HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-11-27, Page 5`Thursday, Novonuber 27th, 1919 mArr'rrreeredi arise • Jt O'UR . EEa.KS THEN C •IR S>,IV AS' i MAS SUGGESTIONS II4 J WELRY FOR L. DIES The most popular article for a lady this:, year is a wrist watch, It co611111es theuse- ful with the beautiful, ft is not altoget,iser a luxury. •.We expect a large number will be sold this Xmas; and we have bought accordingly, - We have bought the same • stakes for some years and they have made good. As usual our stock of 1847 Silver ware is large, a full assortment in Old Colony and 'Cromwell pat- terns and t Adams pattern inor sC n- munity plate, 11. • ERI L r"Bit'4i JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses r w ^s ea sass itearzronm.5... K..t.,.,tam,,m ntt...mo ,BOOR THIN BLOOD BRINGS INDIGESTION 112adae the .Blood Rich and Recl by Using Dr. • Williams' Pink Pills. Thin- blooded people generally have S1ontaah trouble. They seldom recog- nize- the fact that thin blood is the cause of indigestion, but it is. Thin blood, uteak, watery blood, Is one of the most common causes of stomach trouble. The glands that furnish the digestive fluids are diminished in their activity, the stnmach'.tnuscles are weak- ened and there is a loss of nerve force. In this state nothing will more quickly restore appetite, digestion and a nor- mal nutrition than good, rich, red blood. • Dr, Williams Pink Pills act directly 'on the blood. staking it rich and red, and this enriched blood strengthens weak serves, stimulates tired muscles, ;. .arid awakens to normal activity the glands that supply the digestive fluids, The first sign of returning health is an 'insproved appetite, asid'soon the effect -of these blood improving pills is felt throughout the whole system. You find that what you eat does not distress you aisd that , you are daily growing 'stronger and more vigorous. Mr. J. J. Murray, Regent street, Toronto, bears testifnony to the valve of Dr. Williams Pink Pills in cases of this kind, He says;—"Durhng-the iattee part of 4918 -was a sick man. My stomach seemed 'simply down and out. 11 had no desire for food, and when I ate it distressed re. -1 was pale, did not sleep well, nat- urally got up in the morning feeling -grouchy.,,.11y wife was worried over ,;.nor'"co`nihtion• and urged me to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills, reminding me of the good they had done our eldest: 'daughter when she was in a somev, Oat similar condition. I decided to follow her advice and got a supply and here is the story its a nutshell: I have got. my appetite back, sleep soundly at night, enjoy my meals and ass so gratt- tied with what the pills have done for ane that the 1 strongly advise their use `for pale, sick people." You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for • $2,50 from the Dr, Williams Medicine Brockville, Ont. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A Among the devices to keep flags from wrapping around horizontal poles is a card to be run from the lowest corner f a Ila to! o g he t pole on which runs a weighted wheel to hold at down, An itallan inventor has designed a dirigible 1,140 feet long and driven by ' six 500 horsepower motors with which :,.lie plans 5 flight from Rome to South America,,stopping in Africa en route. ..-GENU-----111E ASPIRIN HAS "BAYER CROSS" " fi vlets without "Bayer Cross" are not Aspirin at ail Get genuine"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" 'in a "Bayer" package, plainly marked 'with. the safety "Bayer Cross.' The ",Bayer Cross" is your only, .way mf knowing tha:tybu arc gett_ng genuine Aspfrfn, prescribed by physicians for nineteen years and proved safe by mil'• lions for •headache, Neuralgia, Colds, -Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for :Pain generally, made in Canada. handy tin boxes of 12 tablets—•also larger sized "Bayer" packages. Asirid is the trade Mar . k (re is g Atere d Canada), of }layer Manufacture of .1 tonoitcetieacideetar of Sklieylieacid, While it is well; known that