HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-8-28, Page 2rA4 E 2 veneseeetersereememeemeezermeisrameieteatsgoomoweercerreenamexersee Every clay 1 is Fashion Day 1 tntch PHONE '78 "Minces {. h n' [��rkeFkuicbgs �'F 60c Per , Always 11 Something New n n �n n e A lS yi P 1 l , . 100 ids. flouncing' Eulbcoidery, 27", 36" and 40” wide, suitable for dreseg leautifal Quality,, underskirts, children's Values u p to S 1.00 to $1.50 a yard, Special 69c a yd. dresses. •l � ,t u j " din ihns Dresses $125 5 dozen Ladies 1louse Dresses, made of good Quality print short sleeves, Dutch neck, elastic girdle. Would be good value $1.25 each. at S1.75, Special The balance of our Summer Stock of Muslins, mostly light cnlnrS 27 to 36 inches wide. \"a14es up to 75c. Special 35c yd Refloat $3,,9, 8 only Ladies Rain coats, fawn and grey, rubber lined. Sizes 36, 38, and 40. Values up to $8.00. Speciai. , , .$3.98 Ladies Dresses $331i The balance of our summer stock, inc uding Chainbrey and sizes 16, 18, and 38, Valises up to $6.50. $3.98 Ginghams, Special THIS STORE WILL CLOSE EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 12.30, DURING JULY AND AUGUST 111411111111111111111111111•100. '+utnr�e 11MA11Dilmf•1111.111asIse.s11v: er Ebe teacup s: Miss Ruby Wise is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Daisy Middleto.n is visiting in Toronto. Mr. Freak Jenkins is taking in the sights at Toronto., Miss Nelson returned to her school at L'Aniabte to -day, MPs. James Scott is visiting relatives and friends in Detroit. Mr, Harry Folland is going to see the sights at Toronto' Fair. Miss Gladys Draper leaves this week for iter school in Ottawa. Mr. William Jackson made a business trip to Toronto this week. Mr. C. D. Bouck leaves today to visit his relatives at Morrisburg. Mrs, C. B. Hale and Miss Ruth are visiting in Toronto this week. Mr. Earl O'Neil is spending a few days In Windsor and other points. Mr. Norman Fitzsimons is visiting at Detroit, London and Toronto lhs week. Mr, and Mrs, G. D. McTaggart and family are visiting in Toron'to this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chats. McKinnon and Miss Kathleen left today for their home in the Soo. .Mrs. J. Miner and family left for Lim- erick, Sask., on Tuesday, to make their home there. Mr, 13. J. Gibbings is at Toronto Ex- hibition in the interests of the Doherty Plano Company. Mr. Henry Pollock, manager of the Doherty Piano Company is attending the Toronto Fair this week. Mrs, Alcintush and children are re- turning to ,'Montreal to -day after spend- ing the summer in')liuton, Mrs. Miller returned to her home In Brooklyn last Saturday alter visiting her daughter, Alsr. Thus Hawkins, s Mr. Carl East, who has been holiday- ing here, left for Hamilton to resume his duties 'illi the Royal 'Bank. - Mrs. John Wiseman, who has been visiting for the past three weeks at Ktpgston is expected Koine this week, Mrs. Robert Bell and daughter, Miss Jean, are visiting in Toronto with her son who holds a position in the city. Messrs. C. F Libby and 1'. T, Jack- son started on their trip to Boston, New , York and Lowell„ this week. The tales they will tell when they get back Will be wonderful, Read the advertisements. Read them for your own information and advan- tage. Read them to encourage the ad- vertisers who are making these better things possible for you, e Widespread search for hundreds d ds of M,S. draft evaders is being made by Fderal police in the Abitibi region Ottebec. 1 n Map es and ei s m and a few other standard varieties of trues Can do more to make a street look beautiful than Anything else which cats be done for it They afford welcottlfe shade, and with 'a very little attention soon at•• tails A spfendid growth, ritiMAMANaliAlaslAAAAAaWraliAra TOE CLINTON NEW ERA. Thursday, August 28th, 1919, tenseermenstmoseat LateNcwsof .,•..+mc®e„+n®,. ,:Nalco.'WM.,,,oilar=a., ,,.A,o,.....Aw.....A..