The Clinton New Era, 1919-7-31, Page 1N
Established 1865, Vol, 54, No,
W, kI, Kerr & San, Editors and Publishers..
ill be New Sw c i. r �. 41
Veeyeeeieeid vwvvvvwwe#WYVVel
ToNTEEL PERFUME—A dainty marvel of refinement,
JONTEEL COMiSINATIQN, CREAN--Absolutely in a class
by itself.
JONTEEL FACE POWDER—Expressly for those who want
tee best.
JONTEEL TALCUM—.You will be satisfied with nothing eine
JONTEEL TOILET WATER—The best in the world.
W. S. TR,. 0 LIt Pbm, B.
'te. Royal Ba ?l
Incorporated 1869.
Capital and Reserve
Total Assets
576 Branches
A general banking business transacte
n Deposits.
Safety Deposit Boxes to rent,
R. E MANNING, Manager
.$ 31,000,000.
d. Interest paid
Clinton Branch
Capital and Reserve $8,800,00.
Over 100 Branches
Any information needed about Banking will
be gladly and courteously given on applica-
tioax by the Manager of any one of our.
Savings Department conducted an up-to-date system,
13. R. SHARP, Manager : : : Clinton Branch
semi ym.�tmar�{ t, cs�m �:rva
The eeewe..
,-:• �erzrcrmcs,
l�litLclttC��s4 tik�;� „ �
rzz a=m.:.. S �'l .l4mm eve
evr. , a ,K:s.ina�rc.xv-.:ae
,u�•�. c r esaca:tcc,cia emrn
aemanizamweermaninuniu - aaaiv�
801100.00.900000mt.m40,►®08.41 * * * * * * * * * *
Over the Teacups* ** *****
Miss llelen Roberton Is visttiiug with
her relatives at Detroit,
Miss Pearl Glazier, of Wingha n, is
visiting at the parental home her,i.
Sergi. George Webber, of London
Gaipp, was a week end visitor in town,
Miss Marion Gunn, of Toronto ,is
visiting Iter .parents for the vacation.
Mr$, Harty Clucas, of St. Louts, Mo,
is the„guest of her brother, Mr, W. 1),
Air. Andrew McGtrva was calling oil
old friends at Hensall Friday Altai -
Mrs, Harry Bartlisf and children are
visiting with the former'a mother in
Miss Courtney, of Sarnia, has been
the guest of Mr, and Mrs, James Mair,
Ontario Street,
(Seaforth Expositor):—Miss Van-
Egmond, of Clinton, was visiting with
friends here this week.
Miss Irene Cavanagh, of Owen
Sound, and a former Modelite, was a
visitor in town Saturday.
Mr. John Cantelon, of the Molson's
Bank staff, at Hensall, is spending his
holidays at his hone here,
Mrs. Fluker who has been visiting
her brother in Paris, who has been ser-
iously ill, returned hone last week.
Miss Leona and Florence Bernard,'
of Detroit, are visiting their grand-
parnts, Mr, and Mrs, J. F. Reynolds. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rozell and
baby were renewing .old acquaintances
in Brussels during the Old Boys' Cele-
Mr. Tony Lawson, of Oshawa, is
visiting in and around Clinton. His
wife and fancily have been here for the
past couple of weeks.
L)r. W, L. Gilpin and Mr, Calvin Mc-
Kenzie, of Milwaukee, Wis., called at
the Editor's home on Saturday night.
They were on their way by motor car
to attend the Old Boys' Reunion at
Mr. and .11rs. George Robertson and
`taster Kenneth took in the Old Boy's
Reunion' at Brussels, this week. Mr.
Roberton resided in Brussels "many
moons” ago and therefore is one of
the "old boys."
Dr. William Shaw, of Morris, Mich.
igan, was the guest of his brother' Mr.
John Shaw, and nephew Mr. J. W.
Shaw. 'The visitor was also at !trus-
tee, sels to aitend the Old Boy's Reunion,
(having taught school in that section
prior to taking up medicine.
* • * * * * * '1' * tk * * ,Y•
et .t
Better known to book -lovers, per.
haps, as "Ralph Connor," who
states that there is little chance
of the Bolshevists securing a foot-
hold in England. He returned to
Toronto last week from overseas.
Mr, Win. Bell, of Blyth, was a visitor
in town on Monday.
Mrs. Walter ,Manning was a visitor
in London this week.
Airs. Warden, of Oshawa, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Geo. Shipley.
