HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-8-28, Page 1• I,stdtblislled 1 86 5, VOL 54, No, 9 C L 1 N T O N, O N T A R 1 O, __._. T 1-1(1"R $ D ATY AUGUST 28th, 1'919; W. 1I, . err $on, editors and 1'abliahers• eur EraW he Sene Ant to a Newyscribe num k(UOr 5oc, ° ,. aw+•mWvW N'trWW'4dV4°A+�V6d'W'V'Jid\WVbYb vp9b'00'It'30V1MYM1r'VhOW4'W!CObb�I'VIIVWV I T ®SEEK DATA u`9!LI dainty JONTEEL COMB NATIONCREAMrVAbsolutely iel of n a Clasnt, s by Itself. JONTEEL FACE POWDER -Expressly for those who want the best. JONTEEL TALCUM -You will be satisfied with nothing else JONTEEL TOILET WATER -The best in the world. SOLD ONLY AT THE REXALL STORE S s " FE 0 BEST QUALITY DRUG STORE WssosovNa¢4JOOWtioB9Fosess SeasoysisewQObWWVv+r vwsdsevvyteais ed¢eueate butte eeN 06,..404‘,,n 00.W. .0010100•1•100F.rnaia0011.lIIMMIP/10•010,11Mln .700.400O00,1 60'1 - Pte Phm, 13, 1!. oya1 ark OF `OANADA Incorporated 1869. HEAD OFF -ICE, MONTREAL Capital and Reserve $ 31,000,000. Total Assets' 430,000,000 576 Branches A general banking business transacted. Interest paid n Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to rent. R. E. MANNING, Manager : Clinton Branch ten, • clean.,..a a m.....maw l1 I INCORPORATED 185 i' Ti -ii MOLS a n:.•HI is Capt al and Reserve $8,800,000. Over 1OQ, Branches The Wilsons, Bank is ready to advise merchants, manu- facturers and farmers how to finance their requirements. SAVINGS DEPARTMENTS AT EVERY BRANCH. Deeete..rne.,s conducted on tap -to -Plate system. i l.. SHARP, II/Ian:ages . . Clinton Branch • et'.irt�iS'..''�� �.T.,..:-Since �, are.: 3t1:.TrLMMISM • s zr» .1:011nrsmamasv Y4'a'M59.G.= •'v.sceassa(1 t•.sus�.t�.m The e ,. Vj i1 BAD 12 °UN.'":'nc •.s..,' 1 'w^t x•• e.,1 - rs ramxc.,rrzS.�Afa51, \ 'zat,.:.cxrna� .- tD 'T94R.121.1 ""49TG.^or,T6„tY5 n. nL'W: - /11 j `:d T la , ON A UNIFORM RAW, FOR HYDRO AN OLD HURON BOY , CLINTONV T RANMARRIED WILL PROBABLY BE APPOINTED Delegates From Western Ontario Muni- Mr. R. R. Farrow Likely To Be Cus- cipa`1ities Form An Association -To toms Commissioner Agitate for Same Rate For All If Such Found Feasible. 1 Ottawa, August 1 5. -With the re W. G. Curl, now a Policeman at Strat- ford, Married on Saturday, The Stratford Beacon on Saturday makes reference to the I ; wedding of a Clinton Old "That this assembly of dele- gates, representing various muni- cipalities that are interested in se- curing a uniform rate for hydro- electric power delivered to nnli- cipalities from the hydro system, do now resolve themselves into an organization' which shall,be designated and named the Ontario Hydro Power Uniform Rate.Assoc- iation shall for the present have the following officers to act as its. governing body or executive." This resolution. was passed at a sleeting held in the Tecumseh blouse, London, Friday afternoon by delegates I from various Western Ontario nluni- cipalities after discussing the question , of a uniform rate for hydro power in the Province of Ontario. The execu- I five was empowered to secure all poss- ible data concerning the question which will be brought before the association at some future date, as soon as the necessary information can be gathered and if feasible to agitate for such. There was only one dissenting voice and 15 delegates favored the resolu- tion. Officers Elected Following are the officers elected: I rich. President -J. P. flume, B. A. G013.1- - Vice -president -F. 1-1. Brisco, Chat - turn to Ottawa at the week -end of 1-lol. A, L. Siftpn it is expected that nn apppointement will be trade imme- diately to the position of commissioner of customs, which because vacant dur- lug his absence. by the death of John- McDougald, j During the session •there were al - ,most daily inquiries as to who would be appointed and the prime minister stated