HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-7-3, Page 6PAOU.6
G ST ' ,.. PLE h,,,
Flannelette, Flannel, Canton Flannel, Gaby Delaine, Gingham, Nurses Cloth, Print, Silkoline,
Bath Towels, Toweling, Cotton, bleached and and unbleached, Cambric, Nainsook, Ticking,
Duck, Denim, Cottonade, Table Linen, Pillow Cotton, Sheeting, Sheets, Flannelette Blank-
ets, Batting. Mill enols of Colored Marquisette, chintz and Factory Cotton.
Buying there at any time here you pay the lowest market price and our sale prices are less
than the wholesale or mill prices.
We urge you to come and investigate
the above
facts. Space aC
e wd1
permit it
only to retention the matchless values and the still greater part of the story remains to be
told. It will pay you to make a trip to this store from any distance.
Do not stay away from this sale because you imagine the besttbargains will be gone to the
early buyers, for this will not be the case. With stocks as big as ours it would require a lot of
selling to reduce them much, in fact it would take our present staff a Iong time to sell out the
before mentioned goods. We do not intend to put on extra'salespeople for this sale. , To
do so would only increase the cost of the goods to the purchasing public, our object is to give
each customer the best merchandise at the lowest price. The public can help us greatly (and
incidentally benefit themselves) in this effort by doing their buying in the morning.
Dry Goods and House
Phone 67
Next Royal Bank
oQ,m,.a >s,.. ---
t_•nt^ a aim ,.mays.;,^ .. .r ... vrusw ,
t'.4 Tested Lens
I An Accurate Shutter ---4
e p e
rur ion----•-••
O at
,r p
Good Pictures ---
i All these are assured when you purchase aKodak
Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We
have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you
how easy they are to use.
–We do developing and printing and guarantee good results ---
Despensing Chemist
The Features of 3Elf
11 i -�,�^-- sluggish liver, as they clean away all
t , e m tho waste and poisonous matter from the
Custom Tailoring
Men's Furnishing
Phone 103.
Opposite Public Library
null 1 I
nowom u1amllllUUIpI I11fVlIIVUIIpmIUIUUVINIIIi{VVVom
oc News
lvsults Neat Week.Wilt Play at Winghem
The results of- the Public School A picked team from Clinton will
Promotion Examinations are expected play baseball at WUnglutm on Filthy
for a 8100 prize.
civic Holiday August 4th, Entrance Exams, Over Friday
to be published next week,
Mayor Cooper has proclaimed Aug- The pupils from town and country
ust 4th as Clinton's Civic Holiday, A who are writing their Entrance Exam -
big Peace Celebration will also be held Mationser will Departmental. upon LxantFriday, The
Ihat duy ,
in progress,
Taxes Paid
Are Farewelling
Nearly full the taxes were .paid that:
were due at the Molsou's' Batik on Qo Sunday next, July 6111, Envoy
Monday. With Monday 'being balance Woods and Capt. Stevens will farewell
and interest day the staff had a busy from the local S. A. foree and Lieut,
time, Jones, who broke her leg in the spring
t will return as Captain. The senior
officers do nut know yet where they
Unless ''t he liver is working properly
you will find that a great many troubles
will arise, such as constipation, heart-
burn, the rising and souring of food,
which leaves a nasty bitter taste in your
mouth; then again there is a sort of
watery substance, that comes up in your
mouth from time to time and which baa
a sweetish taste; specks {coat before
the eyes and for a few seconds you
feel as if you were going to fall down
in a faint, your tongue is heavily coated,
your head aches, you become bilious
on account of too much bile forming
in the stomach; your food does not
agree with you, and a thousand and one
other things seem to be the matter
with you.
Milburn's Lexa-Liver Pills are s
specific, for all diseases and disorders
as arising from a slow, torpid, lazy or
Kitties At Wingham
The Kittle Band will play at Wing- are going.
ham un Friday of this week. They Gift To Former Clinton Minister
also there on Dominion Day.
Everybody recognizes that Clinton has
an A 1 band.
Will Hold A Twilight Meet
io whieh we invite special attention
are its beauty, its assured comfort, its
solid construction, end its below the
usual prices. Any one of these points
would he sufficient to earn it your
preference, When they are all com-
bined we feel sire yell will realizethat this r I
tonity you cannot afford trniture o ignoregpo
Bk. 1)13N Fe RD
Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 2S.
Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over Store
ANOTHER (�jjP^'�Will be the call after Drinking ai cup of our Bulk
CU Peas. The Quality aril flavor is Fine and Don't
Forget the Price is Right at 50c, 60e, or 70c, per Ib. Black, Mixed or Japan
Green. Come in and get some special price on 5 lbs, lots or over. For a
Cool Drink try iced Tea its fine.
Special Blend, Black or
Store will be open from Mixed, per lbs, ..,50c
8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Royal Black or Mixed
SPECIAL FOR THAT per lb. 50e
6 bars Laundry Soap
for $1.,00
`3 bars for 20c
2 pkgs. Seeded Raisins
for ....25c a Ib,
Mince Melt per ib. 15c
Jelly Powders, any
flavor 10e.
Rex Catsup 2 bottles for 3 cakes Lavender Bath
250 Soap 25c
Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License Nunmber 8—.2241
Quality Black or Mixed
per Ib. 70c
Japan Green, per lb, 50
or 70e
.: The Corner Grocery
$ oA ri EY bing,
Metal Or'i
Te Hawkins
Agent for HECLA Furnaces
• ,4410p— Oyer ltowlattd'ss Hardware
L+ljtiing And FittifltgS Al+ra3+6 Ott
hand. .
system. Price 25c. a vial at all dealers,
or mailed direct on receipt of price by The
T, Milburn Co., 'unite , Toronto, Ont.
Lemonade and Orangeade made front
the juice of fresh fruits.
Orangeade and Letttonade in
Raspberry Vinger
Grape Juice, and
Linte Juice,
New 'Cabbage.
New Potatoes
Ripe Tomatoes
The Clinton Branch of the G. W.
V. A.'s are arranging to hold a twi-
light tneet shortly: It is expected that
many from the surrounding town will
take part in the races and other com-
petitions, Watch out for bills.
Received the D. C. M. Modal
Mrs. Fair Sr., received the Distin-
guished Conduct Medal which was won
by her son the late Sergt, Frank Fair
last week. Sergt, Fair was a member
of the Borden Battery, from the West
and did great work in the big war prior
to being killed in acton,
Did Not Win Trophy
Two rinks of Clinton Bowlers were
at Mitchell on Friday but failed to get
inside rhe stoney. Both rinks won for the purpose of taking passenger.
three games and lost 1. Those who up in the air, and also performing
want down were:—Dr. Axon, W. stunts, tate airman came down front
Grant, J. Miller and E. Hovey, .sk. F. Goderich in the morning and after
Jenkins. F. Pennebaker, W. 'Cavtelnn' landing M,'tster L. Walker, son of Mr.
and E. Cantelon sk. I Wesley Walker in Mr. Brown's field,
Men For France 1 got into the :sir again and went on to
A call has come into the govern- 4 Toronto.
tuns. employment office for men to go Church Parade
to Bordeaux, France, to work for theThe localft Orarnen ewill hold, as
Canadian Des Moines Mining i
Com- ,a memorial celebration (heir annual
patty. The age limit40 is 4c, years, and !church parade herr on Sunday atter-
time to be paid for on the journey i WAD [n St. Paul's Church. The e.,1
over. this seems a good chance fur faction will be for the Orange orphan -
some of the Canadian soldiers to re-
turn to lhos,. French sweethearts they 1 a,;a to commemorate the Grange
lett in Prance. i brethren who died for their country—
( S7,uou cumbers enlisted for overseas.
Teeswater Minister I. 0. 0. F., Itev S. E, 11aKegner, .11, t. , refit preach
Grand Chaplain to the Order,
A purse of $117 was the farewell
gift of Sydenham Street Methodist
Church to Rev. W. Smythe, pastor for
four years, who has been placed on
the superanuatlon list. He will con-
tinue to reside in 'Brantford. Mr.
Smythe was a former minister of Ont-
ario St. Methodisa church, Clinton.
Town Deserted
Clinton was "the deserted village"
on Dominion Day as the various out-
side towns had attractions to draw
them away. The 161st Band was at
,Wingham, two rinks of bowlers at
Mitchell, and auto loads went to Gode-
rich, Bayfield and Grand Bend. Those
who stayed at home had a nice Vliet
Aeroplane Did Not Stay.
