HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-12-25, Page 4SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN CANADA
Three months , , ... , $ 40
Half year $ ,75
Year .. 4.50
—If not paid in advance, P. per annum—
Great Britain
United States
France : , ,
Office Phone 30.
Children Cr
1tt: Wit
-\. �,; .cam tib .4,6. v.\'c
Fletcher's Castoria is .strictly a remedy for Infants and Children.
Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine
is even more essenti 1 for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared
for grown-ups are not :interchangeable. "It Was the need 'Of
a remedy for the common, affluents 'of Infants and 'Chiidreh'
that brought Castoria before "the public after years of research,
and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30
years has not proven.
,i. hat i :1A?
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 0i1, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
, therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend.
Bears. the Signature of
Use For Over 30 Years
R * * * * * * * * N
• • member also that a clean chimney can-
s not take fire, Fires from burning chim-
neys, or live sparks from excessive fires
* * * *
* in stoves and furnaces, often set fire to
wooden roofs.
Be sure that your family has ' some-
one carefully inspect the chimney and
flues occasionally to see that they are
sound. It sosts the people of the Un-
ited States over twelve million dollars a
year in fire losses to neglect this pre-
Lord -Lieutenant, Of Ireland, wild had a
narrow escape from assassination in
Ireland Friday.
Mother: "Did you call Edith up this
Daughter: "Yes, but she wasn't
down." •
"But why didn't you call her down?"
"Because she wasn't up."
"Then call be up !IOW, and. call her
down for not being down when you
called her up."
Children Cry
Do you know that soot is dangerous
and expensive? . When stoves and
furnaces have been burned for some
time, there will generally be deposits
of soot at various points. It is im-
portant to keep the stoves, flues and
chimneys clean. This will save fuel
and 3nerease the ?teat; it will also re -
'hove danger, When a stove smokes,
4t is' unsafe, for the gas from the
smoke may cause an explosion, Re -
Children C'ry
'teaching city of Fortune.
Would you reach the city of Fortune?
Catch the car marked Perseverance.
Position in Life,
Your position in life is high or low
as your ideals are high or low.
'Strength of the Soul.
The soul that is not strong In .solt-
tnde is not strong in a crowd.
There is no wisdom like frankoess.—
Onr Troubles.
Mi our trnnbl'ec ,'inset •froMour sense
of sel,nretonogs from rile`• infinite
source. --Griffon Sw'tt t,Inrden.
T^mpttia rho Ciatiir.
'1Fhe devil foutpi! 1,e 'lint 'tis uta
tem;tt 'tisk hf"! outog 111,4 .ykttl with
apNurtuaity:—Gaorye ISilot.
'• Band .Stands1'd Moue*: • •
btiia3arlf boueea'°afa •befng;•buitt 'bv'
tl�If'8i'ltie$ gdeetisso tf tk 'oitereome
WM'tiduael altbr.6ittti. Tfia tyfie a'ad,slto
of"the' i:tiant'a ^4141•'viro abemviin
tfie dt t►tot•ln'dhien they'De butt;"bat
all the parts silt be standardized, fseen
the toilette to wtendow tat/bads. Wherever
possible gardens will be provided for
lend onttivat4on.
,00401.0.010A 10.0010~000.0.01
No men Usti "get n blrtptring titled keep
It all to hIntself -L without having it
like stagnant Water•in his goal;''but
tf it overflows to others It shall become
a perennial siring tb liiln+clf and to
the world.--«'tlteu Dfer1e deuitb.
Opportunities approach only those
who use theta—Emerson.
The Bread Hat.
A brood hat duos not always cover
a venerable head.
The Stomach eg. sl
digestion, ` but the most important
'wok is deme by the bowels, liver and
kidneys., Failure of these to act
e ''iciosntly allows the whole body to
be poisoned..
13EECS AM'S PILLS do more than
produce bowel movement. Liver, skin
and kidneys are influenced to more
active effort with resulting increased
effect. It is always safe to take
Sold ovor +?tern in Cattan. It leoxtir.,.".w.,, 53e.
