HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-8-7, Page 2'4GE2
eishion Day I
CI.INTON NEW ERA. \+, •r,9"tl\.. t
New Organdies
New Voiles
:Silk and Lisle Hosiery
Thin Underwear
Wash Skirts
Pretty Cool Dresses
Hot Weather forces a rush for
Cooler Goods. Fortunately we have
made extensive preparations for just
such emergency,
Every Lady will find our collection •
of Summer garments up-to-date in
every way that making a choice will
be a pleasure.
Summer Sacques
New Kinmonas
Pretty Parasols
New Neckwear
New Frillings
Pretty Cool Waists
C E la Irate Corsets
For the hot Weather
C;C a La Grace is a name that means
something. It means something because
every section and every gore of every
Corset has been carefully designed and as
carefully put together to lit the figure like
iL glove.
Priced from $1.50 up to $8.00
c/r N°322
* * ,r. * *
ate K * * * * * ,L * * * *
A Short Session or the Town
Fathers on Tuesday Night
(Council met on Tuesday evevnieg at
F.37 (x m., with Reeve Ford in the
•tahair and Councillor Paisley, Lang -
Irani, McMurray, McEwen and tarter
+yi.esent. Mayor. Cooper and Councillor
.Sohnson being absent.
Minutes of last regular meeting and
sy,ecfal meeting were read and adopted.
The County Clerk notified the Clerk
utas 43,t43.24 will be the amount to
Tee paid for Clinton for County rate.
".No Report" was a sign that a maj-
ority of the chairmen hung out, when
called upon to make a report.
The Finance Minister made his re-
port which may be read on another
p e Council adjourned At 9.45 p. lZl
, Dr. Packwood, of Bronre City, Mich.,
an old timer of Porter's Hill has been
calling on old friends here.
Miss Eleanor Bates, of Goderich, is
spending her holidays with Mary Mc-
Wesley Vandcrburgh and wife spent
the Civic holiday with friends here
All roads led to Clinton on Monday
where a great day was spent. Our
boys didn't fail to bring home a lot of
Mrs, R. Burke is lying in a serious
condition the result of a blood vessel
bursting in the back of her head.
Rev, Mr. Telford, of Blyth, preached
in Bethany church last Sabbath. There
will be no service on next Sunday on
account of anniversary services in St
Andrews church, Bayfield.
White Star Line
_^"'' '" i S`ac1 .,._r`-' e' :'_;•'cam._--: „ :r..
^=--—. •-. —_vim ± .— _ ,tea..% •c -
Steamer Greyhound Leaves Goderich, Thursday, Sept. 4th
10,00 a,ni, Goderich time (9 1,m. Old Time) stopping at Port a
Huron and arriving at Detroit at 5 p.m,
Leave Detroit, Saturday, Sept..- 6th, at 1 p. m
Arriving at Goderich at 9.30 p.m.
$2.25 Round Trip, $1.75 Single.
Children between 6 and 12, half -fare.
Don't miss this opportunity to visit America's most beautiful and
most prosperous city, A million populaton, a cty of beautiful parks,
grand boulevards and a wonderful waterfront. Canadians coating to
Detroit for a temporary stay are not requited to pay a tax or make a
deposit. U. S. immigration officers will be on the steamer to pass
excursionists. Good music and dancing en route. Fine cafe and lunch
room aboard steamer, See some, real base ball with the marvellous Ty,
Cobb in action. Si, Loula Browns play Deteeit at Navin Field on Fridey
September .rats.
CYuf of Goderich, WEDNESDAY EVENING, September 3rd, at 7.30 old
Time, 5.30 Goderich Tlttie, • 25 cents.
Tin'ee hours on Beautiful Lake Hurcin,
Orchestra music and dancing in steamer's ballroom
LateNews of theflistrict
- Oyer 500 people attended. the barn
raising of Thomas Culbert last week.
