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New Fall and
Winter Coats
Women who choose to pay $20, $25, $30 or $35 can
find a selection here at those prices that will measure up to
the most exactjng requirements of correctness of style, with
Quality that will give a good account of itself in day to clay
We will appreciate an opportunity to show you our range.
We have one of the largest stock of Ladies high class
coats and furs in the country.
'DOR the salesman, collector, eee-
JL' treetor—the man who 'must get
theta" --the Ford Runabout,
Through the traffic of the city, over
rough country roads to the outlying
town, the Ford Runabout travels
Tepidly and economically.
Ford Runabout *660. Towing 1890. Or
vaeasn nodes the Electric Starting and lighting
rEaailiment is *100 extra.
Coapt, $970, Sedan, *1,116. (Closed model
prime include Electric Starting and lighting
equipment). Demountable rims. tiro carrier
and nonskid tires on rear as optional eWip-
meut on cloned cars only at ga.00 extra.
These prices aro 1. o. b. Ford Ontario and do
not include War Tax.
Ray olds Genuine turd ibrta
100 Canadian doalere and over 2,000 Semite
Gagsupply them. 181
Clinton Motor Truck & Machine Co.
Dealers - - Clinton -
no e,:,t:en
I desire to announce to any intending Piano purchasers
that if you want the best in a piano get in touch with our
representative at Seaforth. We guarantee opr goods second
to none and our prices lower than concerns doing large news-
paper advertising.
The Name "B E L L" is used as your safe guard and enters
only on goods made in our own factory.
a u e . instruments. Write for,
Full cash value allowed on used rn t
particulars or visit our salesrooms.
for this District Box 229 ray ,Seafprth
Silo -tilling i* keeping alt the men
busy in the neighborhood,
A large crowd from here attended the
School Fair et Carlow on Monday. Our
village school came third in marching
and carried off many other prizes,
Look out for next year.
Mr; Elwyn A Ldng. leaves for Tor-
onto this week, to take advantage of
the vocational training course for re-
turned men.
Mr. Ray Moore has returned to Itis
duties in the Sterling Bank at Uxbridge.
W. Reesor, of Markham, visited at
C, A. Vanstone's last week,
Mr. and Mrs. James Gledhill, of Wel-
land, and Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Gledhill, of I
Detroit, who attended the funeral of
the late Jesse Gledhill, have returned
to their houses.
We welcome back to our village Roy
Mohring, the former popular assistant
at the grist mill, and his wife and child.
-'borsht!,, Q tobor 9th, 1.919.
Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Wilson of Gode-
rich visited at, the !tome of Mr, Thos.
Baird last week.
Mrs, Mclver and Miss Barbara of
Clinton spent a few days with Mrs.
Goldie Graham.
The Presbyterians lied splendid con;
gregallons last Sunday for their an-
niversary services morning and even-
Next Sunday, Oct. gbh, the Method-
ist church will hold their anniversary
when Rev. Mr. Neal, a resident here
some years ago and a friend to many
will preach both morning and even-
ing. On the following Monday night,
Oct, 13th, a grand concert will be given
by London talent, consisting of a male
quartette and a .reader. Everybody.
come and enjoy a good treat.,
Miss ''.hrlstly, of Delhi, is visiting
her sister, Mrs, Loundesbury at present.
Miss L. Brigham left on Monday for
Toronto where she intends spending
the winter.
Mr. Alex Wells is busy fixing up his
new house, which he bought from Mrs.
S. Woodman.
Mr. Dais Geddes attended the funer-
al of the late Mrs. Allison, Sr. in Bel -
grave. Mrs. Allison was the mother
of Dr. Allison, a foriper practitioner of
this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Manning,, who.
moved into the village from the 13th
of ifuilett some months ago, have
Mr. John Lasham's residence on Main
Street, until they can take possession
of their new farm near Brucefield.
