The Clinton New Era, 1919-12-11, Page 1'tv1•n.++„4vusne+F4'tiNM',•.rn.,u'
13stablislied 1565, Vol, 54, No,
_ .. _ .,.. _.. ' .x t�.iJ Jl'i c„y T3 A "1' &�E(,"El6?ti31E&i, lith, 1919,
W, H. •c•„urs $o ,' Zdltors and
�_,._.._.._- ...�,.,�,..��.: �„yyq,!�e.W,n�,duUrtOMnAWu11e'6l1YMYJgLWld2,�a�11;T.WY9d6YotGS,t,imwt1fulw:Y:dSIlO'act.TaMYildYd:X11•feiVlL,Wp0.'S.Mtlf.Y�YYMq.18ir§NMT1RlataA,YW.it4,ryNwtnl ,
'AtNt56,'lmnaAaiA,M,a,',NrsY,vHR'�aE1tMG0YineuiJ➢fri'xIggetAuxVetat��ra1T 1,y,1.IW0.,f _ . .... .
erve eevsoteee,sikes,.ywso„o.,,,sto•„„ei wet,,weiv,.,eviosowspesse,ovddeeV o'vvss' p FOUR REEVES+SING SCHOOL BOARD ASKS . i 0. __.... _____ ,...-__.______ _-•----�-_._.__.,..
0000000 r100000000 REV M
We have the biggest and best'Cl,ristntas stock. we have ever shown,
—The Prices are sales coinpelling, A complete assortment of IVORY,
stalnped FRENCH IVORY,
PERFUMES -1h nifty packitges and regular stock odors.
CANDIES—Neat packages and goods tlutt are a treat to eat.
Auto -Strop, Gillette, Derham, Duplex and Ever -Ready Razors,
Hand Bags and Strap Purses,
THE MORAL—Tis: best goods at saving prices.
s 0 1 .. /, t.+ S P h t n. B,
` `• v...w vvvvvvvw,vvvvvvvvidyyyyyyytt wv
Over120 Branches
The saving habit
like all other good habits is the result of resolution and practice.
By depositingregularly a portion of' your earnings in THE
MOLSONS BANK, the saving habit is soon acquired.
Your money grows by the addition of the interest which we pay
at current rates on savings hank deposits. It is safe, and can be drawn
upon when really needed.
Avoid careless spending by opening a savings account with us.
-- Clinton Branch 11-19
l i e reo p1 jar k
Incorporated 1869.
Capital and Reserve , $ 31,000,000.
Total Assets 430,000,000
576 Branches .
A general banging business transacted. Interest paid
it Deposits.
Safety Deposit Boxes to rent.
R. E. n.
Manager- C;,t ts,:r Branch
Councillors Make Presentation to Or $45,000 to Remodel Old One —
Retiring Warden.—Co. Engineer CounFil Will Have to Deal With
Patterson is Succeeded by His the Request.
Son. —Hospital Grants Left
Over for 1920 Council.
Goderich, Dec. 5—At hist night's
session of the County Cotn,cil Warden
Newton Campbell was presented with
a handsome gold -headed cane as a
i token of esteem in which he was held
by the Council. As Ohs was the last
session of the Council the evening was
spent in short speeches, given by some
of the other members of the Council.
Reeve Irwin also favored them with a
popular song in his usual good'form.
Reeves Young, Erwin and Sanders also
rendered a trio.
} At the afternoon Session Mr. Donald
Patterson, who has been county en-
gineer and road superintendent for 15
years, tendered his resignation. The
Council accepted the resignation with
regret and appointed his son to fill the
There was very little important busi-
ness before the Council, beyond adopt-
; ing the reports of the different eontntit-
i tees on the year's business.
I The matter of making giants to-
wards the county hospital was gone
._int° thoroughly, and while the neces-
city' is seen the 'natter was left over
for the Council of 1920,
Many Claims Made for Damages to
Autos on the Roads
The December session or. the county
counoll opened on Tuesday afternoon,
Dec. 2nd with the warden in the chair
and a good number of the members in
A petition from residents of Ethel
asked for the erection of the village
into a police village. This was referred
to the special committee.
A bunch of some seven or eight
claims for damages for iejuries to cars
on county roads was received and re-
ferred to the Good Roads Con'nission.
Some of these ce
claims asked 't CUm C _
en. at
ion f
for lost of the
use of
e cars while
they were ,being repaired. Messrs.
