HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-8-21, Page 1B.Siablislishi '1865, Vol, 54, No, 8 Ina Will AL CLINTON, EN/ ONTARIO,,:THURSDAY AUGUST 21st,1919, nt t' t W. H. Kerr et Son, Editors and Publishers. erb till W:t+td'y,WWt'WW y,W,W4�'�VittWWW4''W'V'o ww idVV'V'd'a/VWMVVbVW10VVVVVVVVoOV I a UNION CHURCH SERVICES GET 1 IONTEEL PERFUME -A dainty marvel of refinement, JONTEEL COMBINATION CREAM -Absolutely in aclass by itself, JONTEEL FACE POWDER -Expressly for those who want the best, JONTEEL TALCUM -you will be satisfied with nothing else JONTEEL TOILET WATER -The best In the world, SOLD ONLY AT THE REXALL STORE 7E10 UN.°1333 BEST QUALITY DRUG STORE Phan. 13, sysevvvvVVVVYWeevvVvvVvvvvvvvveeerne vvvvVvvVv+rvvVelvvVvv P1 e Royal Bar* OF CANADA Incorporated 1869. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Capital and Reserve $ 31,000,000. Total Assets 430,000,000. 576 Branches A general banking business transacted. n Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to rent. R. E. MANNING, Manager , Clinton Branch Interest paid • i n INCORPORATED 1855 THE MOISONS Capital and Reserve $8,800,00. Over 100 Branches This is the country of opportunities for the man with some ready money. Money is op- portunity. Begin at once to save, and deposit your savings in The Molsons Bank.. Interest at regular rate. Savings Department conducted on up-to-date system. H. R. SHARP, Manages - . - Clinton Branch The Union Methodist services were again held In Wesley Church on San - day last, In the morning, Rev, Mr. Anderson spoke on the Sunday School lesson "Missions" in an able manner, Mr, Walter Lowe seng a Solo. In the evening the choir rendered a splendid anthem, Miss Moron Gibbings taking the solo part, - Miss Retia Cook sang "Holding 'Thy Hand," A. nude quar- tette composed of' Messrs. Doherty, Andrews, McEwan and Lobb gave a chorus, Mr. Doherty singing the verses as a solo. Wesley Church choir have rendered splendid service during the two weeks Union services, Next Sunday there will be onion ser- vices in Ontario Street Church. Rev. McCamus preaching. In the morning his subject will be "Social Respon- sibility." FUTURE SCHOOL TEACHERS HURON E. M. Armstrong, 'C. E. Anderson, F. R. Archibald (Honors), J. R. Allen, H. D. Ball, F. A. Beevers, E. M. Barron, ar on, M. S. Blanchard (Honors), M. Beecroft, O. L. Cooper, 1. M. Crawford, N. R. • Crozier (Honors) M, Dunford, G. A. Dew, M. T. Dal- ton. F. E. Dougherty, C. E. Driver, E. W, Edge (Honors), J. R. Edmonds (Honors), J. E. Earls, E. J. Fear, E. M. Ferguson, M. F. Flynn, G. A. Fowler, 1. M, Francis, J. T. Garrow, E. A. Glenn, G, J. Ginn, J. W. Greig (Honors), W. C. Gardiner, K. L. Hamilton, E. M. Hardy, A. E, Hell- 1 yar, M. M. Harvey, C, S. Heaman, Al. L, Hess (Honors) . W. D. Hoegy (Honors), M. S. Hogg, M. E. Hall, R. B. Henning, 311. G. Johns, V. I. Jones, L. James, M. R. Johnson, M. M, Johnston, A1. M. Kuntz, G. A. Kerr (Honors). E. M. Kew, J. J. Levy, S, 0. Latimer (Honors), J. W. Lutton, D. R. Laundy, E. B. Mc- Targart, C. M. MacKenzie, M. G. McLeod, 1. G. :llcNevin, 13. A, Mac- Kay. E, C. McGrath, 13. McLellan, M. U. McLean, D, H. Mundy, E. 1 Mus- grove, M. E. McCall, W. L. Mc- Cutcheon, M. E. McNab, S. E. Mc- Nair, Al, M. Maunders, D. Nediger, A. J. Nairn, V. B. Pepper, D. K. Perrie, E. Al. Rutledge, F. G. Raith- by, 0. H. Raithbv, 11. 'W. Rathwell, H. F. Rasmussen, L. M. Snyder, E. 13..Scott, M. Sillerv, G. L. Sitter)", D. M. Stafford, H. Al, Stothers, B. Smith, F. Turnbull, R. 1. Taylor, R. S 'Thompson (Honors), J. B. Tay- lor, A. Walker (Honors), L. 13. ' Wheatley, A. G. Williamson, ,11. Wilton, J. J, Weismar, 1. A. Young, e ;r MAY COMPLETE EXAMINATIONS HURON O. M. Allen (Arith.) L. 13. Jervis, (Hist.), S. Ii' 1 ' , lt.Brel 1Arith. ( A. Id. 1,. It rat s y t (Arith.), V. 41. Rawcliffe, (Arida), tt. H F ( Wallace ), V t (Arith,), uh Ni. J. Hunter Arith.), D. 1. ()sterin ut (Arith.), F. P. Reynolds (Arith,), F. E. Reid (Arith,) Moue 14G ' Estimates Gree A.EIWOOD WOOD Interior and ExterZor, Decorating We protect your Boors, furni- ture, etc., by plenty of drop sheets. Wall Papers, Mouldings, Signs, Etc. 81 ' Isaac Street MAZOLA WHAT IS IT ? ¶A Pure Salad and Cooking Pure Oil from Corn. ¶The newest and cheapest, Shortening on the market today. ¶Absolutely Pure. ¶Used also for Salads in place of Olive Oil. W. T. O NEIL Tl -t/?, 11•tlti GROCER lshorrt' •t$ Canada rood Board Llesese NO, ,8.2495. 00000000000000000 AT o OVER THE TEACUPS QUICKo'� r .1920 AP1 o kL ;0 , oa0000000000000 THE LojALNFWS Mr, Frank Andy ews was in Brussels, On Sunday, Rev. J. 13, Ford, of Goderlch, waS in town on Friday last. ' Miss Isabel Graham, of Seatortlt, was a visitor with Mrs. McTaggart, sr., last week, " Miss Irene Pope, of Toronto, was the guest of Misses l3awden during the past week, Mrs, G, Brown and Mis's Lyl Brown, of 'Toronto,' are. visiting with Mrs. J. L, Kerr. ex -Conductor John Quirk, of Wing - ham, was calling on old friends its town on Friday,, Mrs. Murray, of London, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. 1'. J. Lindsay, of the Base Line, • Miss; Maude Cook, of Brussels, is spending port of her holidays in town wit') relatives, Miss Irene Wilkin, of Detroit, is spending her holidays with her father, Mr. A. Wilkin, Miss Annie Laffrey, of Windsor, was the guest of Mrs. Jas. Flynn, during the past week or so. Dr. D. T Davis, and Mr. Allan Syl- vester, l- vester, of Toronto, spent the week end at Mrs, Geo. Levis'. Nurse Margaret Murray, of New York is the guest of her sister, Mrs, T. J. Lindsay, Base Line. Mrs. 13. Hill, sr., was in Brussels, at- tending the funeral of her sister-in-law the late Mrs. S. Bailey. Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Armstrong, of Brussels, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Lawson during the past week, Miss Brownlee, of Hamilton, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs, W. J. Paisley, and also friends in and around Clinton, Mrs. Sharman returned to town on Thursday evening after an extended visit with freinds at Port Dalhousie. Mrs. Jno. Murray, and daughter, MisS Jean, of New York, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Lindsay, Base Line. Messrs. W. Fulford, E. Hall, J. 