HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-6-19, Page 5Thursday, June 49th, 1919, s Will need wedding rings- you wish yours to be good, up-to- date in style and a comfortable fit. Those we 'sell have all these desirable qualities. Our stock of presents for. the 'JUNE BRIDES are all they could desire: SILVER TEA SETS and numerous. FANCY PIECES. All useful, also 'CUT GLASS, fancy china and .DINNER SETS. W. II. HUHU JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses )110Z01 ION OA** ti LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sore, touchy corns off with fingers _ YE s.i ST CAKES Royal Yeast has been the standard. �tyeast inCanaadal. • for ever 50 years, and it is ,a well known fact tht bread made with Royal Yeast • possesses a• greater amount of nourish. nient than that made wi b any e English scientists have decided that passing electricity through freshly cut timber makes it more resistant against decay and fungous growths. 133RD. r RAM. COLORS ON WAY HOME , COMRADES WILL, DECIDE WHERE THEY WILL REST -MEETING TO BE CALLED -SALE OF BAND IN- STRIJMENTS IS OBJECTED TO BY FORMER SOLDIERS (London Advertiser). -Members of the old 33rd Battalion are to have the pleasure of .receiving the battalion col- ors again in a short time, Word has been received by L1eut,Col, h1, T. Rance, of 'Clinton,' formerly senior major of the unit, that they are on the, way home, and lie has asked that n meeting of the 33rd1. Comrades' Club be called to decide where the colors shall be deposited, A meeting to talk over this and other questions will be held on Tuesday evening. There is also a fund of $2,000 be- longing to the regiment, and the dis- posal of this money will be discussed. The trustees of the fund are Brig, - Gen. L.'W. Shannon, Lieut.Col. J. D. McCrinnot, Majors Willoughby and Thornley and Capt. Mercer. The colors were deposited in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, England, be - Idea tate battalion was broken up and sent, to Trance, and in all probability they will be. left in St. Paul's here. When a general meeting of the bat- taliond trustees t I ah t sl es Is called, s i antic- 19 ttention to Motor. Car Owners ! We are now in a position to give efficient and prompt service. We are equipped with an up-to-date plant to do Vulcanizing and Retreading Vulcanizing and Retreading on all sizes of tires, - Smooth All Weather Treads put on Out of town customers ship your work to us at our ex- pense. We will examine it and advise by return mail. WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED or nson & Churchill Doesn t hurt a bit! Drop a little T'reeeone on an aching corn, Instantly 'that corn stops, hurting, then you lift it right out. Yes, magic! A. t'ny bottle of Freezone costs but a ieiv cents at any drug store, but is suffi- cient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes; and the calluses, without .soreness or irritation. Freozone is the sensational discovery of a Cincinnati grains.It is wenzIerful. Plain Language You'll find that common words, simple explanations and quick action are the rule at the Willard Service Station. It• is part of Willard policy to make it easy for every user of a Willard Battery to get the most 'out of it. So our instructions are plain: 1 -Add pure water. 2 -Take hydrometer test every two weeks. • 3 --If hydrometer test is less than 1.285 at any two successive readingsome straight to the Willard 3ez•v- ice Station. J. qi, PUNK Ga Ira e is your Willard Service Station. Storage Battery recharged and Overhauled, Accessories for Automobiles and bicycles. Phone 80 Residence 140 CLINTON, "ONTb Notice ;►'Seventy live dollars will be given in prizes by Clinton Agri cultural Society for field crop competition. Prizes 10 be divid- ed as follows: First Prize: -$20, 2nd prize: -$15, 3rd prizes -$12. 4th prize: -$10, 5th prizes -$8. etih prize: $6. 