The Clinton New Era, 1919-9-4, Page 1hirio4 - E 'CLINTON NEW ERA . . Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers. CIL INTO N, ONTARI T 11 1) RSDAY SEPTEMBER, 4th, 919,1WH -44 0 tabiSbecl' I$5, VOL 54, No. The New Era Will be Sent to a New Subscriber till January 192 fir OVER THE TEACUPS 3 0 0 How To Imo HP With the Prince of Wales in Canada 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . • , 0 itONTEEL PERFUME—A dainty marvel. of refinetnent. JONTEEL COMBINATION CREAM—Absolutely in a class UL I by Itself. JONTEEL FACE POWDER—Expressly for those who want the best. JONTEEL TALCUM—,You will be satisfied with nothing else JONTEEL TOILET WATER—The best in the world, SOLD ONLY AT THE REXALL STORE W. S. E. ECO E..343a3S Pim. B. BEST QUALITY MG STORE THE HOME TOWN —By E. M. Trowern, Secretary, Minh, ion uoard, Tho Retail Merchants ASse. dation of Canada, Inc., Ottawa. The place where most people con- gregate in a village le the country store. It is usually a PoStoffiee, the place where the farmers exchange their eggs and butter, the committee room for the politician, the headquarters for countryside gossip, a meeting place for 'friends, and iDe place where the merchant is supPosed to keep every thiog from a needle to au anchor. It --------- is from these centres filet the villages develop into towns, and the towns Into cities. The more the merchant pros- pers the better the village prospers and so it is with towns and cities. Goods in the retail stores in New • ,York are of little value to the people of Canada. They want to be able to go into the shops in -the place In which they live and examine goods, price them, order them, and either take them • home or have them delivered. They want to know also that the goads they , select personally are the goods they get, and this is where the local mer- chant will always have the advantage over the mail order bouse system', which means that when you buy goods you must rely almost entirely upon the I selection by other people, and not upon your own judgment. Perhaps the best i • illustration that can be given of the 1 advantages of buying In the home town l will be understood by those who are • familiar with the question of selling boots and shoes at retail, and the cor- rect fitting of -same. ri'Pe Royal gar* OF CANADA incorporated 1869. HEAD OFFICE, MONT Capital and Reserve .......... Total Assets 576 Branches A general banking business transacted. n Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to rent. R. E. MANNING, Manager REAL .$ 31,000,000. 430,000,000 Interest paid Clinton Branch .r" INCORPORATED 1855 THE -MOLSONS Capital and Reserve $8,800,000. Over 100 Branches The Molsons Bank is ready to advise merchants, manu- facturers and farmers how to finance their requirements. SAVINGS DEPARTMENTS AT EVERY BRANCH. Savings Department conducted on up-to-date system. H. R. SHARP, Manager : : : Clinton Branch Quebec's Welcome to The is in connection with almost any other Not long ago, the writer's attention subject. `lerY merchant will bear tes- SCHOOL FAIRS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Miss Agnes Walker was a visitor In London this week. herMississteDrosainn, toowfn.Buffelo,, is Visiting MISS Mgry Walt has been visiting ht Toronto end. elsewhere. Miss Barham McIver is hotldaytng with friends at Hamilton, Miss Martha Moore, of Blyth, was a visitor in Clinton on abor Day. • Mrs, John Gibbings returned on Wednesday last from her trip out West Mr, and :Ars. L, Trouse, of Wood- stock. were in town over the week end, ' Rev. Mr, T. J. Snowden took the services at Varna circuit on Sunday Iasi, Mr, and Mrs. E. Munroe and Harry were visitors in London this week fora few days. Miss Katie Reekte, of Dutton, eves the guest of the Misses O'Neil during the past week. Mayor 'Cooper, was in Toronto this week to hear Billy Sunday give his famous address. Master Louis Diehl, of Paisley, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. McGar- va, Ontario Street, Mrs. C. H. Bartliff and. Misses Jule and Annice were visitors with Seaforth Prince relatives last Friday. tors at the Editor's horne for a few Air. and Mrs. W. H. Kerr were visi- days during the past week. --.