HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-6-26, Page 2PAGE :2
Every day 1
is i
Fashion Day
, Always
4 1 ;Something
I •
I New
Sag coni underwear for tGlWeather'
Every irecaution has been
v y_
taken ~o makeour under-
wear stock good, so good
that one trial will make a
customer of .you. forever.
All the latest improve-
ments'that tend to make
the standard of perfection
higher, we are pleased to
announce that our stock
is remarkably large and
varied and of Quality that
will add to the good re-
putation of this store.
We specialize in Ladies extra large
size garments.
Lain' Ii6eiery
We have a' very fine range of
Ladies Cotton, Lisle, Silk and Cash-
mere Hose in all shades and sizes,
Prizes range from 35c up to $2.75 a
Pretty New Blouses
Made of fine Quality Habuti
'Silk Georgette Crepe, Crepe -de
".hire, voiles and candy stripes
with the latest style collar and
sleeves. -
Sizes 34 to 4,6, ' Prices from
$1.60 upto$-10.00. "a
This offering of summer
Tresses is one Of our very best
and you should not overlook it.
The prettiest and most attract-
ve new styles are to be found
In voiles,
Toffettas, crepe-de-
;.hines,' Gingham and Cham-
ireys. •
The Ladles' Aid of St. Andrew's DIsRICN'S PLEA
Church held an entertainment on. Frir GO . _.
day evening, when Mr. J, ll,,,Cameron,
of 'Torontodelighted them by his read-
Thursday, June 160, 1919,
On July 2nd, Pilot S. S. Moore, who was at Blyth on June
3rd, will be here with an areoplane for passenger flights.
FREE EXHIBITION—Stunt Flying; Loops; Rolls; Spins, &c.
Ings, Music was 'fur'bished by the
Sealorth •Presbytrian choir, The Pat-
riotic Society took advantage• of the
occasion to present James Jarrott, a
returned soldier, with the usual gift
of cull' links and other articles,
Cour. Jos l ; Taman has purchased
Mr, Luxton Hiil s dralying and express
business taking possessian,pti Monday..
Mr. Wm: Shepherd, of Hutkett, has
purchased Mr. Luxton Hill's. residence
'Ainsley Street and will become a
resident. of Blyth, Mr, dill is not
definitely decided what he will do but
in all probability will Move to: London.
Word from Toronto intimates that
Pte. Fred 'Willows, son of Mrs. P, Wil-
lows, formely of Blyth, had returned
from overseas, He enlisted.with the
Canadian Engineers and spent two and
a half years in England and•France,
ERf'.''uE rl I•Fl.7Ei+%4'+9L 17
sealed in its wax -
wrapped package. air-
tiahte iriPu ity proof --
r' S924
is hygienic and whole-
some. The oodY
that's good for young
and old,
The Flavour Lasts
Be sure to eel
Look for the
C, .P. R. Official, Receive }request For
Boat -Can Do Nothing Now
Goderich, June 1S,—A party of C,
P. 1';, officials paid ae inforutal visit to
the town, and after Inspecting their
yards ,ted harbor, were entertained to
'lunalieoin by the industrial committee
of the Local Board of Grade. The
party consisted' of Vice -President Halal
of Montreal; n1.. 11, Brown, division
,freight agent; W..13, Lanigan, freiglht
trat'le MManager, and • a number
others. The party is going over the
lines on a tour of inspection, this be-
ing the first time the vice-president
has been in this district. •
At the luncheon, the matter of pro-
viding:•a boat both 'freight and passen-
ger, was brought to the attentioe of
the visitors, the advantages of the
harbor and the short run to the road
of the lakes, along with other shipping
facilities, were thoroughly gone over
by the industrial commission and the
officials were greatly impressed. At
present they slid it was impossible
for thein to do anything towards pro-
mising a boat, that owing to the war
they were not yet back on a proper,
working basis.
They denied the rumor that they
were leaving Georgian Bay and making.
Goderlch a terminal, saying that they
they had too much at stake to leave at
A pretty wedding was solemnized at
the hone of Mr. and Mrs. George Bean,
Zion North, on Saturday, June 14th,
at 4.30 p, m, when their daughter Miss
Elsie C. was united in matrimony to
Mr. Howard R, Baer, both of Colborne.
