HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-8-21, Page 4PAIGE 4. 1.110v ra Far more effective than Sticky Fly Catchers. Clean to handle. Sold by i`ruggista and Grocers everywhere Tkllle: Ct.1NTQN NEW ERA! By n' new refrigeration process a Louisiana engineer claims. to freeze a block of ice a foot thick to an hour, A, native tribe in the Philippines pro- duces* tire by rapidly compressing air In a sort of syringe made of bimboo. Writing desks have been designed that can be built into walls of rooms, resembling panels of woodwork when closed, LIVE POULTRY WANTED 4000 CHICKENS ' A —0- 2000 HENS —0- 1000 DUCKS —O— Each week Irons now until the end 0f December, we pay for all Poultry on a quality basis delivered with empty crops. We pay special prices for properly milk -fed poultry, and we would strong- ly advise all producers to finish their poultry as it will pay you to do so. G-con-b,al1L1OiS & C7,, i,lTll!te The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch Phone, If►0 N. W. Tree-:rthe, Manager or HolmesvilIe 4 on 042. PIANOS Before purchasing your new piano or organ let us show you the newest de- signs in several' well- known and old establish- ed makes. INSTRUMENTS RENT- ED AT MODERATE PRICES PHONOGRAPHS See our stylish cabinet designs in the best makes. C. Hoare Better Pay The Price Don't he tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Par better to pay a fair pride and know exactly what you are getting, Yon will neyer he sorry -•for as a platter of money, it is easily the most economical. That has helm said an often that everybody by this time should know it -cud vet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the lend Now Leek personal -If sou would like to noes that sort altogether - CUM fa HERE If yuu world like to buy where nothing but high qualities are dealt in -HOMES HERE And even at than, no person ever en,id our prices were unfitir W.R. eount r JeWcler and optician tier 0 Mllrrita4k Licenses Seed eorn ON HAND Wisconsin No. 2; Bailey; Improved teaming and other Variefie5 Gold Medoc Binder Twine $27.00 per cwt. HAY WANIVO IOI t MiLEOD It0)11911 'Ut((7081') INTE81 ATiONAL IMO LESSON L My RPV, P. I9. P'ITz.WNA'11oR, 1)• The Teacher of English Bible In the 1+doudy Bible Institute or (.:IIIea'gn.) ' (Copyright, 1019, Women) Newsdapor 1*nlonl LESSON FOR -AUGUST' 24 JESUS ANSWERING THE LAWYER. LESSON TEXT -Luke 10:26-37, GOLDEN TEXT -As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, espoclally unto them who are of the household of faith. -41, 0:10, ADDITIONAL MATERIAL -Gal, 4:2, 9, 10; James 2:1940. PRIMARY TOPIC --Showing kindness to others. JUNIOR TOPIC. -Helping the needy. INTI:RMEDIA'r10 TOPIC --Ola• responsi- bility for the welfare of others. SENIOR AND AI1UI:r TOPIC -Tis Christian Ideal of brotherhood. The subject chosen by the lesson committee for today, based upon this text, is "Social Responsibility." When we consider the real. meaning of the text itis hnrd to understand why the committee chose such a subject. How- ever, let u0 with open minds and hearts study the text, for it 1s of great importance., ChrIst's object was to' lead the lawyer (theological Pro- fessor) to understand the need of.God. 1. Eternal Life Through Obedience to the Law (ve. 211-28), 1. The lawyer's question n'. 23). The "lawyer" was one who expounded the 11100tic law. The nearest position cor- responding thereto in modern life Is the theological professor. His ques- tion was not an effort'00 ascertain the truth, but to entrap Jesus. )Je not only had a wrong motive, but n defec- tive theology. Ile thought that eter- nal life could bo secured by doing-' obedience. He did not know that "do- ing" meant keeping the law in Its mi- nutest parts, which is an utter impos- sibility for fallen men; that failure to measure up to the least demand of the law exposed him to the curse of God (Gal. 3:10). 