HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-10-30, Page 2PAGE eteretteitieelelereetaitiletrollislimeteenteroweelettler'-ell"*„ • ,mintetzumparestememeDereveerneeketemesensrareastantleletellenneanDISxmaWn, 7't THE LIPITON NEW ERA oimeio,1 ° " ,•=11= PHONE 70 on...0,0,,,,.........k.r.e............,,,,,,,,W**,,,,,,.....e. ...... .....,,,-..,,, .1, ,./... . • iU and 1 Women who choose to pay $20, $2.5, $30 or $35 can find a selection here at those prices that will measure up to the most exacting requirements of correctness of style, with Quality that will give a good account of itself in day to day wear. We will appreciate an opportunity to show you our range. We have one of the largest stock. of Ladies high class coats and furs in the country. SIler..WIMallarOCINater=iMINSCOM alwrannews-roadowsw, Mesteseessurra • 61 calS:!C7) 1. Thursday, October 3 0th, 4919. IL. . Tablets al ways do I nst what I q 1 claimed fur them, The Tablets are zee.„....,...u.eeeeee.*.i.......e....eree,i...,,.i,o.ii,,.=rmm, ,,,......,.........,.....,,,..„-erreemi. me.... ....ere...re..., ....9 a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the. Own Tablele for little ones. 1 hirvis teed them for Ply Nall/ uid would , 050 nothing elev." What Mrs. Nsitul tIlimsanas ot other mothers say, The.y have fouial le) trial that the CONS'TANCIli Mrs. Geo, Brans and children of Windstu• spent a week with their cousin the Allures Willison, Mrs. Proctor of Brussels, is spending tt couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. I IL Colclotiiih. Mr, and Mrs. Admit Maelson. and Airs. McArthur of Goderlch spent it couple (4 days in Stratford with their sister, Mrs. Anderson. etre 'Fedor spent a few days last were. In Clinton with her father, who is very sick. Rev. Mr. Anderson of 13aylield preach ed two excellent sermons for the An- niversary on Sunday afternoon end evening, The choir furnished the music. The collections and offerings amoueted to $150. HOLMESVILLE. Last Monday was Election day the Wdatlidr was line and the ladles turn- ed out splendid and there was good re- re.,lults. The 0, T. A. was victorious (old the ladies al(nt held t;ffices ii each pol!ing booth, Mrs, J. R. Aleock was "engineer in Number six and Mrs. N. W. Trewart ha in number fire( The 111J:1illers c,1 Nits; 0. A. Itolmes's Sun(lay School (lass presented her with a morocra bound Hymn Book, it beitt(r the ocev.sion of her birthday, she Walk a ,tiithin 1 014 efficient teacher tor the last 4o years. The 11:ble Society meeting will be he'd in the Anglican Church on Friday evening. Next Sunday being Quarterly meet - lila there will be Sacramental service at usual time and foilowhip at 10 r.tclober has been an exception; wIld 'trn",1%rrie, :Ala dandelions in 111 snn, is the Cir old Trunk going I.( h FL: a lanv :it the station? l>aasenger, tr.m Oa. nii.Inight train, we fv:is l'e Mr. 1..(1-1.:,:s has dispored of his 1.r.•:1, lo Mr. J. Ntra. f'i.;%:irti and sister. MIs, their brc,t!,..:r in Mian tor a couple (4 weeks, Purnlxill. of Clinton spent 'Canday with her friend, Miss Su:de Acheson. Michael Stock wears a sunny AleIle a batty girl arrived al their home r.o Al,nday, 10 sch.(ol children presented Errol and Barrie Walters with a fountain pen each rrior to their departure to Cali- fornia. Mr and Mrs. S. T. Walters and family also Aliss Carrie Walters left on Thurs- day for Redland, Cal. We hope the change of climate will be beneficial to Mr. Walters. For bathing infants a folding cabinet has been patented which is extended OV' a bathtub for use, a suspended basin holding a baby. Dr.' J. C. CANDLER OFFICE HOURS 1.30 p. m. to 9.39 p. I. 7.30 p. m. to 9.00 p. re. Suez* 12.30 to 1.30 Other hours by appointment 01133. Office at Residence, Victoria Strip, DR. W. GUNN Office art Residence Corner High and Kirk Streets, Clinton Ontario DR. F. R. AXON DENTIST • Crown and Bridge Work a Speelally4 Graduate of C.C.D.S., Chicago, and 11015.5 Toronto. Bityfteld ou Mondays, May 181 lo I) OR.11. 'OWLEH1 - DENTIST. Offers over Cit'NEILT store, lipettiel °ere taken to make deuVal ire; moot 57 peialess es oessibie. - 11I11 Tunalliu4 11r, James Doherty wishes to in - forme the public that he is pre- parerd to do fine piano tuning, tone regelating, and repairing, Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 81, will receive prompt attentioetie GUNDRY .