that the nrinciole of promotion within' the service would be followed. It is expected that R. R, Farrow, the assistant commissioner, will be np- _pointed, He has been 35 years in the department, Ile was born" at Bluevale, Huron County, the son of Mr, Thomas Far- row, who represented N, Huron in -the Commons for 18 years. After explaining the various steps in the legislation, which were taken to give hydro to the dtfferent munic- ipalities at cost to each without fear or favor Sir Adam stated that' this legislation could not be changed with- out the consent of the municipalities affected. "1 cannot imagine that the Legisla- ture, witlfout the consent of all the municipalities, will attempt to make any changes," said he, "and 1 would ask you toecure' s the consent of the municipalities before you present your request for a uniform rate." ,•11. there could be such a thing as a flat rate for hydro I would be the first one to boost for it with all my energy," said Sir Adatn, "AII''tlle years since the inauguration of the plan we have had but one idea and theory and that is to carry out the original principles of supplying power at cost to the municipalities without being diverted by either political or personal or any other reasons." 'Phis statement was greeted with hearty applause. his system stands out as an ob- ject lesson t, the whole world," con- tinued the s,'e. ker. "This is a muni- cipal o'v.ership and not. a national ownership ciente. There is no s 11111•l f any politica Fein` shown in any of the plans,,' A; another inst,nlc: that everything on :Bele was deme tor the small user be eited the tact that Princetown is 1 supplied with to horsepower. epower. .11 h no private t.. ri..,rati,.,t1 would think ,. f do -:e I':et:hin't rn'the'telephwne rtes. ";such were raised by the UOrsinion Reilwite i'..Ira immedi.tteh• pr•i1,r to ,t "1/1131.1'' having hr; a cur t,w• the com- pam, Sir •1.1..31 til tight that the time is ripe I r the e,'en i '•n to cider the telephone iwIJ. As an instance 1•f what c„a!d ese he (bole even in the tele- phone field he cited the case of mani- ol, a 1, here flat rates were fp use, to the hos , 3'th the whole phut. .11r. T. J Hannigan, of Guelph, minted c t tint before an, chage weld be made in the 11ydr, electric. deitislation affeetinte. the various munici- palities in the 111311n Union the unani- onols 3onlent of all these municipali- ties would have to be secured. If Feasible • Mr. J. P. lluitle, of Goderich. de• scribsartm ed w•liat steps had already been taken towards investigating the ques- tion of a uniform rate for hydro. 1 -le pointed out that if it were feasible it would d be of great benefit to the pros, t.tce , a w i s v tufa. Describinag the great source of power in Niagara Falls as a heritage of the Province of Ontario, and, as such, a benetit which should be equally shared by all in the province, he contended that a uniform rate for the power de-• livered at each municipality is the only method whereby this object can be attained. Mr. Hume also contended that a uniform rate for the province would tend to stake for better citizenship in Ontario. Securing Factories lie explained that all large munici- palities have shuns to contend with, and he thought that with a uniform rate for power the smaller municipali- ties would he able to secure some of the manufacturers which now go to the larger dies where the cheaper power may he obtained. Thus the pop- ulation woad be more evenly spread among the various municipalities and there would be fewer slums, Comparing the hydro service to the postal system, the speaker elaihned that there was no more logical reason for having differential rates in 'the one while the rates in the other were uni- form. , ham. Secretary -Treasurer -W. S, Bowden, Goderich. ',•i, . Directors -W.11. Sanderson, St, Thomas; V. G. Rannshaw, ,\liltot; R. ' ii, Bellamy, 311. Brydges; P. F. Reilly, Petr<llea1 John Smith, Thtunesford; Dr. It, r. atldinstnh. En4no. ',VItile the sleeting, with the excep- tion of one vote, favored the step lead • - , toe towards establishing a uniform rata for hcd,',, there were many objections a eniform entrance fee being ,'stab-' li'he:t b•: the nrg::uti.atiun. ' This was iinally left ti, the executive committee to decide. Mayor E. R. Wigle. of Gudcrich, chairman of the 3110.1tine, explained the ' .