HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-7-24, Page 2fAGE2
New Organdies
New Voiles
Silk and Lisle
Thin Underwear
Wash Skirts
Pretty Cool Dresses
e s
Hot Weather forces a rush for
Cooler Goods. f=ortunately we have
made extensive preparations- for just -
such emergency.
Every Lady will .find our collection
'of Summer garments up-to-date in
every way :that making a choice . will
be a pleasure. ' ,
Summer Sacques
New Kinmonas
Pretty Parasols
- New Neckwear
New Frillings
Pretty Cool Waists
Cicala Grace CDreets
' r the hot Weather
CIC a La Grace is a name that means. -
something. It means sonletiling because
every section and every gore of every
Corset has been carefully designed and as
carefully put together to fit the figure like r
a glove.
Priced from $1.50 up to SS.00 ergo14°322
,11` iirl.E C
Thursday, July 24tli, 1919
liaise lila l.udnture, of Toronto, 1S
spundaug her vacutiun al her home in
gg lace 111.
'r, T . , .�^ •�, � ---•� �, ills Hoskins, til Mtll.ltell, is visil-
�a�-� her p:ucnis, h1r. and 'Air's. h. '`°'• ,a/ ,,. . .,✓ •�! t �+,,. '�,m✓ � .t:au M�nlartin.
4V Miss Marion and .Master Jack. Scuff
who have been visiting their grand-
.., .,.y, .,m„ _ ; "" ,,,.k*� . `,e weeeeee�,. •eezre,.,0..�9 parents in Ileal 11l have ret tuned 1'
ov,w' .c.:.:..®aw,aw+d»*,awn.qua,o *cauov u!.w:p'mm'o' °"'•°�a"v"^"""'^'"""'v""v'"eY:' „''m"°, ,ur"""a�+`..nm.u:.w.+.,Ju'.a'.vw 1 livir 11 •lite in 1'urt>11 W,
L. lIa>;gins, who has ,Pent the
Service in the Ba tistty hurclt at 3 Turner's Methodist Claurcll and Sun Curu>rel Allton Pfaff, sem of Me pelt leer lora in Chili a; rill I:a-
Ihe Methodist Church will hold p t I nr:•r in ,the copper alines there,
f P t I l i i W Pfaff I If 'I' l' I
their'Garden Party of Friday evening,
July 2 5th the Glutton Kittle Hand
have been engaged and other musical
talent will take part.
.A meeting to organize the Township
of Huflett. in Connection with the corn-
ung'referendum Campaign wilt be held
in the. Presbyterian Church, Londes-
burn on the .eveniug of 'Thursday, July
824th, at.8 p,m. ilte�se interested are
asked to attenii.
Trains Going North
1'1. t 7 11,11. 6.4 0 p.
Trains Going South
8.20' a.1n. 4.15 p, Ill
Trains Going East
6,3'3 a.m. 2,52 p. m,
Trains Going West
3'1.11 a. m. 5.4 5 p, m.
te.t$ p. m.
p. In. Rev, C. C. C:rowston, o or.- day School held l leu• ;ulntrt p cn c on u1. . a o ay•. ulyns ul, 1v co ,v:w a ,,1 ''• u, t ,.hack and a special
land, Oregauc, will speak. Wednesday, A Het of the prize wine severely wounded in prance attend, etr seas enacted to the lue,&1 train to
ices will lin given reef week, eel the races, the guest of his cousin, cr ntcy her here, •
Mrs, J, (i, ellulbury and received tea visited his aunt ,uhd un�ic Nle mrd
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh McGregor, Mr, •
Henry Morton, .of 'Rickel -smith, was
appointed enumerator for this district
for the prohibition• referendum en the
autumn at a meeting of constituents
held here recently.
i•lenette closed down business on
Saturday, when a program of events
was held in celebr1ttion of peace.
Mrs, Proctor, of Brussels, is spend.
John McCowan and family,. and Mr,
John B', Pepper and fancily ani Mr,
Geo, T. Baird and family had a1 picnic
to Goderieb en 'Thursday of last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Woods; of Sl. Helens,
visited at sthe home of Mr, Thomas
Caulpliell for a fete days last Week.