7th prize: 114, The mat be at least ten com- petitions having live acres of white oats: This Is open only to Members in good standing, or any wishing to compete, must become members of the above Society. Entries for this competielon will close June 1st, 1914. Entry forms, and any furtifer'partfcu. lets May be obtained front S. B, Statlsers, district representative o' A; J. McMurray, Secretary, ,1 S & J viend in.need This illustrates an actual case where a K. & S. tube was used to pull a .friend out of the ditch. While not advisable to use a tube this way, it can be done with a K. & S. tube -the tubes that are often known to outlast the car itself. LAMINATED See this cross-section of a K. & 3. tube. Note its con- struction. Every K. & S. tube is LAMINATED -built up layer upon layer, and vulcanized in one piece. The strong, elastic rubber is compounded from the finest ingredients, preventing it from becoming brittle or porous, and preserving its satiny softness. Try one IC, & S. tube, and compare its length of service with that of any other•make, K. & S. tubes cost no more than others. You might as wall have the best. Write for FRES Milecge Record Booklet, K. & S. Canadian Tire & Rubber Co., Limited TORONTO, BALITLTON, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG Factory at WESTON, Ont.x iee t • $- ice. TIRES alloTURE. Are 5oi.m BY R. Graham Bert, Langford 1Paxman's Garage '"c1 J. B, Levis A. Seeley. kt' If tw" e ''lel 411 Spend Dominion Day in Goderich J GREATEST PROGRAM IN WESTERN ONTARIO TUESDAY, JULY 1st, 1919 AEROPLANE FLIGHTS DEMONSTRATION 13Y WAR VETERANS BASEBALL -Zurich .(Winners of Clinton Tonna/tent) vs. Goderich (whiners of Blyth Competition). BABY SHOW GREAT a HORSE RACES 2,10 trotor pace purse ..$350 2,25 trot or pace, purse ..$300. 2.50 trot or pace, purse ..,$100 CONCERTS 13Y BAND OF THE 33rd Regt. HIGHLAND DANCING FLORAL PARADE, etc. CONCLUDING WITH A GRAND FIREWORKS DISPLAY IN THE EVENING -SOMETHING DOING ALL DAY LONG ._ i "._ Come end have the time of your Itis at "Huron's Gulden Gate" MayerWtgle W. Ladle, T. Pritchard Chairman- of Committee, ; Treasurer Secretary THE CLINTON MEW Ellie tpated that the men will have, eonhe questions to ask, There is eonsidere able c}iss ttistaetion; because the band tustrunieut's were sola by: the trustees to the C. G. R: for ,$200, without the men having beets consulted, it is asserted that one of the Instruments 'done Is worth &1250, that the Original total cost was $1,160, and. that this a- mount was raised by the men them- selves, with the understanding that the players' were to own their own instru- ments on return to Canada,. Sone of them have not been turned Ili, but those who did obey instructions have now lost diem. it is claimed that the trustees had no right to sell under these conditions, 11 is. hoped thit a meeting of the trustees and men will be arranged at which these questions will be settled satisfactorily. HAD DYSENTERY Was So Weak She Had To Go To Bed. Mrs - Charles Buchanan, West Moul- ton, Ont., writes: -"1 took Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry when 1 had dysentery so bad I passed nothing but blood and water. I got medicine from our doctor, but it failed to help me. A friend of mine dropped into see me one afternoon. I was so weak I was in bed. She told me what "Dr. Fowler's" had done for her little boy. and she went home and got the bottle she always kept in her medicine chest; and believe me four doses helped me so I could get up and do my work. I took two more doses and I was as normal as I should be. I would not be without it now if it were five dollars a bottle. My husband has used it since I did, for diarrhoea and he got' splendid results. You may publish this .1 you wish, as it may load some other sufferer to a euro." Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry for the past 74 years has had phenomenal success- in all cases of diarrhoea, dysentery, cramps, colic, ehol• era morbus, cholera infantum, summer complaint and bowel oomplaints of old and young. If you want to bo en the safe side, if you don't want to experiment or take chances as to results, refuse any and every bowel complaint compound that ie offered you and insist on the old reliable "Dr. Fowler's." Price .350. a bottle at all dealers. Put up only by The T. Milburn Co.; Limited. Toronto. Ont. FORWARD MOVEMENT SUMMER SCHOOL Program of School to Be Held at Knox Church, Goderich, July 5-12 SATURDAY, JULY STH Saturday afternoon will be spent in getting settled- in the various homes where the delegates are to be entertain- ed. 7n the evening a Social Iiour will be spent