HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-7-24, Page 1Established 1565, Vol, 54, No; The Ne Era Will r„w.rn,M.—"'"-4 -. "^"'''MM•wco w.+-,'wwf n*&_.a,'.. ,.:,ew:w okorod.wtloioatWll+'VSArV Wo aAPAr, VVYt1IVyvvrs Pvv1!i'ryvvy'yk o vv.o f red asycIONTEELPERFUME••-A dainty marvel of refinement. JONTEEL COMBINATION' CREAM--AbSolutely in a Blass CLINTON, ONTARI0, ` t to Vtr„�, ,iF iF iF * * C• C. I• PROMOTION RESULTS by itself, JONTEEL FACE POWDERExpressly for thdse who waist the best. JONTEEL TALCUM—You will be satisfied with.nnthing,else JONTEEL TOILET WATERThe best in the world. SOLD,ONLY AT THE REXALL STORE W. S. .6::..r c,..,, A..-1-.'il..CMS. 1.i1t11. B. BEST QUALITY DRUG STORE ✓AIVeevel even erfpeveeeae iV reevevV, VVVVMbNVVVg1Vve:vve9eeeete eekeke 1 oy1j OF CANADA 6 Incorporated 1869. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Capital and Reserve Total Assets 576 Branches A general banking business transact o Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to rent. R. E. MANNING, Manager $ 31,000,000. 430,000,000 ed. Interest paid Clinton Branch 1 1a INCORPORATE -El -855 .' —i° Capital and Reserve $8,800,00. O';er 100 Branches flrzy,..tc eteeel-an ^.reeled a,:—..A Banking will and wvattaccuaky ;;e: 5 7 on app ica- ti__,. , ..2,. J.2 vete of _ one of our __•rizgs irezlortmeot condtt'ctece c.. a:,?-tedate'syste:n. 1-1. R. SHARP, Manage' Clinton Branch 1 The cs••w".c`saa7.�i'�• ` t/ _�.�ces[rr, 'tea ^saute aan�•>,Es�� - dvms,..�rx 0 ak.1 a rtMaltiZaidffeziaM c7r�}.� t vs ,v,-ozuv flanaGILial =MUM keellelo=a2setr xonneeeceloseei ovm cam:CEPea, m Safi LIMILLIMays 1416221 17.012. 112013. 10 MILTI s,mvsnaIEM�cas-..,a�,...,... ©:tw ZSarb OIA/l1li,.,, fl N THURSDAY JULY 24th, 1919 , W. HO Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers.. ,* k MASONS ELECT F. WHARCOURT GRAND MASTER ,-?3,zeiber JT nu ry . ,for 4;4, eta®®®eP;Ik •oesustiosetseeopeCseseit e * ., s•• ,w ,4 :,E a. aF 0 1/s ca -k 4a a: >k aF * >r: ti 1;qp "'URGES CONSUMERS •MEN AND EVENTS n, Over the l autliJf i TO SET .IN COAL 't' et a:* FORM I TO FORM 11 i; meeddemi,eeteteeteeserpiWeecor cb2a1(nwatm; 1.1? Cuift Announces Largos:. Meeting In Miss Je t n ' ^It, 0f Tnroutu is isit- Hbuars'—AlicetMusitrd, \Viuuie Mc v Math 1411tri0u Mel wen, History at Eloetions • ( tng;;it. the parental home. - Past;—!corns • - Allenheid, Myrtle ,lir, S, Haws 011of Luniloit, Milled Armstrong, Jennie • Ball, Edward Tire report of the itlmitt a cin at O, WI M'ater's last week, Berry,.' Eva pottck,- parry Combe, - Credentials at session of the Masonic A71ss L, Suddtok, of Lundin, is the Nesbitt •Cook, Margaret tiet Cree, Grand Lodge of Canada is Ontario an- guest of •the. Alisses .Bawden, Vera Dodds, Fred L'Iliott, Jean Fargo-. iunrnecd° that, instead of the 4100 del rye, Alvin Leonard is spenilin a'few hat', Glen Ferguson, 11elen.Grigg, Antra egtes estinutted to be in attendance g 11111, ,lean Hogg, Gladys Holland, Geo- at the sixty-fourth annual comntunica- .t}'`ekS with rehttives in Guelph; xt•ge iforsley, Badly Bunter, Clarence• Honethere were- actually 1,3.83 inti;-' Mr. and Mrg; Pennebaker, were vis- ' Jackson, Harold hawson, !;dna Mc, victual registrations. These represent ittrs at Goderlch on Saturday. V 'i Cowan, Annie McFarlane, Frtthk Match, a vote of 2,015 and constitute the !erg- 1 Mr. Holmes, of Port 'Arthur, is visit• 1 Muriel Potter, Ada Reid, Helen Rober- est attendance in history of the Grand ing his sister, Miss Jennie -Holmes. . i ton Edith Sampson, Harold Scruton, Lodge in Ontario: Tire comnlittte ale . Miss Barbara Mclvor 1s on her holt,. Bert Similar), Garret Smith, Abigail so reported that there were 470 lodges days for the next couple of weeks, ' Stewart, Freda Sterling, Leona Taylor, in the Jurisdiction, 286 of which were p