HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-10-30, Page 6mot
Firfs!mn,.tt"ti'ro;n' !THE CM 114TON NEW ERA.
in To
YYaLa'tl��aao'.,Ii�Ic:.'I➢1[FTmTr': '4irtR�bsliP,Ct1 L
nmm„w.wu,Amtc'r� m9m.v.Yu ,XL'b'm�itY.'[ioe/nV.: Vu.fiIXt¢!
Fancy Work,
ome made
Canned Fruit,
flag nal' l -wf
Aprons, etc., Candy
.king, - getab1es,
i.ekies, Butter, Eggs
UMMA GE --Clothing, 1 cots, Hats
F ur uiture, Dishes etc.
Su ntnerhill Society a.nd Girl's Club of Gode-
rich Twp. will each have a Booth.
Afternoon Tea. from 3 to 5; Dinner 5 to 7 for 50 cents
Pry Goods and House
Phone 67
Next Royal Bank
.�:Tt9 einem' Fuks:eed h,ani~Rlu,"nE,ecisr XtP`d. meestmennseneeettaiwzonano
Custom Tailoring
Men's Furniehj_pg
Phone 403 -e+
Opposite Public Library
Canada is Counting on Your
Canada is counting on your buying Victory Bonds.
Ca:tada5s obligations to her array are your obligations.
Canada's need to finance overseas orders in your need.
Canada is counting on you. You cannot fail her.
Canada is your Country. Buy Victory Bonds to the limit.
This space donated to the Victory Loan 1 9 [9 Campaign by—
PHONE 111,
The Features of Our
i 6;
:t !s re.
To which we invite special atteueinn
arc+ its beauty, its assured corhfort, its
solid construction, sou its below the
usual prices. Any one of these points
would be snffieient to earn it your
ppteferenue, \Vhen they are all cam-
hined we feel sure you will 'realize
that this is a furniture buying oppor•
tunity you cannot alford to ignore
-Under tither and Funeral Director; Phone 2S.
Night and Sunday Calls answered a1. Resilience oyer store
:at tr." S:t "111 ,M r31==a1M zw1Strn ,:snit,,,.
During the four and a half years of war Clinton proudly
bore its sacrilices and gave to its limit in the 'crushing of the
Menace. To pay its debts of honour, and to maintain its posi-
tion in the march of world progress Canada has launched the
Victory Loan 1919. Let Clinton again show its Patriotism.
Th;s space donated to the Victory I..oan 1919 Campaign by—
Despensing Chemist
wsmvrm+eumaenxsaxam curA merm,.mv netsavmrmumeaon.ammm.merm.man mems vaam oram,mw.
Mato" Work
T. Hawkins
Phone 53
Agent for HCCLA Furnaces
Mien uV",'r Bev land's Hardware
Piping And Fittings Alway'8 Bu
The Corner G rocer3•
A year ago we were
and prilying for Victory, Now
Victory is ours. Canada: is safe—
and prosperous. Buy to your limit
Victory Bonds.
Space Donated to Victory Loan 1919 by
Victory Bond* Mean,
Trains Going North ,'
11.1 7 a.m. 6,40 p. m.
Trains Going South
8.20 a.hn. 4.15 p. m.
Trains Going East
6.33 5,10. 2,52 p. m.
Trains Going West
11.11 a. ni. 5.45 p. m.
ILt8 p. m.
The Undersigned is now entering
the coal business and asks for a share
of the public business.
All orders may be left, for the pre-
se,it at my residence on Huron St.
Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155.
Hot Flpshos,"
So Weak 'and IMP. fe!*?a3
Could Bent Sloop.
Mrs, Philip II. Ryan, Srnd Pmol f S..
writes•—"l have bun it v,r.ra euf ter
from nerve trouble. L was se v r•':
and nervone 1 could not sleep 6.1 f
and my not:el.ite was very poet
could not walk across the door wit' o+:1
trembling ail over. 1 had hot fir le.+
and fainting melte. When i was en ,1 r
second box td ill.lhurn's Heart mud N z,
Pills I hem 10 te,d bc'tttr m d i.t• x (n1
until i• tied nerd six boxes whru 1 telt
like a different person. I 11111 11- vel
without the m in tip house and re ,to-
n nd them to all tv::o suffer with I610:r.
nerve e."
