HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-5-29, Page 3Thursday, May 29th, 1919 White Star Line Annual Excursion ._,'"'�•°':-'.ns ..,,� „, ow....• GODERiCH TO DETROIT AND RETURN STEAMER GREYHOUND LEAVES GODERICH Tuesday, June 17th a. m. old time 10 00 a. in new time RIVES DETROIT 5,00 p. in. RETURNING LEAVES DETROIT THURSDAY, JUNE 19TH, LOO P. M. Detris'the same astolidt iii $2.25 Round Trip; $1.75 Single; Children, between 6 and 12, 5,4 fare Don't'miss this opportunity to visit America's most beautiful and most. prosperous city, A Million population, a city of beautiful parks, grand boulevards and a wonderful water front. Canadians coming to Detroit for a temporary stay are not required to pay a tax or make a deposit. U, S. Immi- gration officers will be on the steamer to pass excursionists. Good music and dancing enroute, Fine Cafe and lunch roost abroad steamer. BAND MOONLIGHT oat of Goderich, Monday evening, June 16th, 7.30 old time, 8.30 Goderich time -3 hours on beautiful Lake Huron for 25c. Orchestra music and dancing in Steamer's ball room. .,. L The Greatest Name in Goody -Land U know the realm of child- hood dreams is a land of sweets. Make some of those dreams a delightful reality by faking , home ~,GLEYS ic1eq,uently How about tonight? SEALED TIGHT KEPT RiGHT The Flavour Lasts! MADE Ld CANADA ...,r �, JtA VA,,s,t`;ytA�1ei rIlali In M4 (Jost $4.OM. In Vane IV -S.8. Coni, $4.01, ikiery wields Sidi -Mi. OMR be fru Mini** in gilt-edged seemiitted betiding h • IhigIt: rate of interest vHtilbnt' aai°rtllee oi• 'n4 i,y.' The plait is so simple and secure dot it commends itself' to everybody. All of ns. spend a portion of om' earnings thoughtlessly, It is human nature. Yet most ol; us would be glad, if someone would take the money we fritter away and save it for us, because we end it dfmcttit t,e *Pe it Iilhktt ,titin employer do it by m.,aud of War Ratings Stamps Say to bins;: "i want ytlii bo take five per cent. of the money ill thy p11y 'envelope ouch week and buy me thrift !Milling. dps. Then with each $4.00 worlJs of 'tirliril'J ;Stamps buy mea War Savings Siesta. '000n you have bought eaoh War Savings %wap, put it In toy envelope. Go on doing 5.41$..4.° __at for a year." o v'asrgt ue'rrrropro tool, Yo 66141tt tt!Itar•- uor'!.;•.y 4,410.1 is K ,dra}^ cip.d. lehrst is all, ted* 'Mind Is' free. 'regi i avfil 5101 goes that, Gia cents or that, :Miler wriiub. you bbve ititberto squandered 00 1,01(0*,. But nt the and of lino $S&t you Ai11'tl'Wave n Bills pa,rilago of War S f b-lttgat 'ledrlXrtilii, e.`u41) bearing tbo $S,00 tttark, `;>y?ai'o *bleb :an*: .cont you latif d nay Cent's 'motet 04,11,0 each., 't'ri'll. Canada Will rOtik'cid V.rr 't0S5 ,• 1 ia'lx!n Your ilectgi .t ,e61 ,a tt ' 010 Vat >i' (ra"' ibt'Mk'' " 'g►i tti�y fikOi Yt • • .i,m, t^ 1. 1^ Sri w'lt ' _.. THE G. W. T, A. The alms and objeets of the G. W. V, A, of Canada are fiere set down so that the public may knew for what the returned men through this, their organ ization stand;..—. A •,---To perfeetuite the close and kindly ties of mutual service in th great war the trecollections and as sociation of that experience, and to maintain proper standards of dignity and honor between all returned sol- diers. B—To preserve the memory and records of those who suffered and died for the nation to see to the erection of nillnuments to their valor; the pro- vision of suitable burial places, land the establishment of an annual mem- orial day, C— 1'o ensure that proper provision is made for the due care of the Sick,. wounded and needy among those who have served; including. reasonable pensions, employment for such as are capable, soldiers' homes, medical rare and equitable provision for dependent families of enlisted amen. D—To constantly inculcate loyalty to Canada and the Empire and unstin- ted service in their interests. E—To guard carefully the good name, Interests and the standing of Our comrades stili overseas, and to which they should be entitled upon their return. F—To impress upon its members that they are to continue In their ser- vice to Canada as citizens, the sante spirit of sacrifice and loyalty which they have shown to•Canada and the Empire as soldiers, and to remain as members of the Association—non-sec- tarian and non-partisan, G—To establish, maintain and oper- ate clubs, club roosts, hospitals, em- ployment and information bureaus, in- dustrial and other schools and institu- tions, libraries and establishments for the benefit, promotion and advance- ment generally of the interests of soldiers, and to furnish, stock and equipe same in such a manner as the Association may determine, . 