•,.., ric GOD RICiI.TOWNSHIP IIENSALL I3G5fTH, GODERICH Miss Elisa. McCuurt returned to De-, Mrs. R. Campbell has suldrher pro- Mrs. J. E. Bennett has rest qed her 1'' g I he committee in charge of the Do- Otis week after spending some periv to Arthur Coxworth, position as chief operator RA the Blyth Minion Day celel>rntion met t,, -clay rural telephone system, after eight and and divided up nearly $400, the sur- e' holt years' Servlee. She Inas not had plus from the celebration. $125 was gond health ter some months peek. voted to the Soldiers' War Memorial, Rev. J. 1., Somite of 1-111:s occu- 5425 to the hospital, and the remaind- piecl the pulpit of St. Andrew's church er to the fund fur tate purchase of an on Sunday and was heard by his former x-ray „um, ,congregation with notch pieasure, Mr. J. W, Craigie has purchased the Mr. Luxton 11111 has purchase 1.851- o • deuce at London and it is expected the tit. Lawrence" property on Montreal t. family will move to that city ht a few slrSir.'aW J.ltPoweends ll attthas �sold ing this retell weeks, grocery business to Mr, O. E. Webb, Rundle an Miss Laitltwaite Air h, and � d , ' late of Welland, who took possession of Goderich, were visitors at the home this morning, Mr, Powell] retains the of Mr, and Mrs, R, Ferris this week. stesuner supply cud of the business, in '1 -he Myth Flax Co. h,u'e over SO which hu has given special :ittentitin hands employed pulling flax. 'rhe for seine years, r+ sown s year was larger than vl tl I , r acreage t n t g 6 Two can fellows o 3 y t I from Brantford g 1 heretui >ra and the crop is exception- were here Tuesday with an airplane to ally go"d. negotiate wills the fall fair people for an exhibition engagement. The fair HULLETT directors diel not accept their prnposi- lion and they went on to Kinruclile. Mr. and Mrs, Kent are away on' Mr. .Iohn F!mgland, Township Clerk, The tunny friends of .Mrs. Catharine their vacation, succeeds the hate Alexander Elder as Bene, who resides at the home of her Miss Evelyn 11'w;trd is this week treasurer of the Blyth telephone sys- anti, Alex Bogie Sheppardtoa,, extend visiting friends in Goderich. (fent. their congrattilatic,tss uu the I:uly lav- •I'he contract for the memorial hall to . id,: eaasd lir 82nd milestone last Hiss floc Melvin, of Stratford,be erected at 1 1,1 bcrru for the town- 1 hursdav, 1 lilt inst. Her daughter, ship of Ilnitalt has been awarded to I urs t::ue.Grccn..,l town, :spent Lea the Iilvtlt planing stills for S'1,1100. 'Che week ,vitb Jr.emother at the Shep- anrk will Couuneu eat once. l l:udson hoose. ,\Ir. anJ ilrs, John ilarrey are visit- !dr. and Mrs. William Sty:+flield, Brit- Inu tricuds in Toronto this week and Dots 1"'.,d on 1'huriti.ty, quietly cele - also Lakin; in the li):bibitiou, i orated the anniversary of their wedd- Ahr.ut 1:;o I'rtday nun•ning the barn Mg 6 3 years ago, Both are natives driving shed, pig pen and other out of t.'.ns!land, but were ansoise the eerie imildinr,, with the entire season's se dere of Huron County. :v1r, Ssvaf- tield farmed three miles ,gat on the hayfield noun until :�. lew seers,g,r;n, when he retired to Gieterich :and .,till works unassisted t:,, large garden.. fir is also a ', :luc'd worker ,d' Victoria 2a reel Methodist Church.' iloderich stands a good chance ,d having two nets iudu-tries if not three within the present year if signs do not fail. ' A representative of a large maun- lecturing concern Irum the States was in town looking over the town for a suitable site t start ' branch. e u.t Canadian lie was shown several suitable localities by the town officials and was very en- thusiastic over the possibilities. He returned to the head office to report. if. is understood that ground has been picked out in the east end of the town near the G. '1', R. railway tracks. The factory will employ in the neighbor- hood of some two or three hundred skilled labor, Another firm, with headquarters in Canada, has got an option on a local building, to be turned into a factory, This factory is branching out where more suitable labor, mostly girls and women can be obtained. This option expires in about a month, but it is believed that before its expiration work will be started on the' building to fit it up for operations. Definite word is expected in a day or so as to whether or not the Lake Huron Steel Corporation, with a cap- ital of $15,000,000, is