The Clinton New Era, 1919-11-27, Page 3SUBSCRIPTION RAWES IN CANADA
Three mento$ , ... R , , , R , . n e , , . R $ dQ
Half year , , , a , , , . . , , , $ r75
Year „R,,,OO &t•II•tg&ttllitlIto
-If not paid in advance, $2.0oper annum -
Office Phone 30. ot
GreatBritain, , R . , . $1,50
United States r,,• Re ..,e 2,4
Prance „ .,.,.,.,,, 2.00
' Thursday, Novenlbe
27th, 19;19
Enif 9® BOYD
Canton, Ohio. -"I suffered from a
female trouble which causedsme much
suffering, and two
doctors decided
that Iould have
to go though an
operation before I
could get well.
"My mother, who
had been helped by
LydiaE, Pinkham's
Vegetable Com-
pound, advised nae
to try it before sub-
mitting opera-
tion. It regi-eved me
from my troubles
so I can do rtFhouse woik without any
difficulty. I advise any w0nf'an whois
afflicted witla femald'troubles to givb
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetalele (on1
pound a trial and ht will do as •Bauchi for
them."—Mrs. MARIN Boxv, 14I fah
St., N. E., Cantcair;,bie.
>uSonnetimes there are serieuelecondi-
ti s where st hospital operation is the
only afteimotive, b •,:n the ether hand
so many yr=en ha peen cured by this
femote root and herb nemeely, Lydia E.
Pinkham's Yaget ble Compound,a#',tor
doctors hays said that an opergbion wee
necessary—eve�} woman who wants
to avoid an opBFatiaTn should give ft a
fair trial before submitting to such a
trying ordeal.
If complications exist; wi �i,e to ydia
E. Pinkhem Medicine Co., L"ybn, RIass.,
for advice. ; The result of many pest;
experience is at your Bernie's:
Money Spent Far One is Money
Money spent far a hone is money
saved and the sante time money in-
Home is the grandest of uM Moffitt-
The hone ow,s'er is a comment&
asset; the home reeter is more' *Mt
likely a community liability.
Hone is the chief school of human
Be a shareholder in your community
—own a home.
Buy a home on the instalment plan
if need be; your little folks will make
the payments in love for the place, and
your home will earn dividends of hap-
piness thet exceed those of any'nwher
investment you can possible make..
Hone ie the seminary of ail other
Give your own (tome all those little•
personal touches time make a hriuse a
home. Don't waste your finest lin-
puises on somebody's ease's house.
tlome—the nursery of the iniinite.—
W. 13, Channing.
A rose of any name may smell as
sweet, but the rose that blooms in your
own hone. garden is sweetest.
Our home is still home, be it ever so
honely. Charles Dibdis.
lou can't get your full share of the
prosperity of this community without
buying a home.
i•tome makes the nmau.—Samuel
The hone is a foundation Stone in
building a character; don't try a house
as a substitute.
hL•s. Emile .\1alette, Montpelier,
Que., cartes r'1 have need Baby's
Own Tablets for some time and tun
well •sett sfied with them. They are
surely the hest' nealicine 1 k1, •'f
for little ones." What Mrs. Malette
says thousands of,other mothers say.
nce they have used the Tablet's for
heir children they Hudd use nothing
else. The Tatttsts are a Mild but thor-
Seal Cori) Situation Is Critical-..
Select Own Seed .Now.
SeLei:t fasts Prom (field for Height,
Wtreli tat, beefiness end Larll-
(Contributed ny Ontdrlo Department of
A grletalturo, 'Toronto,)
Tan first point to observe In
111e packing of butter, in
order to have 1t keep well
./ for winter use Is to have
$$s�od butter, The best butter for
sinking is usually made in OA
months of June and September, It Is
preferably made from comparatively
sweet cream which las been pacteur
tied: However, on the renal pasteua
isation is not commonly followid,
hence the butter shou•Id be made
whew the weather is comparatively
cool and the cream should be churn.
ed before it beeomes very sour—air.
