The Clinton New Era, 1919-8-14, Page 444i
V: EVeapry.IQs
i ,,t ::/Packet Kopf
' $8°-9 WORTH O,F,'ANY
Clean to handle. Sold by all Drug•
gists, Grocers and General Stores.
Columbia is rapidly becoming an
important platinum producing nation.
CMa IcLreli, Orr
The Argentine government has re-
quired railroads to heat their cars in
passenger trains as a health measure.
Modern electric lighting costs about
1 -25th as much as illumination with
sperm oil or candles a century ago.
2000 HENS
Maria d?otchlcareva Alas
Written Story of Her Lite.
Let the Battalion of Death
.40; ,4 4,414:"1"74
ARIA IIOTC 14 Ia A 11 M V A,
leader or the Batiellou at
Death, is ono of lite most
dramatic figures that have
flashed across liitasia in all that
country's 'history, She has told rho
\story of her life in Yashictt, which
ran as a serial in the Metropolitan
Magazine and is now published in
book forst, 'Illiterate peasant, she is
possessed of an intelligence concern-
ing governutentttl affairs almost
stateenranllke; a helpless woman, ill-
treated by those in whom she put
her trust, she became a soldier for
her country and organized and com-
manded the regiment of women sol-
diers whose bravery put that of Rus-
sian men to shame on various oeea-
1000 DUCKS
—0 ---
Each Week trom now until the end
of December, we pay for all Poultry
ot.t equality basis delivered with empty
We pay seecial prices for properly
milk -fed poultry, and we would strong-
ly advise all producers to finish their
;poultry as it will pay you to do so.
'alli-LIDElois & Ca,, Limited:,
The up-to-date Finn
6Tllntuu Branch 141o11C 1130
id. W. Tre<.•.rtha, Manager
or folmesville 4 on 142,
Before purchasing your
new piano or organ let us
show you the newest de -
awns in several well-
known and old establish-
ed makes.
sfon --and who savagely fought the
Germans after the remainder or the
army bad laid down their arms,
She was a political prisoner in
Siberia; she has been four times
wounded in battle, besides iniuries
received in turbulent uprisings; site
has been under sentence of death
and reprieved at tate ultimate mo-
ment; she has suffered many humili-
ations in prison. She has had to lice
for her life from the country fIr
which she has sacrificed and endered
so much, lest the Bolsheviks put her
to death, Yet after visiting America
to plead that aid he sent. to Theism
she has gone back to face whatever
may await her there.
During her stay int America Maria
Botchkareva, or Yashlta, as tate sol-
diers affectionately called her, told
her experiences in Russian to Isaac
Don Levine, who has put then into
English. Though the nar'r'ative seems
See our stylish cabinet
designs in the best makes.
The Price
We Are As Full of Deadly
Poisons As A Germ
"FRUIT-A-TIVES" Absolutely Pre-
vents This Dangerous Condition.
The chief cause of poor bealtla is
our neglect of the bowels. Waste
matter, instead of passing from the
lower intestine regularly every day,
is allowed to remain there, generating
poisons which are absorbed by the
In other words, a person who is
habitually constipated, is poisoning
himself. We know now that Auto.
intoxication, due to non -action of the
bowels, is direitly responsible for
seriousIiidney and Bladder'rroubles;
that it upsets the Stomach, causes
Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and
Sleeplessness; that chronic Rheum-
atism, Gout, Pdin In The Back, are
relieved as soon as the bowels become
regular; and that Pimples, RushCs,
Eezoma and other Skin Affections
disappear when "Fruit -a -tiros" are
taken to correct Constipation.
"frenal -a -lives" will protect you
against Auto -intoxication because
this wonderful fruit medicine acts
directly on all the eliminating organs.
50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e.