Govenl,:ck and Livingstone and the
\Vardeu sapessed the opinion that the
county-streild test some of these ilei,,,
The School Board has written the
Town 'Council asking for a grant of
$75,000 to erect a new public school
in Clinton, or to snake a grant of
$45,000 to remodel the old school and
to purchase more land, if deemed ad-
The question of a better school has
••'gen a topic for some years and has
now conte to the point when the Coun-
cil and ratepayers will have to decide
the question of a new school or have
the old one brought up to the standard
set by the Department.
The Council will take up the ques-
tion on Monday night, but it is likely
to be left over for 1920 Council to de-
cide on the matter.
county rather than be too willing to
make a settlement, Judging by the ex-
pressions of members of the council.
Communications from the Deputy
Minister of Highway's were with refer-
ence to the designated roads Nos.23
and 24 in 'Ashfield north of Kintail,
that they , ware not of the type that
shnnld be included in the Good Roads
system and recommended that the Lake
Shore road he substituted Instead.
A request from Mr. F. D. Hutchin-
son, of Mitchell, was for refund of a
fine imposed on hint, amounting to
530, for selling front a peddler's wagon
on the boundary between the counties
of Perth and Huron. This was referred
to the special committee.
An application from County,Repre-
sentative Stothers was for payment of
0 O
Miss Amy Howson was a'visitor at
London this week,
Mrs, Weatherwax, of Onlllia, .is at
the parental home here,
G, D. McTaggart made a business
trip to Toronto this week,
Miss Maude Torrance was a'visitor
In the Forest City this week,
Mr. Earl O'Neil, who has been in
Toronto, Is home for a few days.
.apt. Kirbyson, of Seaforth Salvation
Army Force, was in town on Monday.
Mr. Silas McFalls, of Exeter, is ae
New Junior at the Aeoison's Bank here.
Mr. Asa Bolton, of Brantford, was in
town fora few days visiting his mot-
Mr. Win Callwell, of Parkside,
is back to Clinton to spend fhe wi
He reports the weather very cold
Presbytery Met Here on' Tuesday ---A
Big Delegation Here at Meeting.
:terns of Interest Picked'Up Herts
atc'at There About the Town,
Huron Presbytery met here on Tues.
day and the call from Lucan to Rev,
Mr. Johnson, of Varna, was sustained.
Rev, Mr• Bell, of the Stratford
Presbytery, had a call signed by all the
available members of Lucan, and there
was also a big delegation from Varna
and Blake congregations, asking Mr.
Johnson to stay. -
Mr. Johnson has accepted the call
and will close Itis pastorate at the end
of the year. •
Rev. Mr. Mcintosh, of Brucefield
was appointed interm moderator of the
Ater. AltaVarna charge and will declare the pule
Mr. 0. Johnson, of Goderich, was in
town on Wednesday renewing old
Rev. Harvey Colclough, of Dutton,
Was a visitor with relatives for a day
or so this week
Mr. Ambrose McGuire went to Lan-
don on Wednesday where he will re-
sume his position with the G. T. R.
Mrs. Jos. Cook and little grand-
daughter, Doris Johnson, of Colborne,
spent a few days the guests of Mrs. 0.
W. Potter.
Mr. Harry Piayes returned to Detroit
on Saturday after spending a few -days
in town, He was called home on ac-
count of the death of Isis father.
Rev. S E. McKegeey has been c
fined to the Rectory with a cold
was unable to take his work on Sund
Ile Is now ahle to be about again.
The engagement is announced
Jean Frances, daughter of Mr. and M
C. A. Nairn, Goderich, to James Sin
Hunte, C. A. son of Mr. and Mrs, J. P,
grant• to the various school fairs, en- Hume, Goderich, the marriage to take
closing list of fairs held. This was filed, place the latter part of December.
the council already having authorized Mr. Joe. Marks was in town this
payment of $t5 to each school fair, week renewing old acquaintances. He
A request trout secretary of the is now on advance of the Company,
Clinton Horticultural Society was for Busty Pulls the Strings.” M•. Aiarks
i' to the states that the'showv is a good, clean,
t. coroed •
which everybody ) d will
Air, N. D• McKinnon, of Cannington,
the Unionist candidate in the bye -
election in North Ontario, on Tuesday,
who was defected by Air. Halbert, Pre-
• rf iett of the U.F.O. of Ontario, is a
A letter front. Deputy Sheriff Cana- brother ofAir. McKinnon, who ran the
ion gave a statement of his expenses Ratte..ltery ilu:!;e. prior tri ,ll r. S.
ue to being poisoned by coal gas at Cm:per bu;: ing the hotel.