'But- ler, S. Graelis and E, Lovett, motored up to \Vingliam to visit friends on Sun- day. Mr. Fred Kerr, of Saskatchewan, is renewing old acquaintances in town. His old friends are glad to see him once again. (Brussels Post:) -James and Mrs. Jackson and family, of 'Clinton, were renewing old friendships in Grey town- ship last week. Mr. C. D. Bouck and Miss Eva return ed from Bracebridge on Saturday night. 131r. Bouck is now intra work at the Model ternrhere. (St. Mary's Journal:) -Mr. and Mrs. JLu'ry Sharp and little daughter re- turned to Clutton today after a few days visit at the home of Mr, and Mrs. ti. 1'. Sharp, (Brussels P st:-H J. and Mrs. Alanning and children and John and Mrs. Cunningham, , were ,are v - is' It ing relatives and friends in Clinton and locality. Mr, Wes. Stevens, wife and two daughters with ,Miss Lucy Stevens, his sister were Londe Tuesda The , r at n, two giels may stop over the week at the home of Mr. Israel Ta I r's. Airs. le G. Fisher_ and MasterCal- vin C vin and Miss Florence left last Wed- nesdayafternoon for their h 'n Denver, home o e 1 Col., after spending a month with the lady's sister, Mrs. R. E. Mail- ing. Mr. C. F. Libby and Mr. F. T. Jack- son. leave next week for a trip to New York, Boston and many other small country places Where they will startle the natives. They intend going by auto, Mr, D. J. Cantelon left this morn- ing for Toronto, where he will assume his position at the Toronto Exhibition, which he has held for the past d years, with goodsail �, ti 1 toI manage- ment. • - sFtc o n the tans e L ment. M a Mrs. and h1 .. Withamtiliams and W t two'Uaughters, of Louisville, Kentucky, left'on Wednesday for his ho,tte after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cante- lon's, They were accompanied by Mrs, Greenwood, of London. Miss Evelyn Hall, daughter of Mr. told Mrs. E. Hall, of town, is spending n few weeks at the home of Mr, George Crooks on the Base Use during tite absence of her parents who are tak- ing a trip up the Lakes, All., and Mrs. Geo. 13. Ferguson, Miss ,lean and Master Russel, of Toronto, motored up on Sunday and were visitors with Air. and Mrs L t J. Kerr. They Y are visitingWalton in W I on bat will return here ,again, before going back to the city, ,Mr, and Mrs, Edward Hall, of town, left on Saturday morning for Sarnia where they will take the boat for a trip up,the Great Lakes es to Duluth on COs the Northern Navigation Company's n s linett . They - expectto take i traip through to Vancouver, Mr, McLean of tate White Star Line, accompanied by Ms5L McLean, motor- ed to town. last Thursday for Detroit, and has been husy the past few days in getting the advertising natter of tits it{g excurson to be,,, run by the Grey- hound early in September distributed about the ciuntry. (Goderlch. Signal:) ---Sapper Lorne Aitchison, of Wingham, who returned home' from overst.•R last week, is visit- ing hie sister, Mrs. J. E. Mutch, -He is the only one of three Aitchison boys who went, overseas to return, his bi°o- titers l..aehit ,nand Wallace. having given their lives in their country's Catuse. (Goderich" Signal:) -MC, J, W. Snell, eii • a Brie -lime resident of Shiflett, now 111 °yen, Alberta, is visiting with friends in Goderich and vicinty. Mr, Snell is one of Alberta's most prosper- ous gentleman farmers, and he- thinks there is rso•place like the West, though he believes it would be.tssttch benefitted 1'y a imv t.rritl'.: Wisiie•in Goderich he Mt somewhat Conspli»tetted by being mistaken thy- a )srOlttltietit citizen for Mr, l-lartiey Dewed, tire' leader of the Ontario Opposition, Items, of interest Picked Up Here ac; *i There About the Town. improvements 'i'Ite Couthe block is being brighten- ed tip witha new coat of paint. 'Will Hold Memorial Service. Exeter 'Pisses: -Memorial service for the late Fred Tucker will be held in Trivitt Memorial church next Sunday evening, August 24111. Seaforth Principal Goes to Chatham, Mr. A. A, Naylor, of Seaforth, has ac cepted the position of Principal of the Queen Mary Public School at Chatham Mr. Naylor, who Is well known here has had great success in the Seaforth school, Caught an Auto Thief. Following a communication from the Hensall chief of police, Detective Harry Down, of London arrested James Hay in London, on a charge of being con- nected with an alleged auto theft. tidy pleaded guilty before P. M. Andrews in townon Tuesday night. t s y g t. Had Some Walk This week Master Joe Doherty aged 6 years was visiting in Goderich, got tired of the scenery at the County town and started to walk home by the G. T. R. Track, He got as far as I•lolntesville when a fanner discovered him and sent word into town and he was brought home in a car. It was some walk for a small boy. Base Ball Tourney. Zurich proposes to hold a hie base- ball tournament on Monday, Sept. 1st Plans are now under way to stake the day a success and a series of fast games will be staged. Four teams from towns in iluron County will likely compete for gond sized prizes. A concert un- der, the auspices of the local baseball club will also be held in tate Town hall in the evening. Andrew Taylor Passed Away Last Wednesday evening Andrew Taylor passed away at his home here following a severe illness of two weeks. lie had been in pour health lir the past so months having suffered a sev- ere stroke. He was a Canadian by birth and lived a good many years in Hulled, near Londesboro, prior to ranting to Clinton ile never married. In politic, he was :a staunch Conser- vative: in religion a Presbyterian, and was Secretary of the Suns of Scotland, and a member of the Woodmen of the World. The tuners' took place on Saturday afternoon. The services be- ing conducted by Rev. Dr. Stewart,' a former minister of the deceased, Mrs. Hanley Dead On O Wednesday morning Airs. George e g Hanley, Ontario Street, passed away following an attack of pneumonia from Saturday in her. 7Sth year. Deceased was born in Ireland and came with her parents to Canada when 7 year's old and settled on the Bayfield Line, Gode- rich Township whereeshe remained unfit she /vas married to Mr, Hanley in tS7 9. For the past 42 years she Itas resided inlints 1 C ,Air Hanley ' h. sopassing Y P in g t away in t3S). Mrs., Hanley is sur- vived byone sister, Mrs. Geo, Burnett, of town and f hree•ro b thet•s, Messrs. David Welsh, of Sandusky, Michigan, Alex, and Robert, of Clinton. Mrs. lianle,y was a member of the Ontario Street Church, and