The Clinton New Era, 1919-10-23, Page 2r
VM000UCh�C�O �lLate�Newsof theDistrict•
ud we feel 'guite 0411111i'",that you
rill novel non 11 Cry" oizxtmalate
loll ,ter sills anj.uaic•tt and diio 11004
leauuea of its ualttua aorapostton
;am•Ituk onus pain, drnwa out tat-
atnuiatian snit treats 'ht the 11torY1"
osalble title, Nat only 01, tol, :
ZURICH onto. , lie has also taken a leadlug earl hands of .a PW911reeful person on the ttroventa, trbspiutely, any l,osstbttuky
b Mr, 11. Oundel, of L0ladan, wits here
In' the,Or'ganization of the Orange and Tarin, , ttlriteatferrti lesuod by dettreat of blood-lolaoning, C}ot a boxtodwy
° s wee and muds 'clod progress 1n Milsoltic Orders. lie bas been amen- inarrafaotu{vire urs to tootle aqd ma,.urtd keep -it handy Roc emorgomulea
tilt t' 's i - of ag glove progres In S1NCC' 18x0 bar of the 40glslaturc since 1908, and tori:'Is vow, trefatee, pro>(?ortioa 'thus saving yoursolk unmeeesei4 r
the ss ultil hi tg g o was ortsldeYod cit of the ablest, admin- it?ig Liao trtixturw; how to seta, slot, to autforitag and exponoo.
4urieit, S as cos in the Hearst blest dment, plan eoi In'ft, 11rerel, or'aontonC, etc,, trtay For cuts, burns, Oozes, soul t,
Shortly after the conilncucerltent of be obu0ne,d ,for the asking., tdoarw, bloed•posaeming nttd l
/New Fall and , ; the war lie became Chairman of the Doors -�• he ordinary stable door tat" �n as �oyuulled, ,
Mrs, R, Stada, who underwent An
, opertfion Is. reported doing nicely, SAq, box
Rev. C• Lang, a resident of flay 51 +�� ! 'g/►/�a** /wt�tfr��.,, Soldiers' Ai'd' Commission for Ontario, eoeatruetiati of two thicknesses of
yetll's ago, visited friends here 1.1115 ea3gl5'C.D�S\,r1DitUlL1► ill avhlelr position he did useful service
weed , • -- ----- p mntohed lumbar is trot, saLisfaetoiy,
Rev, F, 6, Meyer, Mrs, C, Heyroek, ie makfn the tot of the returned sold -
'k ill " atilAo 04 Ow inside j
moist v
WintehrCdats Miss L. Vauset and Messrs, J, Itay and W i; ser more comfortabel. Rt Decsrnb'sr,
Preeter attended the South lfuroq: 11116, Ile Itucceeded talon, W. i !lt�
J, Henry Rintoutt Wto Gas ly'eep ill. nt is Provincial Secretary, Mr• McPltky- I �Iw t1t�4aR 1M16ttAYar, Lj lihp]laerrafltbetei,
Sunday school convention tit Hensatl, some time, died at his (tome ori Joseph- sit Was born in the county of Lamilton dpar'b+, spring otrt tetD sod
SIR ADAM BECK P Who f.bec use the
styB e4Da ns lass '
$�tUCBFI Lig. Sir Adam Beek, K, B,, M, P. 1 -
ate street io-day, He is Survived by, uff'1859, bolters, A Dnrreallttld d®or
Ills wife and three chtidren. n ion acrd
t 'Irhe church sheds are nearing Gaut'
fYatn atutos-
lotion the m tat roof wilt new. be.,gut, j11i S1BOR0, was defeated In itis, London ecitt5tit yltasoie.twlnvlrtfe@tl to tvllve»i up lrg the u amt, ajle T.lWI.F7rAi.
