HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-9-25, Page 8PAGE
,'fn.'•.,wf'rki41 '^",',.115 •
When Y
u Are in Town A tenth
The Sa cls°f Fair
Values Wre Offering
Dry Goods and House
Phone 67
Next Royal Bank
Custom Tailoring
Men's Furnishing
Phone 1013,
Opposite Public Library
• The Undersigned is now entering
the coal business and 'asks for a share
of the public business.
All orders may be left, for the pre-
sent at my residence on Huron St.
Terms -Strictly Cash --Phone 156.
Trains Gain= North
11.17 a.m. 6.40 p. m.
Train. Going South •
8.20 a,m. 4.15 p. m.
Trains Going Fest
6.33 a.m. 2.52 p. m.
Trains Going West
11.11 A. M. 5.45 p.
11.0$ p. a.
<; 5562,PtB01ri •?.(t)00004elA0en
Baptist Church
Services next Lord's Day at the usual
hour, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Morning Subject, The Christian Ath-
Evening Subject, "A Glimpse Into
the Hereafter."
Willis Chords
Next Sunday is Rally Day for the
Sunday School. Special exercises of
music and addresses will be held in the
church at half past two.
The pastor's subjects for Sunday are:
Morning -"The High 'Calling pf
Christian Service." Evening --"Life at
its Best."
Wesley Church
Sunday, Sept, 28 th is Women's An-
niversary in the Wesley church, Clin-
ton Mrs. (Rev.) W. H. Graham, of
Stratford, will deliver the address at
11 a,m. All parts of the service will
be under the direction of the women.
of the congregation.
At 7 p.m., Rev. Eric Anderson will
What is it? Well it is a day that we will try to give you.
a little more for your Dollar. So come along with your Dollar
or Dollars and Help make the School Fair a success.
Make our store your Headquarters for Day where we will
try and give you extra Goods for your Dollar. Below we
give a List of our Money Saving Prices at Special Cash Price.
Pure Laundry soap, 3
bars for 20c 16 bars
for $1.00
Gold Comfort and Sun-
ny Monday, 1 t for 1.00
Bonnie Bright, Kitchen
Cleanser, 3 cans for 25c
Toro Tablet,•no rubbing
6 for 25a.
Patin Olive Soap, 3 cakes
for 29c, 12 cakes for
The weight of Pump-
kin shown in our Wind-
ow on Show Day. We
offer 1st and 20d prizes
'for correct or nearest
weight. Persons making
purchases at our store
on Show Day only en-.
titled to a Guess..
Goods, on Dollar Day,
special onlysold for
1 cash, Eggs and Butter
i taken as cash.
Special Blend, reg 50c
for 45c ,pk.
Royal a Blend Reg.60c
for 55c per lb., 5 lbs.
for $2.65
Quality, Blend, Reg. 70c,
for 65; 2 lbs. for 1.25
5 tins Pork and Beans
for $1.00
12 lbs„ Cooking Onions
for 1:00
Come in and see us no matter whether you buy or not, just make•
yourself at home at our store.
Metal Work
T. Hawkins
Phone 83
Agent for HECLA Furnace.
Shop -Over Itowland's hardware
Piping And rittings Alwtvays On
The Corner Grocery
Tuesday Sept 30
Sunday School Rally service at 2.30
p. m.
Ontario ,Street Church
Ten car loads of young people of the
Seaforth Epworth League ivere enter-
tained by members of Ontario St. Lea-
gue last Monday evening and a splen-
did social time was spent by everyone.
The basement was tastefully decorated
with cut flowers and autumn leaves.
Mr. F. S. Savauge presided over the
program which was given by the visit-
ing league. .A very interesting illus-
trated address on The retreat 'from
Mons"' was given by Rev. (Capt.)
Edwards, which was replete with in-
formation on that phase of the war.
Miss Bristowe, who acted as pianist,
played an instrumental, Mrs. Edwards
sang a solo and a male quartette sang
twice, After a few words from Mr.
Anderson a very dainty ]tfncheon of
sandwiches, cake and coffee was served.
Clinton League will pay a retort)' visit
in the near future.
The Christian Endeavor, will be in
charge next Monday night. The pro-
posed visit to the House of Refuge was
postponed on account of the absence o
the Matron who is having her holidays
A Missionary travelogue will be give
on Missionary night next month. Thi
will be a splendid entertainment.
The Clinton Evaporator has tom
menced operations:
-The Minister of Education is ask
ing school principals to aid in publicit
work for the coming Loan.
Centre Huron Liberals .will meet in
Seaforth on Friday, October '6411 to se
lett a candidate for the,Oeitario Legis
• latiire. ' .
