HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-6-19, Page 3SUBSCRIPTION BATIKS IN CANADA'
$ 4Q
`111ree months, . , $ ;75,
•. , ,,•
Year , ... 1,50
-if not paid in advance,; $2,00 per aUERUlt1=^
Office Phone 30.
Many Important Matters Being Dealt
With at June Session.—Clinton
Hospital Gets $500.
.rhe County council convened on
Tuesday afternoon for the register
June session, The council room was
at torrid heat, and the members. sat in
their 'shirt sleeves and tried to be as
comfortable as was possible, All the
members are in attendance
The Warden, Mr. J. N. Canipbeli, of
East Wawanosh, in .his opening re-
marks spoke of several Important
matters that would come before the
couiicit,at this session. One was the
question of an increased 'expenditure
for better hospital accommodation' in
this count». The Y. M, C. A. would
ask for the continuation of the grant
voted last year. The village of Exeter
was asking that it be constituted a
high school district. There was a
question as' to a unionschool section
made up from portions of Hullett and
Tuckerstnith. The teachers of the
county would make representations
regarding county' improvement. The
matter Of constructing a new bridge at
Grand Bend would come up, and, other
matters were the grant to the Navy
League, equalization bylaws, and
special grants. The Warden urged
that all these matters be given due
consideration and that the members
co-operate heartily In transacting .the
business expeditiously and carefully,
While the war was on the council with-
out hesitation voted any sum that was
necessary for, carrying on matters in
connection with the war; now that the
war >vas over it would be necessary
that no grants be trade without due
consideration. '
The Warden spoke of the forrnutat-
ing of the peace terms, which he be-
lieved were calculated to protect the
rights of the nations and to safeguard
the world against a repetition of the
terrible events of the last few years.
The Provincial Board of License
Commissioners submited a detailed
statement of the receipts and expendi-
tures for the enforcement of the 'Can-
• oda Temperance Act in the county of
Huron for the license year ending
• April 30, 1919. The receipts, including
balances of $2i8.68 from the previous
Fat' and payments of $2,282.79 by the
county treasurer, totalled $3_,250, and, eases of captiai punishment, Accord
the payments were $2,466,55, !eating
unexpected balance of $783.65. The
'expenditures were mainly for the
salary and expenses of the two.
specters and for constables', mete
trates' and counsel fees,,
Messrs. Proudfoot, Rillo;•'dyl 8c Cooke
gave notice 'cif appeal f?olnthe action
of the township of thstlett in recusing
to appoint an arbitrator in the matter
of the .creation of a union school sec-
tion from the townships of Hullett and
tit cketetftlth.
`Other. communications received and
(referred to committees were:
Claim of William Isle for $14 for
damages to his automobile on the Lake
Shore road in the township of Stephen.
Request from the city council of
Toronto to co-operate in a protest
against the passing of the Railway
Bill now before the House of Commons
without proper provision for the pro-
, tection of muncipalities in the control
of their highways,
From the Soldiers' Aid Commission,
Toronto, asking that returned soldiers
be given employment in •connection
with the county's road construction
From the Deparment of Education,
Toronto, stating that the Legislative
grants to Heroin schools this year are:
For public schools, $2,140,77; for
separate schools, $106.20—total, $2,
246.97. The county is required to,
make grants to an equal amount.
From the 'National Council, Y. M. C.
• A., asking that the balance of the grant
of $24,000 voted to the Y. M. C. A. in
June, 1918, be paid, The Y. M. C. A.
claims that its budget was made up on
the basis of receiving the whole a-
mount, and non-payment of the balance
A. would embarrass tine Association in the
Thursday, June 49t11t 4919.,
(Advance Only)
Great Britain , , , , , Y , , , , , . ,$,5U
United States ,•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2,00
France„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,, 2.00'
House Phone 95,
t;/t": Aiitto ,illr 4 til �Jg1p1.
Purely Ilerbal—Ns poisonous aelering
Wptiseptic—Stops blood -poison
Soothing -Ends pain and -smarting, els,
Pure—Best far baby's rashes.
lleais all sores,
50c, lo, All Druggists and Stares
p oseeution of its work.
From the township of Ashfield, en-
dorsing the proliosal to vote 850,000
for the'hespitals of the county.
