HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-10-2, Page 4MAGE ,T$$ CLINTON NEW ERA. PHONE 78 New Fali. and.. minter Coats fiver Sity Styles to Choose from n:01M Karµ Many of These Are Exclus- ive Women who choose to pay $20, $25, $30 or $35 can And a selection here at those prices that will measure up to the most exacting requirements of correctness of style, with Quality that will give a good account of itself in day to day wear. • • We will appreciate an opportunity to show you our range. We have one of the largest stock • of Ladies high class coats and furs in he country. Thursday, October 20, 1019, meemsaimmentersomMmt ers, sub -stations and Powerhouses, 1_,LateoNews ODistrict Ilydroolecirte Power CommisslnR at Ontario. CE TRALIA While on the way to Crediton to at- tend a Temperance meeting on Friday evening the lights of the Ford car driven by Rey, Mr. Sinclair, of, Gen- tralfa, suddenly refused to ,work, This was a serious handicap, as It was a dark stormy night, and the inevitable hap- pened, the car skidded oven an enbank- ment into a swampy marsh. Mr, S. Davis, who with. Mr, Thos, Niel, was accompanying Rev. Sinclair, suffered a siigh Yp t were uninjured. They appealed to a near -by farmer, who said it served them right, as they should not be at- tending Temperance meetings, How- ever, they got to •the meeting in due time and the Ford was running next morning with only ,a broken wind- shield and top. CONSTANCE. MI's, Sandy. McIntosh, of Idaho, spent a few days as the guest of her brother -in -k5 W. McIntosh, Mrs. Colciough spent a few days of last week m Brussels. Quite a number around here attend- ed the Fair in McKpiop, where Mr. Fos- ter Fowler taught and report a good Fair. GODERICH TOWNSHIP ti a rained foot, buthe others SEAFORTH The rally day service held on Sun- day morning in the First' Presbyterian Church was very successful, Address- es were given by the pastor, Rev. F. H. Larkin, D. D., and the superintendent, Mr. James Cowan. The honor roll and shield were unveiled by Mr. Will- iam Ballantyne and Mrs, James Archi- bald.. The collection, which is to be devoted to needy Sunday Schools, a- mounted to $60,' A record crowd from town and suri rounding country attended the • annual School Fair held on aridity afternoon at S. S. No, 4, McKillop,•;of which Mr. F. Fowler is principal. The exhibits were exceptionally good, especially the,roots and poultry. ERG'S CERTIFICATE FIRE AT BRUSSELS SATURDAY FOR OFFICERS AND' Seaforth and Listowel Send Help And Kept Damage Down. *EN OF THE C. E. F. Ottawa, Sept. 29:—The King's cer- tificate on discharge will be issued through the Militia Department to all soldiers who after serving in a theatre of war are to consequence of disable- ment for military service discharged as !medically unfit. It is also bong issued to those who, tyhile not serving in a theatre of war, were discharged as a result of disabilities caused by air - raids, naval bombardments, etc. The certificate is a handsomely -engraved document about 17.inghes.by 222, and Will be dist4•ibuted withoutbeing fold- ed. 'Applications for thein may be made on cards, which are now avail- able at the principal postoffices, His Majesty has also approved of the lane of a King's certificate to offi- cers, invalided from the army, condi- tions being identical with those at- tached fo the King's certificate on dis- chargefor other ranks. BRITISH REVENUE. Eondmn, Sept. 25.—An official state- ment shows that total British revenue for the year, up to March, was £787,- 900,o00, .•it included the •following totals: From income tax, £293,000,000. Rom excess profiits, £284,000,000, From tobacco, £42,000,000. From beer, £19,000,000. From spirits, £25,000,000, From entertainments, $7,500,000. Brussels,'Ont., Sept. 27. --•'Fire broke out this afternoon in the dry kiln of the largeplaning trill of Phillip Atneut here. In 'response for calls for assistance, Seaforth and Listowel sent aid by motor trucks. The fire, which was kept confined entirely to the large dry kiln, was filially conquered about 9 o'clock. The loss is covered by insurance. The cause is unknown. gUFVERED 5 YEARS wiTH HEART TROUBLE. Through one cause or otbsr a large ma- jority of people are troubled with mate fortis of heart trouble. but do not know A. When the heart becomes affected there ensues a feeling of a choking sensation, the breath becomes so short st is bard to breathe and you feel se if you were smothering, you become weak and dizzy, the heart palpitates, throbs and beats irregularly. On the first sign of the heart be- coming weakened you will find• that a few, boxes of Millrarn's Heart and Nerve Pills will strengthen and invigorate it so that it beats strong and regular, and the lost vitality is replaced by vigor and energy, Mr, Stephen Crouse, East Clifford, N,S., writes:—"I suffered for five genre with heart trouble. I could hardly walk to the barn without resting I used to get so short of breath: The doctors could not help me. My wife told me about Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. 