Capt. Wm. Fingland, who has just
returned from overseas, and'who' spent
the past week with his parents; Mr,
and Mrs. John Fingland, left for New
York, where he intends spending the
winter in the Theological Seminary
Mr. J. Metcalfe, of London, is visit-
ing Mr. John Johnson and Mr, Thos.
The anniversary services held, in
Bethel Methodist church were a decided
success, large crowds attended both
morning and evening services. Rev,
Eric Anderson, the pastor, preached In
the morning and the speaker of the
evening, was Rev. Mr, McCamusxof
Wesley church, Clinton, The choir
was assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Yeo, of
Holutesville, Mr. O. W. Potter, of Clin-
Mrs. Peter McDougall and Miss Mar-
ion are back from their two months'
trip and look as if the West agreed
with them.
Miss McBrien has returned after a
months' visit with Toronto friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Dawson and Mr, and
Mrs. Mair, of Springbank, spent the
week end with Mrs. Joihn Cox sr.
Airs, Mcliveen of Granton, is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. D. Wil-
Mrs. Frank Cross of McGregor, Man.,
is visiting relatives and friends around
the Hill's.,
Miss Priscilla Torrance, is in Blyth
this week with her sister, Mrs. Andrew
Mrs. R, Y. Cox has purchased a fine
Nordheimer piano.
It is with , general regret that Blyth
loses Mr, L Hill and fancily as citizens.
Mr. Wm, Bowes has purchased the
leo acre farm on which he resides, and
Mr. R. Fear, of the firm of Phillips &
Fear, has purchased the Gosmen tarns,
Lieut. Sherlock, who has Just arriv-
ed from overseas on 'his way to his
home in Winnipeg, spent souse days
during the week at the home of his
ancle, Mr, D: Floody.
A quiet wedditrg was solemnized at
the house of Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel
Hilborn, on Saturday, Sept, 2.7th, at
12 o'clock, noon, when their son, Leslie
Miss was united in wedlock to M .s Emil y
Beaden, of Bredfield, England. Rev. R,
J. McCormick preforming the cere-
The engagement is announced at
London, af' Birdetta Lillian. (Birdie.)
only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W, J.
Davis, to Captain Albert Meredith Judd,
Barrister -at -law, second son of His
Honour Judge J. C. and Mrs, Judd.
The marriage to take place the middle
of October. Miss Davis, is a grand-
daughter of Mrs. James Davis, of Blyth.
Our fall exhibition of this year al-
most excelled that of other years not-
withstanding the continued rain dur-
ing the first day of delivery,
It is reported that there Is a case of
'smallpox in town and that Mr, Still -
son's house is quarantained as a re-
sult but we will not take the report
serious before it is confirmed.
AN D�s+�
When the bowels do not perform their
functions properly the liver is aura to.
become affected and the inactive con-
dition of the liver will cause constipation,
sick or bilious headaches, heartburn,
water brash, epcelte floating before the
el'es, the tongue becomes coated, the
breath foul, aid the eyee have a dull,
yellow (classy arocarance.
Milburn's Lam -lever Pills will regu•
late any irregularity of the bowela and
stimulate the sluggish liver into action.
Mrs. Malcolm McDermtd, Croton
Section, N.S. writes*• "1 have been
sick for a number of years with sick head-
aches and constipation. I tried all
kinds of doctor's medicines but none
did me any good. 1 tried Milburn's
!.alta -Liver Pile, and after using tour
vials 1 am completely cured. I would
heartily reeoenedend them to all Buffeters."
Milburn'e Lem -liver Pills are 23c. d
vial at all Sealer) lir Mailed direct by
The. 1'. Uilhurd Co., Limited, Toronto,
The Collector's Roll for the Town-
ship of Goderich Is now in the Col-
lector's hands and the followliig are
the itntounts that are to be collected
by him front the ratepayers of this
Township for the Year 1919:—
Co. and Highyaw tax $i0501,70
Township tax ,, 4292,44
Telephone Accounts 2038.43
Telephone Debentures , 610,04
Statute Labor 126,75
Dog tax 610.00
General School tax 5426.50
Public school tax 5570.11 i
Separate school fax 14.80
Arrears 1918 5.88 i
Although this to the ordinary ratepayer
may seem a large amount, yet it is
$2,652.81 less than was collected for
the year 2918. Surely the different
officials of our. Township are to be
congratulated for the way they have
tried to keep down expenses while we.
know that labor and material have risen
to the utmost limit.