;Firs. Perrin, -of London, is else guest
of ,Firs. W. J. :Hiller, Ontario Street.
,Firs. Bunsch, of Seaforth, visited
with .lr, and Mrs. G Kaiser this week.
Mr. A. J. Holloway took in the pis-
' sic at Bayfield on Wednesday atter-
noun. The el:utle Concert Co. of Toronto,
Miss Maude Wiltsie was visiting with are engaged fur the day.
relatives in Brussels durng the past
week. Gun't fail to see :he water fight put
Alr. Dan Paxnlan has returned to on by the Clinton Firemen.
town after spending a month in Petee-
if The New Era has missed
ntan,y ilesls this week of inter-
est to the readers, you can for-
give us, 'Fite Editor was hav-
ing the time of his Ilfe et the
Old Boy's Reunion at Brussels,
So of course forgot all about
the paper.
* * * * * * * a +, * * *
C linton
Aug. 4
— 'O—
Big crowds are expected.
An aeroplane will be here,
Two good baseball matches.
Don't `1o•get the date Monday, Aug-
ust 4th.
The Kincardine Kiltie Pipe Band will
be here.
'Cut the weeds and grass about your
The proceeds are in aid of the \Var
:Memorial Fund.
Sir t_eanis are expected to complete
in lint' Tug -Of -War.
(Goderich Sinal)—Dr, B. A. and
Mrs, Smillie, with their son Alex. Mr. and .Mrs. J. L. Kerr were to
and daughter Lucille, of Gilmore City, Bru.esels attending the Old Boy's Re -
Iowa, have been visiting Mr. and M. I union.
T. T. Leckie, of town, and relatives in ' ,Hiss :Marjorie G. ,Mc,Math has secur-
• Tuckersntith, Mrs. Smillie and Mrs.' 'ed the Junior rooms at'the Ethel Pub -
Leckie are sisters. The visitors made lir School.
the trip of over a thousand utiles by Alr, and Mrs. Ray Flemish'', of Gode-
malar, Dr, Smillie and sou have I rieh, were visitors in town over the
week elide
Aiiss Grace Walker was renewing
old acquaintances in Brussels during
the past week.
Mrs. Perry Pluntsteel and boys who
have been visiting in Bayfield returned
tri town 10 day'.
Mr. Fred Owen, of New York, is
here in connection with the Clinton
Knitting Company.
Miss Grace Redmond, of Westfield,
is spending part of her vacation with
the ,Hisses O'Connor.
Mrs. Edgar Pattison and boys who
have been staying at London are visit-
ingh ere for a few days.
Dr. H. Couch, of Woodstock, was a
visitor with Isis cousin, Mr, Percy
Couch during the past week.
Misses Dorothy Rattenbury :and Mad-
elos Shaw were visitors in Brussels
during the Oki Boy's Reunion,
Miss Celia Beacon; who has been
spending the month in Baytield will
visit in town before returning to Tor-
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sage and Master
Jack and Mrs. D. 1i, Gillies, of London,
were guests or i\1r. and Mrs. J. H. Pax -
Mr. Luther Manning, of Crystal City,
;batt., is visiting his brother, Mr, R, f•
Manning. It is t5 years since the
visitor has last been in Clinton, •
Rev, .1. E. nogg leaves for Hot
Springs, Va, next week to see if the
change will help
drive away
the rheu-
matism which is bothering hien.
Mr, W, L, Wade and son, Burns, of
Fort William, have been visiting the
former's sisters, Mrs. J. 1-1. Taylor and
Mrs, E, G. Courttce and friends in this
Mrs..i1. B. Combe and Master Bobs
accompanied Mrs, (Dr) 'Cull to Mit-
chell to spend the week end. • Mrs,
Cull has been the guest of Mrs. Combe
for the past week or so.
(Brussels Post),—J. R. and Mrs,
Pluntsteel and Venda and Albers Sal-
ter, Clinton, were visiting with ft, J.
and Mrs. Manning. The.children are
spending their holiday here for a week
or SO.
Mr, Walter Armstrong, of Toronto,
was renewing old acquaintances in
town during the past week, Mr.
Armstrong has only recently returned
home from overseas, His old friends
were glad to see htnt.
Miss Netta Simpson, who has just
returned from overseas where she
has been nursing in the military hos-
pitals for the past two or three years,
is visiting her uncle, Mr. T. J. Watt of
R.attenbury street,
left on the return trip, while Airs. and
Miss Smillie remain here and later with
Mr, and Mrs. Leckie will visit relatives
• at Powassa n, Ontario.