An unfortunate accident sparred the
event. Roy Maize was struck by a fall -
Ing beaus, Although unconscious for ,
a time, he is trending nicely. ;
The harness shop of Wns, McCiines
was burned to the 'ground last week,
Nothing but the fine shade trees and
the absence of wind saved the south
purl of the village.
The Women's Institute intends pur-
chasing some lire fighting apparatus
for the use of the village,
Lieut. Ball spent last week with a
comrade in Toronto,
Master Clifford Riley is spending his
holidays with his grand parents Mr.
and Airs. Ben Riley.
Mrs. Ben .Riley, sr„ of Chishelhurst,
is visiting relatives around the village.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Grlmbolby,
Willie Riley and Miss Margaret Riley
spent Sunday with the litters' bro-
ther, C. Riley, In Brussels.
Mr, fund Mrs. Russell Steel, Mr. and
Airs. O. Butson spent Sunday with the
tatters sister, Mrs, Ernest Adams and
:deo called on 31r. and Mrs, W. Mc-
Quite a number around here at-
tended the Celebrations in Clinton 00
Miss Blaice Wheatley spent au few
days as the guest of her uncle Mr.
Thomas Wheatley.
Mr. Fred Fowler is to he congratu-
kited. ills three Entrance pupils all
'Phe Garden Party of Trinity
Church was greatly ppreciated by the
numerous tourists, the leading enter-
tainment of the evening being the Clin-
ton Kiitie Band.
Among the great number of tourists
this year was one worthy of special
note, this one whose maiden name was
Miss 'Charlotte Marks. was one who
spent her young day's here and was
educated al this school. After leaving
the young lady secured a position in
the United States where she married
31r, Riley. .a wealthy real estate maul
and proprietor of a line hotel in Flint,
Michigan and another in Rochester, N.
Y., from which place Mrs. Riley mot-
ored with her young daughter and
sister Alice in a line Cadalac car as
grand indeed that it makes all other
visiting cars look insignficent. Mrs.
Riley is a nece of Mr. T. J. Marks, a
former business magnate of this place
but now of Kansas.
Mr. D. J. Strachan, now at Queens
University has been appointed; prin-
cipal of the public school.
Mr. Wm, Oliphant, an old Gorrie boy
Is at present visiting old friends in and
around the town. Billy motored an
the sway from Swift Current to Gorrie.
On Tuesday, Mrs, Thos. Phair, re-
ceived a telephone message convey-
ing the sad news of the death of her
brother, Mr. Janes Manner who lived
near Hanover. Deceased was subject
to fainting spells and it is thought
that in crossing a small creek on his
faros lie took a spell and fell into the
water. He was found lying face down
in the creek,
The wind storm which ,passed over
this district last week caused great
damage to the crops and buildings,
Mr. Geo. W'ylele and Mr. J. Gamble haat
their hay-loatrs blown over the fence
and Mr. Scott had his barn damaged.
The wind was followed by a hail storm.
Mr. P. S. Milligan has sold his fine
team to Mr. George Brown of Moles-
worth for the handsome sun of $600.
After a lingering illness of over a
year, Miss Jessie McTavish passed •h -
way at her home here on Sunday, July
20th, The funeral took place to the
Wroxeter cemetery on Tuesday after-
noon. Deceased was a daughter- of the
late John McTavish and had lived all
her life in this vicinity,
Messrs. Wm. and Alex. Smith, of
Saskatchewan, and old Wroxeter boys
are at present visiting old friends in
towna William has seen considerable
military service. Besides going
through the Boer war he was among
the first in the great world war and
was for nearly four years a, prisoner
in Germany, having been captured in
September 1914, He says that thou-
sands of prisoners were starved to
death and, had it not been for the
food that was sent in to the prisoners
there would have been very, few to
conte back.
The Exeter Board of Education has
engaged' 11lr. Wethey, principal of the
high school 0 Carleton Place, as prin-
cipal of the newly created high school
here, Mr. Wethey conies very highly
recommended and will begin his duties
in September,
An interesting 'wedding was cele-
brated in the Anglican church here at
noon Monday, when Miss Gladys Mabel
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cook, of this
village, was married to Joseph Edward
Smith, Rev, Mr. Trumpet officiated,
Both the contracting parties saw over-
seas service, the groom in the British
navy and the bride is a member of No.