in the lecture room of the church to get acquainted. SUNDAY, JULY 6TH Sunday will be a day.of quiet rest and worship. Divine service will be conducted in Knox church at 11 a. m., by Rev. J. •M, Nichol, B. A., Listowel, and at 7 p, nig by Rev. Alex McMillan, D. D. Toronto, convener of the Hymnal committee. MONDAY, JULY 7th Forenoon: -Motor ride to points of interest and reception of staff. Afternoon: -Program of studies, 2.00 to 5.45. Evening: -S,00; Worship, song and htddres33, DAILY PROGRAMME Rev. W. R. Mclntosh General Chairman And Supervisor Morning: -S.30 -Worship a 11 d "Studies in Life from the New Testa- ment," Rev. J. D. Cunningham, M. A., Welland. 9.1"5 -."Korea," Rev. D, A. McDon- ald, B, A., of Korea. 10.00: -Women's Work, Represen- tative of W. M. S. 10145 -"Religious Education," by Rev. W. J, Knox, M. A. London, 10.00: -"Community Service," Rev. 0, A. Woodside; M. A. Brantford. 11,4 5 -intermission Afternoon: -Rest, Recreation, Sup- ervised Gashes, Swimming etc. Evening 8:00 to 8,30 -Each even- ing Worship Song will be led by Rev. Alesx, McMillan, b D„ assisted by Mr. 1', T. L-•gener, ,Mus, B., Miss McKenzie :and the full choir of Knox Church, 8.30: -Each evening from Monday to Friday inclusive, the following pro- gramme of addresses will be introduc- ed. Monday -Rev, J. M. Nichol, B. A., Listowel, "The Forward Movement," Tuesday -Rev, A. B. Armstrong, M. A., Toronto, "A. Visit to the Opening Orient," Wedihesday Rev. G. A. Woodside, M. A., Brantford, "Trustees of the New Civilization." Thursday. -Rev. W. J. Knox, M. A. London, "The Nation's Challenge to The dosis.". Friday --Rev, D. C. McGregor, 13, A., London, "The Investment of Life." GENERAL INFORMATION The commnittee's object this year is to feature the "Forward Movement" of our church, The Committee has arranged for bil- lets in the (homes so as to reduce the expense of the delegates to a minimum. The sum of eight dollars ($'8.00) will be paid to the hostess for the week. A registration fee of one dollar °($1.00) is required'frotn each d'eiegate to cover the expenses of the school. The fee should accompany the applica- tion for registration. The fee will be refunded to any who find it impossible to attend if notice is sent by July 211d; early as possible to Mr, J. F, Tltoelson, Appplicatiot should be made as Secretary. dhilt .ren ai FOR FLETCHES'Sx 0 ► ►�T.C7 RIA, MCCUILOUGH HANGED FOR MURDER Slayer of Detective Williams Pays the Penalty at,Toronto,, • T01.'011 to, June 13..= -Frank ,,Mc(.3u1- toug']h,‘tiie Otsego, N, Y., county farm tad, was lunged at the jailthismorn- ing for the murder of Detective Frank Williams, The execution took place at 7.57 a.m., and -Jail officials state that McCullough went to his death with a smile on his face, calmly praying for. !himself 'and. .for the C4131)14)1, Rev, Bertram Nelles, who attended him dur- ing his lncaireeretiou. HURON LIBERALS MEET South Huron Liberals at Hensall De. mand Just Franchise, Better Treat. ment For Veterans, Tariff Reduc- tions and British Preference, Hensel!, June 16: The franchise act, delays in holding ' by-elections, lack of tariff reform, treatment given returned soldiers, press censorship and government extravagance came in for severe criticism at the live enthusiastic Liberal gathering held In the town hall here this afternoon. - South Huron Liberals" -from every section of the provincial and dominion ridings were on Band in numbers to give voice to the new and vigorous Liberalism that is rapidly sweepng from Atlantic to Pacific. The meeting held today was repre- sentative of the Liberal Association as constituted for both provincial and dominion matters, and the ring of the speeches by W. G. Charlton of Aylmer, secretry-treasurer of the Western Ontario Liberal Association, and of Willia0h Proudfoot, M. P, P., of Goder- riclh, wet indicative of the new vigor and life which the sheeting displayed Officers for dominion and provincial associations were elected for the year, and also sub -division chairmen and delegates to go to the Ottawa and Toronto Liberal Conventions. Stiff Resolutions Resolutions were passed unanimously demanding: 1 1. A just franchise, 2. "Compulsory bye -elections to be held automatically within 60 days after the vacancy occurs. 