HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-7-10, Page 1r
13stttbltslled 1865, Vol. 54, No. 2 C L I N T O N, O N T A R 1 O, THURSDAY JULY 1001, 7019. 1tV, H. Kerr &Son, Editors and Publishers.
The New Eia Will be Sent to &New Subscriber till January 1920 for 60cs.
v iot.oW okeva 'vWW''vvvvvvyyvv vkovvvyvv.ow.:vvivvvyvvvvvykovriNy i
ZI T fITIONTEEL PERFUME—A dainty marvel of refinement,
yAyA JONTEEL COMBINATION CREAM—Absolutely in q class
by itself,
JONTEEL FACE POWDER --Expressly for those who avant
the best,'
JONTEEL TALCUM—You will be satisfied with nothing else
JONTEEL TOILET WATER—The best In .the world.
. S. ,- - 1 ,?Vt7 Pim. B.
Tile royal arpk
Incorporated 1869.
Capital and Reserve $ 31,000,000.
Total Assets 430,000,000
576 Branches
A general banking business transacted,
7 Deposits.
t ll
Safety Deposit Boxes to rent.
R. E. MANNING, Manager : Clinton Branch
Interest paid
Capital and Reserve $8,800,00.
Over 100 Branches
Start a Savings Account today,
in IThel MoI'so.ns Bank, and the
ready for opportunity when it
comes along.
Savings Department conducted on up-to-date system.
Fl. R. SHARP, Manager : : : Clinton Branch
•••ss .o•.•s.••.00 .. ...............H..
Methodist Church Gives Daniel Plum-
steel Dollar for Each year.
St, Catharines, July 8,—DaCiel Ira
Plumsteel born in Prescott county, Ont,
July 7, 1S19,•celebrnted his centennial
Yesterday. Sunday the congregation
of the Welland Avenue Methodist
church presented him with a purse of
gold—one gold dollar for each year of
his life. He has resided In St. Cathar-
ines and district for 65 years.
This remarkable man is a uncle of
M. Henry Plumsteel of town:
-- make a for the days lost Burin+ the O M,tde a "cerin of $10,00 for O
pY 6 O bilBsoards in town, O
Pupils Who, in 'September Next, Will Council Decides to Accept Mr. Cop.
Advence•A Cbiss Through Consci. nail's proposition to Close long.
entious Studies During the Year—
• Good -Showing Despite Loss of Time I '
During Influenza Epidemic. • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
dragged out Affair,
promotion lists for the public 0 WHAT COUNCIL DID 0
o o
schools are published to -clay and the O Will have bandstand painted. 0
results are very satisfactory, The 0 Made a rebate to G. W. V. A. 0
t 1 I d Ile t work to 0 on hall rent, 0
eac tern lave pre exec 1 WO -
t e e to to 0B 0'$! m d+"•+` 686 1 318 6,46 time of the "flu." For a long time 0 Will try and make settlement 0
ro 0 on the MaryO
A WITFI TITORCUURCURS• a neither teachers nor pupils were to a St, drain,
1 r w normal condition, and one 'of the Most 0 Will p urchase some benches 0
for Town halt park and Cense- 0
IIsm IP l51 m m m matype, O . SO 1" strenuous years in
the province has O tery. * 0
• Willis Church been passed though, The names are 0 0
Next Sunday morning subject:—
"A Great Transformation."
Evening subject;-"Peace—But no
Return to Folly."
Ontario Street Church .
The League meeting on Monday
evening was in charge of the Christ-
ian Endeavor Committee, Mrs. Ken-
nedy gave tate topic on "Transformed
Faces," Rev. Mr, Anderson spoke to
the Leaguers briefly.
Baptist Church
The Pastor will preach both Morn-
ing and evening.
The Sunday School will be ;tt 10
A, 7t.
The Pastor will take for his morn-
ing subject at 11 a. nn. "Christian
The evening service commencing at
7 p. ni the subject will be: "The Sil
1 ence of Jesus."
We hereby beg to an-
nounce the purchase of the
Clinton Coal Yards formerly
owned and operated by Mr.