14lilhunh's Heart .and Nerac Pals ale
6O' p;r box at all druggists or dealer 3,
or male) d re et on receipt of price by
The le Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto,
' We are expecting both at Brucetield
and Clinton, some of the new kind of
coal in stove size Briquettes. Try a
load of this, as we can assure your
entire satisfaction, besides coating a
tittle cheaper, We also stock the 101 -
lowing at Clinton:—
EBONY CUBE. The Cannel de Luxe.
SOFT COAL, 3 in. and ftp Belmont
Pea Coni, $1.00 cheaper then other
CANADA CEMENT. The standard ar-
hoping ticle.
Accounts 11153' be paid, and orders
left at Wiltsie's grocery store.
At l3rucerield:—
in `both hard and soft Woods. B.C.
SHINGLES Selling at less than to-
day's cost. price,
FIBRE BOARD cheaper and better
than llatlt and plaster.
SNIIT}HNG COALour fatuous kiean-
Also'4. s nhcl, Soft Coal, and Canada
We do not want all the business, but
t' a W8 tvnul'd like to have ours,
E . i a n n �f°rd '. JNO5 :D. 'IMTUSTARD
PiUONE 45 +yC1hton & Brucefield.
Phone for Clinton� No. 74.
,R'Nbli�+ fbr,,'Artieefletd 11' aa' B?,'$.
swLw<mmtxp.MfCu W nIC¢'Ya W G
getwon Fele tbiQ? -11 rhatogivii
How many people can you think
of right now Who would like to have
your Photograph and how long since
that last one was made.
We are not as busy now as we will
be in ;t ecember.
Make an appointment to -day.
We make enlargements any size
from Kodak films.
Roy -Dan
Phone 66, Photographer
rtimaiww'W g MIit* ivy �.
ek Local News n
Up Goes Sugar.
Local grocers reported last week an
advance of 25 cents per 100 pounds in
the price of sugar, but retail price will
hardly be affected,
}led Blood Poisoning. ,-rr"e.lafrr•,
Miss Dorothy Bartliff, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bartliff, has been
suffering from blood -poisoning in her
left hand. 11er many friends will Hope
she will be in her accustomed good
health soon,• ,,
No Drop In price
Sold House
The property known as "The Map-
les" on Raglan Street, wits sold by 11r.
David Canlelun to Mr. Harry Fremliu,
who has been the tenant fur the past
year or so. It is at desirable piece of
The Bazaar.
Brown's store hes donated their big
advt., to the 11 lIlowe'en Bazaar and it
not necessary for us to say anything a-
bout it as full particulars are given there
A big crowd is expected at the Dinner
served from 5 to 7.
,Priests In Conffrence.
annum conference of the
priests of Oxford, Perth and Huron
Deanery held Tuesday at St. Joseph's
Church parochial dome, Stratford. A-
bout twenty two priests were present
1_oc51 retail shoe merchants are a
and Rt, Rev. Bishop Fallon of the Dip-
unL inca declaring that there can he cele of London. Matters pertaining to
no reduction in the at a shoesa fore the work of the ,church were discussed
e Fand other business matters adjusted.
spring have been advanced 83 peri A Splendid Issue
some time. Prices for shoes for next
pair by the wholesalers. The Niagara Daily Review has put
out a special Edition that is worthy of
attention. 1t commemorates the 40th
Will Take Charge of Wingham Factory.
Mr. Alex. McIntyre, who has been a ,:_Annivarsar of the Review. It was a
valued employee of the linton Knit- 1 dour y page edition, well tilussrat-
tine Co., and who also saw service over for incl cntained
seas, will take charge of the Wingham a mass of valuable
branch of the Company. We wish Min
success in his new duties.
information, and well written and is a
distinct credit to the Editor, Mr. T. II,
Leslie, and his staff. The New Era
Paper Was Late. congratulates the Review on its 40th
After the New Era press had got Anniversary,
nicely started last Thursday afternoon, Don't Want to Leave Theis: Yet.