The cerentuoy, t°which took place under
an evelgreeen, arch trimmed with roses
and organe blossoms, was performed by
Rev. P. S. Bates, B. A., of Benntiller,
in the presence of it number of rela-
tives and friends The bride, who was
unattended, was daintily gowned in
crepe de chine and georgette with pearl
trimming: and carried a bouquet of
bridal roses. The wedding march Was
played by Mrs. George A. Bean. A.
sumptuous wedding dinner was served
by girl friends of the bride, The
dining -room was beautifully decorated
with roses, Some of the guests frd'in
n distance were Mrs, Allman and Mrs,
Hickman, sisters of the bride, and Miss
Ashbourne, of Toronto. The bride and
groom received many pretty and useful
gifts, among then a walnut jardiniere
stand front friends of the bride of
Zion North church,
James Priest and staff are busy open-
ing up the village drain south of King
street, for which he received the Con-
"Dollar Day)' was held here on Wed-
nesday last and drew a largecrowd of
John McD, Wilson stet with a very
serious accident on Tuesday afternoon
while unhitching his horse at -the farm
of Alex. Buchanan, third concession of'
Tuckersnnith, He forgot to take off
one of the hold -back straps, which
Caused the horse to plunge wildly, in
plunging and rearing up it fell over - on
Mr, Wilson and also dragged the buggy
on hint, inflicting severe injuries to his
body and face. He was conveyed home
by Dr.. Moir in an uncoriscious state,
lie is in a very serious condition, .
Among tire' soldiers who lately re-
turned from overseas are: Janes Park,
son of Donald Park, London road, and
Alpine McEwen, sun of the tate Dun-
can McEwen, London road, both of
whom enlisted .with •the•t6tst (Huron)
Air. Ellie Yeo recently purchased a
new ckevrolet car from Bart' Lavis,
the local dealer,
The occasional showers of the past
week were much needed and will do a
lot of good.
Mr. Fred Leonard was in Seaforth
last wh'ek.
i The home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Johnston, Huron road, was the scene
of a happy event on Wednesday morn-
ing of last week, when their only
daughter, Muriel Katherine, was united
in marriage to Mr. Frederick Middle-
ton, youngest son of Mr, John Middle-
ton, of Whitehall, Goderich 'Township.
The ceremony too • place at 10. o'clock
and was performed by Rev, A. L. G.
'Clarke, rector of St. George's church,
in the presence of between forty and
fifty guests., The bridesmaid was Miss
Kathleen McNaughton, of Varna,
cousin of the bride, and the grooms-
man was Mr. Will Middleton, cousin
of the groom,
l artuers are worried over the Appear -
tom of the heel fly which, while: not
n S r
vary numerous at present, are C,tt
touch trouble to the cattle,
Mr, James Mustard is having -an in-
dependent ele tris iig4tting plant lin-.
stalled in his buildings. The work has
progressed so well that already he
lights his barn, runs the cream separ-
ator, washing machine, ° fanning mill
and churn by electricity. This week he
hopes to have his house lighted also,
• The Military Medal, which was a-
warded to Sergi, L, 13, Denny, of this
place; for valor in the September ftght-
ing,iast year, has just arrived from
England, and is now. in Sergt. Denny's
possession, Sergt, Denny, who has
been home for some months, enlisted
with the 71st: Bsfttaiion and served
three years in France with the 50111
Battalion. He was buried once and
once, wounded.
Quite a number around here attend-
ed the decoration day at Maitland Bank
Cemetery at Seaforth on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Britton and Miss
Margaret Love attended the wedding
of their sister at Walton on Wednes-
day of last week.
The School children are the end of
Goderich Township was the scene of
a disastrous tire early on Sunday
morning, June 15th, when , the frame
dwelling of Richard Porter, about five
miles from Goderich was totally de-
A very successful garden party was
held on the lawn of our genial coun-
cillor, Herbert Cox, on the evening of
June 13th. After all had enjo,8'ed a
bountiful supper, a good.progrttm was
rendered, the Rev, 13. Anderson being
chairman. 'rhe proceeds' of the even-
ing amounted to 590. The energetic
president, Mrs. Fred' Elliott, and oher
members of the Bethel Ladies' Aid
are to be congratulated on the ,success
of their effort.
Mr. A, Ferguson is staking extensive
repairs to his funiture shop;
Farriers' clubs. here and McGaw
shipped to carload of cattle to Toronto.
A large eumber of our citizen* are
storing their winter supply of coal, a
carload having arrived at the station.
