HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-12-4, Page 5'htlrsday, December, 4th, 1919. .w.W+'!'al+�,1MUAr�M1lar+*W't,�a' _ vuuaeuwaana .w.. •�+«w,w«Mrwunn w w:� +; ,:, , NEA 31400 X e taks Tien 1 %1 t os We have a full and well assorted stock of HIGH- CLASS GOODS and we strongly advise /the buying public to make\their purch- ases early as many lines can not be duplicated, and those that can will cost more than those now in stock. We have Diamond Rings, Diamond Pendants, Brooches Cuff Links,'Silverware, China Clocks and Cut Glass, etc. Selections made now will be held on payment of a small deposit, until wanted. JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses i:LINTON MA.2KETS Hogs . $15.00 Eggs ti0c fn• 001er10 last yeti, the liven 44 3,380 pertton.t wort clainiod by con- i sumptlou, lhlo in all the more ter. able b'vauitr wont. of Ih:nl 1.,1:11t have been flayed had they been helped in time. Hero In a ease In poiItt. t mal y0.11 113 ag,0 11 111.1.1 1111111?, lu It llll:i- kokt kite I'.;,anal ;tor t u .ulna•. Wee, Ile land been on Mel vt 81.r. . vice in Africa, lvltt I'e bnu'd aloe rid (Cpotsuro hod broken dutvn 1141 health, Sti's iielous of it symptoms 11e sought our aid, A short time ego I lie wrote; "'}'Brough your 10bsltftnl n moldier of. the 14outlt ikfricau War ex gained I his health and a 'family 11 Aappy. iitne." This is not an 150111ted case, for many others hues been restored to 1101/1111 and al:dons fatuities, 11 lltltea much money to carry on 1110 work, Your gift, for whalNvcr 100011111, will ha grttte'I'uliy roeoiv6',.. Contributions may be sent to Sir William Gaya. 84 Spadina ltven0e, or George A, Reid, 223 College street, 'Patron o. BUSY VEAR FOR CHILDREN'S AID Kiddies Made Wards in Huron County Number Fifteen.— Secretary's Re- port. — Annual Meeting at Goderich Hears of Good Work. Goderich, Nov. 27.—A report of the work done by the Children's Aid Soc- iety in Huron County during the past year was presented at the tutnua1 meet- ing this week, and was received with gratification by nlenmbers. The secre- tary, Mr. G. M. Elliott, quoted only it few 'of the' individual cases on which the society has been active, but the need for such work was plainly reveal- ed, Several cases where children have been benefitted by surgical treatment showed a branch of the work that is well worth while. Officers for the coming year were re- elected, There were words of praise for Miss Bentley, who has charge of the shelter, Mrs. Pedley,. of the Ox- ford County Home, one of the best equipped and most efficient un the province, gave a helpful address. Miss Butter 50c to 5)c Josie Saunders, who has taken a deep ,.$1,95, $198 interest in' the work, announced that $1.95, $198 the proceeds of a Swastika Club bazaar in aid of the home would amount to $40. Some Difficult Cases. The past year has been a busy one," ' said the secretary. "We have had some difficult cases to deal with, but we have had splendid help from county ' officials and others in dealing with chil- dren and in securing proper informa- tion. County Crown Attorney Seager has been a great help to the society in denting with cases under The Children's Protection Act of Ontario, The work of the society is gradually coating into prominence, and its friends are becom- ing more numerous as the years go by. `1t is nearly a year since the open- ing of the childrens' home provided by the county, the opening taking place at our last annual meeting on Decem- ber 4, 1918. We hav found the home just what was required to properly carry on the work of the society. Fifteen Made Wards. "The work might be summed up as follows: Complaints investigated, 82; number of children involved in com- plaints, 148; interviews held, 228; phone interviews, 240; applications for children received, 30; court Cases at- tended, 28; wards placed or replaced, 27; children made wards, 15; wards visited, 125; number of miles (appro- ximate) travelled in visiting, 3,420; mail 'matter received, 561; mail sent out, 1,684. "Most of our wards who went over- seas have returned; two will never re - Hsback with hint. Another has married P�XMAN, Garage turn. One of the boys brought a wife since he returned. He drew $600, Phone 80 . Residence 140 which we held in trust for him. An- CLINTON, ONT. other boy had $600, Others had lesser amounts." Spring wheat Fail wheat' 'Oats 75c Harley $1,10 Buckwheat , $1,00 • Hay ,.518, and 819. Bran $48.00 Shorts $52 .Millfeed $45.00 'Potatoes $2.00 otace The frost is here. Watch your 'battery as well as radiator. • If you bring your battery to us for winter or