going to locate here. Those, who are on the inside, do not discuss the matter, but admit its coming, The property to the south end of the town, which' figures in the ro osi•tiou I be p p ,has al en secured,, -'Che matter now rests practically with of- ficials higher up. troll ti v c p g time at the home of her sister, lyirs. Wnl, Beclour. • The trustees of No, 9 school are repainting and varnishing, the inside of the school, which should improve the inside appearance. STANLEY: or el'i of Londesb o Miss stnHazel C b P visited Mrs. Arthur Mc ween for a few days this week. Pte. Greg. McGregor arrived home from overseas on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. J. Gilmour and Mrs. Janet Ross and Mrs. Geo. Bair, sr., and M'r, Hugh Gilmopr, attended the funeral of the late Mr. Graham Moorehouse, at Bay- fieldon Teusday. SEAFORTI'1 Mrs. Rev, Wm. Cole, who has been spending a few weeks holidays among friends here, has returned to Iter home in Michigan. We understand Mr, George Hanley, farm n his fa of the 711t eonee.s.s iun„has sold - to a Ail. Colcluugh, his hrotiter-in-law,, a rectory. who gets possession this fall. to Miss Ato Cooper ] S again Alt gone Wingham to hep the -nursing staff there, Goderich Township Council will not sleet until Monday Sept. Sts, owing to next Monday being Labor D;1y.1 Mrs. Wm. Bedour and Miss Elfna Me - Court, returned back Monte - after at- tending the 1'Iuteral of their aunt, Mrs. Michael Kirby, of Teeswater. The enumerators who have been re- vieing the voters' het for the coming reteren,6Uni have been at their work The vrders'•lists are going to he mune than di ul'led, livery person who is di:alilied to vote should see to it that his e,r her 113111e is 51 the list. Every vote will he needed to make a sweep- ing victory for the Prohibition forces. Mrs. Torrey and two children. of Toronto. have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hibbs, also with Mrs. Harvey Alexander, Mr, Edgar 'l7ew:u'tha has sold his truck and wee and i :uo• •esuh gathering business to his brother -in -lav, Mr. Percy Gliddon. Mr. Giiddon has al- ready started at his new job. We wish him good luck. The farms :out chattels of the late Kepple Disney were sold by auction on Friday last. There was a very large at- tendance at the sale and things sold high 1h' farm on the North side of t Iluron Road was bought by Mr. h e Phil. Potter. This farm contains about 70 :acres and Mr. Putter obtains poss- ession at once. The SO acres 00 the south side of the road was sold to Mr, George Jenkins. Robert Thompson bought the land on the Maitland con- cession. Cows aiid pigs sold very high. Our correspondent reports having seen a flock of between one and two thousand blackbirds one day last week. This is thought to be the largest flock ever seen in this section. Mr. Robert Johnston, of Woodstock, visited at the home of Mr. Fred Leon- ard last week. At -the ' request of the trustees of Summerhill school, Mrs. henry Snider, of the 1Gth Concession has been en- gaged, to take the Summerhill school for the corning year• Mrs. Snider for- merly taught at this school and her work was a success while there. There were three students at the Clinton Collegiate from the 16th con- cession who took honours at the mid- dle school examinations for Entrance to Normal, the results of which were published last week. The three were Miss Myrtle Powell, Miss Marion. Jones and Mr: John Townsend. Congratula- tions. There were a few farmers vivito did not get all their grain in before the rain came and. so their graia1 'got quite a soekleg as there has been quite.a lot of rain lately. It will be of use to the farmers IIS they can plow now, 1t ie !ikety that quite a large acreage of wheat will be put in this year when harvest is off so early, David Nicol Sas sold his dwelling on Queen street west to 0, C, Petty and has purchased. 