HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-8-7, Page 6PAGE s •'"";
weed Suits
Dry Goods and House
Phone 67
Next Royal Bank
A Tested Lens—
An Accurate Shutter—. -
SSimple Operation—
Good Pictures—
0 # 'S 7:Oi'
CUMENstom TailoRring
A1en's FurnishSing
Phone 103
Opposite Public Library
All, these are assured when you purchase aKodak
Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We
have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you
how easy they are to use.
—We do developing and printing and guarantee good results--
% .. ...tL.: a .. I .l_ 07/7"=" r/ r
Despensing Chemist
The Features of Our
Took Honours
In the report of the Entrance Results
published last week the name of Ruth
Hale should have been included in the
Honour list instead of the pass list as
Oi.iictrem- Cry
IC .9 S T O R I A
At the regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute, held at the home of
Mrs. D. B. McEwen, the la:iies pres-
ented Mrs. It, C. Munroe with a hand-
some cut -glass cream and sugar set, in
recognition of her faithful service as
President during a long term. Mrs.
Monroe .was taken completely by sur-
prise. She thanked the ladies for
their kindness and thoughfulness, say-
ing her duties had been made much
easier l'y having the kind co-operation
of all the members. The meeting was
well attended. Mrs. Paxman occupied
the chair,
Suffered from
To which we invite special attention Colist pati't
are its beauty,, its assured comfort, its
solid coostruetidu, and its below the FOR TWO YEARS.
usual prices. Any olie•of these points
would he snffioient to earn it your —_
ference. When they are all com-
blued we feel sure you will realize
that this is a furniture buying oppor•
tunity you cannot afford to ignore
Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 3S.
Right and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store
Will be the call after Drinking a cup of our Bulk
Teas. The Quality and flavor is Fine and Don't
Forget the Price is Right at 50c, 60c, or 70c. per Ib. Black, Mixed or Japan
Green. Cone in and get some special price on 5 lbs, lots or over. For a
Cool Drink try Iced Tea its fine,
i6 bars Laundry Soap
for $1.00
3 bars for 205
2 pkgs. Seeded Raisins
for ....25c a Ib.
Mince Meat per Ib. 15c
Rex Catsup 2 bottles for
•5 P E C I A L
For Band Night
3 Cakes Palm Olive
Soap for 29c
Bring your P. & G. Soap
Coupons to our Store.
Special Blend, Black or
Mixed, per lb. ....50c
Royal Black or Mixed
per lb. 60c
Quality Black or Mixed
per Ib. 70c
Japan Green, per lb, 50
25c f We will redeem them, t or 70c
Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License Nunmber 8-7245
F rrOunt ing9
Metal Wort
Ta , Haw
Phone 53
Agent for HECLA Furnaces
Shop–over Howlanti's hardware
Piping And Fittings Always On
The Corner Grocery
Ti n
Cider Malt — — and White
SPICES—Turmeric Powder, Curry
Celery Powder, Celery Seed, Mace,
Mustard Seed, Whole Cloves, Stick
Cinnnanin, Ginger Root, Whole Pick-
ling Spice and tClnellys.
SPECIALS —Peaches Tomatoes, and
New Cabbage, Green Apples, Water-
melon, and Canloupes,
E. E. Ilunniford
Canada Food Control License 8-3423,
15 the truth were only known you
would find that over one-half of the
ille of life aro caused by allowing the
bowels to got into a constipated con-
dition, When the bowels become con-
stipated the stomach gets out of order,
the liver does not work properly and then
i fol the violent sick headaches, the
I sourness of the stomach, be]chtng of
,'wind, heartburn; water brash, biliousness,
t etc. •'.-w-.•-- —
Keep your bdwels regular by using
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills.
Mr. A. Roder, Hastings St. E., Van-
couver, B.C., writes:—"I desire to ex-
press my thanks for What Milburn's
Laxa-Liver Pills have done for me. I
had been suffering from constipation
for two years also had a bad cough and
headaches. I' tried all sorts of cures and
remedies, but got noegelief until I was
advised to try your pills. I got great
relief after the first few,doses."
Pr'lsce 25c. a vial at all dealers or
mailed direct on receipt of_ price by The
T. Milburn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont.
The Undersigned is now entering
the coal business and asks for a share
of the public business.
All orders may be left, for the pre-
sent at my residence on Huron St,
Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155.
We have the pleasure of being
the agent for this celebrated
Also ask us about Cannel, Soft
coal, Coke and Pea coal,
The recognized standard in
cement, and after all the
cheapest building material in
the world today.
We purpose carrying a stock
of these result -giving goods at
our Clinton Yards.
Try a loadofour short slabs.