A. J. Holloway.
We will handle the differ-
ent lines that he handled and
will in all probability add
We therefore solicit, and
by fair, square dealings will
endeavor worthily to merit,
your most liberal patronage.
—See ad. on another page—
given in order of merit. 000000000'000000
Pronto,. ons from Div. Ii to Div 1 The regular sleeting of the August
Total 975, ifouars 731, P1181 585, session of the Town Fathers met on
—Colenso Salter 812, Stella lylarquts Monday evening with Mayor Cooper in
808, Nettis McNeil 803, Carol Evans the chair and Reeve Ford and Council -
781, Beryl Salter 779, Ray 'Carter 768, lors Paisley, Langford, McEwen, Mc -
Elmer Paisley 75i, Wilbur Nelson 744, Murray, Johngon and Carter being sentpre-
Olive Lawrence 744, John Nediger ,
736, Eleanor Plumsteel 736, Kenneth Minutes Of last meeting was read and
Roberton 73.1, Willie Argent 729, Clar- confirmed.
ence Glazier 723, Bert McGuire 716, ; Mr. Snazel asked permission to erect
Donna Cochrane 713, Frank Seeley billboards on Main street and also of
706, Clifford Cooper 704, Wallace . Victoria street.
690, Helen Ladd 684,Fer
The W. V. A. asked for a rebate
uson Carter 683, Kathleen Taylor 672, on the hall rent. Counter 668, Jean Ford 667,
Sadie Gibbs 631. Councillor Carter moved that no per-
Miss Draper, Teacher mission be given to erect billboards,
Promoted from Division I1I to Division but he got no seconder to his motion,
D Councillor Johnson moved that a
rent of $10.00 be charged for the priv-
Honors—Billy Hovey, Bert Marshall, ilege of 10 billboards in the town to
Russell Pickett, John Livermore, Ethel he under the direction of the Council.
Hogg, Margaret Ball, Albert Killough, Reeve Ford seconded the motion.
Edgar Maguire, Arnold Venner, Tom 1 in amendment Councillor Langford
Jackson, Kenneth hunt. t and Carter made a motion that the nhat-
Pass.—Prank Latter, Oliver Murphy, ter of billboards be left over for future
Oliver Rands, Phebe Bolton, Ernest I consideration.
Ford, Bessie Cole, Edith Hill, Clyde
Kennedy, Earl Dodds, Viola Livermore, The amendment was lost on division.
Howard Gould, Burton Bolton, Eva 111111 the otion carried on 5 division.
1lavward. The Mmavnr gave the informatinu that
Recommended.—Catharine McTag-
gart, George Elliott, Madelon Hawkins,
Madeline Jones, Helen Cook, Luella
McCiinchey, Kathleen Livermore, Amy
E, L. Ford, Teacher
Promoted from Div IV to Div. 111
Honors.—Donna Stevens 381,6,1-,
Jean Plumsteel 87%, Marion Thomp-
Sou 36(;:,, Olive Watkin 84%, 'Carrie
Pickett 8t, Harold Livermore St, Mar-
garet Rutledge 79, Edith Johnston 75,'
Dorland Glazier,
Pass. — Irene Johnson, „ Frieda
Schoenhals, Cecil Cooper, Ruth Ball,
Dorothy Streets, Howard Graelis, Vera
Gould, Lila Crich, Marjorie Hale, Reta
Elliott, John Heilyar, Ruth Jackson,
Zenda Salter, Alma Compbell, Alex. Os-
baldeston, Arthur McGuire, Huron
Murch, Jack Mutcls, Myrtle Carrick,
Dorothy Ward, Fred Fowler, Ivan
Miss Stevens, Teacher
Promoted from Divvison V to Divisors
/ . (1'o Senior Class)—Honors:—Ber-
tha-Ramras, Howard Venner, Harold
Jervis, Florence Rorke, hazel Harris,
' ermor
Harold [Langford, Mo Livermore, Mortal Raiment.