At in dealers or sent on receipt of
Thursday, August 14th, 1919 .-.,"„
" 1115, 1 didn't won anything," M.f,
Jlinklnlltl haytened to expl}tin, a"I
have no doubt It's 1t flee safe. Cone
Me hove a drink"
At the bat' 11Fr, Stnnrt went through
he peculiar
r ni'eni
i let i
the complete 3
benutlt's'and distinctive merits of the
told room.
"Lova' at 11" Ile said entltttsittstic-
nily. "'1.,: Beet thing of Its kind I've
ever strives. Thirteen -loch walls, send
tnuorete; potent flooring, (1110) -proof,
rot -defying, finest arringetnent ofcool-
ing pipes ever laid—and then, the
"Alt, it's a good door!" the owner
"So good that no one'll ever have an-
other like it, you -bet. B'irnt couldn't
do another et the price,
"To tell you the truth, sir, we're
doing this its an advertisement, See?
Alt, you were lucky to get oto• firm to
handle this iota I can tell you, Why,
there's six Inches soled Oregon pine
In thnt door, and the backing and fac-
ing's the best one-an'-throe-quarter-lneh
chilled steel plate, •
"We brought that door over in one
piece, Takes four men to 11ft it, yet
11 strings on its hinges as easy as a
clock pendnlem. Seen the lock?"
"No. Anything speciate"
"i should say It ts, Tltat lock's my
own Invention, and I'll het there's no
man In creation can pick it, if he
works all night.
"Nothing short of dynamite can
hurt It. Automatic, self -fastening, no
trouble to turn, nn' strong ns u nig-
ger's love for watermelon. That lock's
a daisy, she Is."
Mr. Smart tureeel east with a four -
figured check in his pocket, and Ja-
cob Hickman started in to enjoy his
new possession and the envy of all
other hotel keepers in the neighbor-
Ile came to love that safe—lt was
the pride and joy of his life. Also, It
became the dearest ttt'erslon of. his
Mende and acquaintances, and of
everyone who enure within earshot of
No matter where be might he or
what the subject of cona•ersation, he
inevitably managed to steer It around
to the sure,
Once when he had talked Ills com-
panions almost to Ihn verge of Insan-
ity, aid Jeremiah Mtncleiren openly
informed him that, in his opinion, the
,Sxtravagnnt Use of Straw.
The use of at least a limited
amount of bedding for beef cattle is
advisable, but the extravagant use of
straw, coarse hays, etc., for this pur-
pose safe was a suure of the devil; that
roughages that arree 1to ed. Ali such
should he discouraged. be used for mnala Hickm's pride in it \vim nothing
bedding, either for fattening or
breeding animals, should first be of-
fered their in the bay rack and that
which is refused used for bedding,
If stover is fed the stulks, while
somewhat difficult to handle, make
satisfactory bedding material and
should be used for this purpose
rather than burned or otherwise
owed of,
wife diel pot know where It was hid-
Again, the pipes filled with liquid
anunonia kept the ternperllture of tate
Rafe dowel to something 1120 five de-.
4 below zero
• au that, even
If he
t w
:trees i o
were loeatecl, alae a dynamite charge
used to break down the door, It was
long odds that by the tlnte he was
tniteu our be would be i'rozen stiff as
en teeherit,
tie screamed and yelled; lie Welted
and he hammered at the door; 111'
ensiled himself bodily ti nlusl 11; he
\rept, Tweezed and cursed, etternatuty
ttittl then eltagotller.
Pei:filly he lay on Mr none quite
still, utterly worn out and nulniting
lllce a dog caught: in n trap.
Ills eyes Kasen without genet of
sight at the Joints of meal hnmrhve
from the melte laxed below the cellule.
Something suddenly jolted lbs Mid 0.
wild and incredible, in all probability
it is essentially true, The story is
simple and straightforward, with a
stolid frankness and with an amaz-
ing effect of the dramatic. The book
is of value not merely as a record of
an extraordinary woman hitt as a
picture of a nation in chaos.