BRUCEFIELTD• Rev, Mr. 'rough preached in Carmel
Ing a week or so with her sister, Mrs. Mrs, Nichol of Lindon is the guest Church on Sunday last and will take
H. Colclough. 1 of Mr. N Mrs. Welsh. Ithe services for 'three more Sabbaths
Quite a number around here wentd I while Rev. Mr, from
1lell, the pastor,
to Grand Bend an Saturday while and Mrs. Bretluer, of Michigan, is -recuperating frons his late serious
others went to Goderich, were Inst week the guests of Aim Sni-'.illness. Mr, McConnell is at present
Mr,•and Mrs, Fred Stephenson and der' obi. Kaiser has bought 1 7-pctsseug_ visiting his former home in Toronto,
son, of Brusselsspeltt Sunday with her er Studebaker from Mr, Levis, Clinton..;
parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Riley. Mlss Gertrude Wilson, of Toronto,• HULLETT
Mrs. Cole, Mr, and Mr -s. Thomas is visiting 111 out village at the home of
Pollard, Miss Pheobe Wakefield and Mr, C. Stewart and family, of Hun -
David Milson spent Sunday in Ethel !ler ester. Mrs. Geo. Swan. ter, North Daktlta and James Bell and
Pte, Wm. Fraser, has returned to the
visiting friends, a wife of Long Beach, Califonia, put in
Mrs. MCends. ' of Detroit, is spend West, the week cud with Ed'. Johnston and
her. and"' Mrs. John Aikenhead, 'of
ing a few days with her sister, Mrs, family at "Cedartilf Dale farm", liullthe
London, visited relatives in the net- They were all former neighbors of the
Peter Lindsay, g
Mr. Peter Lindsay has bought the gil�'orh° 11(1 1 Johnston's in North Dakota. Ed. says
Pte, James Hill of Stratford, spent
50 acres of land and house from D. 1111 visitors think "Old Huroai County
Milson. Mr. Lindsay Sets possession the
Ineourtivfllage'd at the
1101110 of 1-115 wile, whps par-
a pretty good place to tie to."
Lloyd son
7 funeral of William, a
in the spring. cent!}' lett to visit relatives in England he }
was•on board the Grampian that -struck of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland, Fluron
ai iceberg. The passengers were put•Road, was held on Sunday afternoon
on the Empress of India, and again left and wars largely attended. The baby
Cor England. it was a thrilling ex- • was 19 months old, Rev. Mr. McCann-
perience. Mrs, blit1 is a native of Eng -
pastor of Wesley Church conduct -
land and goes to see her parents. One ed the services at the house and 8S grave.
of her brothers fell in the war. I Tile baby died oh Friday after a short
ll, illness. The sympathy goes out to
r oss. 1 ne K a i
Henry Ford says` as for him music
has no charms. Considering what
they have done for him, Henry should
get a lot of harmony out of the rattle
of his multttudinious fiivvers, •
{ —0--
A strong cigar will break in your
pocket as easily as a weak one.
rapped to insure its perfect „
condition in all climates and
ry (ed tight ---kept
�t������� Sealed
rrght. The perfect guru 4n the
',: Perfect package.
Atter every meal
The flavour lasts
N Gum 1 ,1
w C
1u, r
III ,. , ,,..,, ,. „
, II
%�li rMr F/AVObR [ASKS ,. 1/
Some sections are getting lots of
rain and others are being neglected.
Anniversary services will he held in
the Methodist Church oh Sunday when
Rev. S, Anderson, of Clinton, will be
the preacher for the day.
Death has again made -t sorrowful
vacancy and this, time at -the home of
Mr. Janes Spackman when his wife
was called away of Tuesday last. The
late Mrs. Spackman has been in very
ill health for some time and her
death was not unexpected, She was
comparatively young although she
leaves a grown up family of three be-
sides her husband. The largely at-
tended services were held in St. And-
rews Church when the Rev, Mr, Ander-
son of the Methodist Church and Rev.
Mr. McFarlane assisted. by the Rev.
Mr, Carrier, of Grand Bend, gave vent
tel the sincerest sympathy in behalf of
the bereaved family.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hillier, widow of the
late John Hillier, was found dead in bed
by neighbors on Saturday scorning at
her residence on Newgate street, where
she had been living clone. The de-
ceased had not been well of Tate, but
was about as usual of friday morning,
being seen in her garden about 9
o'clock, She had been picking ber-
ries, and it is thought that she felt an
attack conning oil and welt into' the
house and lay down, and passed away.