Mr, H. If. 11111 was busy taking down
the old building which he Inas been us-
ing for an implement shed, Il'e intends
erecting it new building at once with a
signet -ate fouudatioit and steel super-
S ructure
Mr. James Johnston is busy Making
preparation to build a new garage ad-
joining his store on the property
which he purchased from the late Mr,
Thomas Reid, Soti of Robert Reid
of West . Wawanosh, passed away on
Monday, June,23rd. The deceased died
frons mi operation for appendicitus, Ile
was in his 24th year, The funeral took'
place from his father's 'Acture nit Wed
1iesduv, June 256, Rev, 13, 0, l't,rrl'
Mrs. Jas, Bryant, of London, is at
present visiting at the home of Mr.
John McCowan.
Mrs. Chas Sundercock, and daughter
of Windsor, are visiting at the. home of
Mr. N. Sundercock,
A strange Company visited our town
for the purpose of buying out Mr,
Thomson's Flour Mill but it is not
known if their intentions were to start
the business here or elsewhere.
The Porter's Hill baseball team were
again defeated by our sports by a small
margin but as the Paddies of the hills
knows no surrender they will again
contest for supremacy -on July 1st
when Clan Gregor square will realize
what Scottish determination repre-
Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A, F, Si; A.
M., held their annual church service
Sunday morning to St. George's
Church. Over 100 of the brethren
turned out, including many from Morn-
ing Star Lodge, of Smith Hill, and front
other points. The rector, Rev. A.
L. G. Clarke, preached an eloquent
sermon, taking for his subject, "The
Builder." The service- was espec-
iallly bright for the occasion and was
much appreciated by the brethren.
The funeral of the late Alexander
Straiten; who passed away on Thurs-
day night, took place Sunday after-
noon to Maitland Cemetery, Rev. Mr,
McDermid, pastor of Knox Presbyterian
Church, was in charge of the service,
which was a private one. About 80
Masons turned out to pay their ,lest
respects, also the Town Council and
the water and light commissioners ,
►rormor Goderich 1 awnship Lud ,1
Reo.chee Her 100th Milestone
this week writing on their examina-
Mr and Mrses Sidney Dulmage .and
children spent Sunday with Geo. Riley,
Miss Fern Love, of Walton, spent
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Brit-
Don't forget the. social 'at Ed, Brit
ton's on Friday evening, June 27th
The harmony Boys from London also
the Clinton Kitties Silver Band will be
Samuel Egger, of Seaforth, has made
a discovery which he hopes will be a
very profitable one for himself and
beneficial to the country at large. It
is the securing of turpentine tar -and
charcoal from the stumps. In company
with a government expert, a test was
recently made at a bush about 1 1 utiles'
from Seaforth which it is understood,
resulted quite satisfactory, The Bell
Engine Company is preparing a plant
for Mr, Egger within a short time, and
tt is hoped to commence the manufac-
ture of these products on a commercial
basis, About fifty men are expected
to be employed when things get going.
'There was a large attendance at the
Sabbath evening sermon, which marked
the close of Rey. 11. D. Moyer's pastor-
ate in, lite Methodist church. Mr.
Moyer spoke of the years spent in Sea -
forth as being one of the brightest of
his ministry. Rev, Mr. Edwards will
open his pastorate here on July 1,
Fidelity Lodge of I .0 , O. F. held
their annual decoration day services on
Sunday afternoon. Dr..G. W. Harris -
ton, grand master for the' Province of
Ontario, was, present and gave an ex-
cellent address. •
Rev, Alexander Forbes, D. D. of
Grand Prairie, Alberta, who has been
a guest at the home of Mr, A, p, Suth-
erland, has, gone to spend the summer
at his home in Scotland,
Miss Ruth Armstrong, of Toronto, is
visiting Mrs W. 0, Sutherland.
Sunday July 6, will stark the open-
ing of the pastorate of the new
appointee, Rev, E. W. Edwards, M. C ,
M, A„ 13, D, The new pastor has
but recently returned from overseas
where he sari' such setlr,'ice as a'con-
battut, He rose to the rut of captain
and as reward for special. bravery on
field was invested by the king with the
Military ' Cross, He wits repeatedly
wbunded, but has trade an excellettt
recovery and will take up once more
the work of tile active pastorate with
the added equipment of a strenuous and
extended watt experience. He conies
with a record of successful' work on
all his fields and being in the prime of
life his many friends anticipate a happy
and fruitful pastorate in this place. He
is assured of the warns support of a
united and loyal Congregation.