Yashka reveals berselt as a rough,
coarse, big-hearted and unselfish wo-
man, It is hest to give a sample of
her narrative:
"Tice larger part of the wounded
were in No Man's Land and their
cries of pain and prayers for help or
death gave us no peace. I climbed
out of the trench and crawled under
our wire entanglement. There was
a comparative calm interrupted only.
by occasional rifle shots, when I
would lie down and remain motion-
liess, imitating a corpse. Within a
few feet of our line there were
wounded. I carried thein one by one
to the edge of our trench, where
they were picked up and carried to
the rear. The saving of one man
stimulated Inc to continue my labors,
till I reached into the far side of the
field. Here I had several narrow
escapes. A sound, made involuntar-
ily, was sufficient to attract several
bullets, and only my anticipating that
by flattening myself against the
ground saved Inc, When dawn broke
in the east, putting an enol to my
expeditions through No Malt's Land,
I had accounted for about fifty
On another occasion Yasbdca was
taken prisoner by the Germans. But
as the enemy started to retreat with
their prisoners the Russians again
went over the top.
"It was a critical moment. As we
were lined up the 'Hurrah l' of 001
comrades reached us. It stimulated
us to a spontaneous decision. We
threw ourselves, 500 strong, al. our
captors, wrested many of their rifles
and bayonets and engaged in a fero-
cious hand to hand conflict, just as
our men rushed through the torn
wire entanglements into the trenches.
The confusion was indescribable,
grasped five hand grenades that lay
near me and threw them at a group
of about. ten Germans. They mist all
have been killed. Our entire line
across the river wee advancing at
the sante time. The first German line
was occupied by our troops and both
banks of the Styr were thee' in our
"Thus ended m3' captivity. I was
In German hands for a period of only
eight hours and aumpty avenged even
this brief stay."
Don't be tempted 10 chores cheep
jewelery. Far better to pay a fair
price and know exactly what von
are getting,
You will never be sorry - lir its n
riettter of money, it is easily the
most econornitnil.
'.fihet thus her said so 0f tt-n t.tes,t
,eveeybody by this time should
14f now it -and yet there is no
,.,µRIO sty of cheap jewelry in the
<Now to get persornl -If sou would
lite to miss \hut sort al.ogethec-
,11 yen Wollld tike to hey where
nothing MO high giutlities are
dealt dn--OOME HERE
And even at that; no person ever
said our prices were lintel?
' at.gF a xal'e..ateo l'' ter
Jeweler arta! Optician
tsair al liarriaaat' l.ieensea
Seed eorn
Wisconsin No. 2;
Improved Learning
and other varieties
, ojd Medal Moder Twine $27.00
pier OWL
When the bowels do not perfbrm their
functions properly the liver is sure to
become affected and the inactive con-
dition of the liver will cause constipation,
sick or bilious headacbee, heartburn,
water brash, specke 'boating before the
eyes, the tongue becomes coated, the
breath foul, and the eyes have a dell,
yellow glassy arnearence.
Milburn's Laxielever Pal will regu-
late any irregularity of the bowele and
stimulate the sluggish liver into action,
Mrs. Malcolm McDermid,Granton
Section, N.S., writes:—"I bare been
sick for a number of years with sick head-
aches and constipation. I tried all
kinds of doctor's medicines but none
did me any good. I tried Milburn's
Latta -Liver Pills, and after using four
vials I am completely cured. I would
heartily recommend them to all sufferers,"
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25a. a
vial at all dealers or mailed direct by
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
less than sinful, and that sooner or
later he'd be visited by some terrible
judgment in consequence.
But Jerry alai Laren wens n Sent, and
a rival hotelkeeper to boot; so it may
have been jealousy, and l,nt mere piety,
which instigated Ills remarks.