1 got n box and felt better; three boxes made me quite well. I am now helping my eon work the farm; and can truth- fully say 1 feel like a different man. 1 can highly recommend your pills to any one who has a weak heart." • Price 600. a box at all dealers, or mailed, direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Mr, Dave Churchill was down to Toronto the beginning of this week. Alvin Leonard left this week to take up his studies at the Toronto Univer- sity. He is taking an Honor Science Course. Mr. Lavern Churchill is back at the Western University in London studying for law. He has spent the summer do- ing Social service work among'foreign- erAn the railways in Northen Ontario and was very successful. Thereare quite a few of the young men and ladies. from Goderich Town- ship attending the colleges' at Condon and Toronto. Mr. George Warning spent a few days with his sister Mrs. George Crooks on the Base Line• last week. tier father, Mr• Fred Warning, of Delhi, was also visiting his daughter. Mr. Alvin Townshend left'this :week for Kingston iyllete he intEnds taking a course at the school of Practical Sci- ence'at Queen's University -for engin- eering. Mr. Will Tov nshed' is back again at Huron. College in London. 'We wish these two young men every sue - meas in their school career i BAYFIELD. The four delegates that were -chosen for the Liberal Convention at Hensali were Capt. J. Ferguson, L, Thomson, M. Ross and R. Delgaty, but those four Liberal invincibles were but a short time speeding on their journey when their heavy McLauchlin..jolted and int- iinediaiely listed to the, right as the re- sult of a broken spring and' the our. defeated. Scots were obliged to return to their native glen to' drown their sor- rows. One of the most disastrous fires of recent history occurred here on Thurs- day morning last• when the new sum- mer dwelling of Mrs, Stott which was very near completion Was burned to the ground. .How the fire started can- not be ascertained,although some re- sort to the cigarette cause, while others who do not care to mention incindiary malice simply remain silent,. We are glad to hear however that Mr. Stott will rebuild with all possible haste. The Fall Exhibition bf Monday last was an excellent variety but the large attendance of other years did'npt ap- pear owing to the disagreeable weather should the Society not search the ships for the sleeping Jonah. 110111 c e ens I desire to announce, to any intending Piano purchasers that if yon want the best in a piano get in touch with our representative at Seaforth. We guarantee our goods second to none and our prices lower than concerns doing large news. paper advertising, The Name "B E L L" is used as your safe guard and enter only oil goods made in our own factory. Fall cash value allowed on used instrttnientse Write for particulars or visit our salesrooms. J a than Hugill Representative for this District ,s:r,: ,s l3ox 229 -fruits a;', Seaforth Mr. and '• Mrs. Ezra Pickard visited with friends near Brucefield on Sunday last. ° • Miss L. Hudte is attending Normal at Stratford. Miss Jean Lindsay, daughter of T. Lindsay, of the Base Line is in London Normal school training for a teacher. There was no service in Holmesviile Church last Sunday evening as it was Anniversary Sunday at Ebeneezer ap- pointment. Miss Elvira Churchill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ID, Churchill of the 14th 1 Concession left on Monday •morning last for Toronto where she is attend ing the Faculty of Education. R i MEMORIAL ALMS DISH. T. _ EVE N Commemorates the Death Overseas , of SCA is left where ray little son est 11is forehead so badly by running naiad a cress -cut aaw," writes Mrs. T, O. Miller of Winona, Ont. "I had never used Zam-Bek, but had heard how good it is for injuries, 00 I got some, and applied a dressing at onto. It was quite wonderful the way it method the pain. I renewed the dressing twice a day for three days, by which time the out was so much better the child was able to go without the bandage. Prom then I had no more trouble with the wound. It healed up vary quickly, and not even a sear is left. Needless