Mr. S. T. Walter, who was obliged
to sell his farm owing to his failing
health, disposed of itis stock and im-
plements, having a most successful
sale, the proceeds amounting to about
55000. Mr. Walter intends spending
the winter in California in the hope
that the change may be beneficial and
'a few evenings ago a number of the
members of the Hohnesviile Methodist
church called upon liiln at his home,
read a complimentary address to
Mr. and Mrs. Walter, expressing the
regrets of the congregation at their
departure from . the community and
the hope of a complete restoration
to health for Mr. Walter, and pre-
sented them, as a token of esteem
and regard,. with a purse of gold.
Mr. Walter Ihas been connected with
Hohnesviile Methodist church all his
life and he and his wife and family
are held in the i'highest regard by all
who knew them. Their removal from
the neighborhood' fe much regretted
but the best wishes of all go with him.
A slumber of the friends and neigh-
bors of Mr. and Mrs, James Graham
gathered at their itonte to spend a soc-
ial hour with theta prior to their de-
parture from the neighborhood and
during the evening an address was read
to them and they were presented with
a handsotne chair and an umbrella,
just as little tangible• tokens of re-
gard. The evening passed off pleas-
antly in games, music and social
chat and before fexving the guests
wished Mr. and Mrs. Graham, who
have been much esteemed residents of
the neighborhood for many years,
coutlnued good fortune in their new
home in 'Clinton. Following is the
address read:
"Dear Mr: and Mrs. Graham, ---We
your friends and frefghbors, are gath-
ered here, on the eve of your depart-
ure from our midst, to bear testi-
mony to the high record and esteem
in width you have been held in this
neighborhood and to present to you
a small token as a remembrance of
your sojourn with us. You have
been ready with a hand of help and
a word of sympathy at all times
and the memory of the good example
set in this will live long in the lives
of those whom you leave behind. We
ask you to accept this chair and
umbrella and our parting hope and
prayer Is that you. 1nay long be
spared to enjoy your new home and
Mrs. Langford and family, who have
been visiting her sister -In-law, Mrs.
Burns, returned hose ou Saturday.
Mr. James Howell of the U. S. Army
Corps who has shortly returned from
Mexico is visiting his , grandmother,
Mrs. Robs, Acheson,
Rev, Mr. Steadman of Dungannon,
preached morning and evening in the
Methodist church, Rev. Mr, Johnston
taking anniversary services at his ap-
• Quite a number from here took in
the fowl supper at Taylor's Corner on
Monday evening.
526996.65 of shingles, which is quite an improve-
The parsonage Is getting a new coat
While crossing the G. T. R. tracks
on his farm at Silver Creek with a
tractor and plow about nine o'clock
Monday morning, Mr; J. R. Archibald
had an exciting experience, which he
has no desire to have repeated. He
reached the track about the time the
morning freight was pulling out from,
the station for the east, and ordinarily
would have been well on his way before
the train reached the crossing. Unfor-
tunately, however, on this occasion
the plow became wedged against the
rail before the tractor was clear on
the other side, and it was impossible
to move either back or forward. Mr.
Archibald and his man went up the
track th an endeavor to flag the train,
but the creW were evidently unaware j
of their presence until the engine
struck the outfit, throwing the engine
clear of the rails and cerryihig the plow
afew rods. and dumping it into the
ditch. Both machines were some-
what. damaged, but the accident was
not as serious as it might easily have
Anniversary sgrvices in convection
with the Seaforth Methodist church
will be held on November 94h and 10th
A few months. ago Mrs, Charles
Brodie took up Boy Scout work with
her Sunday School class in First Pres-
byterian church. The work has grown
until at present there are eighteen boys
enrolled, with William Laing and Chas.
