HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-5-29, Page 5'�'llll si�ay, 'Maty 419th, 1919 JUNE *WEDDINGS Will need wedding rings- you wish yours to be good, up-to- date in style and a comfortable fit. Those we self have all these desirable qualities. Our stock of presents for the JUNE BRIDES are all they could desire, SILVER TEA SETS and numerous FANCY PIECES. All useful, also CUT GLASS, fancy china and DINNER SETS, WIMP JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Li een sus ,rte ocUS,l'hosyli0canui 7'he Great 13apli she:Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility. 117ental and .Beam )(Worry, Despon- dencv, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Alenaory, Price Sl per box, six for $50 One will please, six will cuno.yy Sold by ail pdruggists . Nem pamphlet Mled in ailed in pkg. . THE WOOD EDICINE CO..TORONTO.ONT. Cf meds Wisdao, • CLINTON MARKETS ( Hogs $20.00 Butter 45-48 Eggs 45-46 Spring wheat $2.09 Fall wheat $2,14 Oats 65c to 70 Barley 90c to $1,00 Buckwheat $1.25 to $1.30 Hay $16.00 to $18.00 Bran' $40.08 Shorts ' $45.00 Millfeed $50,00 Potatoes 90c to $1.00 a bus. Plain Language • You'll find that common words, simple explanations and quick action are the rule at the Willard Service Station. It is part of Willard policy to make it easy for every user of a Willard Battery to get the most out of it. So our instructions are plain : 1 Add pure water. 2 -Take hydrometer test every two weeks. 8 -If hydrometer test is less than 1.285 at any two successive readings come straight to the Willard Serv- ide Station. J. N. FAXEN, Ganja is your Willard Service Station. Storage Battery recharged and Overhauled. Accessories for Automobiles and bicycles. Phone 80 Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. GODERICU DISTRICT W. M,S. Annual Convention Held at Nile Last Week -Encouraging Reports The twenty-seventh annual woven- tion of Goderich district Woman's Missionary Society was held in Nile Methodist church, May 1401, Mrs, S, , flick, district superintendent, presid- ing. The meeting opened with the sing- ing of the Doxology. The devotional exercises were led by Mrs, Hisey, of Nile, Very encouraging reports were given from the auxiliaries, circles and bands, Two new auxiliaries were • organized during the year, I A pleasing solo, "He Lifted Me," was contributed by Miss Sawyer of Landes- boyo'. Mrs, Banes, of Benmiller, gave a very ineresting talk on "Circle Work." A duet by Misses Lindsay and Trewin, of 'Constance, was listen- ed to with much pleasure, Miss Holmes, of Holmesvilie, very ably conducted the question drawer, Mrs. Osterhout, of Goderich, gave a very interestitrg talk on "How to get every woman interested in mission work." "What: constitutes a good auxiliary• meeting" was very ably dealt with by Mrs. Steadman, of Dungannon, and Mrs. Beaton, of Clinton, told "Flow to make the district meeting a real help to the auxiliary," Mrs. C. Straughan, of Auburn, pre- sented in a very practical way "The Rest Fund," aand Miss Thompson, of Donnybrook, took up Christain Stew- ardship." A quartette of much beauty, "Don't Forget the Heathen at Your Door," was rendered by Mesdames King, Brown, Moody and MacElroy, of Blyth. Mrs. Flick was unanimously chosen again as superintendent, with Mrs. A, Carr, Blyth, associate superintendent t for next year. A quiet half-hour was conducted by Miss Carr, During the tea hour an address of welcome was given by Mrs. Dustow, of Nile, and replied to by Mrs. F. Camp- • bell, of Westfield. I The evening session opened at Z p. all., Rev. J. Hisey in the chair. Prayer was offered by Rev. P. S. Banes, of Benmiller, The Blyth ladies again favored the. convention with music, "The Lord hath need of you." The report of the district superin- tendent was very encouraging, showing 1 that the district as a whole had at- tained the objective, twenty per cent. increase in members and money, the I amount raised being 82307,90 an in- increase of $466.42. Mrs. Sprott!, of Dungannon, gave an invitation for the next convention, which was accepted. The Nile choir gave a selection, "We've a Story to Tell to the Nations." Mr. Hisey, of Nile gave a very 'interest- ing talk on "The Appeal to Young Life of Foreign Missions." Miss Bailie, of Goderich, held the at- tention of the convention by her very interesting talk on "The Challenge to the Women's Missionary Society." The convention was brought to a close by the singing of hymn 226. .. Notice Seventy five dollars will be given to prizes by Clinton Agri cultural Society for field crop competition. Prizes to be divid- ed as follows: - First Prize: -$20. 