HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-6-26, Page 6PAG! 4 TH;E CLINTON NEW EEA tt • ANTICIPATE x YdUR , NEEDS FOR, SOME TIME TO COME , B V Y 1/ THE F FOLLOWING • STAPLES THIS MONTH Flannelette, Flannel,, CantonFlannel, Gaby Delaine, Gingham, Nurses Cloth,' Print, Silkoline, Bath Towels, Toweling, Cotton, bleached and and unbleached, Cambric, Nainsook, Ticking, Duck, Denim, Cottonade, Table Linen, Pillow Cotton, Sheeting, Sheets, Flannelette Blank- ets, Batting. Mill ends of "Colored Marquisette, chintz and Factory Cotton. , Buying theirs at any tune here you pay the lowest market price and our sale prices are less than the wholesale or mill prices. . We urge you to come and investigate the above mentioned facts. • Space will permit us only to mention the matchless values and the still greater part of the story remains to be told. It will pay you to :make a trip to this store from any distance. Do not stay away from this sale because you imagine the best bargains will be gone to the early buyers, for this will not be the case. With stocks as big as ours it would require a lot of selling to•reduce them much, in fact it would take our present staff a long time to sell out the before mentioned goods. We do not intend to put on extra salespeople for this sale. . To do so would only"increase the cost of the goods to the 'purchasing public, our object is to give each customer the best merchandise at the lowest pcic°e. The public can -help us greatly (and incidentally benefit themselves) in this effort by doing their buying in the morping. WE .RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT THE QUANTITY PURCHASED BY ANY IN- DIVIDUAL PERSON; THIS WE DO IN FAIRNESS TO ALL. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring Men's Furnishing Phone •103, Opposite Public Library A Tested Lens An Accurate Shutter Simple Qperation Good Pictures - All these are assured when you purchase aKodak Anybody cttn take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We havethem from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you how easy they are to use. -We do developing and printing and guarantee good results- . c _ o = 'Despensing Chemist unsaarmutussun=minaucceauszusueemencairasi•.,�.,..,..A,-„- aa. The Features of mem l Cutter street was oiled beside the Clinton Hospital so that the dust will "not be blowing into the rooms, I 1 A ,AU Over Back, Legs and Body iFoa' 39 Months. Ex -Gar. Z''. Plumridge, 156 .Curzon St., Toronto, Ont., writes: -"I am writing these few lines to let you know how -wonderful is the effect of Burdock Blood Bitters. For thirty-nine months, overseas, I had boils all.ower my.back, lege and body, in fact I was simply covered with. them. 1 tried several ,different remedies, and while in France had medicines sent from England, but all to no avail. On reaghing Canada, July 12th, 1918, was told to fry your B. B. B. and on taking six ,bottles I had mot even a scar left." Our The only way to rid yourself of boils, pimples and all skin blotches and blem- ishes, •so that .tthey will never return to BOILS bother you ,gam, is to have the blood . ri i to re s thoroughly oleansed of all of its im- purities, and there is no remedy on the • market to -day to equal Burdock Blood Bitters. '1'o which we invite special attention This*Id and reliable preparation bas are its beauty, its assured •oarnfort, nes , been on the market for the peat 40 years. solid uoustructian, and its below the Manufactured euly by The T. Milburn ut.n•al prices. Any one of these pointsiCo..Limited,Ton:nto,Ont. would be snffieiettt to earn it your preference. When they aye alt coma• lined we feel store you will realize I that this is a furniture buying oppor tunity you cannot afford to ignore JAS. DUNFO,RD undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 2S. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store Just a Minute What about your Breakfast Foods, whhich do you ex,jayi Cornflakes, Grape Nuts, Krumples, Puffed Rice, Cream of Wheat or Rolled Oots7 Try US for your Breakfast Foods. SPECIALS 3 bars laundry soap 25c 16 " " $1100 • 3 bars Gold, P, & G. or Comfort for 25c 13 bars for $1.00 Mixed Pickles Bulk ' 35c per qt. Catsups per bottle 15c, 25c, 30c. SARDINES Brunswick,•. 3 for 25c Holbrook ..1 " 25c' Jutland .. , .2 " 25c McLAREN'S JELLY. POWDER -Makes a Perfect - DESSERT any flavor 2pkgs. for 9 pkgs for Made Front Pure Whole some Fruits 25 $100 d :lb. tapocia ....$'15 2 lb, rice 25 2 ,cans pumpkin' .. 