3. "Such a'drastic reduction of the customs tariff as will make free all requirements of agriculture, produc- tion , and the industrial life of Canada, and all the necessities of life for the great consuming population of this country This will include acceptance of full reciprocal trade relations with the United States and all countries giving us like treatment. We also favor a decided increase in the trade preference with the motherland. 4. "A full and just reconsideration Of tate treatment and pensions of our returned soldiers with a view to do- ing them full justice. .5. "A free press and a free as- sembly. 6. "Doing away with the publica- tion of the official records and bureau of information. John Essery, President John Essery, of Usborne Township was elected president of the Provincial Association. Other .officers are: First vice-president, Mrs. F. W. Giadman, of Exeter; second vice-president, Robert McKay, of Tuckersmitlh; secretary, T. G. Shillinglaw, of Seaforth; treasurer, J. Preeter, of Zurich. Chairmen of sub -divisions are: G. Wise„ Goderich Township; J. A. Mc- Ewen ,Stanley Township; J. Thompson, Bayfield Township; Charles Fritz, Hay Township; John Morgan, Usborne Township; G. Collins and R. Penhale, Stephen, Township; William Hay, Tuckersnhith Township; 'Charles i•Iar- vey, Exeter and Dr. Alex. Moir, lien- sall. Delegates to the provincial conven- tion at Toronto are: J, Preeter, J, Es- sery, J. Kellerman, of Dashwood, Mrs. J.Essery and Mrs. T. J. Berry, of Hen- sal1, Alternates are: Alex Mustard, of Brucefield, John Morgan and Mrs. 0. Fritz, of Zurich. • Harry Smith Federal Head Harry Smith ,of Hay Township was chosen head of the Federal Liberal As- sociation. . Other officersi��are: First vice-president, James Watson, of Sea - forth; second vice-president, Donald Burns, of i•Iensall; third vice-president, Miss Beatrice Urquhart, of ilensall; secretary, R. G. Seldom, of Exeter; treasurer, Dr. Alex, Moir, of Hensall„ The sub -division chairmen are those named by the provincial, association with the following added: George Mc- Lellan, Clinton, ,George 0r Waltt, iRhl- tett Township; John McDowell, McKil• Ibp Township; J. B. liinchley, Seaforth,+ George Stephenson, Seaforth; and J. Hawkins, of Exeter. Delegates to the Ottawa convention are : Mrs Harry Smith, of Exeter; Robert Pickard, Harry Smith and Thoinas McMillan, of ilullett Township, HURON BOYS HOME Pte. li, M. Ward, Seaforth. Pte. J, 12. Makins, Varna, ' Pte. A. Wallace, Winglians. Pte, E. C. Hoare, Clinton, Pte. 0; W. Lyniburner, Goderich, Pte. V. Green, Goderich, 0-2' M. S., W. S. J. Holman, Goderich Sergi. W, Haywood, 'Clinton. Pte. E, If Underwood,-Bluevnle, " Pte. J. Stirling, Clintoth. Pte. A; Weaver, Wingham Pte, W. P. Grieve; Seaforth Ser•gt, M. Counter, Clinton Pte, J. 19 Currie, Wingham Pte. 11. M, Luke, Brussels Pte, B. Sheppard, Goderich Pte, A. Butler, Clinton F.1 C, Lockr'id'ge, Wingliam Pte. A, 1'. McEwen; llensait School. Fair Messrs, A, J.•Morrish and W. John- son ware interviewing the merchants this week in regards to the prize list of the Cbdnty School Fait', '1'ihey re- ceived 1 hearty- weleohte and good prizes will be offered. PAGE 5 -Prtr e have them e 0 Pgrh" ���e�`�(� M1lfots ii, hh t on vie Rite at the prinGet a pair and try then). Full Asso4;strnent o/ all that is best in Rubber Footwear Plumsteel Bros. 'L m all Profits Phone 25. More IIusinras TILE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS South Dakota led the states for wild • hay last year, harvesting 3,282,000 tons. One Story frame (rouse, six rooms Cellar, % acre of garden, fruit trees, raspberries, Well Shed on North street; Clinton, 1 Apply to �a MRS. MARY GUNN _Or W_'BRYDONE, Clinton BOARS FOR SERVICE THE SOLDIER SETTLEMENT I Champion Bred Big Type York- e shire and Chesterwlhite Boars, , At home every forenoon, A. C. LEVY Clinton, Ont. PHONE -5 on 639. LiVE POULTRY WANTED FOR SALE BOARD OF CANADA Full information_ regarding Soldier Land Settlement Work may now be secured at the offices of the Agricul- tural Representatives of the Ontario Department of Agriculture throughout the Province. Agriculural Representative for Huron County, S.B. Sto th ers Clinton, Ontario. House For Sale. 9 -roomed, story -acrd- a Half, good