HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-8-28, Page 3r¢rgp.no.v�puvmx nan�nr..*rww,a^-A,wueur.�.a�'=u.m�r.innc�4•++�«a,pw..*r.urt.�
Three months , , , , , , . , $ 40
Half year Pe,,,,.,,,, $ .75
Year i, 5 o
—If not pant in advance, $2,QO per anntm—
f OfI'Yoc Phone 30.
TH CLINTON Gab;W 1 b;kit .•
(Advance Only)
Great Britain , . , , , , , , , , , $1,50
United States r , , , , . , , , , , 2.00
France , , , , . , . r .. , . , 2,00
Thursday, August 28th, 1919,
Genn,�lrv�vnra3K'.mst ila=1uaFaaurtratlGm46.2:1Ze. faavlu,16120 +'15MPONSIMI cr.�sY4atOVpue Lt MilitaaliVOPARmOltuuteurfloge+srenewgaatml:.^'=amaievamNra ar
House Phone 9"5.
96EM?INWNI kti,nnm[ani4L`e.04.14 =1'N
Veit Would Never Walk Again,
' RUIT-A-11VES" Brought Relief,
4Ge yr`�,'•
•r"g4A.�pk'-r--�=:! 1 to<%i.,%+;;`:C+
?.�a':s�Ez?i.C'aaiG''`%sitx�sx•:':t'Y:4 Ei'RJ:...
Pictures of Canada during the Royal Visit of 1861
(1) The Parliament Buildings, Quebec, ,the
official residence of the Prince of Wales during
his stay in Quebec,
(2) His Royal Highness descending a Timber -
Slide at Ottawa.
(3) His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales
shooting on the Prairies of the Far Wes>`.
(4) The Prince of Wales laying the last stone
of the Vietonia Bridge over the St. Lawrence.
(5) The Government House, Charlbttetowx,
(6) St. John's, Newfoundland.—The Prince
of Wales landed at St. John's.
(7) The Prince of Wales in Canada. — The
Orangemen's Arch at Toronto, Ont.
(8) Departure of the Prince of Wales from
Plymouth Sound for Canada.
(9) The Prince of Wales at Quebec.
(10) Departure of Prince of Wales from Port-
land, Maine, for England.
(11) Grand Canoe Reception given to the
Prince of Wales, on the St. Lawrence.
Pictures by 1 -end permission of the Illustrated Lon-
don News.
tri _.s`F �..,y' T J 5'• ks F- f 3 $
• tR:
Y rNb 43ft1
.+rbc lc%
There are few' people alive in
Montreal to -day who remember the
Itis±orric visit of H. R. 18. Prince
Albert Edward of Wales., to the Can-
adian Metropolis in 1861. There aro
. still fewer who were rprivileged to
attend the festivities incident to that
visit, but still here and there remain
elder statesmen of Montreal who re-
collect the brilliant ceremonies
a With which the 13oy Prince, who
later became King Edward VII., was
received by the loyal population of
Montreal. At that time the city was
only a village as compared with the
metropolis of to -day, and its popnla-
tion was much more pronouncedly
It would be bard to conceive a
greater contrast than that presented'
by the receptionto Icing mk4,,
*wand's grandson in 1519, and that
, given the then Primo Albert lidward
^ In 1861. Whiskers and steamboats
Were then the gredomtnaat features,
tar'�a•+�tsrwl+ .,.raw^+ _._._.�,�•ea".....c
while such few railviays as existed
wore of as primitive a type as' the
beavers sported by the nobility. The
Canadian Pacific had not been
dreamed of by the band of great po-
tential dreamers ,of continental pro-
gress who were then in their buoy-
ant youth, Since then the tiny en-
glnee, mostly burning wood, with a
few -coaches of the primitive age of
railroading 11881 given place to the
all -steel train with inons'ter locomo-
tive capable 01 hauling a tnilltcn
pounds weight of the present Prince
of Wales' train without a quiver,.
The present Prince of WalerS 1811.1
travel in his sveelal train with More
c0nfort than his grandsire could
have at Suaking'bemn Palace, and with
conveniences unknown to the 110y-
,altics of 1861.
On August 18±11, ;1561, Prince A1 -
bort H1d1Wai'd of Wales 'was officially
welcomed at Quebec Ctty, lie eijn
barked for, Mota,t±ettl ori, the stpmer
f/, r. r
Kingston, the Lect r.:e:.,.r n; ..,.
ling then.
