The Clinton New Era, 1919-12-18, Page 2earnentams
Thursday, DL'Fk'illlaor 18 11, 1919
is a Pleasure Here from a great stock of Practical Qift's,
'1'o assist you in your gift selection we publish� herewith a
list of good things:
Pretty Comforters, Cotton
.and Eiderdown filled from
$3,50 up/to $15.00
Fath Robes made of gond
quality velour eiderdown • wrap-
u to
$2.50 $
't r
+drat a
Sweater Coats in all the
new shades, orange and white,
noddy and white, purple and
white, rose and white. Also a
Furs niake a useful gift
We: have a
large asso't-
• stent of high
/j class furs In-
c l u d i n g
think, lamb,
fox, wolf,
Pitch; 'Hudson
es fox coon
w\ltll t",„w Thibet. u...,.0
Christmas silk Hose in
good assortment of pull over plat, blue, maize; .,1*,dare , white
and black•frons $1100 'up to $3.00
sweaters. f S ,.AZIt„ ..,ma-m..:aLL,•„......,,,m, *
Iv?ecv Blouses of excej>llDn- { maids, coven, ntuze, White. Il
•n and moderate. prices S
111 char. Purple 4
a Suitable
tl 1
in• crepe -de -chine da•citine an Georgettefees hulk 4
colors. Flesh, ntozr, rose, tan, i Christmas fiift,'fe"lava them in
li own, navy, white and black, ! kid, silk, chaatisetle, wool limo,
frau $5,00 to $18.00 brushed wool.
-. ....,-P.......,..-,.,..,-,..._ -._.___.-... �,saw,,�.,,�
. . Gifts �faa__,i• Ken .•,: 'res,
Silk Scarfs in all the new
Camisoles, a dainty.
plain silk and hrocodeed satin
pink, maize, bluee and white,
from $2.50 to $5.00
Braces, Antfels Gloves,
Hose, Supports, Umbrellas, 13a111
Robes, Silk, linen and law'ti. and -
This store will be open evenings Commencing Thursday, Dec.
48th and following evenings until Christmas.
_.. ._.... - ., •.•,rr-w,-„war .,. .-oo®s..,s-.---- 10..
Mrs, William Forbes, 4 6th concess-
ion of Grey Township, -December 4 3,-
aded 73 years, and was buried in Brus-
sels Cemetery on the Friday following.
At 5 o'clock on the evening of the fun-
eral, Mr. Forbes died,aged 77 years,
and, was buried beside his wife on
Tuesday last. Three daughters, Mrs.
WillMcKay 1
,c Mrs.
Currie, of Grey
t ntvnt;lti}: soil Mrs. John Rutherford
: urvive,
.Airs, John Yuill, a resident of Grey
Township, was buried on Thursday.
She, had attained her 000 birthday, and only i11.a few days. She was born
In the West Indies, and afterwards went
to Scotland, where site married Mr.
e -. s .t ..s
.xa.,�oaw.awm.nwctratmote uaa..:.....,.w,a.,,,•„�.w„�o„mm..w..,n•„w.m ,m,nann,.sepaci*Weacts ..tea. mu„m.. aumamuisuona
,n,mm,*.o-i,rs.,..c:..•,a•�w.�nvw,moaa<,,..-....••_..__-,.w.,.mwmo __^ .,w.•_ ....... .., ..... _...:.....
With the Council Chamber- of the • The Baptist Sunday School purpose
town hall decorated in a most elaborate having a Christmas tree entertainment
a'•at h'r the bazaar ,riven by the ladies on 'Tuesday night Dccenlber 23rd at
i Si. Pani's Church the building wail t+ o'clock,
cru the doors most of the day,
not only by the people of the lawn but evening next, the 23rd. Retired Methodist Minister Passes
ut the surruu,iri0. canonry', 11,1111e- j STANLEY.
Pugh Berry, of out' 111o,e is iearr,'� a..
tuade cooking, candy and fancy :wads ' to be a station agent at our railway Away at °✓dile wifle.
1 ani lands were sold. The proceeds.' Ileo. Mr. Carriere, of Grand Bend, station. --^�
Tinto s
int. t
n+, ,.•
sole the, a krnv,.Ic ha • .r 11 h -Re
•ttter t t Walkerville, e t v.
