HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-6-5, Page 3l'11ursday, Jude 5th, 1919. THE •CLINTON. NEW ERA,,,, White Star Line ,Annual Excursion GODERICH TO DETROIT. AND RETURN STEAMER GREYHOUND LEAVES GODERICH Tuesday, June 17th 9.00 a. m. old time 10.00 a. m, new time ARRIVES DETROIT 5.00 p: m, RETURNING LEAVES DETROIT THURSDAY, JUNE 19TH, LOO P. M. Detroit 0" sante ►a time. $2.25 Round Trip; $1.75 Single; Children, between 6 and 12, .3h fare Don't miss this opportunity to visit America's fnost beautiful and eiOst prosperous city, A million population, a city of beautiful parks, grand boulevards and a wonderful water front, Canadians costing to Detroit for a temporary stay are not required to pay a tax or make a deposit, U. S. Immi- gration officers will be on the steamer to pass excursionists. Good music and dancing enfoute, Fine 'Cafe and lunch roost abroad steamer. BAND MOONLIGHT out of Goderioh, Monday evening, June 16th, 7.30 old time, 8.30 Goderich time -3 hours on beautiful Lake Huron for 25c. Orchestra musk and dancing in Steamer's ball room. / i�yy -s• xf. k�11Y 4 The Flavour Lasts All three kinds sealed in air -tight, impurity - proof packages. Be SURE to get WRIGLEYS "AFTER EVERY MEAL" IIIIIIh• .vva4CLEl Aillllll R �V t1;1CY;Fi it- I I wi a^':Cts•. ,•.'CHB '•1 w i G• r- 1►JIJ,.rr.�tit..,,.r,�r„�.{.,,fp11J) — MADE IN CANADA 114*or, tatiings Seamwa ca le botrr+ht to0tts,- ever this sigrri is 4010 04 I Save1 ProfIt? - : Y ,id►W51890 .,tV Pi 4 006 its.6.basals alt as 004 eratltl, Assoso li• . is 11U or tn !*; The rataae for i * 01**.** h Iwo in rrivaiLksitt go` :11oo' WAIL es WV 1010141 10LOWIffr. 1414t, wait isy. dK-4 ► : a volt 1!t C >t hlr's 115 • atarroney'ogaters over 4 torch Ate 4>tan "eta ;a b�aii'eyres' 3dr '" ;rv...>st.4 Thta la *A** '0400 *4 tit ,' r pttcaeatt;. (shit putnr a`4., ; iserotodesit, b � taala r tilt, •Ojio'tft e:s. wits 'tk1 4a filian,i'ar+• for i':{rta boot''(! flood //their Oi thet rex:ctAls wtrttct ea pod Make Your, Savings ` Serve 'boa ala i Serve Year Cbuntr"'y—Invest Them in War Savings Stamps, ROYAL YEAST CAKES MADE IN, CANADA. EUV; el y ..,:,.1.R LIMITED 0O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O0 o LONG MAY SHE LIVE O 0 0, Intended for last wee!", O O' Monday was the fifty-second 0 O anniversary of the birthday of 0 O Queen Mary, She is undoubt. 0 O edly very popular with her 0 O subjects of all sorts and con- 0 O ditions, because she is assent- 0 O Tally one of them. Her hair is O. O visibly turning gray, but she 0 O has had the rare fortune to in- 0 O ' herit such an extraordinarily 0 O good constitution that not for 0 O many years has she been oblige 0 O ed to put off an engagment on 0 O account of ill health.. Probably 0" O no queen of England has ever 0 O so addicted to letter writing as 0 O is Queen Mary. Her epistol- 0 O ary styleyis said to be very gen- 0 O uine and unadorned,lbut every 0 O letter is sincere and cheracteri- 0 0 zed by depth of feeling, The 0 O Queers'( favorite correspondent 0 O is said to be her son, the Prince 0 O of Wales, O O 0 000000000000000 (lniicireu Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C A S TORi may. DR, GRANT WILL SPEAK • Dr. A. S. Grant. of Toronto has been made the Marshal! Foch of Ontario in the battle between the Temperance and Liquor forces in the coming referen- dum vote. All the temperance organ- izati<',nn have united behind one central committee headed by Dr. Grant, a pro- minent Presbyterian minister, and a verb capable etrganizer, and be will have charge of the campaign,' At the Huron County Temperance 'Convention to • he held in the Presby- terian church, .Clinton, on Tuesday atter? on and evening. June 57th, Dr, Grant will speak at both. sessions in addition to other local speakers. AFTER EFFECTS y OF INFLUENZA Often as Serious as the Disease Itself— How to Get New Health,. There are few homes in Canada that were not touched by the sorrow that trailed in the wake of the Spanish Influenza epidemic. Estimates of the loss of life caused by this epidemic show that it was almost as great ; as the losses caused by the war, and these take no account of the baneful after-effects which are sometimes as fatal as the disease itself, Victims of the disease are general- ly left with impoverished -blood and a weakened system. In this condi- tion they are exposed to many dang- ers unless precautions are taken to enrich the blood and strengthen the, nerves. The debility that invariably follows influenza is not a disease of any organ. It is a general condition of unfitness. it must be stet by a remedy whose good results will be 1i(J. felt throneomi.. lily entire • :a Oil, t,' . Dr. \,'il t ti red blood carries renewed health and strength to every part of the body. 