11—Ty establish, organize and regu- late provincial and local bodies or commands all branches in convenient centres throughout Canada , J—To raise funds for all purposes of the Association by fees from mem- bers, by obtaining public and private grants, and by various forms of amuse- ment, entertainment or instruction and otherwise as the Association may determine. PALE AND WEAK DESPONDENT PEOPLE Owe Their Condition to Weak, Watery Blood—How to Regain Strength Every woman's health is peculiarly dependent upon the condition of her blood. Far too many women suffer with headaches, pains in the back, poor appetite, weak digestion, palpi- tation of the heart, a constant feeling of weariness, shortness of breath, pal - or and nervousness. Of course all these symptoms may not be present in any particular case. They are merely a %yarning that the blood is out of order. and that it is thin and watery, and if you note any of these symptoms in • your own case, you should Tose no time in taking the pro- per steps to enrich and purify the blood. Anaemia ---poverty of the blood—is a most insidious disease and if allowed to run will end in a complete breakdown of the system, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are, beyond doubt, the greatest blood -making ,toatc offered the public to -day, For more than a quarter of a century they have been the stand-by of hundreds of thousands of people in all parts of the world. No other medicine has ever achieved such world-wide popu- larity, and the reason is that this medicine does what is claimed for it, enriches and purifies the. blood, thus bringing new strength to every organ and every nerve in the body. in this way Dr. Williams' Pink Pills bring new health to weak, despondent peo- ple. Among the many who speak highly of thismedicine is Mrs. Louis D. Larsh, ,Windsor, Oni„ who says. -•w••' "it would be impossible for me to re- commend Dr, Williams' Pink Pitts too highly. ' Some years ago I was very thin and pale; I'suffered many of the symptoms , of anaemia, and . always felt tired;: depressed' and weak. " i ha_d' tried several medicines, but ,they' dill;' not seem to:help-me..,:Then acting' on' the advice of a friend, I began .takingg�: Dr.. Williams! !Pink •r NEL: liefdret'I: had used „half; ,a'dozen' bore$ In WP9 actually' feeling. like a newepersod add had gained nine. ' poundsrrinr..zweigp!t;ti.r 1 cohtineei, taking, the,.,,pills 'until,, i1 had taken a dozen boxes, and front ;bag time 1 have always enjoyed tie beer of health. I freely. write you this lett ` jir �y jqf jAope ttlat.some wo- • man iii need as tava filif Ile It acid be benefited as.i havejiddti,ri ,I,,,,. Most of thg troupjp; it atltz mankind are dtt1 to impoverished blood, Wild -will promptly disappear if the bldea is bruit up and renewed, 1f you , are ailing, give this greatest of ionic `medicines a fair trial and it will not disappoint 'you, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be procured 'through any dealer in medicines, or will be sent by nail at 5oc a box or six boxes. for 112.50 by writing The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont• CODERiCH SUMMER SCHOOL A Find PPORVam Arranged and Dater. Set, July 5to12. • �3Or. the Pop ff k?trian summer school, 'to be held at Knox e.here!), Goderich beginning illy 5th and ending hely f2ttt,,'ati 1b ceptionaily strong pror ram has 'refits arranged; The•Openir,g"day, Satui;rliy, the 5th, will be devoted to e5 Ring the delegates and,, biliet3ng .h i and in the evening 2 social event tlf sgyell hne sort b4 .;held- at the ebureb, Or 3unmh`i,'tlie Gt►i, iRev. Or, Dickle,. of Wl )stye 1, VII 'Preach aisi the morn,- ing ^wild ii0.'•br. 