(11,1 zoteral Auction se' ONT e, W. nitTurni Baitutsma ritn,torron rAR PUBLIC, ETO OtrniToN .11011.0010.10111 H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, • Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 11 iiitre manes companies. 1111,1ston Court, OMce. 0. Meltaggiti,r, M. D. MoTeggas McTaggart Bros. !HANKERS I LA BERT ST, OLINTOt teaneral Banking Boatchea, transacted $01%8 D18001:1N END Drafts issue& Interest' sltowed o deposits The MCKilLOP Fire Insurance eo. end Isolated Town Prete eety Only insured, Head 011ice-Sentorth, Ont Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President, T -hos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary. Treasurer. Agente. Alex, Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward Iiincbley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Cg moutiville; J. W, Yeo, Gom1erlch R. Jarmuth, Brodttagen. Directors Wm. !Inn, Nn. 2, Seaforth; John Ben - newels, Drodliagen; denies Evans, Beeele. wood; M. Mcl'wan, Clinton; James Go4erich: D. 1. 1VIcGf401 3. Setturth; J. Cirieve, No. 4 Widion; i.1-ovrt Perris. tiarlual Gat l',...:Cartne, No. 3. Seafortb, • n 07-9 fl 0.0::4•4: toarmounde to any intondit.c; Piino puretarons ItIct if WWI!: Lac 1.4111 CAP! rer:.encrOok;:so at Eeaforth, Wmavarantee ev• roods seavud t!„ tA:me rad c,:n' prices tho:: coricerras duirvs lame 110913s 6opbr advertking. Tho Name "B E L L" is used as your safe guard and enters only eta goods xnade in our own factory. Full'cash valtte allowed on used instruments. Write for particulars or visit our salesrooms. Jonathan Hugill Representative for this District aok 229 ,Seaforth' trinnessramenams ;417'0047 M0521,04112* The Great Englieht lleereedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood iu old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Den., deney, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, F.nilieq, Mono. Print at Per box, ate tor 16.0 One well , nix will sumer &Ad by alt druggists or mull Oak pkg. no reeel 11 of price. New panty Duelled tree. THE NI MEDICINE CO MONTO. OIL Dom* Maim. ZURICH. The glove factory is expected to be- gin operations on Monday or Tuesday. The power lines have been extended from the flour mill to .the factory and the motor ancilightS are being in- stalled. Miss Hilton is in charge as forelady and nine or ten girls and wo- men will be employed at the start, Mr, John Laporte, reeve of Hay, has secured one of the county tractors and 'road graders and the outfit is doing good work on the township roads. LONDESBORO. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Forester's Hale, Thursday, November 6th. ''Our Opportunities" will be dis- cussed. The Roll Call answered by receipts for hot supper dishes. MI ladies ,welcome. SEAFORTH Rev. D. Garewell, Presbyterian pas- tor of McKillop and Winthrop, has re- signed his pulpit, and will move, with his family to Toronto. Ile was present- ed with two purses of gold this week, while presentatMns were also made to his family, BRUSSEI4 Silver Corners sold its September make of cheese to the Swift eettnaditte Company, .22,208 pounds at .24e and zel/JC, realizing the stun of They also -had 2,70e prattlers of cut cheese for patrons and others. At a logging bee on Arthur Ward's farm, but 15, concession 17, Grey Town ship, when a stump near the traek was overturned the men were surprised to find Molloy boded there. Mr, Ward i:01111ied $7.7 5 in addition to whet others got as settvenire. It was mordlt• coppers mid ie supposed In have belonged to some of the Italian labor- ers who helped contruct the railway. Mrs. John Thompson an old resident was buried at Seaforth Cemetery last Saturday. in a runaway accident on the farm cif Geo. Robertson, Grey Township, his son, Clifford, received a bad scalp wound. He was driving the team at- tached to the wagon. The. boy is do- ing nicely. The 11 7 -acre farm of valentine Four- stj,-, has been sold to John Wilson t•f Elute Township, Car the sem .if 1114,000 Mr. Veereter's health is not good and he has to cease hard work. On October to Miss Alurle1 Brothers, B. A., of Bruasels, salts from Vancouver, B.C., on the steentship City of Asia, for India, where she enters the. mission field of the Baptist Church at Cocari- a.Li as a leaelter. High Park Baptist chin:11, Toronto, will support her. 21 Ln: are 1$ in file party, The brick terrace owned by Mrs, D. Bubb leei been purchased b yPIfillp Ainent, who v•in lease the apartments to his. •22nplcr,...