Roll. Sampson, Grace Verner, represented by the Masters, 67 by Mr, Walter Jackson, of Brantford, proxy. and 3 * by Past Masters, making Is holidaying in .town and at Burks', a total of 387 lodges• registered, Mr., Robert McDermott spent the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, Mr, 1', W. Harcout, K. C., of To- week end at his'old home in Ingersoll. O _ COMBINE THE ISSUES 0, been elevated from the Deputy Grand Was a welcome visitor in town this 0 rondo, Is the Grand Minster having Major E. 01, McLean, of London, I 00 Mastership unopposed The ' Grand week. O Toronto, 1e.—Special 0 Treasurer; 1E, P, Malone, of4•Trortnto, July 4 wa, returned h, office by acehuuation, Miss Je'ssia O'Neil will tape a pusi- O to the Landon Free Press.— O is was also I'11e Grmnd Secreta,• W. lion on the Alymer School stein Sep - 0' The Goverment has decided 0 y, tentber. O to take the prohibition plebis-. ,O a1, Loan, of Hamilton. • , 0 cite and to hold the general e- 0 New Officers Installed Mrs, Coulter and daughter, 'of Part :O lection on one• and the saute 0 Among those' attending the Grand.Arthur, are the guests of Miss Jennie , 0 day, The reason advanced for 0 Lodge this year is R. W. Bro. 1f, •T Holmes, i , O this is that it ss 11 save the peo- 0 Smith, w•hct is Grtutd Scribe "E" of -.Mr, Russell Moore, of Winnipeg, O pia of the province a good deal 0 the Gr:rnd Chapter of Royal Arch, a11E01,a is visiting with relatives and ' 0 of time and labor -if they can 0 Marion . Of 20.000 R, A. ,1ilasons, .t•t'iends, 0- dispose of the plebiscite and 0 1,900 were cm active service in the •Mr. Bert McCreath, of Goderich, 0 elect a government with one 0 Great War, The election results were. gave The New Era a ca!! Last Thicesday 0 visit to the polling booth, 0 anouneed and the re reInc, ny of in- :afternoon. ' 0 The date has not been fixed 0 stabling the following officers was Alessi's. W. Watson, S, Chellew, and . 0 but will probably be in the fall 0 proceeded tvifh: Granit Master' P. W. , 0 There are other reasons said 0 Harcourt, K. C.. 'Toronto; Deputy G. 1, Logtua all ofBlyth were i0 town O to have moved the Govern- 0 101., W. M1, Puntcnt, Belleville; G. l:c;t Friday.. e 0 tentto take this sty '• The OSeat,r\Warden, '1'. Bai,er. 7to t�• Mr. Erskine* ' Evans left t trs eek to 0 effect will be to turn the at- 0 G. Junior Warden, Al. Wilbee, brant- work.on °the farm of Mr, Junes Snell 0 tention of the electors 0101051 0 lord; G. . Chaplain, 13. IL Purchase, in ilulleti. 0 wholly to the tenlpeanlce issue. O Toronto C. Treasurer, George Mc- Nurse Irene 11a!nles. of Puri Arthur, O 0 Let: li Board of Geni'ral Purposes, was the tine i.1 of Miss Jennie Holmes O LUCAS DENIES £T O R.- le Richardson, n Strathrnt; E. S. last week, O 0 ma.), 11111 1 1 W. 1, Scope, Grim,. 1ir, Bert L1111,1td and Mlr, Herb 0 7oron.o,1 : A. C;o.v;nt• 11 Fie J• A,-Grah1111 Juh .t,—Rumors 0 Tor,nt :nd ( Moore. Hamilton, Jenkins motored down to Lundin last 0 th',t the Provincial sal Gcavern- 0 to '1ltuhrsd;ly 0 51::11 meat: w pre.; •;tate a O It t ,n•1 aunt_ 111 decided 11 1 lull a ,' tv,u• , amnia; a,runmuat_ .'lir. Constantine, •Mlulsun Bank nt,tna.. Q general'election i i he fall; :11 0 cation ,4 the 'dastn,ic Grand Lodge ger, at Teeswater, was. 111 WWII 011 0 the state time that thepr, n1 0 ; f 1.,11•I t t in Ontario at the City of Wednesday' 0 itio.n referendum is taken, 0 \i:i'.,ul i'alls, 1tt •i,,. St. Thomas Airs, laugh Miller, Id Brooklyn, N. Yrs O rinds no confirmation at the ; 0 1111 i'e,: i nt.uuoned in this anwec- is the .' 