Stocgdill as instructors. That the lat.
ter have proved efficient and painstak-
ing was clearly shown on Monday.
evening when the Boy Scouts gave
an exhibition in the school room of
the church of first aid, stretcher bear-
ing, drill, signalling and the various a well-deserved rest. Signed on be -
duties of this intensely practical or- half of friends and neighbors—Mr.
ganization, The audience, which was and Mrs. E. H. Wise, Mr. and Mrs.
composed of the pastor, board Of Geo, Cook.
managers and friends of the boys, was
delighted with the work done by the
Boy Scouts. Mr, Laing acted as chair-
idan and short addresses were given by
him, Dr. Larkin, Mr. Cowen and Mr.
John Beattie and Mr. Mullen as re-
presentatives of the Board of Man-
agers. Perhaps the best feature of
the evening was the alertness and in-
terest displayed by the boys them-
selves as well as that of the instruc-
tors, demonstrating very clearly that
the boys of the teen age respond
promptly and readily to anything that
is useful and helpful if they are only
given the chance. It must be most
encouraging to Mrs. Brodie and those
interested with her in her work, to
know that the Managers have voted
goodly sum for the expenses. of this
movement among the boys of the
church, Owing to the increase in the
membership, Mrs, McIntosh will in
future be associated with Mrs. Brodie
and Mr. fowler with the instructors.
The fifth annual meeting of the Sea
forth branch of the Red Cross Society
toss held Friday afternoon, when re-
ports of the year were presented. in
addition to (hospital and refugee work
the Soeiety.has given 160 soldiers on
their return two sults di pyjamas and
two pairs of socks and eight nursing
sisters have received n gift of two pairs
of silk hose, The treasurer's report
showed that during the past five .years
the sum of $29,542,92, had been raised,
The officers elected were: Hon. pre,
sidents, Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. Rivers;
president, Mrs. Holmstead; first vice.
ptesident, Mrs. Gibson;; second vice.
president, Mrs. Keatiitgl third vice.
president, Mrs, A Scott; secretary
treasnrti', Mrs. Delacey; secretary, Mrs,
Delacey; treasurer; Mrs. Mullen, e.
home 10 'Calgary, Alberta, was a well-'
known resident of this town for many
Years. lie was born in England and
In early life came to Canada. lie had
been engaged in the tailoring business
lu f.,istowel, Port 2lgla and Wingham
prior to going West,
The Great War Veterans will hold
dance In the Wingham armories the
evening of Thanksgiving Day The
Blackstone Orchestra, of Goderich, will
supply the music,
A communication from Rotterdam,
Holland, has been sent to the White-
church Creamery, asking them to quote
their prices on choice creamery butter.,
W. i3ltYDON a
LUBL', 11T0
A pretty wedding took place at St.
Boniface church, Zurich, on Tuesday,
when Rev. .4 M. Stroeder united in
marriage Miss Eleanor Wendel Snaith
and Mr. Theodore Mittelholte.
An interesting event took place on
Sept. 23rd et the Bronson Line when
Rev. Jutzi united In marriage, Rachael,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Gas-
cho and Mr, Seth Amanns.
The executors of the estate 'of the
late J. C. Kalbfleisch have sold the fine
residence property in the south end of
the village to the Maisons Bank, and
Mr. Colles, manger of the local branch,
is now occupying it.
There was a public mass meeting of
electors held in Walker's Hall on Mon-
day, There was a large audience both
men and women to hear the speaker,
Andrew Hicks, of Centralia, for the U.
F. 0, candidate.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper win
be on Sunday next in our village.
Rev. Mr. Hogg, of Clinton, will preach
on 'Friday afternoon.