DELICATE YOUNG GIRLS 1100 tans Af feel, ;111(1 10,500,000 tong
t+ !+1'ltl 1t 111;1U1 � „r pe;tt lit+:er,
Need New tied Blood To Give Them
Healtl, and Strength
Dues your daughter inherit t dli-
trate orgsutization from you? aril
anaemia'ut young girls nett' be inher-
ited, er it may be caused by bad air,
unsuitable food, hasty and. irregular
eating, Insufficient out-of-door exer-
A. joint of renlson nt Whl,41 he Beit
been vaguely storing nwnlithed his
mind to feeble 11tI1vily,
Back to his memory mime the reeol-
lectiotl that • he had purchased tient
joint to be .emitted in eelebl'ati'n al'
the birthday of his Month les. Iii
duttghler—llltle ten -yearend Marlon 1
Why, he would never are her tr :au 1
1Sscnpe was Impossible; he hens ins
sure of (tenth as if he w•c•re Sittlo 111
the electric 'chair, lie Wn5 nelu.aly
dying by inches.
The tears needed up 111 his Cy,- mid
trickled down his frozen c1,,) :". No,
by heaven, he would not die: or, If he.
must, he Would die fighting.
Fiercely he fought ttgslnwt the
lethargy and numbness (lint cone
enveloping, hint. With tin ieTnrl he
sat itp and elin1beil stil'.ly toles feet,
Ile caught eight of 11 number of stunt
oaken billets he land brought down the
previous day, intending to tie ole time
ports for another -shelf. Ile recollect-
ed bringing n Mountie% tan.
Yes, there it lay In the earner.
Sefzln_ the tool, he bare more beast
'nn the door. Pot•Itnps Someone wvttud
(0111)' 110511 10 flu' 51(20 ruin hent• the
sound of his hammering. It Wiwi 0
poor chance, but be weithi;'t miss it;
anyway. he would dib ti;;htine death.
His vi001aus efforts t•eetmed 1121
to his body. Itis blows beentue more
violent and presently Ilie inanely ham
dl4 sntoped short 0 the Isroil. Then
a furious zinger seized 151,1,, Cie ratted
1104511 Purses 'an the clever engineer
who had constructed the door and in-
vented the patent lock, 00 himself, and
nn all creation.
Seizing ane of the mitt billets. he
beat at the door ns if It were air,
Smart's ingenious bend lie ems hnm-
tnering, 1115 nries imbed horribly. but
still he continued.
Presently his frenzy -tilled eyes
seemed to see n faint crack In the
solid metal to front of him.
The length of timber splintered and
broke in his hands, hut snatching an-
other piece he continued his furious
onslaught. His straining eyes saw the
solid metal slab bulging outwards.
God in heaven! It was true, then!
The steel had split, the creek was be-
coming wider before his eyes, a streak
of white showed between the dark,
ragged edges.
No thought of the smut eastern en-
gineering firm came into Jacob Hick-
tltan's late as be peaked baa tuner
Into the gap and plucked forth sett
shavings, cotton waste and refuse well
until his finger naffs scratched on the
entatic steel covering of the door.
Inserting one end of his piece or
oak into the creek—alas for the da-
undey of mankind, the tree was
no thieker than that of a 000Idng-pea
—Hickman shoved inward and used it
as a later, tugging and atrainfeg mated
the sheet of metal ripped away like a
Strip of brown paper. Then wing his
weapon as a rammer he stabbed at the
outside steel.
The sound of a hum= vete' caught
Ma ears.
"What de hell's de matter'?" it eald.
Some one strolling into the base-
ment had heard the infernal row and
come to inreetigate.
He screamed hoarse direetion, and
in a few minutes the sharp teeth of
a center bit was cutting into the
A small hole was soon made. Hick-
ilo-man passed the key through It to his
deliverer, and then promptly fainted,
There were wet bandages around
Hickman's head when he came round.
A dull ringing filled his ears; his hands
were enveloped In wrappings; he was
in bed; and his whole body was so
stiff and sore that when he moved he
groaned with pain.
