HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-10-30, Page 1Lstablishetl 1865, V¢? 54, No, 1' 1NTOiN, ONTARIO, THURSDAY OCTOBER 30t14 1919, W, H. Kerr n, Editors anri Pulolisbt;rs. �ta.+a:,�a�r•wta��..eia,amaxx,t+'r� WseNow •L wwwWwNrps3VWt¢NANN,Ark.A +'e. W+✓•.'wVwVvWL4tryvo.r4WW 0 No er Pim to rut YOU Mw1Cy , Now, frankly, do you know of a bettor place to put your money than !n Victors 13onds, You have Canada's promise that you Will be repaid the full tilnuunt.staied in the face of the bonds; you- Will get 2 ; more than you get in the •savings ^' '` bents, and you•will always Lind a ready market for Victory Bonds. Investvevery dollar you can get together in Victory Bonds. This space donated to the Victory Loan 191t;\ Campaign by— • • ' BEST QUALITY DRUG STORE ..+r'aWdt ""At WvmnPdlWomdw,rvWwWwvw iekeeeseeieseseseersakevw.esintAteaateteWIAteal Three More R easons' Far Buying Vicbry Bonds BUY VICTORY' BONDS—Because Canada must raise the money to carry out iter obligations to her army, BUY VICTORY BONDS—Because Canada must raise the money if she is to ex- tend credit to Britain and secure further orders for Canadian products, BUY VICTORY BONDS—Because they combine the three factors that consti- tute an ideal investment—absolute security, good income yield, and ready saleability. Tfiis space donated to the Victory Loan 1919 Campaign by— The Royal Bank, Clinton 11*.o.•• vtwt•ww%•. [NCO ��t RATED 85 1� aS„p LSONS vB try pt Capital and Reserve $8,800,000. 'i'lie Molsons Bank offers you a safe and convenient lepositary for Your money, and allows you intereest on ame, The use of cheques obviates carrying sums• of noney when paying accounts. Moreover such pay- t:ents cannot be disputed. Over 100 Branches: hroughout Canada give the best postiible attention to -he banking requirements of any Molsons T3ank custom- - '1'S. Savings Department conducted on up-to-date system. Hi. R. SHARP, Manages - . Clinton Branch fav _.R.:.;•.�.s�..."° . • You Don't Gi e— u 1 Till.. hs deciding how Many Victory Bonds you will buy, remember this ipn,.vorteuat point—you are not giving—you are lending to your country!. . Yon are 'Lending at a good rate' of interest. You are lending on the highest security. You are lending to maintain your own and your country's pros- Perity. - Ia your own personal interest you „how'd make strenuous efforts to buy as many Victory Bonds as you possibly con. You coidciIn't put your money in a better. place. You Want to sa-+e money ---everybody dotes. It is the en"y wa' to get ahead. And Canada needs to borrow your money to bridge tate gap frcfn War to Peace. It's your duty to lend. Take the proper view of this Victory Loan. :day- to yourself —"I am going to buy all the Victory Bonds I can pay for now and in the next ten months.” What if it is an effort to.pay for them. Look' ahead a little. '1'hi_nk cS -what you will own when your Victory Bonds are final- ly paid for, Every cent you pay on your Victory Bonds you LEND to your country—you save! Remember that, and y Victory Bonds Every Dollar Spent in Canada This Space Donated to the Victory Loan 1919 Campaign By The Morrish Clothing rips, 4 B ' 1.4 'w41"taia'i' thrall 11ar 8?4i>i•3 ,3141b 1,r he NewEra r a• b . t l o P rk• axmearoecucwarr ossezememeareso 033/0 earaibUiefetzeotl7leiticeelce N3 WVI'II rain CFI1'!lt'1418f3 tat s a: ea tem13eatto3er itsae1it/13aotoleea13141+9, Wesley Church Sacr,unc'ntal services will be held In Wesley church on Sunday 'n1rni, el 11 with the fellowship service at 10,30 