•Meets for which the dele;'tes had bean called together. The fact that ' ' there w•:s no antagonism to hydro w'as in1"ressed upon the audience. it was 1 more that some ,neatt nlfelo be dis- co'•e1'ed if it were possible to Intake the rates such that every municipality in ,h: proving.1, no matter what the Mee, nor what the di't,tnee from 1111 e "'rce of p.,w•er. might be able to use hydro to advantage. Sir Adam Speaks Sir Adam Reel:. who at the last PltRnent was invited to adlIress the tneetin:,1, received a splendid ovation front the delegates •,..honi he explained the ai11113 and „birch of the Hydro- power (e„m:ulssion. . One of the delete:Iles after the speech :prose tc his feet and cried out "titre is the ,halt we want f0 premier, r { r, Hoer, nuc who will do the square thin1 g by everybody,o • TOna•Ga MtrzsM9 XiMISzarZe TEt0 rumor vewe ';...' tlrz p, ;nt�ae asrlm21___ <'l^J�i. 11n„cc„�"'. CFCamMFH'•!�r'm q:= `61 �' n.! 933 9 IaMIZAI 15 1Rr, ,, '37?Fi.a'a taxx•ZW:iatrasl. ✓.:.. siSZCA00Itstratnser .T 621Matiralasua^na •;'• ezesesetreme yv,.4wtnsw.131a rria_ ISMAMVZIAA 'rom t oPOrr;+ � 11. ' aenrivarih' .Rix . 01<*513 z ,,..z ,101513.CiC: RF18• ';.00015.`xh:. n s. - G'S',U:":,� C - . dall.]r 1500100sa"'"ru>-/5513. 13 . •, 151.4 1r ia Iz szszzct .gzst _'.�7 / 't `0x2 0 rasis14154 ▪ . • mancivz-=s0. 40.xarcC:xcy;!. r'. t0W55 .. `/'i • -:,t .>. ' C . CIlrfaaa FrawiLILIS13 als001{•n'0.v'551 ELMcrt"i111000. a, cora'• te=5.301 ctr132 v=56=ax arrrxss.,..,. toxon r w x•st.•aw IIVnTucom,= ,1:wen4Vserdo 0. lt.V TTk511LT` 30 3t1F:1 ra/Fr5 :74.r< r LIca",Atl MvvR�als,mn. 0 :51r 155351 04 EsucammswAsys is'iL" �h:kt tt05551310141. ONTO e slrlaaFLaliffiroO The Morrish Cothing Go. R "A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERY MAN" • • Mione 146 EstillifitES E u A. 1 WOOD Interior and Exterior Decorating We protect your floors, furni- ture, etc., by plenty of drop sheets. Wall Papers, Mouldings, Signs, Etc. 81 Isaac Street - MAZOLA WHAT IS IT ? 1(A Pure Salad and Cookia„ ' Oil. Pure ®ii from Corn. 11The newest and cheapest Shortening on the rnaYliet today. y(Absoluteiy Pure. ijUsed also for Salads in place of Olive Oil, T... 'NIL THE Fl 13' GROCER- Pboud Canada Food Hoard License No, 84495. HURON BOYS HOME Cpl. W. Managlian, k'.linton:° Pte. G. Nicholson, 141uevale Pte. K, ,111:Vittie,BIyth Pt.'. Il„r1. Take, Exeter Pte, 13. C Case. Exeter Cpl, P, 13, Doering, Exeter Pte, A. Ackney, Exeter. Pte. C. 13, Allison, Exeter Pte, 1t, 1'inkbeiner, Crediton. Pte. G. McGregor, Clinton t Pte, C. Rowvden, Clinton toe Pte. R. Bennett, Gorrie Pte. W, King, Gorrie Spr. Lithgow, Goderich -Pic. G. Noble, Goderich Pte, A, Morgan, Hensalt • Pte. P. L. Lanford, Dashwodd Spr. G. Reil/y, Seaforth Corp, W. Hudson, Seaforth Pte. W. Bolt, Whirl:am Pte. E. Dickson, Winghmn Pte, 11, Krafts, "Zurich - Pte, 13, iw Waters, Goderich Pte, G. Al, Elliott, Clinton v." Pie, IL K. King, Baylield •C•S.M., H. V, Kerney, Brussels • '.1 Boy, who W0I1 t oversells from Isere: Tile wedding was sole- mnized edo1l Saturday after- , a noon at 3 o'clock, of Wtl- li,un George • Curl 'and Miss Winnie Brazier, of Hastings, Eng- ' land, Rev, S. A. 3wlncelouald officiated, A1i'. F. G, Phillips, uncle of the groom, acted :n; hest