Just the tiling for summer fuel
or cool evenings. Most creat
for the least money, Easily
split and easily lit
JNO B. ititJS ) htIl!
atom & �rucetzT. I .
Phono for Clinton No: 74.
Mono for Brit efi Id 11 618
l llltIlIUVI DllItt1llUItiJllttllIIi11ll Iifl mommVVmV1)]U1tfIUIVIUjI@p(U0VW 111Iq Ijjj11 '
Local News
tl(iii�ill11iO1i11t1u11HIMI�NIIIIIN111111Ilm1u1ilu111uriul1tm10111 1i1m111111 111111m111101t1u1t1l1I111u11pluiul1i11I1ullu111111I111111 1111IIUIu1I11OUI11u111111111!11111Pu111111U111P
Big Business • Held Picnic
Some idea of the business done by The Ladies Guild .df St. Paul's
Mr, D, Canteton may be gathered from Church held their picnie to Bayfield
the fact thet during the past six Last i'rtday,
months Ile has paid out for hogs and
beans over rii5o,000, A Tie Game
Will Be A Candidate 1 The Doherty Baseball tenon were at
ilohnesville and played a tie game 8-8
Dr, P '1', Cournand, • of St. Marys, in 7 innings,
well known in Clinton In Masonic and
Oddl'ellow s Circles, was nominated as
Conservative Standard bearer for South
Perth at .the 'Convention in Mitchell
last 'Thursday, •
A Splendid Edition
Mr, E. Sehoeuhnls has moved to the
house recently • occupied by Mrs. W.
Wheatley on Huron Street.
Raised Salary
' The Quarterly Board of Ontario
d it Street Church met on Tuesday even-
um- ing anti raised the salary of Rev, S.
The Anderson to $1,600
su•d On Sunday next Union services will
ed. be, held in Wesley Church of the two
Methodist Churches. Rev, 5, Ander-
son will preach for the next two Sun-
Referendum Act.
Last week The New Era receive
copy of the special Wilt; Memorial n
ber Issued by the Picton Gazette,
Edition was a 20 page one and devo
to the Military and. Patriotic recce
etc., of the town and Prince Edw
County. 11 was also well iliustrat
Returned West
Union Services
Pte. Walter Rothwell, who return
recently from overseas, and who 1
been visiting at the parental home
town left last week for Grand Prai
Alberta, where he has a homestead
prepare for next year's crops.
Rathweli while overseas lost his ha
by fire.
Minor Locals
Council met on 'Tuesday evening,
Seaforth Veterans are holding a. bi
Rally next Wednesday, and Clinton wit
be well represented,
Flow do you like the way the cars ar
parked on Band night?
The streets look deserted after th
decorations, have been removed.
One More Improvement
Sergt. Welsh has made one good 1
rig —Under the referendum act 4719,
to all Indian soldiers who were on ac -
Mr. flee service are entitled to the fran-
ries chine irrespective, of the place of en-
1 On Sunday Evening to Take Part in
the Peace Service, — Excellent
e Address by Rev. Mr. Boyd.
The Peace service held in the Re-
creation Park on Sunday evening was
n1- 1 largely attended, and it estimated that
I e
provement on band •nights in parking
the cars on the streets. There is just
one more improvement for Band night
and that is stopping the cars and rigs,
during the concert, which are being
driven up and down in front of the
band -stand, with this stopped then all
would be able to see and hear with
pleasure. If at all possible, Sergt.
Welsh will try it for two band nights,
The New Era believes lthat the public
Will back you•up in this matter.
The Other Side.
Zurich Ilerald: It took ten inniu
to decide the winners of the baseb
game played here last Thursday
1 ween Clinton and Zurich teams. T
score at the end of the ninth innin
stood six all. The visitor's half of t
10th no runs were nate and in t
Last half Zurich scored the necessa
run with one man out. The game tv
well played and up to the ninth i
nings the visitors piled up six runs
the home team's three. A safe hit
right field by' Clarence Hoffman wi
the bases full brought in three ru
tieing the score in the ninth. -r
Clinton team was one of the best whi
has played here this season. All were
glad to see "Dick" Tasker back in the
game and he covered first base for 111e
visitors without alt error,
New 1. O. O. F. Officers.
On Tuesday evening of this week
Past D. D. G. L. G. E. Hall installed
the new officers of Clinton Lodge. Af-
ter the business of the evening was
over Mr, Draper treated the lodge to
ice cream, The newly installed officers
J. P. G.—Bro. T. Monaghan
N. G --C. Draper
V. G.—Thos. Hardy
R. S. —H. Gould
F. .S. —J. Wiseman
Treas. — 11, 13. Chant
R. S. N0 G. —T. Hawkins
L. S. N. G. —L, Heard
R. S. V. G. —J, A. Sutter
L. S. V. G.—W. Mutch
R. S. S. —W. Cook
L. S. S. —W. Johnson
Chaplain —W. H. Hellyar
Warden -0, Howes
Conductor —G, E, Hall
1. G. —L. Murch
0, G. 11, B, Kerr.