After advertising that an aeroplane
would be here on Wednesday afternoon
The Undersigned is now entering
the coal business and asks for a share
of the pubiPc business,
A11 orders may be left, for the pre-
sent at my residence on Huron St.
Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155.
Cucumbers, and
' a'tl11lord
Canada food Control License '8.3123.
11'IIUNl3 46
Brighten up
for &'ring
Having received my dis-
charge from the C. E. F., I
am now prepared to take
orders on work for paper-
hanging and painting, etc.'
We have the latest sample
books of wall papers at var-
ious prices to suit any house.
Call or Phone No, 54
Clinton . - . , Ontario
Rev. Chas. R. Durrant, of l'eeswater, ' Peace at Last,
was elected grand chaplain of the After Waiting patiently for the Peace
1, 0, 0.o F. for Odtlod lie was tut- i terms, Mayor Cooper received word
traduced in Brand lodge as the man y' p
who had doubled the membership of at 3.30 p.m, on Saturday and lead the
his lodge and was the first to raise i town bell ring out the word, At u'
the objective for the centennial en- F M. the Kittle Band came out and play
dowment fund. He is removing to ed up and dawn the street for half an
Harrow in Essex Gowdy. hour. On Monday a Committee was
selected and decided that Clinton would
Wins Gold Medal selected
a Peace '.;elebration on Monday,
Mr. Grant Beaton, son of the late August 4111,
Thos. Beaton, and a Clinton Public NI' or Locals
school and Collegiate boy, has just
recently written on his final exam- Lawn Socials.
Mations in the Medical College, Win- Good old summer -time,
nipeg, carrying off the Gold Medal Keep down those noxious weeds,
for best standing inthefive year Now that school is out, the sehoui
course and the Gold Medal in ob- boys can devote their exclusive atten-
stetrics. He also won a prize for tionriver h, seeikeptng bethatomingly the water tated. at the
highest standing in surgery, trying is cagi
with two 'others, and also a prize for Advertising lawn socials is the
ease reports fit hospital work. He is smallest item of expense, The best
at present supplying for a doctor at program procurable will not draw a
MacLeod, Alberta, who is ill. crowd unless it is widely advertised,
Wrigley Chewing Gum. Porter's Hill Won.
Have you ever noticed that the Saturday night the boys from Por-
ter's Hill cause into town and played
an exhibition game with the Doherty
Baseball players and won by a score
of 10 to 8. Owing to some misunder-
standing the Piano players did not get
their players on the job until after the
third innings when the big 'damage teas
done. "Bloody" Cook went into the
box in the last three innings to pitch
by consistent advertising in 267 pub- and was lucky to get away with only a
lications in Canada, including The run against hint. Another game will
New Era, have had to double be played in the near future. Follow -
the size of factory in short space of
five years, This is a remarkable ex-
ample of the power of advertising,
New Masonic Lodge at Lonedsboro
Thursday, July 3rd, 1999,
as 1 of as
1s etter furnish your horse 'r
with that Hammock you
promised yourself you'd
-get earlier in the season.
a„m^srsgerr,a.xn�ucEsn�mms'�seEdm®:,�._._..,, �s���•^^�°,�
Often the eheapest--Filwiys the gest
0 ,i. ra
pact260oae0erscoottbeovaeoeSd® Barrister Best, of Seaforth was in
town on Wednesday,
LIVET t Teacups Miss Ross LaviS spent Sunday with
Miss Sparks at Seafortit,
' j Mr. Scott, accountant at the Molsons.
oasetaxooseteevrmeooeo:etemuraooeu ,Bank. (5 on 1515 holidays,
Airs. Greig, sr., is visiting with her Barrister J. L. Killoran, of Goderich,
fancily in Toronto. • was in town on Wednesday.
Mr. Wm. Forrester of Mitchell, was
Mr. Fred Jackson spent the holiday
a visitor in town on Wednesday.
with his son at Port Colborne,
Judge Lewis of Goderich was In town
Mrs. James Dodds and sun, Ivan
on court business on Wednesday,
are visiting in London this week.
Master Bert Marshall is visiting with Mr, Fred Forrester, G. T. R. agent at
the Twitchell family in Windsor. Dublin, was in town on Wednesday,
merchant who gives you. the best
values and service is also a first be-
liever in advertising? There was a
time when some people imagined ad-
vertising didn't pay, but that time has
long since passed, It is interesing to
note the case of Wet Wrigley, Jr„
Co., manufactureres of chewing guts.