'the house of Mrs, Jas. Bonthron, Sr., on King street, Ales. R. D. Bell has sold her fine dwelling property in the east end to 12. .1. Drysdale and has purchased the dwelling 1nuuediately to the east from A. W. E, Hemphill. R. J. Drysdale this sold his property at Oxford ( , and Nelson streets to the • r• 't - Church for ,f 5 1 ,tut s amgte),.ttum c Mr, and Mrs. Arch. Scott are away orr a visit to their son, C. M. Scott, of Edmonton. Mr. Scott and his son in- tend going on into the Peace River district on a business and pleasure trip. Mr, and Mrs. W. Govenlock and their grandson, Grey Parker, left last week for Vancouver, where they will make their home in the future. Their resi- dence here was purchased by J. J. Merner, M. P., for $4,300. LONDESBORO. Mrs. Robinson, of Blyth, is the guest of Mrs, (Dr.) Young at present. Mr. and Mrs. William Lyon spent Sunday with the latter's sister in Blyth. The ice -creast social given by the Women's Institute was a gond success. The proceeds in all amounted, to $63.00, Mr, and Mrs. Fingland are, enjoying a visit from their daughter of Toronto at present, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Adams spent Sunday with Blyth friends. 'Mr. mid Mrs. Craft, of Dresden, spent a few days as the guest of Miss Edna Lyon. • WINGS IAM. Mr, W. A. Miller has sold his fruit and confectionary business to Mr. Herman McKay, of Moorefield, who oil take possession 11110 week. There passed away on Tuesday, Aurusl 1 21h, at his Mime in Los Ange- les, California, Dr, W, B. 'fowler, who was for nearly fifty years a resident of Wingham. He had enjoyed 591(11'Canad- ian friends a picnic at Long Beach on the previous Thursday, and on Sunday was as usual, at the morning service of First M. lis Church, an attentive listen- er. 'Thirteen years ago, deceased left Wingham and sought recuperation in the sunny clime of Southern California, Mr. J. .1. Cantelon, of Chilhwack, 13, C., is visiting with isbrother, Mr, R. J. Oautelon. It is thirty-seven years since Mr. Gtnteloa left Wingham and he finds many changes in town and dis- trict. Minor Locals Are you going to the Exhibition this year? Labor Day falls on Monday, Septem- ber 1st. 'Clinton is well • represented at the Toronto Exhibition this year. The baseball team goes to Zurich on Monday part to take hi the baseball tourealnent, We do not print obituary poetry un- less It Is paid for at regular advertising res sooto the bother of rates, don't ot gcopy int or composing it unless you wish to g f i t. 11 printed, e doctor, 'pay nr.hav t g t p h , undertaker aiid' nurse all get paid for their services, but the printer is ex- pected to set obituary poetry for the full of the thing, HOLT IESVIILE. Miss Robinson from near Kincardine has been secured by the trustees of S. S. No, 3, for the coming year. Mrs. Robert Acheson returned from near Hamilton with her daughter, Mrs. D. 'Calbeck. Mrs. Acheson was visit- ing with her daughter for a wek or so. Mr. Sam McMath had a cow killed with lightning and the calf not hurt on Sunday last. Mr. N, W. Trewartha got his stable struck but not set on tire, Mrs, Bean's funeral passed through here on Tuesday it being an auto fun- eral. The auto hearse is certainly a beauty. Mrs, el, Atkinson, of Vancouver, went to Dublin on Thursday to visit her friend, Mrs. Simpson, Rev, Will Courtice took the iirayer meeting on Wednesday evening in the absence of the pastor. Mrs. Gen. Sharman, of Clinton, is visiting at J. R. Holmes. 51r. and Mrs. John Holmes, of tyre Huron Road and Mr, and Sirs. Crows - tun, of Oregon, were callers at Mr. Jos- eph Proctor's last week, Mr, (troland Alcock, of Weiland, is spending a couple of weeks with his mother, Mrs. J. R. Alcock, AI's. Robert AicCartney and Miss Altalind left Saturday for Toronto to take in the Exhibitions. A'I•. 1)rtwein, of Hensel', preached two very impressive sermons on Sun- day last in the Methodist Church here. Mrs. Ed, Oracle and daughter, of Kitchener, are spending a few days at the of brother, her 1. rather, 1I'enry Tebbutt, Miss Robinson, of Goderich, former teacher here is visiting friends in and around the village. The Mission Circle and their friends picnicked on Mr, forster's flats On Tuesday, Rev, Mr. Johnston has been having his holidays but will be back for the first Sunday in September. We're getting lots of rain these days, Two lady friends, one froth Toronto and one from Hamilton have been visiting with Mrs, Ezra