a, no O i,... The 'i ,.el end Touter,: , s a ehe ,f the S. S. held their annual tea on 'ioo,c1.ay evening, and discussed plans for the Co'tlnl \1'IltlCl'. Last 5 ilIdly everting Mrs. MacKinnon favored the congregation svith an ex- cellent solo, Baptist Church On Sunder next the Pastor will speak morning and evening, 11 atm. and 7 p,. Morning subject: "As and So." Price." Evening subject: "Bought with a • if you are not attending any other church conte and worship in the Baptist church. St Paul's Church . Rector: Rey, 8. E. McK.egney, Holy ',Communion 11 a.m. Evening Prayer: 7 p,m, S. S. and Bible Class 2,30 pout. Ontario Street Church The League meeting was in charge of the Citizenship Department. Three excellent reports of the Seaforth and London League Conventions were given by Misses E. Wasmann, C. Jervis, and M, Tyndall, Miss E. Carter rave the Topic on "Social Service—its Means." DROWNED IN CISTERN Four-Year.Old Madge Finnegan, Egmondville, the Victim. 0 0 OVER Mil TEACUPS 2. 0 0 nam'rgMairxrram=Kaattavll eaat COMING EVEN S Friday—Hallowe'en Bandar In tlall. Monday—Council meeting, Tuesday ---,Marks Bios.. Wecluesday—Marks Bros. Thursday, Guy Bros, No, 1 ridgy—A, 1'. Y A.:v1, No, Satur day --B • • . LI w t.t Palmer Concert Co, IN n. No, ram w+sea•mnncaaut.rte:rtaecrosrvrataa, W ae�x�:�•.s!»a FINAL COUNT FOR CENTRE HURON No,. 0000001100 043000 Nr, Nu U ' 00000000000000 No• No, bliss G. Runball spent•Sunday with No. her friend, Miss Susie Acheson at No, Hdlmesville, Miss Lucile Grant is visiting in Tor- onto. Mrs, Roy Plumsteel and *Miss Emma No. Plunsteel visited Seaforth friends on No, Wednesday 0f this week. . No. Mr, and Mrs. John Derry were visit- No. ors all London during the past week. No. Mrs. A. T. Cooper is visiting with No. relatives in Chicago. We are glad to see Air. Walter Man- ning out again after being confined to the house for nearly a month. He was in the manufacturin,business—utak- No, (ng "shingies"—and tie had no pleasant No, time of it 1(11101.. No. lir, and Mrs, L, Munroe and harry were visitors at London this week for a few days. ,Miss A!, Kers is visiting with relatives I and friends at Chicago, of i Mrs, Harry Bartliff was a visitor in Brussels during the past week. Seaforth, October 24—,Madge, the four-year old daughter of Air. Al, J. Finnegan, merchant, of Cgntondvtlle, was drowned to -clay in :t cistern, which had been accidentally left uncovered at the fancily hone. A new elecric bicycle lamp to be car- ried on the front fork has a red jew.el in the back to make it serve as a rear light as well. Cnoutatique Concerts, LINDER THE AUSPICES OF GIRL' AUXILIARY FIRST CONCERT— NOV. 81.h a BERTHA FARNER Dramatic Soprano Miss Ethel Murray Cellist and assisting Artists. Season Ticket $2.50 Separate Ticket 75c Pim Iib EEthilEtES Elan E. W OO D .Inferior and Exterior D1ecoraZing Wo protect your Boors, furni- ture, etc., by plenty of drop sheets. Wall Pap'ei"s, Mouldings, Signs, Etc. Isaac Street i LET NEW FRUITS ARE NOW ARRIVING DAILY — NEW DATES NEW RAISINS. NEW CURRANTS. NEW MIXED PEEL, NEW NUTS. O'NEU ITME 1'x`'0 8 c>rR f7 ' Phone #A Mrsn (Rev.)H spent tit/ weak end visiting old friends at Southamp- ton. Lieut, Tait, of the S A, force, re - (timed last week front her vacation. Air. and Mrs, George McTaggart and Miss Jean McTaggart of Clinton, were in London last Thursday, attending the military review conducted at Carling Heights by the Prince of Wales. Mr. AicTaggart received frnin the hands of the Prince the decoration won by his son, the late Major Broder McTaggart. Miss Ruby Plum and Mrs. 