Pass—Eva Cole, Reesor Forster,
Grace Coultes, Ross N1cEwan, Harriett
i-lawkins, Clyde 'Wheatley, Mary Wat-
kins, Nettie Taylor,
(To Junior Class).--donors.—Lorne
'Cook, Elva Cook, Alice Britton, Annie
Judd, Douglas Carter.
r Clara Gould,
Pass,—Florenl.e Huller,
Beatrice Pollock, WilmerDeeves, Jack
Lavas, Willi'6 Mutch, Sam Castle, Mar-
ion Mcftrten, Joe, Twyford, Jack Twy-
ford. + 1f. Courtice, 'reacher
Promoted from Division VI to Division
(A. Class)_Honors—Dorothy Man-
ning, Evelyn Hall, laugh Ladd, Madelon
Streets, Norma Stevens, Myrtle Cole,
Margaret Cudnlore, Albert Salter, Ed-
die Scruton, Jim Kennedy, Isabel Pic-
kett, Bill Ball. Honors— Mabel
(Senior Class)—
Carrick, Evelyn Johnstone, Kathleen
tiannent, Beulah McIntyre, Lena Bol-
ton, Grace Evans, Barttiff,
Jack Scruton.
Junior Class,—Edna Hayward, Mag.
gm Graells, Edith Glazier, Jean Weir,
Gordon Marshall.
Recommended—Loretta Latter, Wil-
lie McCiinchey.
Miss Stoddart, Teacher
Promoted From Division VII to Divis-
ion VI
The Morrish• Co.
Phone 146 Estimates Given
A. E
Inerior and
We protect your floors, furni-
ture, etc., by plenty of drop
Wall Papers,
Signs, Etc.
81 Isaac Street
Special price on Sugar by
the Bag, for cash, for two weeks.
Get your supply for the
preserving season.
Phone 48
Canada food Board License
No, 8-2403,
he had prnciaimed that Monday, August
4th would be Clinton's Civic.lholiday,
A petition from the ratepayers on
Rattenbury street, asking that Council
do not permit the Bell Telephone Co„
to place big poles on the street.
on notion of Reeve Ford and Coun-
cillor Langfnrdr—That a (Committee
consisting of Langford and Paisley in-
terview the petitioners on Rattenbury
street, re telephone poles as the Co.,
were going to run a cable instead of
wires on that street and report at next
Council meeting.
Committee's Reports.
Palk Committee:—Grass has been
been.cut and diamond levelled; will al-
so change the small gate, 15 feet frons
the big gate to avoid the crowding on
big days.—Carried.
Street Committee: — Councillor
Paisley reported that $504.35 had been
spent on the streets and had only some
$300 to finish up the year.
Fire and Water Committee: — That
the three hose carts be painted.—Car-
Property Committee: --That chimney
over fire hall be removed; that firemen's
rooms be papered; wall of fire hall
cleaned; fire door enlarged and painted;
front door of 11511 he repaired and paint-
ed; band staid painted —Carried.
Finance Committee.—Report may be
read on another page.—Report carried.
Special Committee: — Committee
appointed to interview Mr. John Mc-
Connell, re outlet of nMsry street drain,
beg to submit the following report.
Your Committee went over the ground
and also interviewed Mr. Connell, We
rind at the present time there is very
little of any sewerage going on to Mr.
Connell's property, however we find
the discolored water from Knitting
Factory going onto this property and
keeping acres of low flat land wet and
this seems to be the most serious. griv-
ance at present. The sewerage which
Mr. Connell claims the tow11 had been
running on to his property has now
been stopped, Nov Mr. Connell's pro-
positiohh to the Committee is that if
the town will put in an open drain from
Mr. Middleton's line fence through a
small grove, a matter of about 110
yards; then run 5 one foot tile drain
through flat land to connect with large
open ditch a matter of about 260 yards
or a total expenditure 'of about $300,
This being done Mr. Connell agrees to
take care of the water through the bal-
ance of his land, we recommend that
this Council instruct our Solicitor to
draft an agreement suitable to these
The report was adapted 00 a vote
being taken,. 'Councillors Johnson and
Paisley voting against this settlement,
Councillor Langford' )1recpinmended
be placd
insurance on
lie equipment, The
Councillor Johnson and McMurray
moved that the Finance Committee be
authorized to take 61000.00 from the
Sinking Fund to apply purchase
of a 51000.00 Water works debenture.