fact, the sweeter the cream the more
likely t1 'Is to..pvocl•i se good kee'pirig
quality lu.the butter, so Loetg as'thert
is sullteiant acid in tht cream to give
good ohurnt•ilg resultstar'w*
, The crdiaui sh idr' be churned its
qui usualway, expl• that the .better
Y be washed ' once : with 'brine,
which is made by dissolving, §sit in
water, in ead of .usilg water at both
washings eltsea't the usva•P`rate--
but not • is olliie ounce of salt pee
pound"bf butter, because sal does
not preserve but4rer asa'1s commonly
supposed, ereoe;at In a mina' degree
for unn a'iced dream bss,t1 . It
Ikea, sties: kf, however, to add se
m1�el..:,, it hat the tine flavor of the
but,;:; y.:; dveread leap.
workeel the bu'Mer as os -
ea „. ' i4' Orally into crocks, tubs
ore; a'ox-:,' 1f unparalined'Wooden
pacagea are use¢-, these 8h4nuld- be
soaked several ,days in salt water ae
prevent !'woody" flavor in the butter
A' be, ter plants to. eoar�tlta3a'!inside
of thZ tub or hos with hot waY they,
lime With heavy parchment•paper, be-
fore packing Lathe butter, :'Glased
crocks which are clean, • need no
lining. .,
When the package ie _full, profea'-
ably'$11 Prom one wording, smbotlt
the top of the butter, toover with
parchment paper or a clean cotton
cloth, 'then, tie heavy brown, paper
over the top' and place in a cool
cellar or 10 cold storage. Sometimes
a salt poste is put oa top of the cloth
or' paper and this is kept moist be
sprinkling on water trout time tc
tltnek This excludes t::e sir and heaps
to keep the butter,
We recotn4'ienu peeking 1lie buteer
in solid form aeta' is to tie sept for
aulne thee, rather than bolding, the
butter In prints, .even though. (thee
stay Ue Siibwetgau m Urine.—Prat.
el. el. Dean, O. A. College, Guelph,
Select Seed Core Now.
Unless every preeaution is taken
this uutumn the supply of good seen
to, u of the desirable variettas will
be inadequate for the requeranlente
of 11 i9. The autumn or 1917 sari
the turn crop harvested with en ex
cess uY moisture. Wet cold weenies
fo:towed, during which time the coin
did not cure, clot:sequently, when -the
very mild weather uf Deoethber eel
in the corn was fro'eetl and gerlmtoa.
!tun was reduced to a very low per.
cenlalge. This situation which causes
the agrlcuttu•al authorities of North
A tuer•iett so much anxiety during the,
winter and spring of 1918, and
which %sae deseenued by them as "s
uatiodel is Lanny," is slut yet averted
The proSlaeu w (tach that committee
bad to face wis one of suppiyine
North Americawith seed wince
would give a fall• gertllin,tuon. T,
secure this seed was no. easy rasa
ough laxative: are absniately free from
Liu reouurse was Made `to "(Lataien
opiates, narcotics or otlller harmful iii aha earthed yiatas h"l±dres ua
drugs and may be given Lo the young- '(alas 10 rue eolith 01 v.,tw wi,.c.,
est batty with perfect safety and good preemie large, late n.tatu.r, vane
f tees. In brlu;,;iug this seed tato
results. They are sold by medicine s:0vntre there ',tun little expectatu,,
dealers yr he weal it 35 cents a box 1 rat a Would imoduce niuuti tirutri,
from The Dr, Williams Medie.ine 'Co., '� 1 w'm5 l055sl it w'oul,t pruat.e.:
Brockville. (lint. tu,a,er, 'fila 135 sas loo i L5attu a 0g.::
,w ucuta�a...4 are out barge true plate .
as ,ler
cr. 5l awn 111 Ksal1 01 'ensees
About 4 per cent, of cllildreee are
left handed Iron birth.
,you have :l •
heat, it is
time to
watch your
stomach. Palpitation
and other signs of"heart
trouble" usually meat
—indigestion, produced
by food poisons that irri-
tate every part of the
body — heart included.