The government of Formosa is plan-
nictg the establishment of one of the
greatest hydro -electric plants in the
Far East, capable of supplying 130,-
000 horsepower and serving the eft -
Repairing Roads "•
Tice Clinton
• • ,ts have h•
l acre star
The following from the Aberdeen
(N. Dak.) paper refers to Mrs, Robert
Blliott, •who formerly lived on the 71;11
concession of Goderich 'township, Mr.
J, W. Elliottland Mrs, 'I', J. Reid, of
town are .distant relatives of Mrs, Elll-
Huron -Cc).
A writ In the London County Court
was obtai,etl' by W. C, Fitzgerald for
his chant, David W, Marshall, df Wawa-
I Township,
1 blamerButch and M , •uf the
city, The claim made Is for $70o dam •
ages for breach of warranty and mis-
representation an the sale of certaltt
hoods, chattels, farm stock and imple-
teems au November 26, 1 91 8, 'The
Ale was matte by Mr. Burch to the
plaintiff and in payment Mr. Marshall
gave Mabel Burch a Mortgage for 5200.
Surrounded by her children and
other relatives, and with large num-
ber of friends and neighbors calling
upon her Mrs. Mary Ann, ("Grandma")
Elliott, celebrated her one hundredth
birthday to day (May 31st). Born in
County. Fermanagh, Ireland, on May
39st, 1819, the 4aughtcr of a farmer
who owned his own land, Mary Ann
Anderson emigrated to Ontario, Canada
in 1840,at the age of 21. There she
engaged in dressmaking, and also
taught school. She there ,net young
Robert Elltott, also a native of County
',Farmanah, whom she had not known in
' their native land, and whom she mar-
ried when she was 25 in 1844, The
young couple resided on a farm Mr.
1 Elliott had settled on and there they re-
sided until Mr. Elliott's death, thirty-
' four years ago. Afterward she came to
Aberdeen, where she now resides with
a daughter, Mrs. Thomas Cleaves, at
, 324 South Secondstreet.
Mr, Flint, one of the hydro Electric
'Concncision was in town procuring par-
ticulars of the local electric light plant'
and the wiring in the town with a
view of preparing estimates. These
estimates should he ready in two or
three ,weeks and will be submitted to
the Town Council and the necessary
by-law will Inc prepared for submission
to the ratepayers.
A very successful lawn social took
place on Thursday night on the
grounds of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, under the auspices of the
Sunday school, Wingham Citizens'
Band furnished music', as well as chor-
uses and drills under the management
of Mr. and Mrs. R, T. Cowell. Ice
cream, lemonade and other refresh-
ments were sold on the grounds, and
the treasurer reports that they will
have $145 to help defray the expenses
on a piano which has been purchased
for the Sunday School,
Miss -Violet Phillips, a graduate of
the School of Commerce, Clinton, left
last week for Toronto where she has
accepted a position.
(Intended for Last Week.)
Over 40 from here spent Monday in
Goderich,' Part of the crowd attended
the Woman's Institute Convention in
the afternoon.
A Splendid addresswas given in the
Presbyterian Church on Wednesday
evening by a returned Missionary from
Do not forget the strawberry socials
Wednesday evening, June 25th and the
other on June 30th,
Mrs. Bell is visiting Wingham friends
this week,
Quite a number took in the Moon-
light Excursion in Goderich on Mon-
day night, .
Mrs.' L.oundesbe'ry is' enjoying a
month's visit with her parents in Delhi,
A flying machine or two will pro-
bably constitute part of the soldiers'
welcome and old boys' reunion on July
27, 28 unci 29,
r dome -grown strawberries • are slew
coating to market and have been re-
tailing at 30 cents a box.
The recent thunderstorms did dam-
age. to a number of telephones, light-
ning burning out the batteries.
Ur. Whitefield, formerly of this lo-
cality, has been dangerously 111 at his
home, Fort Scott, Kansas. His bro-
ther William went to see, hint in re-
sponse to a telegram,
The. number of June weddings have
been above the average in this lo-
Brussels branch of the W, C. T. U.,
which does prectigal work, elected the
following officers: President, Mrs. A.
McGuire; vice-presidents, Mesdaptes
Dark, Stafford, and Mann; recording
secretary, Mrs. Robt, Oliver; corre-
sponding secretary, Mrs, 1. Parker;
treasurer, Mrs. A. J. Lowery; superin-
tendents, Mesdames Skelton, Wilson,
McKenzie and Misses Smith and Bu-
chanan. An educational campaign will
be carried out on the use of the ballot.