Aspirin nd }la er manufseture t o aerie lw vannas t t t y `t i tl se ii itati a sl 0 a of m ons the Tablets of r .Bttyei G$drillfdjiyi Ltd., tiiri'be stamped with theist gootiil tirade taArk, tto toyer Creep es a.un•i et1e'n pootlttrig and .healing 7;4tvex. "Pit*it-Balt lots been oar Isti:achold beim nt tsr fourteen yowls, cod we colt n -t coo w;thunt 11," i' , , u'r. Cwt wo A. I: elbarn oe Ewan 1a'c ren I„ eteemia, end see" -.1 troubien of nil home v i.., l ai 1 0, (,yuat; Old r,r' til , a; atsree se3,' bel+ ,1 iris' l; ) oaJ• ; v ;;,piles, trete, L etas, 1, :te s 1 r .e1::•1. .All deelerd or Past .alt Cb,, Toa r'oodo, 6se, box, 3' far 31,97, HOW WE, WILL BE FURRED Last i 5 winter; or, in fact, forth e, past few seasons, one's first Impression ongoing g down the crowded boulevards vas that Of the 61c1 nursery rhyme: . 'I event to the animal fair; The birds and the beasts were there,' For -weren't there snore bf those un- gainly skins, all betailed and beswathect, lath we were fairly sick of 'een? Never vas a pretty style more -overdone or bused than tete one of wearing fur capes. Woolen built more for comfort, hall for style bedecked themselves in icy hose, high -heeled slippers and very ittle of skirt, then wrapped their arms Ind shoulders in yards and yards of ex- sensive fur. The effect was top-heavy, tot to say pitiful, considering how mer- cilessly they exposed their nether limbs he while wrapping their upper arms in thousand dollars worth of sable, or nctre often, near mink. This .season, however, sees us cm- tarked on at least a more graceful line o furs, and -we will accept with thanks he makers' edict that we change our node at least of swathing, Til,ere will till be scat/ furs, of course, but the grotesque affairs of Last winter will, be 'en no more on the women who care, strange to relate, the little chokers of tone marten, sable, stink and the like, :hich became so furiously popular lane last season, aril were continued as a •eature in summer furs have°gone to an arly demise too. This is rather strange or these tittie furs had a snappy air which made a costume about the neck, rid yet they didn't detract from the Ines of a suit with which they were •ora. Two -skin scarfs will still he can, mostly of Stone marten, that pest rom Spain and Asia Minor which saw such a furore not long ago. . Smartest mong the many members of the fox amity will be the very ;'yxpensive but ery lovely silver -fox. Soon, too, will e cross fox, and the becoming cinna- mon variety, the latter being used a of for trim on coats and dolmans • of arker, mostly black furs; Dolmans, by he way, seem to have quite a standing In furdom this winter. They are shown 'n long, medium and short styles. Coats quite fall in the back and held across he front by a narrow belt slipped Brough the sides pronounce a new sit souette, These coats are finger-tip ength and are made of seal, broadtail, caracul, civet cat, beaver, nutria and note. Their collars, cuffs and trim are nvariably of a contrasting fur, 'Brilliant are the new . linings of all tar coats; in fact, they are being Made one of the outstanding features. Solid things of bright blue, cerise, orange, eliotrope, Jade and Peking blue are een in .numbers of •models, and very mart are linings in blocked patterns embracing many colors, .or .scattered !oral effects in wlerd combinations, It was predicted last winter that changing conditions would of necessity curtail the money spent on furs', for to he average person they are a luxury. Business has proved exactly the • oppo- site.to be the case; however; indeed, n nosey cases, such a stimulus has ,een given to buying that furriers are vorking full force to catch up with the )rders that arrive Faster than they can be filled: And the strangest part of all is that the expensive furs ani most n demand. Truly you never can tell; Though when this is analyzed, it per - laps isn't so marvelous that women to whom the various avenues of industry were opened up during the war should choose their furs among the rarer pelts, thus having an eye to wearing them for some time, and having a desire too for the finer things in which they have !i never before had. the privilege of in- dulgi'ng. A number of descriptions aresinctud ed in this article, to give concrete ideas of what is combined with which, and to assure the women who is not near tete style centres that she Is buying wisely. 