Councillor Johnson and Reeve Ford
moved that the G. W. V. A, be given a
refund of $10 on hall rent,
Councillor Johnson made a motion
that the street committee look into
the drain question of T. McKenzie, but
it was decided that Mayor Cooper,
Reeve Ford and 'Councillor McMurray
be a cosisinittee to look into the trouble.
On motion of Langford and Mc-
Murray and Langford, Council
purchase some seats to be placed
town hall park and at cemetery.
Senior Class,—(Honors)—Roy Fitz-
simmons, Helen Nediger, Douglas Free-
man, Florence Robinson, Lottie Liver-
more, Roy, Cook, Mildred Holloway,
Nellie Hill, June'Cirieh, Marion Scruton.
Pass.—Harry Watkins.
(Junior Class).— Honors — Cyril
Hale, Ethel Carrick, Wayne Rozell,
Jack Elliott, Jim Chowen Hazel Miner.
psey, Bruce IBiggttr,Charlie Wheatley,
(First Class) —Honors—Susie Cas-
tle, 13111 Jackson, Bruce Tasker, Gillis
Gilchrist, Barry Freeman, 015111 Rath,
Lloyd Rumball.
Pass,=Barret Taylor, Margaret Brit-
ton, Frank McEwen, Bob Garrick, Lily
Latter, M Wiltse, Teacher
From Division VIM to Division VII
Reggie Noble, Stella i•iunniford, Mar-
garet McLeod, Ruth Venner, Wilbert
Carter, Marius Pickett,
Irenia e
ty, DeLores Harris,
Morris Rozell, John Pickett, Willie Mc-
Gill, Kenneth Pattison, Dorothy Match,
Everett Downs, Lloyd Moore, Gordon
kleor, Keso nnedy, Norman KNIG-
sno, Douglas
Liver, -
snore, Tont Twyford,tiBEileei
Pte. Wnh, Fraserof
Moose Jaw, who
recently returned Irons overseas is
visiting 1115 father, Mr. Thos, Fraser,
Master Donald :Ind Grace McInnes,
of Detroit, are spending their holidays
at the home of Mr. Hugh McGregor,
Pte. Wnn, Moffatt of Moose JAW, ar-
rived from overseas on Monday and is
visiting at the hone of his uncle, Mr,
John A. Moffatt,
Mr. Thos, Fraser roved to the Bay-
field Line last week, to the place he
recently bought from Isir, Holland,
known its the Coats property.
Dr. Wm, Aikenhead, of Toronto was
married on Wednesday last to •t lady
In Hamburg. i9is brother, Messrs
Frank and Duncan and sister Miss Mar-
garet of Stanley attended the wedding.
The Doctor's many friends here wish
hint all joy.
Robert Gemmell Inas returned from
Detroit where he took a course in an
automobile school.
Ass aeroplane which passed above our
village on. Wednesday was seen 'by
many of our 'Citizens.
The Sunday
of picnic vitt
heldn Bayfield i y Id at Tuesday next.
Mr. Charles Clifton has bought a
Chevrolet car.
The I. 0. 0, F. held their annual
picnic on Friday of last week.
Aikenhead—Winn.—The Toronto
Globe makes reference to a Bruce -
field boy's wedding: --A very pretty
wedding took place at the home of
Dr, and Mrs. R, 1'. Winn, on July 2,
when their only daughter, Ethel Par-
ker, became the bride of Dr. W. J.
Aikenhead, of Toronto. Immediate rel-
atives and friends were present. The
house was decorated with pink and
white roses and carnations, and the
ceremony took place under a bell of
orange blossoms and an arch
banked with palms and ferns. The
Rev. Thomas Hicks of St. George's
church conducted the ceremony.
Miss Pearl Becker sang, and Mrs. C.
