HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-10-23, Page 3SUBSCRIPTION (RATES IN CANADA. Three months , . , .. , . 11.11 . $ 4o. IHalf year , . , ,S . 11,14 ,7S 'Year o t , . , , 1.4$0 -If not paid In advance, $2.00 per mania - Office none 30. OTHER TABLETS NOT LOCAL BREVITIES ASPIRIN AT ALL * * .,.k * .a * * I, Squirrel and; rabbbit hunting is now' a. favorite pastime with the boys. Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" Now that the Election is over, Get are Genuine Aspirin ready for the victory Loau, THE .C4INTON. NEW, ER Al Thursday, October 23rd. 1919, 9.19 SLMSCRUPTIt NS OVTSII E O1+ .CAMPA (,Advance Only) Greatl3fltain ,,,f,,,,, ,..,, l',St United Stares ,,,..,.,,....,.„,. 2.00,' ,!~ranee 2.(Ft? If you don't see the "Bayer Cross" fin the tablets, you are not getting Aspirin—only an acid imitation. Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" lire now made in Canada by a Canadian Company. No German interest what- ever, all rights being purchased from the United States Government. During the war, acid imitations were sold as Aspirin,in pill boxes and various other containers. The "Bayer Cross" is your only way of knowing that you are getting genuine Aspirin, proved safe by ssillions for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for Pain generally. Bandy tin boxes of 12 tablets—also lamer sized "Bayer" packages can be Lad at drug stores. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Mo aoaeeticacidester of Salloylicaotd. Children ren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA May Direct Forward Movement. . r Rev. R. C. McDermid, minister of Knox Church, Goderich, has been asked to direct the work of organiza- tion for the Forward Movement in the Presbyteries of Huron, Maitland and Bruce, and possibly part of the Pres- bytery of Stratford, and this will in- volve his absence from Goderich dur- ing the months of October and Novem- ber. The educational campaign to be carried on during these months will culminate in a series of inter -church conventions, one of which will be held in Goderich. At the request of the Dominjon Finance Depairimeryt, the financial campaign in connection with the movement will be delayed until February. This campaign is one of the most important ever undertaken by the Canadian churches, and they are co-operating in a • manner which augers well for a magnlficient success. LIFT. CORNS R ' ; CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt! Lift any 'corn callus off with fingers e • Don't suffer! GREAT ASSISTANCE : THIS , 0.N .TO EXPORT TRADE Navy League Is Training Ydu»g Can - or adians'For Service on the Seas, A great ship) .building lltogranuue is being undertal en in Canada: "Ship- s " ping facilities most .be enormously In- creased in order that Canada can pro- perly enjoy the. share of export trade Which is necessary if the business con- ditions of the, Nation''are to flourish, The Navy League of Canada is en- gaged in a 'patriotic wprk'preparing Canadian Boys to man ships which will carry the surplus products of the Dominion to the World's Markets.' This is being' accomplished through the Work of Naval Brigades which it has established and is operating in Char- lottetown, Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Saskatoon, Calgary, Victoria and Nan - Other branches must be organ- ized and maintained for it is very nec- essary that the younger generation of Canadians should have full opportunity for free training in seamanship. •'their service is required in the Merchant Marine wlilch means so much for Can- ada's prosperity. Funds for the carrying on of this im- portant work will come from the pro- ceeds of the Nelson Day Campaign for $500,000 of which Ontario's quota is $225,000 including $125,000 from Toronto, The drive will take place October 2t, 22, 23, and all classes of the community are asked to contribute liberally. A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any drug store. Apply a few drops on the corns, calluses and "hard akin" on bot_ tom of feet, then lift them off. • When Freezone removes corns frem thq toes or calluses -from the bottom of feet, the akin beneath ie left' pinidand healthy, end sever dote, Wider• or , irritant ad, b ene- • Yil- -...,\ — -$- moi � `f' lariat. •. �.. •7-.: ^<-. ��� "1 Hope Every City and District Will Win My Flag" When Edward, Prince of Wales—eager, brin7 t eyed, smiling and sincere—arrived in Canada in August, and when he voiced his great adtniration cf the wonderful achievements of • Canadians, on th_ fields of battle and at home, once again we were thrilled with joyous pride. He asked concerning Canada's reconstructionpro- gramme, and when he