Kidney Disease
No one can be healthy Vith the
kidneys in a diseased or disordered
state. The poisonous uric acid which
it is their duty to filteer out of the blood
is carried into the system, and produces
all kinds of kidney troubles, such as
backache, vfeak, lame or aching back
rheumatism, swelling of the feet and
ankles, urinary disorders, bladder troubles,
headaches, etc., and unless these are
attended to promptly, eelious complica-
omplicrtions are sure to arise and perhaps'de-
velop into dropsy, diabetes, Bright's
diseases or other serious kidney trouble.
Mrs. Abel Corkum, oast Berlin, N.B.,
writes: -"I was a great eufierer from
kidney disease, headache and constipa-
tion. The .trouble was of a dropsical
nature as my lege would swell up and I
could ecarcely walk. The doctor did
not seem to help me, so I started to use
Doan's Kidney Pills. It took abotat five
boxes to effect a complete cure, 'and I
am satisfied that the cure is thorough."
Doan', Kidney Pills are 60e. a , box
at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt
of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
We are expecting both at Brucetield
and Clinton, some of the new kind of
coal in stove size Briquettes. Try a
load of this, as we can assure your
entire satisfaction, besides coming a
little cheaper. We also stock the fol-
lowing at Clinton: -
EBONY CUBE. The. Cannel de Luxe.
SOFT COAL, 3 jun. and up Belmont
Pea Coal• $1.00 cheaper than outer
a CANADA CEMENT, The standard ar-
$1. Purchase
1 Cake Pahl Olive Soap
$2. Purchase
2 Cake Palm Olive .Soap
$3. or over Purchase.
3 Cake Palin Olive Soap
Sugar and Flour not included,
E. E. ilw nlford
oma kt3'
Accounts may be paid, and orders
left at Wiftsie's grocery store.
At Brucetield:•--
in both hard and soft woods. B.C.
SHINGLES Selling at less than to-
day's cost price,
FIBRE BOARD cheaper and better
than lath and plaster,
SAUTEING COAL our famous klean-
Also Carmel, Soft Coal, and Canada
We do not want all the business, but
we would like to have yours.
alio: B. MUSTARD'
Clinton &
)ill uco#elti.
Phone for Clinton No, 74,
Plicae for frucefldld 11 on 638,
'T'hur'sday, September, 29th, 1919,
Local News
6AMMAM . fes. ' A -,, `k>
Mr, Harvey George Seeker was un-
ited Ui marriage last Tuesday to Miss
Marie, youngest slaughter of Mr, told
Mrs, Sigmund Emel, of Carrick Town-
ship, near Walkerton, They will.' re-
side in Clinton. - •-
Auction Sale Bills
Now that the auction sale season
is at hand, let us say that The New Era
dons nut canvass for orders to print
auction sale bills, but we are in a posi-
tion to give our people the best of
Buys Linotype
The Mitchell Advocate, owned by
Mr, H. D. Davis, has followed the lead
of other up-to-date papers by purchas-
ing a Linotype, We congratulate Mr.
Davis on the evidences of expanding
business, which Inas - outgrown ulchfac-
iliftes. The Seaforth News has been
using a Linotype for Solna three weeks
Moving To Mitchell
Mithcell Recorder: -Mr. Wm. Jago,
merchant tailor, of Clinton was a VIM. -
10r in town, on Monday.' He is pre-
paring to open up a tailoring establish-
ment In the rooms in the market block
formerly occupied by Dr. McGiII as
dental roams and expects to open next
week. He -will move his family to
town as soon as Ise can secure a dwell-
Finders Are Not Keepers
The person who finds An article and
retains it after it has been advertised
for, is in the eyes of the Law, as well
as of morals, as guilty as a person who
commits a deliberate theft. More-
over the person who finds a thing of
any value and does not make an effort
to find the owner is dishonest, Keep-
ing a thing you find, when the owner
may be discovered is as bad as steal-
ing it.
Given Charge of District
W. E. Kelly, secretary of the Chil-
dren's Aid Society, London, has been
appointed an inspector for the district,
under the provisions of the children's
protection act. In this position Mr.
Kelly will have . power to visit not
only the wards of the 'Children's Aid
Society in their foster homes, but all
children placed with foster parents in
this district by any society.
What the "Post" Thinks
Brussels Post: --Only 2 pupils at-
tending the Model School at Clinton
this season. It is not much wonder if
there should be a falling off as the offi-
cial red tape tying up the would be tea-
cher after term is completed before a
position can be obtained is crazy in ex-
treme. The certificate should permit
the student to run his chance for a
school with the rest of the applicants
or else the school should be wiped
out altogether, The lawis a humbug
at present, and a stumbling block to
the teacher and an annoyance to the
trustees. The Education Department
should effect a change.
