HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-9-11, Page 1Int
oar ,r"
• Established 1865., Vol, 54, No; 11 CLINTON, Q N T A R 1 0, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER, 11th, 1919. VV,HKerr &Sol, ~dto#ors and ticylern.
�.,� en New Subscilbr tiif uary 1920 Tor 5
wwb4,'®oVw�w WOrV'div'V'aFv+V'u'W+�dWW+VWi4aVvVVWVVVh�WMVO/VVVVVVW4CeG�CA fa a r e r r tF N n tF ..
� � ° white * MEN AND. EVENTS * ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW ;o 00000000000 o crpooao
;C IONTEEL PERFUME—A dainty marvel a€ refinement,
I r n •a s• s a a M, * * O g��y U
c p-�JONTEEit COMBINATION CREAM—Absolutely in a class Explains The liorticultur.tl Society will hold O Q� R THE T ACIJII O
by Itself, �`fq „ s their tau achy blower Show one Friday O O
u r, kt• =yy� and Saturdt next, iii the office fo Mlt O O O tj O O Q 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0
JONTEEL FACE POWDER—Expressly for those tvlto want
the best.
5+r, e nv fy rl. Stothers. f razes twill be given for al!
° za , classes of flowers. Mr. D, Eckniler was it Loudon an
JONTEEL TALCUM—You twill be satisfied with nothing else ��� y The cltirens are requested to enter Tuesday,
exhibits and to have theist at Mr, Stath-
r JONTEEL TOILET WATER—The best in the world, d en's otilee on Friday before 3 p, in, was a visitor le In
, The Society hopes to make this butt Sunday.
tt'tR an n rtr ,t� q ... Show one of the best in the history of
r t .7 wt ,,; h•.
the Society. Every member and eiti-
OF THE COLOSSAL WAR EXPEN. fst41�Y'"'ur�r. ..: '.•1 zea ettn help to matte it so,
w. S. .fir. TKO. a�? T1s Ph m. B.
l� �oya1 Bai
Incorporated 1869.
Capital and Reserve $ 31,000,000.
Total Assets 430,000,000
fl 576 Branches
A general banking business transacted. Interest paid
n Deposits. •
Safety Deposit Boxes to rent.
E. MANNING, GManager
Clinton Branch
Capital and Reserve $8,800,000.
Over 100 Branches
And pay your accounts by cheque. You avoid
the risk of carrying sums of money, and the
cheque is an absolute receipt. Interest allowed
on deposits.
Savings Department conducted on up-to-date system.
H. R. SHARP, Manager . : : Clinton Branch
ery tit
You Want is
That is One Big Advantage
of Coming Here for a Suit
Canada's financial achievements
during the war, her present posi-
tion and future problems were
lucidly described in an address
delivered by Sir Thomas White to
the Dominion' Executive, Victory
Loan, 1919, in Ottawa, a few days
ago as an introduction to the ap-
proaching campaign. for ,a .new
loan. The following gist of that
address has been distributed by
Canadian Press Association, Inc.:
Admiral Baron Beresford, died last Sat -
day night, while on a visit to the
.u. Duke of Portland at Langwell, Caith-
ness, s,otland. Death was due to
apoplexy. Admiral Beresford was 'the °atttrio Opposition, Honorary Vice -
1)r. J. W. Shaw
over , turd ay,
Rev, Alr. Saw'er, ,
in town on Monday,
Mr. Arthur 'Tyndall was a visitor at
• London fair this week.
Miss Mottle Biggins was a visitor at
London Fair this week,
Co. Constable Gundry, of Goderich,
p1�+ �A
was in town on Tuesday,
FOR ONTARIO_ Mr, and Mrs, Bert Langford were at
London Fair on 'Tuesday.
Created At Meeting Held At Toronto. was in town on. F. VWed Wednesday.
of Wingham,
Last Wednesday Mr, Frank Libby was a visitor at
London Pair on Wednesday.