The deceased lady was in her 72nd
year, and had been a well-known resi-
dent of Goderich for many years,
A bunting stable behind the Col-
borne Hotel here Sunday night en-
dangered an entire city block of frame
stores and dwellings, and drove a
score of guests from the hotel until
the flames were controlled. Damage
to the extent of $2,000 was caused,
'partly covered by insurance. The
stable is owned by John McLeod, pro-'
prietor of the hotel, and was complete-
r), destroyed. Contents of stores in
the block adjoining the hotel were
hurriedly thrown into the streets, and
for a time the flames threatened to
sweep the block. The hotel was only
slightly damaged. Origin of the blaze
has not been discoyered. Horses in
the stable were taken out before the
flames reached then[,
in order that Winghem may proper-
ly celebrate peace day it has been ar-
ranged to hold a monster auto parade
in the morning from the Town 1-lal1 at
to o'clock, headed by the Citizens'
Band: The returned soldiers and
their families will be given• lirst place
in the parade. Ali owners of cars
are asked to take part in the parade.
Following the parade a few short ad-
dresses will be delivered and it is ex-
pected that special music will be
provided. •
Lieut. Me Roland Henderson. son of
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Henderson, who
was a member 0 !thee Flying Corps, ar-
rived home on Friday last.
Mrs. (Rev.) .1. Henderson, of White -
Mr <,en1 Yellowness of Bir vacation
c lihe arenls in th I , f ti i b ty
White -
and family are spending their vacation 1iay, '
in our village.
John McKenzie, of our village, who
is 111 with pneumonia, is slowly recut,- 1 KIPPEN
Bring. Mr. C. H. Russell, B. A., a lawyer of
Misses ,Mary nicNauglrton,, Limine y
Allis, Jessie McMillen, who have. been Wetaskiwin, Alberta, spent peace day
attending the Normal School in Strati- at the home of his former teacher, W.
ford, have all been successful in pass- H. Johnston. Mr. Russell went to
ung their wails. Alberta as a leacher, rapidly rising to
a principal in Edmonton, a public
school inspector, an instructor in the
normal school, Calgary and now is a
successful lawyer in Wetaskiwin.
As the Rev. Dr. Aiken is awlty on
his vacation, Al r. Alva McMahon, a
Knox College student, of Exeter, oc-
cupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian
church on Sunday. Mr. McMahon en-
listed at the -beginning of the war with
the artillery. Previous the pulpit
was occupied by Mr. A. 1'. 'Cooper, of
Clinton, secretary of the County Tem-
perance Alliance, who spoke of the
marvelous advance under prohibition.
Rev,: Dr. Aitkin and family went to
Baylield to -day for a two weeks' vaca-
Mrs. Anderson, senior, is home
from a month's visit in Michigan, a-
mong her children. She was accom-
panied honkie by her son, Albert, and
his daughter.
The Methodist choir and their
friends spent a pleasant day' last Fri-
day on the shores of Lake Huron, at
Dr, Ben. A. gnathic, of Gilmore City,
lows, 'a former Huron boy., and his
Mr, and Mrs, Fred. Warning of Delhi
are visiting with their daughter, Mrs,
George Crooks on the Base Line. Miss
Noreen Barham, their little granddau-
ghter, came with them.
Mr. Geo, Hanley has sold his farm on
the 7th con. to Mr. 'Col.clough, Mr,
Hanley has not decided what he will do
in the future, but the people of the 7th
will miss Geo. and his good wife.
Airs. Nicholson and her two daugh-
ters and returned soldier motored
from Auburn to see the old place
where Mrs. Nicholson was born and
raised until her marriage. It is now
owned by Mr, George J. Connell. It
certainly was a nice trip for to see the
old place, Mrs. Nicholson is 83 years
old and it is over 60 years since she
left here, Her brothers, Mr. Sheppard,
came 1000 miles to see the place a
few years ago.
A pretty wedding took place at the
brides' parents on Wednesday evening
of this week at 6 o'clock when Rev.
S. Anderson, of Ontario Street Church, family motored to visit his many reln-
Clinton, tied the matrimonial knot be- tives,
tweet bliss Edna Jessie, daughter of 1
church, who recently 08111k ed into a
ba•l, wire fence at night and had her
'eye punctured, has gone ter the hos-
pital for treatment of the injury.
Stella Bennett, youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bennett, recently
underwent an operation at \A/Ingham
General. Hospital. She is reported as
cluing nicely. -
Three mire soldiers belonging to
Wfi1gham and district have returned
from oversees, Will Galbraith, !inward
Guest and Gordon lilliott.