A similar resolution from the Gods -
rich Township Farmers' Club.
From the county of Lambton, noti-
fying the county council of Huron that
its refuse' of a new bridge on the
boundary at Grand Bend exposes both
counties to responsibility for any acci-
dent that may happen, and stating that
in any such case the county of Lamb -
on will seek to have Huron county
made wholly responsible:
It appears that this bridge is wholly
within the county of Lambton, but
Huron helped to, build it and has
helped in maintaing it, andthere is
estion as to the responsibility
some qu
of this county in these circumstances,
Froin the council of Exeter, asking
that a high school be established in
that village, in place of the continua-
tion school now in existence.
Provincial Rebate for Roadwork.
The amount received by the county
from the Provincial Government in
conection with highway construction
and maintenace, for the year 1918,
was $20,685,67. This amount was made
up as follows:
For Provincial county roads
—60 per cent, of the
county expenditure ..$ 3,894.43
For Co. road construction
(including bridges) -40
% of county, expenditure 12,432.64, for the inclusion in the county good
For County told mainteance roads scheme of the roads within that
—20 per cent. of county tdsVii which form connecting links in
expenditure 4,358.60 lite system. r' ; t+! pendants. The Seaforth men spoke of
The Warden explained that here- ,. , the difficulties experienced in that town •
after forty per pent, would be rebated Foe M+"�e end Better 1•Ioeprtale, • in dealing with the influenza epidemic
on the expenditure for maintenance. A strong deputation. reptesenting the last fall.
A motion was introduced by. Messrs, various hospital boards within the Mr, J. L. Killoran, barrister of Gode-
Bailie and Dalton to the effect that the county and the Huron Medical Associa-
Dominion Parliament be asked to sub- tion brought before the council the
stitute electrocution for hanging in plan for the improvement of hospital
accomtt1'odation• in this county. The
spdkesmen of the deputatffin were
Judge Dickson, Dr, Macklin •of Goder-
ich, Dr,' A. J. Irwin of Wingham, Dr.
Shaw of Clinton, and Messrs. A. D.
Sutherland and J. A. Stewart of Sea -
forth. 1t was asked that the council
give a grant of 560,000, of which
515,000 would go to Goderich, $15000
t� Wingham, 512,000 to Ciintot,$8000
to Seaforth, and $8000 to Exeter.
Goderich, Wingham and. Clinton already
have hospitals, . and it is proposed to
establish hospitals at Exeter and Sea -
forth. •
The Cate for the prop'tised gytht *as
strongly presented. • Dr, Macklin told
how this county was away behind Great
Britain in this natter of hospital accom
modation. There the hospital patient
received free treatment, the cost of the
hospitals being paid from the taxes,
just as schools are maintained in •this
country. Dr. Shaw said probably 250.0
soldiers had enlisted from this county
and that the benefits of free hos Iii
treatment, under the. proposed plan,
would be available for from 1500 to
800 returned soldiers and their de -
Lieut.-Col. John A. Cooper, formerly
commander of the 198th Buff Battalion,
who. reverted to get to France, has
been raised again to the rank of Lieut-
enant-Colonel, according to a message
from overseas. He is acting as Pres-
ident of Court-tnartial hearings at the
Rhyl .Camp.
Department of Education, addressed
the council with reference to the form-
ation of a new school inspectorate to
be formed of parts of the counties of
Lambton, Huron and Middlesex. • The
present inspectorates, he said, were too
Targe for the most effective work. The
portions of Huron county that would
be included in the new inspectorate
are the townships of Stephen, Hay and
Mayor Harburn of Seaforth headed a
deputation from that town that asked
Pelt That He Would Never Walk Again
"FRUIT-A-TIVES” Brought Relief.
3 Ottawa St., Hull, P.Q.
"Fruit -a -lives" is certainly a wonder:
For a year, I suffered with Rheuma-
tism ; . being, forced to stayin bed
for five months. I tried all kinds of
medicine but without getting better;
and thought I would never be able
to walk again.
"One day while lying in bed, I read
about 'Fruit-a-tives' the great' fruit
medicine; and it seemed just what I
needed, so I decided to try it.
The first fax helped me, and I took
the tablets regularly until every trace
of the Rheumatism left me.