Becker played the wedding march.
The two brothers of the bride, Dr.
N. 14. Winn and Dr. R. E. Winn,
preceded the groom, carrying pink
ribbons, which formed the aisle
while the bride followed leaning on
the ar n of her father, looking sweet
in a gown of ivory satin, en train,
embroidered with seed pearls, with
veil caught with bandeau of pearls.
The only ornament worn, the gift
of the groom, was a necklace of
pearls and aqua marines, There
were no attendants: The bride and
groom have gore on a motor trip
before returning to their home in
Toronto. Guests were present from
Toronto, Brantford, Woodstock,
London, Port Stanley, Lawrence
Station, Alvinston, Brucefield and
Dorothy Steep, Jak-
Runibal1YllinerS,OJeanOYMutch,1 Helen tonnes from Ottawa
eA A P,
Lieut. Chas. Hall, arrived home ori
Monday after going overseas with
the t6lst Huron Battl. When the
Battalion broke up, Charlie got into
the flying game.
O 0
0 0000 O
000 00
Miss Rett5 Cook, of Toronto, is a
visitor at the pareutal hone for her
Miss Attie Austen, of Varna, a grad-
uate of the Clinton School of Commer-
ce, has accepted a position with the
Dodge car works at Detroit.
•'1r. and Mrs. W.S. R. Holmes return -
turned on Monday from their Grip up
the lakes to the Soo. They report a
pleasant trip.
Miss Sparks returned to her hone in
Brantford after spending two weeks
with her sister, .tars. (Rev.) Moulton,
Miss Ida Cornish left on Monday
to take the summer course at the 0.
A. 0. Guelph.
Airs. Clara Rumhall returned hoime
after spending he• vacation with her
sister at Cleveland.
Misses 011ie and Frieda Schoenhals
visited their brother at Port Albert.
Miss Ilia Baw'de1 visited with friends
in Watford.
Mr. Asa Bolton, who has been a val-
ued employee of the New Era Office
left on Tuesday to work with the Hur-
ley Printing Company at Brantford.
Mr. and Airs. Dean Courtice have
Whored from Hamilton to Chatham
where the former assumes a position
with the Sugar Factory Company as
technical expert.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKenzie, of
Detroit, are welcome visitors in and
around Clinton. •
:Mr. Romnhanis, of Toronto, is visit-
ing with'his wife and with Mr. and Mrs,
Jos. Townsend.
Mr. Chas. Holland and Isis son, Mr.
William Holland and wife, all of Detroit
were visitors for a few
days with Mr.
and Mrs. Roland Jenkins, Rattenbury
Street. Mr, 'Chas. Holland is a brother
of Mrs. Jenkins and has not been in
Clinton for•the past 35 -years. He saw
a good many striking improvements on
Isis visit.
The much needed rain which Wing -
ham and vicinity has been needing for
some time came o11 Saturday, a steady
downpour for many hours. Haying
is on to -day. All crops in this vicin-
ity are some 10 days earlier than' last
year, while oats and barley will be
rather short on account of tine dry
spell. Hay on the whole will be ail
good crop. Apples and small fruit will
be a passable yield, while not abundant.
011 Sunday
evening »g I cal and
Orangemen turned out in large num-
bers to divine service in St. Paul's
Church. Among those attending were
members from Bluevale, Teeswater,
and Belgrave. Rev. Snell preached an
appropriate sermon.
Slusday David Bell, who passed away
several days ago, was buried in Wing -
ham Cemetery. The funeral was in
charge of the L. 0. L and Masonic
Lodges. The Wingham band was in at-
Fire broke out about 2.30 o'clock
Monday when a shed owned by the 'C.
P. R. and'used by J. A. MacLean as a
coal shed, caught fire from sparks from
an engine, The firemen were quickly
on the scene and no serious damage
was clone.
Clinton Post.Office Is Included in Est.