To judge by the sensations to his
feet, he had no toes at all; but the
stumps burned and throbbed hor-
The doctor's bearded face was bend-
ing over hint when he opened his eyes,
and his little daughter Marjory stood
by the bedside holding his head.
"Touch and got" said the doctor
cheerfully. "1 thoight you were
never limning to. 'molted like a Inge
for the coroner. Isere, tikes drop
of this."
"Where inn T?" whispered 11X11'
man when he had swallowed the
brandy. '
"At 'home. You've been lying here
like this for three days. Thought
it was all ep. Don't you remember?
"They 'found you in your Ice safe,
almost dead. Bather think one of your
toes is gone for good; otherwise, you're
all right"
Jacob Hickman did not go tinder,
The first thing he did was to bring
cult against the eastern engineering
Orm who had built his ice safe, for
'tnlsrepresentatlon and failure to ad-
here to contract specifleations,
the shock of his terrible imprison-
ment iit the cold room had turned his
hair sults white, but It left his brain
In abet -clued working Order,
Da Won his watt lied pet tate dam;
ewe be olalmed.
else tend nue enough test :tad sleep.
It comes on gradually, beginnllg
with tangoes, indisposition to mental
or bodily exertion, irritability and a
feeling of fatigue, Later comes pal-
pitation of the heart, headache dizzi-
ness following a stooping position,
frequent headaches and breathless-
ness. In a majority of cases consti-
pation is present, rltere may be no
great loss of flesh, but usually tate
complexion takes on a greenish -yel-
low pallor. •
Cases of this kind, if neglected, be-
come serious, but if taken in time
there is no need to worry. The treat•
street is quite easy and simple. Dr.
Williams' fink Pills, which are free
from any harmful or habit-forming
drug, are Just the tonic needed to
remedy this wretched state of health,
Though it is not noticeable, improve-
ment actually begins with the first
dose. As the blood is made ricin and
red, the palor leaves the face, stren-
gth and activity gradually return and
if the treatment is continued until
the last symptom disappears, tete
clanger of a relapse is very slight.
If any symptom of anaemia ap-
pears, prudence suggests that Ur.
Williams' Pink Pills should be given
at once, and the sooner they are tak-
en the more speedily will the trouble
be overcome. You can get these pills
though any dealer in medicine, or by closed.
mail at 5u cents a box or six boxes
fur 82,50 front 'fete Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
One day when Jacob 11Jrinuan went
downstairs to pay one of ills numerous
daily visits to the safe, something hats'
He unfastened the door, stepped in-
side, and feeling a slight drag on the
loose alpaca jacket he was wearing,
gave a sharp jerk, The notion, if un-
thinking, was d perfectly natural one.
Three seconds later there was a smart
Swinging around Jacob Rickman
faced the sate door. It had closed be-
hind him.
The door opened outwards. That
slight *it efleich had released his
jacket. -caught, probably, in the door
knob—had set the heavy door in mo-
tion upon its well-oiled and nicely ad-
justed hinges—and the patent auto-
matic Iocie hard done the rest, '
Hickman was a stout man; it was a
very hot day; and his forehead was
covered with drops of perspiration
when he entered the safe.
His paralyzed brain soddenly awoke
and asserted itself, and he started to
yell like a drunken Indian.
Unthinking, he yelled and hammered
at the door with his bare fists until he
was exhausted and his knuckles were
bruised and bleeding.
By and by his breath came back, and
he began to think with some. meas-
ure of coherence and to realize the
horror of his position.
Here he was a prisoner without
means of escape of hope of release.
True, the key of the door was in his
pocket—he had taken it from tate
lock when he opened the sate. But
that didn't help him any.