was told cf the Victory Lcaa 1919. he graciously consented to the use cf his Coat of Arms on a flag, which is to be the prize of honour for districts achieving their quota in the loan. In dedicating "The Prince's Fla;" at Ottawa on. Labor Day, His Royal Highness said in part:- - "It is a great joy to me to be associated with the loan, which is the bridge between war and peace, avid which is finishing off the job;" "I hope every city and district will win my flag." Striking, and beautiful in design, this fag will form not only an unigrze memento of Victory Yvon, but a lasting and outstanding souvenir t.f the visit' of Lis Royal Highness --a visit which will remain es cne cf the most memorable eves is in Canada's history. The reproduction above shows the dcsi, n of the flag. The body is white, the edge red; in the rrpor left hand corner is the U icon Jack, and in the lower right hand corner the Prirl .e of Wales' Coat of Arms. The flag is made in two sizes, 4 feet 6 inches by 9 feet for small cities, towns and villages, and 7 f.:ct by 13 feet 6 inches for cities of over 10,000 pcpulaticn. Canada has been divided into canvassing districts by the Victory Loan Organization. Each city forms one district. Other districts have been determined according to+population. Each of these canvassing districts has been allotted a certain amount in Victory Bonds to sell. To win the Prince's Flag, therefore, a district' has to sell its allotment. That is the one and simple condition. Anticipating that many ,districts will buy far beyond their allotment, the organization decided that for each twenty-five per cent. excess of the quota one Prince of Wales' Crest be awarded. ,. Thus the woitkers in a district doubling its quota will be the proud win- ners of four small cr$sts for their Honour Flag. These crests will be sewn to the flag. The Prince's Crest -- Art4,✓, ti dam,',"i tI8"� tree t:trc.aa o',",:ricia plan: es is :shown at the top or t' C c..et of arm:>. To every ort u'iznt•nw:`hGf v %ex. more em,:.ieyeec,, where SeVent'y. 'Frye ,:; .r et '`t. o. : 1., enl ra.'cscrtt )1r v 8 a total of ten per cent. of theaanv•• !payroll in Victc: y bonds, a supplementary Pr,:cc tcJf Wales 1'iS3 in smaller form -4.3 niches 1 y d i ii: lieu—vein t: awarded. The allotment fir each dintr:ct hen 1 -teen carefully considered, and is based ca a cotnaert' ri'Jc ca.i:....e of the p erIt:assn ; p r: Jer c `' • t.i 1 clist:'icr. Your district can r•:11 ics ell:t''a.;.)t and > •:as w::) t' . Prince's 1"ian, I:r ..' :u creep is , ;n rioa:, 1•.is cr h .r share. You wii'l ''r ref: , ..i r'.aJ-.i. .. year neighbour t:u de his. R.einember p't ,+,. ., i' tae ,..,,y trit clIrides wl cth , i r rotc;N,4,. . eS .J1;41..4 1'r.,.a:l p,,ascas.r c! ti,:n 1'rist^- 1": ,, The Prince's Motto iv sI }41, Will You also ,tee '.ape ;r ,r V• t✓ 6 lsetu:.J ia.y i !+aria's ` ibter' LomaCuwaiititc n.en•oporuties will the i41'Ale,k,:r o[' 1r41keurt of the litensiniem *fuel ptit. r Olt House F14010e 95ry-, SAVED FRO r . AN OPERATION By taking Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, One of Thousands of SuchCasess. Black River Falls, Wis.—"Ae Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound saved me from an operation I Cannot eayenough in praise of it. Isuffered from organietroublesand my side hurt me so I could hardly be up from my bed, and I was unable to do my housework. I had the best doctors in Eau Claire and they wanted me to have en operation but' ` Lydia E. Finkiam's Vegetable Compound cured me Bel dill not need theoperation, andI am tellft all my friends about it "—Mrs. A. BINZER, Black River Falls, Wis. It is just such experiences as that or Mrs. Binzer that has made this Z/unmet root and herb remedy a household word from ocean to ocean. Any woman who suffers from inflammation, ulceration, dleplacementa, backache nervonenar, irregularities or "the blues" should not rest until she has given it a trial, and for special advice Write ,�gi,ifa E. Pinkbant Medicine Co., Lynn, Inas. GREAT BUSINESS ADVANCE SHOWN Remarkable Bank Clearings Emphasize Importance of Victory Loan Judging from the statement of bank clearings for the month of September, Canada is doing an unprecedetrted , amount of business. The clearings advanced 40 per cent. over September, of last year which itself was a large month. • All sections of the country shared in' the advance of business some cities doing double the trade of September, 1918. Many quite remarkable large advances of Winnipeg and Windsor, were noted. Toronto gained 37 per cent. Brantford 47 per cent. Kitchen- er 57 per cent., London 35 per cent., Ottawa 51 per cent. Edmonton 60 per cent., Prince Albert 94 per cent. The present remarkable period of prosperity in Canada will be maaintain- ed, if the Victory Loan, 5919 is made an overwhelming success. Business men realize this and in the interests of them- selves and the counrty are being urged to press the importance of the coming loan upon every one with whom they come In contact. THE FALL WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES Canadian fall weather is extremely hard on little ones. One day is warm and bright and the next wet and cold. These sudden changes bring on colds, cramps and colic andnless baby's little stomach is kept rt.tht the result may be serious. There is nothing to equal Baby's Own Tablets in keeping the little ones well. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, break up colds and make baby thrive. The Tabeits are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. You will get 5 per cent interest on your money. 66 99 p AINS in the small of the back, lumbago, rheuma- tism, pains in the limbs aJ4%ell of defectivt kidneys. ;Poisons are being left In the blood which cause pains and aches. The loidneys, liver and bowels must be aroused to action by`snch treatment as Dir. phase's IOidnoy- • Liver' Bills. r 'J%bete is no tatnio'tor delay whoit tlle'ktd*'gtis go wrong, for such' de vel.5pnxtiarts *vdlaisr2i'o$3ntg of the ar- toYrles'anti Wight's ddseaso trre'tital natun++hl neuu% f7,e dose ra «sada a ask, an 's'crt'air Nuntidtiea Mateo 4 cu, not., senora. FI.ELD.,DAY SPORTS Tile.falittwing are the results of the Annual Field Day Events held at,.Clin- toin,Collegia(e Institute; on Friday, 001 - Ober. 10th. . Open Events • Throwing baseball for distance—i, Macdonald, 2 Cooper, 3, Elliott, Relay Race 1 Form 11, 2 Form 1, a Form 10 Three Legged Race -1 Rothwell and Pollock, 2 Jackson and McGregor. 3 Bawden and Carter. Wheelbarow Race -1 McGregor and. Jackson, 2 Horsley and Carter, 3, 'Cook and Matheson, Slow Bicycle Race -1 Shipley, 2, Higgins, 3 Rathweli. Fast Bicycle R'ace---1 Elliott, 2 Mc- Taggart, 3 Horsley. Senior Championship Running Hop Step and Jump—Coo- per 31, 5, 2 C. Middleton, 3 Wallis. Running Broad Jump—G. Middleton t5, Macdonald 2, Wallis 3. 100 Yard's Dash—Cooper 111/, G. Middleton 2, Elliott 3. Running High Jump—Cooper 5, Elliott 2, Macdonald 3. 120 Yards Hurdle Race—Cooper 1, G. Middleton 2, Macdonald 3. Half Mile Run---Pollick 1, Honsley 2, Elliott 3. Junior Championship Events Running Hop, Step and Jump—. 1 Grant 29, 8, 2 Mutch, 3 McTaggart. Shot Part -1 Mutch 36' 4", McTag. gart 2, S. Middleton 3. Running Broad Jump -1 Mutch 13, 2, McTaggart, 3 Grant. 100 Yards Dash -1 Mutch, 2 S. Middleton, 3 McTaggart. Running High Jump -1 McTaggart and Grant t4e. 3—yltipley and Matheson tie. 120 Yards Hurdle Race—Grant 1, Middleton, 2, 2Rork*, S. Middleton !Half Mile Run—t, poiHigginsnts., 3 Dale. Senior Champion—W, Cooper 14 Junior Champion—F. Mutch, 51 points. Girls Events—Open to School Egg and Spoon Race -1 A. McFar- lane, 2 M. Sparkes, 3, L. Aikenhead. Walking For Style -1 Alice Mustard, 2, M. Sparkes. Inter—Form Events Relay Race—I Form 11, 2 Form 1, Arch Ball Forint Defeated Form 11 Basket Ball Form 11 Defeated Form 1 10-8 Senior Championship Events 75 Yards Dash -1, C. Jervis, 2, B. Morrish, 3 E. McTaggart. Throwing Basketball Into Basket 1. A. Heilyar Junior Championship Events 75 Yards Dash -1 F. Sterling, 2, A. McFarlane,3 L. Garrett. Three Legged Race i.—F. Sterling and A. McFarlane. 2—L. Nediger and F. Johnston. 3.—A. Combe and A. Hill. Throwing Basketball for „Ristance- 1-5. McCowan, 2, M. Mair. • Throwing Basket ball into basket - 11 Grigg, 2 M. Cree. Senior Champion—Miss McTaggart and Miss Hellyar, tie, Junior Champion—Miss Sterling. Inter Form Results Fora) 11-57 points Form 1-49 points Form III -35 points Form IV -31" points. Basketball—Seaforth vs. Clinton, Score 19-4 in favor of Clinton. • BaseballSeaforih v, s. Clinton— Game was ccailed in 3rd innings. Score at the end of dad was 5-3 in favor of. Tinton. OVER A'BILLION SAVED BY PEOPLE Some Striking Figures Of Savings De- posits From Bank Statement for August A total of $1,196,632,931 in savings bank deposits is a gratifying report that many of the countries which have emerged from war would be glad to report to -day. This is the position of Canadh as revealed In the bask state- ment for August. The amount is 5181,921,066 better than the sante month last year, not- withstanding the fact that a good part of it was transferred to Iast year's 8600,000,000 Victory Loan, and is 521,540,778 better than July of this, year. This is a promising outlook for the Victory Loan campaign which is at present being carried on. if {rhe de- positors in Canada's savings banks were