Deeves, Mabel > FleleltsCooperc Os Oswald
Harvey 'Cooper,
ilaniblyin. Miss Thompson, Teacher
Fountain Out Of Order
Sir Thomas White, Minister of Pi -
ranee on Thursday last tabled the
supplementary estimates, and among
the various items is one of ,812.000
for an addition to the Post office. This
{ unto n u uestion had been brought up prior to
t of midway s drinking fomttile nee-
out of order this week wltlln life lice_ the war as the post -office Is crowned
essary repairs were itlade, .but its on focirti he handling of mails on the rural
duty again.
Miss Jean 'Chidley, of Winnipeg, ar-
rived in town last week and is visiting
her mother. Her many frehds are
glad to see her again. •
o Hawkins, s
1 Thos. and Mrs. Mr.n
A. Wilkin and Mr. John diawkins, of
Hamilton, motored up to Winghahn
last Friday to see the sports.
Mr, and Mrs. John Medd and child-
ren visited at the hone of Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Medd before returning to
their home in Nobleford, Alberta,
Mr; C. D. Bouck and miss Eva left
on Monday morning for Bracebridgc
where Mr, Bouck will take up his dut-
ies at the Summer Model School there.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Kennedy and child-
ren, of Detroit, are visiting in town.
Mr. Kennedy Inas since returned but
Mrs. Kennedy and children will con-
tinue their visit for some time.
Mrs, Albert Jervis, and two child-
ren, Blanche and Clifford, of Napinee,
near 'Chicago, are visiting at the hone
of Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Jervis and is
also visiting her brother sir. W. Mar -
miss Medd, of Exeter, has been re-
engaged by the school board as assis-
tant teacher for the High School, The
work of Miss Medd for the past terms
has been most satisfactory and the
scholars will be glad to know that her
servicecomings term. as been secured
salary ris increased
by $0.
k * .-e * * * -* * a•* * 8
• More
20Personal Notes on Page 6
• S. • • • • * * * * r
Queension, Ont.,r July 9. --The.
Huron County Old Boys, Associations
of Toronto, to -day picnicked here,
about -1,000 former residents of that
county spending a most enjoyable
A perfect day, with cool breeze
and practically no sea, made the trip.
an absolute success and tired met
forgot for a time their btisiness cares
ass enjoyed to the full tine glories of
lake breezes.
G. H. Musgrove, M, P, P., at present
member for Welland, was among those
who stet the excursion at Queetston;
also Mayo' C. R. Somerville, of Lois.
don, Ontario, and Dr, McDonald, fur-
rier member for North Huron. John
Robertson, fanner president ,of Hit
association; E, F, Floody, Secretary,
and other Members of the executive
have worked hard to snake this excur-
Sion a success, and so far their labors
were richly rewarded,
The chopping mill is closets until
after threshing.
Mrs. John Londesberry and two
children are home again after a
months' visit with her sister at Delhi.
The many friends of iv1r. Moses
Brown are very sorry to hear of Isis
illness, ;61r. Brown went under an
operation in the Clinton hospital this
week and is doing as well as can be
Mrs. 13, Brown, of Brantford and
two children are the guests of the for-
nser's mother at present.
A number from, here enjoyed a trip
to Goderielt on Wednesday.
alis:: Lawday Young, of Calgary, is
spending her holidays with her mot-
bliss 0. Brigham went to Toronto
this week to assist in marking examin-
ation papers. Miss
Rev. Air. and Mrs, Sawyer,
Ester Lyon, Miss Edith Sampson and
mer Elva are w
Scol at
We believe it is Mr, Elsiey's Inten-
tions to move into aour�villars. e. We
welcome both
sley to
our burg.
Mr. Houston, of Lohtdol, will preach
01 the Methodist Church both morning
and evening next Sunday, July 13th.
Rev. Mr.:lbrey gave a splendid ser-
mon last Sunday evening to the
Orangemen, sold his parse
Mr. Armstrong hashorse
a1s 5i nno
and blacksmith shop and
into Mr. Sha<Idick'S house for the pre-
Our new blacksmith will uTl ursday}
Brussels into our village n.
We are always pleased to welcome our
neW comers.
District News on Pages 1, 2, 5