HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-11-27, Page 6FPA k M WV'' Egertise and sports, including skating,hockey and other outdoor games, men find no other un- der -garments so , satis- factory as Combinations and Two-piece Suits in WOMAN'S STORE Dry `Goods and House Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank x• CL.11111Q0NW. 'P!!�IIIII�1VVUlV STAKITIO 11115116iNKIIDLL UfflER EAR The perfect fit of this un- derwear,permits natural movemet and the Elastic insert shoulders are a boon to active men. No danger of shrinkage through bod• - •ily moisture. rmSEQVIctt XMAS •IS JUST A few weeks away. Do you not thin k it time you were purchasing your supplies for that Cake, Pudding, Mincemeat, etc,, You have been thinking about. See our new fruits. They are fine. OUR FOR THE KIDDIES WE RECEIVED NOTICE FROM SANTA CLAUS HE WOULD BE AT JOHNSON & CO's GROCERY SOON. —WATCH FOR HIM, -1 WE CARRY, OPEN PHONE 111 1920 CALENDARS ARE • HERE AND ' WE WILL PRESENT FREE TO OUR PATRONS CHRISTMAS WEEK. SPECIAL IN RAISINS While they last. 2 pkgs to each Customer with, your order. 2 pkgs— SEEDED RAISINS @45c NEW SEEDED RAISINS NEW CURRANTS NEW PEELS, FIGS, DATES, etc, Everything new for that Cake your thinking about. STOCK OF THE GOLD CHINAWARE. GET THE HABIT OF CALLING AT tatn t ro to psxn zn / +0 6 PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO J The Features of Our u r l u rap T" 0hirh tar invire special attention a'. lis 1,Pa"ty, iia a aired eorofort, ire ,uhd , n, slimes; 0, arae its below the urn I 1 n,ieri. Au). one of these pointe a•uu41 '+e uoft to earn it your prr fermi e, Win 12 they are ail cotn- h,itrd wr frrt :MT you will realize That Ihi., ia 21 fdif,ilnre buying oppor- tunity you u,wuotoli'urd to ignore DUNFeRD 'Undertaker and Fettered Director. Phone 28. °+leth2 and 'tund;ty /;ails answered at Residence over store CHRIS 1, MAS HINTS vee In your Selection of gifts consider French Ivory, the most serviceable and beautiful of all toilet goads. We' haye just received a large and attractive assortment including: Mirrors, Combs, Brushers, of all kinds; Hair Receivers; Powder and Puff Boxes; Jewel Cases; Manicure Sets; Photo Frames;. Buffers, Scissors; Nail Files; Cuticle Knives; Etc. Each Article Stamped "French Ivory." • •rm+ctna Despensing Chemist For i obi Honig AND M t 1 OF ALL KINDS GO TO IC,. Hawkins Phone 53 ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Agent for HECLA Eenisces Mop over Row•Iaud's iiurdware Jail►itig And Fittlntgs 'Always On Hand. rhe Corner Grocery "LIR:4ND LET LIEU" , (HERE IS. A PLACE A SEASON AND • A REASON FOR EVERYTHING This is the place for every Seasonable thing in the Grocery line; and there's a reason why we sell them— THE QUALITY TRY '.THESE — --- Ttrev PLEASE New Seedless Raisins. New Seeded Raisins New 1Currants . . • Walnuts, Almonds and Filbisi'ts ; New Dales New Ftgt. ' Orange, Lenton and Citron P4:el. SPECIALS ; Oranges, Lemons. Grapefreit,,, Bai:tnas, 'Sweet Potatoes Create '. Beetles and Celery,_:, MEN'S STOKE, Custom lits •-lig Men hurn,"r Phone 103 Opposite Public L.brarr, s+s German experimenters are trying out electrical machiney fo cutting peat. 77,,,, Great Bnottalt0Bernedv. ' � A Tones and invieorat,e-.the whole nervcni ystem, makes naw Blood ,n old Vains, ! Ire Nercou Debility, Nental and Drieln r'Yotit Deepen- demi/, Loae of IG'ner07/, Pe.ipitatiin of the heart, Failing Dleraorp. Price 51 per box, ole for 05.p, One will please, sae will cure @b8old.by alt. druggists or mailed in plain peg. an reeo,pt of pike. MEDICINE C4nphlel ezailrrl tree, THE WOOa CO)-•�OROt170.ONL CRrarr7r Wludwc' GRAND TRUNK TIMETABLE Trains Going worth 11,17. a.m, 6.40 p. m. Trains Going South 3.20 a.m. 4,15 p. m. Trains Going East 6,33 a.m. 2.52 p. m. Trains Going West 11.11 a. m. 1.45 p. m. 11.18 p, m. al The Undersigned is now entering the coal business and asks for a share of the public business. All orders may be left, for the pre- sent at my residence on Huron St. Terms= ---Strictly Cash—Phone 155. E. 1,;1 RESIDENCE—HURON STREET Head ad L ed So NO TO GO TO SU When the liver becomes sluggish and inactive itdoee noYmanufacture enough __ bile to thoroughly act on the bowels anal carry off the waste matter from the systema, hence the bowels become clogged up, the bile pets into the blood, con- stipation sets in and is followed by sick and bilious headaches, water brash, heartburn, floating specks before the eyesand painful internal, bleeding or protillding piles. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills regulate the flow of bile so tdiat it act; properly on the bowels, and stirs the sluggish liver into activity. Mrs. E. Bainbridge,'Amherst N,&. writes. "I take pleae/are in writing yqu of the good I received by using Mil burn's Lala -Liver Pills for headache. I was so bad I had to go,te bed, and count not sit unzp A friend told me about your wonderful _medicine and two vials have made nate as well as I can be." Milbuun's Laxa-Liver Pills are' 260. a Taal at all dealers, Od mailed direct on receipt of price, by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. NEW COAL We are expecting both at Brucefield and Clinton, some of the new kind of deal in Stove size Briquettes. Try a load' of this as we can assure your entire satisfaction, besides coming a ]tile chn'in"r, We also stock the fol- lowing at Clinton: puvry t l wr '1'124. Cannel de Luxe. SOFT GOAL. 3 in. and up Belmont Lilnip, Pea Coal. 51.00 cheaper than other sizes. CANADA CEMENT. The standard ar- Aecounts may be paid, and orders left sit Wiltsie's grocery store. At Brucefieiclll*_ ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER in both hard and sort '»oeds, B.C. SHINGLES Selling at less than to- day's lost price, • FiBRE BOARD cheaper And better r than lath ,and plaster, 11J111TH1NG COAL our fatuous klean- weld.• Also 'Cannel, Soft Coal, and Canada cement, We du root want all'the business, but We would like tolfav'e+xtfurs, JNO. B. MUSTARD �j �v y ,7 e,f + Clinton' , & Beitfef3ieId. Wa "b a e 6 II l 10.1'9" Phoae• for C4nton Ne., 74. rites* sift , lPhrne:for iruceficld 11"ori 8x8, A H' 4UWIUVI01911Li iVt31IiVVIlIll1iPEi11mult VG1seUM; IgIol titan@pUlmullll(Ilfilanou Loca.'1 , a. knie P `. IIIIIiIIiNIIIIIIIIIIIIiCI!II1U11111i11i41IIiIIIiHilliuCillll✓UIiIGCillllllllil;iil!!Ilillllii ViCll!6UIGJCIiI6�IIIIItlllillllilllllllll��lul!IIIPIHVi!IVIIII'IiluiilllDh!!'�;IIP+,!II!11�1111CIiII,III;jIiIdJ91119111 l xtra Hours floc Plano men. . Show Broke Up The piano hands 111 the Doherty Fact- The New Era understands that "Tile dry have bean working overtime to get" `Dark Town Swells" Company broke up out their many orders. in Wingham last Thursday, file real Sonthern" colored people left for Christmas Trees Turpntu, The Ontario Street Sunday Expect Gusincss will bold tlialr 5021911 Christrfzils trey Enierfaizinent on Monday, December 'Local express eonipally officials, 2011, Worldne -Overtime, The Jackson Mfg„ Co., are working overtime to get their orders out for the holiday trade, it is a good. sign to see our factories working overtime, Will J'dloct Officers lvlurphy Lodge L. O. L. will hold Registered A'ddreaaes their Annual meeting for election of ofricers an Thursday eve;iug of this The G. N. W. telegraph • company has advised its cable patrons that commencing" January 1, 1920, a fee 1)5 52.50 per. Annum will, be mad: Huron County Wins for reeorreing a registered address. Upon that date all existing regis- trations will 'lapse, until renewal W. C. T. U. in Ontario, was awarded has been previously made and the to Huron County at the annual meeting, fee paid for the succeeding year. at Guelph last week.. N`o Sign Of Eclipse having received intimation from headquarters, are expecting an avalancheof business in the near. future, • They gate that a threatened wet spell in Ontario is imminent and shipments of