Dr, Robert ,john Sloan, who passed
away in Shaughai, 'China, at the age
of 82 years, was one of the pioneer
residents of this section, practicing his
profession its' Lower Wingham e num-
ber of years ago.
The dearth took place recently fn lid-
m0nti,n Alberta, of John Mowbray, in
his 78111. year, Mr, Mowbray lived at
Whitechurch for many yeti's and was
well known to many Winghlun citizens.
Members of the G. W. V. A and
town officials will arrange a Held day
to be held soon at Which soldiers from
the district will be presented With
wrist watches donated by the mu1idp-
Upon the whole this vicinity leas
nothing to complain of, !itis yeah', the
crops are lookng well, An exceeding-
ly good hay crop Inas been taken in
-told though the oats Were. backward
and apparelilly going to be of little
use they are now looking well, Barley
anti other crops have revived and pro-
niiSe a good hirveSI; The turnijys and
root crops, because of the last two
rains, have picked tip and 10 nil appear-
ance well be good -crops. Cherries and
outer Slns11 fruits are ,average,
Me, Andrew Currin, a fa'thher-crest•
ft-4na,ott an(
and 1111! west
Wibgg"ham, ie Peutodefieg his betels and
Making a large addition, When finish•
ed it will 8 one of the Most up-to•datc
bartis in this section of the country,
hearty -welcome from his many old :'4111 W.•C. acyls, ,
1rieuds'in lixe1er. Corporal I'f,lr was 51iss Ida !misdate, ut Calitornis,
nn the staff of Mr, Seine's drug store who have been spending the past two
when the war broke out and went over- 1111,1114 at her home here, left for
seas with tllc., 101st, 'Foronto, Where she has accepted a
' Air, Goldie Cochrane who reeentiv peeili111
returned from overseas, has leased the Mr. Theis, AICKay, who has Just
Cnn 1! r Bros. machine shop on Stautu11 returned from overseas visited his
street, and will equip sante with a full brother Mr. Wm. McKay. Mr. Mo-
line of ncaehinery for an up -la -dale Kay enlisted with an lidnumlon bat -
machine shop'. To encourage the ic1- talent and has been in France since
descry the fleeter Council has promised t'110. Ile was a piper in the Kittle
free installation of hydro and free Band,
power, also free taxes on the prenhfses - ' Mrs, Donaldson, who is at present
in accordance with the present assess- in very poor health arrived in filen•
stent. I salt on Saturday evening !Korn Mus -
Mr. P, ul Coates had the misfortune koka where she has been ' .for some
to fracture his collar bone the result time past, Mrs, Donaldson's condi-
of falling from a load of hay on Wed- Hon was such that she was unable to
nesday of last week. Mr, Coates was
assisting his brother Alf with the hav-
ing. Ile was on top of the load and war
pulling on the rope that controls the
hay fork. The rope broke and he fell
to the floor fracturing his collar -bone
and bruising his -face,
Mr E. Armstrong buttermaker for
the Exeter Creamery met with an
unfortunate accident on Tuesday.
t not.lieat-
TIh a water 111 the Toler was
ung just as fast as Mr, Armstrong de-
sired and he undertook to throw
What lie thought was co:11 oil on the
fire. What he used was gasoline, the
flames of which flared out, Mr. Arm-
strong was badly horded about the
face and along one arra.
Rev. and Mrs. '428(1n, of London,
and son Mr. Alex. Martin, now of
Kitchener, spent the afternoon of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank FL Powell and Mr.
', larence Victor -Potter, son of Thos.
J. Potter of the Huron Road. The
young couple were unattended, and
only the immediate relatives of the
contracting parties were present. The
best wishes accompany the young cou-
ple on their voyage through life.
A very large number spent Saturday
east taking in the big day at Goderich.
Large. numbers also holidayed at Bay-
Mr. A. K. Leonard is visiting with re-
latives in Puslinch, out of Guelph,
Mr and Mrs. Lorne Vale, of Detroit,
are visiting the hatter's parents, Mr. and
Airs. 11, Weston.
Quite a number from here afttended
the celebration at Goderich on Satur-
Mr, and Mrs Edward Agnes and lit-
tle son. ivison; Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Con.
