HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-8-28, Page 4SAGE 4.. {WiitO Plain Language; You'll find that common Words, simple explanations ruleand uick action are the attthe Willard Service Station. It is part of Willard policy to make it easy for every user of a Willard )3attery to get the most out of it. So our tnstructiens are plain 1 -Add pure wafer. 2 -Take hydrometer test every two weeks, 3-1f hydrometer teat is Less than 1.285 at any two successive readings straight to the Willard Serve ice Station. J. N. PAXMAN, Drage is your Willard Service Station. Storage Battery recharged and Overhauled. Accessories for Automobiles and bicycles. Phone 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. LIVE POULTRY WANTED 4000 CHICKENS -0- 2000 HENS ---0- 1000 DUCKS _0 -- Each week from now until the end of December, we pay for all Poultry un a'quality basis delivered with empty Crops. We pay special prices for properly milk -fed poultry, and we would strong- ly advise all producers to finish their poultry as it will pay you to do so, Gaaa-L�alois & Cll,, Limits The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch Phone *9U P1. W. Trev-•rthe, Manager or HotmeSville 4 on 14 2, PIANOS Before purchasing your new piano or organ let w abow you the newest de- signs in scrotal well- known ailed old establish- ed makes. INSTRUMENTS RENT- ED AT MODERATE PRICES PHONOGRAPHS See our stylish cabinet designs in the beat makes. C. Hoare LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Doesn't 1?urt! Lift any corn or callus`off with fingers f 4q Don't suffer; A tiny bottle of Freczono costs but a few cents at ally crag store. Apply a few drops on the corns, calluses and hard akin" on bot- tom of feet, then lift them oil. fi When Freezone removes corns from the toes or calluses from the bottom of feet, the skin beneath is left pink and healthyy and never sore, tender• or irritated. Better Pay The Price UNPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL LESSON (By REV.ti. FT'/ IWATL12. 1), D., Teacher o', English Bible In the Moody Bible Inst ute of Chicago) (Copyright, 1818, w'ester'n Newspaper Sinton) LESSON FOR AUGUST 31 SELF CONTROL (Temperance). LESSON TEXT -Daniel 1:3-21. GOLDEN TEXT - Every man tint striveth for the mastery Is temperate Ir all things. -I Cor. 9:25. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL -Romans 14: 1-22; I Cor. 9:24-27, PRIMARY TOPIC -Keeping away from things which may harm us, JUNIOR TOPIC -Tire story of a b09 who became a strong man. INTERMEDIATE; TOPIC - Learninr self-mastery. SENIOR AND A.DUI.T TOPIC --Self, control the secret of success. It is somewhat strange that the les son committee should select lids Scripture as a temperance lesson, lot it says nothing about temperance ne ordinarily understood. Total absti- nence from intoxicating liquor should be the law of every Christian's life. but it is not so taught In this Scrlp• tore., 1. Daniel Tested (vv. 5-7). Daniel, while a tender youth, was torn from home ties and made a cap- tive in a foreign land to be trained lir service at the royal court. In or- der to be of the largest service it wag necessary that be be brought to leve the king and nation, and be detach& tewlete els own people and religion. 'Po accomplish this they -- 1. Appointed him a daily provi5- ton of the ktng'a meat end wino (v. 11). This was for a twofold purpose: (1) To gain the fond Will of 1)aniei. and his meads. Such rsrrogaitlon wade el5ourege them to give themselves up to the Hag's sereite. (2) To sepply them with foal deemed suttable for their phyelcal and trental develop- ment, To partake of tee feed en- tered wee against Daniel's rellghrt. Hie csaaeient* would net allow lads to pertake thereof. Doubtleea the (nest and wine had connection with heathen feasts. 2. Changed name (v. 7). The object of title was to obliterate national and religious connection, and to identify them with the heathen people. Daniel, which tneans "tied is my Judge," was changed to Bette' shazzar, meaning Bel'g prince; Ban- aniah, which means "The gift of Je- hovah," to Shadrach, meaning Illu- mined by the sun god Bak; Mishael, which means "Who is as Ged," to Meshach, meaning who is like the god- dess Sheshach; Azartah, which means "Jehovah Is aur help," to Abed-nego, meaning the servant of Nego. Bind this change of names was the at empt of Satan to wipe from the minds of these young men the name of the true God- and to cause them to lose their place of separation. 