25 2 pkgs. seeded rais- ins .2' 1 i'b,l peciai Blend T .6 1 lb. Japan Green T .51. 1 ib. Peanut butter .25 4 lb. Mince meat.25 2 pkgs. Jelly Pow- der .25 1 can tomatoes .. , .20 1 can :Corn .22 Fruit -Bananas, Oranges Pineapples, 'Lettuce, etc. Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License Nunmber 8-7241 NSON FULL LINE Ot: GARDEN SEEDS IN STOCK - WE AiM TO PLEASE PHONE 111 PHONE -ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO • For Midi Heating AND Metal tin OF ALL KINDS GO TO T. Hawkins Phone ala ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Agent for flEL4..e Furnaces Shop-OVer ltotrltnttel".v hardware Wiping Ansi Flitiritwta hili* yS On >rlaNndle , a The Corner Grocery "LIVE AND LET LIVE" BREAKFAST FOOD FOR HOT WEATHER CORN FLAKE 'PUFF RICE SHREADED WHEAT GRAPE NUTS GUSTO and PUFF WHEAT SPECIALS STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLES ORANGES LEMONS BANANAS GRAPE FRUIT CANDMBERS • NEWT CABBAGE, E. E. Hunniford Canada Food Conlydl Liceess «8=3123. PHONE 45 NEW COAL DEALER The Undersigned' is now entering the coal business and asks 'for a share of the public ,business:, All orders may be left, for the pre- sent at my residence on Huron St, Terms --Strictly ,Cash= Phone 155. E. WARD RESIDENCE -HURON 'STREET;; Brighten up for Spring Hawing received my dis- charge from the C. E. F., I am now prepared to take orders on work for paper- hanging and painting, etc. We have the latest sample books of wall papers at 'var- ious prices to suit any house. CaII or Phone No: 54 J. E. COOK Clinton . . . e Ontario Cement Fresh from Mills SOLE AGENT FOR SCRANTON & D. H. & L. COAL t TERMS Strictly Cash. FIAIIIIlilk 1.1111111bulllllflVilREIlE➢plpVllg i iu a it tlVimNoll!!®IVsam Il11NUuilI a Local News ililiu1ululumuluuuuu1u1111m11u111111qm1I1111m@ulul11111INIM IXIIIflfVNNIII111uu1u➢@I1@11u11I11tlVMg11111MIIIWIT1uiuulonliluppm11i1. ;.ongest Day of. Year,i' t Sat,t}rclay •was tlie•longest day of the j year, end . from now on, e'en with if daylight-saving, the days will, cont- ;n ntence to shorten up. Tlie summer a is half over. sr A Good Rain ' Alter a dry spell Clintonlot a wel- come r titni:on Friday evening' when everything got a good soaking. It was indeed welcome as all the garden sass was drying up, The' farm crops needed the rain too, , Storting To Pay Taxpaying has started anis payments of the first instalment of taxes are conn- ing in at the Motson's Bank. A few ratepayers are paying their entire bill, but they are exceptional. The last day is June 30th. •r ,1 5 t)i :11 ,a ;I: ,k ek ;It ;I, ;k HOLIDAY PAPERS Subscribers going on ltolidys or to ,sunnier residences e•an have The New Era mailed 10 their summer. address by ar- ranging at the Business Offipe, Phone 30. 51 8, a: dl * ;a m e, ;k e. ,I' s, m s, One of the, Reasons. The Goderich Signal gives one of the reasons' for the failure of the steel plant-"Thejsoil was too "rich" and the steel plant didn't take root. Timetable to be Changed, - , A change in the timetable of the Grand Trunk Railway .will' be made on Huron Old toys' Excursion June 29, but the only changeon thls line is announced on the morning train The • annual picnic and games will to Stratford, which will get Isere from be held at Queenston Heights, , near Goderich about 12 minutes later. , Brock's monument, but all the ex- 'cuisioni5ts wishing to go, through • to A Centre of Attraction,, Niagara Falls will be permitted stop- Goderich Signal; -The rose gar - over privileges at Queenston Heights den at the registrary office have again on return trip. • been a great centre of attraction this. Month. Mr. Coats has about 700 plants of about 250 varieties, and the sight they present is s most beautiful one, Barber Shops Change Day: No"Prei?ent Change In Goderich Star Management Owing to unforseen circumstances Mr. Mc'Creath finds himself unable to take possession of The Goderich Star. Consequently the business will con- tinue to be conducted by the present proprietors, Messrs. Vanatter & Naftel, on Wednesday's and will be open every Thursday afternoon sold evenings here - Orange Service after. • As pearly all the stores are now clos- ing on Wednesday afternoon, the bar- ber shops, •(which have closed on Thursday's) started this week to close Clinton L. 0. L. members with visit- New Fire Waggon Here, ing brethren will attend Divine Service The new hose waggon which was re- in St, Paul's Church on Sunday after- cently purchased at Paris was delivered non», July • 611, at 2.30 p, in, when in town Saturday morning and with