Thursday, ,December 25th, 4949.
Do Not Neglect ►� ...�
The Dad o ; •,: lit
iT MAY: BE Ertl US
TD -;,o O i'iW
May Develop into Bronchitis, Pneu-
monia and perhaps Consumption.
1Vfiss, lvIury Prouie, ; R.R. No. 1.
Cedardalc " flit.,'.. writes •—"I 'had the
Influenza in Rovemher' last, and it left
me with a terrible cough. I did• not
attend Wit unttl'it got so severe people
wained me' itwae'time to' see about it,
I west to the dootor and got aomo
mtdietne. IJG*told nus it was a bad
attack of bronahitjs,1 I cottld.not'Blee5R"
e. d: would have , to B;t lip neanlj al
mght,. it was: ad ` d,ttitFicult lototiai to Ott
my breath: Tlre'doator's medteihe 'did
not seem to he helpise me the lenet'isit,
^'One h£ our nOtglabbni as sop' title iH►y,
Mil" told'it about' Dr. `w` e Noviay
1!iYie Byatili; 1'tY'11d`itlad! 'took t o
bettlos, 'I',o pesaedi. could bbadvo .bow
it helped me." 1 have repot ed it
to different people stags:, for I believe I
Noce re}soas for dointg so: . f. ;
'Dt. Wood's Nttc'*sy ping' *rule' lata
been: on the hs rket..for'the past 30
years, "adenoids oul by.iteeh as remedy
for alleoughe,ss4 enlos.. , .
9d lure and riertbe teal "Dr. Weed'A"
o e ee,yitu sakifor, it. Put up in a yellow
wrapper; 3 pile ,trees the trade mark; '
price 25e. and Stk. .
' Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, 'T'oronto, Ont.
Lions Do Not Forget
A ease is on record of one lion
who' recognized an 'old friend after
seven years, and Went wild with joy
on seeing hint..
This lion spent his early days at
the Court of Morocco., Then it was
shipped to England and kept at the
Tower. Seven years' later, to Eng- 1
iishntan wholn it had "known" to
Morocco visited the Tower, and the
lion smelled him.,even before he saw
hint. No dog ever gave its master a
happier welcome, man an went in
pP v ns
the cage, and the lion fawned
on him
and licked his feet; After his de-
parture, the lion refused food for four
A somewhat similar case it re-
forded of a tiger, who was shipped
from Asia to this country, and re-
cogniacd a fo:'is"r owner a few years
afterwards at the Zno.
For 1't 'r tr ;tri Children
ii ib ; i 4 v , '."8"ti ;O'YeliirT3
Alwey, v
• tire
Signature of t :e ,
A Christmas Greeting.
"Conte to us, 'Christmas, good old day,
Soften us, cheer us, say your say
To hearts which thrift, too eager, keeps
In bonds, while fellow -feasting sleeps.
Good Christmas,, whom our children love,
We love you tool Lift us above
()ur cares, our fears, our small desiresi
Open our hearts and stir the fires
Of helpful fellowship within us,
And back to love and kindness win us."
—Edward Sandford Martin. .
Reading the above little poem leads us to wonder if we
need not indeed ask that we have returned to us more desire
to make of Christmas a real day of kindliness to others and
sweet, old-fashioned observances such as our grandparents
knew. When we stop to think about our last few years, we are
bound to admit that we have not been overly blessed with the
spirit of the day. True, for four dazed years whatever spirit
any of us had was a borrowed kind, a bravado we ,had for the
sake of our morale. And last Christmas we reeked not of
other problems, but had what might be called a continuance
of peace -day celebrations.' OUr.long months of forbearance
and grin -and -bear -it being at an end, we just let go, and those
of us whose hearts had not been touched by sorrow were rather
prodigal in our fun and giving.