$300,do set He
over Addison nn son •• to t d n onstdarQle� A9 r. Joe d
.,n uu e t c sl
'oak and also visited at the home h
week nut et
igo to r different depart- ken at the name of his George Jackson, lath or ex -Mayor
which will th pcove d t rg y
moots of the church funds 11r. John A. Mnftat' near Londesebum.
A quiet matrlage was solemnized Mr. Peter Baird, and wife of"Pasqua, A U.F,O.'Society was organized in tt' W. Jacison, cif Wutdsor, •'roll a
on Wednesday, December 10th, whent"Sask„ arrived at the home of Mr, Geo. our village last week. John Murdock retired Aietltodist Minister, died
Edith Johnston, formerly of Wiughant, l'1'. Laird, on 'Tuesday of this week. was elected president. A goodly num- quite suddenly at his home, 99
became the bride of „lames L. Meei>on-ber Joined the society. Windermere Road, to -day, Be had
;..d, of Toronto, Rev Mr, Skey off'-,- Mr. Detot, of Comber, visited will
i elating, 'The' bride was attired in a HOLl9IESVILLE. 1 friends in our midst kat week. been ill several weeks from influenza,
l•uill, who died 35 years •t'ro two ravy blue with rue furs tate gloom Miss Margaret Brown returned AIN- but his condition was not regarded as
t t y•• M •t al f
Fred A,kenheali has gone t0 Zurich
where he has taken a position in Mol -
sons Bank,
The Sunday School Christmas Tree
entertainment will he held 01','1'uesdsy
Douglas, Hone helpers Sec'y. Mrs. J.
Addison, Stranger's Secy, Mrs. Wm.
Nesbitt. The Little Disciples Mission
Band closed Its books for 3O-19 with .an
Increased membership over 1,9 8 and
wltli 1154,75 In their treasury, and ad
vauce of 511.75 over the previous year,
I hree Junior memberships were pre
rated daring the year, utficers,
\llss Jessie Geinme:, Secretary, Irene '
Snyder, Treasurer, Janet Aikenhead,
trganist, Kathleen Snider.
sons, Councillor Walter Yuiii, of Morris , c is supported by hisbrother, Mr. John i t l's Md -'----,it • a •ono , •a • Clinton• • • siunary films. Hon:uf, China, who was serious. 11e was seventy -fuer years
Township and Alexander on the home- ' !,isn`t. :Li. A1,,.•r the eerensony the neat tete wee.: end with her friend, visiting her :punt. Airs. W. McGregor (rani.
stead, survive. Another son lives at ;hal+l+,v couple left on an extended trio
. , In; AUa1?rads .(, rtnav' I and other friendt returned to her home €€
Vanderbilt, Aliehit.uI and a daughter, I to American points, After the first of ` Mr, CCo0kin of looking
West, is visiting, in 'Tiverton on Saturday. We are all i Baru in Slit;:,, Ireland, he came
\i s P McDougall, live' it Jamestown • t•,nuary, r and Mrs. MacDonald will Itis: old- trends ,.us. r. DockmgI lookinforward with anticipation to 1 to Canada- when a boy. ile entered
Schools in town will close next Fri- lite in SAl
udburt t•r!n,?rly lived in this village. he bovine Navin Prov.n :tdt{re:a us, :.ume 1
the Methodist ministry in 1 Gr,, was
day for the t,hrtstntas vacation. There When he found of!te ors .ul the Lia tarsi +sad of his fronerty in -the West
time during the coming year.,,1 ordained at Alonireal, later being
are no changes in the leaching staff, 'r ;losing in upon hint, the man %ham ttooli1 like to purchase a farm around j The annual business meeting nd el-!
htr ctiun of ofll:ors for the W„monis transferred t„ 'Western (ha:trio, and
c :••;t t+rel+tratie'nc arebeim; made for •,11ssion:u•y c"c e', of Llnioi church livid charges at St. Mary's, Liam -
,,vas t hristrtas ire' entertainment winch { tvas heli! on Wednesday, C loth. The.