--"----**------- Mr, Ernest Livermore spent last 1 UNION CHURCH SERVICES 1 week and the beginning of this week taking in the Toronto Exhibition. - ! stance, Visiting in a small town in the Mr. Neelands, of tra o , all Observer, • cool of the evening, when the ladies of customers who have. an idea that they ManY know all about the quality of goodS, Huron this .Fall. — List is Given Will be Heidi in the County of The closing union service of the mer Editor of the Hens the town were visiting the Postoffice whereas, as a matter of fact, they Below. ' Methodist congregations for this sea- gave The New Era a call on Wednes- • for the evening mail, a merchant, well ! son, last Sabbath evening, was one of day. posted in the Boot and Shoe business, know very little, and it would pay them t't tr, the worshippers. I» addi- Mr. Harry Bali, 01 !own who spent called attention to the fact that ten far better to explain their requirements I hunch s working on 4 farm out of ladies out & twelve who passed were to an honest merchant who knows his b usiness, and secure his assistance in e wearing. mall order shoes, He dis- selecting the icoods, and in this way cerned them by the way in which they they would secure better value, as well fitted the foot. Some were too high , al` the styles that would hest 'hit then in the heel. others too. low; some too • The citizens of every city, town or broad and others too narrow. They village -should take a pride in their re- wereinterfered with the poise and carriage 1:111 stores in their community. The not only uncomfortable but they of the wearer. Had these shoes been the better better the stocks the merchants carry. the selection the citizens faults could have been avoided', much Igt,taan‘clotc,be greater the number of purchase in the home purchased in the home town, these wearer, and at perhaps less cost in the n,ler°,1"1"ts hate ("r blcrea5ing ti"ir end. This illustration might ate° ap- stocks anad catteing the latest stYles. ply to a large number of other Articles. 1 All citizens who send their money out S tf rd and for - was called to a rather singular circum- Oniony to the fact that there are many ' P thin to a large and attentive congre- Huron County is tak_ ! gation, Rev. Mr. McCatnus preached a , stirring sermon Isaiah 5 2-1 ."Awake t ing a foremost position inAwakel put in; thy strength' 0 Zion, bolding Rural School etc,. and the choir rendered their Fairs, thanks largely to numbers excellently, with Mrs. W. J. County Representative Treleaven presiding at the organ. They vote a tine enthem "Lead Kindly Stothers, who has taken - — " ' Liaht" with Miss Marion Gibbings and L. Weir taking the solos, and Mrs. B. J. a very active interest in - this important depart- Gibbings and Fred Thompson sang meat of work, The offi- the duet "Hold Thou My Hand," most -- tial list is as follows:— iieceptably. The Union gatherings NAME OF FAIR !WHERE HELD DATE have been much enjoyed by both con - Sept, s gregations. Wroxeter Walton Wroxeter Sept, 9 Walton titried‘i,tadicell Fordwich Bluevale • Sept.hept11 01 1:104406Geet;SYDOCIItOt9Meget • te Trowbridge Trowbridge Sept: 12 nr West Wawanosh St. Helens Sept. 5 0 wt'ru ran CHURCHKS. to to the comfort and weli_befog of the town the better the opportunity the The retail tnerchants themselves are 1 (.°!f the tutfleN‘velti eurle. iihnaltureinxgte itl !the and dtsitnheesys tion of affairs. Every merchant i I tsi are doing an injury to those citizens not entirely blameless for this condi- : ness knows the best way to slinopn i- .5 chants, who patronize the local retail »ler- the legitimate way of shopping, that is . ---. for the purchaser to see the goods, ex- Retail merchants select goods for amine the quality, ascertain the price, the convenience of their customers. and find out if they suit before the They study their requirements; they money is,paid. 'Flu reason why these understand the extent of their purse, facts are not pointed out more promin- and the goods are alwaays on hand, eptly by the retail merchant. is that ready to he delivered et a moment's thee' know so well that . the above is :Mice. Merchanclise in Europe is of the proper plan of buying that they believe the public generally should have the sante information, whereas per haps there is more ignorance existing among the general public with' regard to the quality of merchandise than theft qbehsea Phone 146 Estimates Given A01 OD veru little use to the citizens of any city, town or village in (Amide. te. goods must be here, ready and waiting, and our system. of distribution is so arranged that if trade is developed a- long natural lines, and those who re- ceive their money from the town Pa- tronize the town, they are not onTy staking it convenient for themselves but also for every other resident in that town. If the retail stores were taken out of the cities, towns and vil- lages of Canada, it would be equivalent I to destroying the commercial life of I sept.29 121:066880694961060S3GDPee,D4115. V, MCKiliop„ S. S. No. 4 Sept. 26 115Colb.,rne CIPnton Ethel Ethel ClintonSept. Carlow Sept. 30! Oct. t : Ontario Street Church Dashwood Oct. 2 , The