Wnh. Hill 01 Stratford, visited at his
hone this week.
Win, McGregor, of Stanley, who late-
ly fell from 511 apple treet, breaking his
snkle, is slowly recovering. It was a
bad break„ The limb on which he was
standing broke. •
Rev, Mr. McLean, of Egnsondvilie,
preached in our village on Sunday last,
for the W, M. Society, We had excel-
lent services and the offering for the
Society was good.
The tower of the Meth odist church
has been repaired by replacing the old
tin with asphalt roofing.
The following appeared in the Lon-
don papers and refers to a son, of Rev.
Burn, a fornier minister of the Evange-
lical church, -Waterloo, Sept, 26 --Capt.
Eldon Burn of the Royal Plying Corps
was officially welcomed home to -day.
He was personalty received by King
George in England and deeorated with
the Distingidsh Flying Cross." We ex-
ten 601 hearty congratulations,
Commencing with Sunday morning
special services were held in the Math-
odist chuteh lth eonutte»ioratton of the
'Golden Jubilee 61 the Churelf, A pro -
grate has been prepared tot; the week,.
• The G. W. V. A.'Club are vacating
their rooms in McDonald's block and
are looking for new quarters,
Mr. Daniel Wood, of town, had the
osisfortunte to fall from an apple tree
on Saturday last, and fracture Isis hip.
He also sustained inward injuries and
his many friends will regret to know
that the is at present in a very critical
While cranking his truck on Friday
last Mr. Win, Gillespie had the misfort-
une to have the' four fingers of his
right hand severely cut when the eng-
ine back -fired. The flesh was to the
bones. lie has !leen carrying them in
bandages and the accident caused him
no little suffering,
Notary Public, Conveyancer.
Financial and Real Estate
INSURANCE AGENT-Repreeenbine1tiare
Butanes Companies,
Division Court (Mee,
The negotiated Sale of the Ford
Garage to J. J. McCutcheon, Grey
township, was not carried out owing
to tihe purchaser being unable to ar-
range ifs affairs, 5. Carter continues
to hold the fort.
A C. Dames rattier surprised the
people by disposing of his well located
and desirable residence, corner William
and Albert streets, to A. L, Kerr, of
Morris township, who recently seed his
farm, The purchaser gets possession
in the near future and. Mrs. Dames con-
templates spending the coining Winter
in Florida and California.
Piano Tuning
Mr, Samee Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning.
tone regulating, and repairing.
Ordere left at W. Dohe"ty'e phone
61, will receive orompt attention
The Baptist Church is having a
special Thanksgiving service next Sun-
day. at 3 p.m. Thalhksgiving sermon
and special music by the Clinton Metho-
dist church (Ontario St,) Quartette.
You are invited.
Mr. Robt. Scott has sold his farm
and stock on the 13th Concession of
Hullett to Mr. tiunkiags and gives poss-
ession October 1st.
Mrs. Win. Heaves and Mrs. Andrew
Ferguson, who have been on the sick
list, are not improving as their friends
would wish,
Mr, Wm. Ferguson, of Windsor, has
sold his property there and is looking
for a location for a blacksmith sisop
to start business. He called here oe
Tuesday on his way to Winglhanh,
Mr, Roy Patterson's auto collided
with Earl Wightnhan's buggy, on Mon-
day night and smashed the buggy. For-
tunately no person was injured,
Mr, D. Cantelon, of Clinton, shipped
,t car of cull apples from here on
Wingham votes on the Hydro By-
law on October 19111.
Mr, !lector Mutton, the popular tea-
cher in the lower Wingham school, has
gone to Toronto where he will attend
the dental College.
Capt. Dr. G. H. Ross expects to be
discharged from the army insediately
and %till at once re -open his dental par-
On Wednesday, September 240, at
the house of the bride's parents, Lis-
towel, the marriage was solemnized of
Norma, only daughter of Mr. J. S.