I have every confidence in'Fruit-a-
fives' and strongly recommend them
to every sutforerfromRheumatism".
506. a box, 0 for $2.50, trial size 256.
,At all dealers or sent postpaid on
receipt of price by Fruit -a -uvea
Limited, Ottawa, Oat
It is supply 1•idieulees to adopt the
attitude that a limit of knowledge has
been reached. We are only just be-
ginning to find out a few of the stint
pier secrets which Nature has so'jeal-
ously guarded throughout the ages,
We can fly now — practically — for
any distance, We can send messages
through the air without the aid of
wires and are Able to talk in the same
way to people who are 'thousands of
miles away. No connecting lines are
. The developments which have been
made in wireless telegraphy in the
last few years destroy one's belief in
the boundary of romatic—and I can
quite understand that the uninitiated
must regard the developments which
are taking place in wireless communi-
cation as something bordering upon
the supernatural.
There is no reason why, when In-
stallations become general, a private
message should not be sent exclusive-
ly to one Individual—even in•the heart
of a huge city like London. All that
its required is the adoption of a sim-
ing to tine tvo-rds .of the resolution,
hanging is held to .i+_e 'a barbaric-
-Method and one wt4lch'•'cannot be
effectively carried out in county jails.
The resolution was referred to 'the
special committee.
' On Wednesday morning the council
received a letter from Mr, A. D.
Cameron, deputy sheriff, stating that
while working in the sheriff's office
at the court house on January 17th
he'was overcome by coal gas from the.
furnace below, and had it not been
for the timely arrival of Jailer Griffin
there would have been a fatal result.
He had since been practically incap-
acitated, and he asked that the county
pay' his medical expenses. Referred
to executive committee. '
F. Anderson' and about fifty Other
ratepayers of Morris and East Wawa -
nosh petitioned for the extension of the
county road system to include the
short piece of road from Belgrave to
the G. T. R. station. Referred to
good roads committee,,
Messrs Laporte and Trewartha
rnoi'ed that a statement be prepared
and presented at this meeting of the
council showing the total amount
contributed by each municipality on
the good roads system, the amount
expended in each municipality on Cons
siruction and maintenance and the
amount of grant due each municipality
based on tine percentage granted on
each of these two expenditures. Re-
ferred to' good roads committee.
Messrs. Laporte and Sanders moved
to continue the effort to secure the
building by the Ontario Hydro -Radial
'Commission of the line from Parkhill
to Goderich. Referred to 'special com-
mittee. ,
Messrs: Beavers and Erwin moved
.that a bylaw be passed at this session
designating as county roads all the
roads in towns and villages within the
county that are connecting links in the
county system. Referred to good
roads committee.
You Look As
You know well enough
when your liver is
Constipation is the first
warning; then you begin
to "feel mean all over."
Your skin soon gets the
bad news, it grows dull,
yellow,, muddy and un.
sightly. s
Violent purgatives assn not
what you need --just tato
gentle help of this old.
time standard remedy.
imp v.
Eenu//"nn,/+e� bears 'Sldnefou
olorless fates often show
the absence of h'cin•in to
blood. yt
't S, Iron Pills
will help tills catxtlitid n.
You May Be
Many Deputations.
A good part of Wednesday was oc-
cupied in the hearing of deputations.
Capt. Best appeared for the Y. M,
O. A., asking for the payment of the
balance of the grant voted by last
year's council. He pointed out that
the closing of Hostilities and the eager-
ness of the Soldiers to retunr home
had created a spirit of unrest among
the Alen overseas which necessitated
an enlarging of the program of the Y.
M C. A„ in order to keep this unrest
within bounds. For the present year
the expenditure for Y. M. C. A. work
among the soldiers would be larger
than in any previous year. The As-
sociation ' also was helping in the
repatriation of the soldiers.
Capt. Best (milted questions, and a
number of the councillors brought up
criticisms of the Y. M. C. A. that they
bad heard, and Capt, Best mentioned
others that had come to his notice,
and gave explanations that appeared to
l,a satisfactory.
l' fec40r Tom and Messrs, R. R.
"'multi of Westfield and W. H. John-
•; •'S1 Ki pen, representing the West
n i
Teachers' eters Association appeared
a n PP
t 'ir
t. Ithe c m••
re the council on behalf of a
1`.tu`rindertaken by the Association for.