attended service up to •a few weeks ago. The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. S. Anderson, and interment made in the Bayfield Cemetery. Campbell -Ford Wedding, St. Paul's church was the scene of a prettyweddingOn Saturday morning at f i a,1n, when Leila D., second dau- ghter, of Mr, and Mrs. J, A. Ford, /Vita married to Lieut, Earl D. Campbell, of Calgary. Rev. S. E. McGegney, M: C., Rector, officiated at the ceremony. The bride, wearing her travelling suit of French Serge, with hat to match, was given away by her father. The young couple were unattended. The ushers were Messrs. Wilbur and Fred. Ford, brothers of the pride, and the Wedding A iusic was by played Miss Creta Ford, Following the ceremony,a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents and the young couple left on the after- noon train for a short honeymoon trip. They have since returned to town and leave on Fri • day for Cal u v'where Campbell is Science Master in the Col- lege there. The beet of good wishes accompany them to their western home. Did Not Get a Prize. Linder ideal weather conditions a big ane -day bowling tournament was held ¢n the Stratford greens Wednesday with 3S•i t u i, s present from ntnnv points Western e t tern Onlaria. Joe, Boehmef s rink from n Li¢ ,io el w carried off first prize four beautiful cut glass water jugs, with four wins and a plus score of 37, W. Ament's rink of Seaforth, with four wins and a plus scare of 21..toik hone four colonial silver creast and sugar sets as second prize, Third prize was thermos bottles, and they went to the A. \Vhiteside rink front Hensall, who hadthree trios t and a plus score of 38. The Big Ben clocks went to the W. J. Tullman ring( of Stratford as fourth prize, they having three wins and n plus of The 'Clinton scores were: First Round. Hovey, 10; 'Tubmnn, Stratford, 8. Second Round Hovey, 9; l{ttgcy, Brantford, 11, Third Round, Boyce', 8; Lanvin, Stratford, 18. Fourth Round. Hovey, 111 Tuck, 12, Turnbcrry t oters' List for 1919 has beet' printed and was first posted lo, the office of P. Powell, Townslsip Clerk on August. t nth. l'lsc list eontaists the ntsinss of 621 ,voters end there are 578.' persons Milled t-o'Serve 35 Juror's, weecttonesr,p0"9mla6®e"ioceee 'FIRE INJURIES MAL over The Temps AT THE END OF 2 YEARS 0 00000001000 nmm®o®ne:orbaf,axtme,5y MissMa1Ue Biggins, is visiting at Stratford, Miss Norma Bentley spent tate week end in Sarnia, Mr„ Wm, Little, of Chicago, is visit- ing in Clinton, Mrs. 1i, J,'.luff, left Wednesday for a visit In Detroit, Mr. Wilbur Ford, returned 1. Peter- boro on Monday. Mrs; Emmerson, of Bervie, visited, Mrs. R. J. Clue' this week, Miss Eva Stinson, of Toronto, is holidaying in and around town, Miss Stella Copp, of Toronto, is holidaying at the parental home, Miss Clete Ford 'left Monday for a visit with Mrs. McKinnon in Toronto, Mr. Lincoln Ford, of Calgary, is the guest of his brother, Rev. E. 0. Porde, Miss Alice Higgins, of Ottawa, is visiting her cousin Miss Enna Higgins. Master Reg. McCoy, of Landon, is visiting his grandfather, Mr. A. Wilkin, Mrs. Paul, of Alvinston, and Mrs. Paul, sr„ spent Sunday 'witfriends in town, t , Mr, Jas. R. Wallace, of Quasqueton, town, is renewing -old acquaintances in town, Mr. Plewes, of Toronto, is visiting his sister, Mesdames J. K. Wise and L. Siong. Miss Hattie Courtice, is the guest of her brother, Mr. Dean Courtice, at Chatham. Miss E, L, Paxman, of Parkhill, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Janes Pax - man this week. Rev, E, 0, Porde preached at the Danforth %Avenue Baptist Church at Tobonto last Sunday. Miss Georgina Murray, of London, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. J. Lindsay, of the Base Line. Misses Ida and Laura Wikin, of De- troit, are spending their vacation with their tether, ,1'Tr, A. Wilkin. Miss Violet Morrison returned home Saturday after a two weeks visit with her grandmother in llensall. Mr. 2iarshall, of St. John, N. B.,, is the guest of his brother, Mr, Robert Marshall, Rattenbury Street. :Miss Alyrtle Armstrong was the guest of Miss Mary E. McCowan, of Stanley for a few days last week. Mr, and Mrs. Walter King were call- ed to Woodstock owing to the death of Mr. King's brother, the late Thomas A. King. Mr. George Paxman and daughter, Aliss Thelma, 1,f Peterboro, were guests of the farmer's brother, Mr. James Paxntan during the past week. .Messrs. William and Frank Scott, of Luca ii, t, called on , \ h. Charles Lovett sen Sunday. Mr. Win. Scott was a for- merSI re dent m heresome, ears a 1 S Miss Bess Ferguson, of Meator d, and Miss Florence Train, of Collingwood, were guests of Miss Jessie O'Neil over the week entrand are now visiting at Bayfield, • Mr. Robert McDermott leaves this week for Torontohe where he. has ac- cepted a position. in a piano factory. He will be linseed bythe'Doiertyl base- ball team, ' Miss Jule Bartliff will enter St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, in September as a nurse -in -training. Miss 'Bartlifi's many friends will all join in wising her success in her new duties. We are sorry to report that Miss Ethel Gooier, eldest daughter of Mr. 12. Govier, underweut an operation for appendicitis about 3 weeks ago, and is progressing favorably at a Toronto hospital. Cornwall Freeholder: After spend- ing. a month's' vacation at Bryanstown, Trowbridge, Seaforth, Durham, Wat- ford and London, Rev T W. •m T. d Mrs. 'Cosens returned to town on Tuesday. Since leaving town they attended the funeral of ,Mrs, , Coseu's youngest bro- ther, James S. Govenlock, who was fatally injured in ' an automobile ac- cident near Saskatoon. This week's Saturday Night, Toronto, has the following in their personal col- umn: -Widespread regret has been ex- pressed in the passing of Robert James Gibson, M. D., of heart failure after a few days illness, at his residence :it Sault Ste, Marie, Ontario, on August 61 h. Dr Gibson, was born near Guelph in the year 1 866 and received his early education in Clinton, Ontario, graduat- ed from McGill University, -took r a Years' course l Edinburgh, t Scotland, ut<, and commenced his practice in Clinton, being associated with Dr. Gunn of that t0tvn. Shortly afterwards he was ap- pointed physician for the Canadian Pac- ific Railway, having headquarters in, Lha I eau 1 n tw1 i . •1 he • o: , t, t/, a to Sault , S d ut Ste. Marie, where v e e h eits since ace re i s ded. Ile married Miss Jenny Marks, daughter of the late George Marks of Bruce Alines in 1 897 and Mrs. Gibson and one son,survive him. in religion he was an Anglican. The funeral was held from St. Luke's Pro -Cathedral on the 8th lust., the services being conducted by His Grace, Archbishop Thornloe, as- sisted by Reverend B. P, Fuller, Rever- end F, W. Colloton and Reverend P. Bull, HiRON BOYS HOME Pte. Ai, J. Cook, '(Clinton) Sarnia, Pte. W. .1. Ilenderson,,Brussels, Serge. Stafford, Wroxeter; late, Cb1, P : . •ttshall, Clinton Pte, Jos, Branlieldt Clinton, Pte, i'.; Stewart, Seaforth. N. S., M. MSS/'/tt, Sealoetll Capt, J.; V, Ri,ss, Brussels N, S„ E. Sheriff, Hensall Pte, 13. >Vlelsstar, Dashwood Pte. L. P.