HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-6-19, Page 211 r: AOE 2 Lthe STA Sts 3/4 Regr Price We are anxious to clear our. racks to make room for Summer goods.We put on sale every suitl2 in all. These are all this seasons garments; colors navy, black, and brown. Your Choice Saturday 1/2 Regular Pride.,, Ladies Spring Coats 25 percent off Regular Price • .dust 12 Coats left all good styles including Covert Cloths, Tweeds and' Servs. YOUR CHOICE SATURDAY 25% OFF REGULAR PRICE COME EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE • Rai Coats ,99 2 dozen SPECIAL RAIN COATS, light and dark grey, good rubber lining, wool tops, sizes 36, 38 and 40. Q` 499 . SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY House Dresses $1.50 L• 10 dozen Ladies' House Dresses, made of good Quality print, dutch neck, short sleeves, elastic girdle , . SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY $1 .50 THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 12.30 DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST HERE'S YOUR CHANCE On July 2nd, Pilot S: S. Moore, who was at Blyth on June 3rd, will be here with an areoplane for passenger flights. SEE YOUR TOWN FROM FROM THE AIR BRING YOUR CAMERA ALONG SPECIAIrLY REASONABLE RATES. FREE EXHIBITION—Stunt Flying; Loops; Rolls; Spins, &c. The Greatest Name in GoodMand jI Ili "' Illi. ¢kF UU cumHe lNG 'Wag The largest- selling gum in the world nat- urally has to have, a package Worthy of its contents. So look for W IGLEYS In the sealed packarte that. keeps all 9f its goodness In. That's WU, The Flavour Lasts! • TOE :E tp L I, .N T O N N 1 'W Edi; , mw.-. ..... r�!rMp..req!r�+x•++•n,.•.....-,..,,r�..•,,.r•......-..n••.e ,{e-vvso BRUCEFIELD, . l GODERICH A' Garden Party ander the auspices of the Young•Lndies Bible Class will be held on Mr, J. W, Elliott's lawn B ruc e icid on Tuesday, June 24th, Clinton Bandits attendance, , • Dr, Rodgers left last week for For- rest where he has bought a' practice, The 'family will move in a few weeks, Janes Grassick has bought a Chev- rolet car, Nurse Rouett, of London, is spend- ing her vacation at hone. A number from our .village attended the Moonlight on Monday night at Goderlch, William' Douglas and wife and Miss Jean Murdock took in the Greyhound trip to Detroit, LONDESBORO. Eddie Gray returned from England on Saturday night. "Welcome," Mr,•3. Polly of the Toronto Medical College was, a visitor at William Lyons on Sunday, Kirk Lyon has accepted the agency in Northumberland County fo.r the "Ever Wear Aluminum Company," Lawn Socials are the order of the day. Itarlock school on Friday night, Londesboro Sunday 'School. on June 2Sth and Constance Sunday School on June 27th. The Woman's institute paid a visit to Goderlch on Monday. A car load of boys from the thir- teenth visited grand Bend over the the week end. Many of the farmers and their fam= tiles are picnicing at Bayfield and God- erich during the warns sunnier days. Rev. J. Abrey who has been at- tending the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in I•lamilton re- turned on Saturday night, What would have been a serious fire on Sunday' afternoon was discovered in time in Mr. Woodman's storeroom a- mong the egg cases, about a dozen of which were destroyed. The cause is unknown. Mr. Albert Brunsdon has retdrned from Alberta, Rey. J. 1i, Osterhout and family from Goderich were visiting friends around Londesboro from Mowday to Saturday. Mr. Osterhout will soon nnove to Dresden. A lawn social and strawberry festivrit will be held on the Parsonage lawn at •Londesboro tinder the auspices of the Methodist Sabbath school on Wednes- day evening, June 25th. Supper will be served from 6.30 to 8.30. Refresh- ments' on the grounds. The Clinton Kiltie Silver Band will be in attend- ance. The Ladies Quartette of Blyth