4, Nursing Division 8, J. A, B. as a.
nursing sister in the Naval hospital at
Deal, England, Miss Nellie T'honspson,
of London, who also saw service over-
seas, wase bridesmaid, and Mr, James
Brampton, a returned Soldier attended.
tire groom. A guard of honor, compris.
log six members of No, 4 Nursing Div-
ision, in command. of Mrs, J. F. Thom -
Son, lady superintendent, was in at-
tendance, four of whom hold overseas
service records, They were Mrs, S.
Wyatt, 141u'ses Nellie Thompson,
Blanche Atkinson, Lucy Thompson,
Margaret Scott and Dora Yorke hardy,
The bride was also attended by two
little flower girls, After the 1leremony
the guests sat doors fo a wedding break
NO at the home of the bride's patents.
Following 8 short wedding trip Mr.
and Mrs, Smith will reside in London,
The, fanners are very busy these
days as the oats are ripening very fast.
Fred Leonard was •1n Seaforth IAst
AU'. 'Ind Mrs. L. 0, Lashbrooke, of
Mitchell are spendinga few days with
relatives in this localiy.
'i'here were not as many of the peo-
ple in to the big celebration on Monday
as there .might have been. Many of
the farmers were too busy to get away 1
but those who were in for it had a great
. Tont Walters has solei his farm
on account of ill -health. We hope that
he will be better soon,
Mr, Keppel neywas lu Wtnghant
last weekeppeand broDisught' back a new car
with him.
Last ,week we had the misrortune to
lose our G, T. R, depot by lire. Every
thine about the station was burned in-
cluding about live tons of coal which
was stored there. Why can't we have
a tine new statioJl now?
The Sunday School' picnic was a great
success this year. It was held at tiny -
:field tied cars and trucks were provided
to take the people over, 'there was a
large attendance and all had a 14006
The wedding took place at London
on July 19t1h, cif Miss Maud McGratten
daughter of Mrs, S. McGratten to Mr.
Leeds L', Yeo, son of Air. and Mrs. J.
W. Yeo, all of Goderich. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. Dr.
Peever, of the First Methodist church,
The groom, recently returned from
ntiiltnry service overseas. The young
couple will reside at Winnipeg, Mr,
You having a position with the C. N.
R in that city. Their many friends
wish them nsuch happiness.
Mrs. Glenn Campbell -and son Gor-
don, of Aylmer, also Sergi, Douglas
Goodwin, of Weyburn, Sask., recently
returned from overseas, have been
visiting' their sister, Mrs. S. R, McMath
at hillside Farm, Ifolmesville,
Pte. Roy Medd arrived home from
Mrs. Hannah, of Toronto, spent the
week end with her mother, Mrs, Wm.
Airs William Jackson is visiting her
daughter at Toronto.
Mr. and Airs. Moeda of Tavistock,
visited the latter's another, Mrs, E,
Yunghlut, over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Adapt Yunghlut, of
Tavistock. spent Sunday wit lithe for-
tuer's sister, Mrs. Jacob Wagner.
The executors of the estate of the
late A1. Lockhart held an auction sale
of farm and household effects on Sat-
urday, to wind up the estate.
Mrs. Patterson, of Toronto, is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. B. C. Weir.
Mr, H. H. Hill is rushing his build -
ng along to completion. ,
Mrs. Hawkins of Toronto, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. Janes Carter.
Frank Carter has started threshing
again, The wheat is turning out well.
The Toronto Star makes the follow-
ing reference if an old boy:—Last Sat-
urday Arthur Russell Lougheed, whose
father lives at 247 Wellesley street,
died from the injuries which he sustain
ed at Saskatoon while swimming in the
Assiniboine River two weeks before.