•Malo,tey, Ss,aforth Corp. 0, Carrie, Wlttghnttt Mrs, Baan,' Daughter of Rev, J, R� Ford, Dies in London Hospital, 'Clinton citizens were shocked to to hear on Saturday that Mrs. Beam., widow of the late Dr, Arthur Bean east daughter of Rev. J. 13. Ford, now of Goderich, had passed away Friday morning In London, where she had gone a few weeks ago for treatment. Death was the result of injuries re- ceived 111 the lire at Consecot, Prince Edward County, about two years ago, when the house that Dr, and Mrs. Bears with' their only child were living in, caught lire. Mrs. 'Bean and her daughter barely getting out with thein lives, while the doctor was burned tea death. The child died about a year ago, its spite of every care that could be be- stowed upon it. In spite of the serious burns that the deceased lady receive she bore her sufferings heroigully asr@ apparently was on her way to recov- ery. Besides the parents, three sisters„ and one brother survive. The body was brought to Clintons Tuesday afternoon and a short serrice was conducted in Wesley Church, wttla Rev. Mr, McCamus in charge, Rev S. Anderson led, in prayer and Rev. ids. Snowden reathe Scripture 1es-uaa: and Rev. Dr. Rutledge, of Hamilton;, delivered the address. interment was; made in Clinton Cemetery, KIPPEN -Mr. Henry Horton, chief enumerator for South Huron, has sold his 100 acre farm for 36,500 to William Cooper, of Hay Township, Mr. and Mrs. Horton will visit their daughters in the West Dr. Mary Johnston, accompanied by her mother, left for Toronto, 0n her way hack to St. John, N. 13. PORTER'S HILL Mr. and Mrs. Antos Cox, of Chicagee formerly of this place was calling or old friends here last week. Mrs. Peter McDougall and daughter Alarms are visiting friends in Alanitobe and the Western Provinces. Dr. John T. Holdsworth, wite and. sun from Pittsburg, are visiting the fornler's sister, Mrs. 'Charles A1cPltntl We are not ,lust satisfied' with the account the Clinton scribe.gaVe.of the ball game between our boys and the Doherty team, Surely our boys have changed if they went to Clinton and came home without stealing one base also their was no mention of Doug's long slide for home. Howard Cox is out with a line new rubber tire buggy. The Bethany Sunday School held their annual picnic to McClure's point on Tuesday and had a most enjoyable time. They had a friendly gauge of base ball with the Boy Scouts of Cltn- ion, who are camping there, which re- sulted in a defeat for the country boys. Miss Nellie McDonald, of London. is spending Short 1 g a holiday, with Miss Annie A1cl , )nl'aII . Allis ClaraClifford, r d of Brantford, vi ite d with the Ma ss ,11cPhail's Iasi week. Alisses Pearl and Ruby Potter of Clin ton, were. welcome visitors here last week, Airs, A.. McDougall returned from the West where she has been for some time with her daugbter, Mrs. John Thomp- son. I t S,e re or th cr s e o s ver P o(ta• P Y P in a great many places. Mr. I saactfrlin' S t g, M P., of Maple Creek, Sask., who was attending the Liberal convention at Ottawa, called On old friends here but trade a very short stay. -He reports a short crop rami: there, but thinks they got the rigfir3 elan •at the head of the Liberal pally Hoa•. CELEBRATE THEiR GOLDEN WEDDING. On Monday last, Aug. 181 h, Crown Attorney and Mrs. 0. Seager, of Gode- rich, celebrated the occasion of their golden wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Seager were married by the Rev. James Pad- field, father of the bride, at Burford, Ont„ on August 15th, 1869. At tasxtaa time Mr. Seager wits n partner in the legal firs, of Adams and Seager, Sarnia, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Seager removed to Goderich in June, 1870, where the for- mer became the partner aha the late :i. S, Sinclair, :afterwards senior judge of the 'County of Wentworth. Mr. Seeger has engaged in legal practice in Gode- rich ever since, and was appointed Crown Attorney and Clerk of the Peace n 1903, Ile was Mayor of Goderich in 1887 and 1885. Mr. Seager is the author of several widely known books Y vn 01 on legal sal +ructica T he Rev, Dr. C,Ar Seager, rector of St. ,Matthew's Church, Toronto, the son of Crown Attorney Seager, with Mrs. Seager and children were present at the celebration. aerm R>t tDs®C939Abmg,istt9SJWo1Wa a a W13'lf flaks t'Slt1RClllit1 w to t eestas resoreeDat esgro t,Ftt. eget Baptist Church The services on Sunday next wile continence at 11 a, in, and 7 p. tn, Mr, I.inc:en Ford, of Calgary, (bro- ther of the Pastor) will assist at both: of the services. 1U'e'S Ontario Street Church • A good programme is being arranged for Ontario Sheet Church Epworth League for next Monday evening. The meeting w111.be ie charge of the Cit- izenship Dep ,+a,nl-rat. A good rally. of Leacucrs is requested. The League meeting on Monday night was in charge of the Social and Literary Committee, Miss Elsie 11113- bert gave the topic on "'i'he Cities oI P,, , Paul,' "Face at.d to fact: was sung sweetly by Miss Harris. A stable lielohging ti Mr. ,P, Des.. jarcline on the Lake Shore Rona' neat Blake was struck ;by Mehl/ling 53 Sat, erday evening and destroyed 'by fire. The stable WAS in the course of ceig, structipn and was nearly cotspletetela The roof was on but,tlte doors had 1301 i'Jeen hung, Trrhe,yy �The�,,, s. �1JQ , = e szonse estextizc , eawoustomacirsaar,"towvmta at�Sr• c'�.'r�R"nALv nems .sn• . yarne.actruerc. an `'Ire' a, ,i,) cM.v,.. •.912. I .may 4. trr-m'^v��sa a ......none ii:mn. "".'