'McMillan, df Torontis, In `tiix'e0eniifg ,s ii. • Windily ,' northing• *NI bedevoted tb aw ltdiltithblle • 4'outiag, atiti the Omitf- n s 7ii4itt'ongi, the week '1Vt11 be de•. t0h kg oil. rati;tftern0on; will, be fakes tip tatdb THE CLINTON i°d,EW ERA, PAGE 7 123 1 Fresh, rich, full -flavored tea --the same every time Sold only in sealed packages the regular sessions of the school, the staff consisting of Rev J. D. Cunning- ham, M. A„ of Welland, specialist in New Testament studies, who will have charge of Bible study and devotional periods; Rev, W. J. Knox, M. A., of First Presbyterian church, London, who will have charge of the aludies on Religion and Education, including Sab- bath School and Young People's work. Rev. Mr, McDonald , B. A., returned missionary from Korea, who will deal with foreign missions, and will give a very interesting acoount of his work its Korea; Rev. 0. A. Woodside, Al A., of Zion Presbyterian church, `Brant- ford, who will be the leader in Home Mission studies; and Rev, Dr. McMil- lan, of Toronto, who will have charge of worship and song each evening from 7.30 to 8 o'clock. Ohibeiren Cry FOR FLETCHER'; ST0RiA COUNTY TEMPERANCE CONVENTION. An increasing interest is shown a- mong the Temperance workers in view of the vote on the Prohibition refer- endum to be taken this fall. Every Municipality in Huron is to be thoroughly organized and a con- vention for this purpose is to be held in Clinton, en Tuesday, June 17th. The reports of the years work will be given and new officers elected, e2iees essoraeomenceitivNr'neentre0 Local News ft esoc ess¢®msseovseseaaeeeoe Former Inspector Dead Daniel Coughlin, inspector of weights and measures for 25 years, died in London recently aged 75 years. Mr. Coughlin often visited in Clinton in his official capacity. Lacrosse Groups The final draft of the 0, A. L. A. was made last Thursday and Group No. 2, in the senior series consists of St. Mary's, Wingham, Goderich, Seaforth and ' Stratford. In the Junior series are,—St Marys, Stratford, Mitchell and Seaforth, • The Spring Robin The robin that sings in the spring, tra-la, teas nothing to do with the case. He is a deceiving young thing, tra-la, With a perfectly innocent face, Heed not his uproarious song, tra-la, Believing that summer is nigh. But keep those heavy ones on, tra-la, At least till the First of July • County Council Represented A meeting of the Warden's commit- tee of the County council was held at Blyth to consider the question of sending representatives to join the big delegation to Ottawa in connection with harbor itnprovements at Goderich, and it was decided to send tife Warden and ,.his whole committee, also the county clerk and county, treasurer. 'rhe members of the committee are Messrs. Livingstone,. Armstrong, Young, lsbister and Dr, Clark, '"` Iilaren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CA TORIA. Another increase The fee paid to municipal clerks for snaking returns of births, marriages and deaths has been increased 'from 2oc to 25c. for each case. They must now make their returns monthly in- stead of quarterly. . A New Calendar A new calender made up of thirteen months of 28 days each—the new month to be interposed in November's present place and to receive the name of Liberty, in commemoration of the peace, which ended the world's most terrible war, has been adopted by business men of Minneapolis, who hope it will become universal. This new calender gets rid of the 365th day by appointing it separately and peren- ially New Year's Day. -fine salient fea- tures of the proposed new system are as follows,—New Year's Day, 1 day; 13 months of 28 days each, 364 days. Total 365 days. New Year's Day would have no name or date, only New Year's Day. The next day after New Year's Day would always he Sunday, January ist, Leap year coming every four years would have no day name, only leap year day, 1020, 1924, 1928, etc. Fixed holiday would always be on the same day and date in each and every year. Sundays and each day of the week would also all be on the same days wind dates each year, thereby sim- plifying the whole system of time reckoning. Experts are investigating Sweden's alum shale deposits for the govern- ment In the li pe of obtaining illumi- nating oil, sulphur and other products therefrom. HEART PALPITATED FAINT AND DIZZY SPELLS. WOULD FALL DO WM IN FAINT. Palpitation of the heart is very often accompanied by weak, Mini. and dizzy spells, and is generally caused by some sadden fright, or assoeiutcd with condi- tions of a nervous breaktb,wn, but what- ever the cause, it is o; im- portance that the heart a..00Ti