11. Daniel Standing the Test (vv. 8-14). Though a captive in n foreign land. Daniel purposed in its heart that he would not defile himself with the king's meat and wine. I -Its home train- ing was such that in this trying hoar, he Mod the decision of diameter to stand firm for his coslvictlnn. He obeyed the dictates of his conscience. While unflinchingly loyal to God he did not lose his gentlemanly courtesy, He requester) to be tested ten (nys In the food which the law of his Clod allowed, agreeing to abide by the re- sults. Loyalty to God end conscience teed not interfere ,with gentlemanly behavior. 111. Daniel's Reward 'ivy. 15-21). 1. Physical health (v. 15). Godly and temperate living nays. The king's meat and wine would have }leen very palatable, but to have partaken would Metre been a compromise with Ills rinl- ecience. The exercise. of self-control in this tnatter kept his conscience Pure, and also improved his physical health. 2. Mental growth (vv, 17.20). He was ten tines the sttpetior of hie as- :Motates, 8. Soclt]ly (v, 19). He stood before the king, tie not only wag next to the king, but hecanle presidelnt of the col" lege of wise men, and prime rotnlster of the empire, eontinuing through keit- oral dynasties (v. 21). 4. Spi'itwlily (v, 17). Clod re- vealed to Ilam Nebnchkdneeisr'* droam and gave him vlsiotis streteliing aeroae the history of the world, The secret of Daniel's dnoeees Web (1) conscientiousness; (2) loyalty to tlod; (8) deeleion of Character; (4) tsrayett'WnesP; (5) 'diligence; (0) calif'- tekt.•• Don't be tempted to cho,,ne cheap jewelery. Far hotter to pay a Fair pride end know exactly what von are vatting, Yon will never be sorry - For a9 a Clatter of money, it is vastly the most economical, That has been said so often I5'l1 everybody by this time should know it -and vet there is no woenrcity of cheap jewelry in the Band Vow to get personal - IF}nil %would like to n,isq 1,I1at soft eltogeriler- aUOME HERS 11 yeti would like to hue where nothing but high qualities are ,dealt in -002.81 HERE , .And even at that, no person ever .:said our prices were unfair W.R. eounter Jeweler and Optician u cr of Marriage Lirensey Seed eorn ® n ON HAND Wisconsin No. 2; Bailey; improved Leaning and other varieties Gold teletiil glider, Twine $27.00 ;Pen cwt. Mfa., .. AX WANTED TELE CLINTON NEW ERA. tinefititeilePAPOWIreet Hancls Clreeee By RALPH r•eieel.I WALL vv""re.i t�t.,.,.,rO•'ww""w^""vw�' (Copyright.) There wits wild. unstilelu011 lire in her eyes. liy the Wily she tltrew bock her head nod shouted to her mount, a sleek enygse, out( could tell nt a glance unit silo was n girl of spirit, who did dingo. Bess was not accustomed to riding elope through Ilia gorge trail, covered only by n stage from SllverIead, la neighboring mining town. UsuniIY Phil rode wtil her: 11 was 11011 111 ;neer toward hit) that she had chosen the lonesome, some said dangerous. route. She had seen Phil two hours before, and, its 11911111, 15(8(1 shouted 811 111V1t1- tion i'or hitt to ride with her. ' "Can't! len busy today. See you later," he answered, waving his hut to her and galloping on. There was something in 51s eyes that bothered the girl, when she re- membered it. It was for that reason, half an hour later, Bess 111(11 chosen the lonely. gorge read. She wanted to be alone, to think about Phil, and weigh her father's doubts (bout the young fellow, who seemed to do nothing save 1(118 his time away, end who had never been caught working since he had struck town two months before. Why did he occasionally go off on his horse alone, and not come back till the next clay? who were the pity men he often met at the daily train, and sometltnes went on with for a clay or awn? He had never explained his business to Bess. The night before be burl asked her to marry atm. The thought had come to her so suddenly that all she could do was ask roe time. "7 will answer you 'tomorrow eve- ning," she had said. She could not understand its urgen- cy, the eagerness it his voice. "But 1 have many things to think of," she protested. "You know Clow father .is opposed to you. Tt's partly because you look elty-bred, and still know horses and mining so well. i'ie seems to be almost suspicious of you.' "I can easily clear up any sus- picion," he bad answered confidently. "But I want my answer now. To- morrow may he too late." Why had he repeated that ominous warning? Rad he planned anything for today? Was he in longer of any Mud? At that moment the rumble of wheels behind her caused Bess to tern. She had already reached a lone- ly *pet In the gorge. some mile« from town. It was the stage from Stiverhead, careeiog iia cer;O of silver and pre- sstagers, winding through. he ajltily, an: Alerler ba'trv4_en h)gh Ys THE