'The ease of Mrs, George Louder Hamilton, Qnt., proves the vatu5 of Dr. WiilIAms' Pink Pills in eases of flus .kind, Mrs, Louder says,? -e" 1 had 9 veru evere ;tltack of Spanish inftuenaa which left m5 page and very Weak, My/appetite Coal pletely, igiled ole 80d the least noise Wbuiri startle tri and make bio 1 was under *doctor's care, and final - Ip he advtsdif me to take Dr, Wib Items' Pink 1'li1a, And i had not been faking 'them long before 1 could telt' they ware helping me, 1 used e9t+.17 gether .eine ear fest loxes and AU now ferJjng as wets As ey.er 1 dirt In my. life, I believe )f 11 ban not been flfr these llillla t gyouttl 1l tY& been a ehroals Sunt Ata roo4ts khls mttit i+e Inter- esfftig io eperyonc svisil sefleYed front •1h stool,: bf lnfluegzq, and who 61111 feel tri it'll WJtt: sveitkencst as the rA- suit ail the trou1,1h, It points 3.11k �tity fol new * Wlti'i kilt} 3trcngth, itnd if t'U\l, fire one bf fb'' sufferer? tlitiuid avail yourself of this meat, eine at' •othle ' :Y,cisr 'win 0 Dr* , _ jtixul :I"IJII 1'illa tlltbug>t ail dexiaa Its rtleiltatnt; 'sit did Instl at 50 gen%? a IdOx PI six boxc8 tot. JI,I0 from The lir; Yylutdan5' hteixiel.oe Cot BroelJ- vlpe, Ont, • . • • A P\lteltf It4S 1)5813 minted the Jinn - •3s11 i519sntrN Ut i reees3 lot utilizing banittfa Ott ig8iead Irl' hemp :14 Jute tri 'texti104 and pt>rd+!tldi A zrlb lox h.ables il1a been Invented that (Olds sir pglnptiptly that It on be Carried about and 'used by tourists 11) 711 h.11inniVilife r, Mt." •'t:ot". GODERICH DISTRICT MEETING MEETING (Intended for last week,) The Goderich Alstriet meeting naet in Blyth Methodist Church last Wed- nesday and Thursday, Rev, J. A. Agnew ehalrman of the District presided. Ali the ministers of the District and a good representation of laymen were present. Entertainment being provid- ed in the church the second d'sy. The finances..nf the District were reported very prosperous, Rey, J. H, Osterllout was elected to the Stationing Committee. Dr, W, 1.. Rutledge asked for super- annuation, • Rev, R, J. McCormick, was elected missionary Sec. of the District, .A very pleasing feat}fre ofthe meet- ing was the visit of Dr. Hanley who was conducting Evangelistic services In Clinton who gave a very inspiring ad- dress immediately after dinner. About two-thirds of the ministers of the District are on the move this year, A GRAND MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Mrs. Avila Noel, Haut Ltuneque, N. D„ writes.—"I can highly recom- mend Baby's Own Tablets as the) have worked wonders in the case of esy baby. I always keep them in the' house and would not feel safe with- out then?." What Mrs. Noel says concerning Baby's Own Tablets is just what thousands of other mothers say and lee!. The. Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative' which regulate the bowels and stomach, thereby banishing constipation, colic, gestion and a host of the other minor ailments of little ones, The Tablets are absolutely guaranteed to he free from opiates or narcotics or any of the other drugs so harmful to the welfare of the baby. They cannot possibly do harm—they always do ^rood. They are sold by medicine dealers or 1v mail al 21 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Frr.ckrilld, Ont, THE QUEM EJECTION The Liberal party has. been in pc.wer at the Province of Quehee since May :sash. BICC?, when the 1Ton. F. G. Mar- ch.tnd, became Prime .Minister, itillow- the 11 5 , E, t. Flynn, Conser- ,,tive. Mr. Alarchutd was succeeded i:1 the premiership by the tion, S .tv. !'Trent, or Ctctober 3, 1900. The ownsPremitr, Sir