elan and Mrs. Phillips was bridesmaid, 'Tile bride wore a dress of i blue silk poplin. There were many beautiful and useful presents, Among the guests were P.C. Creamer :usd fam- ily, P.C. Clements, Chas. Pooley, Sfan- le • Towser. Mr, Curl is well known SERIES OF ACCIDENTS here, being a member of the local police A2e. beau with Ilio 1st B•tttaliotn for three 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O CLT ON THE LIST 0 O - The Voters' List that will be 0 used in the referendums and in 0 the next Provincial election is O now, being prepared. Every 0 Ulan and every woman who has O the necessary qualifications is 0 entitled to vote. The (Rodlike - O tions •Ire; - O 1,-ifritish subject, - Q 2.-21 years of age. O 3 -Residing in fluron County 0 on March 31st and continuous - 0 ly since that time, • 0 Make sure that your name is 0 on the List, or if it is not have 0 it put on at the Court of Ap- 0 peal which will meet soon. 0 00000000000000 force, He is a returned soldier, having • Years. 11e was wounded in the battle of Ypres and at 'Vinly Ridge, Miss Brazier just arrived in the city on Wed- nesday might, having conte from Eng- land on the 'Corsican. -5' 0131MID C.3x7t5 9 a.3dasd8®F9.13)a CA o ro G7 11'J'CfI Tf{r CHURCIiiES. a a: 44553130055/55555/3133133103033055ts.3f RlN Willis Church • Next Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Tol- mie. 0 Win„Ilant, will preach. • in the evening Rev. ,13r, MacFarlane of Baelield Will preach. Baptist Church Services at 1 t .111. and p.m. The a d 7 e. p Pastor, Rev. E. 0, i'orde, will preach at both services. You are welcome to worship with us, Ontario Street Church The League meeting was in charge r,1 the Citizenship Committee. Eva Carter gave a tine reading. on, the "Part Played by the Pres; in the War," Elsie Hibbert played and instrumental and Harold Jervis sang a solo. Miss ida 1' rni::3 gave a splendid topic on `Wealth and 3',.vert/'" I'.e',, Mr, Mc- (limes Mo-Cornus gave a helpful address to the I_c:Newt-3, His talk was full of many ue 131'no;hts, which will not soon be t„r,-, sten 1'y talose who heard him. ,he ::bsenee of the president the teeetlr,•; was taken in charge by 31r. Alvin 1.r alt rd, 'Th.' lesson was read 1>: '.1111 Tena Merged!: and Miss Pearl t i,t11r eaee ,: splendid reading on ,•.1.1011 ' :f1.i:13 13t.'.05133'11.!1( is Fein,. 5,:130:: nest '-,1!eld.ty e' c •1r: September t: t at 1 ,. 13,,cte eoneisthoe , 1 e. lantern :urine and i.1:01rc. Ther: will be 15 , 'Il re and i nera in hur. 1 e. Thi1. will he well ,worth seeing. ,1 1.33.! i.1, .ani"n is extended „ ,:':In' bring: yi friends. ic-iuio.:. •; Iii moi" S .1, l'011 secretary:. ❑•e:isnrer of the Diocese of Huron, has 3.ft In spend a couple of months' leave in the old country, sailing th er}.. lie is accompanied be Mrs. 1 i i,. who 13 p :'•nn;; visit to •� ,t her mother' 131,1 her old Home in England ti,r the nr;t tante in several years, and 131/,r daughter, Miss Eleanor. CLINTON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE • The Collegiate Institut, a.ill reopen for the Fall term on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd The prospects are for a large attendance and the work of reorganizing will be greatly helped if the students are pre- sent on opening day. During the holiday's the school build ing has been redecorated and the Board has done everything possible to slake the building attractive and healthful for the pupils, Some changes have been made in the staff and all the new teachers come highly recommended. Miss Il.1hnkay is an Honour Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity in :Mathematics and Physics. She will have charge of the 13135es in Alalh- eltlatie5 and Senior Physics, .lir. Foulds is also an Honour Grad- uate of Toronto University and is a