will assist in the programme. Ad- dresses will be givens by Rev, J. Abrey and Rev. J. McCormick, of Blyth, The first visit of an aeroplane to Goderich Tuesday created considerable excitement -and large crowds of citi- zens fidcked'to tjse field, owned by Mr. .Warner, just south of the town; where the flyer had landed, The plane is owned by Mr, M, Williams, manager of an aeroplane. plant at Dayton, Ohio, and son of Mr. E. W, Williams, manager of the local branch of the Barfit of Com- aserce, who . was accompanied by a pilot, !hey had flown from Toronto to Goderlch in a little over one and a half hours. AUBURN. Rev. A. E. Millson who has just re- cently returned from Siberia will be the new Methodist minister coating in July, • Private Alfred Rollinson, of the vil- lage, arrived home from overseas last week. He looks hale and hearty. In the beginning • of July the Rev. Mr, Ross leaves for the- Northwest for four months to take charge of.a mis- sion field His pulpit here will be supplied by the Rev, M. Telfer, of Blyth. The annual Sunday School conven- tion will be held' in Knox church, on Friday; June 20th, A good program has been arranged. in addition to loclsl talent Rev. W, J. Knox, of London, Rev. G. Telford, of Blyth and Mr. R. J, Long, of Goderich will address the meetings. AFTERNOON SESSION ,Mr. J. Young, President, Chairman. 2.00 p, m—Devotion:iI Exercises Rev, F. S. Okell 2.i5—The President's Message 2:30—Report of Department Superin- tendents Yonne Department, Mrs. J. Woods, Secondary Division, Boys, D, L, Swnntz, Secondary Division, Girls Mrs, R. M. Young. Elementary Division. Miss M. Bailie Adult Division. Geo D. Curry. Alssiouary Division Mrs, W. J. Andrews Temperance Division. G>eo, Raithby. Teachers Training, Rev. F, S. Okell. Secretany-Trensurer, C, M, Straughan 3.00 p. m --".Childhood, the Stratngetic Period," Rev, W. J. Knox, 3.50 p, m—Music and Offering 4.00 p, in—"The 'teen Age Boy in the Sunday School " 1-1,.R. Long, 4.30—Round Table Conference con- ducted by Rev, W. J. Knox, 5.00 p. m—Supper, After supper, conferences by tine Departmental Superintendents ' with their• workers +.EVENING SESSION 7.30 p; 81 --Devotional Exercises led by Rev. Mr, liisey, of Nile 7,45 --"The Nations Challenge to the Home." Rev. W. J. 'Knox. 3,30—Music anti Offering 5,40—Report of Nominating Commits tee. Each school is to appoint one the Nominating Contr- nniftee,, to meet after afternoon session, 9.00—Rev. Mr. Telfer, ot'. Blyth, Rev. Mr. Knox is convenor of the Sabbath Schools 'Committtee of tine General Assembly of the iaresbyterian Church of Canada, asci knows his sub- jects, You should hear him, We invite a full attendance from each school—ministers, teachers and officers are specially invited. You will miss something good if You miss eitltet' Session, MUSIC COMMITTEE • ',Miss W. Howson, Convenor; Miss Mary Patterson, Miss Flo Pfeffer, Miss Sturdy, 1#El'RESHMRN'I COMMi'I"I'EE Mrs Ross, Convenor; Mrs. 1', Rid- dell, Mrs. 3, ,Medd, Mrs. E. Philips, Mrs, J. Moulden, Mrs, 3, Attuning, Mrs, Stanley, Johnston, Miss ttetta McKnight, Miss Flo Pfeffer, Mrs, Jno: CONSTANCE. • Mr. and Mrs. John Medd, of Noble, Saskatchewan, are visiting the former's parents, Mr, and. Mrs. John Medd and other relatives around here, Pi+e;. John Armstrong and Lorne Taylor arrived hone ,from Siberia on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs, McArthur' and Hazel Berwick, of Goderich, are visiting her parents, Mr, and' Mrs, Jaries Mann, sr. Don't forget the, Social to be held at the Home of Edwin Britton on Friday, Jane 27th. A Good programme will' be furnished by the "harmony Boys," of London, also the Clinton Kiltie Band. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson and Mrs. W. Stephenson, of Brussels, spent Sunday the guest of Mrs. Poland. Mr, and Mrs Adam Nicholson visit- ed his mother, Mrs, Nicholson, in Brus- sels, on Sunday. Iss Thursday, ,1lJ11i 19111, 1919. am FAILED TO REPORT, PAY �pgi , g� fl„�w�p George Cline, for nsnny year's choir PAY SINE OF ' 250 leader•of the Presbyterian Church, died ',tt the hospital her, 'after •t serious ill WINGHAM• Bayfield Men Convicted by lvlagiairete Andrews. Robert W. Sp:tcknutu, of Bayfield, a mem bet• of ',roup three, appeared UC - fore Alapistrate Andrews at Bayfield, on a charge of absenting himself and was ' Hess, l -1e was in his 70th ye r, and leaves one brother, The funeral was -. ;held Saturday from the church, and ; the remains burled in Wingham'Ceuse tery. Rev. D. Perrie, of the Presby- Clean to handle. Sold by all Drug. terlan Church officiating. gists, Grocers and General Stores. •^ 1 sizes the fact that there is a crying n -e I lined 48250, This man was. exempted 1 1.until May first 1915, but being between; the ages of 22 and 23, his exemption automatically ceased on May 15th, 1918. I.1C failed to report when or- dared to do so and prosecution follow- ed, Tire prisoner wase represented by counsel, and the fins was paid, ZURICH. Mr, R. E. Appel, who has condu- cted a jeweller shop for some months has discontinued business and has left for Hamilton to assume a position, Mr. F. C. Kalbfleisch will operate his saw mill again next week. Rev. Roy M, Geiger has been stat- ioned at Woodstock as pastor of one of the Methodist churches in that city by the stationing committee of the conference recently held at Kitchener. Mr, W. 'L. Siebert, postmaster, has receives' notice from the Post Office department, that owing to the weekly half holiday in Zurich the local post office will be closed every Thurs- day afternoon from 2 to 6 o'clock. Mr: Jacob Haberer left on Tuesday for -Park Rapids, state of Minnesota, where Ise will visit his brother, Mr. John Haberer, for a few weeks, The latter is not enjoying good health. at present, HENSALL The Jackson Mfg. Co. -have started installing the ,machinery in their fac- tory in the Petty Block. Mr. Wm, Bell met with a nasty accident on Tuesday while coining to Hensali. The handle bars of the wheel he was riding became loose causing hirfi to be thrown off. His hand was badly cut and he received a number of other injuries, Considerable excitement was caused for a short time on Tuesday, at noon when the fire alarm was sound- ed. It turned out to be at D, McMar• tins where a coal oil . stove' exploded. Not much damage resulted to the house, but Mr. McMartin was consider- ably burned about the hands and face. He will be off work for a few days, The death occurred on Saturday June 7th, of Mr. John Stewart, Lon- don Road. Mr, Stewart has been in poor' health for some time. Deceased was a,•nan of very retiring disposition staunch adherent of Carmel Church t and a faithful attender of same. He is survived by a brother and sister, Alex. and Mary, both living on the farm oil theiensall, London Road about a mile north of 1- Mr. T, J. Sherritt went to 'tor• onto on Wednesday evening to visit friends and while there he expects fo take part in the Dominion Trap Shoot- ing Tournament, ROSY CHEEKS • AND GOOD HEALTH Coyne Through Keeping the Blood In a Rich,' Red and Pure Condition. When a girl—or a woman -rinds her color fading,when her cheeks and lips grow pale, and she gets short of breath easily and her heart palpitates after the slightest exertion, or under the least excitement, it means that she is suffering front anaemia --thin, Wat- ery blood, Headache and backache frequently accompany this condition and nervousness is often present, The remedy for this condition is to build up the blood, and for this pur- pose there is no medicine that can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They build up and renew the blood, bring brightness to theieye.s, color