Pastor will preach at both ser- Deshwood ourendele cid_ 3 vices next Sunday. flurondale I At the League service Mr. Alvin In addition to the above dozen dividual schools in riimick, G „y, East • Leonard gave a splendid 'illustrated -ruwrishipi, wiii travelogue on trance Belgium and swtezerland. There are to be more Wawanosh and Hay bold Fairs ;tad a union one will be i pure, Illustrated talks during the winter held at Belmore. Mr, Stuthers months. poses attending all of these Fairs, cont -i mencing next Monday at Walton. He is I Wesley Murat. becomitigea good 21111 to Provincial FairI ,Sabbath in Next ctrning Communion representative, J. ler'ekle Wilson wit" : service Will be held in Wesley ' church, such an itinery. I the Pastor conducting it. The Sunday School will met at 2:30 instead of 10 li t. m. cominewncaiiiitsg cnhegutmSliatbbath. VOTERS' LISTSI Sunday moroing last Rev. (Major) Tolinie, of Windsor, who has been en - *I )(tying a vacation itt Baytield, occupied I • 1 •t f Willis Church. He preach - Canada. Although not generally mentioned, when the development of a city is questioned, the first thing that strikes 1.8 stranger when he enters any city or . town is the character of the shops in that city or town. If they are poorly kept and poorly stocked, with unpaint- ed fronts. the town can he considered to be on the decline. 0 the store fronts are well painted, and the 'stocks • well kept, and the retail merchants alert to their business, the town is al- . ways prosperous, and it becomes an attractive place for the farmers and mechanics to congregate. it generally develops into a community hub. anti • the effect is reflected in the homes and in the surrounding farms. The nearer a good hum is to a thriving city, town or village, the more valuable the farm becomes, and the more valuable that term becomes, the better will be the business done it1 the cityoetown or village. In this way the Miele com- munity thrives. Buying in the home town, therefore, means very much more than appears on the surface. It benefits both the buyer and the merchant. I helps to improve the streets, to reduce taxa- tion, to add to the enjoyment of life, to bring the, goods that are wade at a distance to a common centre where they are needed, It circulates inoney, giving all an equtth chance to secure soine of it, and in this %New buying in Interior and Exterior Decorating We protect your floors, NMI, • ture, etc., by plenty of drop sheets. Wall Papers, Thu 1 SIBISENIMIOMME EA at- , ilerTliTvotth 101•ROZIANOW.645 10111E6M41. :War= • MC• "ra••• . wilZ1.. VMD:=1113,1==== Mouldings, Signs, Etc. 81 Isaac Street SCRUTINIZE THE MAZOLA WHAT IS IT ? ¶A Pure Salad and Cooking ' rb'enii.d,ss'tteettneerwisT,Inigras,'`Lia%eieTtlit:eitgli Wr`t?; cir\vihn'atiiiralLitina., and 'who Is Myth returned to his home on Satur- day. George Evans who has been working at liarlock fur some months returned to town last week to go back co the Collegiate. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray have been at Mitchell at the home of Mr. McMurray's father who has been veil. seriously ill. Mrs, George Levis and Miss Hattie and 1:.':11 1113 Levis were visitors over the the holiday with Rev. J. S. and Mrs. Allan, of Uderton. ton Sun Mrs 17. Reekie. of Dut- pe Cit tit M IUC The annouecement that the refer- ed a •i;'ery close fitting, practical (Ilse encium on the Ontario Temperance i course from Psalm 122-1, "I was glad Act will be taken some time in Octet- when they said unto me let us go into her. the prObability that the pro -1 Ole house of the L011.1." Four esselt- vincial general election is within tials were: (1) Worship; (2) Teach. measurable distance, and the further ittg the Word; (3) Upholding the fact that the voters' lists are in pro- Christ; (4)tielping usher in the reign cess of preparation, place the re of Riehteousness. Miss Kathleen sponsibllity upon every voter to see Dowzer sang iirgood voice "Jesus Lov- that his or her name is on the lists.: er of My Soul," The lists will he posted for public Rev. Mr. McFarlane, of Bayfield, gave Inspection, and there will be given a tine sermon in Ute evening. ample opportunity for all voters to Sunday School hour will be changed ascertain whether their names appear from morning to afternoon commenc- there, 11 15 sincerely hoped that every ing next Sabbath, voter will take advantage of this. op- Baptist Church pOrluniiy, as many contingencies may ! . arise which lead to errors, and the . Services at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. omission of names (trim the lists. I The Pastor win preach at both ser - The right of franchise is a sacred V1"S' privilege, of inestimable value th The subject for the evening. service C1117411shir, and every ee,ter ewes taken by tile Pastor will be.