othe shed ares5p p 23l? "'feet`with 4enc,y by a labpr eAndidate,, is' the 2`hat the "Y" h'uC of wgrtteio'
h, s Y d. t pliant�t�op Of the . reit Hydro -electric, bang a dour holes it ttil against
The Mrs, R,. Rt+adgley an her daughter, gg days 11 l'Mfice is . a good tltlug• vtltAolu
i f i s celnont wall osis literal roofing, y Mrs, S. Haight' returned to their homes power, schornei lro+roke with the �7sraa1lrs' hMad a}ptvt+k around with a
��l,fi will cost over 03oao, They are welt „i i ai n a r. Lietf¢erfT. riietfaout darKittO tt?erre klrtus. sIlQuld, be preservtt¢ and colbatjd;ia;;•rt
t : , " bill and have lenty oP s acs For aatgs n Iiellev iTe after 6uendirtg a Pew weeks party m4citrue in thrs camp g ri r - (DIAlaw ie the •deerls'lort -, trt+red at a
F 11 a p duets f, AlUrtglNl@t acid aft Rlto flet.
�j P With the former's sister, .Mrs, J Phillips. sought re-election as an Independent, �!! s0nlenanes , of gouts �9 Lftluearo
Y�r $ `Many attd horses. Baptist churcA etaoln shrdp felwypm• He wa i)rst elected to the Ontarlo � Itfttl�ra should he placed shout
;.t Wllliaitt SWAiI, . 0f ' 1 orpnto J♦lediaal s ! .'n
l Celia e spent the W'+elt ertd •# lits Legisiature for Lbndou iii 1902, and ��44k th9'tiop•synd the,l S •Mttod, , aeat2tttfaates , xfla were al -
sixty r . oma p was re-elected in 190'8, 1914 and 1919. t .t»lulMttgo teo4es tnot►t: 4Tna $otic, kher Pointed Go rf;ork �nrortg the lrtrndredari
home w ti 'r4 oar Villa % at. t { I , a " He was appointed .Minister wittiodt ; taN�allt We � 1t{t' Sho old be tOD ect�aBja J'abogor na r new cooftit vii i
1�..:-''�' ; •• re'
alit .:, .Th`e Br.OY;lietll ' p I .. ueea� of She 'dFet' 4t-nio ba�.t "a'Ny of di mr htt4'
!hale as a by a �o ye R ortPalie lt= the Whitney Cabinet In t A % 0x"11 1
O ago Nearly a#t t4ft d ..!t . , ood of the Methodist b11p ietea; dtirCdeB pfr two,
Will, INcpue 11.2 nd:,W7ife, yt• toropta, 'church"at'Elolmesvilia are holding their 1905, later retiring beeam tlarelu�ern r *".0;& -***woo- lltug(B;Is+'turW :eonie?IWgentaot:•W.Ith;ekla work,thol
Y; Z,, when Mr, Hearst t t lmYvotfaeveWrd ht trhear'Ittbay have bamt go!
scent Thank ytr}8 t>a Cyn yii j3Gt, >Men S' D,ay'vo be6 11 November 9th 1914 on the death of Sir James Whit- `" ' We 1tft Sade q blue dOvc:
and` 17u .lvavempar 1 t lir,r.111,hold a 1 bt}dwltl�sUset6 Ilio Iwiraga ehg4riv1 tun vrlltitlr S
i' fowl supper. ' rtey r
Sir Adam was born to Waterloo '-io' est a.aatrseht Aw;o tiiltdis'cti 'Drat iher.0f,.t edeutide$ to ottrny ori
rhe. wet+>F:. staseratiott .rhdahr
0 ; Ciai aril i� j" 1`1te'; Foresters' of ,:' o mesVtlle had tOitHeFn><r�tf •ak tlra, •soar• >zlew�y a � ,iii
"their Gitlef Ranger, lrir; IJohh Haller couittY'fn 1§S7; and acquired"eaten- a I'd hake three hia;$os. The 140F x 40 �,�ei�lY
These s; p Y tttaAfleit', anleiltg ilreh oriel nth-;
stye puniness interests nt the,crt o£