2nd prize: -$15. 3rd prize: -$12. 4th prize: -$t 5th prize: -$8. 6111 prize; -$6. 7th prize: $4. The must be at least telt cont., petitions having live acres of white oats. This is open only to members in good standing, or any wishing to compete, must become members of the above Society. Entries for this competition will close June 1st, 1919. Entry forms, and any further particu- lars may be obtained from S. 13. Stott r I e s district representative p esentatIve orA, J. McMurray, Secretary. NMI At The Hotel Normandie on Tuesday, June 3rd DORENWEND'S of Toronto invite you to their display of the newest creations in artistic hair. goods. If your own hair is thin dull and un becoming,Iet us de monstrate just what can be done to . p lack ofhair, y and how perfectly it is accomplished. FOR LADIES: -Switches, Transformations, Waves, Pompadours, Chignons, Etc. FOR BALD MEN:--DORENWEND'S TOUPEE will slake you look years younger and improve your health, Light as a feather and lndetectable on our sanitary patent structure. This display is for 1 day only. Appointments can bet arranged at residence if delitrod, R .._ . ION THERE Is N0 CRAIRGE E A DEMONsTRA CHE DORENWEND COMPANY OF TORONTO, LIMITED Head V iiab >t63r105 YONG E ST. AMENDMENTS TO MOTOR VEHICLES ACT At the 1919 session of the Ontario Legislature the following important changes were made In the Motor Vehi- cles Act: RATE OF tPEED, No motor vehicle shall be driven up- on any highway within a city, town, village or police village at a greater rate of speed than twenty miles per hour; nor upon any highway outside of a city, town, village or police village at a greater rate of speed than 25 miles par flour, nor at a street intersection or curve where the driver of the vehi- cle has not a clear views of approaching traffic at a greater rate of speed than 40 utiles In a city, town, village or police village, or 12% outside a city, town, village or police village, but the council of a city, town or village may by by-law set apart any highway or any part thereof on which motor vehicles may be driven at a greater rate of speed for the purpose of testing the same, and may pass by-laws for re- gulating and governing the use of any such highway or part thereof for such 9 urpose. RECKLESS DRIVING Provision is made increasing the penalty for reckless driving whereby anyone found guilty of this offence shall be liable for the first offence to a penalty not exceeding $50. or one week's imprisonment, or both; for the second offence to a penalty not exceed. ing $100. or one montih's imprison- ment or both; and for the third or any subsequent offence to imprisonment not exceeding six months. NOISE MUFFLER Every motor vehicle shall be equip- ped with a noise muffler and no con trivance for releasing muffler such m shall .tai 1 be attached to a motor vehicle so that it may be operated from any seat in the vehicle. MIRROR Every motor vehicle used for com- mercial purposes shall be equipped with a mirror securely attached to it and placed in such a position as to af- ford the driver of such motor vehicle, while driving or operating the vehicle, a clear view of the roadway in the rear or of any vehicle approaching, from the .rear. LICENSING OF CHAUFFEURS The rules governing the issuance of License to chauffeurs have been modi- lied as indicated in the following re- drafted clause; • By-laws Islay be passed by the coun- cils of all municipalities for paying, on the conviction of the offender and on the order of the judge or police magis- trate before whom the conviction is had, a reward of not less than twenty to be apprehended, any person steal- ing a motor vehicle within the munici- pality. PROHIBITION AS TO LETTING OR HiRING No person shall hire or let for hire a motor vehicle unless the person by whom such motor vehicle is to be driven is a person licensed to drive a motor vehicle as required by this ACT or is a person to whom a permit has been issued pursuant to section three of this Act, or is a person to whom a certificate of competency has been is- sued by the Minister of Public Works and Highways. RECORD CORD • 01' SECOND-HAND VEHI- CLES BOUGHT, SOLD, ETC. All persons who buy, sell, wreck, or otherwise deal in second-hand motor vehicles shall keep a correct record of all motor vehicles bought, sold or wrecked! and of such information es will enable such motor vehicles readily to be identified and shall