HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-10-2, Page 3Established 186$, Vol. 54, No. 14 H 9 LINT N W. H. Kerr Bc Son, Editors and Publishers. . CLINT O.NTAR1O, THURSDAY OCTOBER, 2nd,'1919. . 0 Clinton is Headquarters' for 'V' Loan in Hur Offices Now Opened up in the Normandie Hotel - Organiza- tion Will Start at'Once. • The objective for Huron .County in the coming Victory Loan Campaign has been set at $2,700,000, This announcement ,avas 'made this, morning by Mr. M. J. Torrance, of Toronto, who will. be in charge of rounded into shape and definite an- nouncement as to the other District 'Chairmen will be announced shortly. The objective as set this year, is slightly less than of last year. A year ago the objective was placed at $2,750, 000 and the County went over with a total of $3,479,000, Although the actual fighting is , over there is still a great burden cif ex- pense to be met and it i s just as the County organization wank, assist -('important that Canadians should not ed by Mr, K. B. F. Smith, also of Tor- fail at this time, as it was during the Mine of actual fighting. It is under - onto, who will have charge of the pub -!stood that the general plan of the licity end of the organization, it being 1 campaign will be similar fic that of the rplan of the government. to send former years and citizens should re - two men into each County this year. ! gard this anneal with as much serious - The local organization is being ness as any previous appeal. ' Centre HuronLADIES' DAY WESLEY CHURCH Tile Centre Huron Liberal Associa- tion will hold a Convention at Cardno's Hall, Seaforth,,on Monday October 6th, 1919, at 1 o'clock p.m., to select a candidate to contest the Riding in the approaching Provincial Election. Women are equally as eligible as »ren for delegates and are cordially in- . vited to attend. • Jas. L. Killoran, M. Murdie, Secreary. President. CaCI.NEWS '. • • * * * • * • ' The Students of the C. C. 1. had a half holiday Wednesday afternoon last in honour of• the two scholarship stu- dents Mr. L. McKay, of Hensel) and Mr. J. R. Taylor, of Stanley, who made such a record for Clinton Collegiate. These two students were up,at school and were presetned with fountain, pens during the afternoon. A fine afternoon of sports was spent by the students, baseball, basket ball, and tennis being indulged in by many. A gdod program of various kinds of races was also run off. • There is, a very large attendance at the Collegiate this year and all the rooms are filled,„, There will be a half -holiday on Friday as quite a'nurm- ber of students will. be going down to Seaforth. The Seaforth Colegiate ate holding their sports day. Both boys and girls have organized Athletic Association this year. A Commencement will be held this year. I.thas been some years since The C, C. • L hag had one, The Annual Field Day and At Home will be held on October 10th. This is sure to be •a big day for the students. And this Victory Loan this Fall. Buy Victory Bonds. The soldiers have given -you roust lend. Twenty Billions of National Wealth behind the Victory Loan 1919. There were special services in Wes- ley Church on Sunday last, it being Women's Day. This was the first time this service has been held but It is hoped it will begome an Annual event. At the morning service Mrs. (Rev.) Graham, of Stratford, wife of the Presi- dent of London Conference, gave a wonderful address urging the' women to greater service. She