cellar, electric lights, town water, also soft water inside. This House is in first class condition. Apply to New Era, Clinton FOR SALE One Overland car and one Stude- baker for sale. Apply to CLINTON GARAGE. WANTED -• Girl wanted to go to Toronto for general house work, Highest wages. Light Work. Good home. Small fam- ily. INQUIRE NEW ERA OFFICE House for Sale. - Good 2 -story brick house, • all the conveniences, electric light, town water also barn on premises. Apply to T. T. Murphy, Clinton. NOTICE Representative Wanted One of the most progressive Canad- ian Life Insurance Companies with over 8100,000,000 Ineurancein force, wants n representative in Clinton and vicinity. A guaranteed continuing renewal in- terest agency contract.. Previous Life insurance experience not essential. Cohfdental. P. 0. Box N, Clinton. WANTED A good man at Clinton and Huron County, to represent the old reliable Fonthilt Nurseries. Prospects for busi- ness brightest in years. We are offer- ing a complete list of all lines of Fruit and Ornamental lines in !hardy Canadian grown stock. Start in now by beginn- ing cit new season's business, Ex- clusive territory, highest commissions, handsome free' outfit. STONE AND WELLINGTON, TORONTO, ONTARIO. VICTORY BONDS Bought and sold' at Market prices. W. BRYDONE. HOUSE FOR SALE 0:s'Rattenbnry Street East, Clinton, good garden, furnace, electric light, town water, near schools. Apply, R. Rowland, �� FOR SALE Scvcral•secorid hand Heaters lot sale, apply ,to THOS. HAWKINS, House for 5'ale br Relit. Frame haute Cu Mill street, town water and also soft water, good garden eta, Apply 14 Harty Folland., Highest market price paid. Phone 14.638 W. MARQUIS Clinton, Ontario Seed Corn We now have a full stock of tate best grades of Seed Corn obtainable. Be- fore ordering your seasons supply, call and see our stock Once you see it we feel quite sure you will be well satisfied with the quality and also the prices. ° Seed Potatoes • Seed potatoes have been added to our stock. These potatoes are of a well known variety "Northern Ontario" They are a large, firm, clear skinned Potato and will make good seed. The price is very reasonable for this ex- ceptional variety of Potato and you will not make any mistake if you buy your supply at once. Baby Chick Feed Have you tried our Baby 'Chick Feed? We are handling this Chick Feed in two grades, coars and fine. It is made of the best grain and is free of dust and dirt. Sold in any quantity. Special price on large ammounts. Large Stock of Flour always on hand. Highest prices paid for grain of all kinds. • 1 aretf l r W.Jenkins&Son FLOUR AND FEED Phone 199 Residence, 131. _ Wholesale License 12-82 Canadian Food Control License 9-2365 a rR KR,t1F.LW.iA TIME TABLE CHANGES A. CHANGE OF TIME WILL BE MADE ON JUNE 29TH INFORMATION NOW IN AGENTS' HANDS. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Troonto, John Rnnsford & Son, city passen- ger and Ticket,,,A,gents, phone' 57. A. 0, Pattison, station agent. UFFERED 5 YEARS WITH HEART TROUBLE. Through oar cause or of her n large ma- jority of heart of trublle aree. entiblcd l but do not lce tow When the heart becomes affected there ensues n feeling of a choking sensation, the breatn becomes so short: it 10 head to breathe and you feel ns if you were smothering, you become weak and dizzy, the heart palpitates, tluobs and beats irregularly. On the first sign of the heart be- coming weakened you w:Il find that a few boxes of Milhurn's heart and Nerve Pills will strengthen and invigorate it so that it beats strong and rrgular, and the lost vitality is replaced by vigor and energy, Mr. Strplhen Cions,•, rn.'n Ch;fford, N.S., writes: --"1 euffcred for five years with heart trouble, 1 could hardly walk to the barn without resting 1 utwd t,o Frit 8o chert fit breath. Tho doelor:i could not heft ane, Idy wife told me about Milburn e heart and Nerve "iritis. I got a box and felt bet trr3 thrre hexes tirade me quite well, 1 aril now hrlp,thg my son Work the farm; and ran truth. fully say 1 feel like a different moo. I can highly recommend your pills" to any one Who has b weak heart,' Pride 500: a box at all dealers, ,or Mailed direct on receipt �of price by The T. Milburn Co,, l irauitdd; ordAto, Oats