to the cheeks, and a general feeling of re- newed health and energy, The only other treatment needed is plenty of sunlight, moderate exercise and good, plain food . The girl or woman who gives this treatment a fair trial will soon find herself enloying per- fect health, • Mrs, Hiram Shook, R. R. No, 1, Lyndhurst, Snys —"1 Cannot spak too • highly of Dr, Williains' Pink Pills, for 1 believed they saved my daughter's life, She was in a terribly run down condition, pale, wane, and despondent, and people who saw her considered her n decline. The doctor who treated her did not help her any, and then 1 decided to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, This decision proved a wise one, for before six boxes were used she was much better. I got six snore boxes, and before tll��y were gone she was in the best ofhealth, When she be- gan the use of the pills site t*efglted only 90 pounds, and ander,.their use her weight increased to 127" ponds. 1 strongly urge all mothers of weak girls ' g fs to give them, Dr. Williams Pink Pills.'' Yost can get br; Wiliiatiis' 'Pink Pills frau any dealer Ili medicine, or by meali pbs!'paid at 596 a box 0r fix Voxes for 12,50 from The Dr W11., Thompson, , . .,; f,, ' 'Hams' Med1Bltte Ce,, Brockville, gt9i J GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mrs. W. McDonald, Mrs. A, Agnew, and Mrs, Vale, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. H. Weston, came up on the Grey- hound and are visiting the old hone. Among those who took in the. Detroit trip are, Mrs. Peter McDougall and Niiss Marion and Miss Kate McDougall and Mrs. Mason Stirling. The Porter's 11111 base ball team went down 10 Hayfield on Tuesday night, but the Bayfield boys handed them quite a trimming. Bethany church will hold their an- niversary on Sunday, June 29th. Ser- vices will beheld alit o'clock a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The preacher for the day will' he the Rev Mr. Neil, President of the Methodist Conference of Toronto. Special' music will be provided by the Bayfield choir. The Country, Women's and Good Cheer Clubs of Goderich Township an- l pounce a big' event for Thursday, 'June 26th, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Salkeld; in the form of a soldiers' welcome and orchard dance. Many bootlis of various sorts and various attractions wilt be provided. • SEAFORTH. Pte. "Frank Habkirk who has spent some tine overseas arrived home to- day bringing his bride with him who was a nurse in the army. They will visit friends around Seaforth for a few weeks and will then go to Winnipeg where the groom resided before enlist- ing. Their many friends wish them much happiness for the future, M'r, and Mrs. Anderson who resided in Egmondviile have gone to Stratford to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shocker leave today for their home in Detroit. The Misses Williams of the grocery store' have disposed of their stock to Mr. J D; Haigh who will have it re- moved to hi's store, Mr; Frank Jackson, of Montreal, Is visiting' at his old home in Egmond- ville, An interesting story of his life was told last night by Rev. Alexander Forbes, D. D., of Grand Prairie, Peace River district, who is at present visit- ing friends in Seaforth. tie told in graphic manner of pioneer days in the Peace River district, many of Isis eta+,. periences rivaling those of Dr. Grenfell, Of Labrador fame. In 1909 Dr. and Mrs. Forbes traveled over 1,200 miles in a caboose, establishing mission sta- I tions at various points. BLYTH. Dr. Wood, dentist. "of Shelburne, while in town on Tuesday made, ars rangements for'dental parlors over Mr. Jos. St'oth•ers' store, He expects to be open for business about the middle of August. Sergt. Bert MdElroy has purchased the grocery and confectionary business carreied' on- by his