There was a duplicate key, but that
was in a secret drawer of his bureau,
and therefore useless. Indeed, if
.Hickman's presence in the safe became
known, no one could find It—even hie
Most wooden toys in Japan are
nsanufactured by hand in the moun-
tain regions of the country where
wood is plentiful and cheap,
List issued by the Agricultural Soci-
eties Branch of the Ontario Department
of Agriculture, Toronto, J. Leckie
Wilson, superintendent. Sept 22-23 Blyth
London (Western Fair) .Sept.•25-26
Sept,Ltick now
Sesforth Oct, 18-19
Toronto. (Can.National) Aug.23 Sept6
Wingham Oct. 8-9
Zurich Sept. 17—t8
Sept, 16-17
Oct, 2-3
Sept. 1 5-16
Sept, 15, 16, 37
Oct. 4
oksf6 i hoot Composts,
,el sdtf`e, retiebk retiwddu+0
ntedi ane,, Sold )o t Irmo da
edea of ctrooeth" MO. 'l, $ll
r oft
Se No erpe
ti dteto. o stint
�'r ea' on rooewt of rice,
Lyse pevtplilotr wr lldii'tesit
tilt It COOK *gement CO,
T0100Id.OST. Merril MAW
Something of a
Cold Snap
w••• touar,1240
Seven bogs within eenventent ship.
ping distance id 'Toronto are estimated
to be capable of producing 26,400,000
ions of fuel, and seven bogs in the
\tautly of Montreal could supply that
city with 23,500,000 tuns of fuel.
The conststtctlol of the nee, cold -
storage noon nt. the Washington hotel
was nearing completion, and Jaen
Hickman, the proprietor of that pala-
tial summer hostelry so Well known To
Galveston residents, was' pitying itis
twentieth daily visit to the scene of
"Satisfied, Mr. lifetimnn, eh?" --aid
Mr, Smart„ the clever engineer. who
had been sent down to supartnte.nd
matters by the; big eastern firm which
had the contract in !rand, carne anti
steed et the hotel proprietor's ellww.
"Looks all right, l guess:"
"All eightl Why, sir, that safe's
a stroke of genies; though 1 say it.
WS a reeeltttton, i'i1 goat anto6 there's
babble 111c41 It to sill the dtatos---moth•
frig `to hold 8 tallow \dip tl3 it,"
M1. Smartra profes4te(tal pt•itfe Olt.
neared Mart at his ellent's Very loader,
I3onycastle Dale, the well -know*
Canadian Naturalist, is tate author of
the leading article in Itt1f) AND GUN
IN CANADA for August, it is entitled
"Saloon Fishing At Campbell River,"
Tate wondrous beauty of the Campbell
River Palls is to be seen la the page
photo-engravure that accompanies the,
article, Outer articles and stories oft
note are: "'t'ahar The Turtle," by
A. 0. Pailipp; "Rideau and 'trent
Canals," by L. Sherwood; "The Bever-
ley and Newborn' Lakes," by 'I'yeth
Bounsall, and "'rhe Sumpter Call To
The Northland," by Walter Thornton,
An illustrated account of the 1918
Tournament of the N. S. Guides also
appears in this splendid issue, along
with the usual ]sigh grade Culls and
Ammunition, Fishing, Kennel and Cone
servation Departments. Canada's pre-
mier outing monthly is published by
W. J. Taylor, Limited, at Woodstock,
By a new refrigeration process a
Louisiana engineer claims to freeze a
block of ice a foot thick in an hour,
A native tribe in the Philippines pro-
duces fire by rapidly compressing air
in a sort of syringe made of .bamboo.
Writing desks have been designed
that can be built into walls al roouls,
resembling panels of woodwork when
in the bulletin entitled: "Peat as
a Source of Fuel," by Eugene llaanel,
Director. alines Branch, issued by the
fununisston id Conservation, the fol-
lowing account is given of the peat
resources of Canada:—
"The total area of the Dominion m1
Canada overlain by peau bogs is esti-
mated to be 37,000 square miles and
of this total areathe
tariksnowtnpeat ]ogs
of Manitoba, Quebec
miles with an average depth of 6
feel. This i, probably but a portion
,f the actual amount of this valuable
fuel asset in existence in these pro-
"One square mile of peat bog with
can average depth of six feet wilt pro-
duce 771,000 tons of peat fuel, with a
nipisture content of 25 per cent. The
t2.000 square, notes will therefore con-
tain about 9,300,000,000 tons of peat
having a fuel value to about 5,400,-
000,000 tons of good coal. This cal-
culation is ntede on the assumption
that the tnt:tl quantity of peat contain-
ed in the 12,000 square miles is suit-
able for fuel purposes. This assump-
tion is not strictly correct, but is near
enough to serve the purpose of illus-
trating the enormous potential energy
stored in our vast heat deposits.