liquor from Montreal will be pernlissibie as soon as the peace treaty goes tato effect, week (To -Night) . A full atteludanee IS requested. The banner for • the largest propor- tionate increase in membership for the All registrations will automatically expire 12 months from date of re- istry And must be renewed, 1f a Weather conditions • were against continuation of the registration be tine observation of the annular eclipse desired, of the sun on Saturday which conmenc- I. Will Tobacco Be Grown Here? ed at 7,43 and concluded at 110.15. The Several of our townspeople have during the past summer or so grown samples of tobacco and have had good Council'meets Monday evening. success. The New Era in speaking to Mr. A. J: Grigg, wino was a successful The New Era desires to publish all grower this year, finds out that the the news In the community. If you Doininion Experimental Farm will sup - know of any interesting items send ply -all the necessary information 121 , them in. We will appreciate it. regards to the growing; what is suit - Sells House , • 1geeseee able' to the soil, and also the sample AAr, W. T. O'Neil has disposed of seed will be supplied. The Leaning-' Itis residence to Mrs. ( ) yRev, Hove> of 1 ton, growers have reaped a big price' this year and the newspapers report, nwho will'move shortly I that at West Lorne it farmer had a crop tBurliown,gton,; Mr, O'Neil has resided in thisto I 1102111 for about i5 years. He will worth 5680. an acre. ]Hove to his other house across the Ends "Specialists" street, now occupied by ler. Sutter. A proclamation published in this Send Us The News week's Ontario Gazette will put an The New Era is anxious to have end to opticians or "eye specialists" correspondents in all districts. If . peddling glasses from house to your territory is not represented by ; house, An optometry act was pass - our staff eorrespondent will you send ed at 1lie last session of the legisla- us the news, or suggest the name of ture, but was not to come into op- 1 someone who would be likely to - do moon pending a proclamation. sot. We furnish stamped envelopes The act fixes a maxirhun line of 5t 00, and a minimum of 510 for and writing supplies.. 1 any person convicted of "selling," To Meet Premier l fitting or supplying glasses by go - Mayor Cooper has been ad- i ing from house to house, or from Y place to place, or In ally other man - Monday, that Hon. E. C. Drury has fixed ,ter than front a permanent place of , Monday, December 1, at 12 o'clock business, and notwithstanding that , noon at the .Parliament buildings, To- he is the holder of a municipal ronto, as the hour and place when he license as a peddler or transient would receive the deputation from the trader." Like penalties are fixed municipalities of Ontario for the pur- for anyone appending to his name pose of discussing the future of the the term "optometrist," or "opti- cian," movement in the Province, or any other initials to which Toronto Huron Old Boys. he is 'not entitled, to deceive the The annual meeting of the Huron Old public. Boys' Association of Toronto will be Have Called A Halt sun was obscured throughout, Minor Locals 3 days more in November. sday, November 27111, 4919 r held at St. George's Flail, Elie street, at 3 o'clock on Friday evening, November The Bruce Herald and Times, of 28th for the election of officers and the Walkerton last week published the fol, transaction of general business. Every lowing which should be enf'trced in Huron Old Boy and Girl is invited to every town Th merchants and other be present. Ladies will be eligible to business men on the front street have • election for any aflice in the Associa- been worked so persistently and long tion. Addresses will be delivered by i'y the ticket sellers for local concerts Sir John S. Willson and Hon. W, that they have decided, if possible, to Proudfoot, on live topics. Help us to ahnlish ;he practise and have