recharge, you will get it back 'fully charged. We overhaul at" make of storage :battery. , 'STORAGE BATTERY SERVICE STATION. Car painting and Overhauling. are easumv ea esaH OLD BOYS FOLD GATHERING $en,atar W, l'rouc'.foot and Sir John Willison are •Sneakers. A revival of the activity which, be. fore the war„characterized the Toronto Asst,cltttlttn of Huron County O1d'Boys was presaged In the mutual meeting of that organization held last Friday night fo St. George's }tall, Toronto, The fol- ltiwing utfcers were selected for the 'ensuing year: Honorary 'presidents; Sir John Willison, Senator William Proud. foot and Mr. f1, I. Morrish; president, Mr, G, A. Newton; vice-presidents, Mrs:, Marrish Martin; secretary, Mr. E. Pleody1 financial secretary, Mrs, M, Martin; treasurer, Capt. William Proud. foot, jr.; and chaplain, Rev. p, E. Powell, Messrs. R. S. Sheppard and John Robertson were eected auditors. Senator . William Proudfoot, whose home is in Goderich, referred tri the splendid record of Huron County in declaring that it was a home to be proud of. He stated that if the nego- tiations now under way for the location of a big steel plant were successful, Goderich was destined for a remarkable development. tie urged that Canadians should pay mare attention to their flag Ind help to preserve the unity of the Praire and in seeing that Canada takes her proper place; Sir John WIllison, also an eki•luronite indulged in some humorous reminis- cences of his boyhood days In that county. lin a reference to the recent turn of politicalevent's within the Province, Ire remarked that the farmers of Ontario were as fine a body as in any country in the world. They would get the experience they now lacked in the conduct of Parliamentary affairs he said, and he didn't think there need be any fear as to the future. Nominations for Ontario rirovi'lcial ''te-elections made necessarn for mem- bers of the Drury cabinet will be held on Decenmber. 16111 and elections one week later on December 23rd• hat Racking t. Persistent Cough Should Never Be Neglecteda The constant hacking, racking, per- sistent cough that sticks to you to spite of everything you havo clone to get rid of it, means danger, The longer the cough sticks, the more serious menace it becomes to your health. It is a very easy matter to get rid of the cold at the outset by using iDr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. In nearly every case it will allay the inflammation, soothe the irritation, heal the diseased mucous lining of the lungs and bronchial tubes, and thus' rid the system of all the bad effects of the lingering cough or cold. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup hu been universally used for the past 30 years, and so great has been its somas, it is only natural that a great many imitations have been placed on the market. Don't accept any of these, so-called Pine Syrups. Get the original "Dr. Wood's. Put up in a yellow wrapper; 3 pine trees the trade mark; price 25c. and 50c. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. einfi, well informed is 1arre1tj, a im,,Ih Yl e -iii r or�caee �� :;- a good. newspaper 0 "llol.d your own” in conversa- tion with friends and neigh- bors—in order to know whatris going on in the world outside of your home town, it is essential that you regularly react et daily paper. . For Ontario readers, there is one paper that overshadows all others, in its ability to keep theme in reading• touch with the world at largo—Tile Toronto Star, A paler edited ml broad -gunge linen, with it way or presenting • news. that v, -ill v. -in your approval hi• its fair- ness and its ability tri entertain. To the 1'11,llsm' rs: Torun :n 51tt••, 'rax onto: Deur ;airs: t q 'ti'rI] use rnirr me as a soh riper to T0. not t 'lir fomonths -for whlrh pit 104^ rind enr111Fri! stamps of j V mniey order for 44 { :r Name and (address in full: Seventeen direst wires bring the nest's to The Star, twenty-four type- setting machines rush it into print.—. Motor trucks rush the editions to the trains; 011(1, ere you go to bed,'you have the day's record spread before you in a newspaper so bright and "news '' that yon renal with. keen relish its every 1101110111: Sign the coupon and mail it -so Allot yon may take this groat paper into your home on trial, The sub- scription rate is 50e for a month, *1.215 ' for 3 months --• $2,00 :Cor (1 months --$:1.00 per year, (Please writs plainly, and say whether Mr. Mr's„ Miss, or Rev.) �•}'iR9+uv.utvuWa�..oaGL`2L}•"'Tai.'a.4L-&�411CR.arS3•;tt•L.yr�1.S�r:119. A, 'V$Z1 AkaN 4014 1110 MIR "e iii n oclinri4. .