Arriving at Montreal on Auilmst
25th, the Prince visited the 1':xlitbi-
tion, where spcc'al performances
were given In his honor, and later in
the day proceeded to tete recently
completed tubular Victoria I3ritic'e.
A 'round of festivities followed, one
of the most notable being the grand
ball given in honor of the 'Prince of
Wales by the citizens of Montreal on
Um night of Monday, August 27111,
There being 110 dance hall large
enough tbo citizens built an numerics
wooden pavilion for the oecas:.,n,
which was lavishly doccrated,
There were no fox trots In tt osc
days, but quadrilles, lance's, waltzes
and other formal terpsichorean ' -
0101s0s, but the chroniclers of tura
time recorded that Prineo Albert
IfliI*ard derided incessantly until
well after half -past four, alit greatly
enjoyed binrself.
8 Ottawa St., Hull, P.Q.
"Fruit-a-tivos" is certainly a wonder..
Per a year, I suffered with Rheu9xa.
±ism; being forced to stay in beth
for five months. I tried all kinds of
medicine but without getting better;
and thought I would never be able
to walk again.
'One day whilo lying in. bed, I read
about 'Fruit-a-tives' the great fruit
medicine; and it seemed just what I
needed, so I decided to try it.
The first box helped me, and I took
the tablets regularly until every trace
of the Rheumatism left me.
1 have every confidence sin'Fresit•a-
lives' and strongly recommend them
to every sufferer from Rheumatism",
50e. a box .6 for 82.50, trial size 25o.
.At all dealers or sent postpaid on
receipt of price by Fruit -a-tive6
Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
4/7. 13U5(1)021 Li
BAit'ULSTER SOLICIT()it ;.O t' it}a
PliSLI0, 1N,'1"
en,t N'rCN
1 - H. T, RANGE
Nota•"y Tubi.,', Conv,'yeiw.'r,
Financial anal 1l(,.1 Esti, to
ENSUGACCV ACEN1'—Rohm`,,:,1 ".'rt Fist,
• stu'aneu Com Pxniu�.
Division drouri Office.
Plano Tutting
liar. James Doherty wishes to In-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do flue pianu tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing,
Orders left at W. Dohe"ty's ;,hone
61, will „ecoive uroin, t attention
1.30 p, m. to 330 p. m.
7.30 p. m. to 9.00 p. m.
Sunday 12.30 to 1.30
Other hours by appointment only..
Office at Residence, Victoria Street.
Office at Residence
Corner High and Kirk Streets. '
Clinton° Ontario
Crown and Bridge Work 0 Specdattye
Graduate of C.O.D.S... Cbncngo, and I1,O.D,03
Bayfield on \teudara, MIT est to N.
Olhaes over O'NEIL'S store,
Special mire taken to make dental vrea
mens as painless as possible.
Lire stook and general Auction vv..
1%1 J. atm:0 tithe It spactl:t.1. 101.2i Y st S,
Num 11i. were, rfttnton, ort u+ t 5.^.mane.
•n., Tor•ne reuaoole,le. Barmen , ld.. no,..
0. 1' 8.10.1,'ggn.rt AS, 1). 81:'lag;Ne• •
11Ia:t:1C I3 .d t3
A.L13ER'F ST ,
• Genera! awaking :,ty• ^..-
Drafts issued. Interest -,hew-T' t^
The Niclialiop Ai'i.i'"iltiOttir: tt
Fire Insurance mai.
',Herta end,lnoiated Town Prop..
erty Only Inhered,
Head (Miro- Neal orlh.Ont
J. Connolly, Godertch, President; Jas,
Evans, Beechwood, VIce-Presldentt
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforih, Secretary,
Alex, Leitch, No. t, Clinton; Edward
Hinchley, Seaford,;' Wm. Chesney, Eg
nrondvilie; J. W. Yeo, Goderlch; R. G
Jarmuth, Brodhagen.
Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Seaterlh: John lien.
newels, Brodhseent James Evans, Beeeb-
Wood:. hi. Mowatt, Clinton; Jame* ,
Connolly, Got{erieh. 0. r, McGregor
N. 3, Seaforth; J. u. Grieve, No. 4,
Walton; Robert Ferris, Ilarlock; Cabo„
hieill irina, NO. 3. Seeforth.