,a'•+try . imnrovement, in the way of
planting trees on the roadsides,: beauti-
fv1iie' school ' grounds, improving nr-
elands, utilizing waste spaces, etc. The
township of Stanley has offered prizes
r.,'• "he I'f:et work done along these hues
be schools 111 that township, and it is
^r.gge'tetl that he county give >t grant
Ifo, a similiarpurpose.
Mr. W, 1, Chisholm, representing thea
About What Dr. Chase's Nerve
Food Will Do for You, But
Here is the Evidence.
- When the blood Beta 'thin and
watery, when the nerves become
weak and exhausted, when your
vitality is run Gown, and ,you reel
weak and tired it lb 'because
nourishment is lacking.
You may be eating as usual but
your digestive system fails to ob-
tain from the food you eat the ele-
ments from which new blood and
nerve force is created.
Booauae Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
supplies this element to the 'blood
and nerves it Is the most successful
of restoratives.
While personal'expertence with a
medical treatment is the only ab-
solute proof that it will benefit
you. still we are all similarly con-
stituted and what win help one will
help another under similar ' con-
This ie why it is so interesting to
read the experience of other people,
and -many will find in , this totter
their own conditions described,
Mrs, Thomas Williamson, Picton,
Ont., writes: "Por the last twenty
Years I. have hadtrouble with my
nerves. I suffered from sleepless-
ness, and, of course, my system was
often in a rvn-down'eonditlon gam
nervousness. At different times
when I would have severe attacks, I
was under the doctor's cure, bat
this only gave mo temporary; relief.
Twice 1 was to a sanitarium in To-
ronto, where 1 tenured some relief
at the time. Thls past summer I
suffered - Iroin another nervntis
breakdown, and it was then that 5
commeneed using I)4•. Cheese's Nerve
Food. I took a, treatment of this
medicine and.. can stew -yet' t:, . in
the morning and do my wont, w:.ifoh
something I could not d6
a,4 aOm p
w r;
r iKY
t r,a use: nao
viousl b I €"•
strangely confused. Mir Up � A' silt
r is
good, and 1 este sleep '*reel, tot,.
Generally speaking, t Ares
]tetter that 1 am proud of my fm-
pravem„nt,. T 1. runt p:•,e. e06
tigtaly'of tri,. aoiltcult. res,.: d.', , „ 79
eoeuretf, thronrrto the use 01
Chanel, Nerve Food..
Dr„ Chene'h Nerve V t'e 4s,. c15)1
Y box. Y, full tTOMMI +nt uc n Ina•^g
for 31.15, fit ail' ditubirn, or ib ottt.i+
SOD, BOSS & Co'.; X.tatlfttel, "t'cr.anta.
rich, acted as spokesman for a depute -
tion that met the education committee nxxtr.rMr.�in•leucoSr
with reference to the proposed new
union school section in Hullett and •pie hnd distinctive method of atuning
Tuckersmith townships. 'each instrument — in wireless work,
Messrs. F. W. Gladman, R. N. Creech this tuning will take the place of the
and J. S. Harvey were a deputation number and the exchange will be in
from Exeter supporting the applica- the existing telephone system.
ation for the formation of a high school But whatever developments may
'district at that point. Mr, Gladman take place, the radiated message,
also addressed the council in behalf of which is sent out broadcast in all
his ton with reference to hospital ac- directions, •• will still have its uses.
comnsowdation• There is, and always wilt be, the, case
Messrs. Dalton and Cutt moved that in the event of a disaster at sea.
three bridges be built by the -county on The ship which is nearest to the
the county road north of Kintail. scene of the catastrophe can hasten
Messrs. Beavers and Crich moved to the help of those in peril, and so
that the balance of the Y. M. C. A. lives will be saved which would other -
grant 512,000 be paid• wise be lost.''Many a time has this
Messrs. Clark and .Isbtster .moved hippened already --7*as in the case' of
for a hospital grant of $60,000. the Titanic disaster — and aircraft will
Messrs. Clark and Ford moved that employ tine radiated message in like
in appreciation of the splendid work of
Huron's men overseas the "Council treat
the returned soldiers to a day's outing
the details to be worked out by a com-
These motions, and also one with
reference to the proposed high school
at Exeter, were referred to various coin
THURSDAY, ( to the other; and even interplanetary
A number of committees reported to communication is a possibility.