signed a keep up the enthusiasm by attending losnt agreement not to buy, any more this meting and bringing a friend with tickets at their stores. As it was a you, common practise for some good cus-, , tomer to bit thenn tip to buy tickets Must Be Vaccinated for concerts, which half the tune they Either there will be an epidemic wanted to see nor were any of vaccinations in Canada or 'very few residents of the Dominion will enter the United. States, as the result of an order issued by the American Government , it states that a person desiring to cross the border must .produce a certificate showing that they have been vaccinated within the last 3'0 days. There are to be no exceptions to the rule, even railroad men being forced to comply with the order, The law becomes effective at attempting to do by the Joint agree- ment they have signed and published Are You'Left-Handed? elsewhere in this issue. Merchants or, other towns who have been victimized in the sante way, have for the meet part adopted similar means to combat the practise. • To say that the front street has been worked to death for shows, canvasses and every other kind of endeavor, fittingly expresses a con- dition of affairs too long prevalent here.—Bruce Herald and Times. ways interested in, butwhich on ac- count of the seller they were obliged to conte across for and cash up, or run the risk of losing custom and being bawled out around town as a piker, 'I'hu5 taken advantage of the merchant was almost invariably obliged to buy, and hence he became in time the chief financier for every scheme and enter- prise in town. Only by concerted act - tion could the business men hope to stop the ordinance and this they are Gan you cut bread with your left hand, mount your cycle from the right-hand side 05 the machine, shoot from the left shoulder, or answer ere - respondence with the left hand? The art of ambidexterity, or the usage of both hands is all extremely practical ac-. complishment, and one involving not. only mechanical skill, but a certain a- mount of will and brainpower. A soc- iety for the cultivation of the left hand That uncommonly strong combine - was started some while ago in London, but tine scheme never had sufficient backing to flourish: Now the French Academy of Medicine are advocating that school -children be taught to write with the left hand as well as the right, as a means of remedying the physical in firniities in which tliat country has been placed. One curious point cancers the cult of the left , hand, an eminent phy- sician having stated that it tends event- ually to .inelease lunacy. This motion has, however; been contested by other medical men,,, and the 'headnsaaster of Eton suggests that the further usage' of the left hazed develops certain organs of the brain which otherwise lie dormant. Origin of Jury System. The exact origin of the jury system - is not known with certainty, it having; been attributed to 'different European peoples which at an early period deve- loped' methods of trial somewhat simi- liar to the early Jury trials i1 England. Trial by battle ,was cast in the blink - ground. "by the Norman conquerors When the Norman institution of recog- nition by ,swarm inquest was adopted, The Curia Regis, or King's Court, direc- ted-the, i'ected the sheriff to select four knights of the county by whom twelve knights Were selected t0 serve as recognitors, •After beide, duly sworn they iebuired tion of colored talent, known as the J. Rockwell "Sunny South" company, he show that never disappoints, the me that never misrepresents is announc •d to appear In the Town Hall, Clinton, Tuesday evening, December the 211d, 5his e0nfpany has been seen here sev- eral times and it has always made good every promise, delivering the goods just as advertised, As on Its former visits, It will be found to be clean to a fault•aud during the entire performance there is not a line, an action noir en in- sinuation