to say, I shall never be without Zam-Buk again. Mothers should alwaye keep Zam-Buk in the house, as nothing can take its place for outs, scratches, bruises, burns and scalds. For rashes, eczema and all soros blood-poisbning, ulcers, abscesses, boils, pimples, scalp sores, salt rheum and piles. Zam-Buk is equally good. All dealers 50e. box. Pte, Gordon Moore, Blyth, Sept. 29. --Successful harvest Thanksgiving services were held on Sunday in the parish of Blyth, Belgrave and Auburn. The special preacher for the day was Rev. S. E. McKegney, M. C., rector of Clinton. The thank - offering which is devoted to the Miss- ionary appointments, amounted to nearly $390 at Auburn, $106 at 13e1 - grave and $113 at Blyth. The churches were very tastefully decorated and the music appropriate to the occasion. At Belgrave a memorial alms dish was unveiled, It bears this inscrip- tion; "To the Glory of God and in memory of Pte. Gordon Moore, killed in action on September 21, 1916." SIZi.GHAMs A tramp, snaking his way Irom . bine lake shore, was arrested near Wingham and brought here by Provincial Officer Phippen, HOLMESVILLE: A meeting in connection with the Referedum Campaign will be •held Holmesville Methodist Church, Tues- day evening, October 7511, to be ad- dressed by Capt. Raycraft, Dr. Blunter - son, and Miss Bailie, of Goderich. Miss Altalinda McCartney entertain- ed her friends on Friday evening. Rev. Mr. Ford who has been visit. Ing his daughter here went to Windsor on Friday. Rev. Mr, Johnston preached a splen- did sermon on Sunday morning taking for his text the 23rd• Psalm. "Quite a few attended the Rally ser- vice ou Sunday afternoon at the Eben- ezer appointment. Rev, Mr. Johnston preached at Con- stance in the afternoon and Londes- boro in the evening taking Rev. Mr. Sawyers work, Anniversary services in connection with the Methodist Church will be held on October 12th morning and evening and Rally service its the afternoon of the same day, the Orchestra frdtn 'Cred- iton to help with the, services. Mr. and Mrs. Raiz, of Milverton, are visiting their daughter Mrs. Stock. Mr. Alfred Jervis is tinder the wea- ther these days. EXETER. Word was received of the death, at Port Franks, of Mr. N. D. tlurdon, for- mer manager of the Molsons Bank. here, in his 73rd year.* The late Mr. iturdon was manager for the Molsan at Brock- ville, Ridgetown, • and for many years was at the Tread office in Montreal be- fore conning lo Exeter. He was super- annuated three years ago. Ife seas a valued officer of the bank, and his loss will be mourned by a large circle of, friends here and elsewhere. Mr, liar- don was all active worker of the Angli- can church here. Five sons survive, of whom two served In the late war. The Niteroi, on Saturday, will be under Masonic -auspices, BLYTH. Mr. Art Emigh and son, Donald, of Buffalo, spent a few• days of the past week here. It is 25 years since Art was at the Fair before. Dr. and Mrs. Wilford and daughter, who have been spending a considerable' part of their furlough with the formers mother Mrs. A, B. Carr, and as the TUCKERSMITH. d San. Carnochan has sold Isis 100 acre farm to Mr. Abetphart; of Seaforth. It is a fine farm with good buildings. John Dietz has threshed 250 bushels of 'beans frons 12 acres. The 'beans are of excellent variety.. ' Andrew Hicks who has been nomin- ated by the United Farnfers of South Huron will address the 'electors at Blokes' school on Wednesday evening, • KIPPEN The prediction that influenza would break out again is verified here, as Mr. Thomas Kyle is down with the disease and his home Is' reported quarantined. GENERAL L. SHANNON RETIRES A painful accident happened on Fri- day on the playground of S. 5, No. 14, Stanley. White the schoolgirls were conducting one of their lively games, one of them fell over another and Jean McKenzie sustained a fracture of her left elbow, • , Another accident that will keep Wal- ter McBeth from work for some weeks time has arrived for them to return top happened at Wm, McKeuzie's thresh- thefr work in the .Mission fields in Chita, so on Friday Mrs, Wilford and daughter, left for Owen Sound to visit her mother and on Monday the Dr. left for Toronto, where they will meet and proceed on their long trip to the Mission fields of China, where he will be,.,engaged for the next seven years. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Latham and family, of Byham, Alberta, are visiting Mrs. Latham's mother and relations, of Toronto. Mrs. Latham was former- ly Miss Clara Willows, of Blyth. This is'Mrs. Latham's first visit to Canada since her marriage in 1902, George Gray, of Mitchell] came be- fore Magistrate Morton, of Wingham, on a charge of assault, laid by Albert Milison, of Lucknow. The case arose out of p horse race Isere at the fair, It is alleged that. when Mr. Gray's son and Milson were' driving in at the fin- ish Milison struck Gray, Jr., across the face with a whip, Following this in- cident it is stated that Gray, sr., struck Milison in the face. Gray was tined 510,00 and each paid half of the costs. Miss Powell, of Wingham, visited the .Misses Black over Sunday. Mr. Luxton Hill and `family moved to London this week, where they will re- side. Mrs, Thomas Gosman sold her farm north of the village to Mr. Russel Fear of town. The Citizens of town will extend sympathy to Miss Bell, Principal of the Public School, who but .recently was bereft of her mother and on Saturday, iter father passed away at Aliso Craig. 'rhe Fall Fair which was 'held Mon- day and Tuesday was'the most success- ful fair ever held by tite Society, 'rite. weather mate granted ideal weather for speeding , up the ring and numerous other out door• attractions. Mr, Isaac Brown has a large staff employed at the evaporator. The body, especially the factory hands. apples seem to be plentiful in this dis- The hone of Mrs. F, Strathdee, 161 trict. Brunswick street, Stratford, was the +r • Head of the London Military District In Militia Since 1879. CASTOR IA; For bfante ansi C dtea. !o rQ,4 3 ir"eart Always bears' the >9".. Signatltt'tot' A ,• ing. While getting down from an uppr beam he felt and fractured five or six ribs, On Friday evening in St. Andrew's Church, Mrs; Hyslop, representative of the Ontario Referendum committee, de- livered' an able address in favor of pro- hibition. VOod,'S Phosphodisia no Or eat lieAtlRem,ed . Tones and invigorated the who.. nervous syy,tom, makes sew Blood in old Votes, Ours ,Nerr000s DeMtity, Mantas and .Brain Worry, .Dos oa- denep, 'Lose of Enertrli, Palpitation of tla Heart, Faittnp Memory. Pride SI per bon, die for ad Ono will please, e e will oin o Seld by as P1 n race] of prtoe. New oI to plate free. o Pt MED ]Veto CO. -Set NTO.01Y. l THE WOOD MEDICINE CO.-SONONTO. eNL tirnlAr trtliwr' W. BEY»ON BARRISTER SOLICITOR NUTAR PUBLIC, BTO oreNTos London, Ont., Sept. 27.—Brigadier- General. L. W. Shannon, C. M. G., offi- cer commanding M. D, 110. t, will re- tire shortly from active service. He joined the militia as a private in No, 1. Company, 42nd Battalion, at Almonte, in 18.79. He was made acting D. 0. C. of this district Jan. 1, 1915. On Oct. 18, 1917, he was promoted a brigadier - general, and received the decoration of C. M. G. At one time General Shan- non was the publisher of the Kingston Standard. ' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C,icesTOrtIA H. T, : RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT—Reprooenttog14SIre eurenee Compantee. Division Court Office. NOTICE TO SCHOOL CHILDREN This Letter Was Recently Sent To School Teachers Throughout the Province with a request that it be Rend to the Pupils. It is part of The "Commission's Safety First" Campaign. T,? Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to In- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention. Seine.days ago a schoolboy, while playing on the street, picked up an electric light wire. It 'shemed quite 'harmless, bet he was instantly killed. During the last few years many lads have been killed by clilnbittg poles and trees and touching wires. The wires that you see support the poles along the streets and roads all carry electricity, very often at great pressure (or, as it is called, "voltage") when it is very deadly. These wires are always dangerous, and should never be touched under any circumstances. Be careul to .retnember the follow- ing things: GODERICH 1. Do not touch fallen or hang - The Lake ituron Steel Corporation ing wires. has completed its fine offices in the 2. Do not climb poles or towers. " Masonic Temple on West street, and is 3 Do not climb trees through beginning to make things look lively. which tite wires pass. The surveyors are busy at Work. on the 4 Do not touchor shake guy wires. site for the new plant. They expect 5. Do not throw stones at the in. to have the siding from the G. 1', R, sulators. built in to their site before the winter' 6, Do not fly kites across the sets in. . - wires. John Craigin is erecting eight new 7, Do not stand below working cottages at Light Point, which is one men overhead. of the best locations in Goderich,' and 8. if you ,see a wire down, report which will made a big improvement. it. Death claimed two tell -known resi- 