r; h' l'e held on Tuesday, Ihec, 23, {i:i,'tun, 14:,eter and `+triaiorci. Ills
:•t'a'r vas burnt with enthusiasm
'1 here t 1 n v 1.12;h', ire; sv,tenn tn•'.l 1 .trio cpurfs e t." ":r;',, T''te h :uLs List pastorate at Aralkrry?i1a in
d i, the Methodist Church beta whicltl i'.,we•d sit incta.tse of 14 in m:nib r- t•;'1, fr,aottin' ,:;tach he retired
'An ' uncentent is made of thew d tau.ihed a purse belonging to Mrs lien.
ding of the' dart atter of •laty}e.. and 1;011 1111, with a cheek and considerable
Mrs, Burgess, Brussels, to Fred Cox, a s,•,:011 of 1noney in it, left the money
't1 satchel
cetraria farmer is tizzy Township. , gad. i t a ulltar thin,[s with Ute.. .at .tool
f t ,1. t A. Winn,. and Miss.Mrry , +:dr .nere +tr. Smith cora i :at it last ni;ht.
its marriage t v Rev. A. 1. I W„ g :am and vicinity are c perf-
t',•eta honey non trip have ;,,e a't old-fashioned ,,urea -id. snow
,.,'•t rp residence on the ;:, a un's i filling plentiful and the''sler:hieg
tura, f n is c,.rd. Coal -here is not plentiful .of 1:I, illt,,rastlnsl features of vitt coal merchants are able to supply
Dt'IT s Presl'yteitan 111101ch, Chalton, : ti•ar., or less the demands of the. needy.
sneiversary, v,ts the burning; of the The Arena, which was blown down
„ rt are' the debt
being cleared' ed
t,ff t
the windstorm,
t ru
as a
Rev. RA,Lutl>, the 1a tur building en it rink Mr. H. Vardsnum,
committee and Ladies' Aid were repre-, the owner.
seated in this event, The funeral took place:to Winghanl
A hlorticulturat.Society has been or- Cemetery of'Joseph Bell, only son of
ganized at Walton with an energetic ; Mr and Mrs, Richard Vanstone, of
set of officers. Ur. Bennett, a St. this down, in 'his ninth year. He had'
Thomas enthuslanst, and W. Ilartry, { suffered for many mouths and 'passed
Seaforlh, president of the Ontario Hor- i away on Saturday last. lie leaves two
ticultural Society. were present to ad- I sisters, Jean and Margaret, besides his
dress the meeting. A number of tine I parents,
views were shown along horticultural 1 Mr. G. M. Elliott; secretary of the
Hates Walton has been affiliated with 1 Huron Children's Aid Society, was in
Brussels Society for the last three years, ; town on Tuesday in connection with
Application was made to the last 1 ^the society. Mr. Elliott would like
session of Huron County Council by 1 to procure homes for some girls who
Ethel for leave 'to become a police are from five to eight years of age,
village, and the work will now proceed, and a hone kir a boy four years of
The 160 -acre farm of A. T. Coles, age, and a place on a farm , for a boy
Morris 'Township, has been sold to Jas, 13 years of age.
Noble, •, East Wawanosh,, for the sum
of $8,000. Mr. Cole had to give up on
account of poor health.
At Thotnas Williamson's auction sale
the otter day two dozen Barred Rock
pullets sold at 52.40 apiece, and older
hens were taken at 51.60. each. The
high price' of eggs was the cause of
the lively bidding.
Births give his thoughts time to accumulate."
DUNSMORE-At the Sarnia General -Washington Star,
Hospital, on Thursday, December it, A lank Missourian walked into a
to Major and Mrs. R. L, Dunsmore, 437 woman's exchange in St. Louis. A
Eupitetnia street, a son, 1 cantankerous mi dle-aged woman step -
1 ped up and asked him what he wanted.
step -
Marriages I "Be this the woman's exchange?" Ye
LAWRENCE-WILLIS-At the Bap- enquired.
List parsonage, on Tuesday, Dec. t6th., 15 is," she snapped. • •
by 14v. E, 0. porde, Mr. Wesley Law- "An, be ye the woman?" he persist-
rence, of Weyburn, Sask., to Irene Wil- ea,
Ells, daughter of Mrs. S. Leppington, "1 am!" she replied in no gentler
of Clinton, 1 tones, _
He looked thoughtfully, transferred
h„ 1 his tobacco from one. cheek to the
"Biggins seems to have a great deo ' other, edged toward 'the door, then re -
tan his mind." marked casually: "Well, i -reckon
"No. He talks so much, he doesn't keep Sall"
Windstorm. Insurance
Why run the risk of damage by wind when you can insure
at the rate of 40 cents per $100 insurance for three years. No
premium note to sign. Policy written in my office.