Pickard amid other relatives for the past two weeks. They'returned home last Saturday. Mrs. C. Decker and sots, Sidney, of Lucknow, are spending a week with her sister, Mrs. M. Stock, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and son Howard are taking a two week's Vaca - (1011 at London and other points. CASTORlA et I>n�anta andF Children: leen Gln U � Feite sir 30 itei.r, . �' YAi�l1 the B/Nnatate-00i DASHWOOD. Mr, and Mrs, 'Then. Willert and family and Mr. ' Sc 1riker, of Carlo, Michigan, visited fora few days with Air. and Mrs, H. Willert. visited •11 the home et 529. W. J. 1 a er this week, Mr. Jones, of Waterloo, is relieving Mr. Kent at the Baulk of C' '111merce. Mrs. G. Kellerman has been quite ill. We hope for a speedy recuv.ery. mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook spent Sun- day its Brantford. Air. and Airs. Fritzley visited' with 48,T, on the Lunt of John Denholm, the halter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. ' i,,t ;; :11/81 i.i, t•ath of Milielt Town- Genttner, • ' ship, a,tl'.te'm'l of Blyth, were totally de- etre'.ee by tire, entailing a losss of up - e,'.15 01 „ 1,(150, with S2,nnt1 insur- eecc 1,12 the buildings, but nothing on the crop. The lire is presumed to have,,nen caused by spontaneous com- bustion and when discovered had made great headway. A team of horses and some cattle also some farm implements were removed. This is a very serious large lossto i a :ylr. DenhoUn who s an ex- tensive g tensive Lu•mer with ,t e stock of cattle and horses. Mr, IL J, Donehv, of Chicago, spent a fete days with Mr. and Mrs, J. IC. Goetz. Mr, and Airs. 12. Willert, of Ailsa Craig, visited in town over Sunday. ZURICH. Miss Flossie Ilartleih who has been day telephone operator at the local central ter some years, has given up her position here and has accepted •a similar pgsitton in Waterloo. Miss Hartleib will be missed as she was an obliging operator and gave good ser- vice, Miss Lila Melick has taken .the position vacated by her. At a .well attended meeting held lust Friday night it was decided to hold a baseball tournament in -Zurich on Monday, Sept. 1st, Labor Day. Four teams will play for the Championship of South Huron and liberal prizes are being offered. A number of interest- ing foot races are also on the program. The day will be brought to a close by a concert in the own Hall. A "strong comtirittee has been selected to make arrangements to make the day a big success. All roads will lead to Zurich OA Labor Day. AUBURN. The village merchants are busy ship- ping pitons this week. Mr. Arthur Lawlor has returned overseas. '.hone from v rseas. 1 Mrs. Winmiil is seriously 111 at pre- sent, At her advanced age smolt hopes are ent.ertgined of her recovery. Mrs. Henry MoBrine and son, liar- vey, of Detro14, are visiting relatives tn. the village aiid neighborhood this week. Mr. and Mrs. John,Houstuls and fam- ily ace leaving for Buffalo the litter part of this week on a short visit to relatives in that city. Mr. A, C. Jackson sold a part of Ole land which he purchased lately from the Cutis estate, Mr. George Beadle being the purchaser. Miss King and her sister, Mrs. Doyle, left for Woodstock last Monday, surn- mbned' by the death of their brother, Mr. Thomas King, of that town. Mr. George Beadle has sold his land, situated on the road to the station. Mr. J. 'C. Clark is the purchser, It contains five acres and the purchase price is $700. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Molesworth, accompanied by Mrs. Stuart, of Ed- monton, were guests of Mr. William Patterson, of the village, the latter part of hast week. The Farmers' Club shipped over two carloads of cattle and other live stock from the station here last Saturday, the remainder of the third car being completed at Blyth, KIPPEN Rev. R. L. Wilson, Methodist pastor on Varna circuit is laid up with gan- grene in one of his feet. What Wright have resulted in a ser- ious lire occurred In Mr, Detweiller's barn and storehouse. His son, Elmer, while filling a can with gasoline for a customer, lit a match to see if the C1111 WAN full. The gasoline on his hands and arm