transmit weekly to the Department of Public Works and Highways on forms furnished by the Department a ,statement showing all 'motor vehicles bought, sold or Wreck- ed by hien during the week contained, and such information with reference thereto as may, be required by the De- partment. PROHIBITION AS TO BUYING WHERE SERIAL NUMBER OBLITERATED No person shall buy,, sell, wreck or otherwise deal with any motor vehicle whereof the manufacturer's serial num- ber or SIniliar identifying mark has been obliterated or defaced or is not readily recognizable. REPORT TO MINISTER AS TO CAR STORED Where any motor vehicle is placed in the possession of any person who buys, sells, wrecks, or stores motor vehicles and the sane remains in his possession for more than two weeks without good reason, such person shall forthwith, union the expiration of the said period of two weeks make a re- port thereof to the Miniser of Public Works and Highways. ONUS OF DISPROVING NEGLIGENCE The Act provided; "When kiss or danfage is sustained by any person) by reason of a motor vehicle on a high- Way, the onus of proof that such loss or damage did not raise through the negligence or improper conduct of the owner or driver of the motor vehiel'e shall be upon fhe owner or driver." An amendment wet proposed that this section should not apply in case of a collision between motor vehicles on the highway, or in ease of a eolith* (on between a motor vehicle and any other, yehicle ;which is being o1)04iO4 A license shall not be issued to a person who drives s motor vehicle for hire, pay or gain unless he files in the office of the Minister of Pub- lic Works and 1lightgays certificates that Ise is a fit and prbper person to be so licensed, having regard to his character, physical fitness, ability to drive, and knowledge of the rules of the road. One of such certificates, touching the applicant's character, shall be furnished by the chief con- stable of the municipality in which the applicant resides, and one other certificate, touching the applicant's physical fitness, ability to drive and knowledge of the rules of the road, shall be furnished by a member of the Ontario Motor League appoint- ed for that purpose by the Lieuten- ant -Governor in Council, and resid- ing in the municipality in which the applicant resides, REWARD ON CONVICTION OF PERSON STEALING MOTOR VEHICLE. THE CLINTON NEW ERA. lielrebroormemormaimmemommin on the highway between dusk and down which does not carry a lighted lamp in a conspicuous position, It was agreed by the. Legislature that the section should not apply in the case of collision between motor vehicles, but the balance of the proposed amendment MIS Struck out. AMENDMENT PROPOSED BUT DE- FEATED. Among the amendments which were suggested but did not meet with op- proem were the following; The Lieutenant -Governor in Council may make regulations to limit or re- strict the candle power of oily lighting device on a motor vehicle, No person may be convicted of an offence under Section II, exceeding the speed limit, upon the opinion of a sin- gle witness as to the rate of speed. No person may be convicted of an offence under Section II unless it be shown that the rate of speed fixed by This section was exceeded for a distance of one-quarter of a mile or more, upon any highway outside of a city, town or village, or for a distance of one-eighth of a :rile or more, upon any highway within a city, town or village. ;1004i'iy 'FtifPSpoi( £ oat Gro p zn uitw .t sofa, ratable re uea lit) m. caLicdne, a•,ld iv three da• rues of stre.,gth-No. 1, 211 No. 2, 35; No. 3, 36 per bon Sold by all dar]redsts, or sant propsid oa rlet,pt of prion, Frao pamphlet. Address; THE COOK MEDICINE CO, TORONTO, OMI. (reruns Wladrer,) GLEANINGS FROM THE G. W. V A. CONVENTION Canada does not owe the returned soldier a living, but she owes him a chance to stake a living. "I'm not aswise ash lawyer those guys," but still it does seen; funny to hear the old politicians get up sand warn the boys to keep their hands clean and stay out of politics. The twenty per cent increase In pen- sions will not satisfy the returned sol- dier. This was the general feeling of the delegates. If a man gave his life to his country his family should be kept in decent comfort, and his children given a fair start in life. Surely this is reason- able. Rev. C. E. Jeakins, provincial pre- sident for a third term -some record, and by the reception he got on Friday evening, it looks as if he can hold it a life -time. When