The Clinton New Era, 1919-7-17, Page 2PAGE 2
M+arwx�.v«•nnaw.....».w u„ ua,-+.ww
`,j*ip p`,7L'a,4a00)4 %Etd=44:00 70
Every day pr
Fashion Day
04 WI 4
New Organdies
New Voiles
Silk and Lisle Hosiery
Thin Underwear
Wash Skirts
Pretty Cool Dresses
nw5 fy�
. Hot Weather forces a ruslii for
Cooler Goods. Fortunately we have
made extensive preparations for just
such emergency,
Every Lady will find our.collection
of Summer garmenfs up-to-date in
every way that making a choice will
he a pleasure.•
Summer Sacques
New Kinmonas
Pretty Parasols
New Neckwear
New Frillings
Pretty Cool Waists
C ! C a la Grace Corsets
For the hot Weather
CC a La Grace" is -a name that means
something. It means soinething because
every section and every gore of every
Corset has been carefully designed and as
carefully put together to .fit the figure like
a gllive.-
Priced from $1.50 up to $8.00 eAreAN°322
.. _ -.. .. SELF-REDUCI N J
Trains Going Mirth
11, 1 7 a.m. 6.40, p. m.
aiTiilrie Gait; Sot i(i
S.20 a.m.
4.15 p. ms.
Train �oiiij's7it
6.33 a.m. 2.52 p. m.
Trails Ging West
11.11 a. m. 5.45 p.m.
91.Is p. m.
Childre:n Cry
A correspondent of the Toronto
Globe tells of a little Ontario girt whb
was askedhow Many houses of par-
liament there, were. "Two, she ans-
wered; "the Nouse of Commons and
• the House of Refuge." • Out of the
mouths of babes and sucklings!" ,
Look for
the name:
All in seated
t'ielpS appetite
and diMe$tion.
Three flavours.
not enough to make
R tG Y good.? we
must KEEP it good until
You get it.
Hence 'the sealed_ package
preserving the delicious con-
tents—the beneficial goods►.
_ ,
Thursday, Jtily 17all, 1 91 9.
1IatoNewsCif the istric
The notice of the death of Mrs. Jas,
McDonald cause to es as a surprise on
Tuesday east, i'Ite, hate Mrs. MCDOI1s
iild was for ar 11uinber of years it resi.
dent of Goderich but in her younger
years wasen hid time resident of thiS
place, She was proceeded by her
husbandless than one yetis ago who
tiled in October last, Mrs. McDonald'
was brmtght from Goderich and interr-
ed in this cemeteil 00 Wednesday
last, The services were attended by
her many relatives, her sols William
from Huntsville, Muskoka, Allen from
Gaderieh, Wilfred from Kitchener and
Mr, and Mrg, Buchanan and family
from Goderici, Mrs, McDonald lived
lo the good age of 78 years and to the
end lived up to the Presbyterian faith.
The Methodist Church will hold
their Garden Party on Friday evening,
July 25th. ;The Clinton Kiltie Band
have been engaged and other musical
talent will take part.
A meeting to organize the Township
of Mullett in connection with the corn-
ing referendum Campaign will lie held
in the Presbyterian Church, Londes-
boro 00 the evening of Thursday, July
24th, at 3 Those interested are
asked to attend.
11115s Kate said Miss Julia Brown,
pupils of . Miss Alice Bell have passed
their harmony and rudiment examina-
tions in connection with the Toronto
Conservatory o7 Music. • Miss ,Julia
taking honors.
Miss Mae Caldwell is visiting friends
at Glencoe and Ailsa 'vraig,.
Miss Sadie Mahaffy, of Clinton spent
the week end at the, home of Mr.
Win. Cit:dwell, Londesborb,
Misses Jewel and Gladys Grainger,
of Hullett, left on Saturday on a visit
with friends -in Toronto, Thorold, Port
Hope and will make the trip among the
Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence
beforer.returning home.