—"Look- amounts to universal suffrage. The extenslco ine For .a King". --------- of t he franchise to both men and .' The Sunday School meets at 2:30 in eervice to the country, women in Ontario r raet knit,' the afternoon beginning next Su nday. This privilege has been obtained only 5 * ir {A * * * * * * * after COStly sIrtO;gle.S. 1114 it S1101.11C1 e not be lightly eeteemed. The Iran- ei. 2111 S C is especially yeluable when a e C I. NEWS great moral issue like the referendum ,,, * 5"t4 on the Ontario 'Temperance Aet, i * * e e. * * 15 15 * * *. is before the people for settlement. I With such an extended power of the The reiult3 of the Middle School ballot in their posses:don, the people examination for Entrance to Nomad 11 1,, wholly to bame if their in- ' were excellent this year. the holne town helps the merchantS, Wrgsts do not dominate the govern- Only four students failed out of lowers the price of goods to the Cori- inv.: powers of Ute day. I twenty -sive candidates, seven of the eumer, aids the linen cial institutions, 'I' he franchiee is so b rtied that it . foaceeesful ones t akin g honours. It eivee more money in taxes for better give.s every nran and Wornall In On- : ht unamm for so many hotiours te the . 0111'1 N b i el bv third form as it is One of the most difficult forms In the school. in the Itaculty ,,f tntrance three candidates were suceessful and two inhere failed in only one subject in -rii .• wets mil), one failure -in ctpality to pity better wages to school 1101. otherwise disqualified, the right teachers, assists in the erection of het- to vote. The Voter, hOW..?Ver , 'must Oil, ter churchee and public- institutions, 11a1 e "11 .1. '. . alid finlly, establishes better resicien- 1 2 111e1.11:,. pciAne the compilatien., Par. , tial districts, and in this ""5 prosner- of the lists, end mnst heave been rest- i Part 11 out of nine who tried, nus eities and towns are built up, The dent for three monthe proir to that I There. is quite a change. in lite staff 151' alt, therefore, of all loyal citizens date in the eleetotal district in whieh I at the C. 0, 1. this year, there beieg should be to bny the things they re- the polling snit-clieislim is sit \lated. 1 two new men and two ladies on the quire in the place in which they live. i Every yoter • must also be St l'earS of I tuff, School started Tueeday morn- • IlPure Oil from Corn. • t nuit for 5.511 ¶The newest and cheapest Shortening on the market today. 1lAbslutely Pure. ilUsed also for Salads in place of Olive Oil. 11 ZONOWER anF ssacommeatossainzaxem The Morrish Clothing Co. "A SQUARE, DEAL FOR EVERY MAN" tastoOntw.m.u.egramovannoormdremranws* W T o'NEIL • THE BUB GROCER Phone 4S Canada Food Board Lieense NO. 8.2495, Is This Fair? 'there is a reason to believe that in the sale of 'matches an unjust and un- reasonable pewit is exacted by inane- laeturers, jobbers and retailers. There is a fetierel tax of 5 cents a box on all matches and this tax is paid at the factory hy the matiuhlettirer, In sell. ing to the jobber Ole producing firm adds, together the cost eif production and the tax and adds a percentage for profit. The recottsumer pays a profit. of 36 4-11 per cent. on the tax es well es,on the matcheS, Is this fair or even luattflable •i age, or 21 years of age within 56 , ire with a very good attendance. There • of flott date, Once again, let all will be it a number coming in later Ti int trtor of the school looks colito bright in a new coat of paint. There is a goodly number of new scholars starting'this year and many of the students of last year are ttotott tlt higher schools so there we kd Otketer Adieecatet)—'the Meneoritd changes. on Sunday evening for Mr, Fred Tuck- •11 Now ?ugh ,er, who riled in Guelph recently, was The Public School hail 37 new pupils lost fitting tribute to his 'Memory, start .their sehool career on 'tuesday, the hymns and SerViCe thtottgitota . Decoration And Memorial Service ing exclusively memorial, and the ser. per, was ably delivered. l'he Dead their annual decoratioa service on Stu: - March M Saul, played by the organist, day Sept. 14111, at 2,30 p. rii, follOwed Miss Mecraul, wee admirably executed, by a mentorial service at the cemetery. who :..et entitled to vote, ectotiniee the lists, and make sure that their names are on the rolls! lelerereelel Service 1 Service in the Trivitt Memorial Church mon by the Rector, Rev. A. A. Trum- The Oddfellows of town uill hold 1 e '' . eitt"..tea'‘felet"0":..irie:'"elt". elleisejeatenext...... • • 5 ie... • •..e: te,••tei . e!••. " • •