the famous Calgary resolu- tion appeared, tasking for $2000 for every returned soldier, Ontario voted it down solidly. The membership qualification was again a contentious subject. The fol- lowing resolution and amendment were submitted to all branches for referen- dum. Resolution. "That the enlisted volunteer should be eligible for full membership, irre- spective of service, if he can show to the satisfaction of the branch of which he proposes to become a member that Isis failure to reach a belligerent front was no fault of his own." Amendment. M "That at present there are eflorttf- ous reinforcements conning into the G. W. V. A. under the existing Section 15 of the constitution, and we recom- mend that until the association as constituted has reached the absorp- tion limit of existing material the con- sideration of volunteers who were un- able to make the grade to England, and of other classes not now eligible, be deferred." One hundred and twenty-three branches were represented at the con- vention, another 20 branches are now being organized. It looks as if we are here to stay. O• •f!®••OC3tS •®®•6Q•••R O • WITFI I`HAd CHURCHES, • er •0430(e040•®O•OOOCEI TDO Salvation Army On Monday, June 2nd, in the S. A. Citadel, Lieut -Col. Rawting and Adj., will speak. As big rinse expected and everybody invited to come at 8 o'clock. Baptist Church er i S v yes1 i at 5.011, and 7 p.m, 'Sun- day School at 2.30 p.m. The subject of the Evening Service -"Christ in Isaiah." St, Paul's Church Ascension Day, Thursday . 29th, livening Prayer at 3'o'clock. Sunday; -Holy Communion at 11 a. 111,, Evening Prayer at 7• p.m. • .... Preacher at all. services, Rev. S. E. McKegney, M. C, ' , Wesley Church Sunday Services 10 a.m.-fellowship Service in the School Room' of the church, All mem- bers and converts are expected to be at this service. 1 t a.m.-Baptismal; Reception ,and Sacramental Services, when the Pastor will speak briefly on "What Happens during a Revival and After," Mr. Fisher,' the, Evangelist, will sing. A11 are asked to bring their books "Tice Voice of Victory." At 7 p.m., the subject will be "Ex- cuses" from Luke 14;18. Ontario Street Church Morning -Pastor . will Preach. Re- ception for new members. The Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper w411 be ad- ministered. Evening -Subject; -"The stratagem of the Devil." Reception for young sten into membership. ' Evangelist Fisher will sing at the evening service. Willis Church Next Sunday the pastor's subjects will her - Morning "Sprtngtinie Messages" Evenisig; "The Roman Centuriatt and Jesus," On Sunday, June 8t11, the Sacrament of Baptism will be observed at the morn Ing service. CHURCH NOTES A Scotch preacher one Sunday found Ms congregation going to sleep before flailed fairly begun. On seeing this he Stopped and exclaimed "Breth- ren, it's tie fair. Walt till i get a start, i h Paws before 1 get 50mmenced, Gie a buddy a chance, J, Willis Baer, a Pasadena ()Pinker, was elected moderator ,of the 131st general assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States in ses- sion at St. Louis last week, This Is the first time in the history of the church that a layman has been chosen to (lie highest office of the church. Mr. Baer's \opponenit was the Rev, Dr. S. Hall Young, an Alas- kan Missionary, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ELECT NEW OFFICERS The Women's Institute held, 'their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Jas, Flynn, on Thursday, May 22nd. The meeting was well attended, nand considerable interest was taken in the election of officers for the ensuing. Mrs, Monroe, who has been Presi- dent for some years, wished to resign from office, and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered her for the ex- cellent work she has done. During the year, a barrel of fruit Was sent to Byron Sanitarium for con- valescent soldiers; garments were made for Belgium relief; quilts and pillows were sent to the Children's Shelter at Goderich; 'Christmas boxes were sent to boys at the front and $_„74 given the G. W. V. A. There wns•tfso a fruit shower donated the Clinton Hospital;, Flowers were sent to the "shut-ins" at Christmas time. 