Toronto, Sept, 4,—Ontario Liberals
created a new Provincial organization
at a meeting Wednesday in the Reform
Association office, 36 Toronto street,
Hon. W. L Mackenzie King, C. M. G.,
was elected Honorary President; Mr.
H. Hartley Dewart, K. C., Leader of
1n November last at the close of created a baron by King George to 1 President, and . Mr. A. C. Hardy, of
hostilities there was the greatest ap- the new year honors announced Dec- Brockville, President. In addition to
prehension in this country as 10 what amber 13, 1913. He assumed the its other duties the new Executive
might happen. There was .l title
pp v s 1 most a of Baron Beresford of Metemmeh will take over the work of the Re -
panic industrially. Tens of thousands and Cutrreghmore. form Association of Ontario, which
of people had been engaged in the war has conducted Provincial Liberal af-
industries, and if these industries were tional Railways an fair's for fifteen years. Six district
almost immediately closed the effect orders for steel railswfor gthe improve- extensive associations were represented at yes -
would be to tltroty out of employment ment and betterment of our roadAll terday's meeting, scomposed
tens of thousands of people who had Tlne nets Executive i le of
their families to maintain and at a time
riot eu live expenditures
the will
lltnen- three representatives duly elected
when the cost of living was bearing very g from each of the six District Liberal
heavily upon all. That was the situat- wilas a whole, and in the meantime, they meeting: --
Associations in Ontario, and the fol_
ion with which we were confronted workkwhotetisuld tnitherwise have been /owing were are'§ent at the McMillan,
November. Notwithstanding some Western Ontario: T. A9ci'4lianfr Sea_
criticism which we encountered, al- thrown out of employment. forth, Eastern Ontario: H. H. • Hor-
thou h it was
BRINGING determined that the Government must Then we have had thrown upon us
Ycarrying on to day. Until last fall we borrowed from Great
1 am quite satisfied that if the Govern- B•
ment had shut down and said "no more
large expenditures throughout the
country, no more credits," we should our troops in Great
have had an almost disastrous situat- Britain and on the continent. We did
ion. With the shutting down of busi- not have to find the money here in ad-
ness we would have had very „much dirion to the credits that we furnished
greater unrest and possibly civil dis- to Great Britain. They furnished that
orders throughout /he country, money to us in London, and to that
extent it was not a burden on Our fin-
ancing here. But with the bringing
or the men here during several months
petit we have had to bear the expense
of paying then until discharged, and in
addition to that, we have had to find a
large war gratuity, varying from two to
six ntunths pay in proportion to the ser-
vices of the sten overseas. f do not
think the public begin to realize the
large amount of money involved in that
transaction. it will involve a pay-
ment of some '6130,000,000 in war
gratuities, 1 am quite sure that no
g not very widespread, we THE BOYS HOME. sey, t.ressy; J. A. Pinard, M.'P. P., Ot-
carry on during the succeeding year, the immense expense of demabhzat-tun, tawa; A. C. Hardy, Brockville; Central
(.httarin: 1V. E. N. Sinclair, Oshawa;
as in reality we
are carr in W. D. Gregory, Oakville; W. Il. Wright,
stain in London, and that was a set Chuen Sound; 'Toronto and. York F.
off to our advances to Great Britain Denton, K. C., Toronto; A. J. Young,
here, thea mount of money required by North Bay; Northern Ontario: Z Ma-
us to maintain t tgeau, Al, P. P. Sturgeon Falls. L Cr
We have faced the situation, and
we have felt it our duty to treat this
year, as, so to speak, a war year. We
have continued the credits to Great
Britain, which was absolutely necessary
in order to enable her to obtain the
products for which this country had to
find a market. Similarly in regard to
national undertaking of a productive
character, we have been engaged during
the war in a large shipbuilding program.