Linter Gicuin. assumed office, on March 2.?, tg45. it. Liberals have consequently held office for .1 period of 32 :MACS, and this term will undoubtedly be extended I'v the electors of the province after the pulls have been closed on June 23 next, when the provincial general election which is now taking place is brought to a eke. • The Gouin Gorernntent has a spreudid record for a progressive ad- ministration if affairs. It has spent approximately S20,000,000 on good roads, an amount sufficiently large to make the Hearst Government of t7 niarioak notice. t e of ce A good deal of money has also been expended on education, and it is proposed to estab. lish more technical schools to assist II), the training and equipment of ?workmen, Yet, despite large expendi- tares, the finances of the province are in a sound condition. Now that the war is over, the government is desirous of pushing a huge.reconstruc- tion program. As the Premier says in his manifesto h More must be done for colonization and agriculture. Education must be stimulated; more roads must be im- proved; water powers must be de- veloped; manufactories established; production must be increased, and the cost of living must be lessened for the people, We had a war mandate. We want a peace mandate. Before beginning the treat undertaking of recoit- t : ettvn, is bicbl,m•. Ana .PAGE 3 o' Mosquito end fly bites not trouble you 11•-5011: tee Zero -Wok. 'Phis herbal bales ends tire irritation, dra}vs Ont 11)0 poison and pee - yenta inflammation. 'earn -Butt Is also best for sten, hare, /mat realms, fllrteri, sore ;1sc:t, curs end tell skin trotah?lls. Ihee:pithandy etyour a urttno4: cottnze as a "first aid" for ail inlalll s. rrNp l t,srrr ,s Drz, is y� ficient mandate to go ahead and carry on. We 'do not want to begin the work and be told by reactionaries and pessimists, or by our opponents, that we have no mandate; to wait for a new mandate, Why should we Hsi now, when on the threshold of a new period, 'be allowed to forge ahead, uninterrupted, with the know- ledge that we have the confidence of the electorate? While there has been some desultory. talk about impending elections for weeks past, the bringing on of the contest at this time has caught the Opposition in a state of unprepared Hess, The Opposition leader, Mr, Sauve, promises a vigorous fight, it is very Apparent, however, that he is going up against a pretty stiff pro- position, as is shown by the standing of parties ' in the late Legislature, which was as folloivs Liberals 74 Conservatives 6 Vacant ,a, 1 tits Total St 1t can do the province no harm if the Gouin Government is. shorn of some of its excess of strength, and this may reasonably be expected to happen, .NEWEST NOTES IN ?Cll;'NCE� After falling many tinges Italian en, giocers have supaessfully bored an artesian well in Tripoli. The deadly phosgene Sas has been found valuable for tfleaehing sand for use in making fine glass, W. BRE OND 13AIt1IISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, BITO CLINTON H, T RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and meal Estate INSURANCE AGENT—nenrosenting 14 FSre 1 surance Oanananios, Division Court Ofliee. iPiuno 'rum ng Mr, James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders lett at W. Dohesty's phone 11, will receive nromnt attention Medit..al- DR. J. C. GANDIER OFFICE HOURS • • 1.30 p, m. to 3.30 p. m. 7.30 p. m. to 9.00 p. m. yti Sunday 12.30 to 1.30 Other hours by appointment only, Office at Residence, Victoria Street DR. W. GUNN Office at Residence • Corner High and Kirk Streets. Clinton Ontario OR. tt n R1. AXON DENTIAT i'ruwn and Bridge Work u Specially. Graraarta o4 C. C.D.S... CLicago, t,od 11,0,0.i. Toronto,. Mayfield on Inondarn, ]lav Isr to 0 DR. IL FOWLER, DENTIST. Experiments in Japan with the cul- t O6Sesa over O'NiltIL'S more, Ovation of flax have obtained the best Special pare taken to make dentsl SCSI' results when Belgian seed has been "sant as painless as poeeible. used.. An inventor has patented a broom with a resilient handle with the idea i afar it wilt Iasi lA'rtiver and be easier Cn ;stn Th e first brewery in the society ESland.