day. Among the matters reported upon
were the proposed hospital grant and
the 1'„M. C. A. grant. With reference
the latter the councii decided to defer
action until more definite information
should be secured assto the operations
of the Y, M. C. A. It .was decided also
to take further time to consider the
hospital project, and a Committee is to
collect information and report at the
December meeting. Dr, Macklin pro-
posed that a plebiscite on the question
be taken at the next 'municipal elect-
Jack Miner Tames the Wild Birds—
Ducks Eat From His Hand—Robins
Nestle In His Hair.
Jack Miner, one time hunter, and
now student and laver of wild, birds,
the only man In the world who re-
ceives , annualvisits from the wild
ducks and geese that migrate be-
tween the Gulf of Mexico and Hud-
son's Bay, has been giving illustrat-
ed lectures in the various towns of
Bruce 'County, and from the reports
published in the press of the county,
the audiences have been , more than
delighted. It is to be hoped that
the next time the Kingsville natural-
ist comes this way some organization
in Clinton will arrange to have
him lecture iii town
Excellent Stereoptican slides show-
ed pictures of 'old friends; geese that
returned to Miner's farm in Kingsville
for the seventh time—ducks that bad
come back to thank him ,for his kind-
ness and brought their friends with
them to spend a month with Jack—
robins that flocked to his windows and
were so tame that •they nestled in his
hair and flew to meet Jack's darilgg
• lad as he came from school. A movie
filet was produced that took the aud-
ience down to the farm where they
met Mrs. Miner and children and where
they roamed at leisure around, the
ponds, and where above all they re-
ceived a welcome from thousands of
wild birds. At any rate they are wild
anywhere else but on Miner's farm
you can take them in your hand or
put your camera right up against them.
They watched the diving and gliding
and feeding. in one case Jack had, got
a goose nesting in an old barrel. You
could see her sitting on the eggs and
just outside was the old gander who
kepi watch.
A gentleman came along with his
dog to see this sight but the dog
was not allowed to stay—every time
he came near, the gander told him to
go away. Mr. Miner thinks she
geese travel at about a utile a min-
ute; before starting they fast for
twenty-four hours and they make
a thousand miles with only one stop.
• They arrive in Essex at almost the
sante time every year viz; March tst
and leaves May 1st. On their way
south they call and stay for the month
pf November.
It costs aboutseven hundred dol-
lars to entertain these annual visit-
ors who eat up about seven hundred
bushels a day. Henry Ford we un-
derstand is now helping to feed them
and our government have very gener-
ously voted a hundred dollars to
Jack as game warden and this also is
devoted to the care of these feathered
friends. On one day it was estimated
by Mr, Ford there were 3500 birds at
the farm.
emergencies on land and sea,
The next great development will be
tate wireless telephone, Already this
is an accomplished fact — far, beyond
the experiniental stage and during
the next few years there will be some
roveme s
n made.
wonderful stn t
woad i
It will be quite possible to speak
by wireless front one end of; the earth
Lake Huron Steel Corporation Locating'
At Goderich Gets 'Charter
Will it be possible, when these im-
provements have been made to see
the person with whoa a communica-
tion is being held, although thousands
of , miles lie between the speakers?
There is no reason to the contrary. if
a voice can be transmitted, if sig-
nals can be regulated, it should be
quite possible to settd an impression
of a face and figure. I regard the in-
vention of an instrument which will
enable even those who are thousands
of miles apart to see each other as
scientifically feasible.
From time to time our operators
in various parts of the world have
reported the receipt of strange and' in -
comprehensive signals. it is, of course,
rash 'to jump at the conclusion that
they are messages from Mars, or else-
where. it may -or it may not be so.
