HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-11-20, Page 11
EStab11$110(1 1.86$1 Vol. 54, Na. 21 C14., INTO N, 0 N TAR I 0, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 20th, /919, W, 111, Kerr & Sea, Editors end Pulsiishers,
. „
Qi C21 t b1
11 A
* ljl• * *
The Best Way. to Remove the trouble is by Using $ Peculiar Results of the Remerkable
$Election in Ontario Last Month --
uoerry Bark Cough Bymp Conservatives have IVIajority Vote --
Liberals &mond, and U. F. 0. Were
Try a bottle of EMULS1ON or TASTELESS COD LlVtiR
OIL, its ertsy to take) and Good For Young dr 04
(Bramtford Expositor)
The official: returns of the recent
S Ontario provincial elections, which
have •just been issued,reveal an
anomalous condition •the copatitu-
ton of the lleW Coalition govern-
ment that ought not to exit, and
which indicates in a remarkable
manner the need for the propor-
tional systein of voting, The returns
include all but six of the'.11i ridings
,n Ontario, and by taking the unofficial
returns of the unreported ridings which
are fairly accurate, the following re-
sults are obtained.
The total vole cast was 1,153,567,
for the entire province, There were
386,796 Conservative votes cast for
120 candidates, of whom 26 were
elected; and 336.715 votes cast for 70
Liberal candidates, of whom 29 were
elected. The United Farmers obtained
256,874 votes for 73 candidates of
whom 44 were elected, and Labor 127,-
098 votes for 22 candidates, of whom
11 were elected. The various inde-
pendent cancildate received 46,086
votes for 15 candidates of whom. five
were elected:
The Conservative- party alone re-
ceived 2826 -More votes than the
"71,417 s. R. 0 :ivr. sPhni 13,
Capital and Reserve $8,800,000.
• Over 100 Branches
Savirif,i,, requires' self-denial; so the habit of saving
strengthens the character, while benefiting the financial
and social standing:
- Savings grow quickly. Instead 'of Ibuying useless
things, deposit your savings in The Molsons Bank, and
see how quickly they grow. Note also the satisfaction
'and independence which a balance at The Molsons
Bank gives.
H. R. SHARP, Manager : : : Clinton Branch
TFe Ro:‘ffi
111COrporated 1869.
Capital and Reserve $ 31,000,000.
Total Assets 430,000,000
576 Branches
A general banking business transacted. Interest paid
n Deposits.
Safety Deposit Boxes to rent.
R. E. MANNING, Manager : Clinton Branch
TRIMICI.11,INMYSTIO010.1..*{.151437r. 4=1'
'C t
We _taro ready Es' you with the
latest '20th Century Brand' styles
in Storm, /Asters, Ragiaras, Cites-
terflelde, • end sing .!,e and duble-
1:reor,ted, stais*,e styles of all hinds.
And when it comes to
row-, rg Tr, iii"P
ti-;: t.tit
VPIVII '••'-11''
We've ante4e special provision, for
the Veneers te:side with many
now, ere2lteeive, perfectly tailored
lihCENury Orad
tistct c.17...T:cal thca good taste
and good jsulp,seisint of the hes
decssern in this essrensunity. New
snodelsi new fabrics; new stYle
s len/
'445s3 ss,
IT Nun
------- I
...,114.r.rartma.,..teerzei.eme09mataantowairemutitaek....werf .no.....eallerrnnuastsesinarimuaneomammotnts
,he illoiti511 Clothing c.2
A Square Deal 1qc 149
Ilimalearm '00114641411141111•110.111.....m...•
Try ThAtINvw 'Era
for Job ‘N'ork
• ‘4,1,1'r, •
" • Ernest • Charles - Drury, *
* On Premier,farms "
* 259 acres at Crown UW, *
o, Crown is ono of those *
* litlle places that lost its pM;t,, *
office when rural midi 'routes
tivynenICI'ei'sgalifit4sendn' but
'Penetime road. •Tw, hun-
tired aerys csf Mr. Drury's . nos- "
- sessions Were seltected and "
-* -pineered .by • Mr. Drury's
g randfather in 1819, *
aod•have been in possession of *
• the lantiiy ever since. The
Lnas1er is a good, prae,
in.ti•tatiner, with the added 4.•
'.aCivantma 4.1 a course at the *
.1 Guelph College •and the de- *
g re e of 13, S. A. tie hasn't *
:necialized in his farming to-- ,*
any great exient, though per- o
• haps he takes more pride in *
. herd of dual-purpose • *
* Shorthorns than in anything s
* else. Of late years be has *
Farmer -Labor d
can p. ts
d et , whn re- * given much attention to the *
ceived a total of 383,970. The Lib- * U. F. 0. movement, with par-
eral and Conservative parties received ticular relation to the tariff. *
Always he has •been active in *
an aggregate of 723,700 out of the
1,153,567 votes polled, but won only the community life at Crown *
flill.. The fact that the church *
56 seats. Thus the tw6 old parties had
a majority 01 339,741 over the coalition and ;the school are almost at *
candidates, his dour made easy his at- *
The Liberal . candidates receivedtesdance at these meeting a=
an average of 4,810 votes for each' "The new Leader is a little 4*
candidate, the Conservative 'candi-
dates 3223, The United Farmers
,over forty years of age, is
strong and well built, and has
3518, and Labor 5771. The large * determined look. His fain- 1;
average- vote of the Labor candidates is ' ily consists of wife and live *
accounted for by the fact of the large * children, three boys endow° *
vote in the cities and towns to which * girls. His eldest son will be *
Labor candidates were confined. " able to rhn 1fie farm while *
Such a condition of affairs ought * father runs the politices of *.