'Phe following off1 cers were elect- ed; - Hon, Presidents - Mrs. T. Kearns, Mrs. E. Monroe. President -Mrs." Roy Ball. 1st Vice President -Mrs, J. Paxman 0 ..ndVice President--. r h Ms. Chant Secretary -Mrs, FI. Fowler Asst. -Secretary -Mrs. L. Paisley Treasurer -Mrs, Jas. Flynn Asst. -Treasurer -Mrs. Hamblyn Auditors -Mrs. R. Fitzsimons and Mrs. D. McEwen., Flower Committee -Mrs. Chambers The meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month. Visitors are always welcome. HURON STOOD FIRST Last of Concerts by Various County Students at Stratford Normal on Friday. The Beacon -The spirit of rivalry and excitement rain high in the Normal School Friday afternoon, as the last of the series of concerts was to be given by the students from Huron County. The president, Miss Kerr, occupied the chair. The meeting was opened by singing chorus of "0 Canada." The next number, Cabaret De Ritz, was a novel feature of the program. The girls in their light dresses, seated a- round the tables, formed a very pretty background for the following program. Solo, Miss L, Holntes;instrumental duet Misses Al Elliott and H. Herold; solo, Miss Shillinglaw; duet, Misses Sanders and Rowe, The Classes, rear} try Miss Laundy, was followed by a tableau, "Mannny-'s_:Coal Black Rose," which brought cheers of applause from the audience. The next number ann6ute- ed was a dialogue, which although short was very amusing. A tableau, "A Camp Scene," found the girls sit- ting around a camp -fire, singing and toasting marsh -mallows. This number was very original and Was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. The last number, a tableau, "Rock of Ages," proved a fitting climax for the pro- grams. The meeting closed by singing "God Save the King," The judges after comparing pro- grams, give the following decitios; For originality and musical perform - mance, Huron stands first. The'piay, Dr Devine, by Grey and Bruce stud- ents, and the Classic by Grey and Bruce deserve special mention. Messrs. Robt, Hogg and John Arm- our, who live in Turnberry, lost two yearling cattle, which had been wor- ried by dogs, Mr. Armour had an- other yearling worried, but will re- cover. . • iSor•Sale • Happy Thought Rauge,"in first class ,condition, only used '''a'short`- while, Apply to, Thod: Hawkirib, u^ - A plain oval broach with, A, W. M. on it. Was lost 2 weeks ago, Valued as a keepsake. Finder will please leave at New Era Office, • NOTICE Representative Wanted One of the most progressive 'Canad- ian Life insurance Companies with over $100,000,000 Insurance in force, wants a representative in Clinton and vicinity, A guaranteed continuing renewal in- terest agency contract. Previous Life Insurance experience not essential. Con fidental. P. 0. Box N, Clinton. WANTED A good man at Clinton and Huron County, to represent the old reliable Fontltill Nurseries. Prospects for busi- ness brightest in years. We are offer- ing a complete list of all lines of Fruit and Ornamental lines in hardy Canadian grown stock. Start in now by beginn- ing on new season's business, Ex- cldsivc territory, highest commissions, handsome free outfit. STONE AND WELLINGTON, TORONTO, ONTARIO. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron' will meet in the Council ICh<m,bcr, Goderich, on Tues- day, June the 3rd at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. All accounts must be in the hands of the Clerk, 00 or before OW Monday pt'1,C4§ditIR (lac• Itlegtitfg'01 Conned. 4,40/410101/01,.: And then, 1 'ant no wort ifstentng o, tae, gang to. sleep; but dinna tigd.yer Godarl4b, MAT 17th, )919. PAGE 5 We have them) - 5 "Pilgrim" $ .00 Rubber Boots � Best ether boat on the market at thep race Get a pair and try them. Full Assorment of all that is best in Rubber Footwear raeu rn 'M.�..rm=77.1 pi insteel u, mall (`roti is 'Phone' 25. More Business THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS For Sale or to Rent, A one-story frame house, 5 rooms, connected with town water, on Albert street. north, Has 1-8 acre of land. Will sell or rent, possession given at once. Apply to H. Glazier, Clinton. House for Sale. Good 2 -story brick house, all the conveniences, electric light, town water also barn on premises. Apply to T. T. Murphy, Clinton, EGGS FOR SALE Eggs for balance of season 75 cents per 15, Pen 1 7 pullets layed 190 eggs in 31 days, Pen 2 one year old hens. Chicks hatched in June and July will lay in January. H. A. Hovey, Clinton AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE Second hand Chevrolet for sale, electric starter, one man top in good running order. . Adress P. 0. Box. 106, Clinton. GODERICH TOWNSHIP COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll, for Goderich Township for the year 1919, will be held in Holmes' Hall, liobnesville, on Monday, May 26th, at. 10 a.m., for the purpose of hearing and settling complaints against the said Assessment Roll. Parties hav- ing business at the Court will attend at the said time and place without fur- ther notice. Adam Centelon, >. t!warnl ,...