�.xF Inspector's Report For the Year Ending November 30th, 1919 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL: GENTLEMEN:— The Inspector of the House of Industry and Refuge of the County of. Huron respectfully presents the following as his report for the year ending Nov. 30th, 1919. Total number of inmates admitted since opening of the House 529 Number of inmates on 1st December, 1918 91 Number admitted for the first time during the year 6 Number re -admitted after absence 4 Number born in House during the year 0 Number of deaths during the year 7 Number absconded during the year 0 Number discharged during the year 6 Number•of inmates in House on 1st December, 1919 88 Number of males L0 Number of females 48 Admitted during the year from several municipalities .>s follows:— TOWNSHIPS—Hay, ollows: TOW'VNSHIPS-1-lay, 1; Grey, 2; Hullett, 4; Morris, 1; Stephen, 1. TOWNS AND VILLAGES—Goderich, 1; Clinton, 1; Sen - forth, 1; Hensall, 1. Number of days' board. inmates 31805 Number of days' beard of keeper's family and help 1075 Average number of inmates during the year 87 Average number with keeper's fancily and help90 Total expenditure on House and farm $11726.66 Add value of provisions and fuel on hand 1st Dec. ' 1918 2656.65 Total expenditure $14383.31 Deduct capital account and permanent improve- ments $ '151.10 Produce sold during 1919 and other sources 2108.16 Provisions, produce, new clothing, and fuel on hand 1st December, 1919, as per inventory 3418.75 Received from paying inmates 1656.01 $ 7334.02 Amount expended for support of inmates $ 6898.19 Average expense per inmate per day nearly 212-3 Average weekly expenditure per inmate .. 1.52 The expenditure of House and Farm account is as follows: Capital Account $ 151.10 Hired help, Farm and House 30.50 Stock and Implements 1163.18 Salaries—Inspector, Keeper, Matron, Asst. Matron and Chaplain .1 801.83 Physician's salary and appliances 454.88 Repairs to building and furniture 283.47 Provisions and clothing 6046.97 Fuel and Light 1486.05 Books, postage and stationary 14.65 Incidental expenses 129.20 Sundry expenses for farm 164.83 $•11726.66 Durdng the year the sum of $5o6 has been collected for maintenance of Inmates. JOHN TORRANCE, Inspector Report of the Keeper TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL: GENTLEMEN: - 1 beg to submit the following report of crops grown and work done on industrial Farm during the year 19'19: Hay • 20 tons ,Mixed Grain 500 bus. Onions 10411 1•b s. Garden Carrots ... 50 bush Garden Beets . , . , 50 bush. Potatoes ... 350 bush. Horse carrots .25 bush. Plums 30 baskets 1 acre fodder corn Mangolds 700 bush. Live hogs sold ... $1482.70 Parsnips . 50 bush. Cabbage ' 300 head Tomatoes 25 bush. Raspberries .... 640 boxes Turnips 50 bush. Cucumbers . • 20 baskets 2 Calves sold $30 J. -P. REYNOLDS, Keeper. Medical Report TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS' OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL: GENTLEMEN :— • I beg to submit for your information the report of the Physician of the House of Refuge, for the County of Huron, for the past year. I have made 74 visits during the year and dispensed 692 bottles of Medicine, although there were no severe epidemics. The Deaths number seven (7) being due to Cancer 2; senile Dementia 2; pernicious anaemia, Strangulated Hernia, Acute Bronchitis with Patty Heart. The average age being 74. The Feed, Clothing and Heat, well provided fee: The Sanitary Conditions excellent. There were no coni. plaints. Respectfully submitted, J. W ,MiAW, ?lriysician Hous of Refuge mmnuaabouw P'.AOE 0 gusty. wwmryxmmeslpesuwurrtnai I •. An Lines Of atuaxcartaa naz biber rrSr� COF SND TSV Small Profits 9d9AR4'SiXr... "„LLT.ta JILTIPIMC:91.1GiiLnd EMIAMAYIY.M Pim nc 29. Molsons Bank Shareholders have Their Sistty-fourth Annual Meeting, Few institutions in our country can look back on an unbroken record of over sixty years of corporate existence —and the llolsous Bank, which was incorporated in 1855, has claim to Cis tinction in this respect. But its record shutes that age has not dulled its efforts. Indeed the statement shows that profits for the year established a new record, and had justified an increase in the dividend—which is now fixed at t2% instead of 11 % in recent years. Deposits lumped to over Sixty=l'hree over previous showing, and tt very sat- isfactory proportion of liquid assets to total liabilities is shown. The Management of the Molsons Bank may accept with the conscience of having; well earned it, the vote of thanks which the Shareholders passed, and the general. public will welcome the good showing made, as it reflects the satisfactory condition of business to Canada, Strayed. Strayed from undersigned's premises Lot 1S, con. 8, Hullett in October or November, 1 two-year old Holstein heifer. Anyone giving information that will lead to its recovery will be reward- ed. • J. W. Cartwright, a, • ':I •• Londesboro, Lumber for Sale, About 5,000 feet of good lumber for sale, suitable for sheeting. Apply to Lot. t9, con, 2, Hullett or R.R. No, 4, Clinton. W. G. Pope. For Sale. New Buffalo coat, extra large size. Otter triuuned; best fur coat in Huron County. Can be seen at Morrish store, Ed! 