0 El
.vt,otteb til'u
l„g t�te e:.ti'QI [app..
11, .., • hl,neu euuuti.s to utile] mettle:'
,o 'Jule!' 10. :b 11U ,0dd (.1.11111• 501.'11
I' ot
..a:te l ut Taloa esue
.2101.1. sur all their tonal needs, gait
.estoeee e ustl,a 105010(5 5 eolidhb111
,1 wcsteen Ontario furnish the
h, r source el 5,501 for the`rens.ut-
eet ut the provin,ce itleas felt '.hat
au,u.aiftlutl watt J11eiiilet1 111 order to
,1'fn'v iRd t , u t.:i,vo 11,00.0 vaulaties for eecd put,
rt ,,.,,,e willt,11 had proven thentsetves
!'',,,5��fatx ,.,'led 100Ueatario condLttort'st.
�"mua'frt,\Ir�:;y � mars was ;laver a time in On.
,a4 e0'• uistury -Wien it .was metre ue-
...eeeerY to take every precaut•Ion•tn
cue se,eetiou ol'eseed corn than at'the
„,i eaeut 111550 The' mast satiefactoor,g
method of seed solect:Ion le that of
,elt'eting in the field. T11P' rower can
{au up and down !lis rote '
ears which are earl. , wt111 de-
Ihuse d ,
retoped and 1401Seee all she vartecal
utiarltcterlsl les. . When selecting in
,he field the grower has before ,h1.01
11 a standing plant. "✓ He Gan select
taus diose plants wbiclapossesa the
height, strength, lesitn and' earth.
sas0 dearer((. When 'once the desired
type le established" in tate, grower's
mind good progress tali be nlade•in
sheeting the ears. Thla method' of-
fers many advantage9 over that ot
selecting from the shock or farm the
evil.). The crib is the lrdetededestoable,
in'tl,i1at it otter's only aaanked, earns to
, sena& trout Wtuk the ithets., wfaas
busking, the grovrerletts the,tvflted
sraibttdlrod. mfelluir Wlti1a'1t a &del Iss
tibia has ever'ytlatint' ln'ftk tav'br, tMae
wlaai,o 41eAlt. hied' iib ettttr1rdloranetat
i'Ms! sooty' miian Oar ` els 4010rimal
e9 A' ritone "'tel' 4es i wtsMt, s=•r•- 9is
r 1
ir` , , .
�,a�tw! Brie of Atlti±.fd„Jiefi.Bs'W'rtreetir +, ,� r
•M11 tazekimiarAjla. , h1gwt}I.• 1141, - tl,`ie ltntti>falctur r.,�jtfi rap .'
tea du.
., � St 13 tfiLirc , sY >.t
•t..,..,:n, R!t � krl kp7lNot.�.,.,,a>,
�S dd.
Hoare Phone 94a.
Ontin*1s Caw
By P. F. Cronin in Toronto "Saturday Night."
The appointment of W.. 12. Rollo, of
Hamilton, ars Minister of Labor, wits
of the U.
Abraseen at the first caucus
1'. (l, lumbers elect. The fact pro-
bably had cutnethiing to do with the
walk -out of Mayor 1\'1fiaride •of Brant-
ford from the nsea4Isg. Mr. Rollo is
the choice of the nlaiority of the tabor
mea themselves,; and he had the ter-
mer members on laic side to a man. Me
is Moderate and clear-headed and is ex-
pected to gave the new department
erase direction at its start. We has aiso
through ]his experience its the editor of
a labor news paper come into contact
with .a great number of trades.
aR * ar
Thosgh the elections broke the
hopes of the Gere •id political parties,
sacis popular respect for precedent
tha it Wiflianl tiearst's idea of having
ttv ntario cabiiset ministers without
nmtsep , he (1,erlbe'r r•'volu-
tion. Sir Williams Hearst called Brie,
Genera. Ross. of, Kin+;'ston to his cant
net cowed' as representative of the sol
Biers. Mr, Drury has on equally as
ceptable returned man for cabinet rani.