Mrs. J. t3eeltill Spent a,aree# V3sitiug >ca11 vll'Mt S, 'T' Vlalfer and resent UAO'ft tko it oG UikO c'Or
London. His great work has been , as dib k are,,. i.010ua is welt n9?troeI0XC�' at
We father Mr i1''.Ni¢t3plte 4trr1 viSh a,golQ.-dnaauteiJ%:umbrella as liexei tottxrd he ,... i
Chairman of the Hydro-eii ctic':Com- i6e.av;ntokrviie, bal-tat�ttee ea•9Ae f"
Mrs. J, Thoni oq' yftei is lid ilest token, dP esteem tit tdkiFti'.he was held , so' tilitlE tike hiwo will' riot;of Mrs. C,. McGI.' or't is eek': � it2Y•thepir; ne';k'e 1fadGeen for man ears misstou, in wllieit he has had the hearty i�dk�4ieerik+ub,: • .. vet it.�et1ar�at011.i�?i� .+tY.i . ,?kl►M{►Y Y ca arahou o€ scores a€ nluriictpalities bio, Bassi ars lilialfchur-fa, aatmia$,
Mr, dames 6t;cling .at t otnphiyielF+H'S` ,tkeir seoretarY• liir..Waltars is having p.tsttiisl tor: tlsx dd,Ot. Yi4u► F[tatdgsoa, Q 11f=1 J, H'frtii octad atAlity_
in the- Province, and has had ••strot.g
his sisters, Mrs F tyt C3r;or5s Wr4.Mise' hfdr• California shodl itsiWls ft.*- '60*
(ir t;• +rte *A
it L Are'Marian. and Mrs` C ,l1TeGregtit, spent T _.'{ support in the Legislature Flom barb yttir lmeiK,
� mfr oil t'i► 611° tiAWk piotD1'a i cY
:u , •� a .t .:t. ,+ �`' $uodav in Morris township. p irties,
though it has been sa(i etitnas '� , ,t,.i r M.:u+ Sr -•rr,-
charged that prominent in of lits Fo axe;'(adfa ,ii; •r ,u t.
Mrs. St"rrling rCitydittaPgYt $tAlr! y cU1 p i'gi� cdyor ftreTlc'xiaa
chI Saturday, to 9.14 ill. r it ,y t%rl.Aitd,tattr L.
f q,i own party were secretly •• opp'ased to 13A5tetT Y!MiwuMHlMir ,
j�+�! k ii Miss Annie MCCii!!Ye }S Slieardln' a getivice` in khe'!Baptist church next• his plans. lic'wav i aigltted ' 1 r� k ` kdl iq £ia•.r,,iM`Ah• rgtDk
C 00se e` o i few days in Seafjk%- StjttdaY Ar ptrut recogniticrn of his public services. Dur a EitYt tura biL1"ottt-an td 11d3iutr• a lftwlp, Mli
Mr..Hodgen qnd' pd ter lvxisc Clara H.ov.'Vt'l , wili b,v AlltYlYdi'sary Day inn Ing the wat'Ae served as. DiYeclor of > airaas 61 hbw, atrtd 1�ttPslRll a row
d t'he Bx list ctiuticit, Pro#: Farmer, of Bamouuts, purchasfag 1nanY army aaFid llsttiiTt: anal tlt+3 itreh aegatped• MOAu eriltr y rtl0}ritfby
and Master OsJ of,Lticknol9 Oiled ou p
a tr,l .° Mc sten Uutversit will be the speak- }t}0 vlott ailti3
;, (rinuds ort the Y way to isndort y p k- korsats Por the Canadian faYces. 4tllla•Mih�•. ° ed*w ftatmso•.
to • Mrs. J. Stirlht vl�(tsd it I da it) "er• fi abe,:a�d�"auael t2ie fit r +bt. - ri d'tyy tyt 411 �,aa MANt: oallw.iAt '
< Blyth last week, c r ': r , w Y3 t : i guG aye tea the ftiiatlr. o, fik E>aCe',JptafaPtiaaih' ltvs,i 1111 time
t n r �e .i • e�eC •.i 4l '71t3e1 «`T tTthilC ft• " �l 5`Re
pp ?': ,� dteA t 7Mi1ts tY. i4atw
��V Dr. Peter Mo CA`15 '" tt"• wick
q a(d&g'tlto l[f�liaietat
M w tt of Detroit r isitad. K % Ubtt4K i}e aftlli ,l
I, idt. Porgy Cole, after spending two at the home of lits brother, Mr. Jelin y,.