They only sell at a 5 cent article but
We have the pleasure of, being
the agent for this celebrated
Also ask us about Cannel, Soft
coal, Coke and Pea coal.
The recognized standard in
cement, and after all the
cheapest building material in
the world today.
We purpcise carrying a stock
• of these result -giving goods at
our Clinton Yards.
Tor a load df our short slabs,
Just the thing for summer fuel
.or cool evenings,. Most heat
for the least money. Easily
split and e.asily
Gliirtfokl 8t • l rueetield,
Phorio for Clutton No, 74,
Picone for 13rucefield 11 on 618.
of London were here over the week
Mr. and Mrs. N. Robinson and son, Mr, T. A. Greig was a visitor at Tor -
unto and Pickering over the week end,
tut Miss Frances Hawkins, of Toronto„
as ,
al r. and Mrs. A. Bainton and child- was visitor with her brother, Mr.
ren, of Blyth, were in town on Satur- Thos. Hawkins.
cla, Mr. George McLellan left Wednesday
Miss Dell O'Neil, of the teaching for a bot trip to the Son to visit re -
stair at Toronto, is hone for the vaca- latives and friends. He went from
Host, Sarnia by boat.
Aliss Cora and Jean McGuire spent Mr. and Mrs, Creighton and Master at Their parental home in Jack of Toronto, were guests with
t;, vn, friends in tutu❑ over the week end,
Mr, :and Mrs. Nixon Welsh, of Tor- They brought Miss Dell O'Neil and Miss
onto, are spending the vacation in Lena Middleton up from Toronto in
town . their auto.
Last Friday night a new Masonic
Lodge •was •instalied at Londeshoro by
H E. Rorke, D. 0, 0, M,, assisted by
Dr. Shaw, past 0, 0, G. M. and the
following officers were installed into
the various offices:—
W. M.—J. Grainger
• S. W.—T, Sampson
J. W.—, C, Armstrong
Treass—Thos, Miller
Secy:—Jahn Fingiaud
Chap:—Rev: Abrey
S. D., G. McVittie
J. '0, W. Knox,
1, G., Ed. Yungblut.
Those who attended from Isere
were: ---14, E. Rorke, Dr, Shaw, Dr.
Axon, A. J. Holloway, A. Mitchell, N.
Ball, G. McKenzie, J. Schoenhals, E. E.
Itunnifo•d, L, Lawson, ,11. 13. Chant,
J, A. Sutter and W, 5. R. Holmes.
ing was the line-up;
Porter's Hill
Levis, p.,
31, McDougall, s,s„ 0 3
f e
W. McDougall, c.f., 2 1
.M. Ale.Dougall 1!, 1 1
,11cGuire, r f , 1 2
Gliddon, 3b., 1 2
D. McDougall, est 1 1
0 2
R. 0.
3 1
Little, c ,
Levis, 2b.,
10 15
Doherty's - R. O.
McDermott, 1st a 2
W. Fulford, 2b 1 2
Carter p., 1 o
Shrink, 6, , 1 2
Deeper, s.s, 2 1
Welsh, 3b, 2 1
C. Fulford, r.f., 0 3
Hail, c,f. 0 2
Livermore, 1.1. 0 2
8 15
Porter's hill -4 5 0 0 1—to
Miss Edith P. Glenn, of Detroit, was Miss Margaret Davies who has been
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Baker re- Ixboriug ns a deacones of the AI. E.
cently, Church in, Portland, Orgecnt, for Sone
Eddie Shepherd, of Toronto, was years, visiting at the home of her
1 visitor with his mother over the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Davis of
Huron SisL
Mrs, Weatherwax, of Orilla, is visit- Major M. D. McTaggart returned Sat-
ing with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. urday night to resume his civil life
Cantelon. once more. The Major.enlisted when
Mr, John Hawkins, of Hamilton, the 161st Battl, was started and since
was a visitor over the week end with returning from overseas has been pay -
his brother. master at the Demobilization camp at
Mr. Elmer Beacons and sister, Miss London.
Celia, of Toronto are visiting in town Mr, Finley, General Massager of the
with relatives. ' Massey Harris Co., Toronto and Mr.