Automobile Insurance
Insure your car' against fire from any cause anywhere in
Canada. The rates are moderate.
Live Stock Insurance
I can now write Policies covering death born accident or
disease on Al horses, cattle or other arnin>tals 'ori"the farm; ori
elsewhere. CALL AND -qv, ME.
C. ALE .-0 0 0 '+L.,1 i FI.1l N.o n
u::::1:mw:<a:wccvv,x:.:ivaawmcmcl ese,au+aadvcure,warvacmcpr-.airmcPPaavon ,iw+ncrr»
..i...1w •
rte�, �1'1 '° {.'� 1fl h r^
?Jn;Y fi'17 % tyHF' I,,. t., coni e•t,?ed;" the v,. 's be- ,t I 1' t r t rat t 1 :411e
LL ,9,.., rl�t pptl
1 i 1d.. fl tin - } .tit W i1: 'nasi , t to -;t, r The don els 4..i.,54-41, 1'y 1111 of r rat vole, .
I. t'c , the ; 1, t ora of the ,: ne. 11101., Al.i)ntt, 1 -Port
choir }, t
__.._ t 1. . , i .t n and four nu t., via„ , 1,... A.
etinl; s \ .::1 fine ec•
lba1 t.;r i1. ! a 1 t'„, r " t no.rai u l :. > t:,.,.1 co ct, E tons, 1 t Clark, Mrs.-1', rat ! of •:r rat ridge
The Vey. Mr, Coburn, an aged blind ,. •'t „nti0bs n bfls,
t ,siv cora the sta e:l at 1 at:in. 1 1 a .f i 1_•{..r tt ; 'oft plop ,Mato, be.idas
lc 0sitio to .i c arra- the goods minister, lately delivered lect«r; to
1 to} edtos dr that 1aah a1 n
t'j 1;1,,i ..,iafv. lm Pt be drawn into a hurried dejstoa t,;,• sante travelling �' , the: members of the Orange Lulled, large' number of other relatives and
dt , ! .1: t -l•., will tort
v!lrrl,rin or agent prt.tndi: !; he has a better pec p ,.i':, •t for you, if ; '� � ` The funeral of Mrs, il. Bosch was g cherish his meta.
Ile tells v1 a our goods won't Mand arc„
look out lar him. Deal with . heti iron Cha residence of her son, oty. '1'4e ruts oral teas cundulted by
duet Whom you can plaer antfidence, i't•ederi0}: ct this village on Friday last. the Canadian (leder of i'orresters of
• .As I depend entirely on your confidence for the foundation of my ♦ Mrs iinsclt we'. over t'o years of age,
business siI •an assure you that 00 music store in Canada can give you a and had been 11-'lng lately with mein -
more honest deal in Pianos, Phonographs, Violins, Autoharps, •Records, ! . hers of bar tionily in London, whore she
Slcel Music and Sut plies, died after a very short illness, Her re -
I have the sole Agency for BELL PIANOS :and when you want the trains were brought here for interment
above. goods be sure and call Isere anal you will get them. There is noth t } in Hensall Union Cemetery. Two sons
on 1ha market today that can surpass or even equal the quigk re- i and daughters survive.
pealing action used in the "BELL" only, Call and have a demon-
The extreme cold weather of the past
few days'has. frozen tate harbor up to
such an extent that the entrance will
be difficult for the four grain boats
that are now in Lake Huron bound for but no particutar attention was paid to i
here. The Glenorchy has received tt at the time, but not returning at the '
orders to go and help the steamer expected time search was made, and he '
Glenbrae., which. is fast in the ice in was fotend. dead -beside a fence, with {
the lower end of Saginaw Bay. A gang his rifle beside'him. It appears as if I
of men is busy now getting the ice getting over the fence he iiad fallen on 1
away from the dock to enable the some ice, and in some way the rifle ,
Glenorchy to turn around. l was discharged, and the bullett striking ,
The four boats to come in yet are the him on the head caused instant death. 1
Midland King, Martian, Glenbrae and On receiving the sad intelligence, his ,
Glenstriven, and they are expected to two brothers, Thomas and William, left
come from across the lake as soon as immediately for the scene of the ace -
the wind shifts from the west or goes dent. The late John Doig, jr„ was the
down. p eldest son of Mr. John Doig, the well y
Bert H. McCreath is In town, "wind-, knstyn contractor and builder of this
ing up" the affairs of the Lake Huron township and was born on his father's .