13roadtail which promises to be one of the favored rut's for wraps, is de- lightfully. developed for early winter wear in a dolman reaching to the knees and having collars and cuffs of mink, A small ,wrap of mole has et loose cape back which can be belted or not as the wearer desires. The shawl collar is of taupe lynx, A novel coat of natural squirrel has a crossedsearf or stole effect in the front, and deep cape collar Is of taupe dyed squirrel One of the loviiest• of evening coats is, of •white caracul, made in a modified capeeffect with a wide band of blue fosseThe sane fur appears again as a ro'fd collar below a standing one of White 'silk. 'fwo fluffy white buttons fasten the wrap over the evening frock, Entire wraps of kolinsky, sable or chincilla are very good. They do not sponsor any' extreme mode or cut, but are Conservative, - - A smart coat of black careen! fits quite closely about the shoulders, Ita5 a Wrapped collar of the same, and the skirt ripples away (ram the waist to the knees in front and aWay below them hi the back. in a cape of moleskin our old friend the skunk bobs up serenely in the shape, of a wide, graceful collar. This cape has a deep shoulder yoke Which is a change end is,'artfdpy done, A dressy wrap of Alaska sea also hat oho of,.these deep yokes, tilt one remelt= Ing almost to the waist; The body of the coat Is gathered full across the OWand is draped into a narrow, ed`edlive •I11 A 3N NO,LNI13 PACE 5 lrfiin, ' The e.oltaE sof the slime is value nitnoes and is equally becoming up About the sleek or threw back, A sports coatee of sustrhe blouses over the sash belt in the back, retid iS collared and colied to raccoon, Small furs for whiter will be of elnnehllla, racoon, mole, nutria, sell, sable,lynx squirrel and, as said -be- fore, the various foxes, led by the .liver vertely, ' • SUR' I'NT FAITH AND # , BELIEF IN COMMUNITY Individusf Indifferences Forbids Healthy Pab'lic Sentiment and When in Control Depresses and Stifles. Whereas, public sentiment, mud - tested in Cnnununity co-operation, is an Invincible force, brlsere;s,, individual indifference for - healthy public sentiment and when in control depresses and stifles: Whereas, the community' is the body of which individual citizens are mem- bers tout the body can not be strong tf the members be atrophied; and Whereas, without action life Is int - possible,' death inevitably ensuing; therefore be it Resolved that, mettle years to cone, 1 shall, believe in ally 'fellow townsmen an - 'nye e fait. h in my community o t umt� Y and d shall make known say , n belief and faith in season and out of season by all sly, public and private acts and, utterances; Whereas, all that 1 have and all that 1 can hope for in a material, moral and social way, are inseparably united with my community's fate; be it further and. finally Resolved, that I shier!) supplement Illy faith In toy fellows and toy belief in my community by giving freely of my time and my stoney in promoting my community's—therefore nay own—in- terests. HOW TO PROTECT WOOLENS AND FURS FROM MOTHS It 1s muses est:ler to bar the destruc- tive moth froth your Wardrobe than it is to put him cut afterward and repair the damage. Fairly in the spring is the tante to use the "ounce of prevention."' The moths is no ciiscrimin:.tor of pers0113 or things; the achunli-c,y's half -worn woolen mittens or your sealskin coat re all one to hint when he starts o1 his perforating pilgrimage. Woollen stuffs and fur are his fav- orite materials, and if, during the spring and summer, you do out care- fully guard your garments Made from these, they are likely to resemble sieves in the fall. Eternal vigilance seems the only succeseful Method of