/� a�nr,r,ugentrnmultnanentva swrarca C. �' c�naa •,vmmersa israte tem ascameraeir T,5 IlaMei» _ :anemmcr 4linevame t• vz a� I I • v 'G • • ,;. , - •� 1."'f - . , rtl T,tl@RffiI® The cammrao-.9 .n�i� �� (•A� u,, , €i �Penttvo>;t�i �-.� wsmastumt®t J ,. Mm¢co MIN avnc+n S3 c,/ • Vezen _ .11 4 . �' rxuatr..uaruwe.. •• .. m esa ,'': . 3H Cr7.... ars5' , tactw arses /✓ '''1', r [mamma= , +" ;ram a§-aaa a•�a�trraq+ BUIreeliss Le •� Ij. txcerr ne,'r,�, r.44en azo e•*,rmA ,w cams �' .� as n gIMEZI 11i 4M "\ I1 rtl 4Sll afar .., , ' 4. 1 r rJ oSiNEMI,cv • c ... ros: t'amnem SS•1 os� „v '( rr 0� ea (aserm trv�,.,,'ffi4,„ •^'r e 61CtT�a-t AO A „ teei teen / gig ' V .,,, 64441 , c.•a 6Z. =Mr - - sar,la VIM, 'ry t", +&k•t /2 ?,,,,:1691' x,;Ft0.R rdT,Aw • .+.. 064Z"war xlraarx4[k2al4n '- :6✓F.r1aG'�A „17CiiLWLMy 11nA ' .9 p rnr ax , r,TM sa UM .n mom= .. a , aantra;rva:as;rn+ rarnnamrmati comeneeee -R! X,,Y"I: 99 X, it mens Aa , .lca„cs- anet , OM rzv.. tC.YB+BR" a S: u ,axsaa�r ; - antivawc �: tcxasaicsca'a�r af+6C:-ar 1 &Y e,�':s�nru-catzes s� "� SdYAd.1F mamma aroma ', aavrsv cnrienivarsnt9a+rtxttmt nraurnwLsr+eraaamv' sasses aexxzla eter t , M tenses Loa Mei r T�6&S'ariL'79 a rr rF ns r ovum ,YrYQ26t/ Zr- f 'h , " LCilar xtdnavaaol+ casazsan rr:,ltrarnr�matr IRta5X1'ffiLTSYrartlA.tr IIA, . uTrM'Tf1151L vs I, •:n 5aaaa 'I A9i6• -, rIW. - •.. ^, fi . env... rp 7,tom' % A nrn 'Bldg •ataa IM.?7a OW . IMF vl fl Orr&'4SiP 1 • a�vxrraa •.,Orr l't ... ,csnx7a' n+ilAlnfil,nA ! r xtmax :tZr1 .LLrmaFa #.'1 woo= ,u '-n • •, rj We A'etasn 1 Y _ wmn a A fir ouov,e .. •1a..-. > fiT ,.' ,.t ,;,... : rW rk , a t, d6T<4t1'itRY .0 ff'9aP c er)e •t re.wava..cn ferOMMOMMIMIIIIIIMONOMPNIS -. The Morrish Glothtng Go. "A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERY MAN" The Union Methodist services were again held In Wesley Church on San - day last, In the morning, Rev, Mr. Anderson spoke on the Sunday School lesson "Missions" in an able manner, Mr, Walter Lowe seng a Solo. In the evening the choir rendered a splendid anthem, Miss Moron Gibbings taking the solo part, - Miss Retia Cook sang "Holding 'Thy Hand," A. nude quar- tette composed of' Messrs. Doherty, Andrews, McEwan and Lobb gave a chorus, Mr. Doherty singing the verses as a solo. Wesley Church choir have rendered splendid service during the two weeks Union services, Next Sunday there will be onion ser- vices in Ontario Street Church. Rev. McCamus preaching. In the morning his subject will be "Social Respon- sibility." FUTURE SCHOOL TEACHERS HURON E. M. Armstrong, 'C. E. Anderson, F. R. Archibald (Honors), J. R. Allen, H. D. Ball, F. A. Beevers, E. M. Barron, ar on, M. S. Blanchard (Honors), M. Beecroft, O. L. Cooper, 1. M. Crawford, N. R. • Crozier (Honors) M, Dunford, G. A. Dew, M. T. Dal- ton. F. E. Dougherty, C. E. Driver, E. W, Edge (Honors), J. R. Edmonds (Honors), J. E. Earls, E. J. Fear, E. M. Ferguson, M. F. Flynn, G. A. Fowler, 1. M, Francis, J. T. Garrow, E. A. Glenn, G, J. Ginn, J. W. Greig (Honors), W. C. Gardiner, K. L. Hamilton, E. M. Hardy, A. E, Hell- 1 yar, M. M. Harvey, C, S. Heaman, Al. L, Hess (Honors) . W. D. Hoegy (Honors), M. S. Hogg, M. E. Hall, R. B. Henning, 311. G. Johns, V. I. Jones, L. James, M. R. Johnson, M. M, Johnston, A1. M. Kuntz, G. A. Kerr (Honors). E. M. Kew, J. J. Levy, S, 0. Latimer (Honors), J. W. Lutton, D. R. Laundy, E. B. Mc- Targart, C. M. MacKenzie, M. G. McLeod, 1. G. :llcNevin, 13. A, Mac- Kay. E, C. McGrath, 13. McLellan, M. U. McLean, D, H. Mundy, E. 1 Mus- grove, M. E. McCall, W. L. Mc- Cutcheon, M. E. McNab, S. E. Mc- Nair, Al, M. Maunders, D. Nediger, A. J. Nairn, V. B. Pepper, D. K. Perrie, E. Al. Rutledge, F. G. Raith- by, 0. H. Raithbv, 11. 'W. Rathwell, H. F. Rasmussen, L. M. Snyder, E. 13..Scott, M. Sillerv, G. L. Sitter)", D. M. Stafford, H. Al, Stothers, B. Smith, F. Turnbull, R. 1. Taylor, R. S 'Thompson (Honors), J. B. Tay- lor, A. Walker (Honors), L. 13. ' Wheatley, A. G. Williamson, ,11. Wilton, J. J, Weismar, 1. A. Young, e ;r MAY COMPLETE EXAMINATIONS HURON O. M. Allen (Arith.) L. 13. Jervis, (Hist.), S. Ii' 1 ' , lt.Brel 1Arith. ( A. Id. 1,. It rat s y t (Arith.), V. 41. Rawcliffe, (Arida), tt. H F ( Wallace ), V t (Arith,), uh Ni. J. Hunter Arith.), D. 1. ()sterin ut (Arith.), F. P. Reynolds (Arith,), F. E. Reid (Arith,) Moue 14G ' Estimates Gree A.EIWOOD WOOD Interior and ExterZor, Decorating We protect your Boors, furni- ture, etc., by plenty of drop sheets. Wall Papers, Mouldings, Signs, Etc. 81 ' Isaac Street MAZOLA WHAT IS IT ? ¶A Pure Salad and Cooking Pure Oil from Corn. ¶The newest and cheapest, Shortening on the market today. ¶Absolutely Pure. ¶Used also for Salads in place of Olive Oil. W. T. O NEIL Tl -t/?, 11•tlti GROCER lshorrt' •t$ Canada rood Board Llesese NO, ,8.2495. 00000000000000000 AT o OVER THE TEACUPS QUICKo'� r .1920 AP1 o kL ;0 , oa0000000000000 THE LojALNFWS Mr, Frank Andy ews was in Brussels, On Sunday, Rev. J. 13, Ford, of Goderlch, waS in town on Friday last. ' Miss Isabel Graham, of Seatortlt, was a visitor with Mrs. McTaggart, sr., last week, " Miss Irene Pope, of Toronto, was the guest of Misses l3awden during the past week, Mrs, G, Brown and Mis's Lyl Brown, of 'Toronto,' are. visiting with Mrs. J. L, Kerr. ex -Conductor John Quirk, of Wing - ham, was calling on old friends its town on Friday,, Mrs. Murray, of London, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. 1'. J. Lindsay, of the Base Line, • Miss; Maude Cook, of Brussels, is spending port of her holidays in town wit') relatives, Miss Irene Wilkin, of Detroit, is spending her holidays with her father, Mr. A. Wilkin, Miss Annie Laffrey, of Windsor, was the guest of Mrs. Jas. Flynn, during the past week or so. Dr. D. T Davis, and Mr. Allan Syl- vester, l- vester, of Toronto, spent the week end at Mrs, Geo. Levis'. Nurse Margaret Murray, of New York is the guest of her sister, Mrs, T. J. Lindsay, Base Line. Mrs. 13. Hill, sr., was in Brussels, at- tending the funeral of her sister-in-law the late Mrs. S. Bailey. Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Armstrong, of Brussels, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Lawson during the past week, Miss Brownlee, of Hamilton, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs, W. J. Paisley, and also friends in and around Clinton, Mrs. Sharman returned to town on Thursday evening after an extended visit with freinds at Port Dalhousie. Mrs. Jno. Murray, and daughter, MisS Jean, of New York, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Lindsay, Base Line. Messrs. W. Fulford, E. Hall, J. 