a small break metered witch delayed the
issue of the paper until Friday after- .dr, John Ranford called up the New
noon. A machinist from Toronto was Era, and asked us how we would like
here tlils week and fixed the damaged to he living in England now, one year
part. after the war, nand they Mr. Rainsford
Will Open Branch at Owen Sound. commenced to ,read the Emergency
Ration which was published for week
The Clinton Knitting Co., have de- of October 10th, for elan, woman and
cided to open a third branch at Owen child:—Beef and mutton 12 oz. per
Sound, and ,Mr, frank Libby, who has head per week; bacon 6 oz., sugar 6
had charge at Wingham, will assume the oz„ margarine 4 oz; Government putter
management at Owen Sound. The i lied lard 4 oz, We decline' to go
scarcity of help in Clinton has been re-' over 'Dobe at present, and believe that
spopsible for the firm opening up 'an- + i\lr. Ransford, will also Lake his chances
other branch. in Huron County yet.
Engagement Announcer; ' Attended Funeral
Thursday, October 34tH, ,1919, :'t nr"z;;v;,i
t1,41 ,'eF!ljv
The reaction from w ar to peace has brio sudden 1141LI
total, Uur coot l ,t'. may he a bit spent, our enthus-
iasm tor e of e a tont. (01 the ..1 tate
11,T(is a little'effort and intild tie re-
kindle the old lite, but it mast hi' kiadied it tile. Victory
Lotto 1-. 10 he a sttC.ess,
Canada galls upon von, therefore, for a renewal of your
faith and. a renew([ of your ef'ort.
And plat can hest be expressed if you do your utmost to
inspire people to
lay Victory.Bol:` "
i',S,—'there is an old saying to the effect that "if you
can't sing the Words y+.0 can whlsll IIIc tune."—if you,
haven't any ready money, borrow some and
uy Victory ) onds
This space donlited to the Victory loan 1919 Campaign by—
T' +„ aFair eo.
efl.+irn the Qheap ; '-RIways the Best
ncsansr. memeszaterma ,CP1116X1TAPMM6=11171=0=tri.V.V=0111702116
,w.oem,.-..er,,.,.,,,.�: .,>�,,..o®om......,:o�..n.e - - easre.+u.,wwL..•w,o-enaerna
Now is the Ulric
new one installed.
to have your furnace overhauled or a c •.
Stoves moved and pipes put up in good shape.
Call and see our lines of Electric Fixtures and Lamps.
Homemade, pipes our Specialty.
Mr. William Taylor, of Stanley
Township announces the engsgelilent
of his daughter, • Etnnha Janet to
(Sergi,) Dudley Ileitis Bird, of Regime,
Saskatchewan, formerly of Canadians
Foreign Corps, and eldest son of Mr.
Arthur Bird, of "Rensleigli" Dud!rr
Englund, The marriage to take place
in November
Western Ontario Customs Officers Met,
The Western Ontario '..lust?ms Mu-
tual Benefit:Association met at `4tratf,,r,l
recently fn annual session aud..elccted
the following officers: President, A,
.Porter, • God erich ; vice- president, John
Wiseman, Clinto,i: secretary -treasurer,
F. G. Nellen, Scaforth; executive—D.
R. McPherson, E, O'•l'!athertt, Strat-
ford; John Hayes, Goderich; A. C.
Wood, St. Marys; f1, J. Blowes, Mit-
chell; Auditors—J, Torrance, 'J.
Stewart, Stratford. Delegate to the
Dominion Customs Association ca.a-
veution, A. Porter.
Drove The Royal Car
'rite Lir:u1 f,:,rd Expositor refers to a
former Clinton hay, who is a son of A!r,
George Walker, formerly of town: -
1t was Harvey Walker, tch" as a
returned soldier, was chosen to
drive the car in which the Prince
drove through the city. lie was pre-
sented to His Royal Highness tout as
the party started off, the aide, who
sat in the front seat kept his hand
on the knee of Mr, Walker and urged
him to go quickly as the Prince wee
very tired lir. Walker dove 16
father's new car, at holds„me 11nd•
All Wear Victory Medd
Permission to Wear 1116 victor„
medal ribanJ wars accorded to a!1
ranks of the t:, B. 1', and those Can.
adieus who have served during the 1
war with Imperial or ' other Allied
forces, in the military routine orders
from Ottawa, of Od:tuber of this year,
'i'o-day further information regard-'
ing the matter is contained in the
district orders, to the e9 ,1 that all
members of the Siberian Expedition-
ary Force who took part In the op.
operations in Melia up to the time of
the evacuation, may also wear the
Family Lived at Aloha a Short Time.