Dies Suddenly In London
Mrs. T. J. Guyner dietvery sudden-
ly at her home, 69 Forward Avenue,
London,. Friday. She was 54 years of
age and in perfect health until a cou-
ple of days ago, when she complained
of feeling ill. Deceased was born in
Toronto and had been a resident of
that city nearly all her life. Besides
her husband, she is -=survived by three
sons, William, Arthur and Gordon,
and two daughters, lone and Thede.
One brother is J, P. Dyer, of Winnipeg,
a former Free. Press man, and a sister,
Mrs, Albert Glazier, lives in Clinton.
The funeral was of .a private native
and interment was made In Mount
Pleasant Cemetery.-
Grand -Daughter Married '
The Wingham Times : reports the
wedding of Miss Brownie Swartz,
grand -daughter of Mr. Swarts,
of town and niece of Mrs. Clara Rum -
ball: -A happy . event' took placeat
the home of Mrs. J. E. Swarts,v Minter
Streeto at 10 clock o Monde mdrn-
ng, when her daughter, Miss Brownie
Swarts was united in .wedlock to Mr.
R. H. King, of town. . The cerenony
was performed' by Rev. Horace W.
Snell, only the immediate relatives and
friends of the young couple being pre-
sent. The bride was' married in her
travelling suit, and was the receplent
of numerous beautiful and costly pre-
sents. Mr. and. Mrs. King left in the
afternoon on a motor trip. The
Times most heartilly joins with numer-
ous friends in wishing the young cou-
ple many years of happy wedded life.
Meeting of War Veterans.
A large and representative meeting
of War Veterans was held in the Rooms
of Clinton Branch of. G. W. V. A., on
Saturday last, to decide upon a plan of
organization for the County of Huron
War Veterans to attend the reception
to His Royal Highness the Prince of
Wales at London on October 23rd. A
delegation from the Landon Committeewas present to give information in the
persons of Major Gregory, Capt. Wid-
defield, Capt. Dunby and Lieut. Wood-
ward. it was decided to make a big
effort to organize a large contingent
froHuron consisting of all War Vet-
erans in this County. A Committee
was named from each centre to which
ail Veterans willing to attend will not-
ify the several 'Chairman at once, The
Committee is as follows:-
Seaforth--ltlnjor Hays, Sgt. Thos,
Wingham-Lt, McLean, Sergt. For-
bes, Sergt. Fixture.
Exeter -Major ifeaman, Sgt. Gant -
Goderith - Major Dunlop, Capt.
Sturdy, Sergt. James•
Blyth -Capt, Sloan, Harry Johnston,Brussels-S•ergt,-Major Burchill,
Londesboro-Frank Brown,
Wroxeter -Lt. Black, Sgt, Nash,
Clinton -Lt. -Col. Combo, Lt. -Col,,
Rance, Pies, Ford, Cook.
Colborne Twp,, -Capt, Hethering-
Had A Poor Day
Seaforth Fair had tt poor day on Fri
say last, -
A New Coroner in HuronAr. Alexander McLeod, of Wroxeter,
las been appointed a Coroner in Huron
Baby Dead
Tainfant soli of Mr. and Mrs, Jas.
Doherty passed away Wednesday and
the funeral will take place to -day. in-
terment made In Clinton Cemetery,
mproving Garage
Jar, Bart ;Levis is Improving his
Chevrolet Garage. Ile nos taken out
he board floor, filled au the cellar anti
vitt put itcement floor in,
40 Hours Devotion •
The forty hours devotion in St. Jos-
eph's Church was observed on Sunday
Monday and Tuesday. Rev. Fr. Fallon,
of Winghant, teas assisting Rev, Fr.
Little Damage Vet
A light frost, has appeared several
evenings during the past week, but
hough it was quite visible in the
mornings, on the lawns and gardens, it
did almost n0 damage.
A band composed of Veterans will ac-
company the Contingent, 30 strong. A
half fare is expected to be obtained on
the railroad and a special Win leav-
ing London about 10 pan,. The'Conm-
mittee is very anxious the good Old
County of Huron Will be weft repre-
sented as the Ladies of London will
furnish fuiielt at Carilug's Heights at
4Y! tats', w.i•'1<( ,,.1.>�
W. C. T. U.
The W. C, T. U. will meet in the
Lecture room of Ontario Street Church
this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock.
All women interested in the Referen-
dum vote are invited to attend .
Buys Property
Mr. Biggins; of Huron Street, has
purchased the •desireable property of
Mr. J. W. Moore, Rattenbury street,
and gets possession next month, This
will mean the removing of Mr. and
Mrs. Moore, to Goderich, as Mr. Moore
has employment there.,
Friday Should Have Been the 13th
Friday afternoon a gust of wind blew
shut the door at Mr, Ford's Feed store
and smash went the glass. Mr. Ford
had hardly the glass picked up, when
the door next to him of Johnson' and
Churchill blew shut and No. 2 window
was broken into a thousand pieces.