W. Rev. S E. B1ekegerm M. C., will preach Steep's horses attached to it 'and the an appropriate sermon. The collection will be in aid of the Royal. True Blue Home. , Missed the Boat lire gong going. came up the street on the jump. Many of the citizens gave it the "once over" at the fireball and pronounced it a good buy, Go Friday many of our rotnner citi- A Good Film -Play tens who came up on the "Greyhound" Manager ;Hanning of. the Princess missed the boat on the return trip. Theatre had an extra fine picture show They took it for granted the boat left last Friday and Saturday when he pres- Goderich at the time it left Tuesday ewted "The heart of Humanity," Themorning, but it sailed away an hour attendance was not what it should have or so earlier. They returned to the been, as the film is an all -Canadian oma City of Straits by train Friday after Those who attended the play stated 110011. that it ranked with a 'Birth of a Nation.' and 'Hearts of the World.' .Decline in Township Population. • Grocers Close Wednesday. The undersigned Grocers of the Town of Clinton agree to close their respective places of business every Wednesday afternoon and evening dur- ing the months of June, July and Aug- ust. Thep also agree to open their stores on Thursday nights from eight o'clock to ten o'clock for the• con- venience of those who may be out to hear the Band. -George McLeli'nan, E. E, tlunniford, W. L. Johnson & Co., , 13. T. Reid, H. Wiltse, J. P. Sheppard & t Baby Dead Co., W. T, (YNeti, and Cantelon Bros. I After an illness extending since last Trees Belong to Property Owner fall Billie the youngest son of Mr. and Airs. W. L. Johnson passed away on A fact that does not seem to be', Monday morning. Billie was 18 months generally recognized is'that a tree old, The funeral was held on Wed - planted in front pf a piece of property nesday afternornt servlses being con - belongs to the owner of the property ducted by Rev. S. E, McKegney, of St. chid is not subject to municipal con- Paul's church and interment was made trol.• It is very clearly stated in the at the Clinton Cemetery, . Sympathy Ontario Tree Planting Act which is' extended the parents tin the loss of says: -"Trees so planted (by min- their young son, cipal, park commisipner or other- wise) on highways, become tiie pro- At 1, 0. O. F. Grand Lodge. perty of the owner of the property zip of eaprluasaadaa s,uolull;-1 • adjacent to the highway arid nearest I. 0. 0. F. Grand Lodge session at To - the 'tree so planted. Such is the case ronto report over 800 delegates in also•with any tree left standing on the • attendance and much business of highway," The same act allows any 1 inipor•tance transacted. Since the municipality to pass by-laws for the 'first of January this year in the following purposes:- ;To regulate the neighborhood of 3000 brethren have planting of trees on highways, To pre- been d he nw- vent the planting of any undesirable' ship, bringingaddeto tthe mraemnksbership0fOiddfel in Out - species. To provide for the removal ario up to 55,000. Mr, 11. Gould re - of trees planted on highways contrary I Presented Clinton Lodge No, 83, to law." , i Explain Ballot. Can Apply Here While it is understood that the Gov-' The 'following is from the 'Lolling- I eminent has not made any decision as wood Bulletin and there will be no ! to the attiude it will adopt during the difficulty in its, application in this part` campaign preceding the vote on the Of the•country; "At the present time temperance referendum, itis consider - there are travelling through the cowl- ed as probable that the policy will be try districts agents taking orders for 16 take steps to elucidate the four ques- enlarged pictures, Those who had t'lons asked on the ballot, so as to make friends or relatives at tlie front are clear to everyone just what is being easily appea ed to, and induced to place • voted on, in this connection, it is an order for enlarged pictures. Just learned that the Government has order - on what authority these agents can- ed that 15,000 copies of the speech pass the country, the do 001 know, but delivered by the Prime Minister; Sir We think they should be compelled to William Hearst, in the Legislature ex - planing the ballot, have been ordered carry a license. Their work may be perfectly all right, and their pictures printed for distribution during the 'perfectly satisfactory, but we have coming weeks, known many cases when such has not Keeping up the Interest.' been the case but owing to a signed ag- ; The