Mr. Lloyd Kalbfleisch, tt student
of the Waterloo College and 'Then•
logical. Seminary was sueccssful, til
obtaining the Lawry Scholarship
Prize, tvit4ctI was awarded to the
student obtaining the highest per-
centage at the Final Examinations,
Another of the .well-known cit-
izens of this section passed sud-
denly away a this' home here on
June 3011'. in the person of ,John
C. Kalbfleisch. The deceased was
assisting to clean out the soft
water well when Me was stricken
with heart disease and. died soon
after. He was a titan of sterling
character and wars one of the pio-
neers , of this section. Ile came
to Flay Township when still young
lad and has lived here ever since, He
conducted a saw mill on the 14th con-
cession for many years and .when he
disposed of it went to Zurich to reside,
where he has since resided. He was
twice married. Of the first union five
sons survive, Fred G.; of Zurich, and
Charles,, Adolph, Edmund and George
Of Detroit. 'These with Itis second -
wife Mourn a loving father and gond
Mayor 'Pointe, M, P. P. wife and
family spent Wednesday at S. Me -
13xete'r, July 9.—Bertha Walsh and' Phan's
Charlie Patchen had a very hard Wine
i11 deciding the winner of the 2,10
rime, in the 2.30 class there were
eight horses started and they all ,aced
all the way,
l-Iorsenien present stated that MIS
,vas a most successful meet,
Named race, purse „200:
Irish 13111 1 1 5 1
Forest. aNty 13111 ,,. ; .. , 3 2 1 2
lloy hunter ' 4 3 2 3
Silvel Eel - 2 5 4 5
Time -2,35, 2.34!4, 2,29, 2,29 r/
2,30 class, purse 8300.
Bob Abdell
Queenie Snaith
Senator Walkes
The condition of Mr, R. C. McGow-
an who had the misfortune to fell from
the scaffold in his barn, is not yet 'very
satisfactory althought it is thought
that his Injuries will not prove serious.
Misses Ashton and Garbett left on
Friday for their respective hones in..
Howick and Lucknow. They will not
be on Blyth teaching staff when school
resumes, havine resigned, and we 1111-
derstand will take up their profession
in the West,
Pte. Archie Sorters arrived home
quietly on Saturday night, no one, so
far as weknow having any intimation
that he 50115 On his way.honie, thus the
absence of friends and citizens to ex-
tend the welcome that otherwise would
have been.- however. we are all pleas=
ed to see him looking so well after the
strenuous months of warfare which he
went through. Pte. Somers went over
seas with the 161st Band but tater
transferred to the Ambulance Corp 'and
spent 1n5ny months in France and Bel-
Mr, and Airs. Jonathan Bentley
were enjoyed on Friday by the atryiv-
•l Lfrinia-overseas of their sun, 'Sapper
II. M. Bentley, accompanied by Ills
wife and they will for Onetime being
slake their home in Blyth, Sapper
Bentley enlisted •on Jan, 11th, 1910,
with the 113th Can. highlanders, of
Lethbridge, Alberta, but a few days
L•ler transferred to No. 2, Tunne114ng
Co and on the 15th left for ilramshott
Camp, linglend, landing there in Febru-
ary. '1'Ite beginning of the following
month he was•drafted to France, mak-
ing his first trip to the trenches of the
Ypres salient on March where he had
continuous service from that date un-
til August 1t117, when hewas wounded
In the foot at Sterling Castle during an
advance. at 4.30 a. 11. He was through
MI engagements on the Ypres front
during the period mentioned, including
the tattle of Ypres, ,lune 2nd, 1916,
and June 17, 1917'. Froin the 20th
of August, 1917, he was in 05rioils hos-
pitals far 1reameet and tuns ,afterward
attached to the C. A, S. 0, at Witley
until his return ha Canada.' Sapper
Bentley was marled on November 13111
last to Miss Kate Farthoing, of London,.
England,. and • they left England Tor
Canada on the Graiipion, sailing front
Liverpool on June 23, arriving 111 Que.
lcec oil July 20d and home on Friday
etenln1' is above slatted,
131yth tall fair will be 'held on M011 -
day and Tuesday, September 22nd and
23rd, Keep the date in mind.
• Miss Margaret Cowan, wio has been
tan the to tchiisg •stdff of n business Col-
lege in Brandon, ' Mane is spending
Witte holidays with her parents, Mr.
and 1415, D, Cowan.
The application of Miss Viola Phil -
'pot of Owen 'Sound, to fill the-vacam-
1 2 1 4 5
7 1 7 3 1
2 7 3 1 2
Sid 1-1. 4 3 2 7 6
Time --2,1914, 2,191, 2.1954, 2,2054
2.20, 2,24 class,. purse 8300
Rose Stahl
Btleria Todd
Luerne McKinney
Mae McKinney
Time --2.24 %, 2,24 IA, 2.2434, 2,24 ;!