The Brussels Post speaks of the
death of Mrs. Adam Good, who was
htlrigd in Brussels recently, and who
resided at Anna corder with her hus-
band and family some years ago, moving'
back to Brussels prior to going West:
A former well known resident was bur-
ied here Wednesday afternoon in the
person -of Mrs, Adam Good, formerly
Miss Mary 0. Vanstone, eldest daughter
of the late Win. Vanstone, of Brussels,
and sister tri W. F. Vanstone, Wingham,
Mrs. Good died al the home of her dau-
ghter, Mrs. BArnliOuse, Yorkton, Sask„
Thursday of last week and the casket
teas accompanied by aforesaid daughter
and her brother, Harold Good, It is
'about 1S years or more since the Good
family went West, Mrs. Good and
family are very kindly remembered by
the people of this locality. In addition
to the children mentioned W. J. Good
Also survives. The 3 sons did duty
nverseae, Joe makiiig the supreme sae -
Mice, Mys, Blackstock, (Elsie) died
during the past year al, 5581810011, Mrs.
Good's health had not been very rag-
ged for some tittle before.lher deinfse.
She was a fine woman,and syn pathy Is
)(tended to'thebereaved,
Mr, J. W. Treleaven attended the
funeral of his young nephew last week
at Lucknow Saturday the funeral of
little Willie 'Treleaven was held'Iro"1
the Methodist Church at 2:30 o'clock.
ile was the youngest son oh hey. a.M
Mrs. Walter Treleaven, and had been a
sutferer,frcml menintities since he had
been camping at the lake with other
members of his family late in the. sum-
mer, He was in his sixteenth year.
Rev. 15• le Irwin conducted the service
while six buy friends acted a. pallbeau-
ers. Ile is survived by his father and
mother, one sister and one brother,
41r. 'Phos. Britton and family have
taken the rooms up over his store for
the winter,
Mother Dead.
There passed away at the family re-
el fence, 1„t 9, con. It, Hullett, on Sat-
urday, October 13th, Cherlottee U,rm-
psey, beloved wife of .\1r. William .1en-
kins, and nether of Mrs, John Watkins
"f imyn. Deceased was born i11.Goda-
ri,:11 Township 78 years ago and .2e
Phone 147w.
years tater was married- to lien now
bereft husband. In religion she was a
.Alethoaist and a member of that church
at Londesboro. She leaves besides her
husband, a family of four, namely: —
Mrs. James, Cranbr?ok; Mrs. John Wat-
kins, Clinton; Miss, Lottie and John at
home, Besides het innnediate family
.he leaves twh brothers: Mr. Wm. Denh-
psev, , f Ilullett, and Mr. John Dem-
psey of Clinton. .'rhe funeral took
4'lace-eat the loltowing Tuesday, service
>cing held at the house ae 1,30 p.m,,
t'Ilnwed by 'interment in Clinton ceme-
nILYS? x c,: ,.,,ezwa+w.mn;1.1. 7,M.RNMxcv,.m..um•n %2M17.,a,sn a.am.. care a II
fes. ti
eaG,i,. �lr
VERY Allied Country has raised a loan frons its people since
.fighting ended. They have all raised loans for the same pur-
pose—to finish paying for Victory.
Of all fast were in the war (from the beginning) Canada is the only
one to corse out of the struggle stronger than she Went into it.
. Canada has found herself --spiv itually and materially.
With reason and pride we can look to the future and proclaim Canada
indeed A Promised Land.
• The Victory Loan which is needed to finish paying war obligations is
the very barometer of our confidence in the t•uture.
In the measure of its over -subscription --we will reap the future
Come through and come through handsomely.
It was fine enough to buy Victory Bonds when war was on the thres-
hold, but it is the bigger thing to buy them now—when the tumult is
Let's show the stuff Clinton is made of—Let's finish the job and let's
see it through.
Let every citizen of Clinton to the limit of his ability
This space donated to the Victory Loan 1919 Campaign by—