'Ernest Plunk of Brussels were visitors with the Razell families and other friends last week. Mrs. (hies',) Westgate and Airs. bloretson, of Sandwich, were the guests of their another, ,Urs. Kitty, while here. to attend the funeral of their aunt, Miss Watkins, Mrs, Kitty has returned with her d:iughters to visit at Sandwich, Mr, Robert Fisher, who has spent the summer out west in Alberta arta with his parents, has returned to town and will likely spend the winter bene. He re- ports that the crops were failure were the was. bliss Hattie Sutherland of Hensall and Mr. and firs. Pearce, of Purest, were visitors with Mrs, Mo(iarva today, Mrs, C H. Chant, of Unionville, an - ;ounces the engagement of her daugh- ter, Amelia Ellzabetit, to Thomas Albert .1amirNon, formerly of the 15th Battal= ion, run of flow late Junes A. and 'firs. Jamieson, of Fieshcrtun, the wedding to take place in Toronto on November the first The bride -to -he in a 'sister of .Mn, H. 13. Chant of town. The Toronto Daily Globe of last week —ti.r.. John P. Christian, who re- ceived yesterday for the ih'sl time since coshing to Twti,rto in- her new shouse at the corner of Keele and Annette streets, had a very busy lima of 11, '1'he cheery ghost' of a tire from i:r. (hrastiaa's study greeted the V•iSitee's its they came in and on going tipsra•irs to the drawing -room :mother welcoming blaze awaited' .hem, and -visitors lingered for a l.tg time is the c„sv' rough -where roses. and bright -hued chintz hangings matte things very at tractive. Re- ceiving with Mrs. Christian were Mrs. Charles Gilmour and her sister- in-law, Mrs. Wiili•.tm Despard, and presiding over the tea -table laid downstairs in the dining -room were `sir-;. James de B. Hepburn and Airs. W. A. Johnstone, who were relieved later in the afternoon by Mrs. Au- gustus 130;* and Mrs. J. A, Macdon- ald, Ur. Christian's sister, Among the assistants were Mrs, Christian's sister, P1lrs. Hubert Johnston, of Pe- terborn' and Airs. C. PI, I-Iatir, The tea -table was covered with an em- broidered .cloth ;tui centred with yellow chrysanthemums in brass bas- kets.—Airs. Christian is a sister of Mrs, (pr,) Candid-. INICKIE SAYS - �•-�...''�'k.V...�---'^`ter•-•'-.-"ti G1e35£1s1, 60'391, `h 3' ftp OAWGOba&t7 2,00q tdAIN.)9.E03 'S at ss csw( R' te.3 ,ocsKtiLR Avg` ALL 11ANV, 531/4yC t\ P1C'P19ppr?E9. ORFtGE. Alh1'1 P10 i2C0.Ds-' u.00m rasa FUFRUC LOAFtN,' Pk -PACE 'i4 ws ct,ti•c errs ou-c eao 4APER AFi Cty4ER'Cb33'\ tTv 3, @3,t lvA,0 I1 No, GOf)ERICi1 Govenlock Liviogsloile Proudfoot 0 1— 9 81 19 184g 96 79 18 1! ! 0 4— '107 27 176 O K 6 17 6— il9 16 218 0 7—( O 4) 15 .160 0 571 120 1136 O O, exeerei noeette it eme mists ietercAernritawwet ninimet ormraati e; y. Byrnte 000VICTO RY 0000000000000 IG, 0 -LOAN MEETING TO -NIG WRIT`1'EN YEARS AGO 0 0 0 0 A postal card', written over 0 0 four years ago •b.Y the ,late 0 0 ' Major C. 15 Sale, has reached 0 0 Sarnia, addressed to Lieut.- 0 Col, W, W. M,tcVicar who 0 0 COLBORNE 0 1— 20 13U - 62 0 3— 4U 31 45 0 3— 43 133 85 000000000000000 4— 25 74 12 handed hem d c the missive '.v weer ttil a +• n Sheriff' Albert J. Johnstone, a brother -in -lata of AtetJor Sale. On August 3, 1915, while on furlough, Major Sale, formerly of Goderich, and a brother of the late Mrs. A. 3, Johnston of Sarnia, wrote the card at Oban Scotland, Shortly after Ise returned to Prance, and in the lighting at the Somme was kill- ed in January, 1916. O 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 128 358 .200 1-IULLETT - 1— 61 112 34 2= 45 111 39 3— 59 •27 22 4— 75 61 43 5— 39 27 21 6— 66 35 24 7— 65 57 27 413 430 218 CLINTON 5— 72 21 127 2— 111 9 183 3— 89 15 143 4.