told of the story of Esther in a charming way and in conclusion pointed out some of the opportunities for Mission work ltrought about by the war. A fine choir' of ladies led the singing as wen as singing several choruses. Mrs. D. M. McCamus presided at the morning service, Miss Washington ,led in prayer. Interesting accounts of the work of the Ladies' Aid Socitey and W. M. S. were given by Mrs. Mason and Miss Bessie Porter, the presidents of those societies. All the ladies were aistrongly urged to become members of hese Societies if not already 'joined and help in the good work. The les- son for the morning was read by Mrs. Chant. The ushering and( taking up of the collection was looked after by the Misses Ward and Stone and girl assigt- ants. Minor Loeah•" October. Council meets next Monday evening, $ Day was a big success on Tues- day, . q,• i e,;.a Are you reading our new story "North of '53." It only started last is- sue, The 'advertising for the new Canadian Loan commenced this week. e Thanksgiving Day in October 13th and also Nomination Day for the Ont- ario election. The Fall Fairs will be concluded in this vicinitythis week when Dungan- non Fair will close on Friday, The School Fair is the coming show. The first one for Clinton District on Tuesday was a decided success. ,Sunday was an ideal day and the motor cars were numerous on the high ways. Liberal Meeting e In Cun.dil Chamber on Thursday Ev'g. At Eight O'clock To organize for the corning Provincial Election and Appoint Delegates to attend Convention at Sreaforih on _ onday, Oct. 6t i Ladies are especially invited to attend this meeting., •2 is 9 as �M Taggart is 'V' Lo .ati:nt Drive Chairman Prince Says Good' -Bye to Quebec at C. P. R. Station. School Fair a Success respite the fain Despite the bad weather an Tues- day the first School Fair for Clinton and the District Rural School, was a decided success, and the showing. of the various lines in the prize lists were excellent. Some of the fall fairs could not touch the collection of poultry that was shown here on Tuesday. Those who had the working out of the fair should not be disheartened but go right ahead for next year and we hope the 'weather Than will be more generous, with the fine weather, that the rest of the week had: Following is the list of the 'prize- winners, both in Clinton and the Rural schools, Outside Schools. GRAIN -Oats, Sheaf, O.A.' ., ..o. 72, 1, Wm, Livingston, No.1, Hullett; 211d, Joe, Hugill, No.1, Hullett;. 3rd, Wrn. Glew, No.2, Hullett. Grain -1, Win, Livingston, 1, Hullett 2, Wnr. Glew, No.1, Hullett. Wheat, Marquis, sheaf -1, Charlie Snell, No.2, Hullett.; 2, Herbert Vodden 5, Hullett; 3, Jno. Riley, 4, Mullett; 4th, Ernest Bateman, 1,. Stanley. Grain -1, C. Snell, 2, Hullett; 2, Her bent Vodden; 5, Mullett; 3, F. Flynn, 2, Mullett; 4, E. Bateman, 5, Stanley. Barley, O.A.C. No. 21, sheaf- 1, Ruth, Dale, No.2, Mullett. Field Peas-1,'Emma J. Mann, No. 1 Hullett; 2, Malcolm McFarlane, 1, Stan- ley; 3, Elgin Josling, 4, Mullett; 4, E. 13_rosdn, 5, Hullett. Garden Peas, -1, Marjorie Bateman, 1, Stanley. Corn-Croanpton's Early -i, J, E. Johnson, 6, Tuckersmith; 2, Frank Dale 2, Mullett; 3,•• Edwin Cartwright, 4, Hullett.. Corn -Golden Bantam -1, Ida Josl- ing, 4, Mullett; 2, Stanley Shobbrook, 2, Hullett; 3, Ebner Townsend, 6, Tuck ersmith, Roots and Vegetables. Green Mountain -1, Mary Flynn, 2, Hullett; 2, Chas, Brown, 5, Hullett; 3, Mary E. Manns, 1, Hullett; 4, Bernard Bateman, 1, Stanley, Irish . Cobbler. -1, Bella I•tunter, 2, Hullett; 2, Ernest Dale, 1, Mullett; 3. Hugh Radford, 5, Hullett; 4, Josephine Mann, 2, Mullett, Mangels, single -'1, Jas, Landsboro, ' 6, Tuckersmith; '2, Harry Verner, 2, Mullett; 3, Jno. A, McGregor, 1, Stan- ley. Mengel, 5.