not to be tolerated, The government 4' the Province. In religion Mr, 4,
of; Ontario is n the hands today dof a -. Drury is a Methedist.tiat represents
a total 01 385,- * "Yes, you may say that On- "
827 votes fewer than the parties op- * tario will find Drury one of *
posed to it, or in other words the gov- .1' the best extempore speakers *
ernment represents 383,970 votes, * ever on the public platform." *
while the opposition parties represent * said an experienced farmer, -4'
769,797 votes. 4' politician to The Globe last *
The remedy for this condition of af- *" night. "And don't let any- *
fairs is the proportional. system of re-
presentation with the Single transfer-
able vote, with grouped constituencies.
This enables the minority to obtain- fair
representation, and Is an advantage to
t the country, in that it ehcourages the
development of independent, construct-
ive thought, And it must be • admitted
that some of fhe most progressive -pol-
icies that have ultimately been adopted
have been the product of small and, for
a long tine, unrepresented- bodies of
public opinion, and yet which repre-
sented great Intellectual strength. •
NEC11 EtilITEtES [in
500D15t 151
hrierior and
, „
0 0 0 0 00 ft. 0 0 000 0 0
0 ' 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mr, ancl Mrs• J. L. Murray, of Ham-
ilton, have returned home, ;titer spoici-,
inv. a few days with the former's slater,
Mrs, Lindsay, of "Penwigit."
Miss Evelyn Clutf.has taken a p051 -
Hon as stenographer on the staff 01 1112
Clinton Knitting Co., Ltd.
Mr, Clarence Paisley, of Montreal,
Is a visitor with his parents, Mr, 511d
Mrs W, Paisley, Ile Is with the
Royal Bank at the Ileadoifice.
Alessrs,"„harles•Cole and Fred Pick-
ett, who were out West this summer,
ret urn ed last FrIday and left mill on
Monday for Kitchener where they ex-
pect to take a job. -
Mr. Oliver M. Johnson, of Toronto,
is now through Ms special course and
has opened optical parlors in Toronto.
Oliver's many friends will wish hint
sueeess in his new work
rtuo kagoo'"af:
(EY W. 8, Edwards in "Toronto !Saw-
day Night.")