'Johnston, Clinton, Phone 8 on 636',•' Route 4. REVISION OF VOTEIir LIST TOWN OF CLINTON Bre4 e y r`"lt 70301113 More (flt:,l fe'y,C Wanted To rent or buy a farm of from 25 to 100 acres of land. Must have good buildings and be near to Clinton, Thos. Venner, Phone 641 R 5. Clinton, P. E_ WANTED A boy about 16 or 1 7 years of age for permanent office position. Apply DOHERTY PIANO COMPANY, LTD. VICTORY BONDS Bought and sold at Market prices. W. BRYDONE. LIVE POULTRY WANTED Highest market price paid. Phone 14-633 W. MARQUIS Clinton. Ontario YOU CAN HAVE THESE delicious bake -day products, too, 1. you will be particular and ask for Five Roses Flour. No amount of patience and skill can make up for the pool quality of flour, Five Roses Flour is properly milled from selected wheat. 11 costs no more than other kinds and it insures gratifying results. Notice is hereby given that a Court V• Jenkins &Son will held, pursuant 5 The Ontario Voters' List Act, by Ills Honour the Judge of the County Court of the' County of I'Iuron at the Council Cham- Phone 199 Residence. 131, ber in the Town of Clinton on Friday the 26th day of December, 1919, at Wholesale License 12-82 8,30 o'clock am, to hear and determine Canadian Food Control License 9-2368 complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Town of Girton for 1919. Dated at Clinton, this 4th day of December, 1919. D. L. MACPHERSON, exl* a,a.M •. I,,._ Town Clerk. FOR SALE " T FLOUR AND FEED Bay Driving horse, 3 years old, and 1 general purpose horse 3 years old, and will be sold cheap. Call at Store, J. E. Hugill, Sole agent for the Bell Piano, Seaforth Ont• For Sale. A lovely drop head sewing machine, been used only a few months for sale cheap a guarantee with it. Call at Jonathan E. Hugill's Music Store, sole agent for the Bell Piano, Seaforth Ont, M ^ Raw Furs Wanted. At higher prices than Inst season, Bring your furs in now before prices drop, H. A. Hovey. License No, 666. Clinton. A Piano Bargain. A Bell piano upright rase wood case 7,1-3 octave, A sweet tone and worth $250, Will sell at $165 for quick sale out of town prospects, Write For par- ticulars to Bell Sales Rooms, Seaforth Ont. Jonathan E. Hugill, Manager, P. 0. Box. 229, Clinton Tax Notiee. Ratepayers are reminded that the Second instalment of taxes for the cur- rent year are payable at the Molsons Bank on or before December 13th. next. No other than this advertisement Will be given. The tax statement must be presented at the Bank whim making payment. R. B. Fitzsimons, Tax Collector. HOUSE FOR SALE frame house, story-and-Itaif; 6 rooms on corner of Mill and Maple Street; town • water; ',acre of land: Possession given at once. Apply to 11.14MAS CHURCHILL,.. DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE r» � BETWEEN MONTREAL, z TORONTO W,r•�w, ' DETROIT AND CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service, Sleeping cars on night Hairs and Parlor Cars on special day trains. full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E, horning. District Passenger Agent, 'l'roonto. John Ransford 8t Son, city passe,. ger and Ticket Agents, phone 5F A, 0, Pattison, station, agent. T Cv.e 1 a 1, i4 t t 8 t 1 AS A MM. r' m Half the ills of 1'14' are, caner*. ' allowing the. bowels to b''o-.: r-, stipated. When the bowel.; hectare 1 t . : the stomach gets oat of o' ' does not work prop 'y, a':a ' t • 1 the vialetit eiek sad 1111.0'., t sourness of 111e. tit VIslf,.' r 4, heartburn, water bra 11, imitating interned Hera ng 0 1r, „1, 4 pilon. Keep 75110 bowris r " I• burn's Lain -Liver P21. �is ) 1 never be constipated, Mrs, C. Henderson, "'rt'l, l`.CI., writes:—"I have been ti .,,t,lsu t", 1 t, .x headaches and cons1ippat:utt most ,•11 u,y life Have not now bean i.roohled for a larag time. I haveeat faith ret ,i�ii1• buses Laaa.Livet Fills using them." lltlIbtirn's LaxO'iaiveat S'ille are 250, s visl at all .dealers or staled ti"mreet o, of,pricer by `las T, 1111i1bets Z`o i, LlUittd4 Totonio, abet