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and sports, including
skating, hockey and
other outdoor games,
men find no other un-
der -garments 6o satis-
factory as c'ombinations'
and Two-piece'' Suits in
Dry Goods and House
Phone 67
Next Royal Bank .
The perfect lit of this un-
derwear permits natural
movement and the Elastic
insert shoulders are a boon
to active men. No danger
of shrinkage through bod-
ily moisture.
Custom Tailoring
Men's Furnishing
Phone 103•
Opposite Public Library
Another year has rolled around and we are talking about that nice big
'Cake we are going to make, New Fruits are arriving and now is the time for
you to get your supply. We offer the usual week end Specials:
3 Bars Wash soap for 20
3 bars Sunny' Monday
for 25c
13 Bars for $1.
it bars Gold Soap $t.00
Pilchards, per can .220
Salmon, per can ...22c
Pork and Beans, 15c 20c
and 25c
Seeded Raisins
Seedless Raisins
Dates Walnuts
Almonds Peels
Icing Sugar, etc.
Be sure and get in Line
to receive our 1920
Special Blend per lb 50
Royal Blend per tb 60
Quality Blend per ib 70
Special Prices in 5 and
10 lb lots
Jelly Powders any
flavor for t2c
Kellogg's Corn Flakes
2 for 25 cents
The Features of Our
To which we invite special attention
ere its beauty, its assured comfort, its
solid uonstrucnnn, and its below the
u.uvl pit cs. Any one of these pointe
would he soft -Herm to earn it your
prefei•eniee. 1Vhen they are all com-
bined we feel sure you will realize
that thin is a furniture buying oppor•
t.unity yon cannot afford to ignore
Senator Proudfoot Introduced in the
Upper House
Ottawa, Nov, 7,—Senator William
Proudfoot, who was named to the Up-
per House yesterday, was this after-
noon introduced in the Senate by Sir
Janes Loughecd and Senator Blaine.
There is another Senate vacancy for
Ontario, which is likely to be filled by
the appointment of Col, Smythe, form-
er M. P., for East Algoma.
Trains Going North
11,,17 a.m, 6.40 p. m.
Trains Going South
8.20 a.nt. 4.15 p. m.
Trains Goin; East
6.33 a.m, 2.S2 p. ta.
Trains Going West
11.11 a. m. 5.45 p. sat.
t1.tl p. m. ..•
The Undersigned is now entering
the coal business and asks for a share
of the public business.
All orders may be left, for the pre-
sent at my residence on Huron St.
Tersa--Strictly Cask—Phone 155.
282,1821101-114110N MAIL*
JAS C1N FeRD so SOT 11-$1111S3
Phone 28.
h 41.111 Anti &Janda,' Calls answered at Residence ever store■ RIPATEOPI
Endertei:er and Eiineral Director.
During the four and a half years of war Clinton proudly
bore its sacrifices and gave to its' limit in the crushing of the
Menace. To pay its debts of honour, and to maintain its posi-
tion in thb,march of world progress Canada has launched the
Victory Loan 19'19. Let Clinton again show its patriotism.
This space donated to the Victory Loan 1919 Campaign by—
D.sp' ening Chemist
;:- 1 _ The cornet Grocery
Metal Mork
T. Hawk i is
Phone 613
A s itt far 116OLA reist aero'
Hupp ere*' Iter rtesed's > afNtattirt
Apline And Wttihtte A11tayit lith
This is the plate tot every Seasonable
thine hi the Grocery line; and there's
a reason why we sell them—
New Seedless Raisins.
New Seeded Raising .
New 'Currants . . , . -
Walnuts; Almonds Mid. Filberts
Dates , New Figs.
CM'awg4, Lemon and Citron 14011.
Oranges, l,.embns, arattgfrtib5i
�'a ansa, SOttery.
weet Pc atoes, Ciente-
Berries anti
E. E. R'tnmiford.
PtitiliiiiE 45
AdA' Ie Pi.
