HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-7-24, Page 4PAGE 4
t .r
Prevented iv fruit-a41ves
The Wonderful Fruit Medicine
, 58 Mnaso,wauVaiST., Hula., Que.
"In my opinion, no other medicine
is so good es 'Fruit-a-tivos' for
Indigestion and Constipation,
For years, I suffered with these
dreaded diseases, trying all kind's of
treatments until I was told I was
One clay a friend told me to try
'Fruit -a -fives'. To my surprise, I
found this medicine gave immediate
relief, and in a short time I was all
right again". DONAT LALONDE
• 50e. a box, 6 for $9,50, trial 817.0 25c.
At all dealers or from Fruit-a-tiVeS
Limited, Ottawa.
Regarded as Profitable. the Bonds Wilt
Do Hit by the 1000010 Tax
1)llaw+a, J uls ,16-Proll ntinaI•y pre.
parlations for the Dominion loan which
is to be floated in the fall, are louder
that the war is over, and-
allcinl conditions are more normal, it
is regarded as probable that the loan
will not •be tax-exempt, as was its
war time. predecessors, Should the
Government decide to follow this
course, there is little doubt that the
rate of Interest yield will be made
quite attractive, as compared with the
rate at which Victory Bonds can now
be bought in the. open Market,
The tax exemption feature has
added materially to the value of pre-
vious issues, and was, it is believed,
the means of attracting ;t much larger
volume of subscriptions tban would
have been otherwise obtained, During
the last two years of war, for instance
securities of Great Britain, France,
and otter countries could be bought
in New York to yield seven and eight
per cent,
The terns of the new loan 'and
-getting the -organization together for
making it a success will be one of
the first problems to be taken up by
the New Minister of Finance when he
is appointed.
We have 70 bags of Lake of
t1,e Woods Oatmeal Flour left
over from our Poultry Feeding
Season, This will make a good
dry mash for laying Hens, or a
No. 1 feed for Hogs.
We are selling this Feed at be -
I' low cost to clear.
We are always in the market
for Live'Poilltry and new laid eggs
at top market prices.
Gaon-I,an lolls & Go., lilliutedi
The up-to-date Finn
Clinton Branch Phone laic
N. W. Tres r•tha, Manager
or I'lolmesville 4 on 142.
Before purchasing your
new piano or organ let us
show you the newest de-
signs in several well-
known and old establish-
ed makes.
See our stylish cabinet
designs in the best makes.
C. Hoare
0 0 0 0 0'O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O O 0
List issued.,by the Agricultural Soci-
eties Branch of the Ontario Department
of Agricultue, Toronto. J. Lockie
Wilson, superintendent
Biyth Sept. 22-23
Brussels Sept. 16-17
Dungannon Oct. 2-3
Exeter • Sept, 15-16
Goderich Sept. 15, 16, 17
Gerrie Oct. 4
London (Western Fair) Sept6-13
Lucknow Sept. 25-26
'Seaforth Oct. 18-19
Toronto, (Can.National) Aug,23 Septa
Wingham Oct, 8-9
Zurich Sept, 17-18
Better Pay
The Price
Don't be tempted to cheese cheap
jewelery. Par better to pay a fair
price and know exactly what you
are getting,
Clean to bundle, Sold by all Drug-
gists, Grocers a d General Stores.
Seaweed is being used in England
as a building material in concrete
building blocks made of crushed slag
and other heretofore neglected miner-
al products.
ALL SO .` yr ER
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic,
Cholera, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera lnfantuni, etc.,
During the hot weather the bowels
seem to be more susceptible to disease
than at any other time of the year.
The holiday season is on; you go
travelling and change your deet and
drinking water; catch cold at every change
in the weather; eat unripe fruity etc.,
whieh causes the bowels to become
loosened up. To get relief from these
conditions, you must take something to
relieve those awful cramps in the stomach;
those awful pains in the bowels; in fact
something that 'will in a natural and
effective way stop the fluxes of the
bowels se quickly as possible, and at
the same time not leave them in a
constipated condition.
Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild Straw-
berry is exactly the remedy you need,
and by using it you are not taking any
chances to endanger your health as it
has been on the market for the past
74 years, and we have yet to hear of
one instance where it, has not done
everything we claim for it.
We wish to warn the public that a
great many instances have been brought
to our notice where dealers have been
asked for "Dr. prowler's" and have tried
to sell a substitute. Protect your health
by not accepting substitutes for this
old and tried remedy; they may be
Price 35c. a bottle at all dealers.