11e111 Mr- and Mrs. Will Hudson, and
Miss Alma Connell motored from
Owen Sound on Saturday and attend-
ed the celebration in Kincardine and
Goderl; h before they got to Mr. and
Mrs, Geo. J. Cannell, their uncle and
,Want, to spend a little while before
they returned to their (tone on Sunday
1'x11 wheat.. and hay are all 111 the
barns and is a gond crop,
51r. Norman Wilmot anti family, of
London, motored up and spent the
week end with Mrt and Mrs, Peter Cele.
Mr. Bert 'Thompson, of Detroit, is
visiting his uncle, Alr. P. Cole.
Miss Emily Connell spent two
weeks of her vacation with her parenls
Mr. td Mrs. Geo, J. 'Jmulat , along
with, her girl friends, Mise .lean Little,
of Ottawa. Miss 1', Reidsoih, of Stied -
ford. Miss Sadie Mountain, of Gode-
rich, who have'be.en visiting her; She
ler, Monday for Toronto to return to
her position.
The crops crops of wild raspberries has
been very gond ibis :year. A great many
people from the town 11an'e,1)ee11 gong
out to the berry patches, some even
going by he truck -load.
tills Lucty Redike-c d of Ilr;nsall, - is -
visiting with Mrs, le, Jenkins.
Mr, and' h1is, Ezra Pickard visted
with their daughter 1,11 Ntftc3celi on
Sunday Inst. s
Mr, herb, Jenkins was ba 'London on
Mr, George Connell is quite busy
putting a wall under his barn this week
Mr. Spackman has the 'job.
Don't forget the, .Social at Stirling
McPltail's on Friday night. Major Tot -
Ink, will give an address on the War
,and a reception Will be tendered to
Corp. A. McGregor aid Pie, B. Sturdy,
Conte and give the boys 11 hearty wel-
come, • The grounds will be lighted
with Northern Electric company 80
the farmers will leave a chance to see
this tine farm plant.
Do Rot stiffer
nnoahor day with
•Stchfu ideal-
int, or Peotimd.
lig Pi1oo, No
ettrglcal open-
uire L
AtIUR rb
Dr, as oe bl5tmo tri Will n. 605 you of once
and re oortnitna ouro you, tfOo, Co.,oo>c' all
Toaioro, or h,ple on rBse11 8t mLlmlthis
Toronto, t3nviplo box teen 1! you moot#on this
Veeel 8nd' holeso 2c, data)) to po ' postage.
Peace Day with Mr. and Mrs, I'. W.
Mrs. Pauline Faust who has been
visiting relatives, left for her home in
Mr. A7. Ayers, of Detroit, is visit-
ing at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Eliza 'I'rueniser.
Mr, ,t • rd Mrs. Appel, who s
1 bd
pl pent
some months in Detroit returned to
their house here,
Mr. and Mrs, Wagner, also Mr. Ar-
thur Well, of Detroit, visitde at the
home of Mr. 1L Well -
Mr, Ezra Kaercher and two dau-
ghters, of Kitchener, visited relatives ,
here for a few days last week.
Mr. Alex Foster was awarded the
contract for building four cement
culverts in the Township of Hay.
Gladnnut. Mr. Alex. Martin who has Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stelek from
been with the Consolidated Rubber
Co., for some years has recently been
'appointed manager of the company's
Myrtle, of South Bend Ind., are vi= -
large tire . factory at Kitchener aft a 1 !tin grelatives and friends here.
handsome salary. His many friends ;r. J. L. Meyer, of Bloke, who re-
in Exeter will be pleased to know of
his success in the business world.
Cadet Edgar Ilorney ;and bride,
arrived 111 tows 1a51 week from over-
seas, Mr. Horsey is a son of Mr. and
Mfrs. Hy Homey, of town. ile enlist-
ed at Petrone where he was working at
the time. For fifteen months he was
a stretcher hearer in France. He
later transferred to the Flying Corps.
He was married In England and was
accompanied home by his wife.
the West are visiting at the home of
the latter's mother, Mrs, S. Rennie.
Mrs. A. J, Raabe and daughter,
The Flax Mill Company have leased
the Stretton property, adjoining the
railway, for a term of years on which
to erect their buildings and a Inge
gang of sten are now at work on the
preliminary preparations. There are
25 acres in the plot on which stands
the old Revere Hotel and large stables.
The latter will be used for threshing
purposes until the new buildings are
Leslie, only son of Frank Oliver, of
Tilsonburg, formerly of Brussels, died
from diptheria after a few days' ill'
Hess. Mr. Oliver lies in a critical con-
dition from *the- same trouble. The
little boy was nine years of age,
Matilda Eaton, relict of the hate John
Cober, frrnierly of Brussels, died at
Hespeler on Wednesday night at the
age of '76 years. The remains are be-
ing brangllt to Brussels for interment.