%.s, it is ..ahl, A cl!talitamina Lyceulll course of live 6'.erta1irdents rill open on Not', 10. ,•,•;11 ;Odr!tal Li, 44 ,4, certreinist- lectur- er. !"IIHTC 11100.il1g. %%T.! tae i4.101.100 of a 0111:4,4: fee tee ereve soldier, who 14 1 owing to Ili -health, Veientine Fuer-. eeeeer.r.i.e, 12. 1 Grey, 11.10 V.•• , hi,: 117 eel., -term to John 1.111a. the sum .,\Idnd. ins 4ilrelused- the „..4ou11-10015e tetra,:e Turnburr fs.vn eir- 4,. 1144'. The :lee, ,,letor is Making snre of housing - accommodation for his many cm. PloYees, as the location is handy to the factory,. Rev. Mr, Ovcreud, of Kincardine, will preach the annual sermon to the W. l. S. of eielville eihurch on Sunday er:av:m *rrlle. i• Evening service will be wit ,Li.,h ERUCEFIELD. Mr. Hazlewood has sold his 100 acreitis a farfinileinpiltalciee.London Road to Mr. Allan, formerly of Blake for 511,000. Louis Aikenhead and wife visited last week at the home of his brother James Aikenhead. They came front Detroit in their "prize Car." Jetties McQueen has moved into the house he recently bought of James Mustard. Harry Dalyrineple has moved into Jphn Diehl's house, that Mr. Mc- Queen vacated. There is a larges quantity of gravel being put on the roads near our vill- age. It should be good roads next summer. leers. Sidle, of London visited at the home of her father, James MoDonald last week. She came from the city to cast her first vote for the cause of Temperance, William Aikenhead who spent the Summer in the West has returned to his home. He reports fair crops la some places, and others dry partly on account of draught. He thinks Stanley is good enough for him, QUICK GLANCE AT THE LOCAL NEWS items of Interest Picked Up Here and There About the Town. Better soon start to get the storm windows and doors ready, Winter will soon be here -even if we don't want to think of it. Great weather the past two weeks and the hunters are taking advantage of it, though game is not always plenti- *„ Union r:F.,-..u.ch„ !,11e aFici7.7-11. iu cory7,,-.,',.cti 311 with the Cf .the N'e't'/ Shed 3 ('4 • • es-, From 5.30 to 8 po m. To be followed by an Entertainment' consisting of Solos by Miss Mildred Brown of Blyth, and other* and selections by the Crediton Orchestra. sfeennesmenresentarmerrowswavesternammsommaassourraszwannamesamessanarteseswer Admission, ---Ad lt 75C* Chid ren 35c. Obstinate Chs Obstinate Colds The Kind That Stich, The Kind That Turn To SIRONCHLTIIS, The 1CiIid 'That Ertel lo CONSUMPTION, Become a Serious fillatter IF NEGLECTED. All obstinate cougbs and colds yield quickly to the curativemowers of Dr. Wood's ' Norway Pine Syrup. This old and well-known remedy has been en the market for the paist,30 years. You will find that a dose or two will stop the cough, soothe the throat and bronchial tubes, and if the cold has be - Mlle settled on the lungs the healing properties of this fainoue cough syrup will soon bring complete 'and permanent Miele There are many imitatione of Dr. Wood'e Norway Pine eiyrup on the market. Get the original when you eek for it. Put up in a yellow wrapper; 3 pine trees the trade Mark; price 20e, riti 50e. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. be the speaker, There will be spechd stomach and thus banish Indn,eb on, 111 11,4e at both services, constipation, colic, colds, els:. Thee' are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box beim The Hr. WROXETER The 61st Anniversary of the Fre..(tv- services. Large congregations were, • present, Monday evening a fowl din. her was served in the basement of the church, followed by a musical program and a lecture on 'The New Era in the Church and in the World," by the. Rev. C. R. MeDermicl, of Goderich. Herbert Patterson has disposed of his Fes(ifinet,tstioflunb Sepdrerseori.ns, tir.eoewtntsohiLpt.ad vi rh All old resident of Il6wick Township, Mrs, Andrew Dolg, cited Sunday even- ing. She was in her 68th year, and had suffered intensely for some time. She is survived by five sons and one Aosr:1,1eld • • • • 3,170 daughter. The funeral took place, Tues- te,'Atile"rne • , . 1,802 day afternoon to the Molesworth 'Ceme- u"derich • , . 23.;415132 tory from the home of her datMllter in Listowel. 