to say the word, they could subscribe the 5300,000,000 asked nearly four times over. The success of the pres- ent effort should be overwhelming, • ( 71 5/ �,.. �... y FR "N4,0 G Peps provide n new treatment foe • coughs, colds and lung troubles-, They are little ti,blets made up. !rota Pine extracts and u,rdicina& essences. When t,,,t thin the mouth these medicinal ingredi- ents turas into healing vutaors, which are breathed dowse direct to the lungs, tonna andtaro, iiia' tubes. The Peps erearznent is direct. S'valle a fag cotagb mix- tures into the momnch, iso cum • ailments and elisorcacrs in throat and • lungs, is indirect. Peps ar4ee revolutionizing list t,ealment colds and their price is wlthia the reach of all. Alt dealers, n c. been. Send ic, stamp lrrr FREE 'l'ttIA.L PACKAGE. Hydro Rates Too Higif For Brussels The Brussels Post in speaking about the proposed Hydro Rates for Eugenia Falls says:—It looks to The Post that there is plenty of room for re -adjust- ment of Hydro rates. Why a Prov incial sustained utility, to which all' have to contribute, should be assessed along geographic lines is not a square deal. We can't all live at Port Elgin for inrttance and yet Brussels is asked to pa§ $36.00'per horse power more• for a similar service. We are aware is a greater milage but it is not a Com- pany that is building or financing the system. If the smaller municipalities are ever going to shart in the advant- ages of the system the plan must be re, - modeled. It is not an arrangement for a year but a lifetime hence it should be. built on the pro bona publico principles. A TONIC FOR THE N;�. The Only Real Nerve Tonic is a Good Supply of Rich, Red Blood= "If people wouldonly attend to their blood, instead of worrying themselves ill", said an eminent nerve specialist, "we doctors would not see our consulting rooms crowded with. nervous wrecks. More people suffer- from worry than anything else." The sort of thing which the special- ist spoke of is the nervous run-down. condition caused by overwork and the many anxieties of to -day. Sufferers find themselves tired morose, low- spirited and unable to keep their minds on anything. Any sudden noise hurts like a blow. They are full on groundless fears, and no not sleep well at night. headaches, neuritis anal• other nerve pains are part of the misery. and it all comes from starved ;nerves. Doctoring the nerves with poisonous sedatives is a terrible mistake. The only real nerve tonic is a good supply of ricin, red blood. Therefore to cure nervousness and run-down health Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be taken. These pills actualy make new, rich: blood, which strengthens the nerves, improves the appetite, gives new strength and spirits, and makes hitherto despondent people bright and cheerful. if you are at all "out of sorts" you should begin curing your- self to -day by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You canget these pills through anyv dealer in medicine, or by, mail at S0) cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Dignify Your Job A great many of us are very much afraid of having our dignity levered; yet some of us make the mistake' of belleveing that dignity comce from outwaad circumstances, where as it is in retali•ty an attitude of mind. Many of us seek high-sounding titles be- 'iigvitig ('hat they increase our dig- nity. They dei have a Icing didtgnce effect, brit. as soon as people come in e'prsonal contact with us our dignity gets a fearful bump unless we have true di -city ',Attila us 'Any wsarla Oral ie honoralnln i#; d is Shat, and it eepcnde air the wet'.." wheiher or i• nen it rePaears an. A delivery boy cam put tart as *each digufty i.utes his ;nth as a hank ilrcairlont. Don't think MPS' kind of labor 15 mono.,'! yea 3' ft ,.h btrsagshle 4setk because 11 itvt as ane es yaps Are 1111» int} tra wi'il. wonk caws tin 34.sne 10 iilsfred of up, ata'd Oa wilt certainly -pea auto' as urrrWm�lgy. AUBURN. Lieut, Mel. Wilson, a former Au- burn boy, received the appointment e1, as physical instructor in the big gym-,-- nasium at Medicine Hat, Alberta, where • his father, Rev, Thomas Wilson, is . pastorrf the First Presbyterian.Gliurch....' N• ' h •-11....11..,.,,._, Are Y'•t Ted Up Ind rs? If so, your whole system naturally gets tied up too. A lazy liver and consti- pated bowels are bad things, darrgerous things. • Exee'ciaae as march as you can—but keep your Evezr and bow -els up ttu tinea mark all the time. Take one' pill' regularly —until you are sure you areaall right again!. C4015 aOEI� dbRerMro�,s> tholeriessfcsas often stow -She absence of trona in the blood. Cartes ;real KU 'gilt hmlp this creai1ltlir .