Mr, Norman Levy, D. C. M., who is Wm. Greig, of Toronto, are expected
emplyed at Meaford, was a holiday in town today, on their way to Paint
visitor 3v town. Fares, where Mr, Finlay will address the
Pte, A. 13, Potter returned from Colborne Farmers' Club picnic on Fri -
overseas last week and is the guest ofday.
Mr, anal Mrs, C, Baker,
Miss Kate and Ethel Gooier, of Tor-
onto, are 'visiting with their father,
Mr, R. Govier in town.
Mss Violet McGuire, of Stratford,
spent the week -end and the 1st in
town with her parents.
Master Charlie Hovey, of Burling-
ton, is spending part of his holidays
with his grandfather and uncles.
Miss Jessie O'Neil has returned from
Burlington where she has been teach-
ing in the 'Continuation School tisere.
Mr. and Airs, Wsn. Camelot, Miss
Kathaleen and Master Wilfrid, of Tor-
onto, are visiting at Mr. and Mrs, Wnt,
Cantelon sr.
Mr. and Mrs, W. 5, R. Holmes mot-
ored to Owen Sound on Dominion Day
and took the boat from there for a
trip up the lakes.
St. Mary's Journal—Rev, Wm.
Raithby and Isis estimable wife, who
has made her tome here during her
husband's absence overseas, returned
to Dunnville on Friday to resume their
work at the Baptist church there,
Married In Regina Dylterty's —0 1 1 1 5— 8
The following clipped from a Re-
gina paper will be of interest as the
bride was an old Clinton girl, daughter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
of Mr. Geo , Johnson, a • former resi- 0 p ° 0
dent of this town but new of Regina °`°"�",°��� FAIRS
—"A very pretty wedding was cele- 0 0 + 0
brated Tuesday evening in Wesley 0 0
parsonage when Mabel Johnson be-
came the bride, .01 Maitland Bradley
Rev, John Lewis oflldating, The
young couple were attended by Mrs.
Mulligan, sister of the groom, and
Percy Johnson, brother of the bride.
The bride looked citarntfawn n, supsuperintendenteoloret suit ripening overing a bloinause of BlytWilsot Sept, 22-23
white georgette crepe and hat to Brussels .. , .. , • ..:. • Sept, 16-17
match, After the ceremony the bridal
party repaired to the Moine of the Dungannon . , , . , , , • . • , Oct 2--3
bride's sister, Mrs• Hetherington, Exeter , , , . , , ,. Sept. 15—t 6
where a very enjoyable evening was
spent, The groom's gift to the Goderich • , ... , , , ... Sept, i 5, 16, 17
bride was an exquisite pearl brooelt, Gorrlt' Oct. 4
to the bridesmaid a. pendant heti to Lnudo,a (Western Pair) , •Sept, 6—•13
the.best then a set of -cuff' links . Ms' Lticknoty ,:. Sept. 25 26
and Mrs. Bradley left to visit tits
home of the groom's parents amid the Seafortit .... • Oct, 1S—i�
good wishes of a large number of ,Toronto, (Cati,Naiiona1)
*Aug./3 Sept6
friends who accompanied dune 10 the Wirighattl , , (5ct; S— ?s
Station anti showered their, with tics 17—t8
and confelil,si Eurleb ..... . , , Sept,
List issued by the ,Agricultural Sod-
eties Branch of the Ontario Department
of Agriculture, Toronto, ' J, Loekie
Some busybody in town has been
circulating a statement that Mr. Thos,
McMillan was in Toronto at the Liberal
'Convention and caused his name to ap-
pear as a candidate for the Leadership
of the Liberal party. This is absolutely
a falsehood. Mr. McMillan did not ap-
pear at the convention and did not
withdraw his name.
His name was proposed by A, E.
Bradwin, of Anterior, and altogether
likely the votes came from that part
of the Province, On the second ballot
Mr, Bradwin withdrew Mr. :vlcMillan's
name. The organizations of Major Tol-
mte and Mr. 11. 11. Dewart were too
complete for any of the otlrer candid-
Shipment just arrived fresh from the Makers
These are extra quality made of the BEST SEA ISLAND
DUCK every pair a fitter and nicely made.
We are headquarters for everything in WHITE FOOT-
ei SON