"Up to the present time the Mines
Brands has located, delimited, mapped
and investigated, as to the depth, char-
acter, and quantity of peat available,
for commercial exploitation as fuel
orb itter, peat hogs comprising approx-
imately 175,000 acres. Of the total
amount, published reports treat in de-
tail about 140,000 acres distributed as
follows: Ontario, 25 bogs; Quebec,
1.2; Nova Scotia, 8; Prince Edward
island, 6; and 7 in Manitoba, making
58 in .all. These bogs are estimated
to be capable of producg
ad Results
follow a lay liver: --
Constipation; Disor-
dered Stomach; Head-
ache; Biliousness, and
other evil, painful,
dangerous things.
This Good Old
comes to the rescue.
Take two or three pills
at bedtime—once. After
that, one each night; two,
nowaudthen,if necessary.
4lrnulne bears 's:Arrdturar
Colerlese feces often AO*
theabienct of Iron in the
Carter's Iron Pills
will beWp ibis 'eonottion.
in 115,000,-
Never & 6iered
Grail se ;' «t ins,
There is no ether kind of bowel trouble
,.bat comes on elle eo meekly and with
so little warning as an attack of cramps
in the stomach. These are very painful,
and when you are seized in tens way,
and are all doubled up, you want a
remedy you are sure will give you relief,
and give it quickly too
You don't want some untried medicine
that might. only help von. You want Dr.
Fowler's Extract et Wild Strawberry.
Every one who has ever used it knows
that a dose or two will give instant
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry is one of those remedies that
should be in every house, as no one
kndws just when some member of the
family may be attacked with diarrhoea,
dysentery, cholera, cramps colic or some
other bowel complaint.
Mre, S. E. Clark, Dorion Station;
Ont,, writes:—"While visiting my mother
fn town, I was taken very sick with
cramps in my stomach. I don't think
I ever suffered worse pains. L sent and
got a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry, and in a couple of
hours I was all right again, and able to
ride eight miles home in the evening.
I can't praise your wonderful medicine
Dr. Fowler's iextraet of Wild Straw-
berry has been on the market for the
pat 14 Yearn. Don't experiment with
new and untried remedies. Refuse sub-
stitutes. They may be dengcroue,
Price ?wc. at all deafen. Fut ate orale,
by The T. Milburn Co, Limited,'L`eaamnt's
YOU will find all
three flavours in
air -tight sealed
packages—but look
for the nam
' cod's rhasphoilinsl
The great IEngtisliAltemedr,
'Pones oo4lnvitcoretgo too Mhol
1680,60x_Yy4makes new Blood
ih old Vont!,
Cares Nitiiou►
peMl 1p. Mentdt and Boat* Wong Des
deasNr .Looe of 1616'0V4 Pcdp.tat'Ad of the,
n or . Price $1 tor.boi, eiai
lOnow dfm six torsd,inOnawifelpod awilte4tor8oldptis
email. At or aritae io plain Pfree on teCarn1: n
aprloo, Ned_pnmp7,k' 411T0. dfrewooerS .PAU
48EP;C/NR ISO, O*f1T0.011T. (EMMetY WISI,.,,?
because it is your
protection against
inferior imitations.
lust as the sealed
Package is protec-
tion against im-
a, altar,: WRIouwt',,5. •'
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�� Vtl/RLA Jnr°
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