< has been built, malady with 1 myterfals and equipment from the '_wife i States. T o" OMA GUNDRY fare stock and general Anetican i - GODER!OH ONT lata) MIK ants../ r4 s1eaia0;. 1300.51' , Ern vitae, slinaw, yrtt.•, .::. 1 to. Term. ^e aoour,h1e. Farn•vre '.556 ,rc. I visroantad 1). lIleTastgeseec M, 11. eStu l' ak:: MeTaggari ilikFisrV VIZ ALBERT 6711 CLS1+tT"i '.r{. i •C tr'enerel Eseif¢tal;p 1'+n.etss.r.aa stratgoeoted a4OTEB D113001511TED Drafts issued. Interest allowed e denoetts lapu, vs utfd,L.ing the crater of an y4S duet ssslcau,. bt B' 1+ are many Itt sprlaes as a sill,ditahlarm. To permit sEsft eskii to be iassed' in herd coal base bullet s.teems ie the rur,ose •+f a new attaehttxeilt. A WRNS WRECK FROMiER ' AFD NERVES. There are many people'at the present time whose nerves are unstrung, heart affected, and general health impaired. To such we offer Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills as the. best remedy that science has prodtioeil.for. such troubles. These pills have a Wonderful effect on the nerve cells of the .& y, G ying't'b4m new life and energy; they strengthen and•>;egu- late the heart and 'make the broor1'itch'' and nourishing.' c Mr. Joseph Daly 'Wpife Island, Ont., writes "I have used Mtlburb'egEehrt' .. r 'gull F erie '9' and Nerve Pills. I wds tt, go a ,a� p wreck from nay be''hrt and nerve9. T saw your advertisement in the 'bst. er„$eisl decided to try your pills. • I tbak•ilye boxes of them, and now 1 anti as•steady as a clock, People said I could not be cured, I fooled them with .Milburn's Heart and, Nene Pills." s Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c. a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by rho T. Milburn Go., Limited, Toronto., Out. Fare Insurance 4.!OP $arm and Isolated Town t'rp:t arty Only Insured, [read Office—Seaford', Out d Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. !?!vans Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos.'E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. • ;::Agenta Alex: •Lettch, No i, Ctlntonp Edward Hinlli)ey5 Seaforth; Wm. gbesney, EE mgniltfjlie; J .W. Xeo, Goderich, Jarmuth, Brodhageh Directors . Wm Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth;John Sen- newgis, Brod}iagen;dames Evans, Bs-. Wooda R9,' McEtvaiL Cllnten; Nano • wlonnolly, Ooderich 5 ID. P,` moQfe br;' P•m 3, Seettirth,r J. G. Crate'fa, I$ir,• 4, V,fatten; 11xkart-Fertpis,. Har,lofk;. 6eo.. 't*0 rtne,' 14 s: S. Sexiortb.. T t' rrP For infants. and Children In Use Per Ove1°3C$ Years Always bearsthe Signature of r , ;Imo' /.44 POULTRY FEED We have 70 bag's of Lake of 114e Woods Oatmeal Flour left over from our Poultry Feeding Season, This will make a good; dry mash for'laying Hens, or a No, 1 feed for Hogs. We are se)iing this Feed at be- low cost to clear. We are always in the market for Live Poultry and new 1a'id eggs at top market prices, Goon -Loi lois & Co., Lililt8ii1 4 The sap -to -date Firth Ul*ntoti Branch Phone 1110 N. W. Trewnrtha, Manager or Holmesville 4 on 142. li0 I Before purchasing your new piano or organ let us show you the newest ae- signs ' in several well- known and old establish- ed makes. INSTRUMENTS RENT- ED AT MODERATE PRICES PHONOGRAPHS See our stylish cabinet designs in the best makes. NH EN. YOU ARE NEED OF ANY PLUMBING TiNSMITHING ROOFING OR e IN ELECTRIC WORK CALL OR PHONE FOR PRICES 91, Q. 'k'Irtaber 3 . i,. . ,Sutter ttnd Electrician. etter, Pay; he Don't be ienspted to abooaa cheap ferdleo, }Cur totter to P57 s fair. poise and lipoty eir.etly 'what TOW are glaring, Y to wttl ue'ar belorry—tor as ti a'tsq,, *ter of motley, :It • e: easily the. meet trepos$,FEa1, 'ChWj !AAP 'I 11 Orad 'Rn oftin that r'verykttly by this thee should 1rfs it --and let there le no ginir9yif3'. of t• iof}p, e2t•opv Ira the u�rz fig ) siall=otI tl'Would t suet a.ltzgetber— f3lre 'tn':,bu'p';txbgt'e i aitunlitis 8,te Q. 9kott'/l Yt ltir,titfli, ., t*.d i38es4 ever; tiOtt 044; isblAitta 'Oren!. airtfalr 43ftla' 211114 ,0141lj1f33rt (1 �talt'CI$43ti': 1 • ti• :e ta„ 61, HAND`.; lir No. 2; 04 rffaxiOrgr dict txta'er"vtlrielits 4$':,e.f R i,v i..tr At, ".S• _l4? '1.1;8 . Yrer C~1'i.. tS HAY WANTED. -. Of