Specialist in Science :and Agriculture, 11y securing the services of Mr. Faulds the Bard will 1>e able to offer the spec- ial course in Agriculture which was in- frodneed by 11r, Adams, a few, tears ago but had to he discontinued ()senile to the fact that a qualified teacher could liot be secured. An effort will be made to stake the course in Agriculture pra- •ile tl :and helpful to pupils from both Iowa and county, in the department of Art and C,nt- nleaeied subjects the Board was fortun- ate in being able to secure the services of piss Edward,' 1,f Gauan/qac High Sehoul. Miss Edwards is one of the most capable teachers of Art in the Province and the work of her classes has been very highly commended by the inspectors, who have seen it, Miss Edwards is also a Specialist in Pihysicnl Culture and will have charge of the ttirl'S classes in physical training. The classes i31 Arithmetic and Junior 3133 lislt and the boy's physical training will be in charge of Mr. Nealons, 13.A., a gradeat0 of 'Toronto University, Mr. Ne:330n has bad successful experience In Norwich Continuation school and has proven it,nis.1If a capable and success - tell teacher, The first contested federal bye - election held since before the war will take place on October 27tH nevi. The Government has nixed this as the dote for polling in the eight vacancies now rx''11ng in the federal representation. day will be bite week'Soon- .... , ... tl. BAYFIRLD. ' ' • is rho law itgainat keeping .stlyii open on IJomiht1011 Day, of Labor Major Tolnlie will take the evening j 1)t. "' C.hrislnias Day, Or any :otter cervico• fat tire. Presbyterian eh'reh, 13)1/1111.1 106Y,, One,of these 1s Just' tare Pastor will preach in the Morning, as n3u01i-,.1i.iuWic'holiday 'as -Ole :other. 0 0 0' 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O TO OUR C➢TZENS Our citizens have been in many acci- dents during the past week, and we are glad to say, while many of them were painful all are recovering, Last Thursday evening Mr. Frank Pennebaker while out with an auto party was the unfortunate one, when the car was ditched and overturned to have his arm fractured and dislocated. ile is now taking enforced holidays. Doctors are supposed to cure pat- ients and not injury people but Dr. Shaw accidently hit ,Miss Emma Hig- gins with his car last Friday evening at tate 1!odgens corner and gave the young lady quite a shaking up. For- tunately nothing more serious happen- ed and ;Miss Emma was able to get a- round the next day, bliss ,Margaret Carter on Friday evening got out utuf ace.• , g b h before i 1 e t had stopped and struck the ground rather hard. She was badly shaken up and bruised. Sunday morning between 9 and 10 a. in. while .1lr, James McNeil, En- gineer of the Clinton Knitting Com - pars was looking in tire Moiler, the, gas- o111e torch exploded and he received severe burns on the face, :tints, and left leg. lIr. :McNeil put out the small idaze before any further damage was 13.11,'. 1t 0111 he some days before he resumes his duties '[;air ,113„r m ,all ..vhfle 70iss Aihert. ail,❑ w. ,.r r,,,,, JI i v5: hl! , wL. ming w,i l:ur n tit:.,:, her horse c1 1n:n.rc,3 ran. 1h: 4ot,n3 6t- t, -a:;1\ held ,m 5ntfi h, l u.,{ (1.1 '.I.. M. L , i aggart'3 ,I illii!: front , i th'. ' ..'h3- and i S1i' [3:- .1(2 , 1, cr e.1 t ww-x..1.:4111 to 1, r a s oifice ..,d to ,, the wilmereeeiyed r :t:ntn3 - mt the lace, arta had her n,o..e KsG D)1".'1L'C rOsti r ,\!.T,Pn8)7-) .113 44 In Eight Ridings.- Federal c al .sEx Expect Fed Ses. sion toEn End in FIV c ^�- e Weeks. tlttawa, Aur,. 26 -- With the an- nIuncement t•1d.iw of the dais fur the nominations and by-elections in vacant constituencies, the former to be hell ,111 October 20 and the latter „ n Oct.