^" Clerk. All dogs reported not destroyed on or before the 26111, of May will be charged on the roll and collected with the taxes. Hohnesville, May 15, 1919. SALESMAN WANTED Lubricating Oil, Grease Specialties, Paint. Part or whole time. Cons - mission basis, Man with car or rig preferred. Riverside Refining Company Cleveland. Ohio HULLETT TOWNSHIP COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that the Court" df Revision on the Assessment Rai, for 'Hullett Township ,for the year'1919, will be held in Township Hall, Londesboro on Thursday, May 29th,: at -10 a, m., for the purpose of heating and settling 'complaints against the said Assessment•RoIL. Parties hav- ing business at the Court will attend at the said time and place without fur- ther notice. John Finglsnd Clerk. Londesboro, May 15th, 1919. Wanted Good general staid, slate wages wanted and name last employer. Ap- ply to, Mrs. George F. Brickenden, 326 Queen's Avenue, London,, Ontario. VICTORY BONDS Bought and sold at Market prices. W. BRYDONE. HOUSE FOR SALE On Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, good garden, furnace, electric light, town water, near schools. Apply, R. Rowland. FOR SALE Several second hand Heaters for sale, apply 10 THOS. HAWKINS. WANTED Ohl false teeth, dont hfatHer if brok- e'(t. I pay $2 to $15 per set. *Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail, F, TERM, 403 N. Wolfe St., ijaltinaorp, Illd. Iiousi, Lor Salt or Kurd, i raine house on Mill street, town bleier and also sott *Merl Vied garden StCi, Apply to, &s's F0101.0e FOR SALE One Story frame house, six rooms Cellar, % acre of garden, fruit trees, raspberries, es Well Shed ona North street, Clinton. Apply to MRS. MARY GUNN Or W. BRYDONE, Clinton BOARS FOR SERVICE Champion Bred Big Type York- shire and Chesterwbite Boars. At home every forenoon, A. C. LEVY Clinton, Ont. PHONE -5 09 639. LIVE POULTRY WANTED Highest market price paid. Phone 14.638 W. MARQUIS Clinton. Ontario Seed Corn We now have a full stock of the best grades. of Seed Corn obtainable. Be- fore ordering your seasons supply, can and see our stock, Once you see it we feel quite suryou will be well satisfied with the quality and also the Seed Potatoeg Seed potatoes have been added to our stock. These potatoes are of a well known variety "Northern Ontario" They are a large, firm, clear skinned Potato and will make good seed, The price Is very reasonable for this ex- ceptional variety of Potato and you will not make any mistake if you buy your supply at once, Baby Chick Feed Flave you tried our Baby Chick Feed? We are handling this Chick Feed in two grades, coars and fine. It is made of the best grain and is free of dust and dirt. Sold in any quantity. Special price on large ammounts. Large Stock of Flour always on hand. Highest prices paid for grain of all kinds. W. Jenkins & on FLOUR AND FEED Phone 199 Residence, 131, Wholesale License 12-52 Canadian Food Control License 9-2368 " jn TIME TABLE CHANGES A Change Of Time Will Be Made on MAY 4th, 1919 Information now in Agents' hands. Unexcelled Dining Car Service j Sleeping cars on night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Troonto. John Ransford & Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57. A, 0. Pattison, station agent. iHAD Piit4PIL S ALL OVER HIS BODY. The nasty, unsightly little pimples that break out on the face and other parts of the body are simply little irritating re- minders that the blood is out of order and requires purifying. Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the market for the past forty years, and its reputation is unrivalled as a medicine to drive all the impurities out of the blood, thus eradicating the pimples and leaving a bright, clear complexion. Mr, T. W. Steward, 165 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont, writes: "I was troubled( with pimples all over my body. 1 hap. paned to mention it to a friend who ad - lived ;tie to use Burdock Blood Bitters, I pm now using the third bottle, sad Jam mvoyeprleaecd ntataown aattndthInce r;l h,44taoleobat`bevetttwtoo It'ery way. Your lol8 eine ae fm hn b'ate fisted nse up in general:" Burdock Blood 'littera is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., ,Limited, Toronto, Oat, See . thee then 0t6)16 ttppoat'p on the wrapper,