See that our name appears on the wrapper.
The T. Milburn Co., Limited Toronto,
one mean anti one 0ouy to 15)1','111 57)
5, A forward look 10 it completed re.
dtmption (1 COr. 10:20). When 1'11111'
is exercised In Christ, redemption 1 c.
gins, and Its C011t(le lluh will take ;place
at the coining of 1''115)8 Christ (i Theme
4;10. 17). The bread aunt the e01) con.
etiUile the Ire psnke of the Lord until
ha returns. These elements possess
en immense psychologkdnl value both
ns tt menlo'lil 151111 11 prospect,
111. Qualifications for Participation
In the Lord's Supper (l (.roe. 11:27.34)
1. A proper upprehenelon of its
meaning (v. 27). Entine and drinking
"u noethily" dues not refer to the de,
merit of the commtnticnitt, but to the
failure of tilt' "i'onunulenal to grasp
Its meaning and inpo'tluu'1', There•
fore, to thoughfleeely menet, in this
service le to do It "unworthily." Only
it regenerated person eon discern the
Lords body (v. 20, ef. 2:14). Minh
lu tiro Integrity of Christ's person and
work Is essential. Anyone who dues
not believe in the absolute deity of
Christ and his vicarious tltonement Is
an unworthy communicant.
2. Church membership (1 Cor. 11:
18-22). The Lord's body is the church
Mitch is composed of regenerated men
and women, united to Jesus Christ ue
hedid and to each Other ns members of
that body by the ]holy Spirit.
Editing a newspaper is a pleasant
business -if you can stand it.
If it contains any advertisements
the subscribers claim they take too
much space.
if there is a scarcity of advertis-
ing, it is unpopular, and the people
won't have it.
If we attend church regularly, they
say we do it for effect.
if we stay away from church, they
say we are monstrously heathenish.
If we accept an invitation to a wedd-
ing, they say we are invited to "write
it up."
If we are on the streets much,
they say we neglect our business,
if we avoid going on the street,
they say we don't hustle around af-
ter the news.
If we reject a long-winded com-
munication, its author becomes furi-
ously enraged and discontinues his
If we publish 'lengthy communi-
cations, our subscribers say we lack
discretion, and put in to fill up.
If we omit to decorate our office
windows on Victoria Day, they say
we lack enterprise and that there
isn't a drop of patriotic blood in our
degenerated carcass.
if we omit jokes, they say we are.
poor, miserable fossils.
If we are single, they say we are
tpo helpless to get married.
If we are married, they say it's a
pity for our wives.
If we publish a Ulan who has
brought disgrace on his family, , the
friends of the family never forgive
if we, out of the goodness of
heart, decine to say anything on the
subject, the man's enemies are dis-
appointed, and we are branded as
white -livered cowards.
We are liable to receive these
raps told many more, and we are al-
ways ready to receive visitors, whe
ther accompanied by dog or not. Of
course Ave do not claim there is any
work in runsniug a newspaper. Every-
body knows it's a snap,
Yonwill ueyee iia sorry --for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical.
That has been said so often that
everybody by this bine should
know it -and vet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal - If yon world
like to miss that sort altogether--
llf you would like to buy where
,nothing hut high qualities are
,dealt in -COME HERE
And dven at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfelt'
" ��).ftI
Jeweler and Optician
tri er o1 itiarriat >;e Liveuses
Wisconsin No. 2", Bailey;
Improved Learning
and other varieties
Go la Medal B(ndcr Twine $27,00
Per Cwt.
Cholera Infantum is one of the
fatal ailments of childhood, 11 is a
t'oouble that comes on suddenly
especially during the summer months
and unless prompt action is taken
the little one may soon be beyond' aid.
Baby's Own Tablets are an idea)I
medicine in warding off the trouble.
They, regulate the bowels and sweet-
en the stomach and thus prevent all
the dreaded seminar complaints.
They are an absolutely safe medicine
being guaranteed by a government
analyst to obtain no opiates or nar-
cotics or other harmful drugs. They
cannot possibly do harm -they al-
ways do gond. The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents- a box from The. Dr. Williams'
Alediciic Co., Brockville, Ont.
The stand for a new electric flat-
iron automatically disconnects the
current when the Iron is placed upon
it, the current flow being resumed as
the iron is lifted .