That shipbuilding program has engag-
ed the services of tens of thousands of
workmen and artisans throughout' the
, country. The works have been of very
(considerable advantage to a large sec-
tion of our business community, The
money .wiiiicif these workmen and arti-
sans receive is distributed through var-
ious business channels, so that the en-
tire community gets an advantage from
it, Further, we went;, ahead with the
purchase of rolling stock fair the Na -
Our Stock is so
complete in assort
ment of styles and
range of values
that n o matter
what style of a
Suit you have in
mind orwhatprice
you want to pay,
you are almost
certain to find it
Men's, Suits $18 to $50
Soy's Suits $5 to $, 2
_. AAAA i Clothing
.. s
The C`.
hen ,�.;�
A Sgnnre Deal tat Every Min
Phone 146 Estimates Given
Interior and
We protect your floors, furni-
ture, etc., by plenty of drop
Wall Papers,
Signs, Etc.
81 Isaac Street
jjA Pure Salad and Cooking
11Pure Oil from Corn.
,lJThe newest and cheapest
Shortening on the market
IlAbsolutely Pure,
¶JUsed also for Salads in
place of Olive Oil.
F -I H U Ii
\ Phone 48
Ctinada Food Board License
No, 8.2495.
citizen of Canada will begrudge that
to the men who went overseas. But
that `is a very Ierge sum of money and
1 mention it so that you may realize
how the proceeds of the last Victory
Loan have melted away. Then, we
have the soldiers' land settlement
Mr. and Mrs.'l-1. B. Chant spent Sun-
day with friends at Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cornish took in
the Western Fair on Tuesday,
Miss Emma Plumsteel was a visitor
with Brucefield friends last week.
Mr. and .Mrs, Gab. Elliott, were visi-
tors at London Fair on Tuesday.
Dr. T. J. Bechely, of Seafbrth, was a
town guestt vn over
theweek eek end.
Mr. H. Peacock took in the Grey-
hound Excursion to Detroit last week.
Dr, and Mrs. McGill and Miss Jean,
of Mitchell, were in tow non Monday,
Nurse McLaren took in the "Grey-
hound" Excursion to Detroit last week.
;11r. James Flynn was renewing old
acquaintances at London on Wednes-
)hiss Ethel Wylie, of New York, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs, (Rev,)
Airs. Livermore, Huron Street, was
a visitor in Detroit with relatives last
Mrs, (Rev.) 1.. Diehl is the guest of
her another, :firs. A1, Alc:arva, Ontario
Conner, Sudbury; Northwestern On-
tario: and James Murphy, of Fort William. took in the sights at London Fair on
Objects Of New Executive
The objects of the new Executive
are to assist the District Liberal As-
s„ciatiuns'<,f the Province of Ontario
ill preparing Liberal principals and
in organizing' the .supporters of Lib-
eralise.]: to collect data regarding the
work done in each district, and to
stake complete records thereof and
submit quarterly reports thereon to
the Provincial Committee and Provin-
cial Lil+eral Leader to co-operate with
the District Associations in devising
methods calculated to secure uniform-
ity of political action in Liberal ranks
throughout the Province; to prepare
campaign and 'other literature of an
, educational character, and generally to
promote in every legitimate way the
interests of the Liberal party in Do-
minion and Provincial affairs.
The following other officers were
elected at yesterday's meeting:
:Miss Patterson, of Kingston,
is visiting her ertndt;,,ther, Airs. David
Airs, A. S. Dames, of Brussels, was
the gt,est 05 ,firs: 11, Bartliff for a few
days this week.
.11r. Jacob Taylor, of 'Toronto, was
in town this week, attending to his in:
surtutce business.
Rev, Mr, Hogg returned on Friday
evening from Hot Springs, Va., after
a months' visit there.
Alr, Robert \lcLean, ut' Goderich,
was shaking hands wilt his old friends
ou Wednesday morning,
Airs.+Gree Cook acid baby and Mrs.
J. Cook and daughter visited with rela-
tives at Detroit last week.