- When a new Prime Minister is Ins-
tallecrin the "room. and stead" of
Sir' Milani 11, Hearst, he will be the
eighth to occupy that exalted position
111 the province of Ontario since the
birth of the Confederation fifty-two
years ago,
Of the seven Prime Mioisteers who
1 the seven Prime Ministers who
the province it is a rather peculiar
coincidence that the first and the sev-
enth held office for practically' the
same term of years, namely, four,
While the third to 1111 the office had an
unbroken run- of twenty-four yeers, a
period unequalled by any premier in
any country in whieh responsible gov-
ernment ol•tains. In 1, had he re-
tained his position hir two years
longer, which he quite readily might
have done, it could at this dal:, hay,
been said quit he held the Premier-
AAr. Jack flail, a veteran, who kas
for one-half of -the Confederation
beeu seriously ill during the past week'
period so far expired. The Premier
ts slowly recovering his many friends
are gLid to hear, with this enviable record was, of
• •-course, Sir Oliver Mowat, The late
Miss May Ferguson attended the wed- Sir James Whitney came next in order
'ding of her 'brother, Air, Oran Ferguson as to length Of service with ten years
at Auburn on Wednesday,. to his credit, the late SIr George Ross
A web (1(0 visitor in town during the third . with a little over five years,
past week was Mr, John Irwin, of Cal= while the shortest term of all was the
gary, Superintendent of the Govern- ten months the late ii'dward Blake was
ment Railway at that Division Mr. at ithhee head (7414111\e°
aM)ivneirstlielirl,enwtho came
Irwin is a son of the late Richard Irwin,
and is well 11noWn to the older citizens 11110 ()Mee e01128"eotly 'with the
of town. It is 37 years since Ito first Hon of the Dominion in 1867, was John
started to work at the G. T, R. station. Sandfield Macdonald. • In one other
His old friends were glad to see him respect besides approximately the
once more, same period of time they were in office
the first and seventh Premiers of the
Miss Whittle Thompson was a visitor province.hacl a similar experience; nei-
over the week end with Mrs. D. ther were leaders by selection of party
Floody at Blyth. saucus. John Sandfield Macdonald
Judge Dickson, of Goderich, was in was Premier of the first. Provincial Gov -
town 011 Tuesday.. ernment by will of John A, Macdonald
the Prime Minister of the new Federal
Mr. S. B. Stothers was in Brussels Parliansent, although his appointment
on Tuesday.
Mrs, Robert Mutch, of Goderich, was general election which followed. Sir
was endorsed by the electorate at the
the guest • of Airs. W. King and other winiam Hearst was the selection of a
friends in -town this week. clique and was rejected on his tirst ap-
Mrs E. L. Dickson, of Goderich, was Peal to the people.
a visitor in town on Wednesday, , There was one pecularity about the
Mr, and Mrs, David Fell, of Seaforth, first general election in the nrovince
were Clinton visitors. which differentiates. It from those
which have since followed. It was not
Mrs. Jos. Townshend returned on fought out on the party lines, the result
Monday evening from -her visit to Tor- in eaeh of the eighty-two constintuen-
Mrs. John Middleton and Miss mina termined by local feeling and condi•
cies then existing being I•argely de -
Middleton, of Goderich, were calling on lions But although there was not an
old friends in town on Monday, organized Opposition party•it was not
long before one was evolved. hi fact,
Mrs. Laidlaw, of Toronto and Mrs. from the very start titer, wag a group
Murray, of Milton, are the guests of
Miss McLaren. of men in the House, the leader of
whom was Edward •Blake, who were
•Mr. C. J. Wallis has returned from sharp, able and alert in their criti-
his Western trip. cisms.
Miss Minnie Cooper was in Toi•onto Part of the Opposition was due to
*. body think he does't know * f f Li • k the fact that in the opinion of the Re- t
* pAilics. His father was On- . or a few days its -wee -,
formers ,they were not adequately
tario's fcst Minister or Agri- * Mr. George Jenkins returned this represented in the 'Cabinet, the five
* culture, and politics is sort of * week from his Western trip.- members composing it being John
* bred in him. He knows On- * Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart, of Stoadfield Macdonald, Matthew Crooke,:
tarso pretty well, and it won't * Goderich, visited at the hotne of Ntr. ' • and'.
301111 • g. • 11"1' 1 •, ., 1.'n••er. I . yas a miner in Wil-
vatives, and E. B. Wood and Stephen 2 "" 1-` le' - • "- N" '
Richards, Reformers. I es. For s•-yer s ears he has been mem-
But that which was probably more leer of Fort William Board of Education.
at 111e root of the opposition was sus-
picion regarding the influence of John ; WALTER ROLLO, of Hamilton, lead -
A. Macdonald. It was held that the er of the Independent Labor party in
latter always had his finger 111 1112 pro- the new Legislature. Formerly a
verbial pie, and that during the pre- 1,,, ,
ii (nu maker and since May editor of
vious general election the two premiers
had "hunted in conples." That the Fee- 1 "1ohdr News."
eral Macdonald did try to run the Pro -
vincial ship of state there can be no
ciocbt. It IS clearly set fOrth in Pope's 0- :,1. C., Center Grey, Wh. will rep -
Every District Huron County Wins
the Honor Fin -- County Takes
8928 Boncla for $4,602,400,
Huron 'County closed the Victorg
Loan Campaign on Saturday by taking -
3925 subscriptions for the total of
54,602,400, while the oltjective was
placed at only 52,725,00.