A Chicage man is the inventor of
portable apparatus for lifting palietts
from hospital cots without disturbing
theta and moving them from room to
room when necessary,
7A%ibe ep sed 4 a i,N.s'j1.
dive, teLo not resOr"t td Vit -
let cath'iirrltieg4 but t8 :e'thfe
6F•$41 p 1f73 T8l1
ll rr, stet seta orf ,eel Medfet o le the !V`aor41e
&old e,em'where. Is lbeso4'; 211c,
8. Orderly wally. The disorderly
should be debarred from the Lord's
table, examples of which ore the fol-
lowing: (1) Immoral conduct (I Cur.
5:1-13). it Is peellous'to the individ-
ua.i who is guilty of ltiuno'ality to ap-
proach the Lord's table (v. 30). Sick-
ness and death are oftentimes visited
upon such. This itxpluins why some
are mysteriously taken nwny in death.
(2) Heresy (Titus 3:10; John 4:9, 3),
(3) SclthnnUtes (lion. 10:17). Those
who are causing divisions in the church
should be debarred.
Teacher of English Bible In the MoodY
Bible Institute of Chicago.)
(Copyright, 1515, Western Newe58507 U)1ion)
Right at the Center.
Our habitut'1 hhnught$ mud uelton>
determine our characters and they
are sisals 1"„1150111 by moment. 11
01. the venter we are stayed on Uod
the ekrrulWhanem, 1551185 be n'lghl.-
nn fuel haliow., .-
Vuouid You?
V,',,nld You remail nheeye young'
tial 's5111,1 you emery 1111 the ,5\ and
>'ue}alley 5f youth into your maturer
}'ears? 'Clam have yore runrorniur
hilt 5111' MI DV -AVMs' ynil lip's' In 4"111
thought \cnl'id.''1(lllnh \Valhi 'I.1'-
LESPON TEXTS. -Mat. 25:25-150: I Cor.
GOLDEN T1,`%,T-5'or as often as ye
eat this broad, and drink this cup, ye do
show the Lord's death till he come. -I Cor.
26: Luke 22:14.20: T Cor. 10:14-21.
PRIMARY TOPIC -Remembering Jesus
(Luke 22:19).
JUNIOR TOPIC -The Lord's Supper re-
minds us of Jesus.
of the Lord's Supper.
munlon with Christ and with one another.
1. The Institution of the Lord's Sup-
per (Matt. 26:26; 1 Cor. 1.1:23).
1. Time: It Was on the night of the
betrayal of Tesus, just lifter the be-
trayer had bees announced,
2. The circmnstnnees: In cenneetiorl
with the eating of the Passover. At the
command of ;Jesus the diselpld's nettle
ready the Passover, and while they
were eating, .Tesus took bread. Wesel]
tt and give It to the disciples,
13. Elements: (1) Tho braid. 'fists
doubtless was the enrnnlOn breed of
the Passover feast, (2) The imp. 'I'hie
cup consisted] of the fruit or lite vine,
II. The Significance of the Lord's
Supper (Matt, 26:20-28; 1 Co. 11;2'1-
Jesus took antral and literal ele-
ments and made them to be symbols of
his own body slid blood. .Trot is our
breed nod drink aur nssimtlatcd tnvn
brain and brawn, beaconing an integral
part of 0515 body, so by manus of these
symbols the cnmmmlcnnt partakes or
Christ, He becomes; a part of us told
we are in him. It is holh a memorial
and a prnpitecy.
1. A memorial of 1110 tord (Lune
22:19). When be went :sway he left
the bread and the cup for tie disciples
by, which to remember him. Those
who love bine will desire to ]deep sa-
cred this memorial.
Isere lire a few pointers worth note-
ing at this time of year for swim -
Thursday, July 2011, 1919
Should Prot by the Facperience
of Thlc se Two Women
Buffalo, N. Y.-" I am the mother of four children, and for
nearly three years 1 suffered from a female trouble with pains
in my back and side, and a general weakness. 1 had pro-
fessional attendance most of that time but did not seem to
get well. As a last resort I decided, to try Lydia. B.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound which I had seen
advertised in the newspapers, and in two weeks noticed
a marked improvement. I continued its use and am
now free from pain and able to do all my house-
work"- Mrs. B. B. ZueLzNsxA, 202 Weiss Street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Portland, Ind,-" I had a displacement and suffered
so badly from it at times I could not be on my feet
at all. I was all run down and so weak I could not
do my housework, was nervous and could not lie
down at night. I took treatments front a physician
but they did not help mo. My .Aunt recommended
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I tried
at and now I am strong and well again and do
my own work and I ive Lydia E. Pinkhaui's
Compound the eredi "- Mrs. J o s a P n i a a
EIMnLa, 986 West Race Street, Portland, Ind.