( -, n all cases, It became evi- dent that the session is expected to end :Mout the first week in Cretober, That is the hope at present expressed in government circles. Under oder th e aftr ,s; 1 ed at the 011,5311 se 5. es. tun ' It wad 5 ., . stated e d t .n• i ' d it Im- tpossible to hold a bye -election in less han 1W0 mn111hs, eVeept 1n constitu- encies which contain no village or 15tlyn of nlnrs tltau 1000 people. This is 111,3 5311'53ancte of the report made to the government by the officers charg- ed with the administration of the election act. it was impossible to fix a date which would enable any e:1133 - date to take his seat in the house before October. The minister of fin- ance, Sir Henry Drayton, and the minister of Agriculture. Dr, Tollnie, will consequently be unable to appear in the 330553/ at the coming session, which opens on Monday. as also will Hon. W. L,Mackenzi3/ King, leader of the Liberal party. Constituencies Affected. 9'h0 wr3ls wit apply' 10 eight c0nst- tu.ncies: Prince, 31,1..1.,; Carleton- Vlctnria, N, 13 ; Kingston, GIellgarry- Sto' nt n1 '•n•J isTrilt flntar!o, in Ontar- II'1 (tu i cs- 7:13133 :131.1 V;coria. British l'rr1:1,1, 1. 3!'-11. 1'. S. T.hnle, minister of eeri- 1/311/ e, will seek roeelection in Vic- b,t1.h, L' C., and it is presumed that Hon. F. ii, Car'ell's Sr:c-eess1'T as Ittin- is'rr of public works nt:3)' be 1 candi- dale 111 3311 033, N. 11, Sao ,Ind the hole lnppen to f:d1 1333031 83,utiey E, 1'Ik;n, of Sl, John N. 13., however, it 01,5311 me:ut 3131,11-1111• v acaocy 'and 1ecnr.1 by-election in New Brunswick. a Drayton's Seat Doubtful. No announcement has yet been trade as to the seat which will be 1.41 tested by Sir it.1nry Drayton, minister of tin:tn- 1e and there is a possibility that he may contest s x310 constituency not meetf,n ed in the foregoing,: list. Lil,';ass of Glengarry -Stormont meet in convention to decide whether or not f,.,. :•I 1,e, at Ln •,. ., I n un .tic a candidate in view f the deC3siO3 of the 111SO. to con- test the seat, ;hound they nominate W. 1.. Mackenzie King, the opposition Leader, 3t is expected that he wvill ntnke an early decision as to hit acceptance or otherwise. The possibility of Mr. King securing a temporary seat in the vacant cnn- 5lit1ency of Prince P. E. I., is now be- ing df5casaed in political circles, Most of the 110W fall .wheat tested runs slightly tinder standard, being somewhat shrunken on account Q (10tF- tfnned dry weather, Ann05ncetnent-1ias been Made at the' Ibex 'Tire & Robber Company is be - Capitalized et $300,000, with steed. OI31CCs alld. factory at Oshawa• Tem- porary gltafters are tieing 10'0113 111 all existing rubber plant ill that totwti, UN/ON CHURCH SERVICES Rev, Mr. Mc'Catuus gave a very able talk on "Opportunity" at the morning Union Service in Ontario Street Church on °'today Last. ,hiss Beatrice Green sant: vert' nicely "'There is It Green slits liar Away." in the evening his theme was "Love your neighbor as: yunr.ell" ,::'d has talk was splendid,. Th,-, choir iundleretl the anthem "Shnty- ers of Blessings", Mrs, Charles Thomp- son taking the solo part, The Ontario Street Quartette sang "Sonteboety • Cares," Union services again next Sunday in ()Mario Street Church. 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o . OVER THE TEACUPSg O0 000000000000000 Inspector Dr. Field was a yisitor in town 011 Friday last, Master Everett Downs is holidaying at Auburn this week. Mrs. T. A. Hawkins and children, are visiting In Hamilton. Mr. Thomas Gundry, of Goderich, was in town on Tuesday. Mr, 0. 