Most probably 'they are merely the
records of some atmospheric pheno-
menon about which nothing is known.
however,” casmmuniciytion could
'be established with the planets (mid
I believe it will be) all the difficulties
would not 'be surmounted, 1t would
then be necessary to establish an in-
terpa'netary language—assuming, of
course, that the planets are inhabited,
and that the life on thein is on a similar
or better plane of scientific develop-
anent,—Gugliemo Marconi, in "Great
Lakes Bulletin,
Ottawa, June 3.—The charter df
the Lake Huron Steel Corporation re-
ceived the official signature of the
Secretary of State, • Hon, Iftartin Bur-;
raii, yesterday. The capital stock of
the company is $15,000,000, divided
equally, preferred and common. ' The
charter has exceptional wide powers,;
covering the ownership and operation
of mines, transportation companies
and the manufacture of practically,
every line of high-grade products,
It is said that the organization of
the company is the outcome of the
huge 'imporation of high-grade steel
of late years from the United States,
added to the fact that all the •auto
o manufacturers nanufachtrers must purchase
their parts in Canada, to get the ad-
vantage of the British preference in
motor cars, '
The head office of tae company
is named as 'Goderich, where a site f
100 acres bas been secured, with 'dock-
age facilities for, ore and coat hand -
Ting', and where both the G. T. R. and
P. •R, are .available. . ,
is the intention of o
o company
h c n
apparently to operate a number p of
t 1
�s .9anes and an im rt. n t
o � t mei.
of tw't or,three Ontario com-
i.:niea Is said to be In protest. A.
Maenaughton put through the cher-
r acting, for J. J. Mahon and other
d,u : Stalea intorest8. •
hit dken Or:
P... (`:'n. „' n • a, $'' 8' y.r1'. A
A FAr','�
Was 'So Bad
1-1Ed To Go To .Bed.
How Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Is Prepared For
Woman's Use.
A visit to the laboratory where thief
successful remedy is made impresses
even the easual looker-on with the reli-
ability, accuracy, skill and cleanliness
which attends the snaking of this great
medicine for woman's ills.
Over 350,000 pounds of various herby
are used anually and all have to be
gathered at the season of the year when
their natural juices and medicinal sub-
stances are at their best.
The mostsuccessful solvents are used
to extract the medicinal properties from
these herbs.
Every utensil and tank that comes in
contact with the medicine is sterilized
and as a final precaution in cleanliness
the medicine is pasteurized and sealed
,in sterile bottles.
It is the wonderful combination of
roots and herbs, together with the
skill and care used in its preparation
which has made this famous medicine
so successful in the treatment of
female ills.
The letters from women who have
been restored to health by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound which we are continually pub-
lishing attest to its virtue.
the car from out of the west begins to
turn north, it is in reality coating front
the south and therefore the man to the
right (travelling west) has the right-
of-way. If the car going west is fouled
by the car turning north, the car turn-
ing is in the wrong.
The situation works •out sim'iliarly in
all other cases.
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate
INSURANCE! AGENT—Representing 14 Fire I
surenue Companies.
Division Court Office.
Women are the gteittset sufferers from
weak, sore, lame and aching backs,
owing to the continual stooping, bending
and lifting so necessary to perform their
household duties,
On the first• sign of any weakness of
the back Doan's'Kidney fills should be
taken, and thus prevent serious kidney
• etc 0
'hitt n
sure thou if the
bad back is neglected.,
Miss Gladys 1CI. Bunlcler,,; aatama-
gouche, NZ.; writes:—"1 feel it may'
duty to let you know what Donnie
Kidney Piths, have done for me. I
suffered for years with a Dore back: I
was so cad I had to take to my bed
sometimes with the pail across my
kidneys. •1 went to two different' doc-
tors; they treated me, but 1. got very •
little relief- 1 saw Doan's- Kidney
Pills advertised for sola' back, so, sent
for two boxes and before; 1 had the
'first one taken t felt e. change.: 1 cannot
recommend your medicine -enough."
Doan's Kidney Pills: are 50 cents a
box at all dealers, arimailed direct on
receipt of price by The -T. Milburn Coe
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
To keep children healthy the bow=
els must be kept regular and the
stomach sweet. Nine-tentfis of the
ailments which afflict little ones are
caused by derangements of the bow-
els and stomach. NO • other medicine],
can equal Baby's Owit Tablets in
guarding either the baby or growing'
child from the Ills that follow a dis-
ordered condition of the bowels or
stomaelt. They are a Mild bet
thorough laxative and never fail to
etre restilts. Concerning their Mrs.