Every Sick Woman Should Try
,r�+ J5,{.}f PtJ b+,t -N ,gid. D i, Tf a �•,Y f Y)i+
, .a+'q���L�J7hx'"+I M1 h t�ittS..V?+r5 h�( �aK."P�,UO:+A w.rn..'"S+i'�. SKxt ;�.,•
conning to your rescue, catch hold of
the stern till assisted to gel in.
It you follow out these directions
riSfL' rry CO' iert. 13Ot Crtai1it,sAt.
.1 safe, reliable rem+..,.,i
- „- .Rig
�",, medicine, F^Id it three o:• ureas of etru"gtr.--Nn. 1, 81
''. No. 2, :53; No. a, 80 per box
Sold P:0
all droQeleta, orseat
rro5"' on re,.mpt of price,
Frau pamphict. Address;
'3'I5E coot. MEDICINE CO„
a TORONTO.ONT. (Farmrrte winder.)
Don't bathe in unfrequented or se-
cluded parts.
Don't swim away from shore, al-
ways along the shore.
Don't swim against the stream if
you come across weeds.
Don't bathe shortly after dining;
wait at least two hours,
Don't swim near dams, waterfalls,
or where reeds are growing.
Don't 'dive into the water without
first ascertaining the depth.
Don't swim without protecting
your ears if subject to ear trouble.
Don't sit in a boat or stand about.
undressed after being in the water.
Don't swim loo far out in the sea
or bike unattended by a boat or an
expert swimmer.
Don't swim far after a Hard day's
work or over-exertion after. other
forms of exercise.
Don't dive out of or try to get in-
to a boat from the side; dive from
the stern, and get in front the stern,
but only then from a boat with a
broad beam.
Don't take fright it you fall into
the water with your clothes on; re-
member, clothes float, and assist you
to float. Make for the shore, swim-
ming with the tide or stream.
Dont swim without some recog-
nized signal to give your fellow -
swimmers, If subjected to cramps,
such as lifting one arm and shouting
for help. Don't abuse this; leave the
water as soon ars possible.
Don't throw the hands or arms out
of the water.
When canoeing take a life belt if
you are not an expert. Don't go be-
yond the depth. of your hips if you
can't swine.
Don't struggle when
yourself in deep water.
Don't grasp any person who ap-
proaches you; do what lie tells you.
Dont attempt to get into a boat
you find
2. '1b 111110w fife LOrdt's saerideinl
death (1 Cor. 11:26), He did not die
ns to hero or as an example of unself-
ish devotion, but 115 ti substitutionary
ransom, On the cross he 111500 expi-
ation our sibs.
ani n for
8. It is n gutirtnty that our sins are
forgiven (Leon. 4:25). When the be-
liever partakes of these elements his
faith is confirmed. "It is n signet of.
the Sen Or Mod ettnc'hed to redemp-
4. Through them the believer re-
ceived Christ (1 Cor, 10:10). Ile there'
by participates In the body and blood
of Christ, becoming a member of his
body. Christ livelb in the believer
(Maul. 2:26), 'P110 Defy Spirit: cton-
munt0ate0 the life of Ohrist le believ-
ers, making 1115111 one hotly, ,coined to-
gether ((Iplh. 4:16) T)ltsi union Is 11-
Instreted by the figure ot! the Duman
organism 0 dor, 12:12-27); the vine
tins branches (dobn 15:1-8)), the hos-
i)and and wife Mph. 5:25, 26) ; we are
He ,d Ache?
Headaches, sick or other
kinds, don't happen to
people whose livers are
busy and whose bowels are
as regular as a clock.
Thousands of folks who
used to have headaches
say this is the way they
removed the cause:
One pill at bedtime, regu-
larly. Largerdose if there's
suspicion of biliousness
or constipation.
foam/be beers 'Signerare
Colorless fasces often show
the absence of Iron in the
haP�R tl �'A w .a. p �� Rblt! PILLS
will Ixetptliis Condition.
when in distress in the water you
will help yourself and others coming
to you assistance,
Tread eater by ke'eping the to
moving up and down as in walking 11'
stairs.. Hold an oar or canoe pad-
dle, plunk or branch of a tree in the
middle when thrown to you; an oar
or paddle with the blade flat on the
I water will keep you up if you don't
struggle. Take in long breaths
through the mouth and Inhale
through the nostrils; this makes the
body more bouyant and keeps you.