1 O r arli:finent Buildings, Premier 0 guest of her daughter, rs, Hearst flan• Thos, Hawkins, 0 arse !s out •i the city today, 0 D. D. G. M's Elected Mar, Lloyd Wilkin, who is e.0 the O tion, I. B. Lusts, when inter- 0 •I•he t 1! '.wi;e.4 •Fere elected as Die. Afulsun Bank staff :u Exeter, was Inoue O t•ietwefi denied all. knowledge 0 tri't i'cput, i;tand Alasters: for the week end. O ,,f ;any such intention on the 0 Brie A. l:. .l"nes, \Vheatle�•;,Eria O pant e.1' Government. An 51- 0 lir, and Airs. Murray Jackson, 1 0 nnnncement of that nature, he 0 (a)' G. E. Hill, St, Thomas, St, Port Colborne, are holidaying in town 0 . sant, is like the famous report 0 1 lair, J. D. ,1 _rrisoe, Thedford; and at Burk's Camp, 0 of Mark Twain's death, grossly 0 London, A. 1 (Ferguson, Konutka; O ex:agger:Ued, O S"nth lluron, F. A. (;opus, Strat ,Hiss Amy Howson of the ,\lolsons' O If Wilson, R. U. Montgnute,.y,, Baulk staff is spending her holidays with Woodstock; fi:unilfint, 12. 411. Fosse;• friends at Georgetown. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IJ;Onilton, Niagara, John Herod, • Thorold; Toronto East, W. D. q� HOME Toronto; Ontario, G. W. P. SOLDIER HOME h very, Whitby; Prince Edward, C, J. Symons, Belleville; frontenac, A. W. Gray, \Vesport; St. Lawrence; Gnt•, Douglas Shipley, M. Brown, Lyn; Algoma. G. Snaith, Kendra; Nipissing, L. B, Dibblee, ' Enlisted with a battery at Toronto Espanola; Muskoka, 13. C)Ipsham, in 1916 and saw some of the heave Gravenhurst; Victoria, 1). W. Walls, Beaverton; Fasten, 11. H. Kerby, tightinge.in France and Flanders. Pae Hawkesbury; 'i'emiskaming, C. G. escaped without wounds. He arrived Williams, Timmins; Brant, ,J. E. Ander- borne last week, 3 son, Scotland and Gray, S. S, Foster, • Wiarton, North Huron, T. H. Gibson; Wellington; W. Woolner; 'Georg- ian District, E. B. Brown; Tor- onto :vest, Dr, Emerson Bull; To' - ,onto 'Centre 13., E. W. E. Saunders; Ottawa, r. A. Henry; Grey. A. A, Adams, WespErni ort ?hove 146 Estimates Given A. E. WOOD Inerior and Exterior Decoraling aniZialt t.tSCl'lSd3YPVUZIM3mu11150 • E:l11i unaTmn®aaes, urmntml.s cnrmemitertzermr Ray.Zxa•,cr===r Mar /nf}FAi:10 We protect your Roars, furni. ture, etc., by plenty of drop sheets. Wall Papers, Mouldings, Signs, Etc, 81 Isaac Street SUGAR The Car Special price 2,5 Sugar by floe Bag, for cash, for two weeks, Get, your supply for the preserving season, S°nreit� The Morrish Clothing Gob "A i. SQUAREDR'ATy FOR EVERY MAN" THE kC`(713 GROCER • Phone 48 Canada Food Board License No, 8-1495. Financial Statement For the year ending May 31, 1919, receipts on general account exceed- ed those of the previous year by 59,706.75. Receipts form lodges and interest on investments were $95,- 159.73, a gain of 89,706.75. There was a decrease in 1919 in expend- itures for ordinary purposes of $3,- 394, the amount expended being $21,286.14 Total receipts were $107,516,35. These moneys were dis- tributed as follows Orndinary expen- ditures on general account 821,286. 13; grants on benevolence from gen- eral fund, $35,725; invested in de- bentures and Victory Loan Bonds, 045,992,01•; cash in bank 0n May 31st, 1919, $4,513.21. Expendittir- es in grants of $35,726, show a de- crease of 82,980. Assets total $282,- 734,87, comprising general fund 8'178,398.02, and semi -centennial fund 8104,336.85. Membership Increase There was an increase of member- ship of 3,705 to 69,775, There are now on the register of this Grand Lodge 468 lodges, of which 455 are warranted and 13 are under dispensation. Of these thir- teen, Metropolitan ' Lodge, Toronto, and Imperial, Lodge, Toronto, have had their dispensatiotis continued from 1918. Disabled Soldiers A resolution was passed by the Masonic Grand Lodge that the admis- sion of disabled soldiers to the various lodges shouldbe left to the discretion of the lodges, and ,the Grand Master, Births, Marriages & 'Deaths Births . McDougal•cl. —1n Tiverton on' July 8th, to Mr. nand Mrs, Hugh McDougald, (nee Miss blay Walker, Bruceiield) a daughter,' / Deaths HOLLAND;—In Mullett Township, on Friday, July 18th, Wiliam Lloyd, Sot Mr. iL W. Colquhon, wife and fam- of Mr, and.Mrs. 