Gee, to Or, Frederick Arthur Parker of
Wingltaut, Rev, Dr, Hagen, officiating.
Miss Gretta Kennedy 13, A., has ac-
cepted a position in McDonald College,
Montreal, as Assistant -Bacteriologist to
Professor Harrison, tate Principal of the
College, which Is affiliated with McGill
Joe 'Vattstone, son of Mr. and Mrs,
R. Vaiistone, has been seriously ill for
some days• d w taken toToros
so a y, and as tto,
where an operation was perforated on
Monday, The operatibu hes thus far
proven successful,
Rev, 0, 13, Clark, who died at 1116
1.30 p. m. to 3.30 p. m.
7.30 p. m. to 9.00 p. m.
Sunday 12.30 to 1.30
Other hours by appointment only.
Office at Residence, Victoria Street'
Office at Residetnc3
Corner High and Kirk Streets.
Clinton Ontario
OR. re. A. ,*XON
Crown and Bridge Work n $perlauY.
Graduate of Gbivaao. and 6,0.0.6
Bayneid m, fHendn,'e. Mdn,• Isl. 60 U
I)It. II, riint LEA.
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Special care taken to make dental ore,
avant me painless ee ooneible.
Live stork and general Auction .e-
a ci a 56054 sales a onecu,n / . 0561510 et 5
Nat► ERA office, Oltnton Biwa, 0.7 sat.A0.e
to. Terme reasonable, Farmers sate note
G. D. McTaggart Ma 1). fdeTinggar
McTaggart Bros,
a (*embroil a*dtllno llset*aha o
dOT88 »1x0012121 RA
Dobai ta*asi. Internet mimeos
Time 1MlcKilHop Ain't I
Fire htsurance elm,
*+lyra silt lasIatsd Tenni Prow
arty !!!hilly laanrad.
genet Orae-Bentortb. halt
J. Connolly, t3oderlch, Presidents Jaa.
thins, Beechw•od, Vico-Prsltdeet i
Thos. B. Flays, Seaforth, Secretary:
Mex. Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Bdwar®
Hinckley. Setforths Wel. Chesney, Eg
monddville; J. W. Yeo, Godericki R.
Jarmuth, Srodhagen.
Wan. !dint, No. 3, Sestorlds; John flora
navies, tireann:4i Jsaas Ems, Bss*dte
woods M. Mama. Ctlatoa; Janus
Canselty, iiodertah: D. F. MsQregar
SE, 3, tSsRottt. J. Q, Grief%, Itio, 4
Wsttd+ri Hobart Panda. Haricots; (3sg
M Sar*ns, No. 3. Ssaforth.
Cramps in Stomach
Never Stiffened
Worse Palms.
There he no other kind of bowel trouble
.hat comes on one so quickly and with
so little warning as an attack of cramps
in the stomach. These are very painful,
and when you are seized in this way,
and are ail doubled up, you want a
remedy you are sure will give you relief,
and give it quickly too.
You don't want some untried medicine
thht might only help von. You want, Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry.
Every one who has ever need It know
that a dose or two will give instant
, relief,
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry is one of those remedies that
should be in every house, as no one
knows just when some member of the
family may be attacked with diarrhoea,
dysentery, oholera, cramps colic or some
other bowel complaint.
Mrs. S. E. Clark, Dorian Station,
Ont.., writes; -"While visiting my mother
in town, I wee taken very sick with
cramps in my stomach, 1 don't think
I ever suffered worse pains. lomat and
got a bottle of Dr. howler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry, and in a couple of
home 3 was all right again; and able to
ride eight miles home in the evettng,
I can't praise your wonderful medicine
Dr. Fowler's .u;xtract of Wild dine*.
berry has been on the market for tits
past 74, years, Don't ealteriment ,with
tote ari1'i untried remedies, Refuse }Alli,
"antes, 'They may bo clangorous.
Price 'Site, et tit denten, Put bby only
by''The 'T, Milburn Co. Limited, TOWS„