-A, Shanahan, 2, Hullett; 2, Jas, Landsboro, 6, Tuckersmith; '3, Walter If, Corey, 1, Stanley; 4, Jno. A. McGregor, 1, Stanley. 'turnips, Single -1, Lloyd Medd, 4, 'Hullett; 2, Eddie, Radford, 5, Mullett. Turnip, 5---1, Herbert Reynolds, 2, Mullett; 2, Lloyd Medd, 4, Mullett; 3, Mabel Corey, 1, Sarney; 4, Willie Stevens, 5, Mullett. 'Beets -t, Percy Gibbings, 5, Mullett; 2, Jas. Landsborough, 6, Tuckersmith; 3, Ida Josling, 4, Mullett; 4, Elsie Lan- desborough, 6, Tuckersmith. 'Carrots ---t, Elliott Layton, 6, Tuck- • ersmifh- fintlett;'5, Stanley,-Sliobbr.00k; :2, Flui- Onions-•1, Josephine Mann, 2, Hui- left ' lett. S Manual Training Patsnips-1, Warren . Gibbings, 5, I Hammer Handle -Percy Gibbons, 2, Hallett; 2; Fergus Wright, 1, Hallett; 3 Iliullett; 2, Beit White, 6, Tuckersmith; Wm. Livingston, 1, .Hullett; 4, Gertie 3, Ernest Dale, t Hullett; 4, Joe. Hugill Tunrney, 5, Hewlett, 1, Hullett; 5, Donald'Dale, 1, Hullett. Poultry. Milking Stool -1, Hugh Radford, 5, Cockerel -Ernest Bateman, Joseph= Mullett; 2, Gordon McMichael, 1, Hul- ine Brennan, 'Josephine Mann; Jean Mc 'lett; 3, Dean Brennan, 2, Hullett; 4, Ewan, Hazel Potter, Percy Gibbon, 5, Mullett, Pullet -Josephine Brennan, Jean Mc- Hand -made Bqx-i, Geo. Glazier, 1, Ewen, Hazel Potter, Warren Gibbings, Mullett. Allen Johns. Rope ,Halter -t, Stewart Hall, 1, Hul- Pen of three-Hsnzel. Potter, Joseph- lett; 2, Edwin Cartwright, 4, Mullett; 3, ine Mann, Dora Vodden, Audrey Carter, Jack,Hugill, 1, Hullett; 4, Gordon Mc - Jean McEwen. Michael, 1, h[ullett, Pen from Home flock -Torp. Flynn, Elmer Townsend, Audrey Carter, Mal - 'coin) McFarlane, Donald Glenn. White Eggs -Audrey Carter, Mal- colm McFarlane, Fergus Wright, Jos. Hugill, Elmer Townsend. Brown Eggs -Audrey Carter, Stewart Dale, Fred Vodden, Joseph Hugill, Percy Gibbings. Live Stock • Spring Colt -Wm. Livingston, Robt. McMichael. Spring Lamb -Audrey Carter, Don- ald Glew. Nature Study Weeds -1, Florence Knox, 4,.Hullett 2, John McGregor, 1, Stanley. Weed Seeds -4, Mary Mann and Ernest Dale, 1, Hullett; 2, Edwin Cart- wright, 4, Hullett; 3, Geo. Glazier and Wilfrid Glazier, t, Mullett, 4, Eleanor McEwen, 1, Stanley. Insects -H. Quigley, 2, Hullett Insect injuries -1, Malcolm McFar- lane, 1, Stanley, Leaves -Mary Riley, 4, Hullett; 2, Domestic Science. Bread, White -1, Ella Wright, No.,} Hullett; 2, ida Josling, 4, Hullett; 3, Elsie Landsborough, 6, Tuckersmith; 4 Dora Vodden, 5, Hallett, , Muffins -1, ,Elsie Landesborough, 6 Tuckersmith; 2, Agnes Adams, t, Hul- lett; 3, Agnes Wright, 5, Hullett; 4, Evelyn Gibbings, No. 5, Mullett. 'Cookies -1, Elsie Landesborough, 6 Tuckersmith; 2, Laura Snell, ,5 Hullett , Etta Wright, 1; 4, Lillian GI'ew, 2 Buns -1 Flossie Mero, 1 Hullett; 2, Etta Wright; 3, Dora Vodden 5; 4, Elsie Landesborough. Tarts -1, Ruth Shobrook, 2; 2, Elsie Landesborough; 3, Annie Hunter No.2 4, Grace Ashton, Apple Pie -Etta Wright, t; Charity Wiright, 2; 3, Grace Gibbings; 6, 4,EIsie Londesborough, 6. Jar Preserves -t, Etta Wright 1; 2, Mary Cartwright 4; 3, Mary Flynn 2; Ruth Dale 2, ' Home made Candy -1, Willie Wright Mary Cartwright, 4, Hullett; 3, Anna 1;, Evelyn Gibbings 5; 