2.10 class, purse 8400,
Bertha Walsh , 1 1 2 1
Charlie Patchett ., 2 4 1 2
3 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
1 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
Miss Fern Symington is renewing
old acquaintances here.
Pte, Norman Mutch and Cpl. Bert.
Marsh arrived home on Friday.
• Major and Mrs. Beck, of 'Toronto,
are visiting friends in the vicinity.
Mr, Thos. Adams has his brother<
from Toronto visiting Min at present.
Mrs, (Rev.) Ross is in attendance
at the Summer School in .Goderich this
Rev. Mr. Milson commenced his
work as pastor of the Methodist cir-
cuit Last Sunday.
Mrs, G. .N. McLaren has disposed of
her, home on Alexander street to Robt.
Bowman, who will shortly move to
,town from Morris Township. The
price received was $1,700. Mrs. Mc-
t-aren will move to Midland, her for-
mer home,
David Ross., who has been a resident
of Brussels for the past 53 years, has
just celebrated his 93rd birthday. He
is wonderfully well for his advanced
years :and Is one of the presidents of
conning Old Boys' Reunion,
The 91st Regimental Bandof Ham-
ilton, Inas been engaged for two days
of the Brussels' Old Boys' Reunion,
July 23 and 29,
The seat at the Council board caused
by the death of Henry James has. been
declared vacant and the clerk\instruc-
ted to proceed with the necessary pre-
liminaries to till the office.
David Ewan moved to Londesboro
this week, where Ile has purchased a
blacksmith business.
�, Cy its Biyt•h Continuation School, was
eThe e
Flavour LastsBed at a Medea' of
h School
o rt held of Monday tight:
At a meeting id e`olltiection with
L 1i10011101110N111111010111111(01100111110111111010111111101111101111011110111011110 -
Blyth .Memorial hall, held, 611 Friday
eventing in Milne's llal„ 'Reeve Cutt
and Messrs. Mc"l'aggart, Riehnsatsd and
McClelland were appointed a commit-
tee to secure options on buildistg sites,
plans of hall, etc., and report at a meet
trig to be held Shortly,
Miss Florence Mcilnneld, of Detroit,
is spending hep holidays. with her Ivo-
ihers, J:Ones and Colin here,
Mr, turd Mrs. Perdue, 05 Texas, are
spending a few weeks with the for-
mer's sister, Mrs, Dal (iardner,
Mrs. S. McPhail and Mary are at
Kipper this week.
The Ladies connected with the Fur -
ward Movement of Bethany Church
are arranging for a Garden Party at
the house of Mrs. 5, McPliail's on Fri-
day _evening, July 25111 and have se-
cured Mayor 'I'olnnie lately returned
11'on France to give One of his stirring
addresses, Refreshment will be serv-
ed during the evening.
At the same home at11d7plaCe a recep-
tion will be tendered Corporal Alfred
McGregor, M. M, who 15 Just home
from France.
The sad intelligence reached us on
Wednesday of the death of Mrs.
George Forrest, at Uhesley, at' the
home of Airs. James Mustard, formerly
of our village. The deceased was a
resident of our village for a number
of years. Her husband. died a number
of years ago. The body was taken
from Chesley to our station and buried
at Bai.rd's cemetery beside her husband.
A number of friends met at our station
and attended the funeral service at the
grave. Rev. Mr, McIntosh officiated.
1Funeral services were also held at
Dr. Laudsbarough, wife and fancily
have returned to Daggett, ,Michigan
and Miss Elizabeth Landsborough to
Detroit, after visiting' at the home of
William Elcoat.
Mr. McClary and wife of West -
minister spent the week end at the
home of their aunt, MIS, Wm. Scott.
Rev, Mr. McMillan preached in our
011111'11 on Sunday •last,
Rev. W. D. McIntosh 'visited hast
week with relatives at Tiverton,
Miss Alice Ratteibury has returned
from visiting 111 'Toronto and other
Allen McDonald ,of Detroit, is visit-
ing his parents, 114r, and Mrs. Roderick
McKenzie, Stanley.
Pte, ,loin McKenzie has returned
from the West,
Miss Mole] E100111 has returned
hone after spending a very pleasant
week in Goderich with Miss Agnes
Middleton, of Ottawa.'