— 58 13 148 330 58 606 SEA FORTH No. 1— 234 21 152 No, 2— 139 7 38 No. 3— 73 4 40 No, 4— 38 3 31 No, 5- 130 13 65 614 48 326 Aie511-LOP No. 1— 1.44 55 if No, 2— 104 107 - 68. No. 3— 92 99 32 No, 4— 57 115 60 397 376 171 GREY No, 1— 46 95 34 No. 2— 89 41 29 No. 3— 61 59 23 No, 4— 32 156 16 No. 5— 83 116 62 No, 0— 116 39 26 No, 7— 60 102 17 487 608 207 BRUSSELS No. 1— 142 26 105 No. 2— 1S1 1; 70 253 41 176 RECAPITULATION .Goderich 571 120 Colborne 128 358 Iluliett 413 .130 Clintein 330 58 Seaforth 1,14 48 McKillop 397 376 Grey' 457 608 Brussels 253 41 GIVEN A NOISY START The Campaign of the Victory Loan Started at 9 O'clock Monday Morning. With bells ringing and the various factory whistles blowing their loudest, the campaign for the 1919 Victory Loan opened on Monday morning at 9 a.m. The campaign lasts three weeks and everybody in Canada is expected to du their very best. All the advts. in The New Era this week are worth reading as the local merchants have donated their spaces for the advertising of the campaign. Big Advertising Campaign Twenty million pieces of the Loan literature have been printed for distrib- ution throughout Canada in connection with the coming big drive for 8300, 000,000 ,U U Twelve different languages, have been used, including English, French, Russian, Ukranian, Japanese, Chinese, Polish and 1-lebres'„ 'there are 58 pustens fn English and French, covering all the mes-inspirational com- mercial industrial and patriotic. There have been 50,009 of each of these post- ers. placed. Air. Arthur Stringer, the well-known Canadian novelist has written a com- plete story entitled "The Stranger" which is calculated to prove an effec- tive appeal to all true Canadian. Three million copies of •a leaflet, -"What You Want 1'o Know About The Victory Loan," answers every question that might arise in connection with the campaign. Two million pantpiets spent have been replaced. One piece of literature is entitled "Nu Opposition in Vivtory Loan." showing that it is non political in chareter. -Banners, flags, blotters, autemobilea transfers, stickers, Prince of Wales crests e.h�,l and buttons s n serve to advertise 'the Victory Loan of 1919. . . `goo �te d� MilzitiODIST 2,8 NATIONAL CAMPAIGN 606 171 207 held 0326. 119 Week fn Goderieii District as 170 follows: Goderich on Tuesday: Auburn 31'1 30.19 Sniff on \Vednesday; Clinton on Thur;day; and Si:d'ontb on I'rici•:�.• Clinton Con - 0.i emlock's plura.fty over Proudioot lercnce is for Wren :and women of Var- na, 163, na, Ilihinesville, Londesboro; Wesley Guvenlock's plurality over Livingston and (7ntario Street Churches, 1, wie —1154. be held in Ontario Street Church con,- sne'i, Jog :It to a. in. Afternoon ses- sion at 2 p. u1.. A strong programme is to be given. The Rev. S..W. Dean, nt Toronto is appointed to represent 'he r.en:rel Committee, Dinners will be served In 'the Church. Visitors al. ways welcome. four group Conferences are being iIR. ENGLEHART RESIGNS Premier Hearst Moises Announcement; 1'1 health the Ronson Toronto, Oct. 28—J, L. Engl,ihart, chairman of -the. 