father, Mr. T. C. McElroy and is now in possession, On Saturday Mr. Henry Richmond was in town: He is a pioneer resident of this section. He is now 86 years years old and notwithstanding his ad- vanced age is quite well and hearty. Heoame to Blyth fn. 1853 when this was aft hush and �� //he can remember I quite well 1'ocatfhg the surveyor's stake in the bush on the corner where the Commercial House now stands. At that titre there were but few settlers in this part of Morris Township. Ken- neth McLean owned the land north of the Commercial and a Mr. McConnell was owner of the property now own- ed by ex -Councillor tforney, south of the town. It is a. quite interesting to listen to the renriniscenses of pioneer days about Blyth and Mr. Richmond, whose memory is unimpaireded, de- lights in recounting the events of those early days Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCaughey left last week for London where they have, purchased a grocery business. GODERICH KIPPEN Mr. John 'W'orkman, who recently underwent a serious operation at at London hospital. has returned home fully recovered from his illness. Large quantities of hay are being baled and shipped daily by W, D. Harvey from Kippen. Bruce, fiensatl and Exeter. His presses handle three carloads a day, but this is less than the demand for hay calls for. 1 -le is paying the farmers $18 to 820 per ton and has a ready market in Toronto and the United States. George F. Handley, a returned soldier, is his assistant. Samuel Cudmore, hay dealer, is busy pressing and shipping hay. Hay is plentiful and prices good. Farmers are glad to sell wise* $20 a ton is offer- ed them. Few farmers are sowing beans this wear on account of the last two years' failgres. The largest crop planted this year is 12 acres, white in former years many crops of 35 acres were sown by individual farmers. G. Faskin, C P. R. agent at Arden, Manitoba, has just returned home with his wife and three children after spend- ing a_ pleasant two weeks with his parents here. He had hopes that his tut; soldier brothers would have re- turned' from England before his leave had expired, but his hopes were vain. Rev. Dr. and' Mrs. R. H. Barnby, of Springfield, spent a few days this week with their friend's here on their way Home from the Methodist con- ference 'in Goderich, This was Dr. Barnbiy's first charge. It was here also Ise got his wife (nee Miss !visor.) Rev. Dr, Aitken and family are home after attending the assembly in Ham- ilton and' visiting in Toronto. GODERICH YOUTH SHOATS cessity for a home for feeble-minded children STANLEY. Mrs, McDonald, of Detroit, is this week visiting her sister, Mrs, Hugh McGregor. Miss Charlotte Johnson, of London, Is at present visiting at the home of Mr. Thos. Campbell. Miss Bessie McGregor left on Tues- day on the Greyhound Excursion for Detroit. Mss, Thos, Campbell and Jean spent a few days In London this week Mr, Jas, Gilmour, of Caron, Saskat- chewan, and Mr. and Mrs. Win: Mun- dell and 2 children, and Mrs. John Mundell, of Twinberry, visited at the home of Mrs. John Gilmour on Mon- day, Instead of the usual parade to the GUARD OF REFORMATORY local church, Goderich, No. 32, C. O. F. held an open air service in the square Sunday afternoon. The service was Had Escaped And Robbed House Of attended by a large number of the Gun and Hundred Dollars order and also by many citizens. Rev. Dr. Medd, of Exeter, who was formerly stationed here, was in charge; Toronto, June 15,—Silas Gallingler, Ile delivered an inspiring address to the a youth committed to the Victoria In- as,.entbly. congratulating the order on dustrial School from Goderlch, shot a their splendid work during the war and guard, perhaps fatally, on Saturday urged them to continue their work night, when the guard attempted to ar- even stronger towards the beltermen of rest hien, along with an associate, atter this country, both socially and politic- they had escaped front the school. 