9.' Keep away from switching tow - dents of •Goderich within the past week. Susanna Fisher, wife of Mr. William Blake, passed away on Wednesday morning at the home of her son -in -late, Mr. John Schwanz, Huron Road, aged 75. The depeased' was well-known in Medi,.,al' DR. J. C. GANDiER OFFICE (iiiURS 1.30 p. m. to 3.30 p. m. 7.30 p. m. to 9.00 p. m. Sunday 12.30 to 1.30 Other hours by appointment only. Office at Residence, Victoria Street ' DR. W. GUNN Office at Residence Corner High and Kirk Streets. Clinton Ontario this section of the country, where she was born. Besides her husband she is survived by seven daughters, one of whom, Mrs. Thomas. Fillmore, 'resides in London, Anna Matheson, wife.of Mr. John Baker, passed away yesterday morning, aged 74. She was a well- known lady in1town and for years a Valued member of Knox Church, Her husband and four daughters' and two sons survive. Goderich reverted to standard •'tine on Saturday night, 'September 7, at nidtiight, a proclamation to that ef- fect being issued by the `payor, The plan meets with the approval of every - There entered into rest on Wednes- day, -Sept, 23rd, Ella, daughter of Mr. James Beatty and the late Mrs,Beatty, Service was held at her home Friday morning at 9 a. in, conducted by Rev. R. J. McCormick, Pastor of the Metho- dist Church. The retrains were taken to Kincardine for interment, Anniversary Services will be held int the Methodist rGhurels on Sunday, Oct, 6111,- Rev S, Anderson, of Clinton, will be the speaker, Mt' Joliti Joynti Of Lucknow,.attend- ed tate Pall 1'aig ea Tuesday.. • ,1111 Watch those dolllrs-•yictofi7 f' C49 thorn, lIjIRVi.;:fliilsttolts ' + scene of a pretty autumn wedding this ' afternoon, when her daughter, Miss Helen Marion Strathdee, one of Strat- ford's Most popular and talented young ladies was, united in marriage' to Mr. J. R, Coutts, of Goderich. .Rev. W. 14. Crahalit, of Central Methodist Church, performed the ceretnony its tit's Pres- epee of a large number of guest4.• Ansong the msany,friends who attended' the wedding werel Mr, and Mrs.: J. L, Coutts, Si. Eltottsls •141as 'Grade Coutts; St, :Thamas Miss Agnes M, Coutts, l awrelicc"; Mr, 'S. M. Coutts„Dctrolt; Mr, and Mrs, Roy E, Walker, Milverton; Mr, loot Wacker, ')and Mr' t'testgn, Walker, •Milverton, , OR. IF. A. AXON DENTIST Crown and Midge \\'ork a Specialty, Graduate of C.O.D.S,.. Chicago, and 11,0,014 Toronto. eayHold on Menders. Nov 1111 II 9)R. H. FOW L1+.Ii. DENTIST,. Offtees over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken to make dental ora, meat as painless an mumble. THOMAS. GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction se• GODERrOH ONT ba, 1,1010 dales a apectalt, O,de,e .r e 4nw ie ole,, , Clinton, pn.m.t y adeno. to. Terme reaaonabto. Farmer, +ale not. discounted G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTtat;gaa McTagt arrt Bros. 1 4t>QiBs®tz, ALBERT ST , CLINTON tresieral 1,lIgktipO; tiarrttis+iio' tpaapatetad e5OT1S D1t3000ti1'ED Drafts laansd. Interest allowed n deposl e The McKillop Martto><ell Fire Insurance eo. esarer aid isolated .Totes IPrstiF orty Only immuredi Dead Office—e9eatortlt. Olt M Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; its. Brans, Beechwood, Vice-Presldept. Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary, Treasurer. Agents Alex. Leitch, No. t, Clinton; 54wee® Hineriley, Seafbrth; Wm. ,Ciumney, Eg neondville; J. W. Yeo, Geterlck; Jarmuth, Brodhagen. ` Directors Wan. Rion, No. 2, Senora; Joka Baa. newels, Bredbagen; idem Evade, Stook. weed; M. Melwan, Clinton; ,>atal■ra Connolly, ,ilrlsierlch: D. 5. M.Oreger ltd. 3, Ssatortb; J. G. Grieve, No, 4 'tJatton; Robert Pauli, Rowlock; cies Me®artne, No. 3. Sealer*. Canada Leads all Countries! Holland flet per capita Switzerland - 13c. ” England 64c. France 74c. United States $2.73 Canada $4.OQ If these figures applied to production we would have evrey reason to be proud—but they do not. They show the per capita FIRE LOSS in six Countries. i We talk of THRIFT and yet largely through CARE- LESSNESS we burned up 115,673,240.00 worth of Met chandise, Building and Food Stuffs in Ontario last year. individual responsibility rest upon the citizens of On- tario to do their part in preventing this terrible waste of our substance. What is burned is irretrievably lost. Take an active part in making a success of • ,i u di id {1 Eire Prevention Oay---Octeher Ninth CLEAN Up ONTARIO EINE PiREVENTION LEAGUE, inc. Affiliated with Ontario fire Marshal's Office Parliament Buildings, Taranto YEORhE 1F". LEWIS, 'Sec. -'frees, .54,505, WN...• c PnhnwW n4 ur WMMpLA yN ,