'Noble Holland, aged ily, of Winnipeg, are the guests of the 19 months. fornter's sister, Mrs, Kennedy, Ontario Marriages Street, Mrs, A. J. McMurray and POWBLL—POTTER;—On Wednes_ Mrs, Harty Fitzsimons were also s!s• day, July 23rd, by Rev. S. Anderson, tens pf Mr, Colquhon. of Ontario Street, Miss Edna 'Jessie, (Stratford Beacon); Sergt, Stanley daughter of Mr, and Mi's, Frank It, Sutter, Charles Street, arrived home Powell to Mr, Clarence Victor Potter, yesterday after over two years' service son of Thos. J„Potter, of Goderich , overseas with the Canadian Army ban- 'rownship, tai Cot'ps,. The soldier is a brother of Mr J A Sutter, of town .Hiss Graca Shepherd, e.1 Ottawa, Is • visiting her mother, Mrs, T. Shep- herd, Townsend Street. Mr, Bert Lott, of Brussels, is call- ing on customers in town ton next eIhristntas Greeting cards. Rev. W, Cluff of Stratford, and Lieut, Rex. Clutf were visitors hest week with Mrs„ 11, J. Cluff; of town• Mrs, H. G. Fisher and two children, of Denver Col., is visiting her sister- in-law, Mrs, R. 1E. ,tanning. . Miss Hattie Greig, of Toronto , 15 spending her vacation with: her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. 'Greig, Mr. Ed. Floody, of Toronto, is spending his vacation with his wife and son at the hone of Mr, and Mrs, H. B. Chant, Mrs. A. J. Holloway returned Mon- day after spending a month with her • daughter, Mrs, 1. R. Rattenbury, at Peterboro. Miss Emma Levis is taking the or- gan !n Willis church during the ,ab- sence of Miss Torrance for the next few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Switzer and two daughters, of Toronto,- returned to their home after visiting with Mr. C. F. Libby for a week, Misses Winnie Thompson and Maude Wilise went to Kincardine last week where they are attending the Chautau- qua, which is being held there. (Lucknosv Sentinel;)—Miss Lois Holmes, of Clinton and Miss 133ntily Mc- Arthur, of Goderich, were guests of Miss Clara McQuillin the past week. Mr. A, T. -Cooper took the services 'at Ethel of Sunday and' also attended a meeting in the interests of the Tem- perance Society at Gon•ie on Tuesday. Mr. Thos. Graelis, of Toroitu, has been renewing old acquaintatices in town, Mrs. Graelis and daughters have been visiting here for the past week or SO. Lieut. V:01 J, A, Cooper and fancily, of Toronto, are visiting \villa the for- mer's another, Mrs. Wm, Cooper. Col. Cooper has only recently returned from overseas, Corporal Smith, of- Curries, recent- ly returned from France ;and his alter, Miss 1 pigeon, and Miss Start and her two nephews also from Curries visit- ed at 0. W. Potter's over Sunday. The old friends were glad to see Mr, Earn O'Neil but again - after his long siege at the Clinton Hospital, They all hope that he will regain itis old time strength during these, fine days. Mr. and Airs. W. S. Knight, Alliston, announce the engagement of their :infighter, Elia Bender, to lir. T. Sam- uel 1-1. Gralcanc,'Al. A., former C, C. I. teacher here, The marriage to take place in August. HURON BOYS HOME Pie, A. lleinbecker, Wroxeter, Pte, E, D. Reid, Seaforth, Ottawa, July 28,--111 a state.: Ment of the coal. situation Sir George I'oSter urges all Canal- Ian ? .knit; D -S to protect their fuel . requirements by piecing their orders at once. The atete- ntent s1}5 there is little nota for hope that the Arte, of an- thracite will fall •and wit the other hand it will. probably ad- - ,uance e. e S• if .. 