JOY OF MOTHERHOOD Came to this Woman after Taking Lydia E. Pinkhadn:s Vegetable Compound to Restore Her Health fear hereas were straining at their lead, sad coring a1mag at it ataart Soo* whipped up her borae to gain a wider part of the rood, 'where use coach cou14 pass .her. The peiwnge was uneven turd fall of roars. RIM** being difficult, the girl beat alt her attention on the steed. it a sharp tutu In the road 'west,- thing ea+(tiling seared the skittish elynee. A sa'cead later the animal salad at a big betf,der coetrentieg these, and Mess Wan herbed threegh he ale, over hie head, leading In a int in the wall. leer revolver hew from her belt with the }oft, earl the frightened cayman gaileped en alone. When the girl pulled harslet( togeth- er she found that the horse had thrown her into an opening, a little pocket In the natural stone well at the turning which commanded a view of the road on both sides of the sharp corner. She glanced out, and found the stage drawing near at a rapid rate; then, looking In the opposite direction, Bess saw her cayuSe galloping madly, already half a mile away. Ellensburg, Wash.-" After 1. was married I was not well for a long time and a good deal of the time was not able to go about. Our greatest desire was to have a child in our home and one day my husband came back from town with a bottle of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound and 1rwanted me to try it. ,.F`'. It brought relief from my troubles. I improved in health so I could do my housework; we now have a little one, all of which I owe to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. '- Mrs. 0. S. JOHNSON, R. No. 8, Ellensburg, Wash. There are women everywhere who long for children in their homes yet are denied this happiness on account of some functional disohder which in most cases would readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound. Such women should not give up hope until they have given this wonderful medicine a trial, and for special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Masa. The result of 40 years experience is at your service. Your Liver Is the Best Beauty Doctor A dull, yellow, ' lifeless akin, or pimples and eruptions, are twin brothers to constipation. Bile, nature's own lane - tire, is getting into your blood instead of passing out of your system as it should. * This is the treatment, In sum cessful use for SO year'$: -one pill daily (more only when ne cessat7). CARTER'S' �R' tVER PILLS fertukue beer! ', ! -•/ache e Agerooi Colorless faces often the wb$eace of tree 14 'tit. blood: tarter.% Iron Pills will kelp this aeewlitio . •n` iii; 7�ytR`t`11P�"",i:+t�tr14 'orn✓a wcarty, 'swine tel' lover... rtlaneq hank to the frightened grotlp of tray' eters, swooped .pp the valuables, tied them in is wide handkerchief, mounted his horse, fired several shots In the air, and swung down the trail to where Bess sat In a heap, wondering trying to reassure herself that all he had Phi was true. Half a toile front the holdup scene he drew rein abruptly end turned to Bess with a reassuring smile. "I hid to go thts Pik," he explained, "They need a slide In the picture of the bandits getting away, and I guess mine was same picturesque getaway. "Your butting In helped the picture a good deal, 13059. They'll. Omega the idea and, label this part: 'Wife Plead- ing With Bandit Chief,'" "Phil," she satitl, looking up with yearning eyes, In Wiilielt the slightest suggestion of n smile was he[(�'l,r�ming to glow, "Is it ret%4ly true? t to ow it must be. But the thing seamed so real at the time. I never saw a mov- Ing picture taicen before." "Well, It won't he the last one you'll see taken, I hope," the man smiled, wiping her tear -stained face with the handkerchief site had made for him. "'that's my business. The people 1n the stage -couch and my confederates are all tactors; the man who clid the stage fall from the driver's seat is my brother. We're In partnership In the business." "But why didn't you explain all this before?" queried the girl, the smile succeeding In erasing some of the tragic tensity of her features. "Well, peop10 tare carious about moving pictures they want to butt to and bee t.ltens taicen. That spoils the whole tiring, and I didn't want to be bothered." Ilaven't I bothered you, Phil, just a little?" she asked, the smile assert- ing itself boldly for the first tine. "You've bothered nae more than anything has for a long time," he cried, reaching toward her eagerly. "Well," she said, having recovered her natural spirit entirely. ",I guess I'll fix It up with you and a justice of the peace, so 7 can