2. The lawyer answering his own question (v. 27). Christ's counter - question sent hien to the law, of which he gave a fine summary, Supreme love to God and love to one's neigh- bor as to ourselves is the whole of man's duty. It is true as Jesus said: "This do and thou shalt live" (v. 28). But no one has ever kept the law. "There Is none righteous, no not one" (Rom. 8:10), "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23). "By the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight" (Rom, 3:20). "By- the law Is the knowledge of sin" (Rom. 3:20). 11. Being a Neighbor (vv. 29-37). 1. The lawyer's question (v. 29). He evidently keenly felt the force of Christ's argument, for Ile sogght to justify himself by asking, "Who is my neighbor?" This inquiry betrays, his lack of that love which Is the fulfill- ment of the. law (Rom. 13:10). Love never inquires as to wins to lea b t "Where is some one who Aeet76 lilj love?" Geist convicted hits on haw own grounds. 2.:testae' answer (vv. 30.31). He ate seered by a parable In which a certain man fell among thlevee on his way is Jericho used was severely wounded. While in tills helpless condition a priest passed by, not even coming near; Moo a Levitt, who was altercat- ed enough to look on him, but not enough to\help him. Finial), A Sa- maritan come where the wounded man Was and, moved by compassion for him, bound up his wounds and brought him on his own beast to the inn, where he was cared for at the Samarf- - tan's expense. In reply to Jesus' question the lawyer declared that the Samaritan wits neighbor to the Unfor- tunate roan; and Jesus commanded him to go and do itkewise (v.• 37). By this Jesus showed him that the impor- tant question is not, "Who Is my neighbor?" but "Wlfiose neighbor am I2" Jesus came seeking those to Atom he could be neighbor. Those . who have his Spirit.will be trying to be neighbors instead of hunting neigh- bors. Talose who love God supremely will, as they pass along the highways of life, minister to the broken and wounded souls in the spirit of a neigh- bor's love, regardless of nationality, re- ligion, eherecter or color. May we hear the voice 09 Jesus saying, "Go and do thou likewise." The Erring Soul, -Tile little 1 have seed in the world teaches me to loon upon the errors Of others In sorrow, not to angel.'. When T take the history of one poor aeart that has sinned and suffered, Ind represent to myself the struggles 1011 temptations It has passed through, the brief pulsatious of joy, 'he feverish inquietude of hope and :ear, the pressure of want, the deser- :Ion of friends, I would fain leave :lie erring soul of my fellow men will' Frim from whose hand 1t came, -Long • - lellow. •..,3 rvang God. To do gond and to serve Cod are naterlally the salve, and the servico 09 40 is the imitation of Idm;--Beu,ia• nit): Whlchcote, Daily Thought. - There ora no ct'own wearers in 10115011 who were not cross bearers 9099 below. -Spurgeon, Work Ch9erfully, ]Jo your work cheerfully, Iheaetlly Ind be ever prepared for the Oleg inner up. ---E, 11, Naylor, wxk'R C0fOo *et CamI 400, d /fa Yedtaablsibintaae t, l� 9leert(d )re. (fold In t e'. db �c'era of ,rice„ata. $5 i 1, 871 No. s. 55; 04 s. s6 per boa SOS 1,7 elf d ate, orp *eh( sil""pe.pbue. NAgtaxaeaai tout teen annolamii Cek i iMnitn aft Omen llblIrd !TESTFAL't9 PARALYN "Frllt-a-ti.v s” Quickly Relieved This Chronic Trouble 589 1'A5U1lA1N 51'311wNr, 1,IONTBIIA],. "11i my opinion, no other lnedia'so is No curative for'Oonstipetion and Inillgestion ns'1" reit-a-tives'. • 1 was a sufferer froin these com- pIolilts for five years, and my sedeufary occupation, Music, brought about a kind p1' Inleslinal Paralysis; :uiat..rnasly He:arlaches, betiding gas, drowsiness after eating, and pain in the back.. 1 was inclueecl to try'Fr'uit-a-lives' and cow fur six mouths ]: have been enI'rely well", A. ROSISNBURG. file,. a 1)0x, (3 for $2.30, trial size 23c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by l' reit-a-lives Limited, Ottawa. 4 * * 4 4 * * as 4 4 n w * * JOTTINGS FROM HERE AND THERE n e * 4 4 4 st 4 * * 4 .. Secretary: of United Farmers of Ontario, speaking at Torortl, says embargo un hides will hit t, farmers with -out lowering shoe prices.