11 y * IF ,W •, iF tif es 1. LONDON CONSERVATORY EXAMINATIONS The London Conservatory of Music announces thefollowing results of its ntldsununer examinations recently held in local centres in Huron County. Pass. 65 marks, honors 75 marks, first-class honors 85 marks. SEAl;ORTH Grade 1--Piano—Marie Flannery 86. ZURICH Grade 2--Piluto—Mabel Preeter Buloine Geiger 70, Grade t—Piano—Newell Geiger 73. lnterntedlate. Singing—Mrs. Lydia Geiger 85. Junior — Singing—Euloine Geiger 89, Elva Heyrock 851,; Newell Geiger 62; Isla -Thur 821,/j. HENSALL Grade 2—Piano—Grace Chapman 79, , Grace Cooper 75;:, Dorothy •Walsh 62, Perris Cantelon 72. • Grade 1—Piano—Carol Evans 85, Colenso •Salter S7 S;, Beryl Salter 86, Bessie W tt nil 67, Juni01 Sin!ing—Gladys Petty S6, :virs. AlabellevRennie MR. R. 14, COATS, of Ottawa and former Clintimian vos 1 visitor in town over the week end. Mr. Coats is Chief Dcenini ec Stttisticae ::^,d 5:nittrwller of the Census. ' PEACE CELEBRATIONS GCDERICH MAN . IN HURON COUNTY. F EC ROCUTE \'s; _._ 4a1 n^.h`nnt. Jany 20.—'i'Ite Peace Qlal cel1F.ation opened yesterday about Harry Watscn, Electrician, Touches a 10.);; with ;t procession, headed by the. Live Wire.—Accident ,At Dairy.— Wire Touches His Arm'Above Rub- ber Glove. Goderich, ,July 53,—A fatal accident occurred Isere about 5,3o ttcluck this r0-,:rn_.•nl 't1 Bissett Brothers' dairy, Saltford, \whe.t 'Harry Watson, a proal. Inert electrician of this town; . was electrocuted. Watson had been w'Irking at the dairy all day and had almost com- pleted his work, when a high voltage :vire slipped out of his hand and touch- ed his arm above. the rubber glove. throwing him against ;mother live wire where he met instant death. The victim was about 40 years of age and had lived here all his life. He was a son of the late Capt, W. Watson, He is survived by his widow, mother and tido brothers, George and; Fred, both of town. 4 r6 • WITH, TRIC �CIICTRCilHS e • L •• IFF•• e•Qta•tfl• r eskoe'8 eo Willis Church The Pastor will preach on Sunday. Morning subject:—"A day Off" at Lake Galilee. In the evening .'Won- der”—the beginning of knowledge. The Pastol leaves on Friday, August 1st for his vacation at Bayfield and Rev. Dr. Stewart, of Toronto, a for- mer pastor, will preach in his absence. Wesley Church ' Mr,• James Doherty will sing by special request "The Lord is My Light" by Alliston 011 Sunday evening. Ontario Street Church The meeting was in charge of the ,Social and Literary Committee. A chorus was sung by three girls—M. Holland, R. Evans and B, Jervis. There were questions on Bible Study and a contest "An Automobile catastrophe" which were enjoyed, Baptist Church The services on Sunday next will commence at their usual hours, 11 a. in. and 7 p • m, ' The pastor will preach at both net' - vices. CHURCH NOTES Rev, D. Wren, M. A„ Mount f=orest, formerly of Brussels was elected Presi- dent of the Summer School that has been meeting annually at Wiarton, Rev, Dr, S. D. Chown recently re- turned to Toronto after visiting most o fthe 'Canadian Conferences. To do 'this he has travelled 9,300 miles since May 8th. He left again on July. 7115, to deliver an address et the Mietho- dist Centenary at Coltinibus, 0„ ort "World Reconstruction," Rev. Mir.• Goma, of Blackstock, will shortly become pastor of Pipe River Presbyterian Church, a call from that congregation having been dealt with recentlysby. the Maitland Presbytery in Wingham at a special iseet,ing, Mr, Gomm was pastor at Dungannon for many years before taking the pulpit at Blackstock two Years ago, Ilea is a specialist in young peceple's work and music, and was ut chorister in a large choir in England when it bey, Broke Arm mer twinning, :i to 2. After this the. While cranking a car on Tuesday 1 crowd paraded the town. Two or - night Oliver :Murphy had his right chestras provided music for dancing on arum broken, large floors laid for the occasion, Lo'Tsthree took piace at Victoria Park, Fight At. �eafortir At