Ie. Court house, The doctor's bill to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Keith
5:. 1st ani•.unted to $93 and other lot t. Is Hill" avenue, Toronto, a
sp.ensds 3'11. pounce the engagenien1 of their da
A letter
from J. P. Dation. stated he lh er, Elsie, to Dr. Ernest Camp1,
old not be in attendance at the sea- MacMillan, son of the Rev. Alex-adc
ons of the council, on .account of MacMillan, D. D., and Mrs. Macliiih
cicuess. His name is being retained of 'roronto. ria marriage „ill to
1 the pay roll for the session. peace quietly the last week of Decent
Papers were received as to the stain- 1'er. There will be no invitations,
r:oiee of a ho, ,i„!tn Bell. at the Vict- 1 ' Stratford Beacon:— Lieut. R.
,.r i•1 .: e •i•
the c'tunty tiding Ciuff left Saturday fur Jackons(ville
sl'•nurabie for the e st. 1 Fiords, for several month's stay fir
The Hydro Power Uniform Rate As-; the benefit of his health. Lieut. Clul
e,:tt,on wrote' enclosing copy of re- has been 1'» poor health since his re
Anion n which was asked to be passed turn from overseas last spring, the re
J t ry:aided to the Provincial Gov- ,suit of wounds received in Franc
meet, aski ig that all interested mut Man,v friends will hope for improve
pahtfes be allowed time to express , meet 'during his stay in the pmts
their wishes before a permanent cont- sonde,
tr'''ine and po;icy for the Hydro was • -
fixed, �.�•
Correspondence with reference to HAD GREAT SUCCESS
the proposed new school inspectorate:
announced a meeting in London, Dec, i 1.
10th, of representives of the three •AT CHICAGO FAIR
interested counties; Huron, Lambkin
and Middlesex, and hoped everything ; Jas. a telt asc Sorts �kal,c a Clean-up a
Would be got in order for the new in-
pit vacant .on Sunday, January 4th,
Editorial Comments from the Daily
Press, on the U. F. 0. Cabinet
Ontario's new provincial secretary is
23, but after a spell of cabineteering
Ile may feel like 82.
If the the Farmers' government is able
'to introduce a new era in road building
ort- free from the evils of political intluence
and It will earn the gratitude of the public.
Mr. Morrison says the U. F.. Party
of in the Legislature is "fifty-five per cent,
ry.. Conservative.” And the rest of it is
ite conservative, with a small "c"
in. law snits if necessary. Actual out -
„25 grant, This was referred
xeculire committee.
The Westfield .tel Threshing 1 l nt.Slw
J ,Co„
C c f Bel -
rave, asked for $50 damages due, as
!lazed, to faulty construction of the
own line between bast and West Wa-
by for re, airs to a car. where the date- ' e
• are w•a4 caused through faulty condition d
•+'�:� •.,tint ..w,,, ,�,w„�,,.� „q of the highway, or even for a,:tual loss . tl
through not t h:wfug thr, use of tee's ' I'
e., ,i.i, WHAT NEE' 1, ,,� i�•�I � I�, s,
" N
�tlmJ ,
be� ,f
r,. ' • . .. q We
Pie :.. :[mss' 4, % 1im is Je
The things that men appreciate above everything else are
the practical gifts of things for. everyday use:
75c to $4.50
35c to $3.50.
75c to $6.00
$1.00 to $4.00
$1.50 to $10.00
$5.00 to $12.00
$15.00 to $50.00
$18:00 to $50.00
$2.00 to $10.00
$G.50 to $10.00
We are also shov,mg a largo assortment of gifts for Boys in
selection early.
The Morrish ,ng c,o,.