Phone 146 Estimates Gives
A. E. ?1OOD
Inerior and
mem= .v.•.,n
erre .:tavzam,t
We protect your floors, furni-
ture, etc., by plenty of drop
Wail Papers,
' Signs, Etc,
snots sgraa
uric n>crosam
81 Isaac Street
The Morrish Clothing Co.
Special price on Sugar by
`the Bag, for cash, for two weeks.
Get .your supply for the
preserviue season,
W., T. O'NEIL,
T 1-I E B U B GR or, lilt
Phone 414
Canada Food Board License
No, 8-14f1S:
unary 1920 for 60e0
. 1.
Will Be Director of Canadian Publicity bakes Highest Marks in East Huron,
In New YorkCity, , Having 678 Marks Out of 750.
Saturday's 'Toronto Star makes the.
following comment 00 the appoint -
Congratulations are due Miss Norma
ment of Col, Cooper, a former'Clinton Treleaven, daughter of Principal Tre-
boy and son of. Mrs, William Cooper.
Lieut. -Col, John A. Cooper, who re- 1 leaven of the C, 'C. I, In taking the
cently returned from overseas, 15 , highest narks In the recent Entrance
leaving on Sunday for New York to ruminations its. the. Inspectorate of
open a publicity office in that city East Huron.
for the Dominion Government. For
some time, such a move has been con.
templated by the authorities at Ot-
tawa. It has been felt that Canada's
interests in the United states had
reached a stage where they required CLINTON
careful and well organized• attention.
Almost every South American coun-
try hits its publicity eepresentative in
New York, and even Great Britain
found it advisable to maintain a
publicity staff there during the war.
Australia is opening such an office,
and Canada could not afford to be
backward in this service.
Col. Cooper is a past president of
the Canadian Press Association, and
has been engaged in editorial work
for over twenty years. For some tune vary rlynn
he was editor of the Canadian Maga- Percy J. Glbhings
zine and later was one of the found-
Wilfred Grant
ers and first editor of the 'Canadian a
Courier. He was the first president Ruth Hale
Joseph Higgins (Honors)
of the Canadian Club of Toronto. He Ruth Higgins (Honors)
is thus well-equipped for this kind of Bruce Holland
The New York office which Col.
Cooper will open will handle Canadian
Icily mews despatches and also be a per-
manent source of information for
United States news agencies, editors
Miss Norma also takes possession of
the Dunn Cup for being the highest in
the Clinton Public School,
Marian K, Alcock
Mary Argent
Douglas Ball
Marjorie Bateman (honors)
Katie Beaton (Honors)
• 'Ethel Bouck
Josephine Brennan
Clifford Castle
Agnes Combe
Rosalie Crawford
Ruth Evans.(Honors)
Sec advertisement on another page
with the complete program.
Czars will be parked in the Recrea-
tion grounds at the upper end.
tsars will be parked in the Recrea-
tion grounds at the upper end.
Seaforth Firemen are bringing every-
thing except the town pump and the
Stratford Fire Brigade is out for
the money and Kincardine says they
can't beat thein,
Clinton Kiltie Band are going to
furnish the music from early morning
until the next morning.
Don't run into trouble by throwing
talcum powder or snythiug else dur-
ing the lee -union jubilation.
The costume tiring at London and
Toronto will be cleaned out when the
citizens get "dressed up."for the Street
Carttivid at 10.30.
—0 --
Sunday evening—"A Peace Service
will be held in the park at Set 5, when
the resident ministers will take part.
The Kiltie Band will also give a Sac-
red Concert.
It is expected (but we can't guaran-
tee at press time) that the Stratford
G. T. R. Band and the 33rd Iluron
ltegt. Band, of Goderich, will also be
Mr. 'Colin Shaw, of 1tSpringfield,
Ohio, is the guest of as 1 tr brother, het , Dr
J. \V. Shaw and his father Mr, John
shave. The visitor caste over to cele-
brate the Old Boy's Reunion at Brrus-
sets, being a native of that piece.
1• The old friends of Mrs, Jacob Tay -
1 lor, of To•ontn, will be pleased to
learn that site itat regained some of
her old time heeltlt, and is taking a
trip up the lakes this week, May she
regain her old time health, is the wisl
of her many friends here,
There will be no c;ary or buggies al-
lowed on the ,Hain Street during the
afternoon parade, or after 10,30 p. m.
when the street carnival and parade
will be held.