Mr, and Mrs. G, 5, Hall• returned
from their sWestern trip -on Monday.
They (vent as far as Vancouver.
est Vice -President: T. McMillan, Sea- Mr. Andrew McGarva was renewing
forth, Oce.o1d friendships with the Clinton Old
nys now living at Detroit last week.
2nd Vice -President: W. H. Wright,
Owen Sound, Ont.
Treasurer: A. J. Young, North Bay,
Secreary: W. 1.1. Adams, Toronto,
The New President
A. C. Hardy, the President, was
Federal Liberal candidate in Leeds
last general election, and is a son of
the late Hon. A, S. Hardy,.at one time
Prettier of Ontario. His election as
President is a deserved tribute to his
ability and standing as one of the
foremost and most attractive Liberals
in Ontario.
North Huron United Fanners at their
'Convention at Winghatn on Monday'
selected candidates tor the Ontario
and Ottawa Houses.
R. C. Clayton Proctor, of Beigrave.
was chosen candidate for the Provincial
scheme, which we believe will be of Legislature, and J. W. King, of Bluevale
great ultimate advantage to the country for the Dominion House.
and by which advances are made, these In addition to Al r. Proctor, W. J.
advances being secured by property,
real and personal, It is confidently
hoped that this scheme will work out
to the ultimate benefit of the Dominion
as a whole.
THE PAYING—A POST WAR LOAN. Fraser and Proctor.
Shortreed, of Morris, Thomas Shearer,
of Howick, Murdoch Matheson, of Ash-
field, W. 1-1, Fraser (Liberal member
sitting at present) and Mrs, Richard
McWhinney, of Ashfield, were propos-
ed, but all withdrew except Messrs.
Now we face a situation—and it is Nama Would Appear,
a perfectly natural situation succeed-
ing the war, and by comparison with Mr. Fraser stated that his name
the conditions in other countries not would appear on the ballot whether in -
an unfavorable situation—in which we dorsed by the U. F. O. or not, and that
are going to ask the people of this he would not accept the U. F. O. in-
for another Ioam this fall,- It do•sation if tied in any way, as Ise had
will be a great loan; it will be a war been elected. a5 a Liberal, and therefore
loan as differentiated from an ordinary would not renounce his Liberal pill, -
peace -time loan, because we shall re- elpies.
quire a very large amount of money, , President Williams Rutherford ruled
It is not necessary to apologize for the 'that Mr. Fraser could not accept the
necessity of bringing on a war loan ! nomination under those conditions, as
after the war is over, although actual- I the U. F, 0, eandidate must have noth-
ly the war is not over yet. That is the ing to do with other parties, so he de -
experience of all countries, although Glared Mr, Proctor nominated,
our position has been more favorable in ! Along with the name of J. W. King
that regard than any of the other bell(- the following were proposed as Can-
gerents, especially of those which were didales for the Dominion House: N.
in the war from the beginning, In • Kernighan, of l✓olborne, W. J. Short -
Great Britain, as you know, they had reed, Gordon Young, of Colborne,
unfunded liabilities of about $5,000,- Frank Johnston, of Ashfield, J. N. Mc -
000;000 represented by short -date Kenzie, of Ashfield, John 13, Graham,
maturities floated in the London of Ashfield, Robert Livingstone, reeve
Continued on Page 3. 01 Grey, send Gordon Lamb, of Col -
Horne. All withdrew except Messrs,
, 4: Kec'1lighan, Shortreed, McKenzie, Liv-
:ingstene and King,
Baltimore, Sept. 8 —Duncan
C. Ross, was 'found dead in a
* little shop here to -day, Thirty
* years and more ago Ross was
famous as wrestler, swords -man
s and athletic and travelled Can-
ada and the United States giv-
ing exhibitions and challenging
all corners, It is sone 18 or
* 20 years since Duncan Ross last
appeared in Clinton.