,%VOWS gbgs;11 ,C1da tog
The Great rn5lis1,1i.ftemetty,
P0003 and invtgoratrs the whole
nervoussystem, makes new Blood
in old Veins, Cures llereoun
Debility Afented and Brain Wary, Despon-
dency, Loss of Ener01/, Palpitation of the
One w I please, six will currelprr 0 Sold by eh
price. Aewpomphlet oma lied fr a TF#EeWOOD
4r l
Lake Louise. ,
To the ancients all roads led to
Rome, and tt was the ambition of
young and old to behold th< "Eter-
nal City' and its wonders, NOV
however, one might say it 1s the
ambition of every Canadian to behold
the "Eternal Snows", and as the
Appian way led to Rome, so the
e rear iron road, the Canadian Pacific
Rahway, leads to the Rocky Moun-
tain/. Canadians have a wide field
t0 pick and choose from in the mat-
ter of pta.ces to epend holidays, but
the West has an attraction all its
Lake Louse Is one of the many
beauty spots in the Rocky Moun-
tains. and a trip West ie not con-
sidered complete without a stop -off
there. Lake Louise Is one of the
Latices in the Clouds (the others
being Lake Agnes and Mirror Lake)
and at one time its existence was
orgy known to the Indians. Now
however, thanks to the enterprise of
the C,P,it., it Is visited by thousands
of tourists yearly, the railway pass-
ing through at this point, and a
palatbeen latereet"d the on Chateau,
the lakefront,
afl'nrrlln5 ample accommodation.
Stepping oft the train at La.ggan
runs up the gradient to the
lake, the trip only occupying twenty
minutes. The drive is a most de-
lightful one, the car. being open on
both sides. affords an uninterrupted
view of the wonderful scenery with
the minimum of exertion. The Bow
River Is crossed by a pretty little
bridge, and in the early morning
sunshine the waters eparkle like
opal fires, tossing furiously in eddies
as the river forces its way down
the valley.
Arriving at Lake Louise one feels
if snot to another world;sorted into another feelings tot
tion grin
and a
the mind, compelling a reverential
silence. The lake Itself is small,
but a perfect gem, lying at the base
of the Victoria Glacier from which
11 is fed, its waters being pare
turquoise in colour, that deep tur-
quoIic so difficult to describe. Re -
hind the lake Mt. Lefroy towers
like is giant to the heavens, reaching
51n altitude of over 10,000 fent-0ue
inter, 1055110 0f dazellrtg snow and Ice,
resembling - the Matterhorn in
Switzerland, Mt. Aberdeen and the
Viotoria Glacier form a background
unsurpassed for grandeur.
The surrounding 'countt7 suggests
an Alpine valley.
Ran�gea noW-
dlsstl mountains Stretch as rat as the
eve saw reach, vhllo thkt1 a, J -t
Giants' Steps near Lake Louise, Canadian Pacific Rockies.
with the scent or the pines. 1'.eloware
of brilliant colour bloom every-
F\aciltttes can be obtained at the
Chateau to escort parties going to
Moraine Lako and the Valley of rho
Toa Peaks by automobile 01' ear.,
range; ponies can also he hired t0
take tout'iatti to Lalte Agneas and
Mirror Lake.
Qn the way to Moraine Lake s
splendid view of Mt. Temple La ob-
tained. This mountain Is ono of the
highest peaks in the Rttakiasr tient
to an altitude of 11,000 feet; LES
sides resemble walls Of cut 3 co,
and Its crest iN covered With snow.
At this point a Rine. vil5w od thh Sew
Valley is obtained from a height of
11,000 It, the river looking like a
slender silver thread down in the
volley. Stili other beauty spots are
the Giants' Steps and Paradise Val-
1ey, where the opalescent waters
come thundering down from the sub-
lime heights above, fo`ticing their
way through the mountains to the
distant valley.
Moraine Lake is soon reached, And
the tourist is allowed half an hour
to rest before the return Journey,
enabling hint to enjoy the magssi'
t`ictint scenery, Moraine bake lies at
the base of the, Ten Peaks, A' skate, t
of moaultsins all brei'' 10,600 feet,:
ail, to.t tired with ouor,