3, Mary ,Flynn Flynn, 2, Hullett; 4, Dean Brennan; ,2, 2; 4, Gladys Freema9',1, Hullett. School lunch -Irene Corey, 1; 2, Woods -Tommy Walters, 4, Hullett; Elia Wright, °l, 2, Donald Glen, 1, Stanley; 3, Frank Fowler, 1, Mullett; 4, Ernest Bateman, f, Stanley., Drawings, Art and Writing. Map of Huron, Myrtle Dale, 1, Hut. lett; 2, Flossie Mero,- 1, Hullett, Map of Ontario -1, Janes Landes- boro, 6, Tuckersmith; Edwin Johns, 6 Tuckersnnith, Patch -t, Agnes Wright, 1; 2, Lil- lian Glew, 2; 3, Pearl Mero, 1;4, Myrtle Dale. Henstitched Handkerchief -1, Agnes Wright, 1; 2, Margaret Flynn, 2. . Plain handsewing--!,Agues Wright, 1; 2, Florence Rorks; 3, Josephine Brennan. Darning -Laura Snell, 5; 2, Lillian Map of Canada -1, Kathleen Living Glew,2; 3, Mary Menn, 5; 4,.Gladys stun, 1, Mullett; 2, Hall Parnham, No, t Freetnan,t. Hullett; 3, Donald Dale, 2, Hullett; 4, Crocihet Work -1, H. Quigley, 2; Ruth Dale, 2, Mullett; 5, George Glazier 2, Margaret Brown, 5; 3, Mary Flynn, 1, Hullett, 1 2; Evelyn Gibbings,5. Drawing Animal -1, Albert Holoway, Flowers. 5, Mullett; 2, Ernest Bateman, 1, Sian ley; 3, Wm. Glew, 2, Fluileti• 4, H. Quigley. 2, Mullett; 5, Anna Flynn, 2, Hullett. • 'Writing --5, Kathleen Livittratrr, 1, Hullett; 2, Mary E. Mann, 1, Mullett; 3 Elmer 'Townsend, 6, Tuckersmith; 4, Tena Ptynn, 2, Mullett; 5, Donald Dale, 1, Hullett, Writing -1, Joseph Hugill, 1, Hullett •2, Laura Snell, 5, Mullett; 3, M ,a•ga'et Brown, 5, Hullett; 4, Annie llnn ter, 2, Aster=l, Charity Snell; 2, Edwin Cartwright; 3, Elsie Landsborough; ' 4, Lillian Glew, • Sweet Peas-1,Lioyd Meno; Norma Snell, Plox-•-ids Josling. Monne Garden - Bouquet -1, Wm. Glew, 2, Agnes Wright; 3,Hugh Red- ford; '4, Frank Dalt, The Clinton Prize List will be Pub• liahed next week, Accepts Invitation of Minister of Finance to Act in This Capacity. ---W.P. Littlewood, is Secretary for the Drive: . Mr. G, D. McTaggart has been re- quested by the Minister of Finance to accept the otiice‘of chairman of the county organization in connection with the coming victory loan drive and he has expressed his willingness to ac- cept the office. Mr, McTaggart is well fitted for the office. Country Registrar Coats, of Gode. rich, has been the Chairman, for the ofseees•a .>mass.•seose is • WITH TBR CHPRCII.RS. • t» * 4astoolosi00•••••••00•0 Salvation Army The Salvation Army Stratford. Band is conning to Clinton for the week -end October 11th, Saturday night. A great Musical Festival will be held at 8 P. m. Baptist Church Special Rally Day service at 11 a.la1. All Scholars and, parentts and friends invited, 'i'wo short addresses and spec- ial program. 7 p.m, -Tire Pastor's subject "Per- sonal Liberty." Wesley Church ,.a° The Rev, R. B. Stevenson, M. A., of Stratford, Field Secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance is appointed to preach in Wesley Church on Sunday evening, October 5th. The Pastor will preach next Sunday morning. Rev. Eric Anderson, of Bayfield, preached very acceptably at the even- ing service. The annual Sunday School Rally ser- vice was held in the afternoon, , Ontario Street Church The Rev. Mr. Stevenson, of the Lord's Day Alliance will preach in the' Ontario Street church in the morning. The Epworth League members will attend the House of Refuge on Monday evening next. A week from Monday night the Ep- worth League will give another very i.nterelting and instructive "Travel- ogue." Next Sunday the annual Rally Day of the Sunday School will be held at 2,30 in the afternoon, ,Rev. Mr. R. J. Mc- Cormick, of Blyth, will address the meeting. I Services next Sunday at the usual hours. In the morning Rev. Steven son, of Stratford, will speak i.the' in terests of the Lord's pay Alliance. In the evening Rev, Mr. 