Uestrengtin- ened, and brought hack Lu its regular beat. Millytrn'a Heart and Nerve fills are just thi remedy to do this for you. Mr, Henry Fawcett, Killam's Mills, N.B., writes:—"I have used Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for heart trouble. I was very weak and run down, my heart would palpitate, I would take faint and dizzy spells and sometimes I would full down it a faint. I started to take your pilo and I must say they have done wonders for me. I will always speak a ho word for your Heart and Nerve Milhase's Heart and Nana Pfifa era ties. a hoz. at ail dealers or mailed disoet on realiptail price ley The T. l l4buvr Ga., United' Tavola slot IA, For Tnfants and children hit Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the/fy�+�� �� Slgneturt of '; �r� tt '17Y, a.lt''EA>ONE T3ARIILSTEI1 BOX.LOI'TOIt NOT I?1Jf3LI0, hITCI t,aswfoes H. T. RANON Notary Public, Uonveyltnosi,, Financial and Real Estate tNSURANCIe 4(l1aN'r—Represeetina 11. iris 1 eneaose Oompselan, Division Court Office. Plead i'iillillg Mr, James Doherty wishes to in- form the paablIo that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty'a phone 61, will receive promnt attention Medial. DR. J. C. GANDIER OFFICE HOURS 1.30 p. m. to 3.30 p. m. - 7.30 p. m. to 9,00 p. m. Sunday 12.30 to 1.30 Other hours by appointment only, Office at Residence, Victoria Street . DR. W. GUNN Office at Residenc,i Corner High and Kirk Streets. Clinton Ontario DR. 1'. R. AXON DENTIST Crown and Itriligr work a Speenttty. Orednatr o1 000.0.1... Gloomy,. sod 11,0,D.; Toronto, tl,tyllNd ou llnndara, 711nr 1st to 0 IDR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offline aver O'N.EIL'S store, Special oars taken to make dental ire' mant ae painless se possible. THOMAS GUNDF?Y Live stoat( and general Auction 'e- GODER10H ONT 55, II eta:,5 sales a apeman/. lll(;ete it t raw Etta (once, Cltuton, prate 5.7 aotenq. n. Term. reasonable. 'rnrmer, :ale not. dlsnounted G. D. Mc'laggart M. U. MoTaggsr iY91 Sc. ill aA g,tix.Yn a, Bros ALBERT ST , C1LINTOlki �. General Banking Besinen' transacted COTES DISCOUNTED Dratte issued. Interest allowed s deposite The Ariciiillop h` Utucl, Fire insurance eo. Ram and isolated Town Pro, arty Only insured. ' Head Otlice—.Seaforth, Out ..� Officers • .. J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. Brans, Beechwood, Vice -Pres deet; Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agent. Alex, Leitch, Igo. 1, Clinton; Edward Hinclley, Seaforth; Wln. Cheeney E mond'llle; J. W. Yeo, Godorich; k G Jarmuth, Hrodhegen. Dinette's Was, Elsa, No. a, Soalor6M; Joh* nevoid,aa6tts si Jamas , Ciiis POULTRY FEED 5, We have 70 bags of Lake of the Woods Oatmeal Flour left over from our Poultry Feeding. Season, Thise will slake a good' dry mash for laying Hens, or a No. 4 feed for Hogs. We are selling this Feed at be. low cost to clear. We :;re always in the market for Live Poultry and new laid eggs at top market prices. Garen-LIlnas & CO., i.Nllki!C11' The up-to-date Firm rLttttOn Branch Phone 190 4. W. Tre.a•-rtha, Manager or Holmesville 4 on 143. c t L 1 IA OS Before purchasing your new piano or organ let tis show you the newest de- signs in several well- known and old establish- ed makes. INSTRUMENTS RENT- ED AT MODERATE PRICES PHONOGRAPHS See our stylish cabinet designs in the best makes. .are NHEN YOU ARE NEED OF ANY PLUMBING •TINSMITHING ROOFING 012 ELECTRIC WORK IN 4 CALL OR PHONE FOR PRICES J. A. Sutter Plumber. and Electrician Phone. 7. Bette! ,PpY P rti:cg Don't be tetuptediff chuoee sheep' jeerelery.:PFArr;hettbr to pay a fair price and kppn^.sexactly, what von are getting, ' . . Yoi1 will nip' bfi be Lorry --for se a matter Of money, it is easily the most economical. That has been said so often that everybody; by 'this time should know it—and:, vetthere is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal—If 5 ou would like to mise .bat sort altogether— COME HERE if you would like to buy where nothing but high qualities are dealt in—DOME HERE And exon at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair W. R.. counter Jeweler and Optician I cr 01 Marriage Liccuses Seed horn ON HAND "'. "'' Wisconsin No. 2; Bailey; - Improved „Leaning • and other varietle,s ,ft 1011411 Medal Shades. 'ohne *26.6C' per tial'. KAY 110IMPED., Napo McLt)ff