Half -the fila of FA are
cawed by
allowing .the bowels' to become Con-
When 1.he bowels bewanae eoarttipated
Hee sto+uaeh pars oat of order, the liver
does mot wank properly, and these follows
the violent ii* sad Miens kaeia bre,
mum* of the rtoanach, biiiote see;
heartburn,, Wattr Yrt@elt, or the• 'paUsitrl;
irritating internal bisecting or protruding
Keep your bovold .hili'. with Mil -
Win's I,s..-Liver Pith and yeu need
never be ocn.tipiiiiid
Ma., G ii bfibon, Trail, I1,04
ryihoa: —"1 %eve b tnrieble d with L si•.k
%wtteokei sad can.ti tion =cat sal say
life. Mai not' ion► bdi.t trentteit frit .
Man tonne. I lave seat Welt s Aftl-
bUr 'g LeekLivor Pi'3'esi Wnoe minim thew."
MiRwtrti'd Lers-Liver 18il. ase2i14.
s tint xt illi /Nati* or ideated d reef.OY
resets el .prion by T. Miser* Else.
Limited, 1 nranto, Ont:
l~ R "traRT7PrOMB
We are expecting both at Bruce'9eld
and Clinton, some of the new kind of
,goal in stove size firiyuetten. Try a
load of this, as we can assure your
entire satisfaction, besides coning se
little cheaper. We also stock the fol-
lowing at,Oti.nton •
ElIONY Ci113E The Gannet, d:E' Luxe,
SOFT COAL. 3 int, and' up fteltnont
Le nip,.
. s •
Pea Coal. $t, e0 cheaper than other
CANADA CEMENT. The standard ar-
Accounts may be paid, and orders
left at Wiltsie's grocery store,
At Brucefelsl:---
In both hard and soft woods. B.G.
SHINGLES Selling at less than to-
day's cost pride,
FIMRE B4OAtf s cheapeP and better
att.:fetler Mist, plpatet .
Sl 7 H IN3 031St.. Our fare nes kleas-
Ire.. , r yt
• It�lab �.tlisnef, 9li+ft Goth, Aird Oanadir
2111,e,de not Nun thebtlsiness, Rut
W4 wcielit' lh ejtfb, lave yourss•�#�
+11'10:=., Neje T
Clwalpn dot asci cId.
Phone for, Cl et w .141.14.
Phase fdir Brfi 4411144d' 11 ea di°ti
Between Friends -A Photograph
How many people can you think
of right now who would 1ike to have
your Photograph and how long since
that last one was made.
We are not as busy now as we will
be in December.
Make an appointment to -day.
We make enlargements any size
from Tl odak films.
Roy Ball
Phone 66,
Buys Property.
Mr. S. Merrill, of Goderich Township
has purchased the residence of Mrs.
Win. Robb 011 Albert street north. It
is a desirable piece of property.
Sells Her Horne.
Mrs. Wnt. Gleet has disposed of her
house to Mr. Thos. K, Mair, of Mullett,
who gets possession the 1 st of Dec-
ember, Mrs, Glenn will spend the
winter with her daughters in Toronto.
Two Lunches Tonight.
Tho those who can attend the U. F.
O. at home and the L. O. L. at hone
tonight will be lucky as both organiza-
tions are serving lunch. A special pro-
gram has been arranged for both meet-
ings and the U, F. O. expects to have
Mr. Hicks, M. P. P. for South Huron
with them to deliver an address.
Some Sign Work
Mr. Thomas A. Hopkins, Advance
ratan of the "Dark -Town Swells" who is
also a returned soldier, is sone artist
with the brush, when you take a look
at the billboards in town and see his
work on the black and white part of
the advertising. lie made an excell-
ent job of the work.
On Wednesday, Nov. 12th, at high
noon, at the Methodist parsonage, of
Wesley church, Clinton, Thomas
Churchill, machinist, of Clinton, and
Hattie Elizabeth Miller of Goderich
Township, The marriage was solemn-
ized by Rev, D. N. McCantus. Mr.
Norman Miller and Miss Mildred Liver-
more were witnesses to the ceremony.
Mr, and Mrs. 'Churchill will reside in
St. Catharines,
Gave Concert on Sunday Evening.