Mr, Lougheed'r who was an expert swim
mer, was taking his first swim in the
river, and it was .when he took. a dive
in a shallow part of the stream that
he struck his head on a rock. Several
bones of the, neck were broken, but
witli a strong constitution he was
able to live for 13 days after the acci-
dent, Arthur Lougheeed, who was in
his 30th year, was born in Huron Co„
near Manchester, but cause to Toronto
with his parents while he was quite
young, lie was an expert swimmer,
and when he was but 10- years of age
he swans from the Western Gap to the
Islnd. When he got through school
he apprenticed himself in his uncle's
dental parlors and learned the- mechani-
cal part of dentistry at the office of
the late Dr. R. J. Lougheed of that city,
Fou' years ago he went to Saskatoon
and has been doing dental work ever
since,. Ile was an active Orangeman,
and belonged to the William 111 lodge.
The Seaforth Entrance Scholarship
was won by Miss Eileen Toward, and
the country scholarship by Mr. Hall
Farnham, of school section No, 1, Hut -
lett. In this examination Seaforth pub
tic school has again made a name for
itself. Twenty-two pupils wrote and
all passed, fourteen of then taking
honors This Is the seventh year with
out la failure, a record certainly to be
proud of.
A very targe number attended the
reception in honor of the returned
soldiers conducted at Egmondville
Presbyterian church, last week, when
the sum of $10 was presented to each
of the 21 men whose names appear on
the roll of honor. The presentation to
each soldier was made by n near re-
lative or close friend. Excellent music
was provided by the choir and lunch
was served in the basement. •
Miss Jean Hays, daughter of Nir. and
Mrs. A. Bays has been engaged as
teacher for No. 9 school section Mc-
Killop for the coming year.
Mr, Will Drover, of Chiselliurst, has
purchased, the farm of Mr. Eckhart
just ngrth of Seaforth, the price be-
ing'SI2,000. This is a tine farm be-
ing well situated and it will stake a
good home for Mr. Drover.
Mr, and Mrs, E. Whelpdate, of Tor-
onto has been visiting friends around
Seaforth for the past week,
Miss ,lean Curtis has returned to
her home in Hamilton after a month's
visit with Mrs, Finlay McKercher.
Miss Greta Chesney of Stratford is
visiting Mrs. Will Sproat end other
friends of Seaforth,
Miss Olive Rankin, has accepted a
School at flridgeburg for the cottlitrg
Mrs, J, Noll and children of Algoma
are at present visitirig at the Notre of
Mr, ,Townsend,
Mr, Arthur Reid, of '1'oroinlo, and
Oscat Reid of Ottawa, are spending the
(holidays at the parental Italie of Mr.
and Mrs. J. 14, Reid. III
Miss Addie Tannin, of Blyth, is 815-
itlug her friend, Miss Louisa Mills,
Master George Marlin of Sunshine,
is visiting with leis couein, Mester Les-
lie Reid. '
Miss Ruby Toll wreturned wth her
cousin, Miss Emma Anderson to Clin-
ton to spend her holidays,
Miss Lydian Reid, entertained quite a
number of her school (nates to a birth-
day party on Wednesday last,
Mr, and Mrs. Grimsltaty who spent
the week encs with Mr, and Mrs, Bert
Allen, has returned to their home,
Mr, Alex McEwing who was in 'at-
tendance at a meeting of the Executive
of the Polled -Angus breeders, held in
Brandon, Man„ has returned home.
in police court' .Magistrate Reid
sent Albert Jardine up for trial at the
September assizes. Jardine is held on
a serious charge against a local girl.
Another case of a similar nature, pre-
ferred by a girl in 'one of the local
hotels against a Chinaman employed at
the same hotel, was adjourned for a
week, the defendant not having coun-
Magistrate Reid reserved his decision
in the case of Dr, Metcalf, of Bayfield,
who was charged with practicing in
Calrada without a license.
According to by-law, Wednesday
was Civic holiday here, The Great War
Veterans' Association held a regatta on
the Maitland River and cash prizes were
offered for the different events.