'But- ler, S. Graelis and E, Lovett, motored up to \Vingliam to visit friends on Sun- day. Mr. Fred Kerr, of Saskatchewan, is renewing old acquaintances in town. His old friends are glad to see him once again. (Brussels Post:) -James and Mrs. Jackson and family, of 'Clinton, were renewing old friendships in Grey town- ship last week. Mr. C. D. Bouck and Miss Eva return ed from Bracebridge on Saturday night. 131r. Bouck is now intra work at the Model ternrhere. (St. Mary's Journal:) -Mr. and Mrs. JLu'ry Sharp and little daughter re- turned to Clutton today after a few days visit at the home of Mr, and Mrs. ti. 1'. Sharp, (Brussels P st:-H J. and Mrs. Alanning and children and John and Mrs. Cunningham, , were ,are v - is' It ing relatives and friends in Clinton and locality. Mr, Wes. Stevens, wife and two daughters with ,Miss Lucy Stevens, his sister were Londe Tuesda The , r at n, two giels may stop over the week at the home of Mr. Israel Ta I r's. Airs. le G. Fisher_ and MasterCal- vin C vin and Miss Florence left last Wed- nesdayafternoon for their h 'n Denver, home o e 1 Col., after spending a month with the lady's sister, Mrs. R. E. Mail- ing. Mr. C. F. Libby and Mr. F. T. Jack- son. leave next week for a trip to New York, Boston and many other small country places Where they will startle the natives. They intend going by auto, Mr, D. J. Cantelon left this morn- ing for Toronto, where he will assume his position at the Toronto Exhibition, which he has held for the past d years, with goodsail �, ti 1 toI manage- ment. • - sFtc o n the tans e L ment. M a Mrs. and h1 .. Withamtiliams and W t two'Uaughters, of Louisville, Kentucky, left'on Wednesday for his ho,tte after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cante- lon's, They were accompanied by Mrs, Greenwood, of London. Miss Evelyn Hall, daughter of Mr. told Mrs. E. Hall, of town, is spending n few weeks at the home of Mr, George Crooks on the Base Use during tite absence of her parents who are tak- ing a trip up the Lakes, All., and Mrs. Geo. 13. Ferguson, Miss ,lean and Master Russel, of Toronto, motored up on Sunday and were visitors with Air. and Mrs L t J. Kerr. They Y are visitingWalton in W I on bat will return here ,again, before going back to the city, ,Mr, and Mrs, Edward Hall, of town, left on Saturday morning for Sarnia where they will take the boat for a trip up,the Great Lakes es to Duluth on COs the Northern Navigation Company's n s linett . They - expectto take i traip through to Vancouver, Mr, McLean of tate White Star Line, accompanied by Ms5L McLean, motor- ed to town. last Thursday for Detroit, and has been husy the past few days in getting the advertising natter of tits it{g excurson to be,,, run by the Grey- hound early in September distributed about the ciuntry. (Goderlch. Signal:) ---Sapper Lorne Aitchison, of Wingham, who returned home' from overst.•R last week, is visit- ing hie sister, Mrs. J. E. Mutch, -He is the only one of three Aitchison boys who went, overseas to return, his bi°o- titers l..aehit ,nand Wallace. having given their lives in their country's Catuse. (Goderich" Signal:) -MC, J, W. Snell, eii • a Brie -lime resident of Shiflett, now 111 °yen, Alberta, is visiting with friends in Goderich and vicinty. Mr, Snell is one of Alberta's most prosper- ous gentleman farmers, and he- thinks there is rso•place like the West, though he believes it would be.tssttch benefitted 1'y a imv t.rritl'.: Wisiie•in Goderich he Mt somewhat Conspli»tetted by being mistaken thy- a )srOlttltietit citizen for Mr, l-lartiey Dewed, tire' leader of the Ontario Opposition, Items, of interest Picked Up Here ac; *i There About the Town. improvements 'i'Ite Couthe block is being brighten- ed tip witha new coat of paint. 'Will Hold Memorial Service. Exeter 'Pisses: -Memorial service for the late Fred Tucker will be held in Trivitt Memorial church next Sunday evening, August 24111. Seaforth Principal Goes to Chatham, Mr. A. A, Naylor, of Seaforth, has ac cepted the position of Principal of the Queen Mary Public School at Chatham Mr. Naylor, who Is well known here has had great success in the Seaforth school, Caught an Auto Thief. Following a communication from the Hensall chief of police, Detective Harry Down, of London arrested James Hay in London, on a charge of being con- nected with an alleged auto theft. tidy pleaded guilty before P. M. Andrews in townon Tuesday night. t s y g t. Had Some Walk This week Master Joe Doherty aged 6 years was visiting in Goderich, got tired of the scenery at the County town and started to walk home by the G. T. R. Track, He got as far as I•lolntesville when a fanner discovered him and sent word into town and he was brought home in a car. It was some walk for a small boy. Base Ball Tourney. Zurich proposes to hold a hie base- ball tournament on Monday, Sept. 1st Plans are now under way to stake the day a success and a series of fast games will be staged. Four teams from towns in iluron County will likely compete for gond sized prizes. A concert un- der, the auspices of the local baseball club will also be held in tate Town hall in the evening. Andrew Taylor Passed Away Last Wednesday evening Andrew Taylor passed away at his home here following a severe illness of two weeks. lie had been in pour health lir the past so months having suffered a sev- ere stroke. He was a Canadian by birth and lived a good many years in Hulled, near Londesboro, prior to ranting to Clinton ile never married. In politic, he was :a staunch Conser- vative: in religion a Presbyterian, and was Secretary of the Suns of Scotland, and a member of the Woodmen of the World. The tuners' took place on Saturday afternoon. The services be- ing conducted by Rev. Dr. Stewart,' a former minister of the deceased, Mrs. Hanley Dead On O Wednesday morning Airs. George e g Hanley, Ontario Street, passed away following an attack of pneumonia from Saturday in her. 7Sth year. Deceased was born in Ireland and came with her parents to Canada when 7 year's old and settled on the Bayfield Line, Gode- rich Township whereeshe remained unfit she /vas married to Mr, Hanley in tS7 9. For the past 42 years she Itas resided inlints 1 C ,Air Hanley ' h. sopassing Y P in g t away in t3S). Mrs., Hanley is sur- vived byone sister, Mrs. Geo, Burnett, of town and f hree•ro b thet•s, Messrs. David Welsh, of Sandusky, Michigan, Alex, and Robert, of Clinton. Mrs. lianle,y was a member of the Ontario Street Church, and attended service up to •a few weeks ago. The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. S. Anderson, and interment made in the Bayfield Cemetery. Campbell -Ford Wedding, St. Paul's church was the scene of a prettyweddingOn Saturday morning at f i a,1n, when Leila D., second dau- ghter, of Mr, and Mrs. J, A. Ford, /Vita married to Lieut, Earl D. Campbell, of Calgary. Rev. S. E. McGegney, M: C., Rector, officiated at the ceremony. The bride, wearing her travelling suit of French Serge, with hat to match, was given away by her father. The young couple were unattended. The ushers were Messrs. Wilbur and Fred. Ford, brothers of the pride, and the Wedding A iusic was by played Miss Creta Ford, Following the ceremony,a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents and the young couple left on the after- noon train for a short honeymoon trip. They have since returned to town and leave on Fri • day for Cal u v'where Campbell is Science Master in the Col- lege there. The beet of good wishes accompany them to their western home. Did Not Get a Prize. Linder ideal weather conditions a big ane -day bowling tournament was held ¢n the Stratford greens Wednesday with 3S•i t u i, s present from ntnnv points Western e t tern Onlaria. Joe, Boehmef s rink from n Li¢ ,io el w carried off first prize four beautiful cut glass water jugs, with four wins and a plus score of 37, W. Ament's rink of Seaforth, with four wins and a plus scare of 21..toik hone four colonial silver creast and sugar sets as second prize, Third prize was thermos bottles, and they went to the A. \Vhiteside rink front Hensall, who hadthree trios t and a plus score of 38. The Big Ben clocks went to the W. J. Tullman ring( of Stratford as fourth prize, they having three wins and n plus of The 'Clinton scores were: First Round. Hovey, 10; 'Tubmnn, Stratford, 8. Second Round Hovey, 9; l{ttgcy, Brantford, 11, Third Round, Boyce', 8; Lanvin, Stratford, 18. Fourth Round. Hovey, 111 Tuck, 12, Turnbcrry t oters' List for 1919 has beet' printed and was first posted lo, the office of P. Powell, Townslsip Clerk on August. t nth. l'lsc list eontaists the ntsinss of 621 ,voters end there are 578.' persons Milled t-o'Serve 35 Juror's, weecttonesr,p0"9mla6®e"ioceee 'FIRE INJURIES MAL over The Temps AT THE END OF 2 YEARS 0 00000001000 nmm®o®ne:orbaf,axtme,5y MissMa1Ue Biggins, is visiting at Stratford, Miss Norma Bentley spent tate week end in Sarnia, Mr„ Wm, Little, of Chicago, is visit- ing in Clinton, Mrs. 1i, J,'.luff, left Wednesday for a visit In Detroit, Mr. Wilbur Ford, returned 1. Peter- boro on Monday. Mrs; Emmerson, of Bervie, visited, Mrs. R. J. Clue' this week, Miss Eva Stinson, of Toronto, is holidaying in and around town, Miss Stella Copp, of Toronto, is holidaying at the parental home, Miss Clete Ford 'left Monday for a visit with Mrs. McKinnon in Toronto, Mr. Lincoln Ford, of Calgary, is the guest of his brother, Rev. E. 0. Porde, Miss Alice Higgins, of Ottawa, is visiting her cousin Miss Enna Higgins. Master Reg. McCoy, of Landon, is visiting his grandfather, Mr. A. Wilkin, Mrs. Paul, of Alvinston, and Mrs. Paul, sr„ spent Sunday 'witfriends in town, t , Mr, Jas. R. Wallace, of Quasqueton, town, is renewing -old acquaintances in town, Mr. Plewes, of Toronto, is visiting his sister, Mesdames J. K. Wise and L. Siong. Miss Hattie Courtice, is the guest of her brother, Mr. Dean Courtice, at Chatham. Miss E, L, Paxman, of Parkhill, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Janes Pax - man this week. Rev, E, 0, Porde preached at the Danforth %Avenue Baptist Church at Tobonto last Sunday. Miss Georgina Murray, of London, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. J. Lindsay, of the Base Line. Misses Ida and Laura Wikin, of De- troit, are spending their vacation with their tether, ,1'Tr, A. Wilkin. Miss Violet Morrison returned home Saturday after a two weeks visit with her grandmother in llensall. Mr. 2iarshall, of St. John, N. B.,, is the guest of his brother, Mr, Robert Marshall, Rattenbury Street. :Miss Alyrtle Armstrong was the guest of Miss Mary E. McCowan, of Stanley for a few days last week. Mr, and Mrs. Walter King were call- ed to Woodstock owing to the death of Mr. King's brother, the late Thomas A. King. Mr. George Paxman and daughter, Aliss Thelma, 1,f Peterboro, were guests of the farmer's brother, Mr. James Paxntan during the past week. .Messrs. William and Frank Scott, of Luca ii, t, called on , \ h. Charles Lovett sen Sunday. Mr. Win. Scott was a for- merSI re dent m heresome, ears a 1 S Miss Bess Ferguson, of Meator d, and Miss Florence Train, of Collingwood, were guests of Miss Jessie O'Neil over the week entrand are now visiting at Bayfield, • Mr. Robert McDermott leaves this week for Torontohe where he. has ac- cepted a position. in a piano factory. He will be linseed bythe'Doiertyl base- ball team, ' Miss Jule Bartliff will enter St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, in September as a nurse -in -training. Miss 'Bartlifi's many friends will all join in wising her success in her new duties. We are sorry to report that Miss Ethel Gooier, eldest daughter of Mr. 12. Govier, underweut an operation for appendicitis about 3 weeks ago, and is progressing favorably at a Toronto hospital. Cornwall Freeholder: After spend- ing. a month's' vacation at Bryanstown, Trowbridge, Seaforth, Durham, Wat- ford and London, Rev T W. •m T. d Mrs. 