W'. B. Coiledg . Sarnia,a Ont says:
"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for
over three yeart arid have -foundni
them1 .tie best est medicine 1 have ever
used for y Children 1'never have
any `mtronlile giving thein to my little
ones and they Nage 'Saved me many
a doctor's, (hill, M y edvjce to •alt
mothers.01 little- cites• is'to• keep
box of the Teblefs in the house"
The Tablets are sold by all medicine
dealers or 'by 'snail at 1.5 cents a base
Piano Tuning
Mr. James,Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that be is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing,
Orders left at W. Doite"ty's phone
61, will receive uromnt attention
Mat, ' P.n Bight Always Has ]tight Of
1.30 p. m. to 3.30 p. m.
7.30 p. m. to.9.00 p. m.
Sunday 12.30'to 1.30
Other hours by appointment only..
,Office at Residente, Victoria Street,.
Office at Residence •••' .
Corner High and Kirk bYt'eetse•
Clinton uteri*.
`.]:ire police department Is 'asking that
citizens who own motor, cars become
acquainted with the laws -of the laity
and the provisions of the Motor Vee
hides Act.
'Every day several motorists'appeal'to
the department for information regard -
fag the rubes of the :road, and then
argue the pint titter they have been
told what is right.
The greatest difficulty Is that re-
lating as to whom 'bas the right-of-
avey, itis emphatically stated in the
Motor Vehicles ,Act that motorists on
The R1GIjT lave the right-of-way, no
met train! what 'direction an an^
l`Y,tA t I being 'Jamie,
11 t: ,;1;,.• Pointed out that motorists
tendert :• w.'ret must pivot on the
point" a tnte,.,ectiot of the streets,
C:crt 11 _a„ ;; ;sling to the right. It
;s 1. ; "short cuts" to be
niade srt,...,
Here. 7s in instance.
A , , ! is :ravelling west and ap-
rnaQin a sfreetrunn running
soot's, Ac,,titer motor is travelliltg east
Matte, 50 turn north on lite intersec-
Ing street. 1n I'Irding the corner the
saga of• the ear ttuvellieg west Is 'ram-
med. T n.10 travelling west has
the sign s•` -way.
One .x;t}anatu'n is this, A man
tr;vt;':t0, a 1, to matter where the is
cannot cur tr. the left side of the.
from The ;Dr, William? ,Medicine 6,e1 n.,lller 055.
r"; Srodlttiifa, cont. Anntta,'.r ..apl',iatlon is, As soon as
Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty.,
Graduate bof C.O.D.S... Chicago, and R,O,D,pa
DaTtIcidii{{ oa naominiaa,,,{iltpass' let�toapD
9 1.' It D. FO .Win LE .b
DuNTIa'I';1 .. •
Offices over O',aretra 6%tii:e.
Special Bare t:aeli to make dental .res;
Want se palaleea ae possible.
Live stork and general Auction 'ti^
tretoi stee9 axles a epeul.ale , Ol dote 0 e
MOW NIa1 CAM, Citnton,� prom. 1.9n1 tunic
1. ']'erns re,tcoaat'te. -
G. O. 14lclaggart M. 1). MoT,aggar
>s� eTaggart Oren,
ALBERT ST , t;l,l%T'1'•;'
& erzerat 'Eesals0 p l'3u,tla.C:61
Drafts leaned, Inbozaat allowed ,t
The McKillop Ift tri ft
Fire insurance Ci
Forts and Isolated Tenet Vs',"
erty Only insured,
Uead Office- Seaforth, 1)50•
J. Connolly, Goderlch, President
Evans, Beechwood, Vice -t ee le
]'hos. 13, Hays, Seaforth, b89 e.,r,.
Alex Leitch.N.. t,Clinton:&.alei,.rn
Illmcbley, Seaforth; Was. Ght9n<, , s
dwhdville; .1. W. Yeo, GOdtalcls, 11. Cit
larnuth, Brodhat!en,
Wm. Rina, No. 2, Su ot'ihi 1asi,r kit;?.
itervei:, t)rodhagea; Jabs Pvaat
vend; M. Meknes, t tllt+out Jesm•
Connolly, Goderich^0. t, Inaitey..`.
On.f SOntotthfJ. ,a Grieve..Lyn
*altos Robot Nada. tletitals,
No, it, lioisfolMlt,