• Charles Hugh Witsne, who cm -tressed in Net.. York to marrying eight women in nineteen years was sentenced to 3 years in Sing Sing, He said he would "swear off" in future. A courier has reacnen Budapest with a letter from Emperor Charles. dying the is still king of Hungary,' GUARD BABY'S HEALTH IN THE SUMMER ' The seminar months are the most dangerous to children. Tile com- plaints of that season, which are cholera in fantail), colic, diarrhoea and dysentry, chane on so quickly that of- ten a little one Is beyond aid before the another realizes he is ill. The mother Must be on her guard to pre- vent these troubles, or if they do come oni suddenly to cure them. No ,,tiler medicine is of such aid t0 mothers during not weather as is Baby's Own Tablets, They regulate the stomach and bowels and are alas solutely safe. Sold by medicine deal- ers or hy mail at 25 cents a box [rem The Dr. Williams eledici•ne Co., Brock-, ville, Ont. William Treble, !assistant cashier of a bank in Lorain, Ohio, stole $100,- 000 and escaped to Texas in an aero- plane. • CASTO R IA For Infante and Children Use ter Over 30 Y! ars Mwaye beats the 51 cnatllre of Professor Irving Fisher of Yale Uni- versity tells United States Electric Rail- way Commission that flood of gold bullion into States prior to near caused prices to julep, N..rt sial Pirres Se Bud Walked. Flaw AO Night. Nature intended women' to oe strung, healthy and happy as the day is long, instead of being sick and wretched. The trouble ie that they pay more attentidn to the work they have to do than to their health, therefor they become run down, weak and miserable. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are the remedy that these nervous, tired -out, .weakly women need to restore them to perfect healiit and happiness. Mrs. Fred Lee, Almonte; Ont. writes: "My oldest daughter was so bad for over a year, with her heart and nerves that she we's compelled to give up her work. I was very discouraged about her, es I had her to two doctors but they, did her no good. She could not sleep at night; would have to walk the floor, and felt as it she would go out of her mind. One day a friend told me to use Milburn'a Heart and Nerve Pills, and i cannot speak too highly of them. She used three boxes and is feeling fine. She started back to work two months ago" i Nerve Pills are M )burns Scarf and N ry 50e. a box at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. HERE ANO THERE ®G�C?004fa v^f�0©SQ04 q s2G Love in the o Cobbler •Shap PI a By JANg OSBORN 0oO4000S><>4Q ;(4a6!s: (Copyright, ane, by the .McClure News- paper Syndicate.) There are advantages, II having hut elle pair of shoes, for when you go to have them mended you eau sidles along to the cobbler shop with the debonair air of one uubin'denect hy the butelln containing the other Bahr -if y00 1tai1 enc,• . 1"or 1t 15 only When Yon are clown to ole pair that you will wear the wore pair t6 the shop and sit there In 1Ise old rocker in front of the cobbler's 1)011011 reading 11 much begrimed copy of the "Saturday Evening Dost" for some Utile in July, 191.3, and weAing-that is the rather dreadful part of It -the carpet slippers provided t'or such aS you. 80 , Nathaniel In 1110 well-brnsllmd tbotug11 SOlnew•hllt Shiny serge stilt, his Carefully tied though tallyho') thread- bare cravat, and last year's but :well posed one irreproachably arranged locks„stepped rather jauntily into the cobbler's shop, bent fin 000000 ling from , the world any resentment that he en- tertnined toward fortune for not hnvipg made higl, a mlllionair0 or toward lits superiors at the"plant" for not having increased his salary more rapidly. For Nathaniel had a mane!' and some sisters -"down state" somewhere wile had to be provided for, and living was very high in llurtontown, where his "Mont” was incanted. You surely never would have guesser) had you seen hila that he was a nein with one pair of shoes, a men ernes:el' in love and fully determined since the ono girl In the world could never he his th0t 1)0 would lrematn n bachelor for life, When Nathaniel put on those old slippers he tnrned She rochWg chair so that those who passed the cohhler shop might not see his face 0pd