'l'emiska;ning and Northern Ontario Railway Commission, has tendered his re.signatiui to Sir William Hearst. lie will remain 10 charge until the matter of his sac essun can be dealt with by the incoming Gnt'- eruntent, The prime minister an- ununcecl Air. Englehari's decision yes tarday in the following statement, Owing to ill health Mr, linglehart 1•.n some months past nas been urging the Governs ent to release him . fret 1 his duties as chairman of the 1', & N. 0. Railway Commission. Tile Gavurt - ment, however, was anxious • that he should continue in office, hoping that his health would improve. Ala, Engle- hart has now placed his formai resig- nation in the bunds of the Govern- ment, and has been asked to continue in office for the present. Mr. Englehart is tt former resident of London and Petrolea, He has, been chairman of the T. & N, O. Commis - Sion for , ten years an during that period the extension of the railway has been striking proof of his ability for, the office which he,hoids, The '1', & N, O' 'Railway is an Ont- ario Goverllpient line. PO ti, 11''eS 1.111 .1. Mr, and Mrs Charles MtiPlaail and M1 Sterling McPliail helda dance anti', i� is1 eennfg t)ii (Wed8 s1day (111,01 for. "�t'lle boys who had helped at the gravelh tlitig Ube fast Week, .laid for their friends( HURON PEOPLE RECEIVED I712Ent. S The Prime presorted tit medals at London on Thursday last a'1,1 among tit,,se from Ifurun C ,., w'ere:— ir;;,':,hed Servile order:—Mr. G, 1), McTae ;:u'L Clinton, for the lane W, B. AlcTaggart. I:Istingtti4ed Conduct Aledaih lir, Scre1 -\1a.;or Wm Snell, London, son of Air. and firs. hums Snell, [rotten, M:;llary Meadia—.Mrs, 5. Meltnugall i'tricrs' hill, for the late '.30rp, N. G. Mcl;nln;all, Military ' leder —Sergt, J. ,1iu,. Dal- ltnl''ne, 11: ussels, Ali1tv'v Aledai:=lite, R, W. Smith, (3,+3. rici. O 0000000000000'0 4) 0 0 FIRST BOND 0 O 0' 0' Master John 11111)ar, son of, .0 O Mr. and Mrs, W. H. liellyar 0 O didn't wait until the bells 0 O stopped ringing on Monday, 0 O when he secured the first Vic- 0 O tory Bond for 1919, Master 0 0. ,John was first to have a Bond 0 O last year, 0 O If a small boy can take a 0 0 Bond— What about YOU. 0 O 0 O 0000000000000 1 WALTER CURRY QUALIFYING Toronto, October zs,—J, Walter Curry, K. C„ Al, P. P., is qualifying as a Farmer's attorney -general, Nine piglets cane yesterday to his six -acre farna'at Medowville. This addition to his live stock colony was announced to -clay and it may in. fluence the U. F. 0. at the conference now on. Vas, ( have a horse, a cow and.—" Mr, Curry was telling Crown Attor- ney Corley about hls rural refuge. After'he had enumerated the pigs, god the horse, and the cow, other lawyers didn't wait for the ducks, geese and hens. They heard enough. "Gordon Waldron will lose out.". they cboriided. `.'ale hasn't a chance :for the a{torhl yBiia er (" shl , When tt,e United Fariners hear of the horse, cow atld nand plglo s, good- bye to Mr,' il/aldron's ''Qtibiaii's Park aspirations, 11 he has atty. ,. On Thursday evening, in the."fown Ball Clinton at 8 o'clock, Justit;c Craig, will speak on victory Loan; justice Craig has been a Judge in the Yukon for many years and is a speak- er of prominence, There will also be several movie films put on, one of which should be of special interest to everyone. "The Prince of Wales Trip 'fhr Milt Canada," 'fh re will also be. e„cellesl mucic cluing the evening. T, insure getting a seat, citizens be well advised to conte early es there will be a capacity house, THE U. F. U. LEADER ELECT • Erneast C. Drury, the new leader of the U. F. 0, -Labor - coalition in the Legislature, and prospective premier, was born nn the farm he still resides upon at Crown t1i11, Simcoe