3,3'89 Hay Howick 3,781 Hullett MorrisACKlii()P 22488385 2,653 Stanley 2,146 Stephen , 4,098 Tuckersmith 2,457 Turnberry . 2,161 Usborne 2,326 Wawanosh, E 1941, Wawanush, W 2,055 terian Church was 110.:1 ill,'.1110 Rev, It, Me Callum, of eeteenew, 111- in charge of the Morng in. and evening- Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Children Cry. FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA RURAL POPULATION DECREASES IN HURON CO• • 1000 1918 Decrease Huron Co. -43,173 32,373 10,850 NOTHING TO EQUAL BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Alfred Naud, Natagan River. Que., writes: -'b do not think there is any other medicine to equal Baby's • ful. Huron Creintv had a band of 35 at London on Thursday last, and every - say:; if was a good olle 100, There are many Citizens Would like ' to see some more cliesnut coal arrive 111 tewn. The larger eizes are more Ill preSelll. . Lotele.1 Meet!, on Monday 114141111. Tee Firemen had their monthly meet- 1 lee on Alondav Melo. The store froles ire J, A. Sutter ane W T. O'Neil have received a coat of , paint. Mayor Cooper's store front is being brightened by the painters brush. The Clinton branch of the U. F. 0. had a big meeting on Thursday even- ing last. The exterior woodwork of the Town Hall has received a coat of paint and the front doors have been put in place for the winter. The first thine the Council knows - they \lin have the Library Park im- proYeniEnts completed. The Street Committee has been till- ing up several holes in the Macadam roads, A good job was done. Do you want a good Supper? There Is to be a Fowl Supper at Brucefield eleee4eThursday evening, to be followed by an ectertainment Better make it a point to go, AUBURN. The Baptist Church begins Special Services on Tuesday, Nov. 4th, each night except Saturday for one week only at 7.45 each evening. Rev. J. E. McCauley, of Goderich, will be the speaker. Anniversary day in the Baptist church Nvill be Nev. 9th. Services at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Dr. Farmer, Dean in ;Theology at McMaster University, will CLINTON MANIOtTS „Hogs Eggs 53 and 54c Hogs $16.75 Spring wheat ..„51.9.5, 5198 Fall wheat $1.95, 5198 Oats 7 5 c Barley $1.10 Buckwheat 51.00 Hav ...$18, and 819. Ryan 548.00 Shorts $52, Milefeed, $45.00 Potatoes 82.00 $16.0o '811 o81i 4.matr Atoms:mos, le 2,359 1,350 1,575 2,493 2,716 2,869 2,111 1,925 3,997 1,674 3,000 2,018 1,548 1,771 1.324 1,572 817 452 817 896 736 912. 727 728 488 472 1,098 419 613 555 6.17 483 May Fell Marks and Marks Bross Co, May Bell Marks and Marks Bros. Company will be at the Opera House, Two Nights, commencing TUESDAY, NOV. 4th. They have in their repertoire a standard list of dramas and comedies. The opening play Tuesday night will be the four act drama "A Runaway Wife.".. This unusual comedy -drama is a dramatixation front Bertha M. Clay's novel and the familiar characters in the book are retained in the play which follows closely to the book story. It is clean and wholesome and ap- peals to every man, woman and child. It is a wonderful play, 11,111143ns have read the hook and millions more will see the play. The Marks Bros., have been augmented by a big vaudeville progress and vaudeville will be introduced between the acts at all performances. Reserve your seats early at Fair's Book Store. 411 MI 44 O11'ktt)1 alis14 MI0LOATIPATA 4471 eL\ „reaen„a Ave Here. Told Cho Best Remedy for Their Trouble's. Freemont, .rgolsirg thTor.;;Itthe crJticaI period oe.life,. being fort3 '.5 1 of ago and had :.; 1 the symptoms ineid,at to toteluoi!To 1.1,041ea, • nervonsuese, E0,144 we; in n sreoern1 rota down turaditi6.1, K. • : re it was hard for5411to re., .r.,y wo7it. 111,4:-' lazant's Vegetable Corapn :,3 reeord..tv,;41,1N11..0 ILO 53 the best zmne fc(tr may t r(r kit it surely proved. to be. 1 feel better and stron!-Ter in every way since taking it,•and the annoying syrmttoms :hove peardd."-.4drs. 111. Gr0cipani, 101 nyolcor. eite, Fremont, Ohio. North nevem, Cenn.-"7,7t1I,1 17. Oomoonnd restared 107 lioal 111 f tan evci•vtliin yr eloe. bad failed when patlxwthrolvh. elvilve 02 'life, Tbel a is nothing like it to oviercomotbe tee i r -Mrs, nos:exam isszr.,A., Box 107, klorth. '..tv..von, Conn, '111' •:rv"el•"i a r iultA 4 441 tfii0. '5^ dit3 gratitea fAiMord, 3444 „4," • •A • , • 4\ 27il 177,r ,..., , fr tttt IJ(DIA esimmiAm MIZ.tClt4J CO. .1% NlilllktM ad,