Huron Lodge, No. 62, L O. 0, 1', held
their annual picnic at Point Farm on
August G.
Another contingent of flax pullers
arrived from Muncey Reserve on Sat-
urday and :0•e busy in the emplpy of
the Canadian Flax Co.
During the electrical storm early
Saturday morning the barn belonging
to Allen Scott, East Wawanosh, was
struck by lightning and the building
and contents totally destroyed,
Dominion I'rugt lnspeeitur Metcalf
left last' week for the West where for
the next few months he will be on the
fruit inspction staff for the Dominion
Governmsan. He will not know until
he arrives in Winnipeg where he will be
located this year.
Mrs, Len, Howard fund son, of Rollo,
N. D„ were the guests of her cousin,
Mrs. Thos. Gusman during the week.
They returned to Clinton to visit with
Reeve Jas, Cutt, Messrs. Chas. .Mc-
Clelland. Geo. E. McTaggart and Rus-
sell Richmond were at tlensall'on Sat-
urday inspecting the town hall in that
.place. They were pleased with the
construction 'and layout of the build-
Hugls Kyle, a returned soldier it visit
Ing Isis sister, Mrs, Stong. Though
he saw much lighting in France and had
many narrow escapes he came home
without a scratch.
Misses Cudntore and Daly are visit-
ing their aunt, Mrs. Thomas Workman,
William Mac'Cormack, a returned sol-
dter of London has been spending a
few days with his friend, James Jarrott.
Harold Kyle, of Alberta, Inas been
revisiting the scenes of his boyhood
here, when his father, William Kyle,
was a well-known wagon maker.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Monteith are
visiting his brother Henry Monteith, a
leading 01111 owner and lumber dealer
in, Powassin,
Mr. Ralph Munro and his mother,
Miss Pierce and the Misses Blair, all
of Auburn, motored here to visit Mr.
and Mrs, W. 11. Johnston,
Air. and Mrs. Will Crawford, Mrs.
Jackson and daughter, of Ripley, re-
turned home after attending the fun-
eral of their uncle, the late Robert Car-
lisle, of Hensel!, who had reached the
advanced age of 87 years. While here
they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. MacLean,
Organization for carrying on the pro-
hibition campaign has been completed
in the townshps of Hay and Stanley by
Mr. A. T. Cooper of Clinton.
Two more returnred soldiers have
I arrived horse, they being Elgin Peskin,
son of Mr. Faskin, station agent, who
went over with the artillery more than
three years ago, and Murray M. Fisher,
M.1\'1„ of the Signaling 'Corps. son of
the late Peter Fisher and Mrs. Fisher.
Muss Beach and Miss Tomay, of New
York, and Mr. Douglass Holmes, of Til-
bury, are visiting their aunt, Mrs,' Jas.
McCiymont, and other friends.
The trustees of Ethel public school
have engaged Miss Lovette Ballantyne,
of Brussels, as principal of their school
at a salary of 1750. She is now taking
n special'course in elementary agricul-
ture at the 0. A. 0, Guelph.
The body of Alex. Forrest, who lost
his life hast fall in as snow slide in
British Columbia while working as a
miner, was only found last week. It
was intended to have it shipped, Isere,
where relatives reside; for interment,
but decomposition was so far advanced
it was impossible, and he was. buried
in New Denver, B, C. Mr. Forrest was
unmarried and 44 years of age, He
left here 20 years ago,
An old resident of Morris Township
passed away in the person of George
Pierce, in his 37th year. Heart trouble
was the cause. His wife, seven sons
and three daughters survive, He lived
here for 54 years. to his, early man-
hood he took a lively Interest in the
Caribou gold mines. Me, Pierce owned
250 acres of lard at his death, His
widow was a Miss Asquith of Auburn,
Tlie town 18 resuming its ordinary
routine after the rush and bustle of
the old boys'reunion, which was an
unqualified suc'rless. Tbtafl financial
proceeds will run upwards $4,000, it
was a great time for Brussels and its
scores of old boys who came to enjoy
Di', Fred Bryaus is back from over-
eats, where he went about two years
Itgo, He will take a speciai course its
his profession before he reslltnes prac-
tice. '
Organization is proceeding for the
conning refe'enduni vote, and 11 'strong
contnlittee is at work, The enuhiere
ators are busy,
Miss Clete •Pepper• visited at the
home of Mrs. Carter, of 01111ton last
Miss Sandi Dunbar, of Kamsack,
Sask„ is at present visiting her sister,
Mr's, "Phos. 011,4,
Mr, Bennett and Air, Angus Gordon
and sister, Mary, and Mrs. Kyle and 2
children, of Ashtiekd, motored to the
home of Mr. Thos, Baird last week,
Dr, 0, R. Russ and wife of Seaforth,
visited at the home of Mr, George
Baircl on Wednesday of last week.