Problems of .grave nature, involving personal and national
honor, are at our mind's doors for solution; social unrest is
gnawing at our vitals; men who .see only their own glory and
gain are seeking daily to sacrifice the good of their fellow men
for their selfish ends. Everywhere there are heart-rending
sights and plights to sadden our: hearts. Surely now if ever
is the time to recall the kindly, unruffled spirits of our ancestors
to help us through the rough, seas of the times,
We must remember that they, too, had their problems
which were seemingly insurmountable, their days of darkness
before the dawn, their intriguing statesmen and even their Bol-
shevists, They did not always come out victorious, but they
kept the faith and did 'the levelest best, and we must admit
they did rather.well so far as we can see.
So we must grasp the helm of our own particular little
ship of state, be it ever so insignificant, and 'with the real
spirit, carry on to best of our ability.' No caviling, no dodging
issues, no slanderous talk, but just honest, day-by-day living.
New Year's week is the tme for new resolutions but now is the
tu4te for action. Let us start now and try by doing forothers
and keeping a stiff upper lip, to see this epoch through, It Is
just up to us, that is all.
We can never hope to return to the good old days as
depicted above; we would not want to, But who knows but
that with our best efforts we may not arrive at something even
better and more to be desirod?
There are lots of miserable folks around you, maybe very
close. Look them np, if you cannot do more, shake them
firmly by the' hand and wish them "Merry Christmas," Dig
deep and find for yourself and these you love a well of unfail-
ing kindness, You Will be glad for the rest of your life,
�, RAt-.faa.�,n.S+tol+ra»g,s, svnrrsl n sts*Vi'>tanruY^ �ttrm n o. u 000110000/00. 0000 • ur m»• a
l vJd'dW`N�9'X11iM1,.'Wt7M0lL'.Y� YhMIiICNY,t4* I:V:C..M. i C44:...; t4. 54k�::,WYe 4 ( 4,t. ,145 ..04.10,
30 E-7-81MCOUGHS
3"G.7 t6SHi
The Function of Gold
(New York Herald.)
Gold stablizes international as
well as national trade and prices.
The gold standard notnially main-
tained throughout the war prevented
greater financial and economic dis-
turbances than actually existed. At
the close of the war the United
States held practicality the entire
world supply of • gold. Absence of
gold in the • warring' cbutttries of
Europe resulted in a 'depreciation' •a#
their paper money and "s.. correspond;ingrise'In prices. Gold disappeared
altogether in Europe, and its expor-
tation from this country' Was prohib-
ited. in fact, for years gold has tel-
dom been seen in actual business
Nevertheless, the gold standard
remained. Now that the embargo on
gold exportations is removed gold is
being;'exported rapidly. Since last
dune';g322;955,000 in gold has been,
expol'led from this country—mostly
to the Orient and countries which
have',a balance of trade against the
United States. Settlements are made
in gold. Thit,same gold will : be us-
ed by the Orient to settle with other
countries which have a balance of
trade against the Orient. Thus gold
is being 'rest'ored to its natural func-
tion—the stabilizing of trade and
prices. It Will assist in restoring
the purchasing power of the unit of
Only Tablets with "Bayer cross"
are Aspirin -No others l
Ther' Is r ly en \ p t, ilia' merited
-with tl ";!•y,r ( , ill other tab-
lets, are el- ��,;�r 1 1' ut ,i i, ,
tiepin iP >; ).1 inbi;ta of t nitro"
Intro 1)::411 ; :'i11)M by plty,i e.Is for
nineiren,t rt 1,1 p ovy.l Ir ly•'ul-
lionc for nun, 111 ,tchi a Ilgia,
tollit, 1 Itr i . ro, j,,,.,N 1111 Oa.
Hanly t b.; t tit 1i t ,111:--1,11.0
lar .5't " 11,u1
11 my Il • .,it1 1' i t ,.1'
,,.pit 1 ra I,io + i,140 i',,11, i 11.,1
11, t'•„1 ! .-i ,; 11 c 011 of
lilt, rat Ir 111 , 11
t,.trl., Will ie n.1 ,idled
I k lora' trade .oatir,, the