bave the exclusive privilege of pothering you all the rest or ur " "So)oYoulife.'ve matte tip your mind at last" he cried, inc1o51ng her in a ten- der embrace. She threw off hie arms playfully and spurred the horse Into action; they galloped back to the moving -pic- ture party and announced their en- gagement. Then Bess told of bow she had al- most tried to kill the bandit chief, as- suring them, however, that even if the hamnler hadn't been jammed, abe couldn't have hit him with ouch a trembly hand. •ine revolver tout Min picot 1(7050 was the next thing to ntt:ract her at- tention, anti she was about to slide down nild recover it from the ledge, two feet below, when a quick move- ment attracted her in the direction her horse had taken, The girl's eyes dilated and she seemed frozen to the spot, as sl?e watched three masked horsemen near- ing the gully road through a narrow defile down one side. In a moment Bess realized. The stage was thundering on. She slipped forward to get the gun. The stage was not a huudred yards off. ' Bess glanced apprehensively at the three grim horsemen, partly concealed behind a bowlder at the roadside. The hand reaching for the revolver drew back sharply. She caught in her breath with a convulsive gasp, Bess had recognized In that Instant the lender of the bandits. It was Phil. Around Ma neck was the very hand- kerchief she had spent weeks esp- brolderIng for hint, every stitch an expression of love and faith. • Then her eyes glinted like blue steel. Her teeth stepped together, and she made a Quick grasp ter the revolver. With It secure' in her hand, she hsal- tated bet a nutmeat; thea, Her theatre white and lips drawn, sha stem/AT alined the eMletwr at lar 1I-- !R tag lover, who, with his wen, awaited the stage. There wee Om basset a owe.10 the beta of a *OW is her tropre+epllw. She .Mal found out her lever at last, sad into l alettively ponsted et MM. Puri' left Wed clenched 1(r that the teatime ihoeied white through the skis. awl the forefinger of her right hated twiteifed o1( the trigger, Beferre she realized the trend:di g stager ;ave a jerk anti polled the trip ger, There carne a Slight click, but nothing :nom. The hammer led become jam1054 by the ;lotting received when It fell from her halt. Glancing up, her wits Scattered by this andden discovery, she Paw the stage rolling past the Xap. dt was too late,. The gun had frilled. and the stage had passed he•. fore she could give the warning. "Hands up l" The gruff growl made Beam grow faint, and her eyes swam. For 111 it she recognized the same tone tiwa she knew so well in Phil's voice, but It was so brutal, SO different. She watched, with a stifling threat and heaving bosom, as n shot rung not from Phil's gun and the driver, %rho had not obeyed the summons quickly enough, emitted from hes sent and flopped onto his back In the road. Bess sprang to her feet, enure with madness, Her wits worked rapidly; she mast do something to cope with his brutality. The bandits stopper) the tingling heroes, toad in moment a tm11111ing party 111 travelers filed slowly from the stage. They lined up In n row, their hands high nbove their heads, P,ess• gave n strangled gasp, n sud- den impulse seized her, and she Vaned to the road, her revolver clubbed and Clutched tensely. With blind fury she flew to 1110 hold- np scene, her nostrils diluted. her eves red -rimmed. Tine 1eat10r evidently saw her com- ing. Fie darted forw'mal.and n (ein- iac Inter Bess found herself struggling and righting in his strong arms, Ile knocked the revolver from her hand and tried to explain something In eager words. Taut she would not Ileh'n. She sereanued with Page end tore at 111114 ; his very touch was the blight. TIM tteiids seared her wherever they rested, In the meautime his companion* continued their work and 1111111 no me tention to hits. With a w(1t1 gleam fit Ills eyes, Phil suddenly forced hal hack and held her tightly explaining to her, trying to get 1140 girl to listen to his defotise. Through sheer weakness Bess linnl- ty tial to listen, Than the words had their effete. Her oyes gleamed she looked at hint squarely and bectame more quiet'. "Wait heret" he Cried suddenly. "I'll go back axil get the shift" Waft here for tial' AN he danneid off Setts Sank to that Wand: utterly soot, aced ebb ley sib,, Bile is Useful in its Place And by Using Dr. Cba0tAs idassy.Uwer' Pilbl You Can Bilkaumaeraand Thursday, August 28th, '1919, Fresh, rich, full -flavored tea -the same every time Sold only in sealed packages 123 w n 0 4 0 ,. a: KING GEORGE APPROVES London, A ugust 15 -King George has given his assent to