Don't fail to see both parades. One
commences at 9 a, m for Calithunipiaa,
-Trade's procession and decorated
autoes bicycles, etc. The afternoon
one at 1.30 of Firemen, bands, Etc.
The Band Concerts Alondey night in
Park and on Alain street, highland pip-
ing, dancing and the Fancy Drills by
the Thorold Fire Brigade, afternoon
and evening will be a strong attraction
and everybody will desire to be there
no doubt.
Veterans Attention
The G. , W. V. of Clinton will at-
tend Church service Sunday evening
in St. Paul's 'Church, when Capt.
(Rev.) McKegney, M. 0, will preach
to theist, The Clinton Kiltie Band will
head the procession. All Veterans
are asked to meet at the Chub rooms
at 6.30 sharp.
-'^' ,Miss Ruby Irwin, of Toronto, is Itali-
laying at the parental hone. -
Mr,Jack Leslie,of L
California, is disitingtis
Sister,Mrs, W.
D, Fair, It is setae years since Mr.
Leslie was last here.
left for. New York on Sunday night
to assume the new position of di-
rector of publicity for Canada.
and spcial writers on magazines and
commercial publications. For the
present, the office will be under the
control of the Department of External
Affairs, but it is expected that it will
ultimately pass ender the control of
Canada's representative at Washing-
ton when one is appointed.
Canada is the second best customer
for -United States exports, and for
some time to come Canada must draw
her fresh supplies of capital front
American sources. This makes it
necessary that the latest information
about the progress of this country,
agriculture, financial, and commer-
cial, shall always be promptly avail-
able to the reading public of the
United States. Col. Cooper is thus
undertaking a work of considerable
national importance.
'Mrs. John Hartley and Miss Pauline,
of Vankieek Hill, accompanied by her
mother, Mrs, Weir and sister-in-law,
Mrs. Jaek Weir were calling on friends
t in town on 'Wednesday afternoon, They
are visiting in Goderi*li,
,ry Pe0**ex es. te555 ee vs gs se lig d}ge ae i$
to WITH '11-011 CHURCHES.tams) euessonseaszeseseevesesar
Ontario Street Church
The League meeting on Monday
night was under the direction of the
Citizenship Department, The topic on
"Citizenship, Its Purpose and Value"
was given by Norman Tyndall. Aviator
W. Anderson spoke to the League on
the "Air Iurce Overseas."
St. Paul's Church
Rey. S. E. McKegney, M. C. will
take the services on Sunday next,
HOIT Communion mmu,un t 11 a, 1u.
u n a
Children's Service at 5,30,
1avensottg At 7 p. m,
Baptist Church
The Pastor Rev, E. 0, Forde will
preach morning and evening.
The services on Sunday next will be
at the usual hours: Morning service -
11 a. 01.
Evening service ---7 p. sn.
Rev. Dr, Shearer, general secretary
of the Social Service Council of Can-
ada, left 'Toronto last week for Eng•
land, where he will attend in Septem-
ber the World"h Brotherhood Conven-
Right Rev. Michael Francis Fallon,
D. D. Bishop of London, Ontario, will
celebrate the silver jubilee of his ord-
dinatiot to the Priesthood on July 29.
The committee in charge of the cele-
bration, to be held in Clinton, August
•nth, while ready to cordially welcome
the many visitors to the Celebration
nnelte a special request that eveybody
refral 1 from throwing Talcum powder,
lampblack or anything ease that Evill en- edo Millet, Noll t\i,t;ttgoniery (Honors),
R h t Moore, Nora Murray, Harold
danger the eyesagitt, de;.roy ctothi:tg t. irc.'.;, Leona Purcell, Kathiyn Ran -
or mar ,the good feeling expected to re. 1, (Honors), Wilfred Scott, Able
1st. Will ail interested govern thane- 11i1'am Shannon, Rena Simpson,
selves by this notice and save troa'•le . "eors), Ettie Smith, John Sontet,'
for themselves and their friends, The 15 Stewart (Honore), Pearl Strong,
protest is kipoly intended but will be, Eileen Toward (honors), Mae P, Web -
Nat ss resolutely enforced sten Hilda Goldhawlt
Robert Hunter Honors) --
Wilfred Jervis
Florence Johnson
Frank I Jones
Wm. Londesborough
Jean Lawson
Lucy Levy
Bessie Lockwood
Wellington McCool (Honors)
John A. McGregor
,14ary McIntosh '
Audrey McIntyre (honors)
Norman McNeil
Fred McTaggart
Mary McTaggart (Honors)
Robert 11, Middleton
Violet Miller
Eileen :Hiller
1-innie Hedger (Honors)
Eric Reid
Leo Reynolds •
Kenneth Rorke
Olive Schoenhats (Iionors)
Charles Shipley
M:rgarei Sparkes
Elizabeth Stewart
Mary E. Stewart
Grace Stung
Percy Tasker
'Carman H. Tebbutt (Honors)
John R, Thontp;un
Norma Trerleasen (llunors)
[lora V,,dden
Jack Wigginton
Joseph Yesbec •
Arthur Vuncblul.
Wesley Bowen, Jenet Cowan, Eu-
gene Dobie, Lizzie Fear, Hugh Fraser,
Laura Garrett, Lizzie Garrett, Sadie
Hill, Eileen Kelly, Effie Logan (Hon-
ors), Effie McGowan (Honors), David
Rodger, Clifford Scrimgeour, Elwood
Stackhouse, Addle Taman, Grace Ten-
ney, Harold \Vightntan.
Frances Bennett (Honors), Gordon
Bisbee, Jean Black, James Lewis Bone,
-hones H. Cantpbeil, Lawrence Camp-
bell, Ena Currie, Verna Dennis, Cecil
Dobie, Sherley Donaldson, Wilfred E11 -
coat, George Fixter Louise Fraser, Ber-
tha Gannett, Edna Geddes (Honors),
Evelyn Gibbons, Edna Gilkinson, Lou-
ise`Hauna, Price Henderson, Smith
Hutton, Nellie Inglis, Beatrice Joynt,
Ida Lutton, King McDonald (Honors),
John Mclllwain, Archie McKinney,
Janet McVettie (Honors), Marion Mit-
chell (Honors), Marie Piton, Dorothy
Piper. Eldon Rever, Gertrude Robert-
son, Viola E. Robertson, Mary Roth,
Agnes Scott, Ethel Simpson (Honors)
Alice Williamson (Honors) Jean Wil-
ton, Charles Donaldson.
,Marie Baker, William Balfour, Archie
Ballantyne, Olive Bolger, Cecil \V.
Bone (Honors), Berea Cardiff (Hon -
,ars), Varena Clark, Vera Crozier, Ethel
Dennis, Eloine Dennison (Honors),
Hazel Drager, Robert Engel, Marjory
Fulton, Elia Fraser (Honors), Marjorie
Grasby (Honors), Annie Barris, Mar-
lorie Hoover (Honors), Norman S.
Hoover (Iionors) Harold Keys, Amy
Leve, Stewart McQuarrie (Honors),
Christens .\l Callum, Mary McDonald,
Geo, A. McNair, Margined McNair
(Honors), William Mitchell, Grace
Aldus., Elva Oliver, FrankOliver,
Ira Pattergo , SylvesterRa>nard,
Jennie Ritchie (Honors), Birnedette
Sangster, Jessie Sangster, Wallace Shot -
dice, Alothea Smith (Honors), Eliza-
l'etlt Smith (Honors), Margaret Stev-
enson, Cameron Strachan, Jean Wal-
ker (ltonnrs), Mae Warwick, Erie
\Vhitfield (Honors), Gladys Whitfield, T.
Carl Aberlart, Geo. Aberhart, (Hon-
ors), Arthur Anent (honors), Edwin
Beattie (Honors), Annie Canterorn,
Gordon Carswell (Honors), Florence
Chesney (Honors), ,Margaret Chitien-
den, Scott J. Chitf'(Honors), Margaret
Coyne, Prm :es 'Crich (Honors), Mary
Dempsey, Hall Farnham (donors),
Eileen Planner; (Honors), Teresa Flao-
ic;an, ;:ora Godkin (Horrors), Leo Bick-
nell, sae Hudson, Joseph 1tttgill, Erna
1.. Hyde, Fred Jackson (Honor's,) Thel-
ma Johnston (non,trs), Jack Kellar,
Dorothy Kennedy, Emily Kennedy,
Donald 0, Kir,iake (11 nors), James.
Lane. Loretta Lane (Honors), Gilchrist
Livingstone (11•urn•s), William Living-
n a, Isabel Lowery, Mary McCowan,
Marjorie McGuaig, Ross McGregor
(honors), Ronald hlacKay, Marion Mc-
Lean (Honors),
Angus McRae (Hone
ors), Belly McRae (Honors), Charles
Malone (Hoots), Lulu Marriott (Hon -
ars) William Marriott (Honors), Tal..