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Lindsay and
David Milson motored down to At-
wood on. Sunday.
Miss Mayme Hall returned toClin-
ton after spending her vacation with
her parents,
Berry 'picking is the order o1' the
day even on Sunday with some folks.
Mrs. John Clark has arrived from
the West and is visiting at her bro-
thers Wm. Rhin's' where she will stay
for some time.
Mrs. Robert Clark is visiting at Geo.
S. Stanley's at the Sou, Michigan where
his wife is very low.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Rogerson spent
Tuesday with friends in Tuckersmith.
Rev. Mr. Howson, of London,
preached a fine sermon on Ole Brother-
hood and took' up the ''Servia" cal -
Mrs. T. Rina and Miss Gertrude
Minn, and Mrs. J. Rina, of the West are
visiting friends in and around the
Mr, Jostle* Login Comments Upon The
Evitl:ence Given by Witnesses
I or,,ntu, July 111. — Declaring that
Mel elate was a shifty witness, and
ilia friend Allen little better, Mr, Just-
ice Logie, 14 a judgment at Osgoode
Ilan yesterday,dissulvecl the pallier -
ship which McFarlane had formed
with a youth, W. T. Madze„of Dungan-
non Village, Huron county anti grant-
ed Maize chunages against Alien. W.
T. McFarlane was a merchant in the
village, who became indebted to T. G.
Allen, who occupied to high position
in the community. McFarlane's busi-
ness was in had condition when he
persuaded Maize, who is a youth fresh
from high school, to become a partner
and turn into the business an inherit-
ance of 83,000. A considerable portion
of the stoney was used to make good
McFarlane's debt to Allen, McFar-
lane has now assigned.
A familiar figure in Seaforth passed
'sway at the home -of his nephew, Mr,
Colin McDonald, in Hullett, on Satur-
day last in Ole person of Alexander
McArthur, In his eighty-fifth year.
Mr. McArthur was born in Scotland,
but tune to Canadai as a young 1111111
and for a number of yetr,s trade his
home at the Queen's Hotel in town.
He made periodical trips to his old
home in Scotland and just returned
last fall from a three years' resi-
dence in the old land. ile had not
enjoyed good health for the past
year and this spring went 10 the home
of his nephew in Mullett. The funeral
services were held on Monday, inter.
tient being made in Brussels 'Cemetery.
At the close of the school tern the
pupils of S. S. No. 6, Hullett, present-
ed their teacher, Miss Edna Jamieson.
with a beautiful French Ivory set,
Master Carman Glidd0n read the ad-
dress and Miss Annie Stevens made the
Dear Miss Jamieson:—For some 1111te
we have been associated with one an-
other in the relationship of teacher and
pupils, and the news of your intended
removal from our midst, at the end of
this term, came as an unwelcome sur-
prise: We can but bear testimony to
the pleasantness and profitableness to
us of that relationship, and we hope
that your experience may have been
somewhat similar. We have ever foulid
you anxious to correct our faults but
also ready to pardon; sympathize with
our troubles, patient with our follies
and always eager to help us take one
more step along the path of knowledge.
But the best testimony of all will be
found in the lasting influence for goad
exerted upon the lives of those with
whom you were in daily contact.
We feel greatly indebted to you for
Ole interest you have always taken in
our welfare and would have you accept
this token of cur esteem for you, and
hope that in the future it may stir up
pleasant memories. Our earnest desire
is that all your future efforts tray'
meet with well -merited success.
It was with profound sadness that
the community received the news on
Monday morning that Mrs, Albert B.
13righana had passed away after an ill-
ness of only a few clays duration. Until
her condition because critical it was
not known generally, that she was ill.