Steel Corporation, which has just de- farm two miles east of Kippen on the'
cided to locate a big steel products 7th day of January 1872. At the age I
plant at Sarna, instead sof at Goderich, of 42 ydars his mother died, whose i
lie told The London Free Press that maiden name was Ellen Stewart McKay,
$75,000 had been paid to owners of who was the eldest daughter of the ;
farms and other properties in Goderich late Angus McKay, who was one of the
and that this stoney, which had been oldest and honored pioneers of this
paid in options, would be clear gaits to township. He attended school first at
the land owners. S. S. No. 9 and afterward at S.S. No,
The health board is taking every pre- 10, Tuckersntith, While attending the ,
caution against an outbreak of small- latter he passed the entrance examina-
pax In this locality. Notices have tion to the high school, anti also the
been issued advising hveryone to be public school leaving examination, short
vaccinated at once as a preventative ly after leaving school he went to Al -
measure, gonia, and began lumbering and has
followed it ever since, and matte a suc-
cess pf it, and succeeded in accumulat-
ing considerable means by hard work
There has been pretty good sleighing and close application is business, Ile
in this locality during the past week, .teats a clever intelligent man and was
and the farmers are making good, use strong hardy and healthy and of a genial
of it,; kind disposition, but has been cut. off
the bazaar held iii the 1,1w0 hall un- suddenly 111 the prime and vigor of his
der the ausph sof St. -Fall's Anglican ninth, nil but s, ,:h is life. In r =ton
cloir-t pry.• rd a !0•5.11ss, rv:dlz_ hr ta'01. t. man and a 1 } ui its.
L,1 rat• 1. 1. ,^ycr rat t i 3, 1.111
is n .r 31u,
' o or 111,1t.'11 h ,odd ra (1,...;.:1 1 e-
t.t 1 s. r•n , orale.
1 , t eivor, the ' 1 Moffat tt .Ills la 41 fon brothers., w,
1, ,.11._1 :•' on t•,..1 t; t • Thom.,,. n 1 VIM., at of this o , op.
brine will be su:cessful, 1 .th'I, wire tltt t l'••1,111$ year. and of from active ministerial duties. Ile ,
.1._2.35 in financial Livings, (331.50
SEAFORTHt. � ia'.tt1 raire:l for Home and Foreign yds • 10011 e.t .0.'t i.,r.tig Li.dco,
The ,,. ,.• held in St. James P;u•kh missions. This 111 1, de.; three lite, nen' A. 1 u.. Al Al..a t l'1r> Ret Mr.
tz.t ' ,erahi+ two private and one by Cha Jacl'c t1 was 01eaed President of the •
!?;dl vrct .t hu r succass. There w s }s, }•
1•trr•, attendance and ilio itoths fur
society. A ha6g of clothing valued at London ,\loth dist Conference. Ba-
Ntc salt of homemade cooking. candy `25,uo was sent to an Milian school sides his wit Ise is survived by two sons
t sn
n two Arthur ck. n
M1• s e. McQueen a v W.J
' 1 \Vest .1r James d
tt a1
p•tatn and fancywork annul _many
useful articles had steady patronage.
The wheel of fortune piled a merry
round and the chanes booth was also tion a resolution to send to her a letter' and Miss Susie, at home,
well patronized, Tea was served in of appreciation of the help she has following funerdi services at the
the :2.on and supper in the even -
given, but w hope still to feel the in- Central Methodist Church here Tues-
ing, Mr. P. C. Curtin, of Beechwood' fluence of her zeal and enthusiasm as' day morning, the body will be taken to
draw the gold watch, Mrs. J. Lane of first vice president, Officers for 1920 ,SL Thomas for tnterntent,
Sl. 'Columbian, a silk umbrella, and are, Pres, Bessie McGregor, Secy, Mr. Jackson, of the 2nd Conceslon
Mrs. Bauslaugh, or Hamilton, a goose. 1 Mrs, R. Murdock, Treasurer Miss Bessie of Stanley is a brother of the dece'rs-
Total proceeds amounted to 51,200. McGregor, Library Sec'y. Mrs. Wm. f ed.