township population of Grey has declined since 1869, 20,645 or 36`;;x; of Bruce since 1880, 20,720 or 42%n; Huron Since 1879, 19,271 or 37%; of Norfolk since 1S79, 10,370 or 30%; of Ontario since 1872, 11,025 or 32%; of Durllam since 137.4, 9,820 or 40%; and of Northumberland since 1873, 9,656 or 34%. rcement on the part of the customer Two picked•teams played baseball on --art agreement they were not careful to understand the terms of before sign- ing -,they were bluffed into taking an unsatisfactory picture 'and paying a big price for it, itis just as well to be careful. The agent" has as much right to lrust you ns you 'have to trust hint. Tell them when the work is done; and if i is perfectly sa'tisf'actory, you will take. the picture, and oniy then," Monday evening at the hark and both teams did some free hitting, L, Greig and W. Gould ench got a home run: "Cap". Cook pitched 5 -innings and J. Carter two, for the losers, and W. Pinning went the whole game for the winners. Following was the lineup Rumball , , , catcher , .. ,. , • Sht•enk McDerntid .. 1 base Cartel Pinning , . , , pitcher . , , . .. F. Foot L, Greig. , . , 2 base . , , ... ,Fulford Who May Vote A'htrphy .... s.s.'-Welsh The question, "Who may vote on W. Craig 3 base , .• ., , Morgan Fulford ... , left field .... . ,Carrie!. the forthcoming election on the Tem. perance Referendums Act?" is fre- Crich centre field , , , Cook • quently asked these days, The Act Gould right field , Hill reads as follows; The person quail. 1 whiners -3 2 3 7 2 1 O-tS fled to vote as stated in the Ontario LOsers -1 2 1 0 3 0. 24 8 Election A et, 1918, as amended this Minor Locals year's arc as follows: (a) Every 1 Alond;ty Is the last day of June, mall and everywoman who is a i3rit- The town, got a ear of nut Coal Iasi ish subject by birth or naturalize- week. Hon; (5) Is not, disqualiifed under . Tine tussock Wroth has made its the Ontario Election Act or other; .appearance, in Loudon, Wise b law 1ilt d Y Prohibited. ited 0091 1;01114' Since the all Inas hardened the dust O has resided' in Canada for the 12 • montlls next preceding the day fixed by the Lietltennut-Governor' in 'coun- cil as 111e day ulton which the en is not flying around now, A new motor has arrived to ptnnp the pipe organ at Willis; Church, trmerntor shall commence to make up the lists and is on the, said clay or will be within 50 days thereafter of the full age of 21 years; (d) is 111 good faith on the last mentioned day and has been for the 3 months (text preceding the saute, as residents of and domiciled., in the electoral dis- trict hi which he or she resides Is Stinted, Special provision is made for soldiers to vote, it is IolLo 'a.p`t an enumerate, 1, of all perso s haeme .Y . titled ,to vote • , :' be macre for the put. PtibNE 3w p0se Of this rlecti0li, • There,was a local break in the hydro system of 1110 street lighting last Fri- day night and consequently the streets were in darkness, According to instructions, under the new eight-ltotir system the Dominion Ekpress'Co,, will 1101 call or deliver be- fore 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m, The ea press office Will dote at 6 p.m, William Ramsay, a former whole- sale merchant and financier' who madea halt -million dollar gift to Toronto Charities a year sgo,adied in Scotland, aged 84 years, Thursday, June ; 6t11; 4919. July. Promises to be as hot as June Better furnish your home with that Hammock you promised yourself you'd get earlier in the season. :. �he W. D. Fair eo. Often the cheapest--rtlways the Best Int011annefflatilenalattaillar r..5 HERE'S YOUR CHANCE I Anniversary 1 On July 2114 Pilot S. S, Moore who was at Blyth on June 3rd will be here with an aeroplane for•passenger flights. ' See your town from the air. Bring your camera along. Specially reason- ably rates. Free exhibition, stunt fly- ing, loops, rolls, spins, etc„ See advt. on page 2.. Thursday of next. week will be the 54th Anniversary of the New Bra: Went to Seaforth • The Clinton Bowling Club went Seaforth on Wednesday afternoon. Schools Close Attended Barn Rrising Many from town ,attended the barn raising at the farm of Mr. James Van- l±gmond in Mullett township on Wed- nesday. An addition is being put t6 the barn. Address and Presentation • Last Friday evening Rev, J. A. and Mrs Agnew were invited to take tea at tine homy of Air, and Mrs, James Livermore. After tea a number of the Ladies of Ontario Street Church sur- prised Airs. Agnew by presenting her With all address and a set