Mrs. Ps nicQuarrie is quite poorly
from an attack of anaemia,
This week Mrs; P, Scott goes to To-
ronto to attend the provincial'Liberal
convention as one of the delegates
chosen by Centre Huron Association,
Cratnbrook C. 0, F. court was repre-
sented last °week atthe high court,
London, by Joltn McNabb,
Public school and society picnics are
legion during the nexf'two weeks.
Most successful were the anniversary
services conducted by Melville Pres-
byterian -Church on Sunday. and Mon-
day, Rev, A, C, Wishart, of Calgary; a
former pastor, was the preacher, and
long before the hours of service,•both
morning and evening, the church was
Crowded to the doors. Mr. Wishart is
an able speaker and delivered splendid
discourses, Monday evening a tea
meeting was held, after Well a, pro-
• gran tin's rendered by the choir, in-
terspersed • with• addresses by the
clerr,ynterl o8 the rrinmlinity 111,1 "•'
Last Friday J. lzenhover showed the
Brussels Pust.a handful of flax pulled
from the plot ht Brussels that measur-
ed 10 Inches, M1otving the growth an
Melt a day front the time seed was put
in the ground, Jack-ttnd-the-beanstock
is going to be uulrivalled,
James Wait and Dr. Porterfield, of
Elora, Inspected the thoroughbred
stock of Oestreicher Bros,
tCrediton. n.
They are among the biggestdealers
stock In Canada, and it IS quite a
compliment for local people to have
alert call and make an inspection,
Oestreicher Bros are making a spec-
ialty 'of this line' turd are snaking a
name for themselves,
Mrs, Elliott was the mother of eight
children, five sons and hree daugh-
ters, Of these, T, W. Elliott, James
A. Elliott, G. T. Elliott, Dr. J. W. El-
liott, Mrs, Mary Ann Stanley and Mrs,
Thomas Cleaves survive, all of then
but Mrs. Stanley being residents .of
Aberdeen.' She lives at Morris, Man.
A son, Dr. R. N. Elliott, died thirty-
two years ago, and a daughter, Cath-,
erine Melinda, at the age of 3,
Mrs. Elliott, despite her advanced
age is able to get about the house, en-
joys visits with her friends, and p't s-
sesses a wonderful tneinory 'for past
events. She took. a great interest in
the world war, and knitted for he Red
Cross. She received many gifts of
flowers and other presents on her
Mrs. Elliott was the eldest of six
children; and is the sole survivor of
her fancily, She w'as a twin, her twin
brother, George Anderson, dying four
years ergo, at the age of 98. A sister,
•Mrs. Isabelle Good, died at the age of
94, another brother, ,lohn T, Anderson,
at 88, and tu,Jother, sister, Catharie, at
84. The sixth member of the fancily
James ,Aderson, the only on who fail-
ed to live past four score years, was
accidentally killed when a tree fell on
When Mrs. Elliott emigrated to Ca-
nada from Ireland ,she traveled in a
sailing vessel which required six weeks
to make the voyage.
Mr. John J. Smith attended the
funeral of his father, Mr. Joseph Smith,
at Crossweil, Mich, The late Mr.
, Smith was n1 former resident of this
'section and well known to many of the
residents, •
Mr. Oscar Ducharnte has purchas-
ed from airs. A. Johnston and Mr, Wm,
S Johnstone the form on the Sauble
Linesoeth, but the sellers reserve this
year's crop. Mr. Duchatrnre has•been
living un the farmp for some years,
The U, F. Club 54th concession will
hold a picnic at Grand Bend on June
26111. It is expected that a prominent
speaker will be at the' picnic and give
and address.
Miss Mary L`Tom, daughter of in-
spector Tom, Goderich, and a student
of Trinity 'Ooliege, Toronto, won the.
Governor -General's" Silver Medal for
the best degree; and also the Govern-
or -General's bronze medal for the
leadership of St. Hilda's College. '
The Colborne township picnic under
joint municipal and Farmers' Club
auspices, will be held at the Point
Faris on Friady, July 4. Among the
speakers of the day will be Mr. Thos.