Celebration At Seaforlh
The Veterans' Day Celebration
Seaforlh on Wednesday, August 1311
Civic Holiday will, without doubt, U
the biggest affair of the year i
Western Ontario and far eclipse an
previous celebration, The Flende
son Fliglanders Band, 161st Battallo
Band and the Clinton Kittle Band wi
furnish music during the day an
evening. The t, latest
k attractions t 011'
S hav
been secured among which will b
seen the Dinty Moore Circus with
Jiggs, the king of merrymakers. Thes
artists will later be seen at the To
ronto Exhibition. The exhibiton o
war trophies, field guns, _machtine guns
etc., under the supervision of th
Dominion Government will be the onl
one of the kind ill this vicnity. ''Lurid
and Seaforth will play off n the morn
ng and it will be a red hot game, and
int he afternoon a gond programme
of sports, races, etc., for boys, girls,
and returned soldiers, piping and
dancing by the Henderson High-
landers, tug-of-war, for which a
prize of 530 is offered, will bring to-
gether the best in town and the sur-
rounding townships. A brand ne
midway comprising the latest lea Iures,
novelties, freaks, etc„ refreshments
and buffet lunch all day long . A
number of new specialties are being
hooked and will be announced next
week, Medals will be presented. to
the returned soldiers by Mayor Har-
burn and council, In the evening a
band concert with vocal and instru-
mental music, piping and dancing will
be giver' in Victoria Park, and a box-
ing exhibition in the skating rink the
Executive having been very fortunate
ie matching the best amateur boxers
in Canada. See the bilis for names,
etc. Two extra events have been
added for amateur boxers from Huron
and Perth counties. The drawing for
the Pard car will be made et V' tnri
over 2000 people were 'there. The
Kiitie Band also gave their sacred
concert, at the close of the service,
The Committee in charge were for-
tunate in scuring Rev. Mr, Boyd of
Waverly Road, Baptist church, 'Tor-
onto, to deliver the address of the
evening, and everyone was delighted
with his address on the conditions
prior to the s-ar, and the lesson that
are to be learned from the tear and
gs I the duty of the citizens to snake a
1111 bigger and Netter Canada.
Ire Rev. E. 0. Forde, was chairman of
tin Scripture Lesson— -1Mb Psalm—
ns Rev. :vlr, Anderson.
cls Prayer—Rev, Dr. Stewart,
the evening and the following was the
order of service:—
Band Selection.
11cmn—Praise God From Whom all
Blessings flow,
Prayer, Rev. :Mr. ,11cCamus,
Hymn—Onward Christian So Idlers
Solo—"Rule Britannia" Mr. Fred
Address—Rev. Jas. H. Boyd, of
God Save the King-
Prayer—Capt. S. E. McKegney.
Some of Them Have Very Peculiar
Sixteen years ago a young man
was brought into- the hospital at
Cairns, in Queensland, Australia, suf-
fering front a strange paralysis of
the optic nerves. In spite of skilled
treatment, lie became blind.
Other cases occurred in the sante
district., and were traced to the eat-
ing of a wild fruit known as the fin-
ger cherry, a long, bright red berry,
which has nothing in common with
the English cherry.
The effects of certain vegetable
poisons are at present beyond scien-
tinc explanation. The Iluger cherry
is not the only Australian plant
which ]las a baneful effect upon the
tt optic nerves.
It Some years ago Air. W. H. Mor-
e Lison, a well-known Australian horse
breeder, wrote to the Sydney Morn-
ing Hernle.polnling out that numbers
Bender of horses were being blinded by eat -
1n ing• the wild melon, which Is common
11 in tunny parts of Australia, and which
grows iu great profusion after the
e breeking of a long drought.
e One of the mom terrible plants in
existence Is the Asclepias gigani.ea.,
which is common in „nyssleia, and
e grows also in Ceylon, When cut a
f milky sap exudes from the stent and
leaves, and the least drop of this
will. cause 10111 blindness if it. cones
e in contact with the eyes,
Y The (scleplas is used largely for
1 tirc�wootl, but the men telco cot it have
- to exercise extreme care, If a man
accidentally robs his eye with hie
hand while engaged in cutting this
wood, acute ophthalmia le certain,
and the sight of the eye is gone for
good. There is no cure. Yet the
strangest thing is that.goats eat the
asclepias without suffering hattu.