to' which exception can be taken. There is every ingredient o1 gayety and melody and it is illuminated ,vltlt an Olio of topnotch and refined vaudeville stunts, of the better class, the kind that are seldom seen outside the larger cities. From curtain to cur- tain it is snappy, gingery end well cal- culated to drive away the blues, Mr. , Rockwell does not believe in putting the greater part of his salary allotingut Into one or two acts and ailowdng the balance of the performance to• suffer through the employment of citeagper ones, sthich always disgust the exper- ienced patron, but lie has found that the expenditure of money far the pur- pose of mailing eaelr act and detail complete pays twice over in the box office receipts, This explains why the into the facts of interest to the new performances given by this company' rulers of England which might be soh- erre always up-to-the-ntinute and sends ,inqufry, siicli as matters the audience home whistling, happy Jett to public affecting the title of rent estate; as and contented, at the same thole feeling affecting the reignof henry If, 115410 satisfied with their investments. There t early yapplied to - the King's Court for is plenty of, fun its the performance, in recognitors whose verdict, .if ominous, fact it was 1311111 for aughing purposes orie and it is generally recognized as •a was ccepted as conclusive. Orfghiatlly' un1 of the funniest shows since Banc the Jury Was selected because of their hegam, The organization Isaccornpaff- knowledge of the people, locality, 5114 led by an excellent solo concert band custonns and tl>.ere'by passing upon the and a superb orchestra, The "koon- facts front a more estimate knowledge town" parade, a decided novelty, takes of them. During the reign of Henry IV' place at the moon hour, the jury was instructed to judge the The prices of, addmisslon are 55, 50 facts upon the evideljcc snhmitted to it and 75 cents. •Plus War Tax, Secure which is the ,single function of the jury Seals now and avoid sfanding. They of modern pftctide, are selling at,'iiair's Book Store. , c ^ y ., . ern sigU , a ¢t Ilore We recently received a consignment of: 'PORCELAIN,; Olt 1NAWAP.E which rewards our efforts towards better liter. chandising, - It is r1aip,-,a good white With single gold band, no't large in a;:sortnacnt of shapes,: but big in value:— Cups and Saucers . 25c each 0,60 a doz. Tea Plates , . ,. , , , , .25c each $2.50 a dor, Porridge Bowles 2Oc each $2,25 a doz. •14ruitNappies ,,,, , ,,15ceach $1,75 a doz. Salt and Pepper 15 a pair LOOKS LIKE "BEFORE THE WAR" PRICES The Wo Do Fair Often the heapest— bways the Best .:xd6r1,stwn19Vea9 4„' 9,,. wM9'ivr Mei.5m1)a Before buying, call and see our stock of ranges and heaters. Aluminum, Granite and Tinware. Electric Fixtures and supplies always on hand. We carry a fall lisle of Brandram Henderson, ...English Paints and Varnishes. Si ID a Electrician F son e 147w. E't c Plumber A (IIFT Sigges YOUR a 410 1 GRAPH i Most things can be anybody's gift — Your Photrait is distinct- ,ively exclusively your's... Just think 1 dozen Photos make 12 Christmas Gitfs Your Friends can buy anything you can give them except Your Photograph PHOTOGRAPHS TAMEN AT NIGHT MAKE THAT APPO1NTME1Tr TO -DAY. [Fl,ozie 66, ®y all Photographer RU e,., lire Family We have a pair of Good Rubbers for every l=oot in the Family and, at this season of the year, Every Foot in the Pant-, ily should be provided with good Rubbers! The Pali Season always has many days of slush, snow and bad walking on its Calendar. Buy Your ' Rubbers N VYta l Men's Rubbers:—$1.550; $1.60; $1.75; and $2.00 ,Women's Rubbers1-$1.00; $1.10; and $1.50. Children's Rubbers :-75c • and $1.00; (in Black White and Brown) Rubber Long Bootss $5.00 to $7.50. We've Rubbers in all the good styles, heels and toes to fi every shape. A Pair of Good Rubbers Saves Doctor's Bilis and Shoe Bills. .121eNSON PRACTICAL SHOE MAN