and. the suddenness with which death
rinse caul a gloom of sadness over the
whole neighborhood. Deceased .was :If
woman of loveable disposition, a choice
character :and esteemed in the•com-
usunity in which she made her home
since her marriage two year's ago. The
late Mrs. Brigham was born on the 3rd
line of Morris in 1337 and was to dau-
ghter of the hie Wm. and Mrs, Moses
'the was 111.0(ied to her now bereft
husband by the Rev. Air, Mann, of Brits-
sets, on th 281h of February, 1 94 7, and
since made ha home with her husband
on fol 15, 1:1)10 12, 11ulich. Besides
her husband,- she leaves to mourn her
oss, a mother, two brothers, ,hones
Moues, of the 9th of (trey Twp„ Wil-
lie') aid Miss Elizabeth on the home-
stead en the 3rd of Morris, The fun-
eral which took, plaice on 'I'uesdtty af-
ternoon was, largely attended, service
being held at the house at 2 o'clock by
Rev. (leo, 'I cllord, 11, A., 13, D., pastor
of Si. Andrew's, Church, Blyth, follow-
ed by Interment in the Union Ceme-
The 5111001 picnic to Bayfield of the
Methodist and Presbyterian churches
•this week was a tine success. The at.
lend5nce was not a5 large as It was In
some previous years, but the weather
was suitable, the lake smooth end con-
sequently boating and bathing occupied -
most of fete afternoon and evening.
• W. H. Johnston is in Exeter presid-
iny at the entrance 1.0 Normal and ju-
nior matriculation examinations. Up
to the present this has been tt continu-
ation school with a very good record,
but is about to be changed into a high
school. As there is a is rge territory
around Exeter it is a splendid locati',n
for a large high school This year
there are 21 candidates for the middle
settee)] examination alone.
A fairly large representation, con-
sisting of the Rev., Ur. Aitken, Mes•
damesclunes J. 13. McLean and Finlayson,
Jarrott, Robert McLean 51511
William Finlayson, all front St, Atid-
re.w's-Church, attended the skimmer
school 111 Goderich last week and were
glad they event.
Di', Aitken is in Courtflght 10 visit
his parents for a week, He was ac-
companied as far as 13rigden by • the
Misses 131111' and Margaret and Sarah
Sinclair, who will spend a week with
their uncle end atilt, Rev, and Mrs,
Jahn Richardson. 5
Dr, Ruth C11111, of To1'011t0, who at-
comp'anied a pstlient tai bees home in
this t, V Y+
5 acinic - visited
Mr. and
Mrs W.
U onnday,. the patents of
Johnston,ton .
a fornur classmate of hers, Dr. Mary
Johnston, now in St. Jultti, New Bruns-
Miss Dorothy Gould, 'of 'Toronto,
dauglitalt cif the Rev. Mr, and Mrs,
William iaould, of ForthoSa, is here
'visaing her nu0lereus relatives,
Miss Lizzie Hunter, of Clinton, is
this week visiting friends on the 2nd
and 3rd concession.
Pte. Walter Moffatt and Pte. Wm.
McGregor arrived' home from overseas
this week.
Mrs, D. McEwen and Mrs, Neil Mc-
Gregor spent at few days visiting friends
in Tiverton.
Mr, and Mrs. Metcalfe, and daughter.
Mary, of London, are visiting at the
home of Mr. Thos, Campbell.
Mr. trod Mrs. Duncan McCowan and
Peter and Beatrice of McKillop, visited
at the home of Mr. John McCowan.
Leonard 1-] Older, son of De, And Mrs,
falacklin, the Victim
Goderich, Judy 10—Leonard 11.
Ole, r ,500 of lar, and Mrs. ,Macklin,
town, was drowned I:ue 01115 Altera
11;•;,a while 0101051pg in the 5101 at
:he ma,pti, of the river,
a':.e young uncut was on his way in
from the lake and when on the 5110111
the heavy seas that were nothing at
this point suddenly swamped hint and
he disappeared, The alarm was Im.
,mediately given, but it MIS too rough
I'1)' tiny boat to render aid. 'I'lte body
nee not vet been found,
The ctecc;ised was one of Goderich's
promising young Wren, a splendid
swimmer and can,euH. Fur the past
few months he was organist in the
Baptist church hese.
Besides his parents one brother,
1 -toad, survives,
Bodty -Found
floder'lch,. July 1.3 , --'Che hotly of
Lennard Macklin, drowned here Thurs-
dey night when his canoe upset, was
recovered last- night after a day's
search in boats, close to where the ac-
cident occurred.
Witnesses of the drowning say that
the young 01:01 regained his feet on the
shoal and sttirted out after his canoe
which was floating, when be was over-
come by breakers.