in 1.1 Co! 11. Carmichael of fl•v°-
Sot!nd. This fanner representative. i`
not much past thirty lie went to lit:
war from the plow, leaving Isis widower'
mother to run the farm in his absence
through no lack of filial duty, because
he. Was not four days back in Canada
when lie was piout.hine his mother'•
fields again. Lt. Col. Canmichaeal rus,
from the ranks, we•trs the military
cross, and merit and hard work secured
his promotion and honors, bec*Sse he
is quiet and kcaa eyed, not oyer -con
nluniestive in cclnversatol and reserved'
in manner. lie will not carry the
soldiers cause into the street and upon
the platform; but he will not neglect
anything that can he accompl'islled for
them. Hon. 1. 13. Leseas thought there
was not a nate in Grey who would op -
r ose himself and the offer was not made
twice to LL -Col, 'Carmichael. ile ac-
eeptet it the first tittle and when Mr.
Lucas heard hist.: news ha admiltte.
his certain defeat.
`.uulnissr Doherty, a1r, Deury's per-
Oenal and cnnls ch rico as ;minister of
Agricettere, is known to a great many
easel, in Totem() Ile belongs to one
thou Low* but they showed quite a
friendly mutual attitude in the con-
test. Kennedy wti1 hardly a show.
:a';,d'dste but he won on ills popularity,
A story is told of trim that et a meeting
.in t,00ksville attended by many of the
Wi.•t 'fork 'furies as well as those fres
Peel, he ended his speck in rile•follow-
ing ,t le: "Ladies and geo ,csaen, if
you eteet -me I promise to do all 1
;an to bring about the ideals of our
beloved leader, Sir Wilfrid Laurier"—
end Ila sat down without ,respecting
whet soused the laugh that went-wit9
the iespleuse.
* de 0
The other minister without porr'foito
for the present is 11. Mills, 01 Fort
IVti ins who will not have to trait long
fon his salary. Mr. Drury sterids
bringing in an act to esktlaiall a §e•pavdte
clepartnnent of Mines and Mr. Mills is
the choice of the labor patty of Ont-
ario as well is Ole working men of the
north country for the important new
post The best feature of Isis appoint-
ment in his nfiuenee With organized
'abor, and the confidence hasiaess nett
who know hint are not slow to express,
such contl'dence as the workers feel in
lint should prove its value as an anti-
strike hieuence.
r a it
•Bentah Bowman has inherited With
he hue Bob Gamey's seat the entire-
ly flattering tick -acme of "the mart
"rem ,\las itoulin." Mr. Bowman was
'irst champion of the farmer's move-
h1e111 on the hUstiugs to take a fall out
,f site Hearst Government in a by-
2lectIon. Ile showed no sign of vocal
!initiation in the legislature until Widdr
.ield arrived from North Ontario to
, 5,e hint countenance. When Mr, Wid-
difietd confronted the time-honored
of the 1tish Catholic families long set-
tled in, and arou,r-id this city who have
showts' , ✓turrrisieg tenancaty in stick-
ing to the Conservative side of poli-
ties, often against the g1'ain of their
national origin which must have been
criss-crowed with plea -pricks and
scratches whenever elections carte 'a-
rouu,d. Be that as it may, Mr. Doher-
ty is one 5,1 the pioneers of the U. P. Cl.
movement and by reasmn of his train -
Mg in the Agriculture Coinage al
Guelph std his facility as a platform
speaker has been one of the recognized
leaders in the agrarian movement in
Ontario. fie was unfortunate es an
election candidate, not because of his
religion, for he had a Baptist lnlaister
and an Orange master electioneering for
him, The Liberals were ell against
;him because he opposed %Viitiadh Lowe
'Who bads captured Peel frail.' Mr, Dallis
of Brampton after ventilation of a trans-
action in war steeds. Mr, holserty hot
e rt
not Mpg beforeh the b of hgJt
farm in the county and because ,`019111',
has'iu isidiftereiat health tl'tt''Gritt
jwent into the Ytgltt with sharp .arty
spirit. Kennedy, the Hearst cait�dtite ..chap positimat
Was brought out Mere to Seatrlroher(yretve (dining
concession to custom of e formal in-
troduction to the Speaker he found the
Ceremony required two supporters, one
on his right hand and one on the left,
Such parrains are of course supposed
to be centers of the pnliticlt 1, milt'
of the tille+=.i. Mr. Widdlfield had be'
one sperm' available in Banish Bow
man, Sir Wilma Ilearst and Mr Proud
rout saw an oprurt.nit,• 1 r grand cop
descension but to their surprise Wer".