A !ifllillrC, Deaf tzar f hely .)11a
- 'r�.'a.wv,FhNG,h.tinnJ..�.•�s,. ..,,.yy-.r,•v��4•+>wwMwrt.ra-�ncn.•,�w�w./V,RM1M1K/,�Nv�Nw,.w
sde Net* t'•;.�k#%•v4g1,
r'� * R,
Itr� y+ py s
(j , i
17 17 4d. 7E
t'! P
ar melt t
through e
geth th Good of
.the r
d [ r c
Cor • ',
but inflated ,tt e
d estim t
a es cif '
loss .s front nun-usa.of cars or claims for co
damages to occupants of cars, where si
no inturies were received,. the council si
feels disposed to contest. Auto acct- o,
dents. with some damages, are likely
td continue,. and the council feels dis-
posed to tet the courts determine the to
extend ,f liability c.,
c :entity on the part of the ,.�
rl Al,
Pmvpnla I4G EstlmctEs GRf'Cn
A. F.
Interior and
We protect your floors, furni-
ture, etc., by plenty of drop
Wall Papers,
. Signs, Etc.
81 Isaac Street'
��gy t l�i , '. ,
a 11
CJika,��. � 1 t,�ut. t r 1
AFTE EN l2 tri 113 Zit
He wants io meet all the little
girls and hays in Clinton and
surrounding country, all their
parents, all , their' grand -
Patents, and all their aunts
and uncles. So be sure and
Welcome Hint.
Fresh Oysters
Fresh Tenderloin
Fresh Spare Ribs.
Fresh Sausage,
T. :..Ply'[
Hon. Barry C. Nixon became Prov-
incial Secretary of Ontario at 23, and,
by heck, if be keeps up the pace he may
be the Gaekwar of Baroda by the time
he's 73.
Hon. E, C. Drny fs receiving a great
c!e t'
ai ,f
advice h
t es
as—so much th o
it iia
twenowoffer .
num : '
about advice; In all cases[ it t should vibe
well shaken before taken.
The new Attorney -General goes down ,
to his entice these mornings on the i
crowded back platform of a street car.
S. '1 here ,e uc reitiet pla..e f:.r keeping in
cn+se 1'u h tvinit rhe p uple, i
u- i
Three ee nr four nrw•spapers in tt•,ttri,
ell have not yet tried to weave a merry '
'r 1 little item around tine name of lion. 1
m 1 W. G Raney. What is detaining then? a
ke —Perhaps because it is too "dry. a s
premier Drury topped e
dth market
week Ig pp l ih ks a h
Ito with 40 head of lambs, sold g
r at Toronto by the United Farmers for tt
IT $1.1,25, Premier Drury hiunself is a h
_ market -topper, and lie,e "all wool and G
- a yard wide," if you don't take the ex- ,p
e. pression too literally,
-0--- m
Council Meets Monday.
The Council will meet on Monday
evening to receive the Treasurer's re-
port of the finances of the year,
Canvass Called Off.
The canvass for the Navy League wit(
not be held today and Friday, but will
take place after the Christmas rush is
A Heavy Loss.
'rhe old friends of Mr. Win. Forrester
of Mitchell, will regret to hear that
his loss front the recent windstorm
will amount to nearly $2,000.
Smallpox in Hullett Twp.
There are two cases of smallpox in
Hullett Township and the family are
under quarantine. The origin is traced,
directly to the outbreak in Stratford.
Getting Risk Ready.
Mr. Fleet. Colvin, of Teeswater, is
back to town and is getting the rink
ready for skating. Now then get the
Hockey teams re -organized for the sea-
"The Minister's Bride."
The Girl's Patriotic Society are putt-
ing on the play "The Minister's Bride"
on January 22nd and 23rd, with loci[
titlent. Further particulars will be
given later.
IGIst Officers Supper.
Local officers of the old 161st
Battl„ had a social evening last Friday
evening at the Clinton Club. An en-
joyable evening was spent by the offi-
cers and visitors.
Hydro Shortage.
Owing to the scarcity of hydro
power, the Commissions in the various
municipalities 'have received instruct-
ions to make no new contracts for
either lighting or power until more
"Juice" '
ns • ,
1 obtainable.
This town has been blessed with four
cars of hard coal and one of coke dui-
the past week, and the coal dealers
11 :_ •int able to store any away, except
11 the citizen's coal bins.
Gets New Parish.
kevr W. B. Moulton, who hat been
n charge of ,11'111 fou-}lohuesvilla par -
h t,
It received t ,
h appointment e p [tun nt
} to the
an ,
} tutgf,n'd ani : ria, :tsar
'uc i t a l will take charge n a
w se
. - are 'oily t,, hse Mr.
i • • A'. .. ,n, but :.B w1.1 theca
ecce' :�1 ti . new home.
Forms are Rerely.
