity, ,Not more than two year',..niiHeription will be accepted at the dollar rate, Ask us about clubbing ra t..a ,ri, h :inv daily or weekly We can save vnu money n'' '0' It, r periodicals. WisYng our patrons all 'Me annolimants of the . Sensed),