protecting woollen garments from the pests. • The larger pari of one's winter ward- robe is usually carefully "put away" in the spring to remain stored until ,cold weather appears again. Some people are fortunate enough to be able to send 'their clothing to a storage com- pany which Makes a business of see- ing that sloths do not damage garments le in its care, The rank and -file,itovv- eva, still have to follow grandmother's methods and pack their clothes in trunks or cedar chests, or wrap theta up and store them on the closet shelf. In the fall, when they are unpacked, there is always the fear that in spite of yoser care the moths may have found a way in during the summer. Mucic of this anxiety would be unnecessary if the garment were made absoiutely.clean when stored away, and if it were pack- ed in as nearly an air -tight way as pos- sible. Torough brushing should remove all moths and eggs, but hanging for a day in sun and wind also helps. When the garment is clean, the next step is to wrap it up so carefully that the moths cannot reach it. This can be done in several ways? Sew it up in strong, brown wrapping paper—use pasteboard boxes and seal with strips of gum paper, or place the garment in paper bags which are sold for storage purposes. Naphtltaiine flakes and pyrethrum powder are recommended by a writer in the Forecast Magazine as two of the most effective remedies known for pro- tecting clothes from sloth infestation and for killing all stages of the insect, Camphor is less effective, and while red -cedar chests readily kill all adult moths they do not prevent the hatch- ing of moth eggs, Garntents weiett are used from time to time all summer cannot be wrapped, but must hang in the closet and ward= robe ready for unexpected• changes ass the weather, but they will keep in good condition, the department of agriculture suggests, if tlse following precautions are carried out: .Keep the closet t e sc Or wardrobe s-' clean, n e , If possible Hang diens in a closet with a window, B'rusis clothes thoroughly at regular intervals, Tursi pockets wrong side out, cuffs down, and brush. Brush under lapels, plaits and the top of hems, Everyone knows how much dust collects in all of these crevices of clothing: If this, 'dust is not allowed to remain, the moths will not have a good lodging place. tice The frost is here. Watch your battery es well as radiator. If yots bring your battery, to 'us far winter or recharge, you will get it back fully charged. We overhaul aaiy make Of Storage battery. STORAGE, BATTERY SL'RVIGB STATION, Car painting and Overhauling. • J. H. PRIMA, �� � 'garage Pihne 80 t Residence 14 CLINTON, OMI'. PRINCESS THEATRE—FRIDAY AND SATUROAV f(„.m.r.co�tuz..nn.rt^^,rt '•,exnitA.^...n rr�m1:1*.a.vr xten tnaL10 tsntim ngIntomraraan..1 „I+y»fdn,h 4Clt!'{,ttl-'-'^•• ^4 a • V' C.VkYi`wSN•4bi„,L',1.1�[.YI:Y.�NVNt"T.L`.'P�96G,iYu+pY.%.: 41fzLW.YApf6JP3bb•4i,3-LL i�RrwiW:C:� About 95 per cent, of the motion plcsurely coming must make up their lures shown in British India are Amer- minds to nclverlise aggressively and fern productions, NOVEMBER 28 ..;ND 29 MARY PICKFORO ""MUSS" I" r A BEAUTIFUL LOVE THEME WOVEN AROUND 'I'1•i2 BRAWNY DAYS OF THE CALIFORNIA GOLD RUS'11. 'flitiRL 18 A Hi3AR'TY LAUGH; A Ti NY S01,3;" AND A i108T OF THRILLS 1'6•it;Ea --- 10; 20; 80. fin All err tar continuously during the coping- year, meen railect o a sago ansforri tlennistracket ptress that AS a result ,i the war with is patriotic also Serves as u cover. and oeuuomic restrictions upon almost Light and power are supplied to 166 'dal normal buying, people have become surrounding villages from a single cell- accustomed to repress their desires end U:ul stations in Germany. even to postpone indefinitely burying It has been estimated that the world's goods and commodities that are, really nut trees could supply nourishment to need, Its entire population. 