recog- nize him. Not that It mattered much, but he would rather not Iulve had his associates at the plant know tile- de- tail of his poverty. And thgn-did not she, the Incomparable she, live 1n a country .place dot fur 210011nt from Burtontown, and aright she not pass in her llrnousine and see him sitting there? He leas just pondering the artless- ness of a highly colored lithograph calendar, an advertisement for shoe polish, that graced the cobbler's wall when he heard•a footstep on the cob- bler's floor that somehow thrilled him. The door closed behind someone, and then: "T want to get some -some shoe- strings, please." It was the Matinpar- able voice. It tnust be Ruth Blithers. Nathaniel seized the out-of-date week- ly and began reading an advertisement for the 1916 model of a well-known .automobile as 1f it were of absorbing Interest. Re Rett Met she was`look- ing toward him. Ile could see the egkbler get the strings. It Audi ba short transaction, he thought, and site would soon he,ont. Gonad anything be worse than to have Both Blithers see hila sitting there, with ltis toes thrast in the worn ear - Pet slippers, waiting for his one pair et shoes? Somehow tie felt over- whalaaingly ashamed of those bare stocking feet of lila, yet there was nowhere to tuck 'them. It was an atontzieg moment, but it would soon be over, end then: "Come to think of 10," said Ruth, "I'11 taYe my shoes r'epair'ed. Can 1 sit here? It's so convenient having them done while you wait". Somewhat surprised, the cobbler pointed to a pair of carpet sliipers that lay on the floor and to a little bench, and then ettet dark glances from his Italian eyes at Nathaniel for not proffering his more comfortable rocking chair to so charming a lady. But Nathaniel appeared to be deep in perneal of the magazine. He also appeared to be nearsighted, for he held it remarkably Close to hls face. Thanks to the 11:dustry of that same cobbler the repairs were completed on Nathaniel's shoes in 15 (minutes, but It was the longe most agonizing 15 New York quarantine officers Who boarded a flea -ridden schooner fled :ashore for a disinfected bath. (1. 11,Johnston, formerly Canadian trade commissioner at Yokohama, Japan, has left for Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, lo establish a Canediian office there. Yorkshire Miners' Association fig- ures out that five-week strike among English miners has cost over $1,500,- 000 in strike pay and other expenses, while loss in wages is in lteiglibor- hood of ,'525,000,000. • Waste paper to Bradford, P., will get careful scrutiny herefater. Porter in that city recently swept out $6,S00 in Liberty bonds and banned then). The first otter of an eight-hour day by the Dominion Goverement was placed before a mass meeting of work- ers of all trades engaged on the 'Wel- land ship canal and accepted, thus obviating the strike. Sir Henry Drayton, who has for Some reaps occupied the (host of Chair- man of the D0119(1ion Railway Com- mission, has been sworn in as Minis- ter of hFieancc, tekiltg the place 01 Sir 7"it0tmts White who managed the finaCees at Canada throughout tate war, Sir Henry Drytoii Is n WelGknowe legal titan Who has made a most favor- able llnptessicn es Chairman) of the Railway Board through his admidls- trative ability and the 9001140251 0(1111 findings, tdIdIsn't, r i This True? When you "feel mean" -- dull, tired, nervous, bad digestion, no atppe- tite-- Don't you find out, after- wards, that your bowels were not acting freely and natnuJrally? Due, of course, to a liver gone on a strike. Take two or three pills— once. After that, only one, until you're all right. CARTER' ITYLE IVER PILLS finnan Mara :Vonore,* Coliorleal facer often stow the absence of Iron in the. bloexl. CARrER's IRON PILLS will halp t hili condition. f.4ik +, 11hrt aa)"+.,`ir,. is the best remedy known for Sunburn, heat rashes, eczema, sore feet, stings and blisters. A, skin, food! 455 7)•uerlsts and Stores, -50c, ;i1 '64041, ll"s uann1('1 !full al21IM))l(?I 11i1a )11'Pl' Hpea(. i1{ewnti111e the ('ohhler's assistant tools the heels fruw [lath's shoes and r1; placed then). with 41)111e 1)10110 or rub - her, Of ('earsc Nathaniel realized that he would Wave Jo speak to her, So he looked ep, but by that time Ruth was deep in the perusal of 0 sheet that had fallen .from the 1015 period- ical. 