v Years alt the 50 aer'ei ,farm, in Tuokhr- ;Mer;weirlast,. I Rid '' t!tdef ° edie trf tics PitttDlr, ,
weak. ]fCticttk for tQo Yeal7liar astd keylieia SRxi r r i "
stisth; purchased '4ir rh NTv. Alex, Mise Charlotte Johnson of London bf� V1>l=�lr . last• Ise aail7., Ill; Nl
Sproat for 114,000, Iris sofd'ik to Mr. fs vlsitiu her sister, Mrs, Thas, Cam yyiWttytd'arid`'ttstiiifuse0`s�>it�
Thtrmas 'Gonsetti of Seaforth, for (t S,- ball, S P thew00 1 , sdjaed. Reciter ,
ono. Miss Belle M,.°Gowan returned from
Woman cubo choose to pay X20, g25, Mr. Vic: D. Harvey's sate nu Wednes� Hamilton• last wesk. She wss; acc0»r. l3ar!ttalve eft t2twB Itlnrjoo
30 or "%35 "Call day of surplus stook and implements # t gas tlta fib'
find x'set'eectlo'% here at those prices that will measure u to was largely attended. His best team Aanieituq Miss Julia McKay. }twrDrh[9se�ientrtftFee,r 'Im.tit �,' ������ .'�
p Mtss f,,4 Ikic,we or vl5ited. Fzieuds Riil7desRiY r tJbtt tbow :awe sAiatti�
the most exacting re uir6ments of correttitess of style, tvitli broggkt $4'70. Cotes did uvt'reach the ip Stratford this Week, 8pititlt#EkiSt �Ta1��R NOTaiR
g Y dtures of lsat yerar, but. still sold fairly t :r t; .'t ,.•.,, , - •@@@@rM@@@It:•i@:ftbt/@@! a it ttpl¢aaflbts. 7Cikd stili etsuld>a=1d t}ltpet
Quality that will give a good account of itself in flat• to da well, at from $75 to $05. One pure- S" "� its" *004 lawgp ' 4` B>t7�bl tila'o
Q ' Y b"t g y y bred Dorhtm cow brought $5.3's. The ��i/�� + gp�+p�+1 • WITH •TA10.GH1I14C$11H. - to eatttttt S rtaAV16 -- see sea OiG >Q
wcAr. ABOUT MMS i ERS . „ • r s�rel r�°• trx.6ixui>twes m
sale brought a total of over lt4,a09, A
large number of auction eales are an- •@@R@@@w@�@@@@@�@w@@ e!`+catinatp �, it; tnerte6 lotaq H.rt
We will appreciate an oplDortunity to show you our range..pounced for tete near future, D'i' sits bia#at; twn.taltes Muehej[r
Ocil"'a SAltract Church oa' the: r}fwy the Ailigle is Notary,ll'ultlic 671 v4ppiituul;,
At the -Auction sated farm stock and ls8+d5:• fi<inanelai sad deal $ihtate
We have one of the largest stock of Ladies high class implements held by Gordon Rybus The meeting on Monday night was tacJarad A ro.ntghfy'cut shingle INE17RANCE AbiRNT—$enreeoaotiollh ea
cows brought from $90 to $i 10 -each'. P`RPlprlgdt HEARST in charge of the Social and Literary vn'q fsot good saccules becense.oi mrswo pomreniaa.
coats and furs in the country. one large, fat cow sold for $t5o. (148 lair William Howard Hearst, whose Committee, Miss Grace Walker gave itis; ft=mtlatweY to dmw the water •R:A 110iets ®� 416urfi U�.y�
best horse sold tot' 8202, Tlin sale a splendid report of the London Con- i1mNAer''t tis �kestwther line by eapfllarir •", u} --
best hoacd in the neighborhood ' he sal, defeat at the hands of a Labor candidate vention. Misses Carol and Ruth Evans Son, aa'i1. the "fuses" harborrt '
The attendant was in his home constituency of Sault St. sang sweet! A contest as then put Piano Tuning
e good. Mr. Rybus g Y• w p blast. gfowng Board hold for moss be
Marie, was one of itis surprises of the vn which everyone enjoyed.'