'McCormick will preach. Last Sunday afternoon addresses were presented to Alvin K. Leonard and Erskine Evans from the teachers' and Sunday School `expressing sorrow for losing them as members of 4he teaching staff of the Sunday School and wishing them success in their work at University. Mr. Toni hardy read the letter. other\Victory Loans, and is given a rest after the wonderful success he bad lu the other Loans. tie is acting as Hon- orary Chairman. Mr. W, P. Littlewood will be Secre- tary for the big drive. The Officers Are: - Chairman -Mr. G. D, McTaggart Viee-Chairman -Lt.-'Col, H. T. Rance. Organizer -M. J. Torrance Assistant Organizer -K, B. F. Smith Secretary -W. P. Littlewood • Processional Hymn, "On our way Re- joicing" 382. Proper Psalms, =148, 150. Chants 174,'2. Festal Responses, , Cantate Domino. 78 Deus Misereatur, 87. Hymn 348. Hymn,: 324. Sermon, Canon G. Hili. Offertory Anthem, "Come ye thank- ful people come." H. R. Shelley. Vesper, "Now Father we commend,". Recessional, "Andnbw `thin holy day.", Tune Quam Dilecta. 52. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. Jas. Ernest, of Detroit, was a visitor with his cousins, Messrs. John and George Tebbutt. It is 37 years since he' bas visited on the Maitland concession. He is a native of the town ship. Had, Newest Guess. Mrs.Frank Glew had the nearest guess as to the weight of the pumpkin in Johnson & Co.'s window on Fair day. Her guess was 47 pounds and the right weight was 52•%4. ` Had a Merry Time • South Huron Conservatives Ask Pert Questions to the Nominees. 1' Resigning after 211 years in the Ont- ario ntario Legislature, Henry Eilber; M.P.P. made his valedictory to the Conserve - gives of South Huron. He was re - St. Paul's Church Special services Harvest Thanksgiv- ing, Sunday, Oct. 5111. Morning Prayer. Processional Hymn: "Come ye thank ful people" 346. ' Communion Service. Hymn 344. o Sermon, Canon G. Hill. Offertory Anthem, "0 be joyful in the Lord." Hymn, 630. Evening Prayer. ' ofd.: ss t Town nominated at the Conservative Conven- tion in the town hall, rlensell on -,Friday afternoon, bur•deoiined to let his name stand, 'pleading pr•esspre of private af- fairs. Fred. Ellerington, of •' Usborne townhip was given the Conservative dominat- ion. Following tthe re- election of °officers of the .a4sodiatfon, 'the (following were placed"in nomination for candidates: Mr. Eilber, Mr. G. C. Petty, Hensall; `t>t^f Fred Elleriugtog, Usborne; W,H. Lobb, Goderich Township; W. R. Elliott Stephen; H. K. Eilber, Cre- diton; Mrs,, S. Fitton, Exeter; and Wm. Consist, Hay Township. Petty and Lobb dropped out after the first and second ballot respectively leaving Mr. Elliott and Mr. Ellerington in the running. Then somebody asked questions regarding some of them go- ing to Ottawa about the exemption of the farmer's sons, and the fun started. The vote was Elliott 67, and Eller- ington 8, and on Mr, Elliott's notion the vote was made unanimous. Mr. Either addressed tlhe'couyrention briefly,. rendum ting11, Clinton Tuesday, 7 °a Wit . 7th Cant. ADDRESSES BY e � e a��� r P of 11 an Ron ANI.) OTHERS. . 1 A Representative of the Citizens' Liberty League is Invited.