'then m'eurred to Nathaniel the reassuring thought. When hp had met Rath the summer before When on one extravagant two 0,5e444' 51(01101011 at 11 fashionable water- ing place -before he har1 ever gone to Burtnntowo-he had not told .her at first of hat- poverty. It was the old story. • He wonted to "make believe" for the space of the vncatlon. But Ruth, w•1(001 he chanced with at the hotel, walked with ,and swam Owith on the beach and in the surf, loitered with on the honrdwnik and flirted with in the moonlight, had shown herself to be so much mere generously provided with this world's wealth than he that, though he felt that she returned in s measure Ids devotion, the thought of a possible continuation of the friend- ship was out of the question. Besides, be could never lel: leer know that ice was not as well to do es lie had pretended to be, so when she left bn, giving him to understand that she wished to hear from ]lien and mention- ing ihnt she lived not far from 13ur•• toutnwn, Nathaniel felt couvineed that '1'ilurs(tay, August Zest, 1919, dlfitO','el'01l 111 51)e 1110.1)01 9.015 canary 1 - took a maim MO uown NI, and moth- er anti the Mies down stats )lever guessed that Ruth bac) anyth,ng to 010 tvftlt it Clock 8'J1ot is Never Wrong, 1 In the observatory of the Nichols academy at Radley. 1lfttes„ Is the most wondertel dock 1)1 the entire United Sloths rind probably in . the world. It Is the klud of n clock that tells time three ways, and We n1w'ays right, If the sun should he cmc 1100- 0111 slow in rising the cluck would register a black mark against the orb of day 13101 would tick Its peculiar record In. spite of the•sun. It: Is tail- ed a right ascension clock and cost nearly $20,000, The designer end maker was n widely known genius and the sidereal clock was the master- piece of his life. This clock was a gift from IJeze- Weh Conant, a native son .of Pulley, who made a fortune manufacturing thread. He had three things to his credit that are mentioned (Hese days -the :that dally paper ever printed In Worcester, the most wonderful clock In the world and chi' first 1)11d - ley man to make 91,000,000, that was the end of their Fomance. He slid not even write to her, bat when a little later he went to Burton - town to work he was filled one mo-, ment with the fear that he might see her by chance and then with regret that he did not. But to have her see him sitting there in the cobbler's car- pet slippers was agonizing. Then come the light. She too had her shoes repaired while she whited. Then she was bluffing, too. No doubt she too had been spending her extravagant two weeks' vacation the same way that he had, That was only a possibility, still it gave Nathaniel courage anti he peered out of the side of his mag- azine. But Ruth, though she peered over at him when he was not looking re- fused t0 permit her eyes to meet ids. This Nathaniel felt sure was because she had felt offended because he nev- er had written to her. Well. that was ..but natural, especially if she bad real- ly cared for. him. So when his sines we're repaired Ile put them on •(1111 left the shop and Ttuth. derermin+•d to write to her that very evening aslo Rig permisstotl to tame at once to see her, - It might be even tont sir watrk.'d as a stenographer or something in his "plant." Perhaps she was daily under the saute roof. • For there were Ilion - fel MIS of employees there whom he did not know•. ele walked along convinetug himself that this was true until after walking towsrd his lodging house for two nr three Mocks Ise felt distinctly eon- selous that someone was fallowing a few pacee behind him. IIe glnneed over his shoulder, saw it was Ruth and then turned abruptly about 'and faced her. "Hello, Ruth," he said. and Ruth, though somewhat: surprised, said "Hello, Nahanlel," Just as they had greeted each other on the beach during those