'Cosens returned to town on Tuesday. Since leaving town they attended the funeral of ,Mrs, , Coseu's youngest bro- ther, James S. Govenlock, who was fatally injured in ' an automobile ac- cident near Saskatoon. This week's Saturday Night, Toronto, has the following in their personal col- umn: -Widespread regret has been ex- pressed in the passing of Robert James Gibson, M. D., of heart failure after a few days illness, at his residence :it Sault Ste, Marie, Ontario, on August 61 h. Dr Gibson, was born near Guelph in the year 1 866 and received his early education in Clinton, Ontario, graduat- ed from McGill University, -took r a Years' course l Edinburgh, t Scotland, ut<, and commenced his practice in Clinton, being associated with Dr. Gunn of that t0tvn. Shortly afterwards he was ap- pointed physician for the Canadian Pac- ific Railway, having headquarters in, Lha I eau 1 n tw1 i . •1 he • o: , t, t/, a to Sault , S d ut Ste. Marie, where v e e h eits since ace re i s ded. Ile married Miss Jenny Marks, daughter of the late George Marks of Bruce Alines in 1 897 and Mrs. Gibson and one son,survive him. in religion he was an Anglican. The funeral was held from St. Luke's Pro -Cathedral on the 8th lust., the services being conducted by His Grace, Archbishop Thornloe, as- sisted by Reverend B. P, Fuller, Rever- end F, W. Colloton and Reverend P. Bull, HiRON BOYS HOME Pte. Ai, J. Cook, '(Clinton) Sarnia, Pte. W. .1. Ilenderson,,Brussels, Serge. Stafford, Wroxeter; late, Cb1, P : . •ttshall, Clinton Pte, Jos, Branlieldt Clinton, Pte, i'.; Stewart, Seaforth. N. S., M. MSS/'/tt, Sealoetll Capt, J.; V, Ri,ss, Brussels N, S„ E. Sheriff, Hensall Pte, 13. >Vlelsstar, Dashwood Pte. L. P.•Malo,tey, Ss,aforth Corp. 0, Carrie, Wlttghnttt Mrs, Baan,' Daughter of Rev, J, R� Ford, Dies in London Hospital, 'Clinton citizens were shocked to to hear on Saturday that Mrs. Beam., widow of the late Dr, Arthur Bean east daughter of Rev. J. 13. Ford, now of Goderich, had passed away Friday morning In London, where she had gone a few weeks ago for treatment. Death was the result of injuries re- ceived 111 the lire at Consecot, Prince Edward County, about two years ago, when the house that Dr, and Mrs. Bears with' their only child were living in, caught lire. Mrs. 'Bean and her daughter barely getting out with thein lives, while the doctor was burned tea death. The child died about a year ago, its spite of every care that could be be- stowed upon it. In spite of the serious burns that the deceased lady receive she bore her sufferings heroigully asr@ apparently was on her way to recov- ery. Besides the parents, three sisters„ and one brother survive. The body was brought to Clintons Tuesday afternoon and a short serrice was conducted in Wesley Church, wttla Rev. Mr, McCamus in charge, Rev S. Anderson led, in prayer and Rev. ids. Snowden reathe Scripture 1es-uaa: and Rev. Dr. Rutledge, of Hamilton;, delivered the address. interment was; made in Clinton Cemetery, KIPPEN -Mr. Henry Horton, chief enumerator for South Huron, has sold his 100 acre farm for 36,500 to William Cooper, of Hay Township, Mr. and Mrs. Horton will visit their daughters in the West Dr. Mary Johnston, accompanied by her mother, left for Toronto, 0n her way hack to St. John, N. 13. PORTER'S HILL Mr. and Mrs. Antos Cox, of Chicagee formerly of this place was calling or old friends here last week. Mrs. Peter McDougall and daughter Alarms are visiting friends in Alanitobe and the Western Provinces. Dr. John T. Holdsworth, wite and. sun from Pittsburg, are visiting the fornler's sister, Mrs. 'Charles A1cPltntl We are not ,lust satisfied' with the account the Clinton scribe.gaVe.of the ball game between our boys and the Doherty team, Surely our boys have changed if they went to Clinton and came home without stealing one base also their was no mention of Doug's long slide for home. Howard Cox is out with a line new rubber tire buggy. The Bethany Sunday School held their annual picnic to McClure's point on Tuesday and had a most enjoyable time. They had a friendly gauge of base ball with the Boy Scouts of Cltn- ion, who are camping there, which re- sulted in a defeat for the country boys. Miss Nellie McDonald, of London. is spending Short 1 g a holiday, with Miss Annie A1cl , )nl'aII . Allis ClaraClifford, r d of Brantford, vi ite d with the Ma ss ,11cPhail's Iasi week. Alisses Pearl and Ruby Potter of Clin ton, were. welcome visitors here last week, Airs, A.. McDougall returned from the West where she has been for some time with her daugbter, Mrs. John Thomp- son. I t S,e re or th cr s e o s ver P o(ta• P Y P in a great many places. Mr. I saactfrlin' S t g, M P., of Maple Creek, Sask., who was attending the Liberal convention at Ottawa, called On old friends here but trade a very short stay. -He reports a short crop rami: there, but thinks they got the rigfir3 elan •at the head of the Liberal pally Hoa•. CELEBRATE THEiR GOLDEN WEDDING. On Monday last, Aug. 181 h, Crown Attorney and Mrs. 0. Seager, of Gode- rich, celebrated the occasion of their golden wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Seager were married by the Rev. James Pad- field, father of the bride, at Burford, Ont„ on August 15th, 1869. At tasxtaa time Mr. Seager wits n partner in the legal firs, of Adams and Seager, Sarnia, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Seager removed to Goderich in June, 1870, where the for- mer became the partner aha the late :i. S, Sinclair, :afterwards senior judge of the 'County of Wentworth. Mr. Seeger has engaged in legal practice in Gode- rich ever since, and was appointed Crown Attorney and Clerk of the Peace n 1903, Ile was Mayor of Goderich in 1887 and 1885. Mr. Seager is the author of several widely known books Y vn 01 on legal sal +ructica T he Rev, Dr. C,Ar Seager, rector of St. ,Matthew's Church, Toronto, the son of Crown Attorney Seager, with Mrs. Seager and children were present at the celebration. aerm R>t tDs®C939Abmg,istt9SJWo1Wa a a W13'lf flaks t'Slt1RClllit1 w to t eestas resoreeDat esgro t,Ftt. eget Baptist Church The services on Sunday next wile continence at 11 a, in, and 7 p. tn, Mr, I.inc:en Ford, of Calgary, (bro- ther of the Pastor) will assist at both: of the services. 1U'e'S Ontario Street Church • A good programme is being arranged for Ontario Sheet Church Epworth League for next Monday evening. The meeting w111.be ie charge of the Cit- izenship Dep ,+a,nl-rat. A good rally. of Leacucrs is requested. The League meeting on Monday night was in charge of the Social and Literary Committee, Miss Elsie 11113- bert gave the topic on "'i'he Cities oI P,, , Paul,' "Face at.d to fact: was sung sweetly by Miss Harris. A stable lielohging ti Mr. ,P, Des.. jarcline on the Lake Shore Rona' neat Blake was struck ;by Mehl/ling 53 Sat, erday evening and destroyed 'by fire. The stable WAS in the course of ceig, structipn and was nearly cotspletetela The roof was on but,tlte doors had 1301 i'Jeen hung,