will l;o west to Maple Creek, Saskat- day, was comparatively new to Ontario Y atmrt , arid
The edging should bt Doherty
- -
chewan, where he has a brother local- Rev, Mr. Moyer, r ces in O con- ueo bu and caught y acme so That Jnanetl Doheet vrltlliee to lo^
public lila, baying been first elected ducted anniversary services in Ontario tZte,.lrntts are akghtty ria,rrower than y
ed. for the Legislature only 1 t years ago. Street Church on Sunday and preached titre ti:olats so as to allow- any debris form the pnblfc that he to pre-
In t9tt he beearne Minister of Lands, two excellent sermons, At the even- roc paces, through the ;taints and not pared to do fine piano tuning,
HENSAM Forests and Mines in the Whitney Cab- to service the church tvas crowded, tone regulating, and repairing.
inet, and, on the death of Sir James g a<ce+�date' and start a rot, Orders left at W Dohertyre phone
■■ Count
Ou Wednesday of last week at high as the Wesley Congregation joined with Cattle 'lies and :hfangers. — The 01, will receive Drotraut atteradop.
��� �� ■ �'@p noon an interesting event took place Whitney, succeeded as Prime Minister them. The music was excellent. comfort. of the cattle is of great im- Every �8 C n at the home of Mr, W. M. Harburn, oil October 2, 1914. Sir William is a poafxhce as it affects the milk pro
Florist of this village and we here refer native of Bruce county, where he was Welly Church diatt� and their feeding qualities. Med1e.aJ•
to the marriage of his eldest daughter born in 1864, and on being called to �•oases _ �0 Whatever type of manger is used
g g St.There was no service on Sunday
Miss Sarah Lavine. to Mr, Maurice Ray the Bar, practised in Sault en Marie siupplteity of construction, nven-
e until he entered the Government. Sir evening, the Congregation joining with �p DR. J. C. GAftID18P,lg
VOR the salesman, collector, eon- Johnston, son of Mr, Charles Johnston, Ontario Street Church in their Anniv- kivee of feeding and cleaning should OI✓TICZ.HOURS j• I f,
ii�� William became head of the Govern- to
tractor—tbe man who "Must get of Varna, a returned soldier from over- ment without the formality of a con- ersary services. � considered. 1,30 to. to .3.80 ar:
there"—she Ford ltttaabtnrt. seas, the certneouy was performed by Y The swivel of the chain sow -tie 1'• j
the Rev, Dr, Medd of Main Street Meth- vention, and this point has often been $ttptist Church ahogId be ermined to see' if it works 7.30 P. m to 9.00 P. eta, I
Tbr'ingh the traffic of the city, over odist Church, Exeter, assisted b Rev. held as weakening his position in the ttooly, In any case apply a tittle smtala7 55,30 to a•
rough country roads to the outlying ' 1. Y Leaderslri His most rominent act "Not forsaking the Assembling of
s Ni30
r Mr. Fred L. Harburn, of Lima, New p' l ourselve together". Heb, lo; 25. to it• � weak. or broker Other hours' bg"elppetalwi6t �
town, the Ford Runabout travels ,. as Prints Minister, is the sight of yes- 5 i links may be neatly and egeetaail3
y c York State an uncle of the bride, ti=e Office at Residence, Victoria *terc
rapidly and economically. terday's dicisions, was his luau uratiotr Remembering this exhortation let us
ash happy young couple being united under g come to the Lord's house and worsht secured by usittg a slit -link or a wire
a. > of the Ontario Temperance Act, which p
yy,-: an arch of Autumn leaves ornamented flim next Sunda rl 1t a.m. and Z p.m. � mode out of two or three turns ®R• W. e;1111
Fora Runabout Esso. Tourie¢ teso. oa vu with the. Union ,lack and Stars and despite idle opposition of a consider- Y ` p' of fence wire through the links, al-.
open model. the Elocirin Starhelaad TSghtligi +; s'.�,;, h obis element of his art he put Morning Subject, "The Battle for Office of Residen4e
Hgidpmetet in 8100 metra <� stripes as we have said at high noon, party, P " loving' the ends long enough to ire
p g through the Legislature in 1916. Fa Bread,
Coupe, ;976. Sedan, St,195. (Closed meant * the wedding march was Played by Miss Evenin sub act `Borrowed Reli ton, Crossed and wound round the
tidem include nloatrie c=arting sed Lighting Reene Leary, of Parkhill, a cousin of =ng the opposition of some of his party g s g iih%mde in opposite direction alter Corner• High and Kirk Streets.