Clinton was able lo add 9 crests to
its Honor Flag and the people subscrib-
ed 1.:0411(.,11.•,%41101g0, is aT(s)tti,noismitt•y (c),If,Itelicetivteioal
Goderich $.196300 $225,004r
A:Afield Tp $154950 $100,0u0
Colborne Tp -$108,850 $ Su,00ts
Goderich Tp. $200,t00 $100,000
Stanley & Bayfield 8109950 $13 0,00O
flay & flensall $360,05o $t75,000
Stephen Tp. ,t3150,000
Osborne & Exeter 8447,700 $265,000
Tuckeesiniiti . , 95,400 $125,000
Tp. $ 87,400 0 75,000
Seaforth '1257,10o $175,000
Clinton • (518 1,9 5 o (2-110,00,5
S•104,-100 $115,000
Grey & Brussels .6266,450 $175,000,
Morris -& Myth .$210,150 '6120,000
East Wawanosh .$ 98,450 $ 90,000
West Wawanosh 5102,700 $ 90,000
Wingham 5120,800 $ 80,00o•
$294,000 $170,000-
Howick,Wroxeter$244,450 $150,000,
Total ...$4,602,400 $2,725,000;
Here are thumbnail sketches of the
Drury 'Cabinet:
ERNEST C. DRURY, 42 years of age -
practical farmer'01 250 acres at Crown
Hill near 13arrie, Graduate of Guelph
W. E. RANEY, prominent Toronto
barrister. He has always been an out-
standing figure agaffist gambling and.
the sale of liquor, and has made reports
on these questions for the Goverments,
11. MIL SS, Labor member for Fort
man, and a locomo-•
* be long beroru he knows it * John Torrance 011 MOOday of this week,
* better. Just watch -him; he's a *
* comer." Mr, and Mrs. Edgar- Pattison and Mr.
. mutison lett on Tuesday for Wick-
* ei.burg, Aniona, Cr, see if the elimate
1 * * * * * • * * • ,
oenetd Mr. Edger Pattison's health,
; which has 1101 byes what his friends
woud,like to see 1, 'r sometime, • Some
of our soldier boys have greater battles
to tight after the .great war is over and
Agaiiast Eb3,a, Young Girls- and Women Edgar's many friends will hope. that the
Waring .Eadgcs and Symbols of change will do him good:
Service. ,
4 large number of veterans of the
Army and Nagy in NO. 1 Military Dis-
trict have sent 'in a protest to District
ileadinarters agaiost the indiserimin-
ate wearinZ, 1.1 the King's uniform in
11032, al,io agaiiinst the wearing of
synabois of services, wounded strip's,
etc., by those •not entitled to wear
them. lteeently young boys, young
girls and young ‘yomen have been wear-
ing servict. -badges, rib.bons, etc., with-
Decoraiing • nut realizing what flank :trades repre- La-,.3tLe1 cornaci To
sent. hz..veter;Ins say that the in- Airs. Elliott received the sad
We pvuteck your floors, furni- 11022011(02121:nate wesenig of these badges on Friday that her ' brother, William
Halbert aged 18 years had been burned
tore '045" bY plenty - of drop of service tends to belittle the to death in 11 lalae at Tr')C1111, Mber.:,
The telegram staled that an explosion
had recurred in tue mine. Fuller par-
ticuare are expe•ted !leaf week,
., „,,,.,,,,.„.,,,,,,,,,..a::4„,...,,,,....,,,,4*„.cozal,,04, ti•olfej:;11f1;Sisr:t.iiiii>ililileiltdhantt . ttital‘t,t,t;elysti wee1,11.1,...wai ll! re 1 e n t the soldiers a; minister without
enabl- to the, Federal Premiers's wishes
140C a, 1,. e, IN S ' the letter had seriously cimsidered en- Ile will likely be pto Me lisstro
ortfolio, serveappolnedd four years overseas.
terin? 11 P ;*(11l.4I L2515151u)'e•
• t.0ndission, He Is a farmer of over
way of the constituency of Frontenac.