Storekeepers had better watch their
doors these days.
Seaforth Picture House
Every motion picture fan should
see the two great attractions at the
Strand Theatre, Seaforth, next week,
On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday,
"Douglas Fairbanks" will be shown in
"He comes Up Smiling", and on Friday
and Saturday afternoon and evening,
the greatest sensation of the year
"Mickey" which just finished a sixteen
week engagement in the Grand Theatre
Toronto will be presented,
Mrs. W, J. Stevenson Dead
The death occurred on Monday
morning of Clara Fisher, wife of W. J
Stevenson, of Clinton at the home of
her sister-inlaw, Mrs. A. Stevenson,
in Stratford. The late Mrs.
Stevenson had been sick for almost two
years but it was not until May that her
condition was serious. Asthma and
hay fever were the cause of her death.
She came to Stratford ' about a week
ago thinking it would benefit her
health but instead of improving she
got worse. She leaves to mourn her
loss besides her husband one sister
and five brothers. Her mother and
brother died about a year ago. Her
sister is .Mrs. Selwood, of Napinka,
Manitoba and her brothers are Wil-
liam Fisher, of Algoma, Albert of
Howewood, Manitoba, James of New-
castle, Emerson, of Ottawa, Earnest of
California. The funeral was held on
Wednesday afternoon from the resi-
dence of A. Stevenson, to Avondale
Cemetery were intertnent took place.
Rev. Robt, Martin, D. D., of Knox
church officiated, - The funeral . was
largely attended. The bearers were,
Messrs. W. J, Nediger, A. J. Morrish,
C. J. Wallis, Thos. Cattle, Wm. Bry-
done and Fred Jackson, all of Clinton.
Among those who attended the fun-
eral were Mrs. A. J, Morrish, Mrs.
Nediger, Mrs. Wallis and Miss Gertrude
and Dr. Shaw.
Have you got your coal in yet?
Remember the; School Fair next
'Tuesday afternoon at the Park.
Asthe :days shorten the man whose
coal bin is filled regards with satisfac-
tion his forehandedness.
Quebec has found good roads a pay-
ing investment, and is preparing to
spend another $20,000,000 in highway
improvement; and yet there are people
in Ontario who talk on benighted Que-
bec. '
The Prince of Wales begins to ap-
preciate the aptness of the phrase "kill-
ed by kindness." It is evident that
those in charge of his visit have re-
garded his strength as equal to his will-
Why should a Canadian who fought
in the Imperial army during the war
be penalized inthe natter of, pension
and gratuity? He fought for the same
country under the same flag and is
back with us once more to continue
his Canadian citizenship.
Me WOKS b 0saE 1H1NEr-
1144 oo k NEED, NO MORE
UP INTO lir\ A-r•nc T' GA'YNGR
'rGRt.1.'E.lerlr %1st -Co DOLLARS. r -t
Fele A L'1i. 1MP',P5T Ab
The, Ui t tt r the Grde
Th Better her the Tr Mi,.de
This is our Watchword in cgnnection
9 '
We have them. --and You want them.
Enough Said. •
AWIZ Wa/'"... aaalr4ra..0^.L"r7:Y aataa13^tfm i 1111lAlbCG4i'+JL�F107.T.'..&+^.P',.-'7Sr AriM 27::5'c:%Ma:iYr,:rt17
The W. Lh. FAir
Often the cheapest-AIwtys the Best
NOW Open
Have a brand new equipment, right up
to the minute. No need to wait for
bright days as our lens are very fast.
Roy Bali
Phone 66,
Look at Our
$ Day Bargains
We are offering a special line of granite, aluminium and
75 Wall lamps, reg. $1.25 for - .$1.60
Special prices on electric shades.
Home made stovepipes and elbows.
A Tested Lens -
An Accurate Shutter
Simple Operation -----
Good Pictures ---
All these are assured when you purchase aKodak
Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We
have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you
how easy they are to use.
-We do developing and printing and guarantee good results--•
J 1 -10 -VM -Y"'
Deapeasing Chemist
The `Features of Our
tJ Furniture
To which we invite special attention,
are its beauty, Ile assured comfort, Re -
solid construction, and its below the,
usual priaes. Any one of these points
Would be snflieient to earn it your
preference, When they are all cont.,
bitted we feel sure you will realise
that tihie is a furniture httyhig oppoe'
tunity you cannot afford to ignore
,L117480 DUNFORD
t7ndertaker and EttitA'rni blreetor, laltone 28.
Motet and Suints, Calls answered fit Residence over store.