The Bertha Farner Concert Company
gave a sacred concert on Sunday even-
ing, and the proceeds will be devoted.
t'o the Soldiers' Re-establishment, the
company, giving the concert free of
charge. The hall was packed and for
over an hour good music filled the
souls of the large audience. Miss Far-
ner sang a selection by Handel as well
other numbers and closed with "Rule
Britannia" The violinist gave two fine
selections in "Humoreake" and "Trau-
merei" while Miss Hughes played a
"Minuet" and "Somewhere a voice is
Calling" on the cello. Mr. Lydell, the
pianist, played a March by Tschaikow-
sky and for an encore 'The Rosary.
Miss Farner and company will be wel-
come back at any -time.
A Big Night With OtldfeUows.
A well attended .. meeting of the
Clinton Oddfello'k's was held in
Clinton lodgerooms Friday evening
when members of the different lodges
of the, district met to hear Grand
Master Bro. Hermiston, of Toronto,
who during his address, explained the
home building fund and the Close
Touch Brigade Addresses were also
given by D. D. G,M, Bailie, of Goder-
ich, and Past D. D. G. M., Scott, of
Seaforth. The fourth degree was
afterwards put on. Clinton lodge
served luncheon after which follow-
ed short speeches and toasts. M:.
R. E. Manning was toast master and fol-
lowing was the toast list:
Our King.
"Our Country" by Bro. Strothers.
"To Grand ,Lodge", The Grand
Master and Bro. Scott.,
"'I'o our District" The D.D.G.M, Euro.
Bailie; and Past D.D.G,M. Bro. Petty,
"To Oddfeliows in general" Bros.
Sutherland, Moore, Reid, and Dougall.
A Successful Cozic rt. •
The first concert of the Concert
course under the direction of the Girl's
Patriotic Society was held on Saturday
evening, and despite the fact that Sat-
urday night is not a good night for a
concert, the hall was well filled to hear
Miss Bertha Palmer and her concert
company, We might add that the hall
was also till.ed.wtth coal gas Groin the
furnace, which did not add to the
pleasure of the concert or help Miss
Tarner's.throat. Miss Farner, herself a
htf(liant vocalist, has surrounded her-
self with artists of high calibre, Her
soprano voice is one of wide range, re-
markable sweetness of tone and of great
flexibility, She masters sofne very dif-
ficult selections with marked ease
which amply •justified ,atl tbe good
things whieh have been said about her.
Miss Mary Hughes in her solo number
and in the trio, proved her ability be-
yond question. Her quiet unaffected
manner at once found for ber a place
in the hearts of the hearers, which
strengthened as the beautiful tone of
the cello filled the hall. Thar violinist
was Mi. lmy Oriikow and his' selections
Were received with generous applause,
especially "Hejre Kati" by Hubay,.. The
important role of pianist was filled by
Mr. Arthur Lydell and his work con-
tributed in no small measure to the
work of tke evening. The program fol-
'trio, "Celebrated ,tri'datite" by iters-
slger 'Serenade" by, fierbert,
Songs, "Where'er you walk" by
Howie; "Come down Laughing Stream -
let" by Sprouse; "Four Leaf 'Clover" by
Songs,• "M'y lifotket' bitds me bind iri3
$air". byt' llayderi . 'Hayfields, Butter:
Zit" by deli;Elejgo; , "Annie .C9"urie'1i
and' "1 Love't'he Moon" by R'upetig,
Cello, "The Swan" by Saint Stone,
Trio16ri'tafe, A Ott 3 Cvace" tina' bhi, Raft;
"Golden Wedding" by Marie, •
Songs, "Attvade't front I -,e
•- Robyn, hX
baleand " tiabettiera'' from Carttien, by
God Save the King. `
Married Friday
Last Friday at Wingham Mr. Thomas
Leppington, of town, was united in
marriage to Miss Luella Tomkins, of
that Northern Town. The young cou-
ple have now settled in town and the
best wishes` of their many friends ac-
company them on their voyage through
Show Was "Punk"
Lacking any semblance of the "pep"
one looks for in a minstrel show, Guy
Bros. Minstrels proved a disappoint-
ment to the large number who wit-
nessed their performance at the
Town Hall last Thursday evening. A
minstrel show when it is in the hands
of capable artists is a treat but when
given over to incompetents it falls very
flat. The members of the company
were weak as singers and their whole
pertorutance lacked snap. The orch-
estra numbers were splendid and the
exhibition of shaking the bones, by
George Guy was exceptionally fine.