'div. The speaker advocated the int- Early in the afternoon the boys made' mediate naturalization of all foreig secs, their escape, and in the home of a coming to this country and ! the main r farmer, near by, while the fatuity wits BAYFIELD. John Spencer, of Winnipeg is visit -y` Mg Isis home here. A wagon load of Gypsy fortune, tel- lers visited here last Saturday. Quite a number of our young people are taking in the pleasure trip to De- troit. e- troit. It is reported here that the Liberals refused to attend the Annual meeting at Hensel' as Mr. Proudfoot was one 01 the speakers, A very clever game of baseball was played on 'Clan. Gregor square by our sports v, s, Porter's Hill team the- hat- ter being defeated but not with honors for their fast work. Our sports were in turn defeated the same week by the Zurich team, the latter being vic- torious by 'two to one. The Porter's, Hill team will again contest for supre- macy some evening this week which results will appear in the next issue. GODERICII TOWNSHIP Mr. Will Yeo has purchased a Chev- rolet car from Mr. Epps, of Varna. Mr. Fred Leonard has been visiting with relatives at Guelph. Quite a number took in the moon- light last Monday evening. , Mr, Herb Jenkins was down to Sea - forth on Friday last. Death Of William Bullen:—Mr. liam Bullen passed away in iris seventy- fourtis year in Clinton Hospital on Tuesday morning last. He went under an operation last week. He is sur- vived by his two daughters Misses Hattie and Mattie, at home. His wile predeceased him seventeen years ago. The funeral is being held to Clinton Cemetery on Thursday. HURON COUNTY RED CROSS The Executive of the Huron Red Cross and War Contingent Association met in Clinton on June 715, The report of work done during the 2 years and 1 month of organized County work showed that 102,517 articles had been shipped to. Hyman Hall for R. C. & W. C, A. work, and 51,710 articles were shipped' to the sane place for Refuge Relief. Although the need of supplies. is not urgent at present it was decided that the organization would not be- disband- ed until further notice. Attended Moonlight Arany from here attended the moon- light trip of the "Greyhound" at Goderich on Monday night, All had a delightful sail. Over 800 from De- troit canoe up on the boat and are visit- ing around Huron County. of it compulsory for them to learn the. away, and the farmer in the fields, the bogs ,. i.:SLINTON MARKETS $21,50 English language, boys obtained „ too, a rifle and some Butter . , . , ,. , clothes. , Eggs They were leaving the- house when Spring wheat 38c and 40c 35c and 36c $2,09 $2.14 75c $1.id $5.00 Hay $16.00 to $15.00 $40,00 $45,00 $45.00 $1,25 yf � f'f7CCl°B 1411,UB0l1P'.i,htis Pettinger, the guard arrived, Pectin-; Fall wheat ijl fi q>1 Pie .),,7f Nn>atdisSgri1erucrly, ger expected no trouble. He was fired ; Oats 3onc sn•I inviaornuss cin, wholo upon, the bullet entering his lungs To- I Barley ..-•^^^•ssystmu, u±,iaes nae• Rnoaa �'„hs, r',r.>•rs \'e> ems night it is stated that his condition 'Buckwheat .. t tlrvio irorrrA, Lrsp • >. remains critical, with n slight sign of ntr. I'nt,>ir•,tr�n rJ an hat sovement. The boys have been Bran 1 f•. Yrlr. 3i MI' t1,14 NiR p vin uiil ,•u, �,,, `uotd hsi,ti recaptured, Shorts The superintendent of Lhe. industrial Mitlfeed i1 ,;, -- t '+ rix; .•.<arrAa:xiu,„e:r School says that the shooting empha- Potatoes !i r @lax: art ,r.r, ,ih, •gl't•nr ' Canadian Universal. Filial Co,, Limited presents OROTHY PHILLIPS e Heart of umanit The all Canadian Super Production PRINCESS T-'EAT1!E title 20 & Pri. 4.15 p. lire. Sat. 3 p. Iu, Evenings at 8.15 p. tm, AONIISSIO•N, AFTERNOONS 15c &35q. EVVENINGS 25c.& 5Oc,