Furans o,: r. Lich application:. ;Ire to
e made for the increased pensions
ranted to those who had served dur-
tg tate war with imperial forces, have
gen received by the secretary of the
real War Veterans' Association. Ap-
lfcations are to be made immediately
titer through the G.W.V,A, or through
ititary headquarters.
Eight members out of the ten with C
portfolios in the new Ontario Cabinets
possess names of five letters only int
These are Messrs. Drury, Raney, Snaith,
Rollo, Grant, Biggs, Mills and Nixon. ev
11 certainly looks like an alphabetically lr
ecounnicai Administration.
---o— j be
Prettier Drury frankly tells the V:
t Northern anti -prohibitionists tical the of
law will not be relaxed 10 please them. or
it is to be hoped the Premier will dis- ni
play this courage in everything,
eetor to take charge Jan. tat, 1920.1 the Big Show with Their Sheep.
Th portion of the inspector's salary ,
to be paid by the three counties would l
be 5850, of which Huron's share would I Last week at the Chicago Live Stock
be $283. 1 Show, James Snell & Sons, of Hullett,
'['he keeper and the matron of till made a clean-up with their Leicesters
County Piouse of Refuge at Clinton ask-
ed •for increase of salary to $75 and and Hampshire sheep,
$50 respectively. I With two wether Hampshires, they
A long discussion took place as to won 1st and 2nd in the class and the
the 'County Good Roads system, j
A resolution, roved by Alessi:s. P. F. i behint i nship, Grandann were only 2 points
Doig and 11. F. Crich, extended the behind' in the Championship,
hearty congratulations of the council With 16 Leicester', they won three
to their fellow councillor and ex -War Championships; 12 firsts; 5 seconds;
den, Mr. Gocenlock, on his election to and 2 thirds.
the L''eeislatnre as the representative ' Eight of the the
ffoin thls riding, and expressed the p' winners were sold
at the
hope that he would long occupy the loll:, to American buyers.
position, Great credit is due Mr, Humphrey
JoiApp;aure and the singing of "He's n-
Snell for the work lie did in getting the
animoesttien I'ello ion in of Sithe motion; ;Flock into condition for the big bogy,
Mr Govenlock expressed his thanks Hullett Township and Huron Co„
b ` can still lead the world. —
Marrinc es
linton Collegiate Institu@e,
Cotnntencentent exercises will be held
the 'rown Hall, Clinton, on Thursday
ening, December 1Sth, A full pro -
•;tut of choruses, starches, folk dances,
ills, musical and literary numbers is
ing prepared by the pupils under the
direction of the staff. There will be a
dectictory Address •prepared by one
the members of the Graduating• class
1919, and the presentation of diplo-
as and prizes. The second part of
he program will consist of a one -act
rce entitled "french Spoken liere,",
ndered by the pupils of the 'Collegiate
stitute, The admission price has
en fixed at 35c and the proceeds wig
used for the equipment of.the
in, iy'.
On Tuesday evening the customary
smoker was field at the Bedford hotel.
When the council met vim Wednes-
day morning all the members were FRASFR—WR5CGIT'r. — At the
pt'eseot, with the exception of Mr, Jireshyterian Manse, .Moose .late o, Nnv.
Dalton, who is absent through illness. 3rd, by the Rev, .Mr. Wilson. lir W.
A letter from Dr, Whitely with re- -1 eeiser, formerly of Brucefield, Ont,
ference to Deputy Sheriff Cameron's to Miss Lottie Wreggitt, of Moose Jaw,
illness stated that X-ray examinations Sask.
Continued on Page 5. ' Deaths
Van Tassel—Monday, Dec, Sfh, Mrs.
+ e• s n: . •s cr , a a ,y k t Helen Douglas Van Tassel, formerly of
- .,. Clintdn at the residence of her s,,n-in-
" TiME PASSES QUICKLY. k law, R. A. Mitchell, Toronto.
s u CANTELON,--lit Fort Qu'Appele,
Military Hospital, pay, on Sunday, bee. 7t of
ar ilea: quickly the tinepasses ,r sent, Harry Rav'i�:utte!a,1, B,A„ son of
* 11 is less than two weeks until ", M1 and Mrs David Cantelon, of Ciin-
°' t hristntas and the shopping ti 1 ton, aged 2G years.
dans that are left are getting
lnifwhty few. This is the second * a a « 'a ,*, •s sP 4 * .s ,a w
week of Decentlier and the first , t' n Maybe the newspaper office
Thing you knew the time to m a seems a queer place to o <t
it hang ep your stocks will Have 'k.' ; g
'' arrived and you'll Inc unrerepar- u 'Bopping fh r Christmas prey- rr
a . gets, hof there aro fete titins a,
ed. You can, avoid the warn is m tial' Are Ctlezai • , v'
t nd
F 1 la
h t b,e fah
ur Ira tt
g f
Cit lv
tS'nttg lta+ , tai
�e 'rr +tilt#
to u'r , t
i Po.i n � ..