declined. When the time It'r intirn
ductir'n arrived Mr. Whdditield twakss
up from the bar between Beulah Bow
nets and the hate Allan Studhoin1e. A
-:er,,laie henchman of Sir \VISaa•n's rnu4,
not conceal I1i5 feei'ma at th.., speetacle
presented, which to his mind (rats little
hart '15 dlt' lrtiieriy democracy.. evil he
remarked q1 a voi,'c loi'I::1 ennnen for
all to herr. "Look la -,w these fellows
crease Men the Melee." Beulah Bowman
nefure nems tltin''tes Mid elapsed foul si
n nlo'rneens in rel„rt to the remark
me made his first innpres3sin,h sgssae the
ant 1 1 ,,u, az:teildiiy. Ile is now
•t it -ed r p5ie r f parr:, tre!I rent,
'n ('''5'"1t eenn eiele; and has some
n act rel bless for the nrntectinn asst
renewal of 111 'fonvt wealth of On'ario,
Ne h env of three 4,h0 head to the nec-
essity °Lea separate department of
,Mie: and erne iy upnn fair. Drury as
soon as the Crown Land's Deparfnent
was offered to himself.
a 'P e
Peter Smith. of Sebringville, South
Porth, Provincial Treasurer, next to
Premier Drurv, attracts filmes attention
than env other member of the new crib -
net, Ontario occupies a strong Iitaan-
, �,e4`�' 0 'de,
and afterwards. It is little
lurej war a
surprising that Mr. Smith, lvho•mlgflt
have been Premier but would not con-
sent to it, expressed no hesitation
when the Treasury was proposed as his
portfolio. lie is a stock farmer on a
large scale, five Hailes from Stratford.,
and is a talars of substance., education
anti character. Though his school edu-
cation caseeied his nu farther than uui-
s'ieulatiun, he is of a decidedly prac-
tical business turn final conversant with
iinsuiee in a larger way than 1115 ex-
perience with township affairs would is-
dicate, I'le is a sympathetic 1)sI watch, -
fa; observer of the Hydro rovensesst,
and holds tise opinion tliat Sir Adam
(Beck's entire time and attention are
demanded by the Commission. When
Sir Adam stppearsd before the fanners
during the aaysiders4ion of leadership
hi the legielatasre, there was general
expectation Peat• the Hydro Knight's
own pselitieal leadership woald be peo-
posed in his presence with the maxi-
mum chance of its being hailed as pro-
vierent'ial under viola circumstances. It
was Mr. Snaith who anticipated the zeal
of Bir Acktw's acrinirirers byy rising first/
and assuring the Chairman of the
Hydro -Electric Commission that under,
no condition or understanding could he
lie doctor!. Mr. Smith is adnhitedly
the leading assn of affairs to Perth Coen
ty, unassuming, genuine and streiglaU-
ilrward. lie has a wi1l of alis own,
brat Will not be found a financier of
'mall calibre in arty real exigency. Mr.