A' ewdpemt3- Vc1&WntmMo dors, are, caroler the bride, little Jean Johnslou, sister friends, he declared. he would rather Willis Church the mann the linemanOs splice.
%gad ton21 d tiros on rear m opt= equip• ; iv u , office than relinquish the tem- Clinton
1 p' moat on closed cars onto of 426.00. of the groom was ring bearer, ' the give 1 q The rltanal�a Ticks and swivels
a i perones measure. Sir William took a Rev. Mr. Stoles, of services
® * Thee prices are.t. o. h. Fora Oe,6arto and do ,�l'i , grooans present to the bride was a Mlteatidi be attended to in elmilnr way.
notmdudeWar`i'er. kV. ® beautiful brooch set tyith pearls, and to keen interest in the war, and- his Gov- will have charge of the services in Wil- p,� SoM Rpnns: O, A. Collette, DRQ V. R� ��
ernment took numerous steps to make its church on Sunday.
Buy ovdyGeaaixefiior$P¢res �, the ring bearer a gold locket and chain P dluawlz,
700 Canadian deateos and over 12,M Service r and to the Pianist a gold pin set with
the lot of the soldiers easier, Sir Will- a1INTIRST
a f' (lavages supply them.
Via pearls. The bride looked charming in lam was Knighted in 19t7. Crown amd sdalm warle a gpa¢latty.
T, 7r, Duchess satin and Georgette crepe and HON. T. W. McGARRY Graduate o1 C,C.D,8.a Chlca¢o, and n,1 na;
• wa't silk embroidered viol and orange bloc- Toronto.
a;.. g lion. Thomas William McGarry, Pre- @`�40�.}I8 i 3 navaeld all Roacdnva. May let to D
s,; '•L, 6' souls and carried a bouquet of Rich vinoial Treasures, who we. defeated in '� The Brent eiaA@atemeay.
mond roses. 'After the ceremony the w sPAIR FM BUilDINGS Tonoanndinvotce the whole �g
bridal party repaired to the dining has horns riding of South Renfrew, $ ®I. 11. FOWLER
L i norvono etam, malas now Blood }
q-"•� had been a member v[ the Government in old Veins, Cures Navow
!! room where dinner was, served, Guests SD$liTTS$T.
J were present front Elmira, London, since December, 1914. Mr. McGarry AeinZllv ifontal m.d Bwsdn lyorry, Desmon-
-45,1 entered the Legislature ilfri. t9o5, and Haw and When t0 Paint Thefts deney, loss of Bner®r• Palpitation of the f}gtoesover0'NEIL'S wits.
Parkhill, Michigan, Seaforth, Varna, I Scare, Fail' Atemery Prieo$i, Per box, six
Staffs, l,Y01 Michigan,
and New York State, had sat continuously until thle present, 3 for$6;@Ono�m�it,taxwtuoum,@eotdbyan 8peetiNcare ithentomake doutell tris
11ficient� .
Ids was burn in the county of Lanark drngnrste or mat ad if plan pt¢, an recohitWO of mond ae painlea0 an possible.