Miss Violet Stephens of Stanley is
visiting with relatives at -Thedfard.
Mr, and Mrs. Cornish and daughter
of Clinton, visited 'last week at the
home of their parents, Thos. Carr and
Mr, and Airs. Brock, and daughter
Pearl left last week to visit relatives
at Montreal and other places.
Geo. Swan and fancily left last .week
to visit relatives in Toronto, Miss
Gertie Wilson accompanied them.
James I1i11 of Stratford spent the
week end al the tome of his parents
this week.
Mr. A. T. Cooper, of'.]liuton preach-
ed on Temperance work in the church
on Sunday morning. I•le gave a good
discussion on the work. Ile closed by
showing a sample ballot to show how
to vote on the great cause,
Mr. Johnston, teacher, is appointed
in Stanley to look after putting new
names on the soling list and 8. Cud -
more in Tuckersmitis. The war is on
for the great cause of Temperance. '
:v1r, Chas, Ilolland, of Clinton, preach
ed in the evening~.
Miss Lizzie Aikenhead spent the
week end at her hone,
The three deserters who were ar-
rested by Provincial 0Ificer "Phippen
and 'Chief Allen on Sunday are now In
the cells here awaiting to he taken to
Toronto. Already as nunmer or people
have visited ()dicer Phippen's home to
identify goods which the sten purchas-
ed while on their five days' joy ride.
The young men broke from the military
prison in Torontoo-atbout a week ago.
They bought guns, ammunition, cigar-
ettes, etc„ in large quantities from
stores along the way, and in payment
of same they gave orders on the mili-
tary headquarters at Torotno. The
owner of the stolen auto, in which the
men were riding, has been located but
his name has not been made public.
The question .of the bad odor from
the fertilizer plant was brought up at
the Council meeting on fvlonday even-
ing and several of the councillors made
very pointed statements. The Board of
Health svi11 be requested to get busy at
once and have the nuisance•atltend'ed'to,.
Councillors Willis and Mitchell accused
the committee which visited Ingersoll
of misrepresenting facts as. they found
them. Many of the citizens are com-
plaining of the odor, and it is impos-
sible for those livng n the immediate
vicinity to sit out on their -lawns or•ver-
andas because of the smelt
The suspicious -looking young man,
who was noticed in the vicinity of the
10th concession, East Wawanosh, for a
couple of days, has been identified as
Arthur Dobson, from near Authur, who
left his home about six weeks ago and
has not been heard of since. He is
well dressed in a blue suit and sailor
hat. He was located at the home of
Mr. Reid and. provision will: be. made,
for his return ]come,
On Monday evening a number of
the neighbors or Mr. George Follick
nsade a- bee and puled' his onions for
him. Mr. Follicle is at present con-
fined to the house through illness and
this neighborly act was much appre-
ciated by hint.
Rev. Mr. McConnell and family are
spending a month at their former home
in Toronto and upon their return at
tate end of August hopes to enter again
upon his duties of pastor of Cannel
Presbyterian church the tirst Sunday
in September, as lie is recovering nice.
Iv from his late serious illness.