County, live miles from Barrie, 111 1578, and is• consequently 41 years of age. His father, , the late Hon, Charles Drury, was a member of Sir Oliver Mowat's Liberal Government, being Minister of 3.gricelture. The prospective premier has never held public office of any kind, munici- pal or Parliamentary, He has been identified with tite Farmers' move - 111.31/1; for 14 years, but in 1917 he ran ,as an independent Liberal for the Commons, for his home riding of North Sintcoe, but was defeated by Col, J. A. Currie (Unionist) by 1,1537 1n that election rte advocated conscription, He was not a candidate at Ole recent election, and in consequence has no seat in the Legislature. One must be found for 11101, Mr. Drury, who v was as the first presi- dent p eS dent of the U. F. 0. when it was organized five years ago, and who has been in the directorate since, is a well- known writer on economic subjects. particularly in their relation to the farther, Che new leader is a prolhibitionist., He is married and has five children„ three boys and two girls. POLICE SUSPECT TWO HELD AT GODERICH ARE JAIL BREAKERS' Goderich, Oct. 24.—Two young' men giving their names as Gilbert Laurent and Norman Williamson were arrested about three miles from town hast•nigilt about t0 o'clock by Con - 'stables Po'sllewaite and Gundry in one of Airs. Mcl'arlane's cottages on the Bayfield road. A farmer by the name of Mcliwain noticed cottage, ed a' light in the c1. t age, and after missing about fifteen pounds of butter and five dozen eggs and a lot of bread Tuesday evening he came to town and notified Chief Postiethwaite who sent out 'and arrested the two, The police suspect that they may be the two who broke jail at Stratford a fete days ago, and as they resemble the description of Alfred O'Brien and Ralph McPherson. They are charged MO breaking into three cottages and ransacking everything, doing con- sid.rable damage. DATES OF ONTARIO GENERAL ELECTIONS, 1867.1989. The subjoined tables gives the dates of general elections in Ontario slnae 1.701,,,•c:er,,t;,n; also tit: dates of di- snl"ing all the legislatures. The nomi- nations take• place a week prior to the pe•Ilincn: F'oliing On Legislature Dissolved 1st Legislature Sept. " 1 36 Feb. 25, 1371 2nd Legislature March 21, 1871 Dec. 23 1874 3rd Legislature Jan. 18, 1375 April 25, 1.17)1 4th Legislature June 5, 1379 Feb, 1, 188; 5131 Legislature Feb. 27, 18$7,t311 683 Nov.i 5, 1886 olli Leislalure Dec. 28, tSS6;, , April 2G, 159,', 7th Legislature: June 5, 1890 May 29, t8•t.l' 8111 Legislature .June 26, 1394 Jan. 3S, i89ti 910 Legislature Alarch 1, 1898 April 19, 190 loll] Legislature May 29, 1902 Dec. 13, 190-r 1110 Legislature Jahn. 55, 1905 ,May 2, 190;. 12131 Legislature June 8, 1901 Nov, 13, 1915 13th Legislature Dec. 11, 1911 A'iay 29, 191.4 t 411 Legislature June 29, 1914 Sept. 23, 39111 15th Legislature" Oct, 20, 1919. - r •'r 's In 1867 the poliings were held 'on different dates In September. The law providing that polling in all constituen- cies should take plaee on the same day did not come into effect until 1871. INDEX TO THE NEWS,. Page Two. District news. Rural population decline in iluron, Quick glance at local news • Page Three Price of coal may jump. Facts about Canada. Notes of Victory Loan, Page Four Notes of Victory Loan. 'Sunday School Lesson Our Serial--" North of 53,"" ' Page Five Oh13crat Prbspelcttas'ot Victory Loaut. American interest bi'!-lott. Mt, lChitg. Canada would favor R'eelprooity;t Local Neivs. ,,. .