The funeral will be held on Monday
from St. George's Church to Maitland
While sing 'au auto in White-
church 'Tuesdpasay the horse 141011,1 by
Walter Lott. broke the lines and bolt-
ed' for Wtndeath ghan
u, but after goring sever-
al miles :vas captured before any dau-
age.was clone to. the rig, which was
'Tete took plaice on Sunday of
Joseph Smeltzer, of East Wawauosh,
1'ttetuueral took place front the tastily
residence 'Tuesday. Interment was
made in Wingham Cemetery.
Mr. W. Morton, sou of Mr. and Mrs.
1, A. Morton, of this town, who has
been manager of the Bank of,Hantiltou
in Regina, Sask, with supervision of
the branches of the baulk in Regina
district, has been promoted to the
position of pro assistant general mana-
ger of the bank with head quarters at
Hamilton. •M r. M'iorton was born and
bred in Wingham, procured his educa-
tion here and his early baulk training
iltnthe local branch of the Bank of Ham -
The Voters' List for that Town of
Wingham for 1919 have been printed
and was first posted in the Clerk's of-
fice on Monday. This year's list con-
tains 857 names compared with 324
last year.
Capt. W. Jefferson, wife and child
are visiting at the home of his uncle,
Mr. S. Bennett, Capt. Jefferson has
recently returned (rots Siberia where
he was in the medical corps for the
past couple of years.
Customs Officer 1-1. Davis has re-
signed from the position of issuer of
marriage licenses and Mr. W. G. Patter-
son and Mr, J. W. Dodd have received
appointments to issue these most nec-
essary of all luxuries.
Mr. Percy Carlisle, of Toronto,
spent a few days last week at his home
Mrs.' William L:unnlie 5855 in
Brantford attending a reunion of the
810010i of the Ontario School for the
Mr. Ben Caldwell , of Calgary,
Man., is spending a short vacation in
Hens:all and vicinity renewing old ac-
quaintances. Mr. Caldwell who was
once an employee at the "Old Estab-
lished” now owns as large store in Car-
berry where lie has stet with much
success. He served for five years in
the council there and also occupied
the Mayor's chair for a year.
One evening as Mr. Harry Price was
opening a bottle of soda water at W.
Acheson's the bottle exploded :and Air.
Price had two of his lingers badly cut
with the briken 5111551 Medical atten-
tinit was required before the flow of
blood could he checked.
On 'Monday afternoon what
might have developed into a serious
tire was prevented from becoming so
by the prompt' action of Ur, A. Moir,
About 2.30 p. m. Mrs, .Moir noticed
smoke issuing from, a shed at the
rear of the building uecupied by Steele
Brigs. Co, as an onion store house.
Slee called the; Doctors :411'stion In it
and when he iuveshgated he discover•
ed out 15111 of elle building blazine
away in good shape. Fortunately
there was a pump handy and the
doctor constituting himself :a whole
lire brigade, seized a pall and soon
had the lire extinguished. Upon
close examination it was impossible
to account for the starting of the lire,
there being no sign of paper, ashes or
anything else from which it might
Mr. Geo, ll. King, of Petaluma), will
have charge of the choir and organ in
North street Methodist church for the
next three Sundays.
Al the first sign of illness during
the hot weather give the little ones
Baby's Own Tablets or in it few hours
ire may be beyolld aid. These Tablets
will prevent sttnnrer complaints if
given oeEasianally to the well child
and will promptly relieve these Iran
tiles if they come on suddeilly. Baby's
Own Tablets shooId always b
every Maine where. there are young
children, There i
I s no other medicine
As good and the mother has the guar-
antee of a government analyst that
they are absolutely safe. The tab-
lets are %soldy nsedieine dealers or
m111 at 25� cents a box from The
1)1, ' ,ifliatns' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ont, •
Quarter master W. J. G. Holman,
son of County Clerk Holman, arrived
in town by the noon train today 'after
nearly five years'- service with the Can-
adian forces, Q -AL Holman enlisted
in the fall of 1914, went overseas early
in 1915, and served in, the Canadian,
Light Norse throughout the war, being
invalided by influenza only a few
weeks before the armstice was signed.
tie got through without once being
Dr, 11, L. Hickey arrived in town a
fete days ago to 50111 his wife, former-
lyvisiting Allen: Clark, ands now s gs Mr.
n of Isis wife's parents, home the t
. I
Mrs. h l incl..
Dr Hickey has
iv s.. of . Clerk. y
Just beat released from active duty 111
the U. S. Navy, in which service he
was a medical officer on the 13, S. S,.