dark n tine display of fireworks • rinks of bowlers were art refreshment booths did a rushing bus;• Seaforth of Wednsclay afternoon for nos all day and this revenue, coupled: a friendly game and lost: em several alter aurae., Miss Cleia Danford, daughter of Mr. .will +•, uoo Janes 1)tniford, of town, who Inas fin- Vacation Time, sized ams' is for theSot- tions; q ishedher probationary course at Har- During vacation time ninny of .our tilers' Men I :lieite a expgenses with that Tdly per S` hospital, Detroit, passed her citizens will have visitors end Tho New of the day tinted by ;1111 examinations with honors and has Era will be glad to receive any intima- tnnnt,factur. ' donated neallyt now entered upon her course as a • tion of salve, Kindly phone or drop 6600, and a 1,,,e 5.111n was granted by nurse=ilr-trninirrg,the 1le'ws,in at the office, rite Town Council. returned ::Alters, with the Citizens' 0and. In the parade were a large nuiri,er r+f children, dressed in no's.. .1 number of ;unintais, rep- rei.enting a circus. 'fete, number of i'+ the pr,,cessior was the larg- e 1 ,'ser seen in Winsham, a large number of then: being occupied by the families of returned soldiers. At the pari` :ddresses' s5Aere giver, 1'v Dr. T. Bale, resident clergy. and others. The Choir, composed of local and outside talent, rendered ap- propriate music. The afternoon celebration was car- ried out in the park, where foot races were freely indulged in. The spdrts, games and Jolilications carried on eve,'y moment of the day. In the evening the streets were al- most impassible. From 10 to 12 o'clock a great dance took place on Main street. The music was provided by the Citizens' Band and other.locat3 talent. Mayor Gurney presided and Was well supported by a committee, comprising A. •Cosens, T. Fells, W. Greer and others. i •Goderich, July 20.—Probably-never in its history has Goderich had such 'e celebration as that of to -day, when soma 7,000 people, from all over the county, turned out to celebrate Peace Day. The different committees had been on the job for two weeks and the result3 easily justified their efl'ftrts,. The town, particularly the business section around the square, was elabor- ately decorated with flags, banners and streamers, while the business melt fixed up their fronts. with evergreen, and'"flags, in the evening the square was lit up with hundreds of 'Chinese lanterns. The day's .program started at 7.30 .e na., with the blowing of whistles, ring- ing of bells an an auto parade, in which nearly all the autos in town took part, At 10 o'clock the 'big parade, consisting of decorated floats, autos, calithumplatl5 and clowns, head- ed by the band, and followed by the Town Council, ten veterans of '66 anal the local war veterans, about one :tun-• dyed in number, After the procession speeches were made by the mayor, Rev, A. L. G. Clarke, Dr. Evans, nephew of Lloyd George, ,Lieut. Jean Picard, officer of the French army in the -first battle of the Maren, and Dr. George Adams, of Montreal. The last three spoke inter- estingly of the event,declaring it the .neatest day the world has seen since the coming of Christ, After dinner a program of sports was put on in the square for the children ;old later for the older ones, all be- ing keenly contested, The presence of some 40 Y. AL 0, A. boys froyt London, who are camping at Poll!. Fend, added interest to the events, they taking a fair share in the evants, The tug of-walr proved to be the best event, five teams being entered, but the hardest pull was 115 pull -oft between the Goderich Township farm- ers and the Western Canada Flour `'lilts teams, the result being a tie, the last pail taking 35 minutes, Following 1 supper the local and Goderich base. ball teams played- a good game, the for- u