Drury sought morel counsel in the fill-
ing of this post thaw ws the ease either
.sf the Attorney -General or Minister of
liducatillosk Mr. Smith was lits owe
choice from the first and he foiend his
good jt1'Hgmetit confirmed on every
x an 0
Non. W. 11. Ra ney's eleventh hour ap-,
petittment as Attorney -General alter
the selection of Mr. W. F. Nickle, of
Kingston, held been announced by the
hfficial organ of the U. F, 0., furnished
.he element of surprise in connection
,ash Premier Drury's tical slate. Mr
'Sickle has preserved silence as to the
•eesons which caused triol to change
dig 01ind, 111r. Raney's appointment
had been urged ever since the work of
abinet-nlalang began by the elite!
hulk rities uf the Alethodist Church
no the members of the Dominion
ltlltance. 1 hey have for some' years
'eon agitating for an At•srney-General
.vho could be retied timer to carry ost
heir idow.s in the neater of legislatioe
and adutinistratioa. Mr. Raney is :'
.lever lawyer 011050 (,tale- has been
'wilt ftp as counsel for the Dominion
Alliance. He has bean active in the
'yeas, on the platt"rn and in the courts
isam advocete of all kinds of reetric
live legislation, and his campaign a
,aiest the resunlptiuu of horse -racing
'; frail; in the minds of most readers.
He has practised lues in 'i'orono sine,
1892 and is menlb,g' of the legal lire
of ,\tills, kaney i" Dewar, with which
the retiring Attorney -General. talon. I.
3, Lucas, was at one time connecie.l.
n polities ha has hitherto been a
Rowell Liberal and is personally ,
"resi,yteriaq, although his bratiser is 'r,
roulinent Methodist 50r,:semen 11e 1:
8 years of age and a native of Ails.
ilia in the St. Lawrenceatley.
.tis youth he was a 55 hoot teacher an r,
,ruhibitionisl. journalist in Maine,
aR a •a
F. C. Briggs, of North Wentworth
is not in he confused with a 1114111 of
the sante *arae from 13urlingtoa, The
latter is a well-known fruit -grower
mid Ilona Mr, Drhry's Minister of Pub
is Works, who laves at West Flans
born, is short with a nottceabl,± spread
11 physical structure and energetic
features, He Hurst be .popular in the
neighborhood' of liumiltoi inasmuch as
he rolled up the exeeptional, majority
of 2,!01) with the aid of the labor vote,
As warden of his count ay he typifies.
the union of country and town for elec•
toral action and shakes a popular theory
1 that the Urban , worker is jealous of
Inure( prosperity, • Mr. Biggs is ehnpha-
licallj .,prosperous farnsep. He cult.!.
vate:s 400 acres and still feels lie heat
, le.,isitre: 'for theditties of an afflee,thas.
must compose the contentious attend;:
nh{y-tate provincial highway Polley anti
Use doustrnctian of county reads to
• satisfy the farmers on the score of ei'
• C alidsnen Cry ffar Fdetcheloej
�6r ::)"14e72.1
7fh�t>. Cttnio
yl�atc' aura s. Gt4L�'v4i
. frta'a a rfir
(gh at a''t 1' 511
.xv ri J39" V�
X r tri a Y"=„w"�,r tiro ?wjt �1t`i J y .thy t '
''\laf\1YA, :!t
�^ r
The $Isd You ara Always Bought, and which has been
to, use For over . eearty- ycc-n, has borne. 'the signature of
and has been made under his per
�7,r f!ra venal supervision since its infancy...
t.l o,v xis one ,o deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, imitatisns and ” Just -us -good" are but:
l+t,xperixents that trifle with. and endanger •the health of
Infants and Children—1 s porience against .cps. uncut.
;r rid' m � g `t j r aw51 P`P`7'1,C,, ,i 41 Azo9 ty a.; n W o,'ve
Castor a is a a. nit.. .:SLittttC to?' E.'tl...tor ',;:1, x-.lyegoric,,,
Drops and :;taulh r7 ,001-T11:1 5. It is pleasant. It consainy
rtelneer teeettri, 11013..itine :tor other narcotic i;;b::tancs. u w-
age is its guarantco, 7.%-.r more than thirty years Et haat
been in constant two .fcr t'•,c relief of Constipation, riatuiency,
Wind Colic; Lad Di:trrhot;a; allaying Puverishuess arislnm
therefrom, and by re :]ting t:'o Cto:Hach, and Bowels, cies
the assimilation of Food; t ivir e b
The Children's Pannarc.