At the present time Canada's rating
on the New York money market stands
higher than that of any foreign nation;
and it is possible for her to obtain funds
on that market on more favorable terns
than any other country. The reason
for this, as any financier will vouch, is
Canada's increased production and the
prosperity she has enjoyed by the sale
of her surplus products at favorable
prices in Great Britain and Europe. This
vast system of marketing was effected
through credits for which Victory Loan
subscriptions provide Ole working ca-
pital. if for instance the •public should
turn an indifferent ear to the Victory
Bond salesmen now at work, our pros-
perity and credit would be impaired,
our production dwindle and everyone
would feel the menace of poverty.
There is good reason to hope that
Canadians are awake to their.respon-
sibility and opportunity.
The allusion to Canada's high rating ,
011 Wall St., brings up another phase' adians to loan money to their country.
of the Loan question. While Canada
can borrow abroad on more favorable
terms than any other nation, it is not
desirable that she should do so; for
that would take large sums out of the
country in annual interest payments.
It would help build up the prosperity
of the United' States at our expense.
It is much more expedient that Cana-
dians should themselves be the lenders,
and that the interest should stay in the
pockets of tier own people. if it is
profitable for Wall St. to loan money to
Canada it is equally profitable for Can -
Thursday, November 13th, 1919
The reaction from war to peace has been sudden and
strong. Our courage may be a bit spent, our enthus-
iasm for service a trifle on the wane, r
It needs a little effort and some determination to re,
kindle the old fire, but it must be kindled if the Victory
Loan is to be a success.
Canada calls upon you, therefore, far a renewal of your
faith and a renewal of your effort.
And that can best be expressed if you do your utmost to
inspire people to 45,
Buy Victory Bonds
P.S.—There is an old saying to the effect that "if you
can't sing the words you can whistle the tune," -1'f you
haven't any ready money, borrow some and
Buy Victory Bonds
This space donated to the Victory Loan 4919 Campaign by—
The W. D. Fair eo.
Often the eheaffeSt--Alwsys the Sect
Getres=dyfor Fall
. Now is the time to leave your furnace overhauled or a
new one installed.
Stoves moved and pipes put up in good shape.
Call and see our lines of Electric Fixtures and Lamps.
Homemade pipes our Specialty.
E1 lecti'ician
Phone 147w.
the moderately wealthy,' and the
very wealthy — it would seen that it
Children Cry contributions to the Vivtory Loans.
constitute service to the nation, the,
FOR FLETCHER'S moderately wealthy class is hardly do
C A S T 0 pti A , ing its share. Of themoney subscribed'
to the Victory Loan 1918, two hundred
• ; and seventy-one million subscriptions
Must Subscribe More, were in' bonds of $5,000 and under,
ninety-four millions in bonds of be-
tweenDividr'tt the oeople of E anada into $5,000 and $25,000, and three
Dividing hundred and one millions in bonds of
three classes—the comparatively poor, $25,000 and over.
The Eyes of
Cana. a are thiort
Ch ton
VERY Allied Ceaatry hat raiestl a lean from ;ie. people sinceE.
fighting ended. They .have all raised loans for Oho Same pur-•
posw--t• finish paying for Victory.
Of all that were in baa war (from file beginning) Canada is the only
one to corns oil of the streute stronger than she want into it.
Canada, has tonna hetself—iipiritailly sed atsdta'rielly.
With roil -Sell and pride we can look to the f,uita'ra and lirocliiin Canada
indeed A Promised Laaad.
The Victor* Loan wllielfa is needed to iodide paying war obliigata•ns is
the very barometer Of fel contidinsde is the More.
In the a..asa•e .f its Ousts iPtisn---we will ring the future
Corte throws a and come WI** Wiitieisoinely.
It wan file enough to boy Vieteryf lion* whim war wa...n the thres-
h 'dd, but it hi the latest` thin to bop Owen new—when the tesnwit is
Let's show the stmdf Clinton is anaele ef-•Let's fetish the job and let's
see it threw*.
Let every cilias if COO= bo' llnftit of leis alit lily
Thi ' space dlodatlad tint' that Loa 4,19 N.tl.;pWiii
• ,... n
MAW, ;owv