caught fire, as well s that on the floor, His father kicked the can outside, where the lire was soon ex- tinguished by the bystanders. Elmer will have a sore hand and :tem for some time. Miss Nellie McGregor, who has beets Principalu1t1 ofWellesleypublic school [o• some years, has decided to go to '1'o- runlo and has been appointed to a po- sition a numg the teachers of that city. A number of other rural teachers are looking city'ward, Mrs. Mustard, -sr of Cbesley, and her two daughters, Misses Mary and Annie, are here visiting their sol and brother, James, Mrs. Mustard is almost the last of the devoted followers of the Rev. John Ross, when the Brucefield congre- gation split at the time of the union, Mr. Ross refused to go into the union and a Targe part of the congregation remained faithful to him, After his death nearly all returned to the union congregation, while a few continued separate services, CONSTANCE. Miss Margaret Riley spent Sunday with friends le Goderich. Pie, George Riley Is expected to ar- rive Prom overseas on 'Tuesday, lie hes been overseas- four' yearsas he Went overseas with the the 161st Bette- thon, MISS Mary Moore, of'roroeto, spent a•few days as theguest end. of l Yter Vend. g _arcus �� r andMrs, James Mann s' p I ,M t Mann, Mlsses,Maly and Emma Mann spent a week with their uncle D. 'Tudor. Miss Plfeobe Wakefield spent a few days last week with friends in Gunton, WINGHAM. Mrs. Charles Snlith, wife of Mr. C. P. Smith, manager of the Bank of Ham- ilton here, was suddenly stricken on Thursday night and died in a few hours. She was in her 40th year, and had appeared in good health. Mrs. Smith is survived by her husband; one son, Kent, and one daughter, Miss Mir- iam. She was the daughter of the late 13. Kent. Her grandfather, Sextus Kent, was one of the pioneers of Wing - ham. Three young hoodlums on Friday tight assaulted a lady who was trying to drive thein out of her orchard where they were taking her apples. From a blots upon the head of one apple thrown, the lady became unconscious. When arraigned before Police Magis- trate Morton oh Saturday they pleaded guilty to the charge, each paying a pretty stiff tine with costs. As there ' • a considerable amount of titin pilfer- ingo P ing going on here from the different gardens, the authorities intend to deal severely with the offenders. Contractor T. J. McLean is rushing forward the new sewers, the work now going on up on Minnie street. ,The great need at the present time in Wing - ham is for laboring men, as where one is now in use 20 is desired. Mr. 'Mc- Lean has already got some from 't'or- onto and more will arrive in the course of a few days. Some unprincipled person or persons entered Wm. Seeath's premises several nights ago and poisoned a number of Belgaiii hares with the result that next morning a considerable amount of then were found dead by Mr. Sneath, Rigid investigations is being made in this' matter. BRUCEFIELD. Rev. Me McIntosh, returned home from his vacation this week. Harry Parkinson, of England is visit- ing at the home of his uncle Mr. A. Nooly, near our. village. He was a sailor on board the boat in which His Royal Highness sailed from England. Mr. Parkinson was on hoard the boat dur- ing the war. Miss Armstrong who was visiting at the home of Mrs, Gemmell has return- ed to her home at Paris, Ontario. I Mrs. James Dallas visited relatives at Kinloss last week, Rev. Mr. Nichol, of London, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. Welsh has returend to the city. Aliss Lizzie Aikenhead, of London, is spending her vacation at home. Mrs. Howard, of Guelph, wits last week the guest of Mre, A, 'Caldwell, of Stanley. r. hat' Ivais '+l.r d3 er You know the signs—a heavy head, sick stomach, bad taste in the mouth, latent dyspepsia. Pay strict attention to these symptoms and get prompt relief by using Beecham's Pills. 'A few doses will stimulate the liver, help the stomach, reg. ulate the bowels and make a great difference in your general feeling. Nothing iput you on your feet so y quickly as a dose or two 'of FE[ PILLS f sllydsi 3ilb oP Leyy Modieiar le taw Woirist. aOid evS5,' 'keens Ls botkss, lits t '..