'iii s,+' , ` 2.3 fu ii ai4 t• r,, t(7 tc 7' A - �^ °1
a r "3 ws^ 9 FJ +4 ler S a� 4y
ova .s��n. '�aar.,r �; ,tyl✓ ler Si
13ei:tro Vac. aignatnre of
,��'�sa;a•nr��:3,>�,.a:sem'. ^nT%{ki�
In UR - Over 30 Years
• The Kind Yo; -3 Have Always E3ougghq:
T,I ,t CIENT0110
tr 6 W Yo 0 I1?,, r�u
%rt •'� `n P ,,tV'..rtr09iiTr� 4 L `•f ..:.tri?..P... f,ryt,':rse:.rf°'1+.'1.4,,1.,
CRAW i4�
told the public that not one member of
his party was a voluntary candidate for
office. Mr. Biggs at least was quite will-
ing to take on the work from a very real
cense of Isis ability to look after it.
n i^ 1t
When lion• Dr. Cody and Howard
Ferguson found themselves castaways
upon the tenhpect tossed front govern-
ment bench the morning after the elec-
tion it would be intereesting to know
vhat they said to'each other. The
Doctor, according to one way of look-
ing at things. was the Hearst govern-
ment's "solitary boast"; but he had
1r11,. his indirect bast 1ilr Mr, Fergu-
son by assuring the electors that not
roue breath of scandal had ever touched
the administration in any uf its mem-
ers. And the survival of just these
'vn wee either a lest of Demos or else
gond evidence of the unfailing triumph
of justice. At least Mr. Ferguson may
have said to Dr, 'Cody, "The farmers
can find no one as good as you, ,Filling
Dr. Cody's shoes was regarded by a
large number of people and by Air.
rury himself, as his most difficult
task, it was recommended to him that
le should , go outside" for the man,
,:1 1,., y•ee tsar da':s in:lined to do so.
But the farmers have a stubborn class
;ride and Irons the begiwhdng of Mr.
lrare's trek , of cabinet makinr, they
•51'01 ed the idea that Cay c.1'tlel not
till the education depaartuept from a-
mong their own n'•^.1'15 It '•6'"l
-f 135:'15 gent] pinion t,f R 1I, Grant.
.f C.rrl_im, shut ha name .!one was
lir, estrd. Ile is one of the 11455 Who
lid not court prefernle a brit had it
t,: rst upon thins. He in molnar the
ornt l„1 of lit: than IFr, Cody, A
rad -tar 'I' •r•:"wtn Ileivertlty, living
,r)••• 1 'P.' FrnW t*ttawit. he had not
up 01 tale present time fah the cold
unn. el It Ge nee, who sue.
ese!ds lion W. D 1t,Ph rl lin as pray.
n..atl b retary will not be mach in
Ile public eye. Heir'is only a sensible
;elf -possessed gentlenhan who can shake
a fair speech, eonling by that kind of
treeing as a lecturer in what is known
-ihrouvlsossl rural Ontario as "Institute
Work." kir, Nixon is a 11. E. lc, Con-
eervative, but does not tell it to every -
enc. ide is natupllly contrnled in the
opinion that the isrnhers of Ontario
are the essenti,i reserve of the popula-
tion called to defend economical, reas-
onable goverment for the recoil struc-
tiom period. His father and grand -
brit will be a Sodas l nr 01100S% Ms.'iliggg wIli' not shirk 11111 � fa1
. the: term ..uf this. le lsla 5celi1s. Mr, (Drury told samelne who.bit
lre;farrliW.,RRA hie lives.
his administration the public institu-'
tons of the province will be methodi-
cally kept up to requirements and not
so much will be heard of "ideals" an
"service," There has lately he
noticeable among provincial cab
ministers it disposition to pose as 11
pictures of "sacrifice" in the ci
of the poor and suffering part of 1
wily. Mr. Nixon will not show
is that way andthat will be t
good ann.
;Ile:WS ODOM dI Stir Cr'ne7tT
d sole, rt/t,.Alr. rq.,.
,nrdieiroe, -10 Sr ler
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