Mr, J. Forrest, while driving a few
days• ago on tie- town line, mel with
an accident owing to his horse kicking
and in so doing breaking the shaft.
During the mishap Mr, Forrest was
injured from the kicks of the horse.
His injuries are not of a very serious
nature. .
On Tuesday, Hannah Gertrude Don-
aldson, daughter of G. C. Petty, of this
village died at the family home here.
She trained as a nurse at Stratford,
graduating in 1914. and volunteered as
a nurse to go overseas nearly three
years ago, She served with the Ontar-
io Military Hospital, and w'as over a
near at Orpington Hospital, and nearly
another rear at a Canadian general
hospital in France She retired from
active duties in November, 1917, and
was married on December 14, 1 91 7,
to Lieut. J. M. Donaldson, of Brandon,
Man, Some tinte.mfierw'ards she was
taken seriously ill with a disease con-
tracted wllsile nursing .pa(tients,f and
had to be taken In several sanatoriums.
The funeral on Thursday last to the
Hensall Moron Cemetery was a private
The death occurred here of Robert
Carlile, one of the pioneer residents of
the township of Hav, who for the past
ten years lived retired here, He was
a native of Ireland, being born in
County 001V8 in the year 1832. and
having come to this country with his
parents In 18.10 taking ftp his residence
first nn the 211d concession of the
township of Hay. In religion Mr. Car-
lile was a staunch Presbyterian, being
one of the first members of the old
Presbyterian church at Rogervilie, a
mile or so south of where the present
church stands. The deceased leaves a
family of live sons and five daughters
Robert ,L and Ernest of Indian Head,
Sask., William E„ of Winnipeg, Alfred
5, of Detroit, and C. Percivaj, of 'To-
ronto; Mrs. Andrew Buchanan, of Us -
borne, Mrs, W, H. Thompson and Mrs.
G. A. Pound of Winnipeg, Mary A.
and Anna'C. at home—and one sister,
Mrs, Crawford of Kippen. The funeral
to the Hensall Union Cemetery on Tues
day afternoon last was largely attend-
Albert Vincent Serving Two -Year Sens
tepee for Failure to Report
for Military Service.
Loudon free Press (Saturday) — A
petition seeking the raleasc cit Albert
Vincent, w'ho has served 'about 'five
115011115s of a two -,year' sentence at King-
ston on a charge oaf desertion, heard by
Magistrate A, H. M. Gravdou, on Feb-
ruary 51, has been presented to the de-
partment of justice at Ottawa by Vin-
cent's father, through 111 r, Jonathan
Joseph Merrier, M. P, for south Huron,
Alagisttte Graydon . yesterday re-
ceived documents from Ottawa asking
for infortnatinn concerning his case.
Cyrus Vincent, farmer, Stephen
Township, Muton County, in his peti-
tion seeking his son's release, says Al-
bert Vincent, Is about 23 years of age
and that he has been imprisoned for
failing to retort for military service
under the Military Service Act. He says
further that he has n 100acre farm and
that for the most part it is In crops and
that having no children to help him
harvest, he would like his son to be re.
No Privilege of Fine.
At the time Vincent was sentenced
the act which allows deserteres to be
lined from 1250 to $5,000 had not
been passed. otherwise the defaulter
might have had the privilege of paying
a line.
The report of the penitentiary au-
thorities says that Vincent is entitled
to a ticket -of -leave and that the time
he has served in prison has evidently
done hint good.
Mr. Graydon will prepare a report
and send it to Ottawa. The exact na.-
tere of it has not bees dctermised by
the magistrate.
Mr. and Airs, .L•t:k McCallum and
airs. Harvey Watson spent Sunday in
\'v1 eelsutck
Air. and ,eirs. G. Robertson visited
friends near Clifford.
:toss Ormsby lBrvant, o1 IlIn1Is, is
visiting iter grandmother, Mrs, Wray.
Mr, and Ahs. McGinnis, and Air. and
Airs. Avery of Ogen Sound, called on
friends in the tillage nn Monday.