of china. Mrs. Livermore read the address and Mrs. Levis made the presentation. Presentation And Address The Ladies of Wesrey Church gath- ered together at Mrs. C, J. Wallis' home on Tuesday evening and pre- sented Mrs (Rev.) Jones,with a beaut- iful pearl hr, uch as a token of ap- preciation for her services during her stay in town. Airs. Jas. Sheppard president of the Ladies Aid presented the brooch to her, after reading the presentation on behalf of tine Ladies of the church. Double Installation On Tuesday evening of this week, R. -W. Bro: H. E. Rorke, D. D. G. NL, fur South Huron District, installed the officers of Clinton Masonic Lodge and the officers of Hensall lodge, in the Clinton Lodge. Following were the officers installed • CLINTON W. M, -Ii B. Kerr, S. W. -L," Lalvsou, J. W. -A. Cudntore. Chap, -Dr, Evans. Treas.-W, D, Fair, Secretary -H, B,. Chant. Auditors -J. W. Treleaven, C. Hale. Tyler -A Castle. S. D, -T. McNeil. J, D.---E,.,E, Hunniford, Sr. S. -J L. Kerr, , , Jr. S.'C.•Hale. D. of C. -N, Bali. I, Guard -E, Rozell. HENSALL W. M,-0. J. Sutherland. S. W.- J. W. B. De Jean, J- W, -Dr, G. W. Peck, Chap, -R. Drysdale: Treas,-W, C. Davis, Secy, -P. B. Buchanan, Tyler -Jas, Priest. Auditors -W. McKay and A, 1.. Cast. S. 'D. -J. W., Bonthron, J. D. -C. J, Cockarne, 1 G. -T Chapman, Stewards -MM. Drysdale and J. Mur- dock, • D. of C. -F,' McManus, • to Schools close Friday of this week and at the Model School the Promo- tion examinations are now on. Next week the Entrance and High school ex- aminations continence. L: Corp!°Harold Turner Home Returned on the rate train on Tues=- day evening. He joined up with: an Artillery Battery and lives. in Tucker smith Township. On account of the band going to Brucefield. a reception could not be given Hint. Birthday Party Little Miss Dorothy liollyman only duaghter of Mr. and Mrs. F. tlollyman, invited some of her young friends on Monday evening to a birthday party an the occasion of the fourth anniver- sary'of her birthday.. A Growing Crop Despite the dry weather the bur- docks are going to be an excellent crop despite rumors to the contrary. The Iiorticulturaal Society should offer a prize to keep up the interest in the- production heproduction of this early riser. Virtue -Torrance Wedding The home of Mr, and Mrs, John Torrance, Clinton was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday, June 125th, when their daughter, Edythe, became the bride of Captain A. G. Virtue, son of William .Virtue, Leth- bridge, Alberta, - The bride, who was given away by her father entered the drawing room which was prettily decorated with ferns. and roses, to the strains of Mendels- sol n's Wedding March, played by Miss 1 Maude Torrance, The bride was gown- ed in white duchess satin, Veiled 111. georgette crepe, and wore a veil of Brussels net, caught with pearls and orange blossoms. Her bouquet was of • sweetheart roses and orchids. During the signing of the register Miss Margaret Torrance of Port Arthur sang "Because." After the ceremony which was per - 1 fronted by Rev. J. E. Hogg, a buffet luncheon was served, the color schemes in the dinning being pale pink. Miss. Chowen, ad Miss Ages Campbell, , friends of the bride assisted. 'The bride went away in a suit of sand silk crepe with touches of brocad- ed French blue, and a becoming hat in harmonizing colors. The out' of town guests were -Miss Frances Virtue, St. Lukes' Hospital, New York; Miss Kathleen Virtue, Oi- 1 t11wa, sisters of the groom; Mr, A, P:. Torrance, Akron, Ohio; Mr, Melvin, ' Torrance, Toronto; Mr. Edgr Torr- ance, Sudbury; Miss Margaret Torr- ance of Port Arthur and Aiiss. Agnes. Campbell, Ripley. Captain and Mrs. Virtue left for, a: trip up the lakes and will be at home after July 31st at Lethbridge, Alberta., °ice Models In Women's Footwear When a woman puts her Foot into a pair of our Hand. sesmr summer shoes a look of pleasure and satisfaction beams in her face at once! Our Women's shoes are particularly well made, are •articularly well shaped, are particularly well ,styled and !ley are- 1rticularly Weil Lill..d ny• woman can please herself with shoes at this store! • 'e've the best productions of Canadas best Makers of ,s' Shoes. ty particularly right thing, that: any Woman wants in ur any purpose can always be found here. ery variation of site and width for perfect fitting. desire today to call special attention to the splendid seal values we offer in Women's white shoes at • tin; :2.50; . $2.25 and $4.00 FRED. Jil KS THE S,HOER 1