* •ni * cg
Others Also Spoke
A resolution passed by the meeting
condemned the Farmer's Sun for ac-
cepting advertisements from the Citi-
zens' Liberty League, despite the U. F.
0. Temperance plank.
Huron County U. F, 0, Direetor
Saunders, of Exeter, and A. A, Powers,
of Toronto, also addressed the meeting.
Messrs, 5, E. Hunniford, Lock Cree,
W. Johnson, J. A. Sutter and Jack Baw-
den were at London Fair on Wednes-
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sutter and Master
Benson, were visitors over the week
end with the forrner's parents at Strat-
Miss Mary Argent was a visitor at
Toronto Fair last week with her aunt
and uncle, Mr, A. Cartwright, of Bruce -
Mr, and Mrs, Wilson Irwin, of Luck -
now, were visitors with their aunt,
Airs. J. Cartwright and also Mrs. Ar-
Mr. and Mrs, James Manning and
children spent a few days at London,
Port Stanley and other points this
Nurse Fergusbn and nephew, Master
Kenneth Carter were visitors at De-
troit last week, going down on the
Dr, William Shaw, of Morris, Michi-
gan, is spending his holidays with Dr. J,
W. Shaw, of town, and with his brother,
Mr, John Shaw.
Miss Charlotte Sheeley who is teach-
ing school sear Kitchener, spent the
week end with her mother, Mrs, Shee-
ley, Ontario Street.
Mrs, David McConnell was removed'
to the Clinton Hospital on Tuesday and
her many friends will hope that she
will be as well as ever,
)lrs, i . Junor, of Hamilton, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs, W. J.
Paisley for the past week returned to
her home on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs, Perry Plnusteel, Mr.
Arthur Stephenson and Al's. Stephen-
son and Aiiss Emma Plunisteel were at
London Fair on Tuesday,
Mrs, Mitchell and daughter, Mrs,
Kyle, of Kippen and Mr, R. A. Mitchell
spent a few days in Detroit, Mr, Ens.
Mitchell is now holding a position with
the Ford Company,
Mr, Wallace Diehl, of Paisley, is a
visitor at the home of his grandmother,
Mrs, M, AlcGarva, He only recently re-
turned from overseas, enlisting when
only 17 years of age.
Mrs. J. 1', Currie, of Winghatn, and
her sister, Mrs. Boer, of Toronto, was
visiting friends in town last week, Mrs,
Boer has been in delicate health for
some time and thought the change
would do her good,
Rev. R, 13, Stevenson of Lord's Day
Alliance was in town on Monday last
His sister, Mrs, W. S. Downs accompan-
ied him t6 his hone in Stratford. She
will also visit relatives in Listowel and
Clifford during the week,
Miss I-luldah Whitely, one of New
York's clever nurses, was here on Mon-
day attending the funeral of her cousin,
O 00000 o a
0 0
The New Era is always on the look
in ; for special features that will add
lnt•vestfor our many readers and last
v _!: we word able to secure two.
'41tckle" the Printers Devil, is a
e • .r Intl • philosopher who discuur-
ials and
' liJtlnn:; 1, Is the rl newspaperl business.
Ira ILn:.trati,ls will give a fair idea of
lin.' things he says and the things he
does. These plates will run for 24
by Bertrand W.S—
Sinclair. Itit nista vivid
story which has for Its hero a big,
broad-n,iaded, healthy, happy man
sufficient' unto himself, whose home is
in the wide and unpeopled spaces of
the North Country.
This is a graphic and realistic por-
trayal of the wild, primitive life in the
Canadian wilderness. It is a story of
romance and adventure that is different
from the ordinary.
This story will commence next week
if possible. Be sure and get started
with the first chapter.