i a number of girl friends of the bride parents, and: fs a Ro- price. New „ipAtee»w/4xelres THE WOOD
Ill tS7t, of Irish ``ftggptcssttl co, To¢exraettr. tron.d. inah.r'
P very nicely assisted at the table, the Ie. the ]Fall the lurildings, mike 1
bride was made the recipient of a large ratan Catholic. s McGarry is ail theTHOMAS
e g w�
r s number of beautiful presents Including speaker, and was sit demand on the Machinery, Should Be iw 'P1tor- A p-IB,JfyU'•yS 4.3UNDRY
substantiae cheques, the bridal party platform in support of the Conservative toughly Overhauled its Labor Con. EXETER CITIZEN IS Live stock and general Auctiotl few
motored to the station and the ha cause. He was best known fn East. iitions Peiatit--Draken Windows HELD UP BY TWO �`o®����t� ��
happy ern Ontario, and Ile was a prominens
Young couple took the evening ex- lawyer in the town of Renfrew before Should Be Ftepstired, Dust and MEN WITH PISTOLS Imlaistom e%lee a epaatetaJ, Oidare sto a
press train to Flint City, Michigan, the NEW Eta o®oo, Cllatort pr4mridy nibaada
home of the groom where he has a very he entered public (ifs, Cobwebs Cleaned Away stud filo to. Terme reasonable. Partners' silo Acts
handsoine bungalow, the bride's travel. HON, F. G. MACDIARMID Pr•enrlses Brightened, by Cleatrnrg Exeter, Oct. e.6.—Last night, while discounted
- ? , d ling dress was asuit of Navy gabardine Hon. Finlay George Macdiarmid, who and Whitow"It. Mr. M. Sleamon went out to his barn
Q. D. MoTAggrart M. V. NOU14"
y with hat iz match. A large number went down before the Farmer Candi- (Pont ributod ky ontarW Department at: to do his chores lie was surprised to �������� p��o
@ of our citizens assembled at the train .data in West Elgin, had. been Minister e$rieutture, Toromtm.D
to sea the young couple off and to wish of Public Works and Highways since meet two men, who held revolvers to
Clintont' Machine
Co.thein all happiness in .their new home. the formation of the Hearst Govern- Egood
VERY farmer shonlet care ice I his head. He thought it best to back 11(i,91NKE.RS
ClMotor Truck & Machine C�- men[ ill 1914, Mr, Macdiarmid has a his 'Ias+n buildings % such a out, which he dill quickly. The aff2ir' ���E�rj' �r�v �cL�r�eQ�
long record as a member of tics Legis- oa' $q to prain*�+*r ¢hent itt 1I?ealer� ^ -Gunton BABFMD• lature, to which h0 was first elected in has been reported to the county police•
The following were the officers in 1895, Ile was prominent in the Op- serviceable tonditiotl r Qieaarafl Saaikfet® $rte¢Irat®a0i
ckarge of the election polling booths: position attacks on the Liberal Govern. and so conserve his rreeoureea gen- �s Geans4CBisd
Hooth No t H E ■�� X'
rwin, O.R.Q., H,
Brandon poll clerk for Government-,
Mrs. J. Ferguson, for
stent before all, James Whitney came
into office. Even before Ile came to
ti=e Legislature
erathe"y. on most farms theacv
many details lin tgQmaeEvey of ffiift".
�M■ ®� � 're.
flDrafteieBodd. Iatereelallowed s
poll clerk Refer-
E. Merrier, Conservative strut-
he had been active. ill
municipal politics in Elgin county. Mr.
import»noe but in the ed
V ■ 4ar ,S
ineer, L. Thomson, Liberal; and J. Fra-
Macdiarmid was born at New Glasgow,
tte"10114oua ixtSuerx� Caxeiearsrx a
ser, Referendum. Booth No.2: G.
Ont., In 1869, and followed the occupa-
orf the exterior of bnildfatgs is aa in -
The 1Vle�£illre� 1i�llk�lgi�
Greenslade, D.R.O„ G, Castle, Conser-
native poll clerk; D. Dewar, Referen-
tion of farmer before taking office.lie
was especially interested in the good
dteation, geneaally, oT tine wnd9doas
Unless the fiver is wodiring properly
Dire Insurance ago,
dun= poll clerk; W. Osmond, Conser-
roads movement, which was under his
t m their interior. Sloaeniy
Yeu aril find that a great araay troabkfl
P arm and Isolated Tout's 6Pr*p'
vative Scrutifieer, W, Sturgeon Con,
servative; 141: Ross,
direction as Minister of Public Works.
mrrOund>tagn and gemeraJ nim -down
it arise, such as oonitip—tion, hrart•
array Only Insurod.