wonderful two weeks of vaca- tion. • 1 followed yon;' 'said Ruth, "be- 0anse T realized that ynn must live In Burtontown now and Int least wanted 00 know where. I did not, think you weuhi turn and catch ane.' "Now you knnw," said Nathaniel, eager first of all to explain himself, "you know why I didn't write to yon. I thought you hurl 911 sorts of money, you knew, and -well. 1 had put lip n bluff there at the shore, and 1 knew a' poor fellow like me couldn't merry y01) because 1•ou see T thought -pm had ell sorts of money." "Marry you," echoed Rath With al Nutty littlegrimace. Si you wonted to caret Ipte?" "11'aliefrin," argued Nil thnnlel. "yon (0n0w 1 dfd. Only of ('nurse when 1 was tltini:tog you hod 1))1 sorts of mon- ey 1 eonlrhl't think of 10. Ranby it nevei'eoccurred to me till 1 saw ,ran there getting yntir shoes heeled that you could pessihly he anything but nwfully rich. Pretty -good joie nl1 na'ound, eh? 1 suppose ,you took. me for 0 y10)109 bondholder, too,"' "Would it make s)) nmah dI(Terence " faitered Itiith ns they wanted on through the their) street or Burtontow'n. "Yue see -well, tether owns the 1111I- jority stock of the plant, and ---well, Pan his only daughter, but he has told lite I could merry jest whoever T pleased so long as t loved him," "1 -ie married for 1oVe, and he wants me to, tea. And I'ritly T love you, Nat, desr, When I Saw you tills morning 1 ;Ink left the car end told the Chnmfeur to go back home, rind f traded you to the shoe' shop and got the strings just to he sure it Was you, And 1 w'as afr'ald you'd feel silly and volt-eon- sdouts sitting there in the old slippers, so 1 made nn exduse to cit there too in flue other slippers so yon Wouldn't mind, And • 10 was so fenny I Just weuted to leogh out loud. And you Wouldn't speak to rile, so then t got. o little peeved itt that, and ti)at1 t tltoaght neayite It *tat bersuse yeti were go fnaged, s0 t deoided I w0tildn't sneak to ;roe, either' -so Se to spare your hhubarrAatsment, tint I followed yeti ea Goan Its 3 ei5 end flet my shoes 0th," And It Wal tenantable floe relidil jt after that.NhtbMttel'i dare ability nee 5114C8, 1810 La' ,n r ("� UYL8P& U,dwHS 0.067 6T0$B � `��' !4J It.�JCJtn�r Add Boobs. Tho fellow who explains to you on ' a rainy dny that it's gond weather foe ducks, Anyway )'nu wput to push him out in the wet wide world and see that he gets a few. Exceptional Woman. • Ray -My pa's got 90 much money he don't know how to spend it, Roy --That's nothing; My pa's got 00,much money that ma can't; spend It. e'Wtale%'X000lOh'a(ad. 3 o, 'Ike (heat. Jworaus 91,,,e 4,1,0y10 Tones and invngorates Liu wholn r' 9,);(`1, norvoua eyste"l, mattes new Blond :p old l'olns, (,i'es Nef;nhvne 1.?O lity, Mental and Brain Worry, Deo]Po-- deno7/, t )s' of lthterpy, Palp'lO t -fon otJta Heart,•Faitilrtyg Mestor7t. Price SI per box, slx for O6.p One will please, six will euro Sold by alt., druggists sr mailed in plain pkg. on recu)pt of 1 rise. Nem pamphlet mailed free' THE WOOD MEDICINE CO TORONTO. ONL LFemoras Wiedsar • poRD Touring Cars and Roadsters can now be supplied with newFord electric starting and lighting systems as OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT. This electric equipment is a Ford product built by the Ford Company in their own factory, and 'consisting of Generator, Starting Motor and Storage Battery. It is as reliable and efficient as the Ford Motor, into which it is built. , The Ford Standard Magneto also supplies ignition independent of the batteries. Ford Runabout, JI66o. Touring, 9590 On open models dee Electric Staring and Lighting Equipment is Oro° extra. Coupe,75., �n, $.175. (Closed modal'prices include Starting and lighting Equivalent). Time write ata £ o. b. Ford, Ont., and do not include W ac "iaa. " es_l 116 Electric Starting and Lighting Clinton Motor Truck & Machine Co. Dealers - - Clinton The longest — lasting benefit. the greatest satisfaction for Your sweet tooth. RIGLEYS in the sealed packages. !Airtight and impurity -proof. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT Made to Canada The Flavour Lasts .