1;1tlittnebebeulin; 200 acres, near 13,11111
12 18(4 Guy Bros., :Mow was 'p1011''be.tter position to control the situation. I 1-1,. ,C.., "
. N,I.:1f,r?N, North Branan
t. is -
the snow put on 1')' the "Dark 1 (Avn
To use h 11,11
is 0words, he "wanted a ' '-'11-'1 ". A. ..graduate. He is a sir -
.......„,.41.5., ‘,....1,2 „ ,111010 .7,„ k,,,,• 8p01 tinect., on the powers that be at Tor- I oicv, supporter of prohibition. He
Come Who paal 1.5 eeras and $1,00 'IT has bccn a lecturei. in the Fatiners' In-
bedevett te 15.. 4451'5 old sk,ing, The s, with the. last Parhainent .of the ..,tt,t t., ,.,..q. ti i 1 „1,,., 1 ., ,„
provinee, so with the firs), legis,ation -• • 1 - '- "re ' s 1- '1- '• " 1- '"
;las "P1t34e1"
01444 7er.a.12 Was a triZZle,
for the control of the liqaor traaic a Conservativa.
eline in for 24,013.3 1213,1 aft•.'n
PFT.17P SMITH, stoLlt farmer, S,,,ith
allhodglt iis aim ((14* retolaii
Wall ors,
Signs, -ELc.
.81 Isaac Strzat
Although thereis it very Acute
shortness In the Raisin supply,
We have, been able to secure a
nantIty or Seeded Raisins a't 90
ner lb
,Not more than 5 tbs. to a etas-
onter) • •
They will not last long and
you "w111 be fortunate if you-
cure some, ,
Also New Currants, Peels
Lla,tes and ,
, • L
t,14.0„. fit ("1 ,414Irl,tit
Photo.. te,
ytal who alone may be allowed to wear
then], • and adversely reflects on The
I le Otimate veteran, They ask that the
01 the public be called to this
1. Matter anti theiro-opecalion requested
I the K;na'N OAfrOrIll • be worn MK"
by those rho have authority to rear it
and- oiily op suitable occasions, and se.'
con4ly, th•at • the wearidg of service
mediti ribbons, wounded stripes.,
etc., to: those who have not seen ser-
vice, cease.
• I
,--,4/414';'• •
Of 0e;•15 11c]nsesnot-prohibition. Perth, Clo,erber Vann. near Stratford'
Another matter whi.,11 came in 1,r !la"- 1 clerk of Tz.,,V1iSilip of now,,,!y: WyS•
10'.IF -,c:••)"10,.'.2rItii:,11 :'.'-'.1 ''''..:' •.:!': '? Ll school teacher for malty years. Presby -
the preSellt geneiiiiilt.'n iiii.i...t appear ,
pe,!,.ilirr. wsS the ii -11.1:: •,' -.5 e•-siden terian and forsteno a Liberal.
railways,' "as a means of fortnering 719 NK . cAMPBFLL BIGGS, of.
Ow settiement of the pr•••••ince,"
c..nunitte• being appointed 11 eonSider - - .
1 Wo liv-orth Sou of stock shipper 51)8Coing.Wcst ..- „...••••----
1 ,
its /•,„•;5,1..,,hty. .1'(d this wii.,,,,, (a, he,,, farmer, educated at Deentii) Iligh Sell-
. r.i.e.•2e8id]:-.1ant....on '1 11(2., this week LI" (1f 151'=,1 Of 1.0'daY1 1.-, L 4:1, A. C., Guelph, and ,11anada
bir Fort Ou'Appella where his son Roy 1 ,IF,hr 11 held Maedone11 Was a Business (1,dlege, Hamilton. Farms 4041
CA4litel'011 is se.t,ous,y iji at, tile military 111:1`.1 ''.1 consbi..rable experience
in Hbeoesnp. ina, Th -,e younig *Oldie relUrred 7111112 liufe, nd ll 1 802 sueeeeded
Jer for Nortrh
over 2 yearago in 11 health and has the Premiership of Canada of 111,1 It, -st;1 iedu-atid, i•-ro and pub-
i. the -varioen hospitals. Mr , das. Bt he '492 522(4418' 11* 1121:1.' ., t,...„e3,
ts)ntesn'01g b,,,sss„'.,hl 4;,on as
politician, wits slow and over-eatitiOUS
1315'14'11411 BOWNIAN, Manitoulin, 33
....Air.; itp Ilion i 10l).
us.tai and prices sic., can be. had liy' ,11,1.":1,:i.::1-,1„,"k,.iitrhe.0",111.1„...'.111,11121/11::‘;:e,"111,1:iceec,,,iildPeionliticil.:1...,ma'ite,liiitiee,. ye,...rs 1,141, penns),Ivanla 51),414, „Ice
' '
Viii( Moat Again Tuesday -est," ;in., couia also strongly dislike
.1 es like and George brown was
()".1"3 11° the 411(22113""1 "1 11')''"g one of those wh•-•nt he perticularly
the '.11 11111(1 Meeting on Monday night , cooked. in fact ms dislike ,),- ,i.i.,,vn
liv '"1-Y 1"1.11.1 (1214)11, th'''e 514254(11 de- ' appeers to have been bi.rn largely of
414123 to call a meeting for Tuesday • si t,,h,
evening next aatt dd.:cuss the various 0, 11, GranL Carleton, farmer.