13. Klophel, of Buffalo, is a visitor in town this week, Alr. Andrew McGarva is taking in the sights at the Toronto Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartliff are in Toronto this week attending the big fair, Mrs, J. Becker and daughter, .Miss. E, J. were visitors in Goderich last week. Miss Alarjorie C;Ikinsnu of Chicago, 'ca o- [Ishisvisw;teienkg.ter aunt Mrs, 1V, Downs Miss Annie Ferguson, of Walton, was calling on friends in town last Fri- day evening. Miss Pheubo Wakefield, of Con- 3.tan3e, lets :t visi1•,3' with friends 11/. tLwn last weak. County 'Treasurer Lane and County- 1'egietrer Coats, of Goderich, were in town on ilonday, Hiss ,Vary Armstrong, of Goderich, 11 i :r the week end aha guest ,it sire. J. G..Medid. .'i:• • P:,u! 'Potter lelt on Wednesday. leieeteee.snat,'luwvao, where site !t ,:11 a E. 1S. ,1Lwan;u11 , and faintly, of ['Free:toot:1, :are 13151t1.1L at the home of f.1rs 3,',1.U,wn. 1 ls•. 111. S. N. Holmes ac- .. rnf n0. a. 1I3.. A, Stephenson .. [:2 .•,.1;r; ::. Lr ndrm r•n Tuesday. i 1,;1313 w t bxeter, • 1, .tt it; 113/110 ut ...e , tart• s brother, Mr. J. (3. Medd. f ey. and Mrs. A, b Doan and daugh- t_r, . t •1[e:[s„11, were vtleitors with 14le, and ,.V:. E. 13. IlunniforJ on Wednes- i • '113..tud ),les. Miller, of London, were in town 11 n n Saturday. A1r. ',Miller ' ns A ', t n t 111 e Editor of the London Free 4'h s. (Ira) D. N. McCanuts, Wesley Parsonage, Nettenbury Street, will re- ceive on the second and third Tuesday of each 31101111, Mr. Case, of Rose, N. Y., is here. iw,Jdng into the apple situation. The T,'ew Era Inuterstands that the evapor- ,ttuY ww•tll ,}ort up. 11rs. Charles Brodie and Misses Annie and Jean Brodie, of Seaforth, were the guests of..Miss Maude Wiltse n •s for a few dal during past ast weak. Mir. ,lack Leslie left on Monday 00 Iris homeward trip to San Francisco, Col., after a month's visit with his sister, Mrs, W. D. Fair and other old frlentls. :\lr. David Welsh, of Sandusky, Michigan, returned to his home on Saturday after being here to see his sisttr the late :Mrs, Geo. Hanley, before she died. Mrs. George Middleton and her daughter, Miss Olive, of Owen Sound, who has been visiting at the home of Ii3'r. and firs. J. G. Medd have re- turned home. Mr, Bart Levis is taking in the Tor- onto Fair and will also bring back a couple of Chevrolet cars, His brother. in-law Mr, ,McKinley went with him to drive one back to Clinton. De. Turnbull, who formerly practice ed here, and afterwards in Goderich, bot wvho has 1'dsfded in British Colunt- 1';,s Ln• 1x1/115 ye:u5 past, was reu0Whlg cid ae,mainlanees in tow. on Tuesday. (Seaforth Expositor:) - Air. Frank Arnold was taken to the Stratford ilo.s- 1'ifa1 on Wednesday suffering from an alta k of I,phoid fever. 3313'. Arnold'. (11111313 tr/ends fu town will 1103)0 for a .,3001313 r0eovery. 11r. and Mrs. Robert Stuart, of Tor. 13Cin111p1hlni331 by lar. Douglas .31,w:lrt, who recently returned from ow isl altar s:rring wieh the hnp1r- !,tl t -own over 811111,ey. Their fa;hee, Rev, De, Stew - 11t, returned f:' Toronto wvith then.. T3,' Brant 1'.rr l C.'usitor refers to :t former m33115)3 1,f Ontario Street Church:I-Rev, W. Smythe, former pastor of of the Sydenham Street ch r,h, a1,:.;, , t :o months' visit 5(113 friends !111"!.5"11i,113 (rill return :n to 13; it a -[ w eek /33113 ,vtake ui, all it13' . ,_ 11':,r 1 113;5 and twoiii 11111i;en, i l nelie returned to the:.' hr 11 111 %-miner, indiana, on Tuesday. last, /3013 sl , dir:g :t ulontlt's vacation at the Ilone ni flier brother, Mr. Wes. ,'Marquis.:tu,1 .,then relatives and also the horse of 11.r. and Mrs. C. 13..1.11,13, l'f kowvn, :•:r. euel .'ars, Frets Doherty, of Cleve- land. nt.i•:, ere visiting at the hone of Alis t ,iia Runll',dl and with other old tris 01 town. Mr. Doherty is an old Clinton boy, who has done well in. that American city, being one of the• Si[perintendenta of the flood Road' Ways in that State, 33 al * 41 * 1F 5t• if o • 3< 41 • # - s More Personal brews on. Page 2 sk al:. * * *5 sac lar * alt *