'Phe descale of 1lviiig, too, has been cut A Frenchman Is the lnVentor of a down, so that people are buying less cleylce to be clamped to the edge of a even of such staples as groceries, table to hold playing cards, clothing, etc„ than they did before the Electric bulbs lighteddrom a dry bat- war, This attitude must be changed tery form animal's heads on a recently asd the ha, rahha patented mutt for women. of postponingbit orof d singbuyingwithoutt,er mtustn . A hydraulic brake for motor v'e- be re-established at once if the country hides which acts upon all four wheels is to enjoy uninterrupted prosperity. The eo I onceE re well At. is an English invention, n able to b , P p e u Sav- g ) Apparatus that massages women's Ings are at the Highest point ever throats with Sprays of water to im- known in this country. Farmers are prove their contour has been, invented, receiving good prices for their products Alcohol is being made from calcium and labor is employed at high wages. carbide at a rate of about 12,000,000 ; The fact that even without much gallons a year at a Swiss plant, ! special effort in the way of advertising Numerous advantages are claimed for a certain •unount,of business is Lound a recently patented watch_ that has a to materialize should not cause any re - clamp to fasten it to a telephone. 'taller to be satisfied with less than the maxintsm amount of trade, and ;'rofit, I that can be developed by intellllgent, I well directed publicity. The rain from heaven falls alike on the just avid un- just, but when it comes to catching the golden showers of business pros - The Bad Cold ''ututtse tntitrgest tubth usually getso the largest share. It must be remembered that by far F TO -DAY the greater part of the total volume 01 business in almost every line is created by advertising. The great department !stores and the mail order !oras would o Net Neglect BT MAY S.EririOUS fJQ+, gn p ngf ! 0 t du a tithe of their present enor- 1' �1-";,ta11i,',it.0 5 s'0 : annus businesses if they shnuid forsake MAY Develop Into DsenOFnlCfo,Ptaett th'iiir continuous, systematic use of ! ter'e ink and other methods of pub- erscssla and pserietiess Coassuir aptiors. ' 11,11,, and content th.mti:_Ives with —^ eimply supplying an uncultivated de= mend tar their kends, Yet this is ex - Miss Mary Prose*, Fe.R.. No. 1, ' wetly what the , usnds of retailers are Crdnrdaie, (tut„ vcritte -"I had the doing. Whit! has Leen said of the two Lsfiuza in Novranhrr tact, and it left branches of business named applies er me with it terrible cot>gh. I did not with :equal force to almost all others. attend to 11 until it ,tt so severe penpl,• Advertising, of the right kind, is potent warned me it vva3 time to 'se about i+,.. to create the desire for whatever kind I went to the doctor and got some of ;',aids you have for sale, and it Is medicine, fie told, me it was a bad, the oat,. force that can du it. attack of bronchitis. I eoald not sleep t Let the retailer, then, realize that and would have to sit up nearly all - advertising of the right sort, not care - night, it was t,o difficult for me to get fess and spasmodic but carefully plan - my breath. The doctor's medicine did ncd and continuous, does netusilly pro - not seem to be helping me the least bit, , duce business, and act upon that rea- One of our neighbors came in one day, lizatiou by setting aside a fixed per - and told me about Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I tried it and took two bottles. i\o person could believe how it helped me. I have recommended it to different people since, for I believe' I have reasons for doing so, Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has been on the market for the past 30 years and stands out by itself as a remedy fpr all coughs and Colds. Be sure and get thereal "Dr. Wood's" when you ask for it. ' Put up in a yellow wrapper; 3 pine trees the trade mark; price 25e. and 50e. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Limited, Toronto, Ont. WHY RETAILERS centage of his average annual sales to he invested in advertising during the present year. In the Shoe trade according to figures compiled by the bureau of research of the graduate school of business admin- istration, Harvard University, tete per- centage varies from 1,03 per cent. on the cheaper lines to 2 per cent. on the higher priced shoes. Chain systems of shoe stores appropriate an average of 2.03. per cert. of their sales for adver- tising, A compilation node by Printers' Ink, relating to eight department stores sit- uated in several staters, whose annual sales ranged from one million to four and a half millions of dollars, shows a range of 314' ,to 6 per cent. of their gross sales expended or advertishrg, the average being 401 per, cent. SHOULD 31 IT8DTISE At a recent meetng of retailers en - WL L991 V :1 Ca)Ii gaged in various lines the subject of what. -proportion` of sales should be spent for advertising Was discussed at length, the prevailing opinion centering On 2 per cent, As a proper normal basis, to be increased under special circum- stances. One dealer said that his method was to appropriate 3 per cent. of the fast preceeding year's sales, plus Merchants in all lines of retail busi- 3 per cent, of the expected increase for ness, front lumber to jewelry, in order the ensuing year. to reap the greatest measure of benefit From the foregoing it will be seen from the general prosperity that is that in most retail lines 2 per cent, of Get After the Business While It is Going. —Plan Your Campaign.—, Proper Percentage to Spend on Pub- licity. TOWN HALL, CLINTON TUESDAY EVENING j11� C. tlS' a ;�f�/1. t Y eced C s2 WORLD FAMOUS bee SOUTH Ut 'S l e, America's Greatest Colored Show THE OLDEST ORGANIZATION OF ITS KIND ON EARTH • The rEnesasy of the Grouch, Blues and Sadness Original Novelties Exclusive Features Charsne,g Musical Numbers Top Notch Vaudeville Stunts THAN ANY SIMILAR ORGANIZATION LARGEST IN NUMBER BEST IN QUALITY A RIOT OI: FUN FASCINATING MUSIC COMEDIANS WHO MAKE YOU LAUGH DANCING THAT IS ENTICING GIRLS WHO CAN SING ALL FOR FUN FUN fiOR ALL SOLO CONCERT NAND EXCELLENT ORCHESTRA KO OATOWN PARADE DAILY Adrrlission —35c; 50c; and 75c; plus War Tax Secure Seats now and avoids Standing. They *rid .sett nig at Fait's Book Sto,11e: , 1 COM S, ;, i s 1f !ii ,,. u� Small !ruff is t'qe AN TRY 4 e Phone 25. iv P l w No re ftmine ss mom;'.exon,,macncasarnnrconna n> atwinn, stsmnnuemanx n.•..n. a.s*-e.:=ron gross sales is regarded its a conserva- tive basis of advertising expenditure. Probably 21/2. per cent, would be near- er the avenge among ' live aggressive merchants. It is not the purpose of this article to attempt to tell any retailer what percentage of his sales he should in- vest in further extending his business through advertasine, but to point out what the most successful merchants in a !vide variety of lines are cluing, and to suggest the advantage of a con- tinuous, systematic campaign, based, upon a fixed percentage of sales, rather than spas nwdic, haphazard eti'ert which can hardly be expected to produce tlsa hest results possible, Pot SALE Bay Driving horse, 3 years ni.t ,cul t general purpose horse 3 years old, and will be sold cheap. Call at Stuire, J. E. Y.usiil, Sole ri;ent fur the Bell Piano, Seaiurth Ont. Hlianti :C; of fus:rsn Csu :t, Council. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, on Tues- day -the end day of December, 1919 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, All accounts should be in tete !lands of the 'Clerk on or before that date. Geo. W. Holman. Goderich, Nov. 15th, Co. Clerk, For Sale. A lovely drop head sewing machine, been used only a few mouths for sale cheap a guarantee with it. Call at 'Jonathan E. Hugill's Music Store, sole agent for the Bell Piano, Seaforth Ont, Raw Furs Wanted. At higher prices than last season. Bring your furs in now before prices drop. H. A. Hovey, License No. 666, Clinton, A Piano Bargain, A Bell piano upright r,.se wood case 7,1-3 octave, A sweet tone and worth 8250. Will sell at 5165 for quick stile out of town prospects, Write for par - Healers to Bell Sales Rooms, Seaforth Ont, Jonathan E. Hugill, Aianager, P. C), Box, 229. Wanted Y w Good Steady man wanted on wood tvark of Treshine machines. Steady job for the right non. The Robt, Bell E. 8t T. Co„ Ltd. Seaforth, Out. Clinton Tax Notice. Ratepayers are reminded that the second instalment of taxes for the cur- rent year are payable at the Maisons Bank on or before December 1311s, next. No other than this advertisement will be given. The tax statement must be presented at the Bank when snaking payment l'T. 13. Fitzsimons, Tax Gollecto'. Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the par- tnership heretofore subsisting' between us at the Town of Clinton under the style of CLINTON MOTOR TRUCK 8: MACHINE CO., has this day been dis- solved by mutual consent. Ail deists owing to the line are to be paid and :ill claims against tate firm are to be presented to William James Stev- enson, who mill settle the. same. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, the first day of November, A. D., 1919, W. J. Stevenson. Witness—W, Brydone, W. J. Nediger BOARS -FOR SERVICE Champion Bred Big Type York- shire and Chesterwhlte Boars. At home every forenoon. C. LEVY Clinton, Ont. PHONE -5 on 639. TO RENT Suite of two rooms; furnished; sett, able for light housekeeping; or Dress- making; liotwater Radiator; and hydro lights, Privilege of Bathroom and all Conivenietices, Also single rooms fur - Malted. Apply Mrs. Downs, opp. On- tario St. Church. HOUSE FOR SALE Ff0.t nc house > : s tar -a d- a f• 6 :Swills' on od ter of MiFi Arad Rilaprti fitteed; town water; 54 here of Fran. Poesesiion Revery at;0010. Apply 10 :...:...,,, e1r...,.;,.,,.; y ..:i ...,.:y. THOMAS CNURCHIU4 �,. x1dl . ' .... Ct,iN'1'ON Wanted To rent or buy a farm of from 25 to 100 acres of land. Must have good buildings and be near to Clinton, Thor., V.nnor, Picone 641 R 5, Clinton, 1', E.,, WANTED A boy abient t d or 17 years of age for permanent 'office position. Apply DOHERTY PIANO COMPANY, LTD. VICTORY BONDS Bought and sola at 7!.ereet prices. W. BRYDONE. Highest lnuri,el p+ice. paid. Phone 14.1338 W, *SIAIIQVIS Clinton. Ontario YOU CAN HAVE THESE delicious bake -day products, too, h you will be particular and ask for Five Roses Flous, No amount of patience and skill can make up for the pone quality of float Five Rowes Flour is' properly milled from selected wheat, It costs no more than other kinds and it insures gratifying results. W. Je ri Jon ew J ii 3f i FLOUR AND FEED Phone 199 Residence, 131, Wholesale Licei se 12-32 le., Canadian ,Food Control License 9-2368 ,alit ` rp 4 is mk� fin!„ An. DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE BETWEEN MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT AND C4sICA. rO Unexcelled Dining Car Service, Sleeping cars on night t•airs and Parlor Cars on spacial day mains, F F Pull un or matiuu from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C, E. horning. District Passenger Agent, Troonto. John Ransfo•d 8: Son, city passe, ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 A0 Pattison, station agent- Kidneys gent. v Were ];Said ,fE Flo" ��� ��+ After 'l he S Sat Up 20 Tta;;aa Ern ince. That awful epidemic, for influenza, that Nt,rsp5. t non h+ 15,5.15 5 • end to the other a short t rue r;„), its wake a great many bad twee , In some eases it was a weakened in others shattered nerves, but in s many cases weak kidneys have 1,: as a legacy. Where the kidneys have been 1 t • se at after et(ect of the "i lu,' I s, :. Kidney Pills will proyo to t • s, 1t ;ts remedy you requiro to sir, re 'r t i -r. Mrs. Harvey Li. Wile, Lie., l's, N 9., writes:—"Last wird( sick with the "Flo, ani si , o'.1 ens. better I found that my lc we),t y bad, and at Mgght I had le 15• •n in'a around in bed. I used n,'. .•'d:• y l'iIla and found that n i. a )1d nu' t weindertnl abtsunt of +• vt 1 c' n tin r recommend them tans i; ,•• he started in to use them I will a ,,t nieornmend them to a • ,sue who is bothered With kidney trouble,, for they ate ir0ettieitat. ,. . h box at Dere't Kidney are 800 Pi110 OHeleAre ear meted direct on meeipt zit irgr no T. Milburn Co, Limited, 7C1u1 a ate trade mark, A "Hapset ?lesio" spews este the box,