Special feature cuts of the Prince of
Wales tour have been received and
lack of space has prohibited a more
liberal supply in the paper,
Special a
1 es
p a illustrated pages Lustra
d also be
run during the coning Fall and winter
months of historical and interesting
T. Mr.and
were at London sans Wednes-
Mr, and Mrs, R. Fitzsimons were
visitors at London for a fete days this
Miss Jennie Holmes and Mrs. Shar-
man received the sad news of the death
of their niece Grace Mildred Holmes,
sited( 20 years and her home in Clear-
water, :1lznitoba• Sha was the young-
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.
Holmes who left this section over 30
years agc, The young lady died last
Mr. Arthur Trick Having Success With
His Holsteins,
L:tst week ,Mr, Arthur Trick had sue -
At London this
tly.dnr; a3y.0 yearling bull,
calf; and 7th for the
old cow; 4th for hull
Lyon est for 3 yea,
fairs. ,At Toronto he
for himself at the
be making a name
tithe to cone will
Holstein cattle, and
• Exhibition with his
cess at the Toronto
week, for the cow be got 3rd prize;
4th for the bull calf; and 5th; for the
yearling bu11, against great coopetition.
He sold his cow at a good figure to
an outside buyer and expects to dis-
pose of his young bulls. He had .7
head of cattle at the fairs,
Presentation Made to ex -Reeve Lob&
and Family. at Old Home.
On Monday evening the
neighbors and friends of
the Maitland Concession,
gathered to bid good-bye
to Mr. and Mrs. William
Loble and two daughters,
who moved this week to
reside on the Bayfield
Road, Mr, .Lobb having
bought the farm of Mrs.
Wm. H. Elliott. Following
• was the address read to the
September, 8, 1.919. g
Dear Mr. and, Mrs, Lobb:
As you are about to leave our cottn-
ntunit,y, we your friends and neighbors,
have assembled to convey to you our
kindest regards and present to you, in
the spirit of friendship and good -will,
some memorandum of your sojourn
with us. You will always live in our
memory as neighbors who were ever
ready to extend a hand of help and•
sympathy, under all circumstances. As
supporters of Ebenezer your vacancies
will be keenly felt and hard to fill. In
all the social functions of the cotuntun-
Ity, you have taken an active and lead-
ing part, and to say that you will be
sorely missed, would be clothing a
stupendous fact, with seeming simple
and modest terms. You will, however„
continue to live long in the lives of the
members of your fancily, who will con,
tinue to reside in our midst. We wish
also to express our regret at losing
two of our young people, in the persons
of Miss Lulu and Miss Joy, and we re-
luctantly pass over to another neigh-
borhood what the have failed to secure
to ourselves, In these two bright and
promising girls, As a tangible expres-
sion of our love and esteem please ac-
cept, this china cabinet, and also this
jardiniere stand for Miss Lulu, and this
picture for Miss Joy. We pray that yon
may be blessed and prospered in your
new home, and that your lives may
conthiuevto exert influences which will
ever be as useful and uplifting as they
have been in the past, '
Signed.an behalf of friends and neigh-
bors: James Stoddart, John Tebltutt,
Isaac Jones, Herbert Oakes.
An Outsider May Get It
Tho Conservative nominating con-
vention for the Provincial riding of
North Chiron is to be held at Wingham
on Thursday, September 1 tth. 11 is
said that Mr, John Joynt, of Lucknow,
may be lite nominee.
Dohortyc' Won At Goderich
Mr. Proctor is a young man and,was the late Mrs, Alice Small. She Inas also The Doherty Basebell Club defgated
until recently In the civil service 10 been visiting relatives and friends at the Goderich Baseball team on Friday
Ottawa, but has been farming for two Goderich, Woodstock and other places, night in Goderich by a Score of 8-3,
or three years. He has always been a Her father, the late Mr, Wm. Whitely, Earl Cooper had the County boys of
Conservative, Mr. King has been farm- Was a former editor and joint prohis mercy and was backed up by good
ing for many years, and has been a, tor of the Clinton News•Record, the playing of the other .ittettsbdrs of the
prolininetit Liberal, late Mr, Todd being his partner, team,