••.,YJia+N9 dh;t.ir, •. L.aliutLt u4Cty '.:Or, nJU STOPSW.. I.i' MS in The Catholic Record, and was as follows: Dear Reverend father:—At the meeting of the Bishops of tlut:trio, held in 'Toronto last May, i1 was decided, in view of the tenni 11ous couvicti"u of Its necessity, to appoint a Sunday in Aug- ust In each diocese upon which the people should be instructed In their duties and obligations regarding the education, and especially the higher education of their children. As you are aware 1 have made this topic the subject of certain remarks in the var- ious Parishes which have recently visited 00 yconfirmation tour. To - clay 1 follow that lead by appointing Sunday, August 17th, 1719, es Educa- tion Sunday in the diocese of London, 1 offer the following 5114/1/”suggetione which each pastor will avail himself of accord - int: to the. circuunstances of his charge: a. Children should out Be with. drawn fritts, the Primary School, Pub- lic or Separate, as the case may be, until they have completed the Course, and have attempted the Entrance •lix- amlinatit„1, h. Amuse: the children who have finished the Primary School course, there will ah5',,) 1'e a o•rt:aiu uunll,er tvh, 111 all and j •r.„ I nu1m:111 n; Pnimt out tor them ah.. c' n tut of se,geidary edueet,on. /5,5 Chlai 'n, 11,1 Lot, ,111,1 ;,els. ,L.. Jd ,a"u,, the spr,:ial ''d+trot ' 1 the 1' a,a:.r'-: ware ,fol care. He should put himself in direct communication with their parent: :11,d ur;ed upon the later their duty to t•ruvide 6,r time,: c1111dree the hest education that the Province affords. c. The natural centres to which r should be ,en 1.,r a these children . h add t higher education are our own diose an ur,titeeion.. 1n our Mice,' 511,1 in lha V',I.us Convent schools id the diocese, not only Will our children receive a cul..r ecleeetion to lit them t,',' the r.l'-ore, Hut then will ado, he v.u'rounded by every means of acquiring th"r' ugh rs knoriedge, L,idiurses High Schools. cPt . h 1 It may however happen ,en thaifnY one reason or another parents will not feel able or inclined to send their children to college or convent. In such inst;ulces the I11gir schools and collegiate institutes should be made use of. Catholic money has helped to erect these schools and Catholic money contributes to their up -keep. Catho- lics have a right to the benefits to be derived from then, and Otholic child- ren should be directed to them. In this case, however; it must not be for- gotten that a very grave obligation rests upon the parish priest in the mat- ter of the religious instruction of Cath- olic childeen in high schools. He should visit regularly these schools ,either personally or by his delegate, Organize. the Catholic children for reli- gious instruction Mid fake sfs place as a matter of right in the life of these 0115(11ations. e. Technical schools are in exist- ence in certain of our largest cen- tres of population; their number will be increased in the near future. What I have said of high schools and' col- legiate institutes applies equally to Technical schools. f. Watchful supervision over and careful direction of the boys and girls in cortege, convent, high' school and the Collegiate Iestittite' shoullt result in a large increase of voce,- tions .to the priesthood; and to the - retie -HMS sisterhoods, and is tire only means keowu to me whereby the woeful dearth of 'Catholics in Profes- sl'opal fife whether as doctors, law- yers; deutiSts, engineers and school teachers of every grade can be trans- fornied• into a` condition that will' be a credit to the Catholic people. g. Opportunity must not be lost on this occasion to impress upon par- ents and children that as there is al- ways a percentage ,of pupils who should be directed in the paths of higher education so also there is al- ways a certain number whose plain destiny is to remain upon the farm, to follow the honorable avocation of tiller of the soil, or to learn a useful and profitabe trade. Nor should the parish priest fail to insist upon the fundamental truth that no girl can follow a nobler path than that which leads to proficiency in domestic eco- nomy