Finland, 'the young people expeStto
leave Shortly for Denver, Colorado,
where they will snake their home
1lr, and Mrs, Albert Tosvnsend are
visiting in Kitchener.
The occatsslonal showers we are re-
ceiving are very helpful to everything.
The ground keeps very dry and rain is
needed often to keep things growing,
Miss Marion Alcock, of Holmesville,
visitant 1111 the Base Line hast week.
Master Lister' Davies, of Toronto,
spent the week -end at the Home of Mr,
Harry Hibbs. He is also visiting with
other relatives in the township.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trick and E1 -
mer spent the week -end visiting with
friends in Exeter.
Most of the fall wheat is now cut.
It is a very good crop this year. The
haying is nearly over too,
A large number from Goderich
Township tort}, in the big Orange cele-
bration in Exeter an Saturday last.
Many event down in curs instead of on
the train.
Mr. Edgar Trewartha is now using a
large truck for use on his egg and
cream route, He took a load of people
to Exeter on the t2th in it.
Mrs. H. Murphy had the misfortune
to trip over a wire and fracture her
arm, above the wrist last week. It was
a rather tuneful accident. Mr. and
Mrs. Lethwaite, of Dakota, are visiting
velth the latter's mother, Mrs. Murphy.
Mrs, Lelhwaile has been under the doc-
tor's care with a severe attack of
poison ivy
Airs Snider and children from the
West are visiting with the former's
parents. ,110, and Mrs, W. II, Lobb.
Mr, and Mrs. Davis, bf Toronto,
spent a few days withr elatives in this
Death of Keppel Disney:—Mr. Kep-
pel Disney passed away at his home m
on the Huron Road in his seventy-sixth
year on Friday evening of last week.
He had been confined to his bed since
Tuesday and died of pleurisy, Although
well up in years Mr, Disney has always
been a great worker. Miss Alberta
Disney who lived with him was visiting
in Wngham but reached. home Shortly
before the death of her father. - tMr. ,
Disney is survived by his wife, two
daughters and several sons. The fun-
eral- was held 00 Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Redmond, of Zurich, has re-
turned hone after staying with her
niece, Mrs. Herb Jenkins for a couple
of weeks.
A meeting to organize the Town-
ship of Goderich for the coming Ref-
erendum campaign will be held in the
Methodist Church, Holmesville, Friday
evening, July 25th at eight o'clock.
All interested are asked to attend.
(Intended for Last Week.)
There wall a large crowd at the
ice cram lawn social held on Mrs.
Acheson's law'lt at Holmesville last
Friday evening. The Methodist Sun-
d;i' School and Epworth League will
have a nice surplus from the proceeds.
Mr. Mike Stock, the cheese -maker,
of the 1lo1mesville factory is now using
a large truck to gather milk for the
factory and finds it very satisfactory.
Will Miller is running the truck.
The hay crop is very good on the
whole this year.
;lir. Glen Cornish of the Base. Line
had•the misfortune to lose a working
horse last week. It had :t leg broken
by another horse kicking it and had'
to he shot. The sante morning when
he went to the barn he found a fart
hoar head. Ths will be quite a loss too.
Th, cars keep the dust flying on
the roads these days.
Two large burner tanks passed
through Seaforth, for the north of Mc-
Killop on Thursday last. They wilt
be set up in the large pine district
there and used for the purpose of
burning:' the pine stumps and roots and
extracting the turpentine and other
substances from then,.
Mr. Charles Broadfoot, of rMoosejaw,
is visiting his mother, Mrs. 3, 11.
Mr, Con Eckert has sold his loo
acre farm ,to James Rivers, of town,
for 31200, This is one of Ole finest
farms in McKillop and we congratulate
hint on his choice. Ile is a hustler
and is sure to make a success of his
00 Monday evening last two boy.;.
Jack Walker, sun of 711r. and Mrs. W.
J. Walker, of town and a young son of
Mrs, William hart, of Egntondville.
met with a very serious accident. They
were watching a game of baseball at
the Race Track Diamond where they
climbed into a tree. An. tippet' branch
on which one of tate boys was sitting,
broke, and In his fall he dislodged the
boy below, both falling to the ground. '
Jack Walker received a gash an lis
face that required several stitches to
close and a broken aro, and ,tames
Hart suffered a broken arm and leg.
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