Airs John Colleen. who was badly burn-
urred told injured when her cluthind• was
ret on lire by the bursting of an oil
sieve at the home of her sister, Airs.
George Wa'chhurn,1 died to -day, after
about. 15 hours' intense suffering. de•
spite every effort of ,medical skill to
save her life, .\1rs, Cober, who was in
her 70111 year, was burn at Carlisle,
Ontario, but had lived in this district
most of her life. She resided at Ethel
for 35 years, :u Brussels nearly 5 years
and for several years in Puslinch
Township. She had lived with her
eWhb, C
street,sistr, Alrs, here, 0. Stiras815
her husband t1 years ago and is sur-
vived by three soil, Ephraim, of 'Torr.
onto; Norman; of nelrril; and Aaron.
of Weyburn, Saskatchewan; one daugh-
ter, Mrs. E. IL McGinnis, of Ilespeler;
two brothers, Enoch Eaton and Nelson
1151011, and two sisters, Mrs, G. Wash-
burn and 11. Sander. all of llespeler.
Miss Stella Robson, of Toronto, is
visiting her sister, Mrs, H. Arnold.
Miss Lily ,McKay, of Windsor, is
Misses Agnes, Jean and Nora 0,veli-
lock, of Ottawa, were here attending
the funeral of their brother the' late
Janies Govenlock who •died from the
effect of injuries received in an atto-
mObile accident in Saskatoon,
Mrs. John Carmichael died at the
Home of her daughter, Mrs. J. ie, Ste-
wart to Stanley, 011 Saturday last,
Previous to last winter shellved 1n
Seatforth for several years, The fun-
eral eves held on Monday to Staii'a cem-
Mr. C, Layton and fancily leave this
Week for their new borne. in Hamilton,
They have been good citizens of Sea.:
forth and many friends wish them suc-
cess in the lake city.
Mr, Joe. MOMfllai eccotlntati of the
flask of C°tntnerce has been pronloted
to malnager of the branch at Walton
and Mr. Joe Brown returns to his ofd
position here.
Gently returned from 058111eas, has
left for London where he has taken
aposition 0n the police force.
Mr. Andrew Price returned to his
home here un 'Tuesday after being
overseas for several years. He enlist-
ed with the 161st Huron Battalion,
A reception was held one evening
recently et the hone of Mr. and Mrs.
P. Diechert, J1., in honor of Mr. Al-
bert Thiel, who returned from over -
seats a few weeks ago.
Mr, and Mrs. John L. Gerber, Mr,
and Mrs. R. Swartzentruber and
Messrs. Jacob and 'Chris. Swartzen-
truber attended the funeral of Mrs.
Leis near Tavistock.
On Thursday, July the 2nd there
spending her vacation al her home passed away after a lingering illness
here. Mrs, Lydia Kehn. nee Lydia Brown,
Dr, and Mrs, Sellery, of 'Toronto, "aged 29 years. She was born in Zur-
visited friends and relatives in Hen- ich where she resided up until eight
salt and vicinity. years ago. Besides her husband aild
Mrs. J. Pope and daughter Ellen, a four year old daughter there sur -
have left for a visit to Brandon anti vive five brothers and four sisters
other Western, points. and her parents in Zurich. The fun.
Mr. 'Charles Cook, of Chicago, vis- eral was Reid on Sunday afternoon
ited his mother, Mrs. H. Cook, , to the cemetery at Blair.
The German mark is worth only
8% cents lei gold, Our done ia worth
100cents in gold, but only
cents in bacon, eggs, cltickeds and
Band and
se Bali
00001m:00 001mim 0000
Great Street Carnival
Crand Monster Parade
,A Revelry of Frolic and Fun
Lavish Decorations and
• Brilliant Illuminations
01 1M1M1RI1 1 `% 00%000
,%{ 1 0
The Thorold Fire Brigade have been
engaged to entertain the crowds
with their Fancy Drills.
000%0 1 1 Oinim0 0000
B;::tween 3 good
'ase 1) ail _—Base ball teams
P400040 00001lil.li
At 10.30 p. m. a
"°'great Parade and
Street Carnival on Main Street.
0041m1RAI11 11 TA 00 0000
1 1%
WatchWatch for big bills and also advt. for
next week: