HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-7-24, Page 6PAGE 6
In DAVIES' & HERMAN'S tailored clothes . you get
your money's worth in honest wear 'and solid cori,fort,'and
give you an air of distinction whichinfluences others and
smoothes the pathway of business and social success.
e ca n + /k .ak a Suit 'filch
Will „,,.. st Suit Y ur Perionality
Drop in An,' `, Let Us
Merchant Tailors
Opposite Market square.
. ei'iogal r•�3r1=3 iur�. acawxaa=ax.. at.
A:eneea ,n z.xsr'.. ""• e- tit`s eta°Baas:c•moea.eaumwessien ,7 .anew iq, Crop Uncertain
eTested Lens-----
Accurate Shutter--
c A El
r son
Io t� aa. ��mP p
k Good Pictures -----
All these are assured when you' purchase aKodak
= Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We
have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you
h 'w easy they are to use,
--We do devr:loking and printing and guarantee good result --
—V 7.47''""7—
.1,,...,y.,off f,--
Despen ' CI t
• ti». rv:�. 1,333. r. 3
sm_- Ono
theotat; crop
t i stated that
1 aF
rather uncertain, i .
year is at r
ccs the crop
some la
e P
while in others good yields are re-
ported. Blight has appeared in some
• , The Pound Drops
It wa, reported tli:.t a pound sterling
his dropped to S1.12, This is the
l .we --L point +et : hed by the pound
note. Th day het ,re it was 51.50,
v and tate day previous $.4.55, the de-
cline having been sudden.
ga S
Leaves Globe Staff
11r. Claude Sanagan, a former weli-
known London newspaper rnau, and
well) known to many in Clinton, who
strtg tenita' has been connected with The Tor-
_ ;w: n=s.— Lq, �� sotto adobe for ei.h: years, has .coapt-
ed :a position with the Russell Motor
Company in its publicity department.
Air. San;agan was presented with a gold
1 he Features ; f Our signet ring by The Globe business
1 c ' BOWELS
10 which we invite rpeeinl attention
are its 1 » 1uty, its :aihured comfort, its
solid roustl•ucttoo, ark? Cts helm• the Ff SO, watch your E3.:eigtr_
wool prices. Any one of thee° points
Qts triune o
would tie entlict,ent to earn it your
preference. When they are all cow -
timed Wit feta 8111'5 you will eeallze
that this is a furnif nre loping oppoa
tunity you cannot alferd to ignore
Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 2S.
jii9„I1t and titssiday Calls answered at Residence over store
ANOTHER (UP—Will be the call after Drinking a cup of our Bulk
dr NJ Teas. The Duality and flavor is Fine and Don't
Forget the Price is Right at 50c, 60c, or 70c. per lb, Black, Mixed or Japan
Green. Come In and get some special price on 5 IUs, lots or over. For a
Cool Drink try Iced Tea its fine.
16 bars Laundry • Soap,
for $1.00
3 bars for 20c
2 pkgs. Seeded Raisins
for ... ,25caIb.
Mince Meat per Ib. 15c
Rex Catsup 2 bottles for
For Band Night
3 Cakes Palm Olive
Soap for 2661c
Bring your P, s G. Soap
Coupons to our Store.
We will redeem them,
Canadian Food Co. trol Retail Grocer License
Special Blend, Black or
Mixed, -per ib. .. , 50c
Royal Black or Mixed
per lb, hoc
Quality Black or Mixed
per Ib. 4 70c
Japan Green, per lb, 50
or 70c
Nunmber 8-7841
JO+ tt ``< O
N& e
FerP9k 0g9
a 7" i s
Pltone 53
Agent for HECLA Furnticese
Shop– over Roveland's Hardware
Piping And Fittings °Always On
The Corner Grocery
Lemonade and Orangeade made from
the Juice of fresh fruits.
Orangeade and Lemonade In Powder
✓ forst.
Raspberry Viuger
Grape Juice, and
Little Juice.
New Cabbage,
New Potatoes
Ripe Tomatoes
Cucumbers, and
E. E. Hunniford
Canada Food Control License 8-3123,
-Unless one has a free action of the
bowels, at least once a day, constipation
is sure to ensue and it is one of the ills
that causes more i11-ltculth thaw any
other trouble of the human system,
Keep your bowels regular by using
Milburn's Lase -Liver Pills and you won't
be troubled with your stomach, you will
have no sick or bilious` headaches, no
jaundice, piles, heartburn, water brash,
1 catarrh of the stomach, floating specks
before tho eyes, and everything will not
turn black and make you feel as if you
were going to faint.
Mrs. Garnet Butt, Morrisburg' Ont.,
writes:—"Having been troubled for years
with constipation and trying everything
I knew of without effect,a friend advised
Inc to use Milburn's ]axa-Liver Pills.
I used four vials and 'am completely
cured. I can gladly recchamend them to
every one who suffers from constipation."
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents
a vial at all dealers, br mailed direct
o'n receipt of price by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont.
The Under•sig led is now entering
the coal business and asks for a share
of the public business.
All orders may be left, for the pre-
sent at my residence on Huron St.
Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155.
E. W A`""`D
OALWe have the pleasure of being
the agent for this celebrated
Also ask us about Carmel, Soft
coal, Coke and Pea coal,
The recognized standard in
cement, and after all the
cheapest building material in
the world today,
We purpose carrying a stock
of these result -giving goods at
our Clinton Yards,
Try a load of our short slabs.
Just the thing for summer fuel
or cool evenings, Most heat
for •tile least money, Easily
split and easily lit, • -
Clinton & litttce6eld. •
Phone for Clinton No, 74.
Phone for Bruceficld 11 on 618.
,r . 333.43.x,,,«. . 3.,,,333. „
Tliursday, July 24t11, :1919
1ocaJ. News
'bIIIIIIiVIIIICiIiViliillilllVisii1111111111iI111111 iii11II!IIIiIVIIiIIV111111111!V111111111Vi111IIIV!IIIIIIVdIII11111111111ilill 111'!IVIV111111111Ilitiltilli111Vi111VIIICViiltil ir.11119VIilill liilV44i
Mcke a Note On't
Motorists should 'remember that the
new law wide!) permits increased
speed in -both town and coutury calls
also for reduced speed ate corners and
That Constant Question
"Is the l;ntrattoe Re,ulls Out yet?
has been an appeal heard over the
New Era telephone every Morning and
afternoon during t,lte Past week, it is
hardly likely that any report will be
out until the end of July. •
Naming Enumerators
The !!Clinton enumerators are be-
im, selected for the referendum on
the liquor question, which 1s to be
taken in September, The list should
be issued trent• Toronto in the near
future. Mr, Cocke, of Goderich, was
here on. Tuesday, interviewing some of
the faithful Conservatives,
Exams Over
Friday the last candidates finished
their departmental examinations at
the Collegiate,• No one were more
ready% to celebrate a holiday Saturday
than these students who have had
such very hot weather for their try-
ing task, ' The examinations are
later this year on account of the time
lost from school during the "flu",
but even if the papers had been
written in June the heat would not
have been any less this year.
Welcome Rain
Last Monday's shower wigs ' a neet"t-
eti addition to the rain of Sunday. The
intense Treat and few summer ;bow-
ers were leaving their effect on the
pasture and grains. Practically all
the hay is 111, and conte of the wheat,
but the fruit, the corn and the spring
grains were in a rather critical
,tate. Pastries will be renewed all
'er the co nt-.Yy, There was not
e. ; much '• tot to do any harm hut
enough to do an immense 1111001 of
1'h, home gardeners
• -ciated the watering.
Gets Appointment
Mr. Richard Walton has been ap-
pointed caretaker of the postoffioe
and commenced his duties last week,
.lir. Walton is returned soldier,
having been a sergeant cook in the
fiicers' Mess in. the old 3 3rd, with
"-hi h -he went to England. On his
return to Canada he signed up with
the Air Force to which he was at-
tached at Toronto for some time,
He had two sons in the army, one
with the Canadians who made the
supreme sacrifice in France, and -one
with the Imperials, who returned on
1leave just a fete weeks before the
I armistice was siii'ed :and did not
have to go back .
Should Be Fined
The Exeter Advocate last week
makes the following reference to a
nuisance that occurs, in 'Clinton some
tiutes:—ls it not about time that some
farmers would exercise a little common
sense :and judgment when they conte
to town about ,'ring' up on peoples'
lawns and boulevards? People in town
pride themselves in keeping their
lawns and boulevards nice during the
summer and put all kinds of time and
work on 'them, then to conte Muria
Some time and find that some one ha:,
driven a team and heavy wagon up
over their lawn Or boulevard Is more
than the average elan can tolerate, and
if he says something uncomplimentary
about the guilty one he can be readily
excused. As an instance on Monday
evening when the writer got home he
found that a farmer had not only driv-
en up 00 his boulevard', but had al-
lowed the team to strip several feet of
•hark from a beautiful young shade
tree of six ye'1rs standing. A heavy
fine should be meted out to such wil-
ful carelessness, and we Would give
a nice little reward if ally person will
give us the name of the offender.
Clinton was well represented at the
G. W.
V, A picnic in Goderich on
I h 1 residence of Mr. John- Harland
Is receiving n new coat of paint,
Meets To -Night -
' The -Clinton branch of the United
Farmers' Association will meet in the
Agricultural rtffice, Clinton, on Thure-
clay evening,:
Hold a Picnic At Baytieltli
I he• !Ipworth League members of
Wesley elr rch and their friends held a
piritir at Btytitld a111 Satcrday after-
noon and celebrated Peace Utty in good
style. ,
Attended the Chautauqua •
•An Auto track load of ladies from
Clinton attended the Chautauqua at
Goderich on Tuesday evening to hear
Dr. Frank Bohn deliver his address on
"Revolutionary Europe."
Play At Zurich
The town baseball team are due to
play at Zurich tonight (Thursday.)
Goderich beat Zurich on 'Tuesday night
by a score.nf 5-3. Earl Cooper, of
town, pitching for Goderich.
Union Services
Arrangements are being made for
Union Services between the Wesley
and Ontario Street Methodist emigrc-
gatlnns for four weeks during August,•
commencing on the loth. The first
two week's services will be held In
Wesley Church-, conducted by Rev, Mr.
Anderson and the last two Sundays in
the Ontario Street, conducted by Rev,
Mr. McCamus.
Buried Saturday
The funeral 0f the late Stewart Jack -
o0 war held nn Saturday morning
from the home of 'Mrs. Thomas Jack-
son, thigh Street, to Clinton Cemetery.
Rev. Mr. Hogg., conducted the services
at the It?usJ and grave. 'dessrs. G.
t 111! it, R. Reid, W. Ilantblyn, 11.
Shat:, If.- Rance and R. A, Mitchell
wer- ralibear.r . Among those front
a distance who attended the funeral
were:—Mr. ,l. C. Greig, Seaford; Mr.
and Airs, J. C. Greig, Seaforth; Mrs,
St artJackson and, her brother, Mr,
Wahl, of New Turk City.
Seaforth Won
With hit -ors, misp':tr end ..
walks :eeee t1; e.ered f,-u•••run:; (1•
nth inn that aided greatly ie
tanning their game here on Tues -lay
night. The visitors started right in lied
gut into the scoring column even
innings except the 5th when Mott-:
her took up the heavy work fer tate
11111 team. Hits were nemeroee.
It. is and 0. l:ei.l eaeh had ,t 3 bee-
t; cr and 'AleCanehee stretched one int
;t home rant on the thrrnv in, with a
Manager Fitzsimons had "bitter
thoughts" while his team were was los-
ing to Seaforth.
man on base. The 7th innings as
tyvilight shades were failing fast"
Clinton got at Reid and had 5 runs
1 with 2 out when Hays was hit by batt-
ed ball and put out of commission and
Dick Tasker, who made Itis first ap-
pearance before the baseball public
since returning from overseas, called
tf� (ee-,lt" " the game on account of darkness. Mc -
'Donald had only 11 strike out and Mc -
'ti3tP.-+`s rue
"Hercules" Cook after baiting the
Goderich pitcher for an easy one—had
hard work staking his two -bagger
16, 17, and 191h. The result of the
Base Ball gaine is as follows: -
Hayes busted up the game in the
7th inning when he "caught a fielders"
Caughey 2 for 3 innings while Dot Reid
had 7 to his credit. Followng was the
line up:—
L Greig 2nd Base Lunney
Sturdy 1st Base Elliott
Cooper Catcher Bissett
Morgan S. S, McArthur
McDonald, Pitcher Webb
W. Greig C. Fieid Robertson
Forrester 3rd Base Bateman
Cook It Field Dean
Runtball L; Field Prid11an1
Clinton --.0 1 2 0 4 5 0--12
Goderich—1 0 2 0 2 0 0-5
Umpire= -Bert McCreath, of Goderich
Notes—Mac had- 10 astrlke oats,
Webb had 7, Sturdy and Greig were
the Ty Cobb's of the Vets,
Cap. Cook made a terrific drive for
two bases, •
L. Greig, Margaret Schoenhals, Hel-
en took and Mrs, J, E, Cook and Mor-
gan won prizes in the sports. •
Goderich pulled Clinton Veterans
easily in the tug of war.
Coach Ratniball says Hercules Cook
threw trim down.
McKee s s
Bayes 3 b
Dot Reid p
R. Reid e
; Bell 2 b
!Sills c5.
Auteut 1. f.
L, Greig20
Draper s s
McDonald p &3 h
McCaughey 3 0 & p
'Cooper c f
Ruutball c
W. Greig 1 f
Mc13et•niott t b
Pafford r f
R. O.
t 4
1 3
z 3
2 1
2 2
0 3
2 2
1 1
1 2
12 21
R, 0
2 ,1
2 2
1 2
2 2
0 4
1 3
1 2
1. 1
0 3
10 20
CLINTON--2 1 ..0- '0 2 0 .5-10
SEAFORTIl--i 2 2 i 13 2 5--12
!gain� •
{( rt ' � ,?' 3 art f� rn
4� 4,,.r (�?��•.a1oi7 hot' . a4 J
Better furnish your hire
with that Hammock you
promised yourself you'd
get earlier in the season.
Often the ehe spestt--1 lwg,ys th
Went to Goderich
'Clinton` was well represented at
Godericleson Peace Day and reported a
good time at the County town,
Will Play In Brussels
The Baseball team is selected to play
in Brussels on Monday at the Old Boy's
Reunion at at that town. A strong team
will be taken over,
For Special Occasions
Superintendent Chant, of the Public
Utilities Commission has had two
strings of electric lights put up aeras'
the corner of King and Huron Street,
1111511 when t ''so
he "'nice' n will '1-
t- t 1 it
uinInate the corner in enol style,
Held Picnic Wednesday
'Nil!': Pra:byleri:ut Sunday School
1141 their arthral pi;:1ie at l;aytia!d on
t'sdac ria, of this \Yeek. It. w':ti :t
'n.. day at the 'E'r'ie ;moi everebojv
eni,yed themselves, A baseball taint
defeated the Bayfield Senders by a
score of 5--3•
A Peace Stamp
1h; i.,.••.tnec of tt spe rte anadian
f ce stamp, cl-anneal r lCtutg the
i1:g of the peace treaty, is now•
.der cn 1sider;hien of the postal de-
irtntena at Ottawa. This stamp will
i a of the three -cent denomination, if
1 it 'Motile. Pe decided upon, and prob-
:.bi!ities are that it will be printed
in two tolnrs, or possibly. in three.
Already a number of the Allied
countries hare issued peace stamps
the first to :appear being the three -
cent purple of the United States,
showing the flags of the Allies.
Butter is Scarce
Butter Is :t scarce article in town,
barring the Creamery which keeps the
public from starvation.
A Dozen Live Men
A dozen live sten reaching out in
the by -ways and hedges for business
can make any town hunt with pros-
perity, and the town owes them muc!1
for the !rustle and bustle within its
bt, viers.—Bow•ntanville. Statesman.
You Can Help
You believe The New Era is the
best local paper crating to your 11,41.
Very Good. l ieI I
it along titer b5 • re-
• e -
conenl ndi ng it to your neighbors and
friends. and seeing that tour 'arms sus -
,cription is promptly, if not already,
paid. 11 takes time and mono to get
out a gold raper every week.
lrfcs 24 hours A Day
11 ad rtiseutam, in ,your local
newspaper +ill work ni els and h„Il-
d.t.1. in hot weather ur •1301, is vet
weather or dry. It will talk to
. tonier3 before y ,u are out of bed l
reerelee /31511. 0 has not struck
Lir ao ei;tht-liour .Ln' tl .ays ;a:,'•
it: y 4es ,.,d ueaer get, tread.
Mad Excellent Success
I ',tics lnhpt Plunuteel had excellent
resells v.ith Iter three pupils in the
-n:ee.:1 piano examinations of the Lol-
1 dun t:', neervatory of music tried :•i
ilensall. -rhe three pupils. Carol lir;h:>,
Ber I Salter ,and Coienso Salter all tried
their Grade 1 examine._ients and :i
pa::ssd with first class honors. Pupils
and teachers are to be congratulated.
Am moving up town to Fred Jackson's
old stand.
Call and see us when we open up on
Saturday, July 12th
We carry a full line of Plumbiug, Tin-
smithing and Electric Supplies.
Repairs promptly attended to
Clinton Electrician
Shipment just arrived•fresh from the Makers
-These are extra quality made of the BEST SEA ISLAND
DUCK every pair st fitter and nicely made.
We are headquarters for everything in WHITE FOOT-