Finlay, president of the Massey -Harris
At Osgoode Hall last week, in the
case of Brown vs. Wolsh, an appeal
was heard from the judgment ,of. the
County Court of Huron of April 12,
19 to, The action was to recover, $235.
being 5135 for alleged breach of con-
tract and $100 for money paid by
plaintiff to defendant. At trial the
action was dismissed with costs. The
appeal was allowed and judgment given
for plaintiff, with $75 damages and
costs. •
On St,, day last,- June 15th, another
of the pioneer residents of T•urnberry
passed away in the person of Isabel
Woods, beloved wife of Mr, Frank
Carruthers, in her 79th year, Mrs.
Carruthers spent nearly all of her life
on the 91.11 cnncesion of Tut•nberry, in
the locality in which she passed away.
She had been In poor health' for some
Alr Lawrence Pearen has sold his
13 acres of land In Turnberry at the
north end of Josephine Street, Wing -
ham, to Mr. John 81. Fisher. Tile
price paid was 51250.
The celebrittiot at Blyth netted the
committee in charge about $800 which
will go to the Mennorful Hall Fund.
Prior to his departure from Dela-
ware to Shelburne, Rev. W. 11. Hartley
a Howick old boy, was presented with
a purse of $200 by the Church of Eng-
Colborne Fanners' Club are holding
a picnic on July 4111, at Point •Farm,
There will be boating, baseball, races
and other sports, Neighboring clubs
A movement is' on foot to have the
cooling 12th of July celebrated in
Wroxeter. it is a good many years
since the "Glorious Twelfth" was cel-
ebrated there.
Messrs. Tipling and Mills are shipp-
ing pressed hay to Cincinnati, Ohio,
via C. P. R. from Corrie station. They
expect to have between 15 and 20
cars.may, The hay cones from near Mild -
Owing to ill health Robt, J. Bow-
man has disposed of his tine 100 acre
'farm. N;i Lot 2 , Con. 3, Morris twp,,
to Ernest Campbell, who has lived in
Michigan for a number of pears. Price
was 8,100 which includes the crop.
Some bold thieves will a Ford car
took two boxes of Kees from Mr, John
BRUCEFIELD.Levy, at Carlow. last Saturday night or
Alex. Grey fell from his wagon uu'l early Sunday morning We hear the.
Satut'Thty and was badly bruised. ile number of the car was taken by a pass -
became ill and was unconscious for a anger so hope the guilty ones will be
time He is recovering found out.
• A number of Dungannon folk carte
Miss Alice Davidson has gone to to Lucknow and presented Pte. Bert
iraih fora nurse in St. Joseph's hospi' Rivers with a purse of 525.00 The
tal, London,Rivers family were living near Dungan -
'rhe Lawn social Intron on Tuesday one,
The S, 'S,
church o❑
Dr. W nn. St
misses Louise
Naughton nowt.
Strafford Nora
turned hone,
Mrs. Charles aytou, of Seaforth, as it had been run fur considerable
and family are the guests' of Mrs, Dan tante, Mr. Ashton being unable to gut
Ross, it oat of gear.
Pte.rtes Makins has returned from non four years ago when Bert enlist -
'ed and the presentation was in the
held on 141 r. Elliott's wtiy of a ucark of appreciation,
ay teas a very successful 9'he many friends in Goderich of tife
deceased young lady will learn with
deep regret of the death in Palmerston
'Convention was held in our on Monday, June 16111, of Miss Meta
Wednesday of last week. N'oungson, daughter of Mr. John
Swan has" returned from Youngson, formerly of Goderich. In-
terment took place at Hamilton.
se Allis an,.: Marry Mc -
Messrs, Peter McLaughlin,
finished their course in Mike McLaughlin and Mr. Murray were
Normal School. driving into Dublin on Friday night
the horse became frightened and jump -
Miss Jean Elcoat, of Toronto General
hospital is visiting at home,
People are looking anxiously for
rains as the grains are suffering for
lack of moisture,
Haying Is started. it will not be a
Very heavy crop.
Miss Ina Grey has returned from a
trip to Detroit.
Master (7, Nygh who has had an
operation in Clinton Hospital has re-
el on to the radiator ,of a Car, cutting
its head severely and throwing Mr, P.
McLauglin onto the car, but ice escap-
ed unhurt.
(15 Friday afternoon last the fine
'large bank barn belonging to Mr. Robt.
Ashton, just west of • the Gorrie side -
road was destroyed by lire together
with all his Implements. hay and grain,
icaness, some calves and a pig. It is
supposed that the lire started from the
windmill which had become overheated
I •'VI op'ter!
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