the 13111 passed by the Parlia- ment ratifying the German Peace -Treaty, The act thus be- comes law, * Xr 1P k M H :F O .r 7 Children Cry( FOR FLETCHER'O C .6g1. S T O R e A H MelleA .tkPUr St of as a Ma 1tItr '' „Vela twee" Onions h s*SeSS and' 4 - e*5*s geptI Ottiis dipouve system. *.at, like nadlt•tLBNfr to mature, bile or of the greetait imetid141 n weans fear d in no right .plisse. rt it aloe 41tty et the inset•. to Mitac tae 011e Hi from the ed, Where it este en s Olin(, *nu to paste 1t Late tits bow she Whora, 58 its entkwptic to u recto, 1 the teer5en'1t0 p WA Ibbasejele r�thde allnsentary eased. L?eeee'Mentla' when the laver is an- te, in 14PPYYMet bile to the );ew- ttltppes or bowels there is no consttpe.- ttoa, no congestion of the kidneys, po closing of the digestive system, PT keeping the livor active Dr. Qnue'e Radney-Liver Pills prevent and cure biliousness, conetlpatioa, Chronic indigestion, as well se seri- ous and complicated dieeaeeas of the Inner and kidneys. - Mrs, Mishner, Thornhill, Ont, writes :-"Last January I was seis- ed with a very bad bilious attack. which caused me to bave trouble with my liver, kidneys and bladder. I suffered so much with pain that I became completely worn out. For- tunately I resorted to Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and the use of these pills has left me strong and able to do my work, Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, as well as his other medicines, have been of great benefit in our house- hold, and in fact the house is never without them. Please publish this letter for the benefit of other suf..' teres." ' Mrs. John Dillon, 23 Pollock St., Galt, Ont., writes :-"I had been troubled with sick headache for some time, and also gas on my stomach. This was so bad at times that I felt I would suffocate before I could get relief. I got some of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and alter using these found I was com- pletely cured of both the gas on my now enjoying he best tomach and the headaches, health." Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pius, one pill a dose, 25 cents a box, all dealers, or Pldmanson, Bates & Co.. Limited, Toronto. You cannot ex- Inslstao getting { the genuine.'sautes. CHURCH NOTES church notes eta(in shrdlu culfwyp vb Rev. W. J. Ashton, pastor of the Wel- lington Street Methodist church, Lon- don, has passed successfully through 1111 operation at Mayo Bros.' Hospital in Minneapolis, and every (tope is held out for his recovery, A committee appointed by the Mait- land Presbytery is trying to arrange to amalgamate the congregations of Knox and Huron Presbyterian churches et Ripley, Rev, W. 1. McLean, of Hanover, ac- cepted a call from '1"haniesvllie., and will enter on hiS work at Thantesviile the beginning of September. This call carne before the Presbytery at the July inset- ibg, but so strong a deputation fronts Hanover opposed Mr. McLean s re- moval that the Presbytery asked hint to postpone his decision for it ntnnth. Mr. McLean is an old illyth boy, tieing the eldest son')f the late Rev, Mr, McLean 1).x1, CI FOR Or ° FOR FLEVCHER'S u i moex a A, .,,,t ., 00000 0000000000 • DATES OF FALL, FAIRS o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13lylh Sept. 22-23 Brussels Sept. 16-17 Dungannon Oct, 2-3 Exeter Sept. 15-36 * Goderieh .. , . Sept. 15, 16, 171 Gorrie Oct. 4 London (Western Fair) ..Sept6-83 1 Luckncw Sept. 25-26 Seaforth Oct. 18-19 Wingham Oct. 8-9 Zurich Sept, 17-18 Make Every Hour Co 'DOR the salesman, collector, con - 9.' tractor -the man who "must get there" -the Ford Runabout. Through the traffic of the city, over rough country roads to the outlying town, the Ford Runabout travels rapidly and economically. Ford Runabout 5690. Touring $690, On opene P is he00 models Electric a. Starting and Lighting Coupe, 5975. Sedan, $1,175. (Closed model pricey include Electric Starting and Lighting equipment). Demountable rims, the carrier and nonskid tires en rear an optional equip- ment on closed curs only at;26.00 extra. These prices are f. o. h. Ford, Ontario and do not include War Tax, tiulr only Genuine Ford Para 700 Canadiaa,dealers and over 2,000 Service Garages supply them. 131 • Clinton Motor Truck & Machine Co. Dealers - - Clinton ereg i i'. Three flavours to skit all tastes. Be SURE to get Wt` IGLS Sealed Tight ite!pt Right EPT secret and special and personal ifor YOU IS 1GL'".'` in its air - tight seaied package. A goody that is worthy of Your lasting regard because of its lasting quality. The Flavour. Lasts MAE CANADA te1 r.Ff.t T ,��' );.1(.•'f, fr f^ a IiIJ�'•'Nf ltab'duli[A'Sr3 v'V� -.