Air. and Mrs. .1. A. Brandon and Mrs,
Blackstone visited friends in Gorrie
and \Vroxeler last week.
Airs. ilaugh of Wingham spent Sun-
day at J A. Geddes.
J. A. Stewart inetorcd to Clifford on
Miss Susie Allison who has been
spending •t couple of months in Lon-
don with her sister, returned home on
Rev. \Vit, Loyve, a one time resident
of this community, Vas calling on old
friends last week.
Mr. and ,'sI(s, J. Stonehrnnse of Dun-
gannon spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Harry Hopper,
Mt', and Mrs. Will; Longman: 01 Lon-
don spent Sunday last at the former's
fathers' home, with A•lr. George Long-
man. here.
Mr. and Mrs, Fothergill of Westfield
spent Sunday last at the, home of Mr.
Marshall Braithwaite.
The Misses Coventry, of Manitoba,
were guests of Mrs. Bell this week.
Miss Alice Bell visited London friends.
this week.
A'ir, and Mrs, Norman Carter spent
Sunday at the latter's parents on Stine
Air, and Mrs. ,Milton Hoopr and Miss
Hooper and Clarence Crawford from
near Granton, visited friends here. over
While Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Young
were driving out of Clinton, they were
met by a swift running: car, which ran
into their buggy( upsetting it 'and
throwing them both out. We are
pleased to say neither one was serious-
ly hurt, although Air. Young lhas, a bad
cut on his head.
Mrs, Mains Inas had her house paint-
ed this week.
Miss 0. Brigham has accepted a
position as teacher in Caledonia High
Another of the pioneers of this sec-
tion passed away at her (tonne in the
person of Susan Bolder, relict of the
late Elias Lear, after an illness of short
duration, and thus passes out an es-
timable lady, good neighbor and kind
friend, who phtyed her part in the
making of this section "f the country.
The late Mrs. Lear, whose maiden name
was Susan S an Border,
wasborn •
a T BrixtonDevonshire, England, in the year 1821s
and in 1845 was married to Eiias Lear,
also of Devonshire, and one year later
with their L•unily of tine 'child came to
Canada, to Rice Lake, Ont.. where they
resided for iwo years prior to e, tltittg
to the 13th of liullett where they took
up land. This was in the year 1851
and at utast time the township was in
its primeval state With years of tail
and undergoing the many trials inci•
dent to pioneer life, they cleared up
the land and made a good home for
themselves, When first the late Mrs.
Leap and husband came to liullett,
Clinton was the only trading place
and at that time composed only one
store and a few outer buildings, The
late Airs. Lear was bereft of her hus-
band in June 1S83 and in the fall of
the sante year she moved to Londes-
bono where she trade her home until
the time of her death with her San,
Henry, To Mr, and Mrs. Lear was
born a family of eight—four girls and
four boys, six of whom survive, name-
ly—Mrs, Thos. Shobbrook, Mrs. Harri-
Son Lyon, Mr's, Jos. Lyon, Mullett; Mrs.
Thos, Nott and Henry Lear, Londes-
bo'o, and Mr. Edmund Lear, Blyth,
One son, Charles, died in infancy and
John passed away in London three
years ago. In religion deceased was a
member of the Plymoth Brethren and
service was conducted on Fi'idaiy by
Mr. A. 1•l. Stewart, of Guelph, inter -
'tient taking place in Londesboro Ceme-
tery, The pall -bearers were all grand-
sons of deceased: namely! --Messrs.
Nelson Leer, Stanley Lyon, Joint Nutt,
Bert Nott, W. H. Lyon and Fred Sloth..
Hospital Donations,
'iTte Board of Management of 'Clinton
Public Holiday wlsb to gratefully ac-
knowledge the following donations to
the Hospital during the mouth of July:
T lie Ladies Aid of Ontario St. Church
donated 20 corrugated robber /stair
pads; Mr. James Dunford gave a rat-
tan setee' Mr. J. 0, Hovey donated A
flee !Jacinth bed parr,