and to preparation for the fule fitment of woman's highest destiny. I request, dear Reverend Father, your cordial and enthusiastic co-op- eration in this work, upon whose successful issue so much depends for Ole success of our people, the wel- fare of the nation, and the interests of the Holy Catholic Church. LONDES& RO. • The' 4.ondesbord ,Branch of the Wo men's Institua will bold ifs regular meeting in: the Forrester's Hall of Thursday, September 4th. A demon stratioii on the use of ahiminunr'War will be' given by Mr. K. Lyon. A; pap'e will also he given by Miss S. Bair on "Music", its influence oil life and character. Everybody Weteome, /MOWS I$09dr`' 'The Grewft BeglfsAflkre'etyl Tones and invigorates Elie WhKfe nervous eyatom, makes new Blood in ofd Veins, Cures Nereo4e, Debility. Mental and Brain Worry,-Deaeen' •deacy, Loos of !Energy, Palpitation. of th1 Heart, Failing, Memory. Price 11 per'box, eft for $5.r One wen *nee, err wilt oure.alptaold.by aH drugeiate or mailed an ptofn pkg. on receipt of prico. Nem pamphlet mailed ' free. THE WOOD d1EDICINE CO—nogONTO. ONT. Cra.rtleWletut' BRUSSELS The Old Boy's Reunion held at Ethe was one of the most successful event in the neighborhood this season. '1'h sports in the park in the afternool were enjoyed by a large crowd and it the evening a splendid program twa given in the large Presbyterian sheds which proved too small to accommo date the crowd, Lucknow Highland band and Brodhagen brass band sup- plied the music during the day. Gate receipts amounted to 3600. The' Pbst takes its :annual holiday this week and no paper will be issued. During the windstorm me Thursday morning the brick front on the old building adjoining the post office was blows down and h ided on Che side- walk, Several pedeslrains had a nar- row' escape. People of the locality were greatly surprised to hear of the death of Dr. R. J. \Vhitticld, of Fort Scott, Kansas. He had been seriously ill a few months ago, but was getting along well and he and Mrs, Wt1l11e ll were contemplat- ing a visit to Brussels when pneumonia set in and he passed away at the earl}' age of 57 years. Dr. Whitfield was born in this locality. He was a prom- inent Mason. Two brothers and two sisters live here. The new Voters' lists for the refer- endum vote are printed and ready for revision, 'rhe addition of women voters has nearly doubled the number of names usually on. Brussels Fall fair is looming up. It will be held on September 1G and 17, There ere many special prizes and at- tractions, with a good band, The prize list is one of the largest and best in Huron County. ENDORSES HIGH SCHOOLS Bishop Fallon, of London, issues Pastor- al Letter. — He Impresses Upon the Priest* that 12a h A mAn Catholics Miro A Right to Ilea Thom. Aastoral leiter issued bythe i2lglit pRev. M. A. Fa on, Bishoof August appointed 1711 as lidufatlonal Sunday, in the diocese ,of London; It appeared, headed "Official," c AND A Those and many other bowel com- plaints such as dysentery, cholera morbus. cholera i m nFant u .or an other looseness ss of the bowels, may be quickly relieved by a Few doses of Dr, Fowler's Extract of ' Wild Strawberry. It is without a doubt one of the safest and most reliable remedies in existence. It has been ti household remedy for the past 74 years. Its 'effects are instantaneous, and i does not leave the v bowels in a eon pitted condition Mr Joseph Dale, 730 10th St., Sa Loon Sask,, writes:—"}laving used Fowlor s Extract of Wild Strawberry many yeare, I am in a position to sero recommend it for diarrhoea, colic, cramps. In violent cases of a water poisoning it has proved a ren of superlative quality, and many a some poor harveeter or laborer bicesed me for the administration dose of this valuable and highly effie remedy. I would advise every, hof eteador and thresiterman to keep bottle on band." If soma tuacru uaa hvSGes t tries talk you intb:talring come otherapre tion when you ask far "Dr Fop trap to fella it,tel t na-nam. ret hfsle 0. I reputation ettbetitudes..natty he danger toyour health. The pries of "canine is $g3 a'bottlta, and put up by4I'hb'r. Milbtuxt Ca., Y;ittadodf;'Ildrer OM.