plans suggested, .so that they can be I me`,1't.tlic1;t'41.,i'l'e.ht-olilis(i.„.,,,d1,;:,aot1.1.:11117e1(13,`;'n"e1.(1,1-1.. ,,,,.,,t818( (1(18,, c„11ine,. Muter,
presented to the Council, and If a
vitolcean1),e decided On by the.raite-ra.vMa..a.. .18o7n ,1 o .
SandleldDeMceamcdbon-, A•,ri.calliir.al College and. T:1"2114' 1Tni-
tionsb• e ta•. en . • t the M'unicpal Else; whnoof-wicaentunotf il coigdence8 2.2• ' , 1.88521(1
et1 his
13 211511111 in
. 1 movori h„,Ahreander maehe„81,hu (Alle,) 8131111iy.1,,011110i, .r011 1882 to
an employee of Christie Brown com-
peny, in Toronto, mixed farmer at
Long Bay,AlanItoulin, stdeceeded R. R.
G.••we,:, in by-election of 'Hs:tuber 24,
Might Have Been a Serious Accident ,• 1 w•Is finally compelled to resign, while
• ' a fe,e months later he died from a
While the great parade was on by the disease from which he had long been
"Dark 'Fown Swells," on Friday 5( 1100)1, suffering. •
Mr. Lawrence, Mail courier, In trying • Mr. Macdonald was not only the
to pass the parade) accidently knocked Rrst Premier of the province, but he
(7;1.... down tliree children, who were 1111411 was the first and only Roman (Jethro-
]Merested in the darkies, None of thein tic v, ho has ever tilled thid office in
41'%11 11
Were seriously hurt,: though Roy Fitz- !Oatario. Still another peculiar thing .
simons was the only unlucky one as i about his regimeis that during over
the buggy wheel passed ,over his lek, i three years of ii•the Lieutenant -Gov -
He was able fiii,get .to school and to the : ernor, Sir William Pi Howland, was an
show afoliithi. . , , ' 1 American by birth,
, . - i .As was to be expected,' 11011, Tirlward
Wihs "Adlakliagar'" Prize!Blake was called upon to forni the
The London Adv,ertiser announced new administration, and among those
on Wednesday that Lavern Churchill., whom he took lidokis. cabinet were
Flom Alexander Matkemzie, who bes
"1""; '4'." t4'e'Adi'ertli4/‘' Pul11.1"3"-
tst witattle Provincial Treasurer and Mr
winner. 118 k •sti
antent at 'West .,
eriliithiiversity, St:idyl:it law, oinel onlyA4tP44 Crooks, Who aCCrttd Cl.13 " Pori-
,: ,41,6,4 siooted vy,om, imam 11it,v&hors.: 16401qht , tater, both !Slat.* riii gao,
fast '*t w*" ,rofitioeScieute" hUi: folio 101, Attottle1,0enerai, It ter
filyin Ii4 ' Iltati$,, trundis liyheii it y4,6 potise,.of '0aritOnfaus. ,tct(regt Irom Axe
Mr, OlibirtItlif teteivif eingrzOtations hel(51erbeing ktkfe Wembkrs 0? the
titowen:thflitc, 1va$ the',hteky ,,Olitsti- • rk°14116ktA,1 dki:itii:t1411M4itri6itt:i 7.114/24.....,47
. . 4
1891, County Auditor for 12 years.
MANN! ',G \V. DOHERTY, born 1875,
at Ciontart 152m,20o acres, Peel Own-
where he raises stock; 0112e lecturer •
al 0. A, C. Guelph; postgraduate in
agriculture r om Cornell University In ,
religion he is a Roman Catholic.
"No" Majorities so Fop in 04 Out Of';
111 Ridings
Toronto, Nsh. t 5-0trci1att referen:
'dons returns from 94 of the 111 con-
Stitudneles in Ontario shOW the ma,lor-
tiles for the "1105 Ott the Yar.OUS
Question No, 1---------3(5 1.,Thq
Question 18o 2. .2931881
VtiestiOn No, 3„ , 3:14,64 4
19ue4to8 No, 4