many of the. readers of the Expositor
were shocked to hear of the accidental
death of John Doig, jr„ et iron Bridge, 4
Algoma Dtstriat, on Tuesday, the 211d •
inst. It appears that he left his board- '
ing house toga and see some men who i
were working for him on a lumbering
contract, which he had and which busi- .
ness he bas followed for many years,
while leaving, he remarked thin he :
would take his rifle with him and might
get a rabbit on the way, shortly after '
he•left, the report of his rifle was heard, 1
u Windsor, } Georgei ofUnion,
the president for the past 8 years re -t Wind c >r H. tl n,
signed her office, The society accept- 1 ,Mss Sarah Jackson, Principal of St.
de her resignation including in the 1110- George's Public School, Walkerville,
°Jonathan H: ill
which order the deceased' had for Many
years hien an honored number and his
remains were laid to rest in iron Bridge
Cemetery on, the hanks of Missasauga
VARNA. Doctor's Wife: "I want to get a
typewriter as a surprise for my hos-
. The entertainment given andel the hand?"
auspices of St. John's church, was a Salesman: "Anyparticular yokel„
good success. Everybody was delight- p,
cd with the readings .of Miss Ella Rut- Doctor's Wife; "Well, l ovet•iteard
lenge and tate solos of Miss Marion Dr, Beetle or telt my husband that his
Gibbhtgs, while with humor and pethca typewriter Was a 'Little Peach," Havedr ss otct"Ireland,"ave n excellent ad you that make?"-ttffalo CodintereIal,
% ae.... .,.. .. .r+. *.�•x.,:a. ° . "zx., "�• .. , :......
Cabrdiers hays morin rape•,, 1_11d
morn apT'ostol ry rat' i11 ri+•l:n':a
lino t';I' 15 rt' 1'' 1't•n1,:11r,•:: r. • 111r
1>ru liniun 1 n 11.11Lch Coll;: b'1'
n• 111 e1 to ,i1.t
Lett n rt.n'rt 1.t Mehl: '.l
with a 1 -.mill) 111 f1 cit., r:d:•,. .....1
tinnl tin t 1;,1)0 r I;,,i} t 011
CF,+1 , t , t :rr: it i; t'„ r •rat
r,1,1;11 t ;! 05 p,",Y T1..1til':
o1 91'111'1/.7..' ! I0 fill 111 , , 4
glob lu; '. ! ,t _',10, cn
the ducat purple,mu
with eao,v-crc+al.n utrib,, I,•+
n•,r tr ; the, in101 Stanley Park nt ,
by Is a wond,'rinnri of s t.i.omr nd 1 1
acres. In the r 1s.taner ran ha serm
the summit of 11,u9 Dakir, robe -1
in everlasting wltt.eness. .v 10 ibn
lovely s:•renity of Of)"Sleeping
33eal:fy" alouutalu, in the gt'ace,and
stateliness at the mountains ituown,
as "Lfonh", which stand guard over
tin harbor, to the placid dignity and
grandeur of many other mountains
there is unfolded a matchless' (1)
of romance in the Western World. (8)
Where stood the forests primeval a
few years ago, now rise skyscrapers,
handsome churches, splendid "oda-
catJonal tnstitutiOns, and beautiful
homes with gardens of roses and
gaily bordered paths, The charm of
ft all le Melly itnderatOod, An. in-
tense local loyr►liy and a itotitattoiad-
No one can complain of a lack •
Canadian Pacific Railway Station at Vancouver,
English Bay, Vancouver.
Douglas Fir Trees in Stanley Park, Vancouver.
able civic pride accomplished mueli, arose, Hindu, the Indian, and men
Vancouver it new one 01 the great-
est seaports in rho world, possessing
one of the most benntifiil sites i1it-
C0smo,ppolitan aro the throngs that
ovovt'd vasieguver streets, In , the
Octosaloa so thi, dittnaeo. Jan -
•front alttoltmes, hrtt the white man
predominates, as does his civtl-
Vancouver is Of the century
full Of up-to-date spirit, i nprOgna,ted
w*ltla optinafstn and lnaskod by Its
bislisas of ohne.