Goats, too, can eat the Texan loco
weed, which kills horses tuna emote,
Thin poisonous plant drive.. 11 1)111116
toad. They run in circles, and sonte-
titues are seized by a sort. of mania.
1rv'o have plants, c,ren in the Drit-
1stt Isles, which aro nova to safe to
meddle with, Referettee i;1 not made
to the re reilrtr poison plants aitch as
hemlock, oca:le eleltiebeflc, or wild
parsnip. ''Otero are plants which aro
popularly supposed to he ]tat'utle s
or even wholesome, yet which have
very queer effects cut certainin-
Mountain ash, for Instance, The
In'ell' fruit of this tree is motto Into
lam, jelly, and a sort of spirit. The
spirit has the extraordinary Rower of
destroying the memory. -
•Mixttnes of fruits or leaves, each
harmless In themselves, tnay have
unpleasant consegttencee, Ile careful
not. to eat spinach 1111 an orange
at the same meal. The oxalic acid
of the former is freed by the citric
acid of the latter, and the result is
a more dr less sharp Case of pateon-
TotnaI.o must not be followed
by lemon et the result utay be the
Some fralts aro injurious in an
unripe condition. The juice of a raw'
Pintetppl•o tf injected under Ute skin:.,.
]b tmott •dangerous,--Vitdiits.
Park at the close of the evening a
gramme. The celebration will p be
worttmctelrtakittk ofitheill be year involving an
immense amount of work. Show your
appreciatic,tt by attending, bring the
family, bring your friends. The entire
proceeds go to furnish . comfortable
quarters for the veterans, some change
from the stud and water
trenches, and they will appreciate the
change, Grand Masquerade Cartnival on
Main Street at cl' s
be as h 1t s
{ 'F
Better furnish your hone
with that J .a,nnzock you
promised yourself you'd
get earlier in the season.
The W. De Fair eo.
Often the cheapest--.-1Iways the Best
aaaaaaaasa.aeaaaaYaeaaaot0 day for Boston on his vacation,
Mrs. George McLennan was in Lon..
don on Tuesday to meet her mother,
Mrs. McRae, who returned to town,
a after spending the winter in Detroit.
'a as atltb oath ®a®ga9Ooeme oe sse es
Mr. J. J. Merner, M, P. P. of Sea -
forth, was in town on Monday.
Mrs. Thomas, of Toronto, was the
guest of Mrs. James Scott this week,
Mrs, R, J. Cluff left on Wednesday
to visit friends in Teeswater for a few
The old friends of Mr. Earl O'Neil
were glad to see hien at the Park on
Over The Teacups
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, of Iiensall,
were visitors of Mr. E. Morrison on
Mr. and :Mrs. Harry Twitchell and
baby, of Windsor, were in town for
the holiday,
Alt., "Mike" Kitty returned to tows:
after spending the past few months
at Windsor.
Miss Dorothy 'McMillan, of Toronto,
has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
(Dr.) Gunn.
Mr, Andrew Forrester, of Hamilton,
was a visitor at the parental home dur-
ing the past week,
Major Dr. Shaw is at Ottawa attend-
ing the great Liberal Convention. He
is on the 'Committee to look after the
policy of the soldiers.
Int. Frank Libby of the Knitting
Company, Winghant branch, was in
town this week. He left on Wednes-
Blyth, Aug, 6—Alexander Elder,
for forty-four years a resident of
Blyth, and one of its pioneer gen-
eral merchant, died at his home
here. Mr. Elder was TowCi Treas-
urer for twenty years and Town
'Clerk for thirteen years. i -le was
horn in the township of Elgin,
County of Huntingdon, Province of
Quebec, in 1847, and saw active ser-
vice in Trout River against the
Fenians, when they invaded Ontario
ill 1870, and was later awarded a med-
Prior to conning to Blyth be was
bookkeeper for Gouderham &
Worth, millers and merchants, at
Pine Grove, Ontario, and while in the
employ of that tiro was married to
Miss Mary ' A. Smith of that place.
The late Mr. Elder was created Jus-
tice of the Peace many years ago. He
was an active member of the Presby-
trian Church and clerk of the session
for many years. In politics he was a
Conservative. Besides his wife, he
leaves a daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Walter
McLean, of Hanover. The funeral will
take place Friday afternoon,
Call and see our Stock of
Electric fixtures, Grills, Irons
Toasters, Stoves, Flashlights
Batteries and Shades
We have a Special price on Coal Oil
Stoves this week.
Plumbing, Heating, Tinslnithing and
Electric Wiring
J. A. ' utter
Clinton Electrician
Shipment just arrived fresh from the Makers
These are extra quality made of the BEST SEA ISLAND
DUCK every pair a fitter and nicely made.
We are headquarters for everything in WHITE FOOT-