Liberal. T11e Re-
£erendutu vote was 1G0 Yes; boo No.
candriions are the hall -marks of in-
burro the rising and souring of
Whie�r leaves a wtetty bitter totals in your
�.�., ,
For Members: Elleringtou t zG; Hicks,
Hon, Isaac B. Lucas, who was de- (
aptitude and mismanagement,'
then again theme is a sort d
8[¢atd dl lee-3eat80rti1, ®511
35; Morgan 49,
tested iu itis own riding of South Grey,
ire had formerly
The iarnter may not be able to
watery 6uiatltitaee, that comm up in -yaw
Rev. E. Anderson and Mrs, A. E.
Erwin and Miss Greer, were i« Toronto
where lead majorities
of upwards of 1,000, entered the Whit.
change the location of his faros,
but to a extent he oaa
mouth fromtimeto time and which has
a sweetish caste; specks float ihddm
attending the Sunday School Conven-
tit n,
116Y Cabinet without portfolio in 1909,
and had been Attorney -General since
y- (
control ifs appoaraaiee and general
the eyes and for a fete seconds you
feel as if vena to fall dolvn
J, Copnotl '
Y, GoCsrlch, Pra$tdentt Jae:
1914. fie was also a member of the
conditions by seeing that the roots
you gats
in's iamb, your tongue is •taVay coated,
sans, llecehwood, Vic®.Fre51dea4
Thos, E, Hays, Seaforth, Secretary;
Hydro -electric Commission for Ontario, I
are in good repair and weather tigbL
your hexad aches, you become bilious
and, the double duty and double salary
have often been matters for criticism
the felucca in plain, gates in order
on hinges,
on aecount of too much bile foragingAtlanta
in the stoo*ch; your fo6d does not
Buffet' . . . . . .... . . ... . . .50 and 53c
front the Opposition, Mr, Lucas was ii
burn in the
and patnted, not sagging
or dragi� on the' $round, the
agree with you, as a thousand and,ane
things be the
Alex, Leitch, No, t, Ctintaa;114WftL
HinehLeyt Seaforth• Win. Cllsseraey b
.. . . :......... . . . . 53 and 54c
county of Lambton in 1867 I
and Prior to Iris entering, the Govern- ffff
latches aid hinges of all doors and
other seem to matter
With YOM.
mondviUe; J. W. lfeo, 6derlch; k
..... .. .......$t6,75
Spring wheat ... $198
anent had practised law in the town
ggreasand operating Freely:
no broken lights In the window
Youn LrvEv. Is Our OF Onnna
Jarmuth, Bradhagep.
, .., , , ..81,9,5,
FRII wheal . .. . ......... $1.95, 198
Oat$ • • • • • • . • ..... • ....... , . 75c
of Markdale for man v Years. He was
first electad to the Legislature iu 4898,
sashes of the vu,rious, builds ngs; than
stable fixtures in' order, the stanch-
Milbtw's Lnxa-Livor Pills are a
specific for all diseases and disorders
Dirbellore ;
W Ripa, Na. 2, Sesefart8lt1a liCn
Barley t • .. . .. . . . . . . ... 11.10
;end sat continuously until file present
sans and Partitions in pisco„ and the
ari0in from a slow, torpid, lax QI
P y
navy" lllredh fi oases$ 6v r, Ili
• . $1.00
mangers aril floor in good repair.
giving t0 the whole Mace the impres-
Is 991eh liver, as they clean av►ay all
the waste and poisonous matter from the
� � f � �"ni s
.. • . $48, and $19.
Bran • . • • • • • .......... . .. . $48.00
Hon. W. D. McPherson, K. C„ M. P, I
slon:that it receives.prudent,c re.ancr
system. Price 25o. a vial at all dealers,
Caltaald fa D
� 8* $� a � 6411111111% 14
Shorts 9152,
' • • •
P., who was defeated in Seat B. North- ,
west Toronto, has long Been pros
regulss attention,
Inva,stlgn.tiozrs itava,,,d1se10sed thea. I
T. Milburn Go., ][.invited. Toronto; Qat..
15�ltiDm4 E4lrki;S. h1dSIg6k1' Ca
Miltfeed .................. 545.00
ant in tits Conservative party in Tor.
fax @tbat.conerote`is an,
MOftiia9ntl. friar. lila A: -
Potatoes . . ................ . $2,00