'1 itt n n +
@ yen], ..,.
v d'
ifel -
• jell 'tante.
Ivan „ • .e
.,h, u , t1 ttvti•.
tent tdusS, A t e. rR 111k6torI''ivals ,ntr1 0'
6 e R d
.e.40.• ,0 'ir * vV 0' j, 0 S+ $ • LI 'tit - * ,, O 6' 6 ,ik, , ..
—0--- I fa•
Prettier Drury during it visit to New , re
Ontario is reported to have been fni- i be
stated into the Mysteries of the peat 1 be
business The greatest inystery about
it is why, after tr,venty year; of ex- gy
pensive experiments, there is not now , Df
an adequate supply of peat to make
up for the shortage in coal,
Air. Drury says rightly that the Lea- I Cli
der of the Opposition is unknown to tar
the constitution. Technically, the Su
Premiership is unknown to it also. 26
--0-- a b
if there is a good job in flats io too
Public Works Department it should not
go begi;ing but be tilled by promotion, Sas
n principle that the Premier says he will br°
practice. 19
--0 to
ed in the West.
Word was received here Monday
at Lieut. Harry Ray Cantelon,
1 of Air, and Mrs. David C:uttelon, of
Mon, had passed away at the Mili-
v Hospital at Fort Qu 'Annelle, on
nday. The young officer, wino was
years old, was born here and after
rillfiutt school career wet west and
eht school, taking up his University
rk in tai Saskatchewan University at
katoon in the Winter. When war
ke out he enlisted in the sprint; or
15 with the tat University Company
join the Princess Pals, and saw active
vide , when he was gassed, lie re.
ned to Canada in 1916, and has •
n at various hospitals for medical
atnent to overcome the effects of
Hun gas. The late Mr. Camelot,
s able to attend the University after
Premier Drury announced at Tint- ser
mitts that it teas the intention of the fur
Government to settle the Northland by
ftiw•nships, which, of course, in ththe
agricultural way. wa
No one steeds td send a "Speak now:"13.
message to Premier Drury, ile is' al- par
ways talking. the
0........• is
'ft is aunuonced that the openings of We
tete Ontnio Legislature, during the thy
Prury regime, will he devoid of all fusS
and feathers. After all, there is no Th
more re :sun why the opening of a Pro- a p
ntni'lg to Canada and received his
A. degree this year. Besides his
eats, (Itis father was able to gest to.
bedside before he passed away) he
survived by a brother, William, of
pot, Sask., and two sisters, Mrs,
atherwax, of Orillta, and Miss Doro--
at home. Another brother, D. A.
itelun, ,'51.C„ was killed in action,
e body is being brought home and
'octal Le,,s,atare should be nutde to tion
reseinhle t Millinery sir,;v (haul 1110 to
opening of a ,`,1unieipal Council.
--- •Li --- fun
,:vete service will he held at .i.he
ne on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
be followed by a rel },n service at
t'•rV church at 3.30 and a military
eral at 4 p.m.
i1 deed tinder which the laud Goy-
err,Ment house 1155541 upon was pur-
:heseti frons the Italian) estate requires
that lite building erected- upon it shall
be used only ns a private house or as
a dwelling for the Lieutenant-Goyerna•,
and expressly bars till 1929 its use as
an hospital or charitable institution,
tt.uppily the deed does not specify how
"saki*tit s
shall 1
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Toronto. Dec, G,- Aftorntrv,Gea.
eral flan. W. E. Raney, of tlntatiu, has •
received numerous v!mpin,tnts of the
y to payment of elecffalt'vtsraunts,
lie explains that considerable cmrgutt,
lien has been r
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ri ow V!ement
htW, kflll:tr lama tk ery u5,nn the
5044 ntrs d'f 11teract ,, ,, "Titin tax 9hg' of
itttl ltlibt tfy' th.c stttvo..,,,Jetr S, vr'er's'
retistrelloo tElKraf Ira :41 t.. re-.